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TitIe of the Course: Man-422 PROJECT PLANNING & MANAGEMENT

Credit Hours: 3+0

Prerequisites: TechnicaI Report Writing & Presentation SkiIIs
Specific Objectives of Course:
Course OutIine:
ntroduction, project management context; project management. Processes integration
management; project plan development, project plan development, project plan
execution, overall
change control. Scope management; initiation, scope planning, scope definition, scope
scope change control. Time management; activity definition, activity sequencing, activity
estimation, schedule development, schedule control. Cost management; quality
planning, staff

acquisition, team development. Communications management; communications

information distribution, performance reporting, administrative closure. Risk
management; risk
identification, risk quantification, risk response development, risk response control.
management; procurement planning, solicitation planning, solicitation, source selection,
administration, contract close-out. Closing; administrative closure, contract close-out,
learnt. Lab work include computing project management software, PERT, Gantt
CPM, S Curves etc. CPM, Statistical techniques.
Recommended Books:
. Project Management Body of Knowledge, by Project Management nstitute (PM)
2. S.A. Kelkar, Software Project Management, A Concise Study, Prentice Hall of ndia.

METHOD 1 2 3
empowering managers to succeed
SBN 0-473-0445-8
2003 Method23 Ltd. All rights reserved.
bout this e-book
1his e-book was created by Method123
,see, to help proide
you with a simple Method or managing projects, as
simple as 1-2-3. Learn about how to Initiate, Plan,
Lxecute and Close a project whilst managing time,
cost, quality, sta, suppliers, equipment and customers.
\ou will read in detail about the our project
management phases and understand which document
templates to use within each phase to complete
a project successully.
1his Guidebook is suitable or all project sizes,
types and industries. \hether embarking on a
small, medium or large project, this Guidebook
proides a standardized approach to achieing success.
bout Method123
\e are a group o Project Managers who hae
come together to oer you a simple method or
undertaking projects. Ater many years o managing
hundreds o projects around the world, we realized
that i we used standard methods and templates
on all projects then we would complete our
projects aster, improe the quality o our delierables
and sae money. As a result, we spent literally
thousands o hours creating the Method123
Methodology and a suite o comprehensie templates
to oer to you. lounded in 2001, we hae
achieed enormous growth in the market to
become \orld Leaders in proiding Project
Management templates to our customers. lor a
complete set o templates supporting this
Guidebook, see
Our e-book is proided ree o charge on the condition
that it's not copied, modiied, published,
sold, re-branded, hired out or otherwise distributed
or commercial purposes. \e'e used stenography
techniques to identiy copying.
Please feel free to distribute this e-book to anyone
you like, including other peers, managers
and organizations to assist their project management

Table of Contents
1 INTRO&CTION........................................................................................................ 1
1.1 \LLCOML............................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 \lA1 IS A PROJLC1....................................................................................................... 1
1.3 \lA1 IS PROJLC1 MANAGLMLN1......................................................................... 1
2 PRO1ECT LIFECYCLE................................................................................................ 2
2.1 INI1IA1ION........................................................................................................................... 4
2.1.1 Deelop Business Case............................................................................................. 4
2.1.2 Perorm leasibility Study.......................................................................................... 4
2.1.3 Lstablish 1erms o Reerence................................................................................. 4
2.1.4 Appoint Project 1eam............................................................................................... 5
2.1.5 Set up Project Oice................................................................................................. 5
2.1.6 Perorm Phase Reiew...................................................................................................
2.2 PLANNING............................................................................................................................ 6
2.2.1 Deelop Project Plan................................................................................................ 6
2.2.2 Deelop Resource Plan............................................................................................. 6
2.2.3 Deelop linancial Plan.............................................................................................
2.2.4 Deelop Quality Plan................................................................................................
2.2.5 Deelop Risk Plan.....................................................................................................
2.2.6 Deelop Acceptance Plan........................................................................................ 8
2.2. Deelop Communications Plan............................................................................... 8
2.2.8 Deelop Procurement Plan...................................................................................... 8
2.2.9 Contract Suppliers...................................................................................................... 8
2.2.10 Perorm Phase Reiew...................................................................................................
2.3 LXLCU1ION......................................................................................................................... 9
2.3.1 Build Delierables...................................................................................................... 9
2.3.2 Monitor and Control................................................................................................. 9
2.3.3 Perorm Phase Reiew...................................................................................................
2.4 CLOSURL................................................................................................................................ 12
2.4.1 Perorm Project Closure........................................................................................... 12
2.4.2 Reiew Project Completion..................................................................................... 12
3 PPENIX.................................................................................................................... 13
3.1 ADDI1IONAL RLSOURCLS............................................................................................ 13
3.2 GLOSSAR\ Ol 1LRMS...................................................................................................... 14
2003 Method23 Ltd. All rights reserved.
Are unique in nature. 1hey do not inole repetitie
processes. Lery project undertaken is dierent
rom the last, whereas operational actiities
oten inole undertaking repetitie ,identical,
lae a deined timescale. Projects hae a clearly
speciied start and end date within which the
delierables must be produced to meet a speciied
customer requirement
lae an approed budget. Projects are allocated a
leel o inancial expenditure within which the
delierables must be produced to meet a speciied
customer requirement
Inole an element o risk. Projects entail a leel
o uncertainty and thereore carry business risk
Achiee beneicial change. 1he purpose o a project,
typically, is to improe an organization
through the implementation o business change.
2003 Method23 Ltd. All rights reserved.
1 Introduction
1.1 Welcome
\elcome to the Project Management Guidebook.
1his Guidebook proides a practical approach to
what many consider a complex process: the management
o projects. 1his Guidebook is designed to
simpliy the management processes required to
manage a project successully rom end to end. It
deines Project Management in simple terms and
proides you with all o the documentation tools
required to make your project a success.
1.2 What is a Project?
A project is "a unique endeaor to produce a set o
delierables within clearly speciied time, cost and
quality constraints".
Projects are dierent rom standard business operational
actiities as they:
lae limited resources. At the start o a project
an agreed amount o labor, equipment and materials
is allocated to the project
1.3 What is Project Management?
"Project Management is the skills, tools and management
processes required to undertake a project
Project Management comprises:
A set o skills. Specialist knowledge, skills and
experience are required to reduce the leel o risk
within a project and thereby enhance its likelihood
o success
A suite o tools. Various types o tools are used
by project managers to improe their chances o
success. Lxamples include document templates,
registers, planning sotware, modeling sotware,
audit checklists and reiew orms
A series o processes. Various management techniques
and processes are required to monitor and
control time, cost, quality and scope on projects.
Lxamples include time management, cost management,
quality management, change management,
risk management and issue management.
2003 Method23 Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 Project Lifecycle
1he ollowing diagram outlines the Project
2003 Method23 Ltd. All rights reserved.
1he Project Liecycle consists o our phases:
Project Initiation
1he Initiation Phase is the irst phase in the project.
In this phase a business problem ,or opportunity, is
identiied and a business case which proides arious
solution options is deined. A easibility study is
then conducted to inestigate the likelihood o each
solution option addressing the business problem
and a inal recommended solution is put orward.
Once the recommended solution is approed, a
project is initiated to delier the approed solution.
A '1erms o Reerence' is completed, which outlines
the objecties, scope and structure o the new
project, and a Project Manager is appointed. 1he
Project Manager begins recruiting a project team
and establishes a Project Oice enironment.
Approal is then sought to moe into the detailed
planning phase.
Project Planning
Once the scope o the project has been deined in
the 1erms o Reerence, the project enters the
detailed planning phase. 1his inoles the creation
o a:
Project Plan ,outlining the actiities, tasks,
dependencies and timerames,.
Resource Plan ,listing the labor, equipment and
materials required,
linancial Plan ,identiying the labor, equipment
and materials costs,
Quality Plan ,proiding quality targets, assurance
and control measures,
Risk Plan ,highlighting potential risks and actions
taken to mitigate them,
Acceptance Plan ,listing the criteria to be met to
gain customer acceptance,
Communications Plan ,listing the inormation
needed to inorm stakeholders,
Procurement Plan ,identiying products to be
sourced rom external suppliers,.
At this point the project has been planned in
detail and is ready to be executed.
Project Execution
1his phase inoles the execution o each actiity
and task listed in the Project Plan. \hile the actiities
and tasks are being executed, a series o management
processes are undertaken to monitor and
control the delierables being output by the project.
1his includes the identiication o changes, risks
and issues, the reiew o delierable quality and the
measurement o each delierable being produced
against the acceptance criteria. Once all o the
delierables hae been produced and the customer
has accepted the inal solution, the project is ready
or closure.
Project Closure
Project Closure inoles releasing the inal delierables
to the customer, handing oer project documentation,
terminating supplier contracts, releasing
project resources and communicating the closure
o the project to all stakeholders. 1he last remaining
step is to undertake a Post Implementation
Reiew to quantiy the oerall success o the project
and list any lessons learnt or uture projects.
1he ollowing sections proide a more detailed
description o each phase and list document templates
which proide the Project Manager with
guidance on how to complete each phase successully.
1he Business Case is approed by the Project
Sponsor and the required unding is allocated to
proceed with the project.
1emplate: Business Case
2.1.2 Perform Feasibility Study
At any stage during ,or ater, the deelopment o a
Business Case, a ormal leasibility Study may be
commissioned. 1he purpose is to assess the likelihood
o a particular solution option's achieing the
beneits outlined in the Business Case. 1he
leasibility Study will also inestigate whether the
orecast costs are reasonable, the solution is achieable,
the risks are acceptable and,or any likely
issues are aoidable.
1emplate: leasibility Study
2.1.3 Establish Terms of Reference
Ater the solution has been agreed and unding allocated,
a project is ormed. 1he 1erms o Reerence
deines the ision, objecties, scope and delierables
or the project. It also proides the organization
structure ,roles and responsibilities, and a summarized
plan o the actiities, resources and unding
required to undertake the project. linally, any
risks, issues, planning assumptions and constraints
are listed.
1emplate: 1erms o Reerence
2003 Method23 Ltd. All rights reserved.
2.1 Initiation
1he initiation phase essentially inoles the project
'start-up'. It is the phase within which the business
problem or opportunity is identiied, the solution
is agreed, a project ormed to produce the solution
and a project team appointed. 1he diagram below
depicts the actiities undertaken:
2.1.1 evelop Business Case
Once a business problem or opportunity has been
identiied, a Business Case is prepared. 1his
A detailed deinition o the problem or opportunity
An analysis o the potential solution options
aailable. lor each option, the potential beneits,
costs, risks and issues are documented. A ormal
easibility study may be commissioned i the easibility
o any particular solution option is not
1he recommended solution and a generic implementation
2.1.5 Set up Project Office
1he Project Oice is the physical enironment
within which the team will be based. Although it is
usual to hae one central project oice, it is possible
to hae a 'irtual project oice' enironment,
with project team members in arious locations
around the world. Regardless o the location, a successul
project oice enironment will comprise the
ollowing components:
1emplate: Project Oice Checklist
2.1.6 Perform Phase Review
At the end o the Initiation Phase, a Phase Reiew
is perormed. 1his is basically a checkpoint to
ensure that the project has achieed its stated objecties
as planned.
1emplate: Phase Reiew lorm ,Initiation Phase,
2003 Method23 Ltd. All rights reserved.
2.1.4 ppoint Project Team
At this point the scope o the project has been
deined in detail and the project team are ready to
be appointed. Although a Project Manager can be
appointed at any stage o the project, s,he will need
to be appointed prior to the establishment o the
project team. 1he Project Manager documents a
detailed Job Description or each project role and
appoints a human resource to each role based on
his,her releant skills and experience. Once the
team are 'ully resourced', the Project Oice is
ready to be set-up.
1emplate: Job Description ,or Project Manager,
Location ,either physical or irtual,
Communications ,telephones, computer network,
email, internet access, ile storage, database storage
and backup acilities,
Documentation ,methodology, processes, orms
and registers,
1ools ,or accounting, project planning and risk
2.2.1 evelop Project Plan
1he irst step is to document the Project Plan. A
'\ork Breakdown Structure' ,\BS, is identiied,
which includes a hierarchical set o phases, actiities
and tasks to be undertaken on the project. Ater
the \BS has been agreed, an assessment o the
eort required to undertake the actiities and tasks
is made. 1he actiities and tasks are sequenced,
resources are allocated and a detailed project schedule
is ormed. 1his project schedule will become
the primary tool or the Project Manager to assess
the progress o the project.
1emplate: Project Plan
2.2.2 evelop Resource Plan
Immediately ater the Project Plan is ormed, it is
necessary to allocate the resources required to
undertake each o the actiities and tasks within the
Project Plan. Although general groups o resources
may hae already been allocated to the Project Plan,
a detailed resource assessment is required to identiy
A schedule is assembled or each type o resource
so that the Project Manager can assess the resource
allocation at each stage in the project.
1emplate: Resource Plan
2003 Method23 Ltd. All rights reserved.
2.2 Planning
By this stage, the beneits and costs o the project
hae been clearly documented, the objecties and
scope hae been deined, the project team hae
been appointed and a ormal project oice enironment
established. It is now time to undertake
detailed planning to ensure that the actiities perormed
in the execution phase o the project are
properly sequenced, resourced, executed and controlled.
1ypes o resources ,labor, equipment and materials,
1otal quantities o each resource type
Roles, responsibilities and skill-sets o all human
Items, purposes and speciications o all equipment
Items and quantities o material resource.
linally, it is important to reiew the quality not only
o the delierables produced by the project but also
o the management processes which produce them.
A summary o each o the management processes
undertaken during the execution phase is identiied,
including 1ime, Cost, Quality, Change, Risk, Issue,
Procurement, Acceptance and Communications
1emplate: Quality Plan
2.2.5 evelop Risk Plan
1he oreseeable project risks are then documented
within a Risk Plan and a set o actions to be taken
ormulated to both preent each risk rom occurring
and reduce the impact o the risk should it
eentuate. Deeloping a clear Risk Plan is an important
actiity within the planning phase as it is necessary
to mitigate all critical project risks prior to
entering the Lxecution phase o the project.
1emplate: Risk Plan
2003 Method23 Ltd. All rights reserved.
2.2.3 evelop Financial Plan
Similar to the Resource Plan, a linancial Plan is
prepared to identiy the quantity o money required
or each stage in the project. 1he total cost o
labor, equipment and materials is quantiied and an
expense schedule is deined which proides the
Project Manager with an understanding o the orecast
spending s. the actual spending throughout
the project. Preparing a detailed linancial Plan is
extremely important as the project's success will
depend on whether or not it is deliered within the
'time, cost and quality' estimates or this project.
1emplate: linancial Plan
2.2.4 evelop Quality Plan
Meeting the quality expectations o the customer is
critical to the success o the project. 1o ensure that
the quality expectations are clearly deined and can
reasonably be achieed, a Quality Plan is documented.
1he Quality Plan:
Deines what quality means in terms o this project
Lists clear and unambiguous quality targets or
each delierable. Lach quality target proides a set
o criteria and standards which must be achieed
to meet the expectations o the customer
Outlines a plan o actiities which will assure the
customer that the quality targets will be met ,i.e. a
Quality Assurance Plan,
Identiies the techniques used to control the actual
leel o quality o each delierable as it is built
,i.e. a Quality Control Plan,.

2.2.7 evelop Communications Plan
Prior to the Lxecution phase, it is also necessary to
identiy how each o the stakeholders will be kept
inormed o the progress o the project. 1he
Communications Plan identiies the types o inormation
to be distributed, the methods o distributing
inormation to stakeholders, the requency o
distribution and responsibilities o each person in
the project team or distributing inormation regularly
to stakeholders.
1emplate: Communications Plan
2.2.8 evelop Procurement Plan
1he last planning actiity within the Planning phase
is to identiy the elements o the Project which will
be acquired rom external suppliers to the project.
1he Procurement Plan proides a detailed description
o the Products ,i.e. goods and serices, to be
procured rom suppliers, the justiication or
procuring each product externally, as opposed to
rom within the business, and the schedule or procurement.
It also reerences the process or the
selection o a preerred supplier ,"1ender Process",
and the process or the actual order and deliery o
the procured products ,"Procurement Process",.
1emplate: Procurement Plan
2.2.9 Contract Suppliers
Although external suppliers may be appointed at
any stage o the project, it is usual to appoint suppliers
ater the Project Plans hae been documented
but prior to the Lxecution phase o the project.
Only at this point will the Project Manager hae a
clear idea o the role o the supplier and the expectations
or his,her deliery. A ormal 1ender
Process is inoked to identiy a short-list o interested
suppliers and select a preerred supplier to
meet the procurement needs o the project. 1he
1ender Process inoles creating a Statement o
\ork, a Request or Inormation and Request or
Proposal to obtain suicient inormation rom each
potential supplier to select a preerred supplier.
Once a preerred supplier has been chosen, a
Supplier Contract is agreed or the deliery o the
requisite product.
1emplates: Statement o \ork ,SO\,, Request or
Inormation ,RlI,, Request or Proposal ,RlP,,
Supplier Contract
2.2.10 Perform Phase Review
At the end o the Planning phase, a Phase Reiew
is perormed. 1his is basically a checkpoint to
ensure that the project has achieed its stated objecties
as planned.
1emplate: Phase Reiew lorm ,Planning Phase,
2003 Method23 Ltd. All rights reserved.
2.2.6 evelop cceptance Plan
1he key to a successul project is gaining acceptance
rom the customer that each delierable produced
meets ,or exceeds, his,her requirements. 1o
clariy the criteria used to judge each delierable or
customer acceptance, an Acceptance Plan is produced.
1he Acceptance Plan proides the criteria
or obtaining customer acceptance, a schedule o
acceptance reiews within which customer acceptance
will be sought and a summary o the process
used to gain acceptance o each delierable rom
the customer.
1emplate: Acceptance Plan
2.3 Execution
1he Lxecution phase is typically the longest phase
o the project ,in terms o duration,. It is the phase
within which the delierables are physically constructed
and presented to the customer or acceptance.
1o ensure that the customer's requirements
are met, the Project Manager monitors and controls
the actiities, resources and expenditure required to
build each delierable throughout the execution
phase. A number o management processes are also
undertaken to ensure that the project proceeds as
2.3.1 Build eliverables
1his phase requires the physical construction o
each delierable or acceptance by the customer.
1he actual actiities undertaken to construct each
delierable will ary, depending on the type o project
,e.g. engineering, building deelopment, computer
inrastructure or business process re-engineering
2.3.2 Monitor and Control
\hilst the Project 1eam are physically producing
each delierable, the Project Manager implements a
series o management processes to monitor and
control the actiities being undertaken. An
oeriew o each management process ollows.
2003 Method23 Ltd. All rights reserved.
Delierables may be constructed in a 'waterall'
ashion ,where each actiity is undertaken in
sequence until the delierable is inished, or an 'iteratie'
ashion ,where iterations o each delierable
are constructed until the delierable meets the
requirements o the customer,. Regardless o the
method used to construct each delierable, careul
monitoring and control processes should be
employed to ensure that the quality o the inal
delierable meets the acceptance criteria set by the
Time Management
1ime Management is the process within which time
spent by sta undertaking project tasks is recorded
against the project. As time is a scarce resource on
projects, it is important to record the time spent by
each member o the team on a 1imesheet to enable
the Project Manager to control the leel o resource
allocated to a particular actiity. A 1imesheet
Register proides a summary o the time currently
spent on the project and enables the Project Plan to
be kept ully up to date.
1emplates: 1ime Management Process, 1imesheet
lorm, 1imesheet Register
Cost Management
Cost Management is the process by which costs ,or
expenses, incurred on the project are ormally identiied,
approed and paid. Lxpense lorms are completed
or each set o related project expenses such
as labor, equipment and materials costs. Lxpense
lorms are approed by the Project Manager and
recorded within an Lxpense Register or audit purposes.
1emplates: Cost Management Process, Lxpense
lorm, Lxpense Register
Quality Management
Quality is deined as "the leel o conormance o
the inal delierable to the customer's requirements".
Quality Management is the process by
which the quality o the delierables is assured and
controlled or the project, using Quality Assurance
and Quality Control techniques. Quality reiews are
requently undertaken and the results recorded
within a Quality Register.
1emplates: Quality Management Process, Quality
Reiew lorm, Quality Register
Change Management
Change Management is the process by which
changes to the project's scope, delierables,
timescales or resources are ormally deined, ealuated
and approed prior to implementation. A core
aspect o the Project Manager's role is to manage
change within the project successully. 1his is
achieed by understanding the business and system
driers requiring the change, documenting the beneits
and costs o adopting the change and ormulating
a structured plan or implementing the
change. 1o ormally request a change it is oten necessary
to complete a Change lorm. 1he change
request details may then be recorded within a
Change Register.
1emplates: Change Management Process, Change
lorm, Change Register
Risk Management
Risk Management is the process by which risks to
the project ,e.g. to the scope, delierables,
timescales or resources, are ormally identiied,
quantiied and managed during the project. A project
risk may be identiied at any stage o the project
by completing a Risk lorm and recording the releant
risk details within the Risk Register.
1emplates: Risk Management Process, Risk lorm,
Risk Register
2003 Method23 Ltd. All rights reserved.
Issue Management
Issue Management is the method by which issues
currently aecting the ability o the project to produce
the required delierable are ormally managed.
Ater completion o an Issue lorm ,and logging
the details within the Issue Register,, each issue is
ealuated by the Project Manager and a set o
actions undertaken to resole the issue at hand.
1emplates: Issue Management Process, Issue lorm,
Issue Register
Procurement Management
Procurement Management is the process by which
product is sourced rom an external supplier. 1o
request the deliery o product rom a supplier, a
Purchase Order must be approed by the Project
Manager and sent to the supplier or conirmation.
1he status o the purchase is then tracked using a
Procurement Register until the product has been
deliered and accepted by the project team.
1emplates: Procurement Management Process,
Purchase Order lorm, Procurement Register
cceptance Management
Acceptance Management is the process by which
delierables produced by the project are reiewed
and accepted by the customer as meeting his,her
speciic requirements. 1o request the acceptance o
a delierable by the customer, an Acceptance lorm
is completed. 1he Acceptance lorm describes the
criteria rom which the delierable has been produced
and the leel o satisaction o each criterion
1emplates: Acceptance Management Process,
Acceptance lorm, Acceptance Register
Communications Management
Communications Management is the process by
which ormal communications messages are identiied,
created, reiewed and communicated within a
project. 1he most common method o communicating
the status o the project is ia a Project
Status Report. Lach communication item released
to the project stakeholders is captured within a
Communications Register.
1emplates: Communications Management Process,
Project Status Report, Communications Register
2.3.3 Perform Phase Review
At the end o the Lxecution Phase, a Phase Reiew
is perormed. 1his is basically a checkpoint to
ensure that the project has achieed its stated
objecties as planned.
1emplate: Phase Reiew lorm ,Lxecution Phase,
2003 Method23 Ltd. All rights reserved.
2003 Method23 Ltd. All rights reserved.
2.4 Closure
lollowing the completion o all project delierables
and acceptance by the customer, a successul project
will hae met its objecties and be ready or ormal
closure. Project Closure is the last phase in the
project and must be conducted ormally so that the
business beneits deliered by the project are ully
realized by the customer.
2.4.1 Perform Project Closure
Project Closure inoles undertaking a series o
actiities to wind up the project, including:
A Project Closure Report is submitted to the
Customer and,or Project Sponsor or approal.
1he Project Manager is then responsible or undertaking
each o the actiities identiied within the
Project Closure Report on time and according to
2.4.2 Review Project Completion
1he inal actiity undertaken on any project is a
reiew o its oerall success by an independent
resource. Success is determined by how well it performed
against the deined objecties and conformed
to the management processes outlined in
the planning phase. 1o determine perormance, a
number o questions are posed. lor example:
1o determine conormance, a reiew is undertaken
o the leel o conormity o the project actiities
to the management processes outlined in the
Quality Plan. 1he aboe results, key achieements
and lessons learnt are documented within a Post
Implementation Reiew report and presented to
the Project Sponsor or approal.
1emplate: Post Implementation Reiew
Project Closure inoles undertaking a series o
actiities to wind up the project, including:
Identiying any outstanding items ,actiities, risks
or issues,
Producing a hand-oer plan to transer the delierables
to the customer enironment
Listing the actiities required to hand oer documentation,
cancel supplier contracts and release
project resources to the business
Communicating closure to all stakeholders and
interested parties.
Did it result in the beneits deined in the
Business Case
Did it achiee the objecties outlined in the 1erms
o Reerence
Did it operate within the scope o the 1erms o
Did the delierables meet the criteria deined in
the Quality Plan
\as it deliered within the schedule outlined in
the Project Plan
\as it deliered within the budget outlined in the
linancial Plan
1he project is closed only when all actiities identiied
in the Project Closure Report hae been completed.
1emplate: Project Closure Report
2003 Method23 Ltd. All rights reserved.
3 ppendix
3.1 dditional Resources
Method123 oer all o the templates listed within
this Guidebook. See or
the ull suite o document templates required to
support your project rom Initiation and Planning
to Lxecution and Closure. 1he ollowing templates
are aailable:
1he Project Management Kit comprises the entire
suite o templates used to initiate, plan, execute and
close projects successully. More than 50 \ord and
Lxcel documents comprising oer 300 pages o
helpul hints, real-lie examples, charts and tables
are included as ollows:
Project Initiation
Business Case
leasibility Study
1erms o Reerence
Job Description
Project Oice Checklist
Phase Reiew lorm ,Initiation,
Project Planning
Project Plan
Resource Plan
linancial Plan
Quality Plan
Risk Plan
Acceptance Plan
Communications Plan
Procurement Plan
1ender Management Process
Statement o \ork
Request or Inormation
Request or Proposal
Supplier Contract
1ender Management Register
Phase Reiew lorm ,Planning,
Project Closure
Project Closure Report
Post Implementation Reiew
Project Execution
1ime Management Process
1imesheet lorm
1imesheet Register
Cost Management Process
Lxpense lorm
Lxpense Register
Quality Management Process
Quality Reiew lorm
Delierables Register
Change Management Process
Change Request lorm
Change Register
Risk Management Process
Risk lorm
Risk Register
Issue Management Process
Issue lorm
Issue Register
Procurement Management Process
Purchase Order lorm
Procurement Register
Acceptance Management Process
Acceptance lorm
Acceptance Register
Communications Management
Project Status Report
Communications Register
Phase Reiew lorm ,Lxecution,
2003 Method23 Ltd. All rights reserved.
1he process by which delierables produced by the project
are reiewed and accepted by the customer as meeting
their speciic requirements
1he process o identiying the milestones, criteria and
standards or the acceptance o project delierables by the
A document outlining the justiication or the initiation o
a project. It includes a description o the business problem
,or opportunity,, a list o the aailable solution
options, their associated costs and beneits and a preerred
option or approal
1he process by which changes to the project scope, delierables,
timescales or resources are ormally deined, ealuated
and approed prior to implementation
1he process by which ormal communications messages
are identiied, created, reiewed and communicated within
a project
1he process o identiying the type and regularity o
inormation to be proided to all project stakeholders to
keep them inormed o the progress o the project
1he process by which costs ,or expenses, incurred on the
project are ormally identiied, approed and paid
A quantiiable outcome o the project which results in the
partial ,or ull, achieement o the project objecties
A logical relationship between two or more project actiities.
1he our types o dependencies include: start-to-inish,
start-to-start, inish-to-start, inish-to-inish
A document which identiies each o the solution options
to a particular business problem ,or opportunity, and
assesses the likelihood o each option's achieing the
desired result
Term escription
cceptance Management
cceptance Planning
Business Case
Change Management
Communications Management
Communications Planning
Cost Management
Feasibility Study
3.2 Glossary of Terms
2003 Method23 Ltd. All rights reserved.
1he process o identiying the inancial resources required
to undertake the project. 1his includes a list o the types
o costs to be incurred on the project ,e.g. labor, equipment,
materials and administration costs, and a schedule
outlining when the respectie costs are likely to be
Lents which are currently aecting the ability o the
project to produce the required delierables
1he process by which issues are ormally identiied, communicated,
monitored and resoled
A document which describes a role and its responsibilities
within a project
1he recognition o an important eent within the project,
usually the achieement o a key project delierable
1he process by which product is actually sourced rom a
preerred supplier, including the on-going management o
the supplier relationship
1he process o identiying the products to be sourced
externally and the methods or acquiring them
A good or serice which is acquired rom an external supplier
to assist with the production o a project delierable
A unique endeaor to produce a set o delierables within
clearly speciied time, cost and quality constraints
A set o project tasks which usually results in the partial
,or ull, completion o a project delierable
A series o project phases which are undertaken in either
sequential or parallel order
1he skills, tools and management processes required to
successully undertake a project
1he physical premises within which Project
Administration sta ,e.g. the Project Manager and support
sta, reside
Financial Planning
Issue Management
1ob escription
Procurement Management
Procurement Planning
Project ctivity
Project Lifecycle
Project Management
Project Office
2003 Method23 Ltd. All rights reserved.
A set o project actiities and tasks which usually result in
the completion o a project delierable
A document which lists the phases, actiities, tasks, timerames
and resources required to complete the project
A series o planned dates within which actiities and tasks
hae to be completed to achiee project milestones
A speciic work item to be undertaken which usually
results in the partial completion o a project delierable
A collation o people who report to the Project Manager
1he leel o conormance o the inal delierable,s, to
the customer's requirements
1he preentatie steps taken to eliminate any ariances in
the quality o the delierable produced rom the quality
targets set
1he curatie steps taken to eliminate any ariances in the
quality o the delierable produced rom the quality targets
1he process by which the quality o the delierables and
management processes is assured and controlled or the
project, using Quality Assurance and Quality Control
1he process o identiying the approach taken to ensure
the quality o the delierables produced by the project and
o the management processes undertaken. 1his includes a
list o the quality criteria and standards to be achieed as
well as the Quality Assurance and Quality Control techniques
to be undertaken
A document which is issued by a project to a wide group
o potential suppliers to enable those suppliers to proide
summarized inormation outlining how they will meet the
procurement requirements o the project
Project Phase
Project Plan
Project Schedule
Project Task
Project Team
Quality ssurance
Quality Control
Quality Management
Quality Planning
Request for Information
2003 Method23 Ltd. All rights reserved.
A document which is issued by a project to a short-listed
group o suppliers to enable the suppliers to submit a
detailed proposal outlining how they will meet the procurement
requirements o the project
1he labor, equipment and materials used to undertake a
1he process o identiying the resources required to complete
the project. 1his includes a list o the types o
resources required and a schedule proiding the use o
and actiities undertaken by each resource
Any eent which is likely to adersely aect the ability o
the project to achiee the deined objecties
1he process by which risks to the project ,e.g. to the
scope, delierables, timescales or resources, are ormally
identiied, quantiied and managed during the project. 1he
process entails completing a number o actions to reduce
the likelihood o occurrence and the seerity o impact o
each risk
A set o actions to be taken to aoid, transer or mitigate
a risk, based on its priority. 1his includes the preentatie
actions to be taken during the project to reduce the likelihood
o the risk's occurring as well as the contingent
actions to be taken to reduce the impact on the project
should the risk eentuate
1he ormulation o a document which outlines the oreseeable
project risks and proides a set o actions to be
taken to both preent the risk rom occurring and reduce
the impact o the risk should it eentuate
1he total aggregation o delierables to be produced by
the project
A set o delierables which, once combined, sole a particular
business problem ,or realize a particular business
Request for Proposal
The labor, equipment and materials
used to undertake a Project
Risk Management
Risk Mitigation
Risk Planning
2003 Method23 Ltd. All rights reserved.
A checkpoint at the end o each project phase to ensure
that the project has achieed its stated objecties and
delierables as planned
A document which deines the procurement requirements
o the project in suicient detail to enable potential suppliers
to determine i they are able to meet those requirements
An agreement between the Project 1eam and an external
supplier or the acquisition o a deined set o products
to meet the procurement requirements o the Project
A ormal document included during the tender process
which outlines the inormation required to proide the
Project 1eam with the conidence that a supplier can meet
the procurement needs o the project. 1he RlI and RlP
are both examples o 1ender Documents
1he process by which interested suppliers are identiied,
ealuated and selected or the supply o products ,goods
or serices, to the project. 1his process entails ormalizing
the procurement requirements and tender documentation,
receiing tender responses and selecting a preerred
A document which outlines the purpose o the project,
the manner in which the project will be structured and
how it will be successully implemented
1he process within which time spent by sta undertaking
project tasks is recorded against the project
Phase Review
Statement of Work
Supplier Contract
Tender ocument
Tender Management
Terms of Reference
Time Management
See or the complete set o
Microsot \ord and Lxcel document templates
supporting this Guidebook.
SBN 0-473-0445-8

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