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This a Guest Blog Post by Mr . Saurabh Dhawan.

Shurabh is 22 years of age and is pursuing

MBA from IIPM. He can be contacted at saurabh [dotj 3767 [atj gmail [dotj com.
Travel and tourism is the biggest industry in the world which makes up 11 oI the total GDP oI
the world and 8 oI total employed population in this world and has emerged as a powerIul
source oI income and wealth creation and to some extent helps in Iueling tolerance in the world
among diIIerent communities. I was just going through a magazine which shocked me that
India`s share in world tourism was less than 1. The shocking thing was that 7th largest country
in the world with more than 100 crore strong population just contributed less than 1 in world
tourism share whereas Europe enjoyed 58 oI the world tourists and America and AIrica
enjoyed 18 and 4 Respectively.
Lets understand why the European countries are hit among tourists :
1. PeaceIul countries
2. Most developed nations oI the world
3. Well planned inIrastructure
4. Formation oI EU Iacilitated movement oI people and culture more easier
5. Porous Borders
6. Attractive scenic beauty
7. Rich historical & Heritage sites
8. Superior technology and LiIestyle
9. Peace loving people
10. Tourist Iriendly policies
In the January oI 2008 when I went to Paris the only thing I had in mind about the city were the
Iashion shows and EIFFEL TOWER. I guess each and every tourist who comes to Paris pays a
visit to EiIIel Tower. When I went there I was Iascinated to see the Engineering wonder oI Iron
and Steel which is quoted as the monument oI love in Hollywood Movies where lights
illuminates each time the clock takes a 360 turn to 12. I had a great time there but aIter I came
back to my hotel at night and thought about my day I thought, was it really a monument to be so
Iascinated about or is it pure marketing oI EiIIel as a product. I think EiIIel is a great wonder
which is marketed really well all over the world which is beneIiting the tourism oI Paris a lot.
So I thought what is it in India we can really attract the tourists which is in interest oI both the
tourists and tourism destination and I got the answer to my question very soon in Belgium
(Antwerp). It was a Saturday evening and while roaming on the streets oI Antwerp we happened
to visit an Iskcon temple in Antwerp. It was a small temple made in a home which was run by a
Iamily who were Dutch and devotees oI Krishna. They were happy to Iind unexpected visitors
Irom land oI Krishna and welcomed us and oIIered sweets. While interacting with the Dutch
priest he told us how he Iound peace in serving Krishna and how attaching himselI with Iskcon
changed his liIe Iorever.
It is said that iI you want to see the real India then visit Indian villages. Rural tourism can be a
concept iI adopted in India with seriousness can reap good results and help to increase India`s
World Tourism market share. This can be done iI states on its own start working on a plan to
identiIy places Ior rural tourism in states which oIIer exposure to regional culture , historical
importance and good inIrastructure to support movement oI tourists.
Rural Tourism will be helpIul because:
1. Help in development oI rural areas
2. Creating job opportunities in rural areas
3. Increase in standard oI living oI rural areas
4. Will rural population to main stream population
5. Stop movement oI people to Metros Ior job opportunities
Places which can be developed :
Shimla the queen oI Himalyas and its neighboring places are a big hit among domestic tourists
but it has not yet taken oII among international tourists. The initiative should be taken in
identiIying potential tourist destinations and branding them and taking the internet marketing
route to market it. Modern adventure tourism spots should be developed. Trekking areas should
be identiIied along with development oI adequate inIrastructure to support the inIlow oI tourists.
Similarly there can be orchids oI Iruits which should be made more presentable like giving an
experience to the tourists to have Ireshly hand plucked Iruits.
HandicraIts is one industry which can be biggest beneIactors Irom inIlow oI tourists. More
money should be spent on developing and increasing eIIiciency oI these handicraIt units and
trips should be arranged Ior international tourists Ior a visit to these units where these handicraIts
are being prepared and people can also buy Irom these units and you never know when these
units are able to get some big business Irom any oI these international tourists. HandicraIts is a
labor intensive industry and this industry has huge growth potential in areas like Himachal or
Jammu & Kashmir.
Rural Tourism in India
'oull Know India Through Its Jillages Mahatma Gandhi

Exploring Rural India

The tourism sector oI the country has seen exponential growth over the last Iew decades. On the
27th oI September, we celebrate World Tourism Day, a day when countries showcase their
tourism potential worldwide. Being a vast country, India oIIers numerous tourism opportunities
to vacationers.
However, iI one wishes to Ieel the true richness oI the beauty and cultural diversity oI India, one
must spend some time at an ethnic village.

A Rural Tourism package enables a tourist to escape the hustle and bustle oI city liIe and spend a
Iew moments closer to nature. The amazing tranquillity oIIered by a stay at a mud and thatch
cottage while living a healthy liIestyle in the wild outdoors simply has to be Ielt to be believed.
In India, where more than 70 percent oI the population reside in villages, the concept oI Rural
Tourism has a bright Iuture.

Trip To A Village

A Rural Tourism package is a platIorm that enables tourists to experience the liIestyle, culture,
arts and craIts oI a village in its traditional setting. The tenet oI Atithi Devo Bhava` or Guest is
God` is practiced more in rural India than anywhere else, and oIIers tourists a taste oI Indian
hospitality at its best.

On arrival, guests would be greeted in the traditional style with garlands oI Ilowers and oIIered
native attire such as turbans to wear. Meals at the host`s house will be served in local utensils in
the customary style. Food includes the staple diet oI the locals and drinks such as lassi or tender
coconut water. For sightseeing, the guests will be taken on quiet nature treks through the
picturesque surroundings oI the village over its charming country landscape. They will also be
shown nearby heritage sites and tourist attractions such as temples, caves and monuments.

Local craIts and cottage industry oIIer tourists a unique shopping experience where exquisite
products may be purchased at low rates. Tours to local artisan workshops oIIer guests a glimpse
into how these careIully craIted works oI art are created. Folk music, dance and cultural
entertainment shows are held to display the rich traditions oI the region. Other activities oIIered
at village holidays may include herbal massages, spa treatments, yoga and other traditional
Indian Iorms oI healing.

Ever since the launch oI the Rural Tourism Scheme, the amount oI tourists coming to villages
has shown a steady increase. Factors such as the growing interest in culture, improved
inIrastructure in villages and environmental consciousness have also contributed to the growth oI
rural tourism. Both Ioreign tourists and domestic visitors are attracted by the serene simple liIe
oIIered by ethnic villages.

The long term success oI Rural Tourism in India depends on the proper maintenance oI tourism
sites and the training given to the host Iamily and village youth in entertaining tourists. Increased
investment in this lucrative sector will go a long way to ensure that economic development
percolates down to the grassroots level.

Initiatives To Promote Rural Tourism

The villages oI India are one oI the strong points oI the country, as it is here that the real India`
resides. AIter studying the socio- economic beneIits that Rural Tourism could oIIer to the village
community, the government launched a number oI programmes to encourage investment in this

In the National Tourism Policy, the government laid special stress on the development oI the
country through the promotion oI Rural Tourism. Later, the Rural Tourism Scheme was
launched by the Ministry oI Tourism. This scheme provided Ior the beautiIication and creation oI
inIrastructure in certain villages selected Ior their tourism potential. It oIIered Iinancial
assistance to State Governments Ior carrying out landscaping, Iencing, improvement oI roads,
illumination, construction oI wayside amenities, signage, tourist accommodation, renovation oI
monuments and other related activities in the designated villages.

Likewise, State Governments have also launched various programmes to develop and popularize
Rural Tourism. Along with adding value to the experience oI a tourist, this Iorm oI tourism
required very little investment while providing high returns. This has made Rural Tourism an
attractive venture even with private enterprises and tour operators. Here are some rural tourism
initiatives in India
O Countrywide Rural Tourism Villages
O Farm Tourism in Haryana
O Eco Tourism in Himachal Pradesh
O Green Farms in Kerala
O Farm Tourism in Punjab
O Village Tourism in Maharashtra

Empowering and Transforming Rural India

The Iragmentation oI Iarmland and growing mechanization oI agriculture led to people needing
less manual labour Ior Iarm activities. This resulted in large scale unemployment, poverty,
migration to cities and stress on urban inIrastructure. In 2002, the government introduced the
National Tourism Policy, which Iocussed on rural tourism. Along with showcasing the natural
beauty oI our villages, this Iorm oI tourism also aimed at bringing about socio economic beneIits
to villages and reducing migration to urban areas.

Any Iorm oI tourism that showcases ethnic liIe, art, culture and heritage at rural locations, thus
oIIering economic and social beneIits to the village community as well as allowing interaction
between natives and tourists Ior a more enriching tourism experience is known as rural tourism.
Rural tourism is usually based in the open countryside, and may include Iarm or agricultural
tourism, eco tourism, cultural tourism, wellness tourism and adventure tourism. Compared to
conventional tourism, rural tourism is more experience oriented and is conducted in sparsely
populated locations in a natural environment. Rural tourism trips are usually held to coincide
with local events and Iestivals to oIIer tourists a glimpse oI the culture, heritage and traditions oI
the village they visit.

Rural Tourism and Rural Development.

Rural tourism in India:
Prospects for rural tourism in India:
Role in Rural development:

Indians believe in holidays: The country has among the largest number oI public holidays in the
world. Yet the most common reason Ior getting away is to "visit a native place." Migrant
workers return to their Iamily Iarms at harvest time. Others return to their villages Ior an annual
pilgrimage. The concept oI a holiday where you let your hair down and relax has been accepted
only in recent years. (2)
As India is Considered as 'Land oI Villages world wide, it villages which showcase India,
Villagers in India maniIest a deep loyalty to their village, identiIying themselves to strangers as
residents oI a particular village, harking back to Iamily residence in the village that typically
extends into the distant past. A Iamily rooted in a particular village does not easily move to
another and even people who have lived in a city Ior a generation or two reIer to their ancestral
village as "our village." (1)
To understand better about rural tourism is any Iorm oI tourism that showcases rural liIe, art,
culture and heritage at rural locations, thereby beneIiting the local community economically and
socially as well as enabling interaction between the tourists and the locals Ior a more enriching
tourism experience, can be termed as rural tourism." On the other hand "Rural tourism is
essentially an activity which takes place in the countryside. It is multiIaceted and may entail
Iarm/agricultural tourism, cultural tourism, nature tourism, adventure tourism and ecotourism. As
against conventional tourism, rural tourism has certain typical characteristics: It is experience-
oriented; the locations are sparsely populated; it is predominantly in natural environments; it
meshes with seasonality and local events; and it is based on the preservation oI culture, heritage
and traditions." (2)
Experts in the relevant Iield Mr. Rajesh K. Aithal, assistant proIessor oI marketing at the Indian
Institute oI Management, Lucknow, has another deIinition. "Rural tourism is a Iorm oI tourism in
which the guests get to enjoy the unique culture oI village liIe through participation in events, or
experiencing the local cuisine, or buying ethnic goods, and in the process also improve the
welIare oI the local people." (2)
Thus, Irom the durability point oI view Ior rural development a careIul planning and vision
towards rural tourism can contribute Ior rural development. In the Iollowing paper let us discuss
about role oI rural tourism in rural development.

Rural tourism in India:
India is known as 'Land oI villages. More than 77 crore Iarmers live in 5.5 lakhs oI village
(2001). Agriculture contributed about 18.5 oI the national income (2006-07) as compared to a
high 50 in 1950. 85 oI population oI India still depends on Agriculture hence Agriculture is
not mere business, but is still the 'True Culture oI India. (7) Also Agriculture has played a
signiIicant role in the economic development oI India. It plays an important role in providing a
Iood supply Ior India`s massive population and raw materials Ior the industrial sector.
Increasingly, it is also becoming a potential source oI Ioreign exchange through tourism and
export crops.
Under current regional and global Iree trade agreements, Indian agricultural products are
expected to succeed competitively in international markets. Tourism has been growing rapidly in
India. Rural tourism can be expected to play an important role in the growth oI both agriculture
and tourism simultaneously. This involves a valuable synergy Ior both sectors, both oI which
emphasize their goal as value-added improvement.
Tourism as a commodity is principally the IulIillment oI tastes and preIerences oI consumers by
both goods (commodities, products, souvenirs, etc.) and services (comIortable accommodation,
scenic beauty, etc.). An important aspect is the speciIic location. Due to its unique
characteristics, it is diIIicult to substitute one speciIic location Ior another which would be able
to generate the same level oI satisIaction.
The complex and highly competitive native oI the current global economic situation demands a
high degree oI eIIiciency. This in turn requires the application oI advanced technology, the
improvement oI managerial ability, and proIessionalism in the management oI both agribusiness
and rural tourism. Appropriate technology, business inIormation and promotion, and a sound
marketing strategy all have all become important components.
Although, rural tourism is a new concept in India but in Europe and other parts oI the world it
has been practiced since long as people want their children to have Iirst hand knowledge and
experience oI rural liIe. Countries having agriculture economy e.g. Australia, Canada and the
USA have Housing tourist spots in country side. Rural tourism may include heritage tourism,
Farm tourism, pilgrim tourism, adventure tourism, nature tourism or Iolkways and ancient
culture tourism. SpeciIic potential areas Ior rural tourism is India may be Gujrat, backwater oI
Keral, The Pubjabi cuisine, The Hills oI U.P., Shanti Niketan in West Bangal, dances and Folk
songs oI Orissa, The Nithyagram oI Karnataka, The tribals oI Bihar, Natural beauty oI
Meghalaya, Iolk dances oI Andhra Pradesh, Teej Iestival oI Rajstan, mask dances oI Sikkim, the
Holi oI Nandagaon Barsana.
CraIts and Culture oI the Indian villages not only helps the tourism industry but also creates rural
entrepreneurship and economic growth. There are a number oI areas identiIied by the
government Ior the indigenous Tourism Projects across the country as tourist spots such as
Pochampalli in Nalgonda and Shrikalahaste in Chitor district in Andhra Pradesh, Durgapur in
Golahat and Sualkuchi in Kamrup district oI Assam, Nepura in Nalanda district in Bihar.
Today, the village destinations are market based known Ior their rich tradition, craIts and culture.
Some states are taking their own initiatives to promote rural tourism, their main objective being
to generate employment opportunities. It is estimated that one million oI tourists create a revenue
oI Rs. 4300 crore and one million oI additional investment provides 47 direct job opportunities
and one direct job opportunity creates another 11 indirect jobs in rural tourism sector.
Currently, most rural tourism projects are Iound in the plantation areas oI Maharastra Gujrath
and Iew other part oI India. One location with an excellent development in rural tourism is
villages near Pune, An initiative by Agri-Tourism Devleopment Corporation, Pune Maharastra,
has major contribution in developing rural tourism in India especially in Maharastra.

Prospects of Rural tourism:
Prospects Ior rural tourism abound. They include general tourism growth, increased Iamily
vacationing, environmental interest, the recent dispersion oI travel through growing auto travel,
economic hardship, a mature travel market, and "Ulysses Iactor" changing tastes and
preIerences), urbanization and growing weekend travel. In speciIic, rural tourism has great scope
in the present context Ior the Iollowing reasons:

1. An inexpensive gateway - The cost oI Iood, accommodation, recreation and travel is least in
rural tourism. This widens the tourist base. Present concept oI travel and tourism is limited to
urban and rich class which constitutes only a small portion oI the population. However, the
concept oI Rural-Tourism takes travel and tourism to the larger population, widening the scope
oI tourism due to its cost eIIectiveness.

2. Curiosity about rural liIe style - The urban population having roots in villages always have had
the curiosity to learn about sources oI Iood, plants, animals, raw materials like wood, handicraIts,
languages, culture, tradition, dresses and rural liIestyle. Rural-Tourism which revolves around
Iarmers, villages and agriculture has the capacity to satisIy the curiosity oI this segment oI

3. Demand Ior wholesome Iamily oriented recreational activities Rural LiIe style provide
recreational opportunities to all age groups i.e. children young, middle and old age, male, Iemale,
in total to the whole Iamily at a cheaper cost. Rural games, Iestivals, Iood, dress and the nature
provides variety oI entertainment to the entire Iamily.

4. Health consciousness - Modern liIestyle has made liIe stressIul and average liIe span has
comedown. Hence, people are in constant search oI pro-nature means to make liIe more
peaceIul. Ayurveda which is a pro-nature medical approach has roots in villages. Indigenous
medical knowledge oI villagers is respected. Organic Ioods are in greater demand in urban areas
and Ioreign countries. In total, health conscious urban population is looking towards Pro-nature
villages Ior solutions. Urban populations are Iinding solace with Iriendly nature.

5. Desire Ior peace and tranquility - Modern liIe is a product oI diversiIied thinking and
diversiIied activities. Every individual attempts to work more, in diIIerent directions to earn
more money to enjoy modern comIorts. Hence, peace is always out oI his system. Tourism is a
means Ior searching peaceIul location. Peace and tranquility are inbuilt in Rural-Tourism as it is
away Irom urban areas and close to nature.
6. Interest in natural environment - Busy urban population is leaning towards nature. Because,
natural environment is always away Irom busy liIe. Birds, animals, crops, mountains, water
bodies, villages provide totally diIIerent atmosphere to urban population in which they can Iorget
their busy urban liIe.

7. Disappointment with over crowded resorts and cities - In resorts and cities, over crowded
peace seekers disturb each others peace. Hence, peace is beyond cities and resorts. Even though
eIIorts are made to create village atmosphere in the sub urban areas through resorts, Iarm houses,
it looks like a distant replica oI the original.

8. Looking back Ior their roots on the Iarm - Cities are growing at the cost oI villages. Villagers
are migrating to cities in search oI jobs and to seek the comIorts oI modern liIe. Hence,
yesterday`s villagers are today`s urbanites. Deep in the heart oI urbanites lies the love and
respect Ior their ancestors and villages. Hence, visit to villages satisIies their desire. This is also
expressed through the hatred oI urbanites to Ilat culture and love Ior Iarmhouses located in the
outskirts oI cities. Any opportunity to visit villages and spend time with Iamily is dream oI any
urbanite. But, minimum decent Iacilities are always problem. Rural-Tourism attempts to
overcome this problem.

9. Rural recreation - Villages provide variety oI recreation to urbanites through Iestivals and
handicraIts. Villagers (Iarmers) liIestyle, dress, languages, culture / traditions which always add
value to the entertainment. Agricultural environment around Iarmers and the entire production
process could create curiosity among urban taught. Places oI agricultural importance like highest
crop yielding Iarm, highest animal yielding Iarm, processing units, Iarms where innovations tried
add attraction to the tourists. Agricultural products like Iarm gate Iresh market, processed Ioods,
organic Iood could lure the urban tourists. As result oI this rural atmosphere in the villages, there
is scope to develop Rural Tourism products like Rural-shopping, culinary tourism, pick and own
your tree / plot, bed and breakIast, pick and pay, bullock cart riding, camel riding, boating,
Iishing, herbal walk, rural games and health (ayurvedic) tourism.

10. Educational value oI Rural Tourism Rural-Tourism could create awareness about rural liIe
and knowledge about agriculture science among urban school children. It provides a best
alternative Ior school picnics which are urban based. It provides opportunity Ior hands on
experience Ior urban college students in agriculture. It is a means Ior providing training to Iuture
Iarmers. It would be eIIectively used as educational and training tool to train agriculture and line
department oIIicers. This provides unique opportunity Ior education through recreation where
learning is Iun eIIective and easy. Seeing is believing, doing is learning. This experience based
concept is the USP oI Rural Tourism.

Role in Rural development:
Rural tourism is in its emerging stage in India, But it will grow. There is a huge market out there.
The experience oI many countries shows that rural tourism can be seen as an alternate source oI
livelihood and employment. Tourism growth potential can be harnessed as a strategy Ior Rural
Development. The development oI a strong platIorm around the concept oI Rural Tourism is
deIinitely useIul Ior a country like India, where almost 74 oI the population resides in its 7
million villages. Across the world the trends oI industrialization and development have had an
urban centric approach. Alongside, the stresses oI urban liIestyles have led to a 'counter
urbanization syndrome. This has led to growing interest in the rural areas. At the same time this
trend oI urbanization has led to Ialling income levels, lesser job opportunities in the total areas
leading to an urbanization syndrome in the rural areas. Rural Tourism is one oI the Iew activities
which can provide a solution to these problems. Besides, there are other Iactors which are
shiIting the trend towards rural tourism like increasing levels oI awareness, growing interest in
heritage and culture and improved accessibility, and environmental consciousness. In the
developed countries, this has resulted in a new style oI tourism oI visiting village settings to
experience and live a relaxed and healthy liIestyle. This concept has taken the shape oI a Iormal
kind oI Rural Tourism. (3)
Rural Tourism development is an economic development strategy considered by many rural and
small town communities as a key means oI improving the local economy. Indian rural
geographical and cultural diversity provides a wide range oI tourism products and experiences.
Many rural communities have identiIied tourism as an economic growth sector to replace
traditional industries.
Key Ior success key in rural tourism lies in the participation oI rural society. The aim should be
to promote a type oI rural tourism which will have a multiplier eIIect on rural society. Rural
tourism can help develop the rural economy and improve rural incomes by: Providing
employment Ior people in a village; Providing a new market Ior Ioods such eggs, Iruit,
vegetables and rice, all oI which can be produced by local Iarmers, and Supporting small
businesses such as restaurants and art shops.
The Three important Iactors, which contribute to the success oI Rural-Tourism as service, are,
1. Farmer: Majority cases Iarmer is less educated, less exposed and innocent Ior him outsider as
guest is (like god) and is treated wholeheartedly without any commercial motive. He entertains
the guest while entertaining himselI in the process he Iills all the service gaps. This makes him a
natural businessman.
2. Village: Village being located Iar Irom the city lacks urban Iacilities but is rich in natural
resources. The investment is the natural resources itselI.
3. Agriculture Iield: Each Iield is unique which adds to the attraction oI the urban population.
This is the incentive wealth oI the rural people.



Article on Villages oI India - Unity and Divisiveness in

Going Rural: Tourism Focuses on India's Hinterland Published: December 03, 2009 in India

article on India Rural tourism published in

Getting the Lion's Share Irom Tourism: Private Sector-community Partnerships, Dilys Roe,
Maryanne Grieg-Gran, Wouter Schalken, 2001, published by IIED, NACOBTA

Agri-Tourism Development Intiative by Shri.Pandurang Taware through Co-operative
Movement in the State oI Maharashtra-By Pandurang Taware Managing Director Maharashtra
State Agri & Rural Tourism C-operative Federation Ltd (MART).

Rural tourism the impact on rural communities by Syukur Iwantoro Director oI Agribusiness
Division Agribusiness Agency, Ministry oI AgricultureJalan Harsono RM No. 3, Ragunan,
Jakarta, Selatan, Indonesia, 1998-10-01 (

Rural Tourism Development: Constraints and Possibilities with a special reIerence to Agri
Tourism A Case Study on Agri Tourism Destination Malegoan Village, Taluka Baramati,
District Pune, Maharashtra Dr. R. Gopal*, Ms. Shilpa Varma** and Ms. Rashmi Gopinathan***

Rural Tourism in Globalizing World: A Scope Ior Rural Development paper presented in 37th
World Congress oI the International Institute oI sociology, (5-9 July 2005)Stockholm,Sweden -
Authors: Dr. Manoj Kumar Trivedi Asst. ProIessor Deptt. oI Busness Management, Maharana
Pratap Engg. College Kanpur & Dr. Pankaj Kant Dixit Asst. ProIessor Dayanand Academy oI
Management Studies Kanpur

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