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Komodo National Park

Zoological Society of San Diego
The Nature Conservancy

In 2002- a 5-year research project was initiated in Komodo National Park to develop a basis for
monitoring and identifying ecological trends in populations of Komodo dragons and their major prey
species. In doing so 10 study sites were selected across the Park to provide a basis for dramatically
improving the capacity of KNP to quantify key biological elements that could facilitate improved
wildlife management and conservation of key terrestrial species. Below is a summary of some key
findings of research conducted between 2002-2005. In the appendix a list of current reports and
publications arising from this work is presented as a basis to provide additional information.


Komodo dragons displayed a declining trend in female nesting activities. In 2002, twenty seven (27)
nests were recorded active, in subsequent years, the numbers declined to 22, 17, 17, and 7 in 2003,
2004, 2005, and 2006. The abundance of nests for Komodo dragons is positively correlated with
valley area,(i.e. the larger the valley the more nests found. Most nesting females preferred to use
mound nests (i.e ex-Megapode bird nests) than other type of nests, such as ground and hill nests..
After the eggs are laid, females will guard their nests for about three months. This nest guarding
appears associated with a period of reduced feeding as females are observed to decrease weight
(on average 3.42 kg). The interesting interval for females is variable, with only one female recorded
nesting in 4 consecutive years, two females were active for two consecutive years; most females
were recorded active only once. This suggests that most females are breeding less than annually.
Each year, between 12 – 36 hatchlings emerged from nests in February or March (averaged 19.56
hatchlings per nest per year). The hatchlings averaged 18.48 cm in SVL, 42.20 cm in total length and
91.43 grams in weight.

40 34

Number of Nests

Active Nests 28
Weight (kg)

25 Non Active Nests


20 24
22 63A309A
15 63A309E
20 63A7B4B
10 63A8639
18 63AOEC4
5 16
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 SR1 NSR1 SR2 NSR2 SR3 NSR3 SR4

Tahun Nesting / Non Nesting Period

Figure 1. Trends in nesting activities in Komodo Figure 2. Female’s body weigh during nesting period (SR)
dragons. and non nesting period (NSR).
Movement of hatchlings from their nests was largely linear consistent with natal dispersal. Rates of
daily movement and size of activity areas in hatchlings were significantly less compared to juveniles.
However, habitat use in both classes of immature Komodo dragons was similar, both preferentially
utilizing dry monsoon forest over other more xeric habitat types. During their early life stage
hatchlings were predominantly arboreal compared to juveniles, and the degree of arboreal activity
was strongly correlated with an individual’s size.

In adults, both female and male Komodo dragons displayed monthly variation in the daily movement
and size of activity area. Nesting females exhibited nest-centered activities during the nesting period
(August to December). Nesting females increased their rates of daily movement and size of activity
areas after the third month. However, their core areas were not significantly different between
months. Rates of daily movement in Adult male Komodo dragons varied among months. The highest
movement rates were recorded in June, when the mating season begins and the lowest were in
September, when the mating season ended and the females started nesting.

In general, rates of daily movement and activity areas in larger Komodo dragons were significantly
larger compared to small dragons. Distance of movement and size of activity areas were significantly
correlated with individual’s body size., These distinct differences in spatial ecology suggest important
changes in selection pressures operating on different size classes of Komodo dragons.

Table 1. Average of rates of movement (m) and size of home ranges

(ha) for each size class.
Daily movement Home range
Hatchling 32.61 3.02
Juvenile 129.14 24.31
Nesting Female 285.82 75.17
Adult Male 573.00 705.00


Annual density indices for large prey of Komodo dragons, Timor Deer (Cervus timorensis) ,pigs (Sus
scrofa) and Water Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis), indicated fluctuating trends over the last four years.
Overall prey density was correlated with island area with deer density on the larger islands of
Komodo and Rinca been significantly higher than that of the smaller islands. The highest average
density for deer was recorded on Komodo island (27.37), whist the lowest was on Gili Motang
(5.63). Density index for Buffalo displayed a fluctuating trend for the Rinca island population, while it
was relative stable on Komodo.

a 40 b 0.7
Komodo Komodo
35 Rinca 0.6 Rinca
Nusa Kode
30 Gili Motang 0.5
Index of Density

Index of Density

25 0.4

20 0.3

15 0.2

10 0.1

5 0.0

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Year Year
Figure 3.. Insular density index for Timor deer (a) and Water Buffalo (b).
Density estimates of Komodo dragons were significantly different between the two large islands of
Komodo and Rinca. The population on Rinca was significantly higher compared to the three other
islands, Extrapolation of study site densities to a population abundance for larger islands is not
feasible due to large scale variation in habitat type; however, it is feasible for smaller islands where
habitat type is relatively uniform. Population abundance on Gili Motang was estimated 126.8; while
on Nusa Kode it was estimated at 86.5 individuals. Dragon density estimates were significantly
correlated to the density index of deer on each island. Insular population estimates of Nusa Kode
and Gili Motang approximate or fall below several theoretical thresholds used to flag extinction
proneness. Demographic stochasticity is usually the major component threatening population
viability when the population size is in the order of 100 individuals or smaller.

Table 2. Abundance and density estimates of Komodo dragons.

Size of study Interval of CI Density
Location Abundance
area (km2) (95%) /km2
Sebita 4.39 100.70 19.44-181.96 22.99
Liang 6.42 92.48 80.76 -104.19 14.43
Lawi 6.79 153.76 119.58 -187.93 15.24
Wau 0.93 22.74 18.38 – 27.10 22.64
Average 18.82
Buaya 3.26 75.51 65.21 – 85.81 23.16
Baru 3.02 95.55 79.03 – 112.08 31.63
Tongker 1.56 75.20 62.27 – 88.12 48.20
Dasami 2.25 43.53 34.61 – 52.44 19.35
Average 30.58
Gili Motang 3.49 47.60 34.75 – 60.45 13.38
Nusa Kode 0.94 11.09 4.95 – 17.05 11.80

1. This study provides evidence that the size of the annual breeding population of Komodo
dragons is relatively small and highly variable indicating that annual recruitment of juveniles
will consist of perhaps hundreds of individuals. Monitoring the number of nesting females
represents an important component of assessing trends in island populations as does
understanding the factors that influencing annual variation in female reproductive rates.
2. It appears that the dispersal potential of all age or sex classes of Komodo dragons is
relatively limited in ecological and evolutionary terms. Further study on spatial ecology of this
species is necessary to determine long distance movements (i.e. gene flow) among
populations. It would appear that natural rates of inter-island dispersal would be insufficient
to recover an island population that were undergoing significant decline or are extirpated.
3. Prey availability, appears to strongly affect the evolution and ecology of Komodo dragon
populations via bottom up regulation.
4. Compared to the large islands of Komodo and Rinca, Komodo dragon population on the
small islands of Nusa Kode and Gili Motang exhibited significant differences in both
individual and population level parameters. Given the increased potential for genetic and
demographic processes underpinning small population extinctions on islands, managers of
Komodo National Park should invest in sustained annual monitoring of these small island
populations. This will enable them to measure long-term demographic trends and provide
them with a basis for gauging appropriate management responses should it be necessary in
the face of a continued decline.
5. Overall there is strong evidence to suggest that local prey availability, driven principally by
island area, along with limited dispersal among island dragon populations is a major factor
underpinning the patterns of ecology observed within each population. These clear
differences necessitate that a very island specific management protocol is necessary to
optimize the conservation of this species.

1. Given the long life-history of dragons it will be essential that at least 10-15 years of
sustained monitoring is maintained to ensure a thorough understanding of the population
dynamics of this priority conservation species can be obtained. At this point in time-
estimates of abundance and life-history will remain sub-optimal without further longitudinal

2. Broad scale attempts at understanding tri-trophic relationship among climate, habitat quality
and population dynamics of prey and predators within Komodo National Park is essential to
understand the system processes in Komodo National Park.

3. Integration of the potential for anthropic disturbance to impact most species is required for
each island population (i.e. when might we expect an impact from human activities to
influence a specific population?).

1. Further long term study and monitoring of this species, particularly implementation of PIT
tagging technique for mark recapture study, annual nesting monitoring and annual prey
density estimates. These would provide managers reliable information on demographic,
survival rates, spatial use, trends in reproduction status, and trends in prey availability for
Komodo dragons.
2. Further genetic studies to determine population structure of Komodo dragons.
3. Managers of KNP should enhance surveillance activities on small islands, i.e. Gili Motang,
include terrestrial patrol.

Reports, Publications, and Theses, current to January 2007

1. Imansyah, M.J. 2006. Spatial ecology of hatchling and juvenile Komodo dragons in the Komodo National
Park, Indoneisa. MSc thesis. University Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi. 81 p.

2. Imansyah, M.J., Anggoro, D.G., Yangpatra, N., Hidayat, A. and Benu, Y.J. 2005. Sebaran dan karakteristik
pohon sarang kakatua jambul kuning (Cacatua sulphurea parvula) di Pulau Komodo, Taman Nasional
Komodo. . Laporan dari the Zoological Society of San Diego, Balai Taman Nasional Komodo, dan The
Nature Conservancy. Labuan Bajo, Flores. 30 p.

3. Imansyah, M.J., Purwandana, D., Rudiharto, H., Jessop, T.S., 2005. Laporan no 3 rekapitulasi hasil
penelitian ekologi biawak komodo (Varanus komodoensis) di taman nasional komodo 2002 – 2004. .
Laporan dari the Zoological Society of San Diego, Balai Taman Nasional Komodo, dan The Nature
Conservancy. Labuan Bajo, Flores. 15 p.

4. Imansyah, M.J., Purwandana, D., Rudiharto, H., Jessop, T.S. 2003. Survei Potensi Hidupan Liar Terestrial
di Pulau Komodo, Taman Nasional Komodo 2002. Laporan dari the Zoological Society of San Diego,
Balai Taman Nasional Komodo, dan The Nature Conservancy. Labuan Bajo, Flores. 23 p.

5. Imansyah, M.J., Purwandana, D., Jessop, T.S. 2002. Materi Kursus 1: Dasar-dasar Sistem Informasi
Geografis untuk Staff Taman Nasional Komodo. Laporan dari the Zoological Society of San Diego,
Balai Taman Nasional Komodo, dan The Nature Conservancy. Labuan Bajo, Flores. 13 p.

6. Jessop, T.S., Madsen, T., Ciofi, C., Imansyah, M.J., Purwandana, D., Rudiharto, H., Arifiandy, A., Phillips,
J.A. 2007. Island differences in population size structure and catch per unit effort and their
conservation implications for Komodo dragons. Biological Conservation 135:247-255.

7. Jessop, T.S, Imansyah, M.J, Purwandana, D., Ariefiandy, A., Rudiharto, H., Seno, A., Opat D.S., Noviandi,
T., Payung, I., Ciofi, C. 2007. Ekologi populasi, reproduksi, dan spasial biawak Komodo (Varanus
komodoensis) di Taman Nasional Komodo. Disunting oleh Imansyah, M.J., Ariefiandy, A.,
Purwandana, D. Laporan dari the Zoological Society of San Diego, Balai Taman Nasional Komodo,
dan The Nature Conservancy. Labuan Bajo, Flores. 35 p.

8. Jessop, T.S., Madsen, T., Sumner J., Rudiharto, H., Phillips, J.A., Ciofi, C. 2006. Maximum body size
among insular Komodo dragon populations covaries with large prey density. Oikos 112: 422-429.

9. Jessop, T.S., Forsyth, D.M., Purwandana, D., Imansyah, M.J., Opat, D.S., dan McDonald-Madden, 2005.
Pemantauan mangsa ungulata biawak komodo (Varanus komodoensis) dengan menggunakan
metode penghitungan kotoran. Laporan dari the Zoological Society of San Diego, Balai Taman
Nasional Komodo, dan The Nature Conservancy. Labuan Bajo, Flores. 30 p.

10. Jessop, T.S., Madsen, T., Purwandana, D., Imansyah, M.J., Rudiharto, H. and Ciofi, C., 2005. Bukti
terhadap keterbatasan energetic yang mempengaruhi populasi Komodo di pulau kecil. Laporan dari
the Zoological Society of San Diego, Balai Taman Nasional Komodo, dan The Nature Conservancy.
Labuan Bajo, Flores. 27 p.

11. Jessop, T.S., Madsen, T., Sumner., J., Rudiharto, H., Phillips, J.A. dan Ciofi, C. 2005. Ukuran tubuh-
maksimum antar populasi-terbatas-pulau biawak Komodo dan keterkaitannya dengan kepadatan
mangsa besar. Laporan dari the Zoological Society of San Diego, Balai Taman Nasional Komodo, dan
The Nature Conservancy. Labuan Bajo, Flores. 27 p.
12. Jessop, T.S., Forsyth, D.M., Purwandana, D., Imansyah, M.J., Opat, D.S., and McDonald-Madden, E.
2005. Monitoring the ungulate prey of komodo dragons (Varanus komodoensis) using faecal counts.
Report from the Zoological Society of San Diego, Komodo National Park, and The Nature
Conservancy. Labuan Bajo, Flores. . 26 p.

13. Jessop, T.S., Madsen, T., Sumner., J., Rudiharto, H., Phillips, J.A. and Ciofi, C. 2005. Maximum body size
among insular Komodo dragon population covaries with large prey density. Report from the Zoological
Society of San Diego, Komodo National Park, and The Nature Conservancy. Labuan Bajo, Flores. 25

14. Jessop, T.S., Madsen, T., Purwandana, D., Imansyah, M.J., Rudiharto, H. and Ciofi, C. 2005. Evidence for
energetic constraints affecting a small island Komodo dragon population. Report from the Zoological
Society of San Diego, Komodo National Park, and The Nature Conservancy. Labuan Bajo, Flores. 25

15. Jessop, T.M., Sumner, J., Imansyah, M.J., Purwandana, D., Ariefiandy, A., & Seno, A., 2006. Penilaian
Distribusi, Penggunaan Musiman, dan Predasi Sarang Burung Gosong – Kaki Merah di Pulau
Komodo. Laporan terjemahan berbahasa Indonesia. Laporan dari the Zoological Society of San
Diego, Balai Taman Nasional Komodo, dan The Nature Conservancy. Labuan Bajo, Flores. 21 p.

16. Jessop T.S., Sumner J., Rudiharto H., Phillips, J.A., and Ciofi, C. 2004. Variasi ukuran tubuh antar
pupulasi terbatas-pulau pada Komodo (Varanidae). Report from the Zoological Society of San Diego,
Komodo National Park, and The Nature Conservancy. Labuan Bajo, Flores. 21p.

17. Jessop T.S., Sumner J., Rudiharto H., Purwandana D., Imansyah M.J. & Phillips, J.A. 2004. Distribution,
use and selection of nest type by Komodo Dragons. Biological Conservation 117: 463 – 470.

18. Jessop, T.S., Sumner J., Rudiharto H., Purwandana D., Imansyah M.J. & Phillips, J.A., 2003, Studi
Distribusi, Penggunaan dan Pemilihan Tipe Sarang oleh Biawak Komodo: Implikasi untuk Konservasi
dan Manajemen, Laporan dari the Zoological Society of San Diego, Balai Taman Nasional Komodo,
dan The Nature Conservancy. Labuan Bajo, Flores. 25 p.

19. Jessop, T.S., Sumner J., Rudiharto H., Purwandana D., Imansyah M.J., 2002, Kursus Metode Sampling
dan Statistik dalam Populasi Tertutup Digunakan untuk Penaksiran Kelimpahan Varanus
Komodoensis. Laporan dari the Zoological Society of San Diego, Balai Taman Nasional Komodo, dan
The Nature Conservancy. Labuan Bajo, Flores. 21 p.

20. Rudiharto, Heru. 2006. Hubungan antara karakter habitat dengan densitas Komodo. Tesis MSi.
Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta.
Reports/publications in progress.

21. Imansyah M.J. et al. Incidence of ectoparasitism during hatchling emergence in Komodo dragons.
Submitted to Herpetological Review.

22. Imansyah, al. Ontogenetic differences in the spatial ecology of immature Komodo Dragons.
Submitted to Austral Ecology.

23. Jessop, T.S., Imansyah, M.J., Purwandana, D., Ariefiandy, A., Rudiharto, H. 2007. Panduan pemantauan
ekologi di Taman Nasional Komodo, Indonesia. Laporan dari the Zoological Society of San Diego,
Balai Taman Nasional Komodo, dan The Nature Conservancy. Labuan Bajo, Flores. 62 p.

24. Jessop T. S., Sumner, J. S., Purwandana, A., Imansyah J. and Argento S. (accepted-June 2006).
Assessment of the distribution, seasonal use and predation risk of orange-footed scrubfowl nests on
Komodo Island. Submitted to Emu.
25. Jessop, T. S., Forsyth, D., Purwandana D.,Imansyah J., Opat D. and McDonald-Madden, C. (accepted-
August 2006). Effectiveness of faecal counts for monitoring Long tailed Macaques and Palm Civets in
Komodo National Park Indonesia. Submitted to Australian Mammalogy.

26. Jessop T. S. et al. Inter-island movement in Komodo dragons. Submitted to Herpetological Review.

27. Jessop T. S. et al. Associations in the host-parasite dynamics between Komodo dragons and their
ectoparasites. Submitted to Austral Ecology.

28. Jessop T. S. et al. Komodo dragon population divergence tracks large prey density independent of gene
flow. Submitted to Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Biological Sciences.

29. Jessop T. S. et al. Integrative approaches for designating robust conservation units in the Komodo

30. Jessop, T. S., et al. Assessing rates of ecological and genetic dispersal among insular Komodo dragon
populations and its consequences for deme structuring.

31. Jessop T. S. et al. Patterns of Somatic Growth and body condition among Komodo dragon populations.
32. Jessop T. S. et al. Estimate of home range and resource prioritization for Adult male Komodo dragons on
Komodo Island inferred from GPS collars.

33. Jessop T. S. et al. Influence of prey density on the population dynamics of a large insular predator.

34. Purwandana, Deni. Seasonal differences on spatial ecology of breeding female Komodo dragon. MSc
Thesis. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Bangi.

For further information, please contact following persons;

Dr Tim Jessop,,
M Jeri Imansyah MSc,,
Dr John A. Phillips,

Or visit or

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