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Technology: Americas Achilles Heel

Paula Matthews Recently, the Spirit of God has been talking to me about justice. God has declared a season of justice in which he is now executing judgment upon the people of this earth. Its not the first time God has executed justice, but he declares that it will be his grand finale before Jesus Christ returns to the earth. We have seen evidence of political and religious eruptions around the world because God is moving upon the earth by his Spirit. That powerful wind of judgment is also coming upon America. No longer can we sweep under the carpet or hide behind lock and key, issues we choose not to face. During this season, the Spirit of God will pull back the carpet, open the locked doors and expose all of our dirty laundry . . . not just to expose us, but to challenge us to clean up our act. What follows is a prophecy that the Spirit of God gave me a month ago. As a woman who has suffered severe abuse and trauma, and a mother who watched as the courts shoved my sons child-abuse case into a closet, what God shared with me, brought me to my knees in prayer and tears once again. Technology has been the strength and pride of America both militarily and industrially; but we have made billionaires out of the men and women who have designed and fostered social media via the Internet with little or no government oversight. We are losing our edge as a technological leader because of the dark side of technological use in our nation. The Spirit of God calls it Americas Achilles Heel. That which has made us strong in battle, is also that which is crippling our economy and demoralizing our people. Over the years, many people including Christian pastors have told me that America has no need for God because we have evolved; we have technology. I want to share what the Spirit of God has to say about America and her use of technology. I will also share a bit my own personal struggle that should prove to any rational being that America is in dire need of Gods intervention. A few weeks ago in a vision, the Spirit of God showed a hidden underground economy generated from the demoralization of human beings, not by humans but by depraved animals performing subversive transactions via electronic technology (Internet and Satellite). God said that the government searches technology, particularly the Internet; looking for terrorist and yet brute beasts peddle pornography and go virtually undetected in their pursuits to corrupt the minds and hearts of millions while siphoning billions of dollars from the United States economy.

Achilles Heel (Continued)

Technological advancement was given to America to be used to better our society, but we use it for immorality at the expense of the unsuspecting victims, who innocently allow their photos and locations to be exposed not realizing that a predator could soon be at their door. The Lord showed people being kidnapped from their homes and no one seemed to care. It was assumed that they left on their own accord, and yet the opposite is true. According to the National Crime Information Center, nearly 700,000 people were reported as missing in 2010; 67,000 were women over the age of 18, and 77% were juveniles under the age of 18.1 How many of these cases involve cyber crimes is unknown, but the fact that so many people are missing with little or no clue is very consistent with what the Spirit of God showed me.

So how could this happen in America?

God says that technology of itself is not bad; but men have deceitful and desperately wicked hearts. Technology is advancing upwardly, but mens hearts are growing increasingly evil. As a man thinks in his heart, so is he. Men think evil: therefore they produce evil. But, the opposite is also true. If we think good; we will produce good. Out of the good treasure of a mans heart he will produce good and out of the evil treasure of an evil mans heart he will produce evil.2 Unfortunately technology in the hands of evil men will be Americas demise. He continued by saying that there is a proliferation of mindless jabber online and it is producing a generation of mindless people who lack morals and become easy prey of the beasts of pornography.

My personal example:
Although I am not a mindless person or one who spends endless hours on the Internet, I have had the awful experience of someone trying to make me a victim of porn. When I first suspected something was happening I began praying and the Spirit of God revealed who it was that was stalking me. He also showed me how they were able to cyber stalk me, and that their purpose was for sex and murder. The Lord said that it would only be a matter of time before the pervert would get tired of watching and would desire to touch me in person. Now, I am in my home, reading, studying and living my life; there is nothing sexual going on in my home, yet I have someone approaching me in my home in hopes of engaging me in cyber sex via witchcraft. I write about these incidents in my book The War Journal (1999-2010) Volume I. This was just one of the major battles I had to fight in order to live my day-to-day life. When I first called the police for intervention, they said that there was a porn ring that was targeting local women and videotaping them on the web. They also confirmed what the Spirit of God had told me. This was the latest trend in porn; perverted men wanted live victims and were choosing women they saw on a daily basis. The policemen ended that conversation by letting me know that this was the most dangerous type of pornography because these women could easily end up dead.

1 2 Jeremiah 17:9; Proverbs 23:7; Matthew 12:35; Luke 6:45

Achilles Heel (Continued)

My co-workers laughed at me when I mentioned being stalked. One woman told me that I should do a strip show just to show the pervert what he could not have. A psychologist friend addressed a more serious concern. He said that it was common for women to say hello to someone out of courtesy and then find out that it was someone who had been stalking her and finally decided to make a move toward her. He told me I should be less friendly to people I dont know; according to him saying hello could easily be taken as a marriage proposal by a lonely sick mind. I learned that men who watch women by camera are similar to women who watch soap operas daily. At some point, they can no longer distinguish reality from fantasy; the people they see on television are more real than the people in their own families. I am most grateful that during this difficult time, I could hear from God concerning my safety. The first time I went to court to get a restraining order and the judge dismissed the case because another agency was in charge of the investigation. I sought court action because the Spirit of God told me that it would be the only way to divert the perpetrators plot to show up at my home to kill me. The case was dismissed on Friday, and on the following Saturday morning the Spirit of God said that the judge was praying for my safety. He said that the judge had no option but to yield to the authority of the investigative agency, but because of his experience in dealing with these types of cases, he had a good sense that I was in danger. Why God has allowed this violation of my privacy to continue, I dont know. But I do know that he has promised to destroy those who have plotted this evil against me. In Los Angeles, crimes against women are not readily addressed. I heard a news story almost two years ago that stated that the city of Los Angeles was ten years behind in investigating rape cases. In my case, I have appealed to a higher authority to obtain justice. I believe that in this season of Gods Justice, my case will also be satisfied. I had a minister from a rather large church in Los Angeles call me with a more disturbing case. She said the Spirit of God told her to share with me what he showed her in a vision. In her apartment building was a man who was sitting in his living room attentively watching television. The Spirit of God showed that this man was watching a female neighbor in the shower; it was live. He had hooked up his neighbor by satellite and had his own personal viewing. The victim had no idea that she had a cyber stalker. No longer is pornography something that people do only in the privacy of their homes, they are invading the homes of many of their neighbors and co-workers. This is a gross violation of our rights. In this prophecy the Lord reminded me of the Declaration of Independence.

Did not our founding fathers write that all men had unalienable rights from our Creator?
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. The United States Declaration of Independence

Achilles Heel (Continued)

Now hear what our Creator had to say:

The Spirit of God says that in America we no longer value human life. Dont value truth. We dont even value liberty because we oppress others as a natural course of pursuing our own happiness. He said that our sexual immorality is similar to what was happening in the days of Noah. Demonic Angels were creeping in to the beds of beautiful women at night and having sex with them.3 They produced an evil race of giants that the Children of Israel would later have to destroy in order to possess their promised land. It happened again in Sodom when men of the city attempted to break down the door of Lots house in order to have sex with Gods angels. Lot and his family escaped before God sent fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed the city.4 The Spirit of God says that America can expect catastrophe to come as well. God will execute justice in this matter for the sake of all the innocent victims who have no other advocate.

So what can we do?

Pray for Gods intervention in restoring America to a place of moral and ethical excellence. Also pray for the protection of the unsuspecting victims of these crimes. Only God can transform the hearts of men; but we can begin protecting ourselves from becoming prey by guarding our hearts and minds from the evil that flows unregulated via technology. Use wisdom while communicating online. Realized that everything you post could potentially be duplicated and posted on pornographic sites with a direct link to you. If you have been a victim or know of victims of a cybersex or any sex crime, report it to the authorities immediately. Dont discard anything that could be used as evidence in the courts. Line up witness statements as well. The stronger your evidence the more likely you are to get the perpetrator prosecuted. If you are one who needs to break free from a cyber or any sex addiction, please seek professional help. Statistics show that sex addictions not only break up families and marriages, but they also affect ones work productivity. Sex addicts are spending hours during the day viewing porn while on the job. Not only is this costing your employer in wasted salary expense, but it also puts your companys computer system at risk for industry hackers, worms and viruses. Again, if you have a problem, please get help. Here are some statistics and additional links for information about cyber porn. Because so much of this industry is underground, these stats are severely underestimated.

Paula Matthews is an author and speaker as well as an advocate of social change especially on issues involving women and children.

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Genesis 6:1-8 Genesis 19:1-26

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