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C Socket Programming Tutorial SHARE Session 5959

Writing Client/Server Programs in C

Using Sockets (A Tutorial)
Part II

Session 5959

Greg Granger

SAS/C & C++ Support

SAS Institute
Cary, NC
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C Socket Programming Tutorial SHARE Session 5959

Remote Execution Sample Program

U Remote Execution Connection Diagram
U getservbyname() coding
U rexec() function declaration
U gethostbyname() and struct hostent
U rexec() caller source code examination
U System call return conventions
U Socket address structures and conventions
U recv() and send() conventions
U File descriptor sets and select()

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C Socket Programming Tutorial SHARE Session 5959

Remote Execution Connection Diagram

Client issues:
rexec server.unx mark mypass ls -l

host.mvs server.unx
exec cmd
rexeccmd (ls -l)
stderr (pipe)

Socket rexecd

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C Socket Programming Tutorial SHARE Session 5959

REXEC Initial Connection

host.mvs server.unx

Socket rexecd

client issues: rexecd issues:

[53] getservbyname() socket()
[60] rexec() bind()
rexec.c listen()
[61] gethostbyname() select()
[70] socket() accept()
[79] connect()
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C Socket Programming Tutorial SHARE Session 5959

getservbyname() Coding
getservbyname() returns NULL for failure or a pointer to this structure for success:
struct servent {
char *s_name; /* official name */
char **s_aliases; /* array of aliases */
int s_port; /* well-known port */
char *s_proto; }; /* protocol to use (udp/tcp) */

On UNIX the data comes from the “/etc/services” file formatted like the following:

exec 512/tcp # remote execution

login 513/tcp # remote login
who 513/udp whod # remote who and uptime

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C Socket Programming Tutorial SHARE Session 5959

rexec() Function Declaration

int rexec( /* Returns primary socket */

char **host, /* Pointer to hostname by */

/* reference */

int port, /* Port for rexecd server */

char *username, /* Username on remote host */

char *passwd, /* Password on remote host */

char *cmd, /* Command to execute */

int *ptr_secondary /* Place to store secondary */

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C Socket Programming Tutorial SHARE Session 5959

gethostbyname() Coding
Gethostbyname() returns NULL for failure or a pointer to this structure for success:
Struct hostent {
char *h_name; /* Official name */
char **h_aliases; /* array of aliases */
int h_addrtype; /* AF_INET for TCP/IP */
int h_length; /* sizeof(struct in_addr) for TCP/IP */
char **h_addr_list; /* points to array of struct in_addr */
#define h_addr h_addr_list[0]}; /* Primary IP address */

Here is an example of printing the IP address:

struct hostent *he;
char * host = ”";
struct in_addr *ia;

he = gethostbyname(host);
ia = (struct in_addr *)(he->h_addr);
printf("IP address: %s\n",inet_ntoa(*ia));

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C Socket Programming Tutorial SHARE Session 5959

“struct hostent” diagram

Struct hostent
array of char[]
char *
char *h_name

char **h_aliases char[]
int h_addrtype AF_INET 0

int h_length 4 array of

char *
struct in_addr
char **h_addr_list

0 struct in_addr

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System Call Return Conventions

U Most system calls have the same return
U An int value >= 0 indicates success; -1 indicates
U Failed calls set “errno” to indicate the cause of
failure; perror() will print a message based on the
“errno” value.
U Here is the typical coding logic:
int s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
if (s < 0) {
perror(“socket() failed”);
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C Socket Programming Tutorial SHARE Session 5959

Socket Address Structures

Socket address formats vary. Each format is called an “addressing family”.
The generic format is:
struct sockaddr {
u_short sa_family; /* Addressing family */
char sa_data[14]; }; /* varies */

AF_INET is the addressing family for TCP/IP. It’s format is:

struct in_addr {
u_long s_addr; }; /* net byte order */

struct sockaddr_in {
short sin_family; /* AF_INET */
u_short sin_port; /* TCP or UDP port */
struct in_addr sin_addr; /* IP address */
char sin_zero[8]; }; /* varies */

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C Socket Programming Tutorial SHARE Session 5959

Socket Address Conventions

U For connect(), the port and IP address must be
U For bind(), either may be set to zero.
U Specifying “sin_port” as zero requests that the
system assign a transient port. Use getsockname()
to find out what port number was chosen.
U Specifying “sin_addr” as zero binds to all IP
addresses on the host (some hosts have more than

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C Socket Programming Tutorial SHARE Session 5959

inetd Create Server Program

host.mvs server.unx

rexeccmd fork()


rexec.c lines [79 - 82] rexecd

Server creation program (inetd) issues a fork() and exec() call to start
rexecd. The socket descriptor is attached to stdin, stdout and stderr
of rexecd.

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C Socket Programming Tutorial SHARE Session 5959

Server Creation Socket Close

host.mvs server.unx

rexeccmd close()

rexec.c lines [79 - 82] rexecd

Server creation program (inetd) issues a

close() to close it’s connection to the socket,
then waits for a new client connection.

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C Socket Programming Tutorial SHARE Session 5959

Client Establishes stderr port

host.mvs server.unx

Primary stdin/stdout/stderr
rexec rexecd

rexec.c lines [83 - 140]

Rexecd reads stdin until a null character is found, if any

characters are read before the null they are interpreted as
an optional secondary port address to be used for stderr.

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C Socket Programming Tutorial SHARE Session 5959

recv() and send() conventions

U recv() returns 0 for EOF; >0 for number of bytes
U recv() often returns fewer bytes than requested;
call recv() in a loop until you have gotten them all
U For TCP, send() does not create record boundaries;
recv() may get the result of more or less than one
U recv()/send() behavior is a common programming
error with TCP/IP and socket programming.

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C Socket Programming Tutorial SHARE Session 5959

rexecd connect() stderr Port

host.mvs server.unx

rexeccmd Primary
rexec rexecd


rexec.c lines [83 - 140] Socket

Rexecd connects stderr to port created and specified by rexec.

Stderr is used to return error information to rexec and to send
signal requests (kill calls) to rexecd.
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Send user, password and command

host.mvs server.unx

rexeccmd Primary
rexec rexecd


rexec.c lines [141 - 150] Socket

Client rexec writes the userid, password and command to

execute to the primary socket, where rexecd receives them via
reads of the primary socket (which is stdin).

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C Socket Programming Tutorial SHARE Session 5959

Server confirms
host.mvs server.unx

rexeccmd Primary
rexec rexecd


rexec.c lines [152 - 171] Secondary

rexec exits line [176]
Server rexecd writes a one byte value of binary zero to the
primary socket (stdout) if authorization is successful, otherwise
it writes a one byte value of binary one. Client rexec receives
this via a read of the primary socket
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C Socket Programming Tutorial SHARE Session 5959

Server creates command executor

host.mvs server.unx

stdin rexecd
rexeccmd Socket

rexeccmd lines [61-118] Secondary

rexecd creates a pipe (for stderr) then forks creating a child

process in which to run the command. Note that rexecd
closes it’s connection to the primary socket and that the
child process closes it’s connection to the secondary socket.
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C Socket Programming Tutorial SHARE Session 5959

Child Process Executes Command

host.mvs server.unx

stdin command
rexeccmd Socket

rexeccmd lines [61-118] Secondary

The child process then configures it’s environment to match

the userid and runs the command using the execl call.
Output from the command is sent to rexeccmd through the
primary socket.
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File Descriptor Sets

U A file descriptor is an integer [returned by open() or
socket()] which identifies a file or socket.
U Descriptors are numbered 0 through FD_SETSIZE-1
U “fd_set” is a type which contains a bit for each descriptor
U The following macros manipulate file descriptor sets:
#include <sys/types.h>
int desc;
fd_set fds;
FD_ZERO(&fds); /* zero entire set */
FD_CLR(desc, &fds); /* clear desc bit */
FD_SET(desc, &fds); /* set desc bit */
FD_ISSET(desc, &fds); /* test desc bit */

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The select() call

U The select() system call awaits activity on
descriptor sets
int select( /* returns number active */
int nfds, /* highest desc used + 1 */
fd_set *read, /* Await read on these */
fd_set *write, /* await write on these */
fd_set *except, /* seldom used */
struct timeval *timeout /* inactivity timeout */

U A “timeout” parameter of NULL specifies indefinite

U A zero time value sets select() non-blocking
U A non-zero time value, sets a maximum wait time
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U Reviewed various socket API function calls
U Useable TCP/IP Socket Application
U Questions ?

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C Socket Programming Tutorial SHARE Session 5959

U Internetworking with TCP/IP: Volumes I, II & III, Douglas
Comer, Prentice Hall, 1991 (ISBN Vol I: 0134685059, Vol
III: 0138487146)
U The Whole Internet User’s Guide & Catalog by Ed Kroll;
O’Reilly & Associates
U UNIX Network Programming by W. Richard Stevens;
Prentice Hall, 1990 (ISBN 0139498761)
U Socket API Programmer’s Reference
U UNIX “man” pages
U TCP/IP Illustrated: Volumes 1 & 2, W. Richard Stevens (v2
with Gary R. Wright); Addison-Wesley Publishing Company,

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