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Test Ch5 FyBNVC07 Circular Motion


Physics B: FyBNVC07 Circular Motion

Instructions: Time: The Test 9:25-10:40.

Warning! There are more than one version of the test.

At the end of each problem a maximum point which one may get for a correct solution of the problem is given. (2/3/) means 2 G points, 3 VG points and an MVG quality. Approved formula sheets, ruler, and graphic calculator. You may use one page of a personalized formula sheet which has your name on it. This should be submitted along with the test.


Grade limits: Maximum score 32, where 15 of them are VG points and 2 (MVG) Lower limits for examination grade Pass (G): 11 points Pass with distinction (VG): 22 points of which at least 5 VG-points Pass with special distinction (MVG): 25 points of which at least 10 VG-points and you must show several Pass with Special Distinction qualities in at least three of -marked qualities. Problems number 4 and 5 are heavily graded and are of greatest importance for both VG and MVG. You may choose to solve these problems before solving the others.


1a 2

1b 1

1c 2

2 2

3a 2 1

3b 2

4 1 3

5a 1 3

5b 1 4

5c 1 4

Sum 15 15 2

Grade Free to use for educational purposes.

Not for sale.


Test Ch5 FyBNVC07 Circular Motion


A 200. g object is moving in a flat horizontal circle of diameter 20.0 cm at a constant speed of 3.00 m / s . a. Calculate the centripetal force acting on the object. [2/0] b. Calculate the centripetal acceleration of the object. [1/0] c. Draw a simple figure and show clearly the direction of the velocity, centripetal acceleration and the centripetal force on the object at two different positions. [2/0] Solution:

The figure below illustrates a satellite on its orbit around the Earth. Draw the force on the satellite at the position shown in the figure. * [2/0]

Nationella Provbanken i Fysik (Swedish National Test Bank in Physics B) NPFyBVT02 Not for sale. 2/4 Free to use for educational purposes.

Test Ch5 FyBNVC07 Circular Motion


(a) Calculate the velocity of a 1250 kg satellite moving in a stable circular orbit

about the Earth at a height of 4.20 10 7 m above the Earths surface. [2/1] (b) Why the satellite does not fall to the Earth? What is keeping the satellite revolving around the Earth in a circular orbit? Does this force work on the satellite? Explain. [2/0] 24 6 Mass of the earth is mE 5.98 10 kg , and its radius is: RE 6.38 10 m Solution: Free to use for educational purposes.

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Test Ch5 FyBNVC07 Circular Motion


In assessing your work with problems 4 and 5your teacher will pay extra attentio to: How well you plan and carry out the task. Which priciples of physics you use and how you justify using them How general your solutions are How well you justify your conclusions How well you cary out your calculations How well you present your work How well you use physical and matematical language. How clear your solutions are. 4 Earth Moon Earth-Moon distance At what distance from the Earth will a spacecraft traveling directly from the Earth to the Moon experience zero gravity? [1/3/] Mass: m 5.98 10 24 kg , Mass: m 7.35 10 22 kg , Radius R 6.38 103 km Radius R 1.74 103 km

d EM 38410 3 km

Tarzan whose mass is 125.0 kg swinging in an arc from a hanging 10.0 m vine (rope). If his arms are capable of exerting a maximum force of 2500 N on the vine, a. Calculate the maximum speed he can tolerate in swinging. [1/3] b. Tarzan speeding at 36 km / h grabs the hanging 10.0 m vine and swings out over a lake. He releases the rope when his velocity is zero. Calculate the angle (the angle between the rope and the tree, i.e. vertical) when he releases the rope. [1/4/] c. Calculate the tension in the rope just before he releases it. [1/4] Free to use for educational purposes.

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