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Labour Welfare Welfare is a broad concept referring to a state of living of an individual or a group, in a desirable relationship with the total environment ecological economic and social. Labour welfare includes both social and economic content of welfare social welfare is primarily concerned with the solution of various s problems of the weaker section of society like prevention of destitution and poverty . it aims at social development by such means as social legislation , social reform social service , social work , social action. The object of economics welfare is to promote economic production and productivity and through development by increasing equitable distribution. Labour welfare is a area of social welfare conceptually and operationally. It covers a broad field and connotes a state of well being, happiness, satisfaction, conservation and development of human resources. Management is absolutely essential in the present times in all organization, irrespective of their origin, nature and ownership. Every enterprise, established with a profit motive or some social, religious or such like other purpose, requires efficient management for its sustained progress. But, management has been viewed differently by various scholars, depending upon their beliefs and comprehension. Some regard it as the force that runs a business and is responsible for its success and failure. Other perceives it as a means for achievement for desired result through group effort and by utilizing both human and non-human resources.

Still others deem management to be a process comprising planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling. Also some look on it as an instrument for designing and maintaining an environment conducive to the performance of individuals who are working together in a group towards accomplishment of some pre-determined objectives. Further more, some think that management merely implies certain tasks which the managers are supposed to perform. Thus there numerous opinions on what management actually involve. Adequate levels of earnings, safe and humane conditions of work and access to some minimum social security benefits are the major qualitative dimensions of employment which enhance quality of life of workers and their productivity. Institutional mechanisms exist for ensuring these to workers in the organized sector of the economy. These are being strengthened or expanded to the extent possible. However, workers in the unorganized sector, who constitute 90 per cent of the total workforce, by and large, do not have access to such benefits. Steps need to be taken on a larger scale than before to improve the quality of working life of the unorganized workers, including women workers.

Concept Labour welfare may be viewed as a total concept, as a social concept and as a relative concept . The total concept is a desirable state of existence involving the physical, mental, moral and emotional well being. These four elements together constitute the structure of welfare, on which its totality is based. The social concept of welfare implies the welfare of men, his family and his community. all these three prospect are inter related and work together in a dimensional approach. The relative concept on welfare implies that welfare if relative in time and place. It is a dynamic and flexible concept and hence its meaning and concept differ from time to time, region to region, industry to industry, and country to country depending upon the value system, level degree of education, social customs, political system, degree of industrialization and general standard of the socio economic development of the people . Labour welfare implies the setting up of minimum desirable standard and the provision of facilities like health, food, clothing, housing, medical assistance, education, insurance, job security, recreation, and so on . Such facilities enable the workers and his family to lead a good work life, family life and social life. labour welfare also operate to neutralized the harm full effect of large scale industrialization and urbanization .

Definition According to Oxford dictionary defines Labour welfare as Effort to make life worth living for work men .

Acc. to R.R Hopkins Welfare is fundamentally and attitude of mind on the part of management , influencing the method by which management activities are undertaken .

SCOPE OF LABOUR WELFARE The concept of welfare is necessarily dynamic, having a different interpretation from country to country and from time to social institution, degree of industrialization and general level of social and economic development. Even within the country its content may be different from region to region. The study of various report and various works, concludes that the following activities are generally included under the scope of labour welfare:

1. Housing, medical, educational facilities. 2. Nutrition (including the provision of canteens). 3. Facilities for rest and recreation. 4. Cooperative societies. 5. Day nurseries and crches. 6. Provision of sanitary accommodation. 7. Holiday with pay 8. Social insurance measures undertaken voluntarily by employers alone or jointly with workers including sickness, maternity benefit scheme, provident fund, gratuities and pension, etc.

Principles of Labour Welfare

The following are some of the principles to be kept in mind for successful implementation of any welfare program in an organization

1. The labour welfare activities should pervade the entire hierarchy of an org. Management should be welfare oriented at every level 2. The employers should not bargain labour welfare as a substitute for wages or monetary incentive . 3. The employers should look after the welfare of his employees as a matter of social obligation 4. There should be proper coordination, harmony and integration of all labour welfare services in an undertaking 5. The labour welfare work of an org. must be administratively valve and essentially development oriented.

Benefits of Labour Welfare Most of time, Indian entrepreneurs brand Indian Labour as lazy, inefficient and least productive. One of the major determinants of the productivity is the quality and quality of labour. Quality of labour depends primarily upon its health and nutrition, literacy and social values and customs. Poor diets and because of unsanitary conditions, inadequate disease prevention and lack of medicines and medical care, they have an adverse bearing on their efficiency.

According to Labour Investigation Committee, there are three main benefits of labour welfare activities:

(a) Educational facilities, sports, entertainment, etc. make the worker feel that the employer is interested in their day-to-day life and therefore, their tendency to grouse and grumble will gradually disappear.

(b) Housing, canteens, sickness and maternity benefits, provident fund, gratuity, pensions, etc. make the worker feel that they have a stake in the industry as much as anyone else has.

(c) Provisions of good and clean food in the canteens improve their health, entertainment reduces the incidence of vices, medical and maternity benefits free the workers of worries.

Objectives of Labour Welfare: Improvement in the quality of labour, productivity, skills and working conditions and provision of welfare and social security measures, especially of those working in the unorganized sector, are crucial elements of the strategy for quantitative and qualitative enhancement of employment opportunities. The programmes in the sector " Labour and Labour Welfare', therefore, lay emphasis on skill formation and development strengthening and modernization of employment service, promotion of industrial and mines safety, workers' education, promotion of self-employment, rehabilitation of bonded labour, enforcement of labour laws especially those relating to unorganized labour and women and child labour, promotion of a healthy

industrial relations situation and encouragement of workers' participation in management.

Labor welfare has the following objectives: 1. 2. 3. To provide better life and health to the workers To make the workers happy and satisfied To relieve workers from industrial fatigue and to improve intellectual,

cultural and material conditions of living of the workers.

Statutory Welfare Provision : 1. Washing facilities 2. Facilities for sitting 3. Facilities for storing and drying clothing 4. First aid appliances 5. Shelter, rest room and lunch rooms 6. Canteen facilities 7. Facilities of crche 8. Welfare officer

Industrial Hygiene Provision Hygiene working environment plays a importance part in the maintenance of good health among the workers. The term Hygiene includes not only material environment but also personal hygiene. There are following hygiene such as; 1. Personal hygiene 2. Eating & drinking 3. Smoking

4. Skin hygiene 5. Working clothes 6. Hygiene education

Voluntary Welfare measure: There are certain employers especially in the organized sector of industry, who have promised a wide variety of welfare amenities and services to their employees. A brief account of such welfare measures as given; 1. Educational facilities 2. Medical facilities 3. Transport facilities 4. Housing facilities 5. Recreational facilities 6. Consumer co-operatives societies 7. Welfare work by workers organization

STATUTORY WELFARE SCHEMES The statutory welfare schemes include the following provisions: 1. Drinking Water: At all the working places safe hygienic drinking water should be provided. 2. Facilities for sitting: In every organization, especially factories, suitable seating arrangements are to be provided. 3. First aid appliances: First aid appliances are to be provided and should be readily assessable so that in case of any minor accident initial medication can be provided to the needed employee.

4. Latrines and Urinals: A sufficient number of latrines and urinals are to be provided in the office and factory premises and are also to be maintained in a neat and clean condition. 5. Canteen facilities: Cafeteria or canteens are to be provided by the employer so as to provide hygienic and nutritious food to the employees. 6. Spittoons: In every work place, such as ware houses, store places, in the dock area and office premises spittoons are to be provided in convenient places and same are to be maintained in a hygienic condition. 7. Lighting: Proper and sufficient lights are to be provided for employees so that they can work safely during the night shifts. 8. Washing places: Adequate washing places such as bathrooms, wash basins with tap and tap on the stand pipe are provided in the port area in the vicinity of the work places. 9. Changing rooms: Adequate changing rooms are to be provided for workers to change their cloth in the factory area and office premises. Adequate lockers are also provided to the workers to keep their clothes and belongings. 10.Rest rooms: Adequate numbers of restrooms are provided to the workers with provisions of water supply, wash basins, toilets, bathrooms, etc.

NON STATUTORY SCHEMES Many non statutory welfare schemes may include the following schemes: 1. Personal Health Care (Regular medical check-ups): Some of the companies provide the facility for extensive health check-up 2. Flexi-time: The main objective of the flextime policy is to provide opportunity to employees to work with flexible working schedules. Flexible

work schedules are initiated by employees and approved by management to meet business commitments while supporting employee personal life needs 3. Employee Assistance Programs: Various assistant programs are arranged like external counseling service so that employees or members of their immediate family can get counseling on various matters. 4.Harassment Policy: To protect an employee from harassments of any kind, guidelines are provided for proper action and also for protecting the aggrieved employee. 5.Maternity & Adoption Leave :Employees can avail maternity or adoption leaves. Paternity leave policies have also been introduced by various companies. 6.Medi-claim Insurance Scheme: This insurance scheme provides adequate insurance coverage of employees for expenses related to

Theories of Labour welfare 1. The policy theory This theory assumes that man is selfish by nature. Therefore, an employer will leave no stone unturned to exploit the labour, if he is not forced to introduce some welfare measures. This theory thus leads to enactment of various labour welfare laws, periodical supervision to ascertain that the laws are implemented and punishment to the employers who do not obey the laws. In this theory the main emphasis is on the fear and not on the spirit of labour welfare which perhaps is the most important factor.

2. The Religious theory Here the employer is concerned primarily with his own welfare because he introduces labour welfare measures either as an investment for attainment of good in his life or next or as an atonement for his sins.

3. The Philanthropic Theory According to this theory, mans love for mankind is the guiding factor of labour welfare.

4. The Trusteeship Theory This theory has a paternalistic approach. Here employer has a moral responsibility to look after the interests of their wards who are the workers. Therefore, labour welfare measures are the outcome of moral responsibility

5. The Placating Theory It is believed that the labour groups are becoming more and more demanding and aware of their rights. Therefore, their demands cannot be ignored. According to this theory, timely and periodical acts of labour welfare can appease the workers. These are some kind of pacifiers which come with a frequent gesture. Sincerity may lack in these programmes though this content can be bought-off in this manner.

As per this theory, labour welfare programmes work as a sort of advertisement and help the industrialists to build up good and healthy public relations.

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