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SubmlLLed by Syed nabeel Pussaln 9439
Abdul Samad Munaf 8903
SubmlLLed Lo Ms ShagufLa 8aflf
CrganlzaLlonal 8ehavlor
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We are Lhankful Lo Allah AlmlghLy for glvlng us Lhe capablllLy and sLrengLh Lo
compleLe Lhls 1erm reporL
We would also llke Lo Lhank our course lnsLrucLor Mrs ShagufLa 8aflf who has
provlded us wlLh all Lhe guldance and supporL and whose uLmosL dedlcaLlon and
devoLlon provlded us wlLh Lhe lnslghL Lo analyze Lhe behavlor and pracLlces
followed ln organlzaLlons lL was due Lo her dlllgenL efforLs and Leachlngs LhaL
enabled us Lo compleLe Lhe research pro[ecL

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Ms ShagufLa 8aflf AugusL 13 2011
Course lnsLrucLor
lnsLlLuLe of 8uslness ManagemenL
korangl Creek

uear Ms
Pere ls our Lerm reporL on a research conducLed by !ennlfer S Lerner and
kaLherlne Shonk !ennlfer ls a professor of publlc pollcy and managemenL aL
Parvard's kennedy School and Lhe dlrecLor of Lhe Parvard ueclslon Sclence
LaboraLory kaLherlne ls a research assoclaLe aL Parvard 8uslness School and
Parvard kennedy School
1hls reporL under Lhe course of CrganlzaLlonal 8ehavlor" was of greaL beneflL Lo
us and lL also helped wldenlng our vlslon lmprovlng our quallLy of work bulldlng
selfrellance work and gave a vlLal experlence ln order Lo lmprove our analyLlcal
skllls We hope lL ls up Lo your expecLaLlons and fulflls all Lhe requlremenLs glven
by you

Syed nabeel Pussaln 9439
Abdul Samad Munaf 8903
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lnLroducLlon g3
Anger g3
Anger ManagemenL g10
ueclslon Maklng g11
WhaL Lhe arLlcle says g17
8esulL g18
8elaLed 8esearch g19
Concluslon g20
8lbllography g21
Crlglnal ArLlcle g22

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Wbat is Anger?
Anger ls a naLural emoLlon LhaL every human and many nonhuman anlmals
experlence Mlld forms of human anger may lnclude dlspleasure lrrlLaLlon or
dlsllke When we reacL Lo frusLraLlon crlLlclsm or a LhreaL we may become angry
and usually Lhls ls a healLhy response Anger may be a secondary response Lo
feellng sad lonely or frlghLened When anger becomes a fullblown rage our
[udgmenL and Lhlnklng can become lmpalred and we are more llkely Lo do and say
unreasonable and lrraLlonal Lhlngs

Anger ls noL [usL a menLal sLaLe of mlnd lL Lrlggers an lncrease ln hearL raLe blood
pressure and levels of adrenallne and nor adrenallne Anger has survlval beneflLs
and forms parL of our flghL or fllghL braln response Lo a percelved LhreaL or harm
When a human or anlmal decldes Lo Lake acLlon Lo sLop or confronL a LhreaL
anger usually becomes Lhe predomlnanL feellng and Lakes over our behavlor
cognlLlon and physlology

ln many cases humans and nonhuman anlmals express anger by maklng loud
sounds barlng LeeLh sLarlng and speclflc posLurlng as a warnlng Lo percelved
aggressors Lo sLop Lhelr LhreaLenlng behavlors lL ls unusual for a physlcal aLLack
Lo occur wlLhouL Lhese slgns of anger appearlng flrsL lf a sLranger approaches
some newborn puppy dogs Lhe moLher wlll mosL llkely growl bare her LeeLh and
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adopL a defenslve or readyLoaLLack posLure raLher Lhan sllenLly aLLack wlLhouL
any warnlng lf you Lrespass lnLo Lhe prlvaLe land of a farmer ln a remoLe area hls
approach may be slmllar hls volce may be hosLlle as may hls body language and
posLure lnsLlncLlvely anger may surge ln humans and nonhuman anlmals Lo
proLecL LerrlLory offsprlng and famlly members secure maLlng prlvlleges prevenL
loss of possesslons or food and many oLher percelved LhreaLs

LxperLs say anger ls a prlmary naLural emoLlon wlLh funcLlonal survlval value
whlch we all experlence from Llme Lo Llme 1he ralsed hearL raLe blood pressure
and release of hormones prepare us physlcally for remedlal acLlon whlch ls
elLher Lo flghL or run away aL Lop speed (flghL or fllghL)

!usL because you are angry does noL necessarlly mean you have a problem MosL
people have been angered aL Llmes ln Lhelr llves lL ls afLer all parL of Lhe naLural
response LhaL helps our survlval and helps us Lo proLecL oLhers Pere are some
examples of when anger ls helpful and healLhy
O lL glves us Lhe courage Lo defend ourselves or Lhose we love
O lL moLlvaLes us Lo lmprove Lhe world by lnsplrlng soclal acLlon and [usLlce
O lL conflrms our lndlvlduallLy especlally when we are chlldren
O lL warns oLhers noL Lo Lake advanLage of us

lrequenL or excesslve anger ls noL useful ln facL lL ls llkely Lo have a negaLlve
effecL on your healLh Lo spoll your relaLlonshlps wlLh oLhers and Lo llmlL your llfe
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experlences and ablllLy Lo achleve happlness Pere ls a gulde whlch asks lf you
have any of Lhe followlng sympLoms of excesslve unhealLhy anger?
O A paLLern of repeaLlng Lhe same angry words or deeds ln parLlcular
O An lncllnaLlon Lo shouL aL people or Lo use vlolenL words
O A Lendency Lo brood or fanLaslze abouL angry scenes wlLh people
O An lnablllLy Lo deal wlLh dlfflculL slLuaLlons wlLhouL becomlng angry
O A LempLaLlon or recourse Lo vlolence posslbly resulLlng ln Lrouble wlLh Lhe
O A rellance on geLLlng angry Lo make you feel beLLer
O SubsLlLuLlng geLLlng angry abouL a problem for solvlng or learnlng Lo llve
wlLh LhaL problem
O Angerllnked healLh problems such as hyperLenslon or dlgesLlve Lrouble
O 8elng recognlzed as an angry person and so Leased appeased or feared by
O Pavlng a sLrong pre[udlce agalnsL sLrangers because of Lhelr race gender
O Avoldlng slLuaLlons because you fear your Lemper

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Wbat can make people angry?
1he mosL common facLors LhaL make people angry are
O rlef loslng a loved one
O Sexual frusLraLlon
O 8udeness
O 1lredness
O Punger
O aln
O WlLhdrawal from drugs or some medlcaLlons
O hyslcal lllness
O MenLal lllness
O Alcohol some drugs alcohol abuse drug abuse
O ln[usLlce
O 8elng Leased or bullled
O PumlllaLlon
O LmbarrassmenL
O ueadllnes
O 1rafflc [ams
O ulsappolnLmenL
O Sloppy servlce
O lallure
O lnfldellLy
O 8urglary
O llnanclal problems
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Anger can make you ill:
When we are angry Lhe body releases sLress hormones such as adrenallne
noradrenallne and corLlsol 1he hearL raLe blood pressure body LemperaLure and
breaLhlng raLe lncrease 8egular eplsodes of anger can evenLually make people lll
unconLrolled or unresolved anger can lead Lo Lhe followlng healLh problems
O 8ackache
O Peadaches
O PyperLenslon (hlgh blood pressure)
O lnsomnla
O lrrlLable bowel syndrome or oLher dlgesLlve dlsorders
O Skln dlsorders
O SLroke
O PearL aLLack
O Lower paln Lhreshold
O Weakened lmmune sysLem resulLlng ln more lnfecLlons colds
and lnfluenza
O unconLrolled or unresolved anger can lead Lo emoLlonal and menLal
problems lncludlng
O uepresslon
O LaLlng dlsorders
O urug abuse
O Self ln[ury
O Low selfesLeem
O Moodlness
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Anger managemenL ls a procedure of acqulrlng Lhe skllls Lo recognlze slgns LhaL
you are becomlng angry and Laklng acLlon Lo deal wlLh Lhe slLuaLlon ln a poslLlve
way ln no way does anger managemenL mean holdlng Lhe anger ln or Lrylng Lo
keep from feellng anger Anger ls a normal human emoLlon a healLhy one when lL
ls expressed approprlaLely

lL ls posslble Lo learn how Lo conLrol your frusLraLlons by pracLlclng anger
managemenL Lechnlques on your own Powever seelng a menLal
healLh counselor or Laklng an anger managemenL class ls generally more

Anger managemenL Leaches you Lo recognlze frusLraLlons early on and seLLle
Lhem ln a way LhaL allows you Lo express your needs whlle remalnlng calm and ln
conLrol Coplng wlLh anger ls an acqulred sklll whlch lnvolves unlearnlng some of
Lhe bad behavlors LhaL resulL from frusLraLlon

Anger managemenL helps you ldenLlfy whaL Lrlggers your emoLlons and how Lo
respond so LhaL Lhlngs work ln your favor lnsLead of agalnsL you

We all feel angry someLlmes and may say or do Lhlngs we regreL 1hls ls a normal
parL of llfe and may noL necessarlly mean you need anger managemenL help lf
your anger ls havlng a deLrlmenLal effecL on relaLlonshlps ls maklng you unhappy
or ls leadlng Lo vlolenL or dangerous behavlor you probably need help
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ueclslonmaklng ls a cruclal parL of good buslness 1he quesLlon Lhen ls 'how ls a
good declslon made?

Cne parL of Lhe answer ls good lnformaLlon and experlence ln lnLerpreLlng
lnformaLlon ConsulLaLlon le seeklng Lhe vlews and experLlse of oLher people
also helps as does Lhe ablllLy Lo admlL one was wrong and change one's mlnd
1here are also alds Lo declslonmaklng varlous Lechnlques whlch help Lo make
lnformaLlon clearer and beLLer analyzed and Lo add numerlcal and ob[ecLlve
preclslon Lo declslonmaklng (where approprlaLe) Lo reduce Lhe amounL of

Managers can be Lralned Lo make beLLer declslons 1hey also need a supporLlve
envlronmenL where Lhey won'L be unfalrly crlLlclzed for maklng wrong declslons
(as we all do someLlmes) and wlll recelve proper supporL from Lhelr colleague and
superlors A cllmaLe of crlLlclsm and fear sLlfles rlskLaklng and creaLlvlLy
managers wlll respond by 'playlng lL safe' Lo mlnlmlze Lhe rlsk of crlLlclsm whlch
dlmlnlshes Lhe buslness' effecLlveness ln respondlng Lo markeL changes lL may
also mean managers spend Loo much Llme Lrylng Lo pass Lhe blame around raLher
Lhan geLLlng on wlLh runnlng Lhe buslness

ueclslonmaklng lncreaslngly happens aL all levels of a buslness 1he 8oard of
ulrecLors may make Lhe grand sLraLeglc declslons abouL lnvesLmenL and dlrecLlon
of fuLure growLh and managers may make Lhe more LacLlcal declslons abouL how
Lhelr own deparLmenL may conLrlbuLe mosL effecLlvely Lo Lhe overall buslness
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ob[ecLlves 8uL qulLe ordlnary employees are lncreaslngly expecLed Lo make
declslons abouL Lhe conducL of Lhelr own Lasks responses Lo cusLomers and
lmprovemenLs Lo buslness pracLlce 1hls needs careful recrulLmenL and selecLlon
good Lralnlng and enllghLened managemenL

1ypes of 8uslness ueclslons
1 rogrammed ueclslons 1hese are sLandard declslons whlch always follow Lhe
same rouLlne As such Lhey can be wrlLLen down lnLo a serles of flxed sLeps whlch
anyone can follow 1hey could even be wrlLLen as compuLer program
2 nonrogrammed ueclslons 1hese are nonsLandard and nonrouLlne Lach
declslon ls noL qulLe Lhe same as any prevlous declslon
3 SLraLeglc ueclslons 1hese affecL Lhe longLerm dlrecLlon of Lhe buslness eg
wheLher Lo Lake over Company A or Company 8
4 1acLlcal ueclslons 1hese are medlumLerm declslons abouL how Lo lmplemenL
sLraLegy eg whaL klnd of markeLlng Lo have or how many exLra sLaff Lo recrulL
3 CperaLlonal ueclslons 1hese are shorLLerm declslons (also called
admlnlsLraLlve declslons) abouL how Lo lmplemenL Lhe LacLlcs eg whlch flrm Lo
use Lo make dellverles

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I|gure 1 Leve|s of Dec|s|onMak|ng

I|gure 2 1he Dec|s|onMak|ng rocess

1he model ln llgure 2 above ls a normaLlve model because lL lllusLraLes how a
good declslon oughL Lo be made 8uslness SLudles also uses poslLlve models whlch
slmply alm Lo lllusLraLe how declslons are ln facL made ln buslnesses wlLhouL
commenLlng on wheLher Lhey are good or bad
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Llnear programmlng models help Lo explore maxlmlzlng or mlnlmlzlng consLralnLs
eg one can program a compuLer wlLh lnformaLlon LhaL esLabllshes parameLers
for mlnlmlzlng cosLs sub[ecL Lo cerLaln slLuaLlons and lnformaLlon abouL Lhose
SpreadsheeLs are wldely used for 'whaL lf' slmulaLlons A very large spreadsheeL
can be used Lo hold all Lhe known lnformaLlon abouL say prlclng and Lhe effecLs
of prlclng on proflLs 1he dlfferenL prlclng assumpLlons can be fed lnLo Lhe spread
sheeL 'modellng' dlfferenL prlclng sLraLegles 1hls ls a loL qulcker and an awful loL
cheaper Lhan acLually changlng prlces Lo see whaL happens Cn Lhe oLher hand a
spreadsheeL ls only as good as Lhe lnformaLlon puL lnLo lL and no spreadsheeL
can fully reflecL Lhe real world 8uL lL ls very useful managemenL lnformaLlon Lo
know whaL mlghL happen Lo proflLs 'whaL lf' a sklmmlng sLraLegy or a peneLraLlon
sLraLegy were used for prlclng
1he compuLer does noL Lake declslons managers do 8uL lL helps managers Lo
have qulck and rellable quanLlLaLlve lnformaLlon abouL Lhe buslness as lL ls and
Lhe buslness as lL mlghL be ln dlfferenL seLs of clrcumsLances 1here ls however a
loL of research lnLo 'experL sysLems' whlch alm Lo repllcaLe Lhe way real people
(docLors lawyers managers and Lhe llke) Lake declslons 1he alm ls LhaL
compuLers can one day Lake declslons or aL leasL programmed declslons (see
above) lor example an expedlLlon could carry an experL medlcal sysLem on a lap
Lop Lo deal wlLh any medlcal emergencles even Lhough Lhe nearesL docLor ls
Lhousands of mlles away Already lL ls posslble ln Lhe uS Lo puL a credlL card lnLo
a 'holelnLhewall' machlne and geL baslc legal advlce abouL baslc and sLandard
legal problems
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nterna| Constra|nts
1hese are consLralnLs LhaL come from wlLhln Lhe buslness lLself
AvallablllLy of flnance CerLaln declslons wlll be re[ecLed because Lhey cosL Loo
LxlsLlng 8uslness ollcy lL ls noL always pracLlcal Lo rewrlLe buslness pollcy Lo
accommodaLe one declslon
eople's ablllLles and feellngs A declslon cannoL be Laken lf lL assumes hlgher
skllls Lhan employees acLually have or lf Lhe declslon ls so unpopular noone wlll
work properly on lL
terna| Constra|nts
1hese come from Lhe buslness envlronmenL ouLslde Lhe buslness
naLlonal Lu leglslaLlon
CompeLlLors' behavlor and Lhelr llkely response Lo declslons your buslness
Lack of Lechnology
Lconomlc cllmaLe

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;ua||ty of Dec|s|onMak|ng
Some managers and buslnesses make beLLer declslons Lhan oLhers ood
declslonmaklng comes from
1 1ralnlng of managers ln declslonmaklng skllls
2 ood lnformaLlon ln Lhe flrsL place
3 ManagemenL skllls ln analyzlng lnformaLlon and handllng lLs shorLcomlngs
4 Lxperlence and naLural ablllLy ln declslonmaklng
3 8lsk and aLLlLudes Lo rlsk
6 Puman facLors eople are people LmoLlonal responses come before raLlonal
responses and lL ls very dlfflculL Lo geL people Lo make raLlonal declslons abouL
Lhlngs Lhey feel very sLrongly abouL 8lvalrles and vesLed lnLeresLs also come lnLo
lL eople slmply Lake dlfferenL vlews on Lhe same facLs and people also slmply
make mlsLakes 8uslness 1hlnkers !ohn lerpolnL Morgan ood ManagemenL
8uslnesses are hlghly lnLerdependenL on each oLher Lhelr suppllers and Lhelr
cusLomers ueclslons are noL Laken ln lsolaLlon 1he effecLs of any declslon wlll
depend crlLlcally on Lhe reacLlons of oLher groups ln Lhe markeL 1hese have Lo
be as far as posslble Laken lnLo accounL before declslons are made

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1hls ls a useful arLlcle from Parvard 8uslness 8evlew LhaL brlngs ouL some of Lhe
meanlngs of Lhe call of Lhe ropheL Muhammad (peace and blesslngs be upon
hlm) uo noL geL angry"
1 Anger lmpalrs sound [udgmenL
2 lLs effecLs llnger and color declslons afLer Lhe anger lLself have subslded
3 Pavlng a sense (and sysLem) of accounLablllLy helps conLrol anger
4 Selfawareness of Lhe ugllness harm and consequences of anger helps conLrol
Lhe anger
1he sLudy conducLed by !ennlfer S Lerner wlLh !ulle P oldberg of Lhe unlverslLy
of llllnols and hlllp L 1eLlock of uC 8erkeley documenLed Lhe psychologlcal
effecLs of resldual anger 1he sLudy found LhaL people who saw an angerlnduclng
vldeo of a boy belng bullled were Lhen more punlLlve Loward defendanLs ln a
serles of unrelaLed flcLlonal LorL cases lnvolvlng negllgence and ln[ury Lhan were
people who had seen a neuLral vldeounless Lhey were Lold LhaL Lhey'd be held
accounLable and would be asked Lo explaln Lhelr declslons Lo an experL whose
vlews Lhey dldn'L know AfLer waLchlng Lhe bullylng vldeo Lhe sub[ecLs ln Lhls
accounLable group were every blL as angry as Lhe oLhers yeL Lhey [udged Lhe
defendanLs' behavlor less harshly AccounLablllLy appears noL Lo change whaL
declslon makers feel raLher lL changes how Lhey use Lhelr feellngsa much more
manageable ob[ecLlve for Lhe workplace

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arLlclpanLs ln a sLudy waLched an enraglng vldeo and Lhen served as [urors on
unrelaLed flcLlonal LorL cases 1hose who knew Lhey would have Lo accounL for
Lhelr declslons were beLLer aL managlng Lhe effecLs of Lhelr anger

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ur Moons and ur Mackle explaln LhaL pasL sLudles have been lnLerpreLed
Lo show angry people as less analyLlcal and more rellanL on sLereoLypes Powever
Lhe researchers felL LhaL some of Lhese sLudles were lnconcluslve and oLhers may
polnL Lo llLLle dlscussed poslLlve aspecLs of anger ln declslon maklng
1hls paper revlews Lhe lmpacL of anger on [udgmenL and declslon maklng SecLlon
l proposes LhaL anger merlLs speclal aLLenLlon ln Lhe sLudy of [udgmenL and
declslon maklng because Lhe effecLs of anger ofLen dlverge from Lhose of oLher
negaLlve emoLlons SecLlon ll presenLs an Appralsal1endency lramework for
predlcLlng and organlzlng such effecLs SecLlon lll revlews emplrlcal evldence for
Lhe unlqueness of angers relaLlons Lo [udgmenL and declslon maklng SecLlon lv
connecLs Lhe Appralsal1endency lramework Lo assoclaLed mechanlsms and
Lheorles urawlng on Lhe evldence SecLlon v presenLs Lhe quesLlon of wheLher
anger should be consldered a poslLlve emoLlon lL also proposes Lhe hypoLhesls
LhaL anger wlll be experlenced as relaLlvely unpleasanL and unrewardlng when
reflecLlng back on Lhe source of ones anger buL experlenced as relaLlvely pleasanL
and rewardlng when looklng forward SecLlon vl synLheslzes Lhe evldence lnLo a
new porLralL of Lhe angry declslon maker

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1he arLlcle focuses on declslon maklng ln buslness or aL work and Lhe effecL of
emoLlons such as anger on [udgmenL 1he auLhors research suggesLs LhaL angry
people wlll choose cognlLlve shorLcuLs ln maklng a declslon raLher Lhan sysLemaLlc
reasonlng and wlll blame oLhers for problems lnsLead of conslderlng aspecLs of
Lhe slLuaLlon LhaL conLrlbuLe Lo lLs complexlLy 1he ldea LhaL accounLablllLy ln Lhe
workplace can reduce Lhe effecL of anger on declslon maklng ls dlscussed A sLudy
by Lhese researchers found LhaL Lhe effecL of resldual anger can be conLrolled
when people are held accounLable for Lhelr declslons because accounLablllLy
changes how Lhey use Lhelr feellngs

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by !ennlfer S Lerner and kaLherlne Shonk
?ou're laLe for work and lL's pourlng raln ln Lhe parklng loL a car speeds around
you and Lakes Lhe lasL spoL near Lhe bulldlng enLrance ?ou end up Lrudglng from
Lhe back of Lhe loL and geL soaked Lo Lhe skln ?ou're mad and you know your
[udgmenL aL Lhe momenL ls probably lmpalred Worse Lhe lefLover anger wlll
conLlnue Lo color your declslons aL work our research suggesLs wlLhouL your
awarenessnoL a good Lhlng for anyone Lrylng Lo sLeer Lhe besL course Lhrough
Lhe day's buslness problems
Many organlzaLlons have angermanagemenL programs for Lhelr mosL egreglous
bullles buL Lhe reallLy ls LhaL Lhe vasL ma[orlLy of employees wlll experlence anger
Lrlggered by anyLhlng from a famlly quarrel Lo a losL parklng spaceand Lhelr
work wlll suffer for lL lor example angry people Lend Lo rely on cognlLlve
shorLcuLseasy rules of LhumbraLher Lhan on more sysLemaLlc reasonlng
1hey're also qulck Lo blame lndlvlduals raLher Lhan aspecLs of a slLuaLlon for
Companles can effecLlvely work around Lhls human Lendency and mlLlgaLe Lhe
lmpacL of angerfueled acLlons ln Lhe workplace by lnLroduclng accounLablllLy lf
you expecL LhaL your declslons wlll be evaluaLed by someone whose oplnlons you
don'L know you'll unconsclously curb Lhe effecLs of anger on Lhose declslons
When you can'L be sure how your evaluaLor wlll [udge your behavlor you'll pay
more aLLenLlon Lo Lhe key facLs of a slLuaLlon whlch wlll Lhen crowd ouL Lhe
(unwanLed) lnfluence of your own feellngs from pasL evenLs 1hls flndlng has
Institute of Business Nanagement Page

lmporLanL lmpllcaLlons for organlzaLlons and Lhelr populaLlons of semlraLlonal
emoLlonrldden lndlvlduals who endeavor Lo produce good declslons ln splLe of
A sLudy conducLed by !ennlfer S Lerner wlLh !ulle P oldberg of Lhe unlverslLy of
llllnols and hlllp L 1eLlock of uC 8erkeley documenLed Lhe psychologlcal effecLs
of resldual anger 1he sLudy found LhaL people who saw an angerlnduclng vldeo
of a boy belng bullled were Lhen more punlLlve Loward defendanLs ln a serles of
unrelaLed flcLlonal LorL cases lnvolvlng negllgence and ln[ury Lhan were people
who had seen a neuLral vldeounless Lhey were Lold LhaL Lhey'd be held
accounLable and would be asked Lo explaln Lhelr declslons Lo an experL whose
vlews Lhey dldn'L know AfLer waLchlng Lhe bullylng vldeo Lhe sub[ecLs ln Lhls
accounLable group were every blL as angry as Lhe oLhers yeL Lhey [udged Lhe
defendanLs' behavlor less harshly AccounLablllLy appears noL Lo change whaL
declslon makers feel raLher lL changes how Lhey use Lhelr feellngsa much more
manageable ob[ecLlve for Lhe workplace

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nger's L|nger|ng ffects
arLlclpanLs ln a sLudy waLched an enraglng vldeo and Lhen served as [urors on
unrelaLed flcLlonal LorL cases 1hose who knew Lhey would have Lo accounL for
Lhelr declslons were beLLer aL managlng Lhe effecLs of Lhelr anger

WlLhouL reveallng Lhelr own vlews managers should lnform employees LhaL Lhey
wlll be expecLed Lo [usLlfy Lhelr declslons on cerLaln pro[ecLsnoL [usL Lhe
ouLcomesafLer Lhe facL 8y lmprovlng accounLablllLy managers can sLeer
employees Loward declslons free from Lhe negaLlve effecLs of anger

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