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mycological research 110 (2006) 941–950

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Value of host range, morphological, and genetic

characteristics within the Entomophthora muscae
species complex

Annette Bruun JENSEN*, Lene THOMSEN, Jørgen EILENBERG

Department of Ecology, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University (KVL),
Thorvaldsensvej 40, DK-1871 Frederiksberg C, Denmark

article info abstract

Article history: Entomopthora muscae sensu lato is a complex of morphologically similar fungal species path-
Received 25 November 2005 ogenic to evolutionarily advanced flies (Cyclorrhapha). To reach an operational species
Received in revised form definition and recognition of species within this complex, the values of host range,
25 April 2006 morphological and genetic characteristics are reconsidered. Within the E. muscae species
Accepted 1 June 2006 complex morphological and nuclear characteristics of the primary conidia are taxonomi-
Published online 14 August 2006 cally important. In this study we compared the dimensions and nuclear numbers of the
Corresponding Editor: primary conidia of isolates from their original (natural) hosts and after being transferred
Richard A. Humber to alternative hosts (cross-transmission) in order to check the stability of these character-
istics. The conidial characteristics change substantially when produced in alternative host
Keywords: species, but their overall range in variability still fit within the traditional morphological
Anthomyiidae species circumscriptions. The phylogenetic analyses of the ITS II and LSU rRNA gene
Diptera sequences, revealed three distinct lineages within the complex: E. schizophorae, E. muscae
Ecology and E. syrphi. Within each of these lineages sequence divergence was seen between isolates
Entomophthorales originating from different host species. Our studies on the physiological host range showed
Host range that several isolates were able to infect alternative dipteran species. Musca domestica was
Insect pathogenic fungi a particularly good receptor. The ecological host range of any individual isolate seems,
Morphology however, to be limited to one host species evidenced by the occurrence of distinct geno-
Muscidae types within each natural infected host species shown by RAPD. The high host specificity
Phylogeny of these fungi emphasizes the importance of identifying the host taxon at species level in
Taxonomy the recognition of Entomophthora species. We recommend that morphological characteris-
Zygomycota tics of fungal structures and host taxon, together with molecular data, serve as criteria for
species determination in future studies on members of the E. muscae complex.
ª 2006 The British Mycological Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction (Klingen et al. 2000; Mullens et al. 1987; Steinkraus et al. 1993;
Watson & Petersen 1993). However, the evaluation of this
Fungi from the Entomophthora muscae species complex are im- potential requires a more complete understanding of the eco-
portant for the natural population regulation of many dipteran logical interaction between host species and their pathogens.
species. Epizootics have often been reported also among pest In such ecological studies the circumscriptions of individual
flies, and the fungi possess a potential to be used in biocontrol fungal taxa become a central issue. Traditionally, species were

* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ45 35 28 26 82; fax: þ45 35 28 26 70

E-mail address:
0953-7562/$ – see front matter ª 2006 The British Mycological Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
942 A. B. Jensen et al.

described based on recognizable morphological features and

as such E. muscae from Musca domestica was described by Materials and methods
Cohn in 1855. Subsequently, fungal specimens from flies of de-
rived clades (Cyclorrhapha) with E. muscae-like conidia were Field samplings
designated as E. muscae (MacLeod et al. 1976). In the 1980s cyto-
logical features were considered important for the taxonomy Approximately 8000 live flies (Table 1) were collected by
of the order Entomophthorales (Ben-Ze’ev & Kenneth 1982; Hum- sweep-net in Denmark during 1999 (June–September) and
ber 1981, 1989; Remaudière & Keller 1980), in particular the con- 2000 (May–October) from the following habitats: cabbage and
tents of heterochromatin, number and size of the nuclei. rape fields, border vegetation, forests, stables, and houses.
Inspired by these new criteria, Keller (1984) suggested that Live flies were transferred individually to 30 ml cups contain-
E. muscae s.l. is a complex of species separated by conidial ing 5 ml 1.5 % water-agar as described by Eilenberg & Philipsen
size, number and size of the nuclei. At present six species (1988). Condensation in the cup was avoided by cutting a hole
are recognized and described morphologically: E. ferdinandi, in the lid and covering it with gauze. Food (a paste of 9 parts
E. grandis, E. muscae s.str., E. scatophagae, E. schizophorae, and sugar, 1 part dry yeast, and little water) was applied directly
E. syrphi (Keller 2002). Some of the species, e.g., E. schizophorae, onto the gauze. Predatory flies (predominantly Coenosia tigrina
E. ferdinandi, and E. grandis, have distinct conidial morphology and Scatophaga stercoraria) were also supplied with live house-
whereas others such as E. muscae s.str. and E. scatophagae are flies every third day, and hover flies (Syrphidae) were provided
virtually indistinguishable using conidial characteristicistics. with flowers or pollen. The flies were incubated at room
The two latter species can only be differentiated morpho- temperature and exposed to natural day length. They were ex-
logically by the shape of their hyphal bodies, which are amined for death and external signs of fungal infection every
reported to be consistently spherical in E. muscae s.str. (Keller day in a 14 d period. Conidia were collected on glass slides in a
et al.1999). Whether this morphological variation is stable or humid chamber from all the cadavers and stored dry until
due to phenotypic modifications associated with the envi- morphological examination. Immediately after the conidial
ronmental condition (the host species) remains unknown. collection, well-sporulating cadavers were either used in the
Host range has been used to elucidate entomophthoralean host range transmission experiments or were used to obtain
species complexes. Based on transmission experiments, RFLP, in vitro isolates to ensure maximum inoculum levels.
and hybridization of a DNA probe, Entomophaga grylli has been
divided into pathotypes according to host subfamily (Ramoska Morphological characteristics
et al. 1988). Several laboratory transmission experiments of
E. muscae s.l. have been performed within a range of Diptera The morphology of primary conidia discharged from the orig-
(Baird 1957; Eilenberg et al. 1987; Kramer & Steinkraus 1981; inal hosts was compared with the morphology of the same
Mullens 1989; Steenberg et al. 2001; Steinkraus & Kramer in vivo-isolate after cross-transmission to an alternative host.
1987), but no attempt to group E. muscae into pathotypes or The dimensions of 20 primary conidia per isolate were mea-
groups based on their host range has been made. However, sured mounted in lactophenol-cotton blue (0.01 % cotton blue)
E. scatophagae is believed to have a restricted host range and using an Olympus Provis microscope supplemented with an
is only described from a single host species; E. grandis and Oly-Lite computer-based system for morphometrics at 400
E. syrphi have only been reported from larger and smaller syr- magnification. The number of nuclei of 20 primary conidia
phid flies, respectively (Keller 2002). was counted mounted in DAPI (4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole,
A recent study of the intraspecific variation within E. mus- 5 mg ml1) using a Zeiss Axiophot epifluorescence microscope
cae s.str. showed that several genotypes occur and that each (filter 0.5; violet, excitation 395–440) at 400 magnification.
type was restricted to a single host species (Jensen et al.
2001). This indicates a high degree of host specificity in the
E. muscae species complex similar to that observed in the Table 1 – Number of collected flies and number of flies
E. grylli complex. Phylogenetic relationships of the order En- with external sign of Entomophthora muscae s.l.
tomophthorales have been inferred from the SSU rRNA gene
Host taxa Approx. number Number of
sequences (Jensen et al. 1998; Nagahama et al. 1995); but until of collected flies Entomophthora
now no sequence analyses have been accomplished to resolve infected flies
species complexes within Entomophthorales. Nevertheless,
PCR-RFLP of the ITS II and the 50 end of the LSU rRNA gene
Anthomyiidae sp. 350 25
support the separate origin of E. muscae, E. schizophorae, and Delia radicum 1100 250
E. syrphi (Jensen & Eilenberg 2001). Calliphoridae
The aim of this study was to evaluate the value of host Pollenia angustigena/rudis 900 90
range, morphological, and genetic characteristics for op- Muscidae
erational species recognition of species within the E. muscae Coenosia tigrina 300 20
Musca domestica 700 100
complex. Studies were made to elucidate specific topics: (1)
the plasticity of certain morphological characteristics was Scatophaga stercoraria 1650 90
explored, (2) the physiological host range among certain Syrphidae
host taxa was examined, and (3) the phylogeny was assessed Syrphidae sp.1 1000 90
by sequence analyses of the ITS II and part of the LSU rRNA
1 From the genera Melanostoma and Platycheirus.
Entomophthora muscae species complex 943

Standard LSD tests (PROC GLM; SAS Institute 1999) were this study were stored in the Fungal Insect Pathogenic Culture
used to test if the interaction of host and isolate had signifi- Collection at the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University,
cant influence on the length, width, and number of nuclei in Copenhagen, by cryopreservation at 80  C according to
the primary conidia of Entomophthora muscae and E. schizo- López Lastra et al. (2001) and are deposited in ARSEF (USDA-
phorae. Within each isolate comparison of mean values were ARS, Ithaca, NY). All the isolates used are listed in Tables 2
made using the Tukey test. and 3.

In vitro isolation Physiological host range

In vitro isolation of the Entomophthora species was done as in Laboratory transmission experiments were conducted to
Jensen et al. (2001). Fresh, well-sporulating cadavers were obtain information on physiological host range. Two types of
placed on a small sterile inverted Petri dish lid (3.5 cm diam) transmission experiments were performed: in small cup
and the base was put on top. The wings of the large flies, Musca experiments, one to five live flies (receptors) and a well-
domestica, Myospila meditabunda, Pollenia angustigena, P. rudis, sporulating cadaver (donor) were placed together in a 30 ml
and Scatophaga stercoraria were cut off in order to avoid con- cup containing 5 ml 1.5 % water-agar. Cups with live flies
tamination by wings hitting the Petri dish base. Sporulation and sporulating cadavers were maintained at 18  C and
was allowed for 30 min and the arrangement was placed in received a photoperiod of 16:8 (light:dark) in 24 h for fungal in-
a humid chamber in order to enhance sporulation. In a sterile oculation. Alternatively, in caged experiments, ten to 20 live
hood 1 ml GLEN (Beauvais & Latgé, 1988) including 5 % fetal flies (receptors) were placed in a cylindrical cardboard
bovine serum was poured onto the discharged conidia. A container (9 cm diam, 5 cm high). The cardboard containers
new sterile lid was used and the petri dish was sealed with had a Petri dish base (9 cm diam) as the bottom and a 2-mm
Parafilm and incubated dark at 23  C. When growth was ob- mesh top as a cover. Two to five well-sporulating cadavers
served, the in vitro culture was transferred to 50 ml cell culture (donors) were placed on the mesh top and a Petri dish lid
flasks with 5 ml GLEN for further growth. The isolates used in (9 cm diam) was put on top of the sporulating cadavers. The

Table 2 – Insect host and geographic origin of the in vitro isolates used for RAPD
Isolatea Fungal species Host species Collection site Year
(host family)

KVL 00-56 Entomophthora scatophagae Scatophaga stercoraria (Scatophagidae) Tuse Næs, Denmark 2000
KVL 00-57b E. scatophagae S. stercoraria (Scatophagidae) Tuse Næs, Denmark 2000
KVL 00-58 E. scatophagae S. stercoraria (Scatophagidae) Tuse Næs, Denmark 2000
KVL 00-59 E. scatophagae S. stercoraria (Scatophagidae) Tuse Næs, Denmark 2000
KVL 00-60 (ARSEF 6704) E. scatophagae S. stercoraria (Scatophagidae) Tuse Næs, Denmark 2000
KVL 00-61 (ARSEF 6705) E. scatophagae S. stercoraria (Scatophagidae) Tuse Næs, Denmark 2000
KVL 00-62 E. scatophagae S. stercoraria (Scatophagidae) Tuse Næs, Denmark 2000
KVL 00-63 E. scatophagae S. stercoraria (Scatophagidae) Tuse Næs, Denmark 2000
KVL 00-64 E. scatophagae S. stercoraria (Scatophagidae) Tuse Næs, Denmark 2000
KVL 00-65 E. scatophagae S. stercoraria (Scatophagidae) Tuse Næs, Denmark 2000
KVL 00-66 E. scatophagae S. stercoraria (Scatophagidae) Tuse Næs, Denmark 2000
KVL 00-67 E. scatophagae S. stercoraria (Scatophagidae) Tuse Næs, Denmark 2000
NCRI 1-99 (ARSEF 6274) Entomophthora muscae Delia radicum (Anthomyiidae) Ski, Norway 1999
ARSEF 2668 E. muscae D. radicum (Anthomyiidae) Svanholm, Denmark 1986
KVL 99-102 (ARSEF 6815)b E. muscae D. radicum (Anthomyiidae) Sengeløse, Denmark 1999
KVL 99-103 E. muscae D. radicum (Anthomyiidae) Ørslev, Denmark 1999
KVL 99-96 E. muscae D. radicum (Anthomyiidae) Sengeløse, Denmark 1999
KVL 99-85(ARSEF 6811) E. muscae D. radicum (Anthomyiidae) Hegnstrup, Denmark 1999
KVL 99-13 (ARSEF 6132)bc E. muscae s.str. Musca domestica (Muscidae) Kirke Såby, Denmark 1999
KVL 99-23 (ARSEF 6141) E. muscae s.str. M. domestica (Muscidae) Skævinge, Denmark 1999
KVL 99-110 (ARSEF 6813) E. muscae s.str. M. domestica (Muscidae) Knardrup, Denmark 1999
ARSEF 2542 E. muscae s.str. M. domestica (Muscidae) Ribe, Denmark 1986
KVL 99-63 E. muscae s.str. M. domestica (Muscidae) Sverkildstup, Denmark 1999
KVL 99-70 E. muscae s.str. M. domestica (Muscidae) Sverkildstup, Denmark 1999
KVL 99-90 E. ferdinandi Coenosia tigrina (Muscidae) Ørslev, Denmark 1999
KVL 99-92 (ARSEF 6918) E. ferdinandi C. tigrina (Muscidae) Ørslev, Denmark 1999
KVL 99-87 E. ferdinandi Pegoplata infirma (Anthomyiidae) Hegnstrup, Denmark 1999
NCRI 2-99 E. ferdinandi Botanophila fugax (Anthomyiidae) Ski, Norway 1999

a KVL, Danish abbreviation for the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Copenhagen; ARSEF, ARS Collection of Entomopathogenic
Fungi, Ithaca; NCRI, Norwegian Crop Research Institute.
b Isolates also used for the sequence analyses.
c In vitro isolate made from in vivo cultures, that was also used for the transmission experiments.
944 A. B. Jensen et al.

cardboard assemblies with live flies and sporulating cadavers


were maintained 18  C and received a photoperiod of 16:8
(light:dark) in 24 h for fungal inoculation. The cage type was
only performed with donors from two in vivo cultures of Ento-

Hundested, Denmark
Hundested, Denmark
Kirke Såby, Denmark
mophthora muscae s. str (DK3) (Keller et al. 1999) and E. schizo-

Sengeløse, Denmark
Tuse Næs, Denmark
Roskilde, Denmark
Collection site

Gribskov Denmark
phorae (DPIL 150896) (Kalsbeek et al. 2001) and with Musca
domestica and Delia radicum as receptors. The two in vivo cul-
tures were maintained by continuous passages in M. domestica
as described by Kramer and Steinkraus (1981), and both had
M. domestica as original host.
After the inoculation, the flies were placed individually in
30 ml cups containing water agar and covered with gauze and
a lid with a hole. The sugar–yeast paste described above was
Accession no.d ITSII/LSU

provided as food directly on the gauze. The flies in the cups

KVL, Danish abbreviation for the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Copenhagen; ARSEF, ARS Collection of Entomopathogenic Fungi, Ithaca.
Table 3 – Insect host and geographic origin of the isolates used for sequencing of the ITS II and the first part of the LSU rRNA gene

were incubated at 18  C with a photoperiod of 16:8 (light:-

dark) for three weeks, and were examined daily for death
and external signs of fungal infection. Conidia from the ca-
davers were collected and stored dry until examination. M.
domestica originated from a laboratory stock and was sup-
plied as pupae by the Danish Institute of Agricultural Sci-
ences, Department of Integrated Pest Management, Danish
Pest Infestation Laboratory Group (DPIL). The other receptor
flies originated from the field but were used only after a quar-
Scatophaga stercoraria (Scatophagidae)

antine period of at least two weeks to exclude contamination

Melanostoma mellinum (Syrphidae)

from natural infections. Thus the field collected flies were old
Delia radicum (Anthomyiidae)

and therefore those that died during the transmission exper-

Pollenia rudis (Calliphoridae)
Musca domestica (Muscidae)

M. meditabunda (Muscidae)
Host (family)

iments without external signs of Entomophthora ssp. infec-

M. domestica (Muscidae)

tions were excluded.

Logistic regression was used to analyse the effects of fungal
species and the receptor fly on the percentage of infected flies
In vitro isolate made from in vivo cultures, that was also used for the transmission experiments.

(Proc GENMOD; SAS Institute 1999) with a binomial distribu-

tion and logit as link functions. Over-dispersion was taken
into account (Collet 1991). To test the effect of receptor fly,
all receptor flies were categorized into three groups: (1) the
receptor fly was of the same species as the donor fly, (2) the
Nuclei number

receptor fly was M. domestica, and (3) the receptor fly was nei-
ther the same fly species as the donor fly or M. domistica.


Genetic characteristics

DNA extraction and amplification of ITS II and the LSU rRNA

gene of seven in vitro isolates (Table 2) were conducted as de-
Entomophthora muscae s.str.

scribed by Jensen et al. (2001). For the amplification of the ITS II

the primers nu-5.8 S-50 (Jensen & Eilenberg 2001) and ITS 4
(White et al. 1990) were used and for the amplification of the
Genbank accession numbers for the sequences.

Entomophthora sp.

LSU the primers nu-LSU 0018-50 (Jensen & Eilenberg 2001)

E. schizophorae
E. schizophorae
E. scatophagae

E. syrphi s.str.

and nu-LSU 0805-30 (Kjøller & Rosendahl 2000) were used.

Isolates also used for the RAPD analysis.
E. muscae

The PCR conditions were initial denaturation for 5 min at

96  C, followed by 35 cycles with denaturation for 1 min at
96  C, annealing for 1 min at 62  C (ITS II) or 55  C (LSU), ex-
tension for 1 min at 72  C and a final extension for 10 min at
71  C. The PCR reactions were carried out in a 25 ml volume
99-13 (ARSEF 6132)b,c
99-102 (ARSEF 6815)b
00-57 (ARSEF 6704)b

with 250 mM of each dNTP, 0.8 mM of each primer, 2.5 mM

99-18 (ARSEF 6137)
00-93 (ARSEF 6817)
00-92 (ARSEF 6701)
98-19 (ARSEF 5955)

MgCl2, 1  buffer (10 mM Tris–HCl, pH 8.8 at 25  C, 50 mM KCl,

0.1 % Triton X-100), 1 unit DyNazyme II (Finnzymes, Espoo,
Finland) and 1 ml extracted DNA, diluted at 1:10 or 1:100. Before
sequencing, the PCR products were purified with the GFXtm

PCR DNA and Gel Purification Kit (Amersham Bioscience,


Uppsala, Sweden). Both strands of the ITS II and LSU were se-

quenced by GATC GmbH. To get the full sequence of the ITS II

Entomophthora muscae species complex 945

four internal primers ITS II 500-50 (5’-ACGTTGGCAACGAC (Table 5). The mortality attributable to the entomophthora-
WAGTAA-3’), ITS II 500-3’ (5’-TTACTWGTCGTTGCCAACGT- lean fungi was significantly affected by the receptor fly
3’), ITS II 1000-5’ (5’-TTGTTGAAWCTTTTCTGTCGC-3’) and (c2 ¼ 15.89; df ¼ 2; P ¼ 0.0004). Having Musca domestica as recep-
ITS II 1000-30 (50 -CGACAGAAAAGWTTCAACAAT-30 ) were tor fly compared with having the same receptor as donor fly
used. The chromatograms were checked using Sequencer 3.1 species did not show significantly increased infectivity, as
(Gene Codes Corporations, Ann Arbor, MI). In addition the tested using Pair-wise comparisons using least squares means
LSU sequence of Entomophaga aulicae (Genbank accession no: to test the effects of the species of receptor fly [Pr > |t| for H0:
U35394) was included, but the E. aulicae ITS II sequence was LSMean (category i) ¼ LSMean (category j)] (c2 ¼ 0.55; df ¼ 1;
too divergent to be aligned with the sequences generated in P ¼ 0.4593), whereas all other comparisons were significantly
this study. Following initial alignment with CLUSTAL V 1.60 different (P  0.0089).
(Higgins et al. 1992) the alignments were adjusted manually. Whereas M. domestica was an excellent receptor for all iso-
MP analyses were performed with the PAUP 4.0b6 (Swof- lates tested (except for those from E. syrphi), Coenosia tigrina
ford 1998) on individual data sets (ITS II and LSU) and com- proved difficult to infect in our study conditions, even with
bined data set (ITS II þ LSU). The branch-and-bound search E. muscae from naturally infected C. tigrina. Interestingly we
option was used to find exact solutions. All characteristics observed a decrease in the number of conidiophores, as only
were equally weighted, and invariant characteristics were one or two narrow abdominal bands of conidiophores
ignored. In the LSU analysis E. aulicae was chosen as an out- appeared in several of the alternative hosts, thus resulting in
group. Supports for internal branches were assessed by 1000 moderate to restricted sporulation.
BS replications, and the partition-homogeneity test was used
to evaluate the concordance between two individual data sets. Genetic characteristics
NJ analyses were performed with the software Treecon for
Windows (Van de Peer & De Wachter 1994) using the Jukes- Approximately 1440 bp of the ITS II and 900 bp of the 50 end of
Cantor evolutionary model. Supports for internal branches the LSU rRNA gene were sequenced from the seven isolates
were assessed by 1000 BS replications. listed in Table 3. The ITS alignment had 306 informative sites,
RAPD was performed with the 10 commercial RAPD primers whereas the LSU alignment, including Entomophthora aulicae,
(OPA01, OPA02, OPA05, OPA06, OPA07, OPA09, OPA10, OPA15, had 56 informative sites. Both regions produced trees with
OPA17,OPA20; Operon Technologies, Alameda, CA) on 11 Ento- similar topology using maximum parsimony (Fig 1A–B). The
mophthora scatophagae, six E. muscae, six E. muscae s.str., and parsimony-based partition homogeneity test found no support
four E. ferdinandi in vitro isolates originating from various for incongruence between these two data sets (P ¼ 1.000), and
host species (Table 2) as described in Jensen et al. (2001). thus the two data sets were combined. The tree topology of
the combined data sets was similar to the tree topology
Results of the individual data sets (Fig 1C), as were also the topology
of the NJ trees (data not shown). Three major lineages of the
E. muscae species complex were resolved, each of which cen-
Morphological characteristics
tres on a single species; E. muscae, E. schizophorae, and E. syrphi.
The primary conidia all were campanulate and multinucleate Each of the lineages was supported by BS values above 92 %.
irrespective of host origin. The overall analysis of the primary The E. syrphi and E. muscae lineages clustered together on
conidia from the cross-transmission experiments showed sig- a branch supported by a BS value of 74 % in the LSU analysis.
nificant effects on the interaction of host species and isolate on In this study E. scatophagae was isolated in vitro for the first
length (F4, 266 ¼ 75.80; P < 0.0001), diameter (F4, 266 ¼ 49.16; time. All 11 E. scatophagae isolates obtained had similar RAPD
P < 0.0001), and number of nuclei (F4, 266 ¼ 3.83; P ¼ 0.0048) for profiles with the ten RAPD primers used, but were different
Entomophthora muscae and on length (F1, 133 ¼ 19.19; P < 0.0001) from E. muscae isolates originating from other host species
and diameter (F1, 133 ¼ 89.78; P < 0.0001) for E. schizophorae. (Fig 2).
The number of nuclei in E. schizophorae varied a little, but
was not significantly different irrespective of host species Discussion
(F1, 133 ¼ 1.29; P ¼ 0.2587).
No clear pattern in size or number of nuclei after transmis- Host range has long been regarded to be an important charac-
sion to alternative hosts was detected, except for Pollenia teristic in the circumscription of Entomophthora species. Physi-
angustigena/P. rudis where conidia from the original host ological host range can be reflected in laboratory transmission
were slightly larger and contained more nuclei than conidia experiments, and our study showed that receptor flies from
of the same isolates produced from other dipteran hosts other (unnatural) host taxa generally were less susceptible
(Table 4). However, the changes in morphology after transmis- than the original (natural) host flies, which is concordant to
sion to alternative hosts were never so dramatic that they other transmission experiments performed (Baird 1957;
influenced the classical morphological species identification. Eilenberg et al. 1987; Kramer & Steinkraus 1981; Mullens 1989;
Steenberg et al. 2001; Steinkraus & Kramer 1987). Those speci-
Physiological host range mens that got infected often showed a decreased sporulation,
which would consequently decrease further disease transmis-
Laboratory transmission of Entomophthora muscae s.l. between sion. However, Musca domestica was equally susceptible to
different host species was possible, but with variable success E. muscae s.l., compared with the exposed original host species.
946 A. B. Jensen et al.

Table 4 – Dimensions and numbers of nuclei in primary conidia of Entomophthora muscae and E. schizophorae before and
after transmission to alternative host species
Transmission Fungal species Host species Mean no. Mean Mean
experiments of nuclei length (mm) width (mm)

1 Entomophthora muscae Scatophaga stercorariaa 17.4 a 27.2 a 21.8 a

1 E. muscae Musca domestica 15.6 b 28.2 b 22.4 a

2 E. muscae Delia radicuma 17.1 a 29.2 b 22.6 b

2 E. muscae M. domestica 16.1 b 25.8 a 20.1 a

3 E. muscae D. radicuma 16.6 a 24.6 a 18.5 a

3 E. muscae M. domestica 15.6 b 27.1 c 22.3 c
3 E. muscae M. domestica / D. radicumb 15.6 b 25.6 b 20.5 b

4 E. muscae D. radicuma 14.8 a 23.7 a 18.5 a

4 E. muscae M. domestica 15.5 a 25.7 b 19.4 b

5 E. muscae D. radicuma 15.3 a 24.3 a 18.5 a

5 E. muscae M. domestica 16.0 a 28.2 b 23.2 b

6 E. muscae s.str.d M. domesticaa 16.7 b 29.7 b 22.8 b

6 E. muscae s.str.d D. radicum 17.0 b 25.4 a 20.7 a
6 E. muscae s.str.d Pollenia angustigena/rudisc 19.4 a 31.4 c 25.1 c

7 E. schizophoraee M. domesticaa 5.5 a 22.6 a 17.9 a

7 E. schizophoraee D. radicum 5.5 a 23.2 a 18.0 ab
7 E. schizophoraee P. angustigena/rudisc 5.6 a 23.9 b 18.5 b

8 E. schizophorae Coenosia tigrinaa 5.6 a 20.4 a 14.5 a

8 E. schizophorae M. domestica 5.5 a 20.5 a 15.1 b

9 E. schizophorae P. angustigenaa 6.1 a 23.8 a 19.3 b

9 E. schizophorae M. domestica 5.5 a 20.7 b 15.2 a

All the cadavers used in the transmission experiments came from the field sampling, except the for the Entomophthora muscae s.str. and E. schiz-
ophorae with M. domestica as original host. Within each transmission experiment comparison of the mean values were made using a Tukey test
and mean values followed by different letters are significantly different (P < 0.05).
a The original host species.
b This isolate was transmitted from Delia radicum to Musca domestica and then back to D. radicum again.
c A mixed population of Pollenia angustigena and P. rudis.
d The cadavers came from the in vivo culture DK3.
e The cadavers came from the in vivo culture DPIL 150896.

Nevertheless, only a single genotype of E. muscae s.str. was pre- of nuclei. However, the morphology of E. muscae isolates orig-
viously documented from Danish collections of M. domestica inating from different host taxa are not strongly divergent
(Jensen et al. 2001) sampled at different locations and years, (Jensen et al. 2001), and conidial characteristics could not be
so the high susceptibility of M. domestica to several E. muscae used alone for diagnostic purposes due to the extent of their
genotypes seems not to be reflected in natural epizootics. morphological variability.
Within the E. muscae species complex morphological and The shape of the hyphal bodies and yellowish colour of
nuclear characteristics of the primary conidia are taxonomi- E. scatophagae conidia are the main phenetic criteria distin-
cally important (Keller 1984). In this study we compared the guishing E. scatophagae from E. muscae s.str. (Keller et al. 1999;
dimensions of the primary conidia and their number of nuclei Steinkraus & Kramer 1988). The yellowish colour of dry coni-
of isolates from their original (natural) hosts and after being dia, however, results from reflection of the yellow hair of the
transferred to alternative hosts (cross-transmission) in order hirsute scatophagids (MacLeod et al.1976), and conidia of this
to check the stability of these characteristics. We conclude species are uncoloured and hyaline on a glass slide. In addi-
that even though conidial characteristics change significantly tion, different post-mortem characteristicistics of flies have
when produced in alternative host species, the size and num- been suggested to have taxonomic value for separating Ento-
ber of nuclei in the primary conidia are stable enough for mophthora species, but as these characteristics are host rather
species circumscriptions. Interestingly, the dimensions and than fungus-dependent they must be considered to be invalid
number of nuclei in the primary conidia from isolates passed for taxonomic purposes (Steenberg et al. 2001).
through Pollenia angustigena/P. rudis increased regardless of The phylogenetic sequence analyses of the E. muscae
the original host species, but they were always within the species complex resolves into three major lineages, each of
range of the classically morphological species descriptions which centres on a single species; E. muscae, E. schizophorae,
of either E. schizophorae or E. muscae s.str. (Keller et al. 1999). and E. syrphi, that had been previously recognized using tr-
Host taxa have previously been shown to have an effect on aditional phenetic and pathobiological characteristics (Ba1azy
the dimensions of the primary conidia as well as their number 1993; Keller 2002; Keller 1987). The E. syrphi and the E. muscae
Entomophthora muscae species complex 947

Table 5 – Transmission experiments of members of the Entomophthora muscae complex to different host taxa
Fungus Original host Receptor fly No. of No. of No. of No. of
cadavers repetitions flies at risk infected (%)

Entomophthora ferdinandi Coenosia tigrina (Muscidae) C. tigrinac 2 2 9 0 (0.0)

E. ferdinandi C. tigrina (Muscidae) Delia radicum 8 8 15 2 (13.3)
E. ferdinandi C. tigrina (Muscidae) Musca domestica 12 12 53 30 (56.6)

E. muscae s.stra M. domestica (Muscidae) M. domesticac 39 8 138 133 (96.4)

E. muscae s.stra M. domestica (Muscidae) C. tigrina 5 1 19 0 (0.0)
E. muscae s.stra M. domestica (Muscidae) D. radicum 72 35 85 3 (3.5)
E. muscae s.stra M. domestica (Muscidae) Pollenia sp. 9 5 28 5 (17.9)

E. muscae D. radicum (Anthomyiidae) D. radicumc 34 18 87 16 (18.4)

E. muscae D. radicum (Anthomyiidae) M. domestica 66 50 272 222 (81.6)

E. muscae Scatophaga stercoraria (Scatophagidae) S. stercorariac 22 18 66 6 (9.1)

E. muscae S. stercoraria (Scatophagidae) D. radicum 12 8 92 0 (0.0)
E. muscae S. stercoraria (Scatophagidae) M. domestica 20 15 154 11 (7.1)

E. schizophoraeb M. domestica (Muscidae) M domestica c 33 8 151 141 (93.4)

E. schizophoraeb M. domestica (Muscidae) D. radicum 39 8 99 15 (15.2)
E. schizophoraeb M. domestica (Muscidae) Pollenia sp. 9 5 25 2 (8.0)

E. schizophorae Pollenia sp. (Calliphoridae) Pollenia sp.c 12 12 68 44 (64.7)

E. schizophorae Pollenia sp. (Calliphoridae) M. domestica 18 17 93 51 (54.8)

E. syrphi Indet. Syrphidae Indet. Syrphidae 14 6 18 0 (0.0)

E. syrphi Indet. Syrphidae D. radicum 11 11 11 0 (0.0)
E. syrphi Indet. Syrphidae M. domestica 8 8 41 0 (0.0)

All the cadavers used in the transmission experiments came from the field sampling, except for the Entomophthora muscae s.str. and E. schizo-
phorae with M. domestica as original host.
a The cadavers came from the in vivo culture DK3.
b The cadavers came from the in vivo culture DPIL 150896.
c The original host species.

s.str. lineages, which both include fungi having high numbers study and also by previous SSU rRNA gene sequences analyses
of nuclei in their conidia, were more closely related to each (Freimoser et al. 2001; Jensen et al. 1998). However, the E. muscae
other than to the E. schizophorae lineage which has fewer species complex seems to be a paraphyletic assembly based on
nuclei in the conidia. This relationship should, however, be PCR-RFLP analysis (Jensen & Eilenberg 2001). Even though the
investigated further by including more Entomophthora species host range for the multinucleate E. muscae group was expanded
and also species affecting hosts other than dipterans. The to also include Hymenoptera, we suggest that the E. muscae s.l. is
molecular gave supported the existing taxonomy based on restricted to species naturally found on derived clades of flies.
morphological characteristics and, together with ecological E. muscae s.l. is, in this definition, not to be regarded as a single
characteristics, provided evidence for a speciation that has phylogenetic entity but as a workable assemblage.
not yet been recognized by morphological criteria. This is E. muscae s.str. from Musca domestica is genetically very dif-
best exemplified in the E. muscae lineages, where sequence ferent from isolates originating from other naturally infected
divergence of the ITS II and to a lesser extent the first part of dipteran host taxa and correspondingly significant phenetic
the LSU rRNA gene was seen between the three isolates ori- differences were observed (Jensen et al. 2001). Therefore we
ginating from three different host species. The multilocus ap- suggest that the nomenclaturally strict sense of E. muscae
proach RAPD that was used to investigate the genetic should be limited to isolates originating from M. domestica,
variation of members of the E. muscae lineages, particularly the host from which it was originally described (Cohn 1855)
in E. scatophagae, also supported the cryptic speciation of E. and redescribed (Keller et al. 1999). However, it would be in-
muscae s.str. and agreed with the results from the UP-PCR, teresting to study the biogeographic variation of E. muscae
RAPD, and PCR-RFLP analyses by Jensen et al. (2001). s.str. using geographically diverse samples of the globally
distributed M. domestica.
Operational taxonomic concept E. muscae isolates from hosts other than M. domestica, such
as Delia radicum and Scatophaga stercoraria, clustered together
An operational species level concept for the taxonomic re- in the molecular analyses on separate branches that do not
solution of the Entomophthora muscae species complex that include the fungi from M. domestica. Other studies have also
we now propose, seeks to accommodate non-taxonomists shown that each host fly species had its own distinctive fungal
and researchers in applied science, as well as taxonomists. pathogen genotype, but that they fall within the same mor-
The genus Entomophthora is monophyletic evidenced by the phological parameter ranges as E. muscae s.str. (Jensen et al.
ITS II and the LSU rRNA gene sequences analyses in the current 2001; Thomsen & Jensen 2002). This indicates that a radial
948 A. B. Jensen et al.

E. muscae s. str E. muscae s. str. E. muscae s. str.

(Md) (Md) (Md)
92 100
E. muscae E. muscae E. muscae
(Dr) (Dr) (Dr)
74 92 97
74 E. scatophagae E. scatophagae E. scatophagae
(Ss) (Ss) (Ss)

Entomophthora Entomophthora Entomophthora

95 sp. (Mym) sp.
98 sp. (Mym) 99
E. syrphi s. str. E. syrphi s. str.
(Mem) E. syrphi s. str.
(Mem) (Mem)
E. schizophorae
100 (Md) E. schizophorae E. schizophorae
100 (Md) 100 (Md)
E. schizophorae
(Pr) E. schizophorae E. schizophorae
50 changes 50 changes
(Pr) (Pr)
50 changes
Fig 1 – Phylogenetic relationships within the Entomophthora muscae species complex inferred from parsimony analyses of
the first part of the LSU rRNA gene (A), the ITS II (B) and a combined data set (C). BS percentages over 50 % from 1000 replicates
are shown above each supported branch. A. The single most parsimonious phylogram requiring 226 steps (CI [ 0.9336
and RI [ 0.8235), Entomophaga aulicae was used as outgroup. B. The single most parsimonious phylogram requiring 500
steps (CI [ 0.9420 and RI [ 0.9254), midpoint rooting was used. C. The single most parsimonious phylogram requiring
726 steps (CI [ 0.9439 and RI [ 0.9297), midpoint rooting was used. Md [ Musca domestica; Dr [ Delia radicum;
Ss [ Scatophaga stercoraria; Mym [ Myospila meditabunda; Mem [ Melanostoma mellinum; Pr [ Pollenia rudis.

adaptation toward high host specificity may have occurred, of conidial nuclei and recognized as E. syrphi from a muscoid
and that these ecological differences can be used in the taxo- fly (Phaonia perdita) was shown to cause infection in M. domes-
nomic separation of E. muscae s.l. Based on the molecular data tica. An Entomophthora species with similar morphology but
two possible taxonomic solutions exist: either E. muscae isolated from another muscoid host species (Myospila medita-
should be maintained as one highly plastic species (which bunda) was included in the current molecular analysis, where
would require rejection of E. scatophaga as a separate species), it formed a monophyletic group together with E. syrphi. Never-
or E. muscae (as currently recognized within the E. muscae spe- theless, we do not recommend including these Entomophthora
cies complex) should be segregated into multiple new species species in E. syrphi because of their high sequence divergence
representing the distinctive genotypes affecting each of the and their different host ranges. E. syrphi, as well as E. grandis,
host fly species or genera. We recommend the latter solution. should be restricted to Entomophthora pathogenic to hoverflies.
E. schizophorae is easily recognized by both morphological Moreover the other species deserves to receive an amplified
and molecular criteria. A certain overlap between the natural and more detailed species description.
host range for E. schizophorae and E. muscae exists, e.g., in host A species can be described as a single lineage of ancestor–
taxa such as M. domestica and D. radicum, while in other host descendent populations which maintains its identity from
taxa, such as Chamaepsila rosae, only E. schizophorae infections
have so far been found (Eilenberg 2002; Eilenberg & Philipsen
1988). The sequence differences between the M. domestica and Scatophaga Delia Coenosia Musca P. infirma
P. rudis isolates used in this study suggest a similar divergence, stercoraria radicum tigrina domestica B. fugax
Neg. control
as seen within the E. muscae lineage. But until a thorough study
of the variation of E. schizophorae from different host taxa is per-
1500 bp
formed E. schizophorae should be recognized as a single species. 1200 bp
1000 bp
E. syrphi can be distinguished molecularly from the other 800 bp
members of the E. muscae species complex. Morphologically, 700 bp

however, it can be difficult to differentiate some E. syrphi 500 bp

from E. muscae s.str. (Steenberg et al. 2001), but E. syrphi gener- 400 bp
300 bp
ally has larger conidia containing more nuclei. E. syrphi seems
to have a restricted host range and has only been recorded from
a few hover fly species (Ba1azy 1993; Keller 1987). Variable RFLP Fig 2 – Agarose gel electrophoresis of RAPD amplifications
patterns have been observed within E. syrphi, suggesting the obtained with the primer OPA-10. A molecular size ladder
existence of yet another unexplored species complex (Thom- appears in the first and last lane. The Entomophthora muscae
sen & Jensen 2002). We were not able to cross-infect E. syrphi isolates obtained from a single host species had similar
from hover flies to other fly species. However, in a study by profiles, whereas isolates from different host species had
Steenberg et al. (2001) an Entomophthora with a high number different profiles. P. [ Pegoplata, B. [ Botanophila.
Entomophthora muscae species complex 949

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Acknowledgements Jensen AB, Thomsen L, Eilenberg J, 2001. Intraspecific variation
and host specificity of Entomophthora muscae s.str. isolates re-
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primed PCR, PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism,
logical Museum, Copenhagen for identification of fly hosts.
and conidial morphology. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 78:
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coraria, Kirsten Ploug and Mette Vingaard are thanked for mophthora (Zygomycetes: Entomophthorales) d induced behav-
technical assistance. Nicolai Vitt Meyling for comments on ioural fever in Musca domestica (Diptera: Muscidae) in Denmark.
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