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HODs Message

I am very proud that this months Newsletter has grown in reflecting increased students achievements and increasingly diverse activities of BME members. As a result I will endeavor to keep my remarks brief and only highlight a few pieces of particular interest. I take this opportunity to congratulate the BME students who has got placed through our campus placement. The newsletter will continue to be a vehicle for promoting basic research in biomedical engineering among all members of the department. Excelling in advancement and transfer of knowledge is only possible through maintaining a strong research culture. An academic institution can achieve a competitive status if and only if it has a significant presence in the research community. The aim of this newsletter will be to keep its readers widely interested in basic and applied research, and to promote interaction and collaboration among researchers from different fields. The newsletter will continue to be a vehicle for promoting basic research in biomedical engineering among all members of the department. I hope you will enjoy reading this issue and we welcome your feedback on any aspect of the newsletter. Dr. Mohamed Yacin S. Associate Professor Dept. of BME.

World Heart Day Message

Heart day 2011 Theme is "One

World, One Home, One Heart". Heart

stroke and disease is the globes biggest slayer, claiming about 17.5 millions lives every year. Therefore World Heart Day was formed, to create community alertness of risk features for heart stroke and disease and to endorse defensive measures. 29th September was the World Heart Day 2011. A vigorous heart is a basis to the vigorous living. And todays frantic situation, with its dog-eatdog drift is aggressive to a vigorous life. The flourishing IT commerce with its pledge of a burning tomorrow, has significantly appealed to the usual Indian. But t hrough promo ting traditions in India specifically pro-western, it has, in point of fact, distorted the features of the nation perpetually, even in the conditions of health. Working night shifts, with a turn down in bodily activity, long working hours, consuming junk food and also fresh-found prosperity has locate India on the way of becoming the sick assets of the globe. Another abomination of recent life, o b e s i t y, c ove r s a p p r o a c h f o r f u r t h e r misfortunes like hypertension and diabetes. This terrible trio, we know, is the springboard to an untimely decease. India living being the

diabetes assets of the earth has its flaxen share of adolescent diabetics. Youth obesity is getting higher and there is important amplify in the figure of juvenile people who endure from Cardiovascular maladies. Obesity can only reason sleep disorders for example Obstructive Sleep Apnea that carries about hypoxia, which consequences in heart attack or myocardial infarction. Warning symbols of heart attack show a discrepancy. The signs generally last for as a minimum 10 minutes. You can get knowledge in all these symptoms: Ache in chest: Heart attack generally causes uneasiness or ache in the middle of chest. The ache may come upon swiftly, or now and then begins gradually, developing in excess of minutes. And it may suffer like pressure, squeezing, fullness, heaviness or tightness. And the ache might be mild, severe or even moderate. Ache spreading: Chest pain may spread to throat and neck shoulders, jaw, the backside, or both arms and also even into hands and wrists. Uneasiness in upper body: A few people do not feel any type of chest pain- only uneasiness in upper body. And there might be an unpleasant feeling in throat. And the arms also may feel useless or heavy.

We Pay Tribute to By Dedicating This Issue in His Memory

October 2011

Vol.1 Issue No.3


Page 2 .............................. Health tips, Articles by Students Page 3 .............................. Picture of the Week, Amazing Facts Page 4 ............................... Music Therapy,Recent Activities

bio Rhythm

Myths and Facts About Ayurveda

Ms. Ajitha III yr, BME. Myth: Ayurvedic Principles Are Different From Modern Science Fact: Ayur veda believes that a disease results from the increase or decrease in the level of Thridoshas, i.e.- the Vatha, Pitha and Kapha. These are present throughout the body and responsible for functions like motility, power, oxygen transport, digestion, development of body, metabolism and sustenance of life. Myth: Ayurveda Is A Slow Process. Fact: Medicines act slow or fast depending on cause of the disease. Fast improvement will occur if diagnosed properly and appropriate treatment is advised. Myth: Anyone Can Learn And Use Ayurveda For Treatment. Fact: Self-learning and treating may be ineffective at best or dangerous at worst. Different people have different body constitution, which is termed as Prakrithi in Ayurveda. Medicinal preparations prescribed to one may not be the same for another person in spite of same disease and symptoms. Consult a practitioner always.

Health Tips

Myth: Ayur veda Have Side Effects. Fact: Many medicinal herbs have toxic in them. Medicinal preparations often include other herbs to counteract the harmful effects. Some herbs are very safe for direct use.

Painkillers from Your Kitchen

Ms. Hemalatha T. Final Year, BME.

Myth:Ayurveda is not a science. Fact: Ayurveda has principles and methodologies proved on scientific basis. It is not regarded as science by many as it did not develop inside any lab. But Ayur veda also has its branches like any other sciences. They are Surgery (Shalya-chikitsa), Treatment of diseases above the belly ( S a l a k ya m ) , I n t e r n a l m e d i c i n e (Kaaya-chikitsa), Psychaitry (Bhuta vidya), Paediatrics ( Ka u m a ra b h r t ya m ) , Tox i c o l o g y (Agadatantram), Immunity (rasayanam), Aphrodisiacs (Va jikaranam); in total eight branches called the Ashtanga Ayurveda.

Mr. Murali M. III year , BME. Cybernetics is about feedback systems in particular. Useful principles are equally well applied to technological systems as to those in humans and other animals, the environment and the economy. Cybernetics is a broad subject, transcending traditional academic disciplines, and as such there are various ways of defining or commenting on the subject. Cybernetics and the environment: There are interactions between different species, for instance, predator - prey systems, but also so called mutualistic systems where two species help eachother. In fact, the Earth itself comprises feedback loops.This is illustrated by the Gaia hypothesis, postulated by James Lovelock, a former Visiting Professor to Cybernetics at Reading. At its strongest, the Gaia hypothesis states that the Earth is a self regulating cybernetic systems, with feedback loops aimed at controlling temperature, the amount of oxygen, salinity of the sea, etc. This it does as a result of feedback in which life and the planet work together to their mutual advantage, producing conditions suitable for both Earth and the life on it. This concept was at first dismissed by many biologists who believed that life adapted to its environment. To demonstrate how life and the planet could interact, Lovelock produced a simple model, Daisyworld. Daisyworld is a grey planet orbiting a sun which is heating up (like our own). In the soil are seeds of daisies which grow between 7 and 37 degrees, but grow best at 22 degrees. Initially the planet is too cold, but once it becomes warm enough, daisies grow and keep the temperature constant for a long period at 22 degrees. This happens due to feedback. If the temperature is below the optimum, more black daisies grow, absorbing heat and heating the surrounding area. If the temperature is above the optimum, white daisies thrive which reflect heat away, thereby cooling the surrounding area. Cyberneticists also tend to take a 'systems approach': meaning they not only appreciate the area in which they work, but they also know how their work fits in well with the rest of the system - again a very employable skill.

A d d i n g a t l e a s t 2 Tablespoons of Ginger to meals daily will help in keeping away Muscular pains. Gently chewing Cloves will ease toothache and gum inflammation for 2 hours straight. Placing two drops of warm Garlic Oil into the Aching Ears can clear up the ear infections and reduce Ear Aches. Taking few Cherries daily will ease pains due to Arthritis and Gout or Chronic Headaches. Including Fish in food regularly will help to fight Stomach pains due to indigestion , irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel diseases. Tu r m e r i c , a p o p u l a r Indian Spice, is three times more effective than pain killer drugs like Aspirin, Ibuprofen or Naproxen. It helps in reducing Chronic pain due to Arthritis and Fibromyalgia. Regularly soaking ingrown foot-nails in Warm Salt water will cure t he painful infections due to these in-grown toenails within four days. T a k i n g P i n e a p p l e regularly will help in keeping away Stomach pains caused due to Indigestion, Acidity, Gas troubles, etc. Peppermint oil is well effective in relaxing tight, sore Muscles. Three times a week, soak in a warm tub scented with 10 drops of peppermint oil. The warm water will relax your muscles, while the peppermint oil will naturally soothe your nerves -- a combo that can ease muscle cramping 25 percent more effectively than overthe-counter painkillers, and cut the frequency of future flare-ups in half.

bio Rhythm

Cytoscape - An Open Platform

Ms. Kirthika C. Final Year, BME global datasets and functional annotations, establish powerful visual mappings across these data, perform advanced analysis and modeling using plugins and Visualize and analyze humancurated pathway datasets. Cytoscape provides a basic set of features for data integration and visualization. Additional features are available as plugins which can be used for network and molecular profiling analyses, new layouts, additional file format support, scripting, and connection with databases. Plugins may be developed by anyone using the Cytoscape open API based on Java Most of t he plugins arefreely available.

Amazing Facts About Mouth

People whose mouth has narrow roof are more likely to snore. 85% of the population can curl their tongue into a Tube. If your mouth is completely Dry, you cannot distinguish any taste. senses. Taste is the Weakest of the ve

Cytoscape is an open source software platform for visualizing molecular interaction networks and biological pathways and integrating these networks with anno t ations, gene expression profiles and other state data. Although Cytoscape was originally designed for biological research, now it is a general platform for complex network analysis and visualization. Cytoscape supports many use cases in molecular and systems biology, genomics, and proteomics. It helps to load molecular and genetic interaction data sets in many formats, project and integrate

The strongest Muscle in the human body is Tongue. It is the only muscle in the body, which is attached at one end only. It takes 72 muscles to ex for one to speak. Human have unique TonguePrints just like Fingerprints. There are about 9000 taste buds on the surface of the tongue, in the throat and on the roof of the mouth. Average life of a taste bud is said to last up to 10 days. Humans produce about 37,854 liters of saliva in a lifetime. S a l i v a is required for taste. Until food is dissolved in saliva, we cannot taste it.

Picture of the Month

Da Vincis Drawing of Fetus
Mr. Ananthnag M V. Final Year,BME. His drawings followed rigorous techniques often employed by architects to depict t h r e e dimensional views of his subjects. He viewed the body as an architectural masterpiece created by nature, in which the skeleton was akin to rocks that laid the foundation for the body. His methods of accurately portraying human anatomy through drawings and diligently mapping out

Leonardos embryological drawings of the fetus in the womb and his accompanying observational annotations are found in the third volume of his private notebooks. The drawings of Leonardos embryological studies were conducted between the years 15101512 and were drawn with black and red chalk with some p e n a n d i n k w a s h o n p a p e r. T h e s e groundbreaking illustrations of the fetus reveal h i s a d va n c e d u n d e r s t a n d i n g o f h u m a n development and demonstrate his role in the vanguard of embr yology during the Renaissance. His f amous embr yological drawings of the fetus have since been collected and held in the Royal Collection at Windsor Castle in England. In 1506 while in Milan, Leonardos acquaintance with anatomist Marcantonio della Torre led him to many first-hand human dissections with the guidance of the younger professor. Four years later the expertise he gained with the help of della Torre would prove most useful in his studies of embryology. In one of his most famous drawings, Leonardo depicts a human fetus lying inside a dissected uterus. Leonardo is considered to be the very first in history to correctly depict the human fetus in its proper position within the womb. He was also the first to expertly draw the uterine artery and the vascular system of the cervix and vagina. Leonardo is credited with drawing the uterus with only one chamber, contradicting theories that the uterus was comprised of multiple chambers which many believed divided fetuses into separate compartments in the case of twins. Leonardo used a method of cross-sectional representation for his depictions of veins, arteries, and nerves in order to show the layouts in greater detail. He was also fond of drawing four views of the subject so that every angle could be seen by the viewer for a more inclusive study, which he did for the drawings of the fetus.

Compiled By:
Dr. Mohamed Yacin S. Associate Professor Editor-in-Chief. Faculty Editors: Ms. Sudha S., Lecturer. Mr. Thiyagarajan G., Lecturer.
Student Editors: Mr. Ananthnag M V. Ms. Hemalatha T. Final Year, BME.

characteristics of the body are considered to have been the foundation of modern anatomical illustration. His approac h of classifying, quantifying, and repeating his experiments was a wholly modernistic approach to his scientific methods. more to be discovered, and his detailed drawings reflect unprecedented curiosity in depicting embryological anatomy.

Mr. Anuprasan A R. Ms. Preethi P. III BME. Ms. Lakshmi R V. Ms. Lakshmi Venkataraman. II BME.

bio Rhythm

We Congratulate the Following Students for Bringing Laurels to the Department

The Art of Perspective is of Such a Nature as to Make What is Flat Appear in Relief and What is in Relief Flat. - Leonardo Da Vinci

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