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One-Way ANOVA Example

Example: Susan Sound predicts that students will learn most effectively with a constant background sound, as opposed to an unpredictable sound or no sound at all. She randomly divides twenty-four students into three groups of eight. All students study a passage of text for 30 minutes. Those in group 1 study with background sound at a constant volume in the background. Those in group 2 study with noise that changes volume periodically. Those in group 3 study with no sound at all. After studying, all students take a 10 point multiple choice test over the material. Their scores follow: Group test scores 1) constant sound: 2) random sound: 3) no sound:

7, 4, 6, 8, 6, 6, 2, 9 5, 5, 3, 4, 4, 7, 2, 2 2, 4, 7, 1, 2, 1, 5, 5

Is there sufficient statistical evidence (using ! .05) to conclude that at least one of the "treatments" gives rise to a different mean "population" score? First look at the data and summary statistics:
Dotplot of C1, C2, C3

C1 C2 C3 2 4 Data 6 8

Boxplot of C1, C2, C3

9 8 7 6 Data 5 4 3 2 1 0 C1 C2 C3

Summary statistics:

Background sound Group1: constant Group 2: random Group 3: none

B3 6 4 3.375

=3 2.2038927 1.6903085 2.1998377

83 8 8 8

The sample means of 6, 4, and 3.375 are obviously different. But are the differences statistically significant? We use an ANOVA table do decide. ANOVA Table Source Factor Error Total

DF 2 21 23

SS 30.08 87.88 117.96

MS 15.04 4.18

F 3.59

P-Value 0.045

In testing L! ." .# .$ versus LE at least one .3 differs where .3 denotes the mean of group 3 for 3 " # $ , we use the ANOVA table. The J test statistic encapsulates all the evidence we have for our test decision. If the J test statistic is relatively large (or if the :-value is small enough), we reject L! In the table above, we see that :-value .045 (which also implies that J $&* is greater than the requisite percentile from the J##" distribution) and hence we reject L! and conclude that at least one of the population means differs.

The SSTR of 30.08 is a measure of the variation in the data that is explained by having different groups (treatments) and the SSE of 87.88 is a measure of the variation that is unexplained (or the within-treatment variation). The total variation is measured by SSTO. Note that SSTO SSTR SSE 117.96. The ratio SSTR/SSTO is called the coefficient of determination (denoted V # and it measures the proportion of the variation in the dataset that is explained by the difference in treatements. Here we $!!) V # ""(*' #&&, which means that about 25% of the variation in the test scores is due to the different background sounds. Since we rejected the L! above, we can further say that our V # value is statistically significant. For 5 treatments and 83 observations per treatment, we have the following formulas for deriving the sums of squares: SSTO ! ! B34 B #
5 83 3" 4" 5 83 3" 4" 5 83

SSE ! ! (B34 B3 # !83 " ! (B34 B3 # 83 " !83 "=# 3

5 83 5

SSTR ! ! (B3 B# !83 (B3 B#

3" 4" 3"

3" 5



The normal probability plot below is use to assess the model assumption of normally distributed random errors. Here we see no strong evidence against normality.
Normal Probability Plot of the Residuals
(responses are C1, C2, C3)

95 90 80


70 60 50 40 30 20 10 5



0.0 Residual



The residual versus fitted value plot below is used to assess the model assumption of homoskedasticity (identical error variance for all treatments). The similar spreads for all 3 treatments indicates no strong evidence against common variance.
Residuals Versus the Fitted Values
(responses are C1, C2, C3) 4 3 2 1 Residual 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 Fitted Value 5.0 5.5 6.0

Note. For One-Way (One Factor) ANOVA with equal sample sizes 8, one can also calculate the ANOVA table entries quite readily using only the summary statistics for all 5 treatment=. Let =# denote B # the sample variance of the sample means B3 . Then SSTR 8 =2 and SSE 8 "=# =# =5 " # B For example, given Background sound Group1: constant Group 2: random Group 3: none B3 6 4 3.375 =3 2.2038927 1.6903085 2.1998377 83 8 8 8


SSTR !83 (B3 B# 8=# )"$("## "&!% B

5 3"

where 1.3712 is the sample standard deviation of list {6, 4, 3.375}, gotten from a calculator, and SSE !83 "=# (##!%# ("'*# (### )()). 3
5 3"

The other ANOVA table entries can readily be derived.

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