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Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335

1. Introduction 2. Sickness and The Causes 3. Diseases which Can be due to deficiency of Vitamins/Minerals 4. Human Body and the Energies 6 8 10 16

5. 6. 7. 8. Origin, Initiation into Reiki and its Levels The Principles Of Reiki Self Treatment Scanning Technique 22 27 32 39 41 42 42 43 43 44 44 45 45 46 46 47

9. Treatment Others ( Position Of Hands)

a. Angina b. Arthritis c. Asthma d. Acne & Skin Disorders e. Anxiety & Nervousness f. Backache g. Blood Pressure h. Bronchitis i. Cancer j. Cholesterol k. Cold & Flu l. Cough
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335

m. Depression n. Diarrhea o. Ear Infection p. Epilepsy q. Fever r. HIV ( Aids ) s. Impotency & Sexual Problems t. Indigestion u. Insomnia v. Leg Camps w. Memory & Concentration x. Migraine y. Neck Pain z. Rheumatism aa. Sciatica bb. Sugar

47 48 48 49 49 50 51 52 54 53 53 54 54 55 55 57

10. Origin & Way Of Treatment 11. Levels/ Degrees Of JAAVEDAAN 12. JAVEDAAN Energy Measures/Rules To Make 59 62 66-84

You a Strong, Healthy & Brand New Person

Steps To Enhance The Affects Of Energy Work - REIKI and JAVEDAAN

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza


Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


86 89 90 92 94 96 98 100 104 108 115
115 116 116 117 117 118 118 119 119

a. What is Aura? Detail Explanation b. How To See Aura ? (1) Technique-1 (2) Technique-2 (3) Technique-3 c. Electro Magnet tic Radiation Spectrum d. Aura Reading e. Interpreting The Aura and meaning of Different Colors f. Cleansing Of Aura 14. Energy Work With Rainbow Technique 15. Energy Work With Gemstones 16. Energy Work With Acupressure Points
a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. Acne & Skin Disorders Anxiety & Nervousness Arthritis Asthma & Breathing Difficulties Backache & Sciatica Depression Migraine Impotency & Sexual Problems Insomnia Neck Pain

17. Energy Work with Yoga Chakras

120 - 130


Communication with Invisible Friends from Subtle Dimensions

a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Theoretical Foundation Helping Powers Of Invisible Friends Human Beings Also Have Subtle portion Rules of Behavior With Subtle Beings Train Your Inner Child For Contact with Beings Principles Of Fair Exchange The Energy Work As An Offering Your Higher Self & The Energy Work 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335

i. Agreement With Yourself j. Creating A Connection Through Your Higher Self & With Subtle Beings 19. Use

140 142 145-150

Of Power Places Energy

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335

REIKI AND JAVEEDAN are Universal Life Force Healing Energies and are unique of their kind. I say it Unique because no other healing force or medical treatment enjoy the healing capabilities which these energies do. For example, just consider the following: a. The Energies can treat the absentee patient at a distance as well; no matter how far away he may be. Is there any other treatment which enjoys that capability? b. These Energies can treat human beings, animal and plants as well. Does any other form of treatment enjoy this facility to treat all three kinds of existence? c. The Energies treat the patient without any form of medicine except their own Healing Energies. Does other form of treatments have this unique capability? d. These healing energies while treating, boost up the existing Energies in the patient. After the treatment patient have more energies then before and this treatment has no side effects as well; whereas other forms of treatment dilate the energies of the patient and after the treatment the patient is weaker then before and the used medicines have their side effects as well . If it is so, then the question arises as to why Reiki and Javeedan treatments are not that popular and considered that effective as compared to the Allopathic and Homeopathic treatments. The reason I could understand is that either adequate qualified personnel of these Healing Energies are not available or their expertise is not up to the mark.
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335

Being convinced myself that these are very effective Healing Energies, I deliberated upon and carried out a research that how this wonderful Treatment, having miraculous effects simple hands on healing art can be a source of more effective healing for a common man and as such various techniques are being elaborated in this Book which will not only boost up the healing affects but also give various techniques and tools In the hands of healers for use of these divine energies In a much more affective way . In a fast moving pace of present era, we come across Many people who have stress and depression in their life. If some one wants to reduce stress & tension , wants to have increased Vitality , more harmony and meaning full life and also have time for use of these energies for improvement in his physical, emotional and spiritual well being, wants to take charge of his health , he must learn Reiki and Javedaan to take advantage of their many benefits by self healing and treating their family and friends. They will really enjoy these extra ordinary and fascinating Energy Medicine .It can virtually treat all types of ailments. This book will be in following parts :> a. b. c. Part 1 Reiki. Part- 2 Javedaan Part 3. Treatments to include: (1) Self Treatment including Position of hands for various diseases. (2) Treatment of patients for chronic and other diseases with the help of picture and diagrams.

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


Part 4. Steps to enhance the affects of the healing Energies with the help of following :> (1) Enhancing affects by carrying out treatment after clearance of Aura. Covered in the book in following parts:> (a) Energy field of Aura. (b) How to see Aura? (c) Meanings of different colors of Aura. (d) Clearance of Aura. (2) Enhancing affects by use of Rainbow Technique. (3) Energy work with Gem Stones and crystals. (4) Use of Yoga Chakras for enhancing the Energy Effects. (5) Use of Acupressure points for assisting in energy work. Part-5. To include :> (1) Communication and work with invisible friends from subtle dimensions. (2) Use of Power Centers.


Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


Sickness & Its Causes

The human body is being maintained in its natural Way through circulation of blood and functioning Of different glands. The blood, during its circulation Caries with it body oxygen, proteins cells, chemicals including the commands given by the brain to the different organs (through a chemical named acetylcholine) and even the heat required to maintain the body.

(Blood circulation)
If the circulation of blood is proper , undisturbed in its flow , its contents are proper ,the body remains healthy but in case , the blood flow is improper like for example, cholesterol deposits in the arteries which can disturb or even stop the blood flow at later stages of the heart diseases or there are ups / down in
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


contents of the blood cells ( red , white , plasma ) or the vitamins / minerals so essential for maintenance of the body ,the body gets sick. But its sickness is not all of a sudden, it is a complete cycle affecting various parts of the body as under :>

Sickness Cycle

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


The Diseases which can Be due to Deficiency of the Vitamins Minerals

VITAMINS SOME IMPORTANT SOURCES Retinol: liver, oily fish egg yolk, butter cheese, beta carotene: carrots squash, apricots and green leafy vegetables. (6 mcg beta carotene is needed to make l mcg of vitamin A) ROLE IN HEALTH Essential for growth and cell development, vision and immune function. Maintains the health of the skin and mucous membranes such as the lining of the respiratory and urinary tracts .carotenes mat act as important antioxidants in the body. Needed to make collagen (a protein essential for healthy gums, teeth, bones cartilage and skin) and neurotransmitters such as noradrenalin and serotonin, important as an antioxidant in the body: aids absorption of iron from plant food.
Needed to obtain energy from carbohydrates fats alcohal; prevents the build-up of toxic substances in the body which may damage the heart and nervous system.

A From animals and from beta carotene in plant foods.

C (ascorbic acid)

Fruits and vegetables, particularly citrus fruit, strawberries, kiwi fruits, peppers and potatoes.

Thiamin (b)

Pork, liver, heart, kidneys, fortified white bread, fortified breakfast cereals, potatoes, nuts and pulses. Milk, yoghurt, eggs, meat, poultry, fish, and fortified breakfast cereals. SOME IMPORTANT SOURCES

Riboflavin (b)

Needed to release energy from food and for the functioning of vitamin B and niacin. ROLE IN HEALTH

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


B6 (pyridoxine) Niacin (nicotinic acid ) Pantholic acid Biotin

Lean meat, poultry, fish, eggs, whole-wheat bread and cereals, nuts, bananas, yeast extract and soya beans. Lean meat, poultry, pulses, potatoes, fortified breakfast cereals and nuts.

Helps to release energy from proteins; important for immune function, the nervous system and the formation of red blood cells. Needed to produce energy in cells and to from neurotransmitters. Helps to maintain healthy skin and an efficient digestive system. Helps to release energy from food. Essential to the synthesis of cholesterol. Needed to release energy from food. Important in the synthesis of fat and cholesterol. Required for cell division and the formation of DNA, proteins in the body. Extra needed before conception and in pregnancy to protect against neural tube defects. Vital for making DNA, RNA and myelin- the white sheath that surrounds nerve fibers, also needed for cell division and the transportation of folate into cells.

Contained in all meat and vegetable foods. Particularly liver, dried fruit and nuts. Present in almost all foods, particularly liver peanut butter, eggs yolk and fortified foods such as yeast extract. Green leafy vegetables, liver, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, pulses, wheat germ, fortified breakfast cereals and bread

Folate (folic acid)

B 12

Foods of animal origin such as meat, poultry, fish, eggs and dairy products, as well as certain fortified breakfast cereals.

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335




SOME IMPORTANT SOURCES Fish liver oils, eggs, fortified margarines, tuna salmon and sardines. Vegetable oils, wheat germ, nuts seeds and margarine.

Green leafy vegetable especially green cabbage, broccoli and Brussels sprouts.

ROLE IN HEALTH Needed to absorb calcium and phosphorus for normal formation of bones and teeth. Help to prevent oxidation by free radicals of polyunsaturated fatty acids in cell membranes and other tissues. Arsenical in forming certain proteins and needed for normal blood clotting.

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335





Milk and dairy products, tinned Builds bones and teeth and keep sardines with bone, green leafy them strong vital to nerve vegetable, sesame seeds. transmission, blood clothing and muscle function. Table salt (sodium chloride) and foods containing it. Maintain the fluid and electrolyte balance in the body vital for stomach acid formation. Important constituent of bones and teeth; assists in never impulses; important for muscle contraction. Helps to form and maintain healthy bones and teeth; needed to release energy in cells. Works with sodium to maintain the fluid and electrolyte balance within cells, so keep heartbeat regular and to maintain normal blood pressure. Essential for the transmission of all never impulses. Works with potassium to regulate fluid balance; essential for never and muscle function.



Wholegrain cereals, wheat germ, pulses, nuts, sesame seeds, dried figs and green vegetable. Present in all plant and animal protein, such as milk, cheese, red meat and poultry, fish and seafood, nuts, seeds and whole grains. Avocados, fresh and dried fruit, seeds and nuts, bananas, citrus fruit, potatoes and pulse.




Table salt (sodium chloride), tinned anchovies, processed meats and yeast extract.

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335



Not applicable; the ingestion of aluminum should be avoided where possible. Read meat and liver, egg yolk, seafood, wholegrain cereals, molasses and cheese.


No know biological function in the body. Important for regulation of blood sugar levels; helps to regulate blood cholesterol levels. Needed for bone growth and connective tissue formation. Helps the body to absorb iron from food. Present in many enzymes which protect against free radicals.



Offal, shellfish such as oysters, nuts and seeds, mushrooms and cocoa.

Fluoride iodine

Toothpaste, tap water and tea. Protects against tooth decay. Seaweed, seafood and iodized table salt. Offal, lean means, sardines, egg yolk, dark green leafy vegetables and iron-fortified cereals. Nuts, cereals, brown rice, pulses and wholegrain bread. Vital part of hormones secreted by the thyroid gland. Essential component of hemoglobin and many enzymes involved in energy metabolism. Vital component of various enzymes involved in energy production; helps to form bone and connective tissue. Essential component of enzymes involved in the production of DNA and RNA;




Offal ( especially liver), yeast, and pulses, whole grains and leafy vegetables , depending on soil .

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335





Oysters, red meat, peanuts and Essential for normal growth , sunflower seeds. reproduction and immunity. Aids the action of many enzymes. Meat and fish ,dairy foods such Antioxidant mineral; protects as butter , brazil nuts cells against free radical damage ,avocados and lentils. .vital for normal sexual development. Protein from animal and vegetable sources. Component of two essential amino acids which help to form many proteins in the body. Present in every cell.



Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


Human Body and the Energies

There is nothing in the word except vibrations Einstein
Our Universe is composed of energy. As per the definition in quantum physics, energy is recognized as the fundamental substance of which the Universe is composed. Our Universe while seemingly solid is actually composed of densely vibrating energy particles. All these particles vibrate at different speed and their speed holds the pattern of their physical form. Physicist describe particles not as isolated grains of matter, but as interconnections in an inseparable cosmic web. As per the physics law, energy can neither be created, nor destroyed and it works as: 2 e (energy) = mc , where m is the mass and c is the speed of light. It has always been and it will always be flowing in one form or the other; it just changes its form- in one form or the other i.e. solid, liquid or gases. The human beings and also other existence in the world are composed of energy. For example, life in our body is being maintained through the flow of the blood; if its flow stops, life stops. Blood cells are destroyed after completing its life ( Life of red blood cells is only of 120 days ) and new blood cells generated by our bone marrow take their place and so on- the energy cycle keeps continuing. The various parts of the body are made up of energy pattern . These parts have different forms and densities. The forms have potential to remain constant or be subject to change .Some of them
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


alter there state quickly and easily and an example of it is human thought .Another example of human body energy is of human tissues which take more time to change . Being composed of energy ,we also have energy running through us. In olden days people thought blood as soul and energy. They thought that when it is flowing, man exists and when energy is not flowing- the soul leaves the body i.e. death. In eastern countries like for example china , Japan and Korea, they develop their medicine with the concept that energy pass through the body via channels known as meridians. Their -treatments like Acupuncture, Acupressure ,Shiatsu, Aromatherapy and other forms, all work on the Principle to clear the energy struck in the path way i.e. In the blood -channels. While we are healthy and strong, there is a powerful flow of energy running through the body. When we are stressed or feeling unwell, this flow of energy is reduced. Universal life force healing energies REIKI and JAVEEDAN, along with the flow the flow of the blood restores this flow by strengthening the energy. It pass through the body via arteries , veins, channels and have following affects on the body energy :> (1) Clear en-route infection or pockets of resistance in flow of the energy . (2) Boost up the energy in the body , increasing Its strength. (3) Repair damaged tissues. (4) Remove stress from the body. (5) Calms the mind , relaxes the body and soothes the soul . (6) Promotes vitality . (7) Promotes confidence and remove insecurity and weakness
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


existing in the body in mental emotional and physical fields. (8) Promotes harmony in the body and create freshness. (9) These healing Energies have absolutely no side affects . The REIKI and JAVEEDAN Energies are very positive and intelligent energies .The healer can place his/ her hands either on the head of the patient or one hand on the place of the 3rd eye on the forehead and other hand on the back of the head or directly on the trouble spot requiring healing. He can also place his hands on the glands controlling the affected area. For example in case the patient is diabetic and patients Pancreas are required to be given the Energies, Placing hands on pancreas will improve their function. The energy starts moving in the body as soon as the hands are placed on head from top to bottom and reach the place where it is required or the healer can heal the trouble spot and moves Forward to the next spot requiring healing. The healer is just a source in the process of healing and he does not give his own energy or in other words his energy is not diluted in the process .As a matter of fact he gains as the energy is passing through his body and in the process his energy is also boosted up . REIKI and JAVEEDAN healing energies have unique healing capabilities not available with other from of treatment :>

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335



The energies can treat all type of existence in the world equally well like human beings, animals ,plants and all other types of existence. These Treats even to things considered as non living, like for example : (a) Given treatment to a positive thing like water, it will improve its taste, quality and nutritional value. (b) Given treatment to an item having negative effects on human beings like Cigarette, it will spoil its taste. (2) The energies are equally effective for self healing as well as treatment of other personnel by the healer. (3) The Energies can remove all types of negative effects like of Black Magic from human beings, animals, plants, buildings etc. (4) Javeedan Can remove negative subtle effects from personnel and property. (5) The healing Energies Of Reiki and Javedaan increase growth rate in children, animals and plants by increasing their existing nutritional value. (6) Harmonize and balance the disturbed/unbalanced Energy in the body. (7) Help body to fight against diseases by increasing its immunity/resistance power. (8) The effects of the Energies can be shifted to non living things like for example water or candles, which can be used later as Energy Medicine by the patients. (9) Clean and have soothing effect on soul as well. (10) Can treat an absent Patient on whatever the distance he may be.
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


The word Reiki refers to the simple hands on healing technique rediscovered by Dr. Mikao Usui in Japan in early 1900s.It means a powerful fine energy and is called as universal life Force Healing Energy. Dr. Usui called this energy as medicine energy, meaning thereby life force energy. It describes a process of healing in which hands are placed on certain positions at problematic body areas to restore the balance of body. The Reiki initiation can only be given by a Reiki Master. For this purpose, he uses the symbols and the words rediscovered by Dr. Usui. These are passed on from Master to Master. Alone the desire to become a healing channel for yourself or for treating others is enough to move you into the process that leads you to the Reiki. Any one who comes to the Reiki initiation is inwardly, more or less consciously, willing and prepared to receive Reiki. With his personal emanation, he is guided to people and/or writings that have sensitized his consciousness for Reiki. The initiation into the Reiki supports, strengthens and confirms the direct, powerful and concentrated connection with the Universal Life Force Energy. It makes us a channel mediator and transformers of this
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


spiritual healing power as that can be used and received on all channels of soul, mind and body. And this occurs in the way needed by the recipient and signaled directly, clearly and unmistakably to the patient, through him. As per the tradition, Reiki is initiated, passed on and empowered in three stages/levels/degrees.

Reiki Initiation Into the First Degree/level

With the initiation through a Reiki Master into the first level of Reiki, the person is brought into connection with the Universal Life Force Energy, the light of life, through the attunement, through the cleansing and activation of his healing channel. At the same time, it brings with it an intensive flooding of light to the physical body and the energy system through which he can treat the patients. Reiki works on its own and flows wherever a Reiki Channel Exists i.e. The person who has been initiated into the channel and whenever he draws the Symbols and repeat the words, it automatically starts flowing through him to his hands treating the patients. The Reiki hand positions are no secret and can be used by anyone but the Healing Energy will only starts flowing through him once he has been initiated into the Channel, through attunement, with which he becomes an Energy Channel of that level to which that person has been initiated and also brings to him a lasting vibration of light. The vibration of light allows the healing, divine flow of Energy, through the hands in a natural
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


way at any time of day or night on its own, without any effort, without a person having to visualize or maintain inner images or religion. With its initiation, the Reiki student learns that he is just a channel for Reiki, for the Life Force Energy that flows through him for himself and for others. At the same time it can be exactly determined the effect that this power have but leaves this up for higher guidance. Full of trust and in the knowledge that it flows into the areas it is needed in precisely the required intensity, we are only its channel.

Initiation Into Second Level Of Reiki

The Initiation into the second degree of Reiki takes place through a Reiki Master, who mentally prepares the student, train and give him Symbol as originally conceived by Dr. Usui and empower him through attunement. This initiation intensifies the connection with Reiki and increase the vibration of light in our healing channel. The Aura of Reiki student initiated into the second degree becomes much stronger and more concentrated in its vibration of light. This initiation is also followed by 21 days of cleansing. This promotes an intense concentration of light in all of our body parts, affecting our concepts and way of life, expectation and ideals, rigid modes and patterns of behavior, hurt feelings and burdening habits in life. Because of the increased vibration in the healing channel and in all of our energy bodies, as well as the use of the Symbols, Reiki flows in a
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


much more concentrated manner through the Reiki Channel, spiritual development, as well as the realization and development of the mental perceptions. Power in daily life is thereby intensified and accelerated. At the same time, it is possible for student of the Second Degree to open up to new dimensions of divine being through the increased light vibrations in the Reiki Channel. This makes it possible to intensify the universal life energy at any given place in a more concentrated form, raise unconscious processes more intensely into consciousness, give mental and distance healings , and send Reiki into a situation, a meeting, a person, a stone, an animal, a plant or a higher self etc. There is an inexhaustible potential here because, no matter how we feel at the moment or what we are doing, we can always send our Reiki. When we give Reiki directly through laying of the hands, we also do not determine what effect Reiki Should have on the recipient but simply make this power available to him in the trust and knowledge that the divine wisdom in Reiki and the recipient best knows what should be supported by the Reiki treatment. In a natural way through the laying on of the hands and/ or the concentration of the Energy. Whatever the developments are on the basis of this foundation is then completely dependent on the kind of Reiki application. It will now depend on how effectively and efficiently it is applied and utilized i.e. the technique and time duration of its utilization.

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


Level 3 Of REIKI - Master Level

The ideal gap before moving to master level training is from three to six months. It takes time to assimilate both the energy increases and also the material learnt during second degree training. Training at master practitioner level is about mastering the self. It involves being able to accept the responsibilities without being limited by ones ego, not deluded by attachment to your own importance. Recognizing and integrating the different aspects of yourself liberates you from the illusion of being separated from others. Knowing that we all are interconnected, each with the capacity to be saint or sinners, can in a sense to be a sobering thought. At another level, it is an exciting concept. It becomes evident that there is a seed of greatness within each of us. At the least, we can move beyond the self imposed barriers and attain freedom from limiting thought patterns. In master level training, one learn variety of advance healing methods. He also receive powerful attunement and a symbol, and ways in which to use these for healing and transformation. Once you are able to move beyond limiting thought patterns, you are able to make others to do the same. It is then possible to help them to attract positive experiences and move forward. It is beneficial to gain lots of practical experience at this stage. With use of Master

Level Symbol now, it is possible to give treatments in a much more affective way than before , and also give attunements of Reiki.
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


The Five Principles of Reiki

In order to make changes in life of a persons, there has to be a change in ones attitude. Being conscious of it, Dr. Usui developed five principles to help improving the quality of a persons life. The principles form an important part of the healing process at the heart of the Reiki. Dr. Usui realized that how powerful and effective treatment it could befor the practitioner and the recipient, in case these principles were adhered to. Dr. Usui knew how vital it was for a person to be involved in his/her healing process and, through these principles he was able to inspire a meaningful change. The principles are just as valid today as when Dr. Usui developed them. These are :

1. Just For Today, Do Not Worry

Dr. Usui knew that a great deal of energy can be wasted on negative trains of thought. He also knew that negative thoughts are unhelpful and likely to affect outcome of any treatment. He reminded people that there is divine purpose to everything and, divine energy for worrying can be more usefully utilized elsewhere. We live in a responsive universe. As long as we are able to clarify our heart desires, Our needs will be met. By trusting in the outcome we are making it possible for the Universe to help us achieving that. Our freed up mind can then open up to intuitive messages and guidance. This can take us closer to our goals or, conversely, can point to new directions offering interesting alternatives.
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


Sometimes, when a situation is beyond our control, a detached perceptive can be invaluable and can render a desperate situation into an unexpected opportunity.

How To Release Worries Guide Lines

a. Make a list of all those things that are bothering you b. Draw two circles, one inside the other. c. Inside the circle include those things about which you can do

d. In the outer circle, write those things which you cannot change
or influence directly like for example you are worried about your son who has gone to school that he may not be hurt while playing.

e. Immediately release from your thoughts everything from the

outer circle as those are beyond your control and no amount of worrying will bring any change to those situation.

f. Solve or task body to take steps for solving problems in the

inside circle and release it from your thoughts.

g. Relax with the trust on God and hope that everything will be
done in the manner you want it.

2. Just For Today, Do Not Be Angry

Anger creates disharmony within the body. By asking us not to become angry, Dr. Usui is not suggesting people to deny their feelings. Instead he is asking to respond everyone with love.

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


When a situation does not live up to our expectations, we become angry. The ego doesnt like if things dont workout as we anticipate. Anyway, anger can be very destructive emotion. When we are aware of our reactions and are in control, this can be a powerful motivator for a change. Instead of stopping anger, observe it. Be aware of it and focus on it in a detached way, without judgment. Eventually, its angry field will dissipate. Anger with awareness can powerfully affect outcomes. A loving response without anger can transform a situation.

Releasing Anger - Guide Lines

a. Next time you are angry, observe it and notice the Underlying fear that has caused it to surface. b. Allow yourself to feel the anger. Dont repress it. By focusing on it with awareness, the sting is taken out of it. c. If you feel yourself exploding with anger, take a brisk walk or lock yourself in a room and beat the pillow to release the tension. You will feel much better.

3.Earn Your Living Honestly

The principle is about being true to yourself, Your Family and be honest while dealing with others. It is about choosing a profession/means of living which give you a sense of fulfillment. When you are aligned fully to your lifes purpose, you are earning your living honestly, utilizing your creativity in a way
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


that honors you and enriches those around you. It allows you to meet your needs honestly without any burden on your conscious. As only your conscious can tell you what is right and what is wrong; so listen to carefully when it whispers. Everything is far less complicated then being true to ourselves.

Take a few moments to answer the following questions to your good self a. what are your means of earning at present and are you consciously
satisfied with it?

b. What things are frustrating you during your work? c. Are you being true to yourself and your children with present
means of earning?

4. Just For Today, Show Gratitude To Every Living Thing

Always think positively and praise openly every good work done. If you take a moment each day to encourage the feelings of gratitude to expand within you. A powerful positive shift will take place inside you. By expressing gratitude, we can begin to understand how incredible life is in all its diversity. It frees you from past and turn all your negative into positive. As per law of attraction, gratitude attracts and brings many more good things in your life. When you feel and express gratitude, success, happiness ad prosperity will flow into your life.

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


5. Just for Today, I will be kind and

Respectful To All The Creation

Dr. Usui thought that growth and survival of human being depends upon loving actions and respect for one another and for all living things. Take positive actions and respond every body with warmth and compassion. It leads to more positive outlook. When you view the world with a loving heart, the world responds and the living becomes wonderful for you.

Self Treatment
Place for self treatment should be a calm, quiet place, with least of noise/disturbance in your house where you could relax on your own. An ideal place could be a sunlit window seat or a favorite arm chair piled up with cushions. It could be a garden site or even bed room, where you could shut the door for minutes to relax. Set the environment to be creative like softening the lightening, playing light music or use of scents( if used to in routine).Now, make your self comfortable while sitting or lying down. There are two ways for the self treatment as given below. However, it will depend upon the time available to you say 5, 10, 15 minutes or more. If you have adequate time select Method- 1,
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


otherwise just go directly for the body area requiring treatment vide Method 2.

1. Method-1.Draw the symbols and let the Energy flow from head to toe, treating the body in the process , stopping on the areas requiring more emphasis, circulating it there for few moments and boosting up the energy/ strength in that part of the body where it is required most, where you feel the weakness or Energy is required and also at: a. All those areas where major body organs like Heart, lungs etc. and parts of the Central Nervous System are located. b. The areas where Body Glands are located like Pituitary Glands, Pineal Glands, Thyroid Glands, Parathyroids, Thymus Glands, Adrenal Glands, the Pancreas , and the Sex Glands, as The Glands have very important functions in the body to work; and also those areas from where these Glands can be stimulated. 2. Method-2.In this hands are placed directly, after drawing the Energy, on the points/ areas where energy is needed. The general guidelines are as under: a. When there is only limited time available, say 5 minutes or so, it is suggested that you place your hands on your eyes, over your heart, and over your abdomen. b. When there is sufficient time available( minimum of 15 minutes ), it is better to go over different parts if the body one by one; starting from head.
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


Suggested positions are as under: (1) Relieving Stress/Anxiety. Treating forehead, eyes and cheeks relieve stress, headaches and cold symptoms.


Migraines/shocks. Treating temples of the forehead and back of the head soothes down the pain.


Depression. Treating back of the head on both indicated positions and forehead temples relieve depression.

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335



Treating Throat/Cough. This position treats sore throat, cough; help reducing weight and boost up confidence & expression.


Treating Heart. It relieves angina, heart palpitation, improves blood circulation and releases emotional stress.

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335



Treating Liver. It improves the function of liver, treating jaundice and hepatitis.


Treating Stomach/ Diarrhea. Indicated positions relieve the problem and also create balance and harmony in the body.

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335



Treating Genital Areas. Treating three indicated positions improves sexual ability enhancing matrimonial life. For men, it helps treatment of prostate gland and improvement of sexual potency. In women, it treats menstrual pain & ovarian Cysts.


Treating Knee pain. Besides relieving the pain, it improves emotional balance and releases anger.
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


(10) Treating Spinal Cord. Treat both ends of the spinal cord. It will give you more strength, potency and vitality. Also treat the soles.

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


Others Treatment
Before starting the treatment, make sure the patient is comfortably sitting or lying. Full treatment lasts from 45 minutes to an hour using 12 basic hand positions-or more depending upon the disease and the circumstances. Except after a shock or accident, when ever possible, give treatment to the entire body. Short treatments may be appropriate if the person is having pain at a particular place or cannot remain still for longer time. Treatment with the help of the energy may not be given if the person is required to be operated and has been given anesthesia as it will increase the awareness decreasing affects of anesthesia; however, giving treatment after the healing will speed up healing.

Scanning Technique

Scanning a Peron before the treatment can help the healer to determine where the energy is required most. To start it stand along side the person. With
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


your hands 5 to 6 -centimeters above the body, move your hands slowly from head to toe along length of the body. Notice any area that is particularly warm or more cold as compared to other parts of the body. When scanning, you are working in persons energetic field or aura, where it is possible to sense physical imbalances -before those can change into the disease. Through this simple technique, you can determine where all the body area energy is needed so that you can treat it. These are those areas where your hands during scanning will feel change/ difference in body temperature. To interpret this change, guide lines are: (1) (2) (3) Heat in a particular area of body would indicate that energy is needed there. Coolness could be an emotional or spiritual block. This area requires repeated treatments to clear it. Sharp pain indicates build up of energy at that point, which could be due to a recent physical problem, so should be treated first to accelerate the healing process. Dull pain confined to an area indicates, physical problem or disease from the past like a scar tissue. Tingling can indicate inflammation; If there is no obvious reason for it, it could be due to a suppressed anger, especially jaws and knees store quite a bit of anger. Not necessarily it is felt at conscious level but unconscious part of the brain. Vibration indicate an imbalance in a gland or chakra. Hands feel repelled from an area sometime, indicates deep seated blockage to which the person is reluctant to deal. Ask that person before treating the area.
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335

(4) (5)

(6) (7)



Hands feel drawn to an area during scanning indicates need of the energy in this area immediately.


Position of hands for REIKI & JAVEDAAN treatments of various diseases are being given on subsequent pages:
(1) Angina. Treat the heart directly by placing one hand directly over the diaphragm, forming a T-shape. Treat the soles and also the shoulders to boost up energy in the body. Treat it till pain subsides.


Arthritis. Treat the joints that are affected, by placing one hand over the point and second hand under it. Treat it in one session at least for 15 minutes.

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335



Asthma. Place the hands directly over the lungs and at the upper back. Also treat heart and solar plexus area.


Acne & Skin Disorders. Treat the face directly, solar plexus and abdomen.

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335



Anxiety & Nervousness. Treat the heart and back of the neck as shown in the diagram.


Back Pain. Treat the area affected directly, both ends of the spinal Cord and also the soles.

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335



Blood Pressure. Treat the heart, placing one hand over the other; and also the back of the neck to remove the stress. Treat it for at least 15 minutes.


Bronchitis. Place the hands on top and back of the chest below the throat. Then treat the heart, solar plexus, and the abdomen.

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335



Cancer. Treat the area of discomfort directly, liver, spleen and the spinal cord. Treat the patient as often as possible and have the session at least for 30 minutes.

(10) Cholesterol. Treat the heart with one hand and the other hand over the liver. Also treat back of the heart, solar plexus and the abdomen area.
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


(11) Cold & Flu. Place the hands over the eyes for 5 minutes, then above the ears, followed by the sides and front of the throat.

(12) Coughs. Place the hands over the throat along the jaw line and give treatment here for few minutes, then place the hands little lower, one hand across the top of the chest and the other across the base of the throat. Also treat upper back.

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


(13) Depression. Treat the sides of the head, temples of the forehead, back of the head. Then treat the heart by placing one hand over the heart and other across the chest. Also treat the solar plexus.

(14) Diarrhea. Treat the stomach and abdomen. If adequate time is available, also treat pelvic area, lower back and the base of the spine.

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


(15) Ear infection. Place your hands directly over the ears for several minutes. Also treat throat and the jaw line placing both hands beside jaws.

(16) Epilepsy. Treat the solar plexus and the abdomen. Then turn the person over and place one hand over top of the spine and other hand at base of the spine. For additional strength, treat the base of the spine with both hands.
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


(17) Fever. Treat heart, liver, solar plexus, abdomen and pelvic area to encourage toxin eliminating organs. Place one hand over the chest. Also above and right of the abdomen area.

(18) HIV (AIDS). Place one hand over thymus Glands (chest area) and other on the spleen to boost up the spleen area to boost up the immune system. Treat pelvic area to remove feelings of insecurity. Treat back of the head to remove anxiety and depression. A full body treatment especially the souls will further
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


strengthen the system and improve physical, mental and spiritual well being.

(19) Impotency & Sexual Problems. Treat pelvic area, lower back, below naval, below arm as shown in the position below, over the head from where desire for the purpose is initiated. Also treat pituitary, adrenal glands and thyroid glands as shown below. Proper and efficient functioning of these glands is important for sexual potency.
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


(20) Indigestion. Treat the solar plexus, abdomen and pelvic area. Place both hands next to each other over the pancreas under the chest as shown.

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


(21) Insomnia. Energy treatment is excellent for insomnia as it quickly induces a state of deep relaxation. Treat head on both sides as shown, back of the head, eyes, solar plexus and the heart.

(22) Leg Cramps. Treat the area directly as shown. Treat the knees and feet. Also treat both shoulders, kidneys and the base of the spine.

(23) Memory & Concentration. Treat both sides of the head and also its back.
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


(24) Migraine. At the first sight of the migraine, treat the eyes, temples of the forehead, both sides of the head and back of the head.

(25) Neck Pain. Treat the pain area directly, upper seven vertebras, edges of shoulder blades and also the head sides.
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


(26) Rheumatism. Sandwich the affected joint with both hands. Treat the temples and the back of head.Also treat solar plexus, abdomen and pelvic areas.

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


(27) Sciatica . Sciatica vein is the largest vein in the body. It starts from lower spine and finishes off in the feet. To treat its pain, treat both ends of the spine with one hand on its top and other hand at its base, Then place one hand on lower spine and other hand on upper part of the leg as shown. Thereafter, place one hand on the sole of the feet of the leg having pain and other on lower part of spine. Now treat lower part of the spine (Vertaberas L 1 to L 5) with both hands one over other. Also treat both the knees from their back.

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


(28) Sugar. Treat the pancreas directly by placing both hands over the pancreas as shown. Then treat veins of the pancreas on hand and feet as indicated. Also treat pancreas by placing palms at the back.

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335



The origin of the Life Healing Force Energy JAVEDAAN is from Egypt. It is considered to be having much more healing power then all other healing energies. The power of JAVEDAAN comes from the same Divine source as that of the Reiki and from where comes all the healing Powers and the powers of Light. A divine spark from this original sea of power and the light has remained in the conscious of the human being from the start , striving to become a channel of light for the healing and fulfilling all embracing love of the universal life energy . The higher self of the human being is always in the world of light. It accompanies and guides the person, directing him towards the light, time and again through all the incarnations and during all of his experiences . As long as we do not recognize the light for the reason that we want to see it with outer eyes only in the material world . We remain at a distance from our source , the divine Power of love just as the diamonds are not visible in the darkness of the earth. But through the development of the 3rd eye and the connection with our higher self which already accompanies our soul through many incarnations and shaping processes in whole of the life on earth ; we receive opportunities over and over for more consciously finding the Light . In a direct manner and with efforts, we can contact with our higher self and beyond with the universal life energy and thereby to the
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


original sea of light , through the channel of light which we also call the energy healing channel. However, mostly this channel is found blocked because of our actions , thoughts and feelings. Only , when we turn to the divine consciousness and the growing desire for unity ,harmony and healing , the light vibrations are activated and that make it possible for the divine , universal light energy to flow to us .The channel is then opened and we can benefit out of it . All religions and high cultures are concerned with and want the human beings turning to the Light ,the re-unifications with the life giving , healing energy , all embracing love and get the blessings of the God .It is a primary desire of our soul to return back to the Light. The human being and also the other existences in the world , all are composed of energy including our blood channels i .e . arteries , veins , tissues and the organs . some are subject to change more quickly and easily then the others which take slightly longer time to change their condition .All of our parts are also being maintained through the flow of the energy. For example , in case the blood is unable to reach to some organ or part of the body in its proper composition and quality , it gets weaker and in case supply is for some reason blocked /unable to reach , it goes dead. JAVEDAAN is a non polar energy which when enters the body, boost its nutritional value and strength, enlighten and refresh it. Placing healers hand on the head of the patient or in case of self healing too , the divine healing energy automatically starts flowing from head to toe as show in the diagram:>

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


Self Treatment

Others Treatment
Its flow influences the body in the physical, mental , emotional and spiritual areas having following affects on the body: (1) (2) Detoxification on physical , psychological and subtle levels . Remove infection ,reconstruct / repair the damaged areas, tissues and remove blockages , boosting up the strength in weaker body portions . Increase the nutritional values of blood / body .


JAVEDAAN supports the living processes and positive effects while removing negative affects from the body. The more resistance offered by the negative influences on the body, the stronger are the
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


healing reactions by the energy .It is just like the frictional resistance given by the surface of the road to the car when brakes are applied, but finally energy restores the balance of the body through its consistent and stronger healing pressure. JAVEDAAN is drawn in by the inner child of the energy recipient. The extent to which the Energy is drawn in, depends upon his / her physical ,mental ,emotional and spiritual state and his / her need for animating pulses. During the process, it removes from the body of the person being treated , the energies/ substances that impede his vital processes, positively change his / her external circumstances in life , harmonize in a manner more advantageous to his development of the convictions, behavior, emotional blocks and thought patterns that impede his/her natural liveliness.

Just like the Reiki and its details mentioned earlier , this Divine Energy channel is also empowered to its desirous students through a series of attunements , by its masters.

JAVEDAAN - Life Force Energy have Five Distinct levels as under:


Level-1.After attunements of Level-1,the students can

treat the Physical and emotional stresses including following:

(a) Arthritis. (b) Back & Neck pain.

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


(c) Frozen shoulder. (d) Migraine (e) Depression (f) Angina (g) Asthma (h) Blood Pressure (i) Bronchitis, Flu and Cold. (j)
Ear, Throat and glands infection and

(k) All other diseases. (2) Level-2.The attunements of Level-2 takes place after a

Minimum per of 21 days from the level-1 attunements. During this period, the cleansing of body and soul automatically takes place while the student of JAVEDAAN is Practicing treatments which can be given by level-1. After attunements of Level-2, the level of Energy which he can focus and utilize is much more and multiplied as compared to the Level-1 Energy; with the boosted up energy and more concentration, he can now treat : (a) Absentee patients on what ever the distance they may be.

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335



Can treat even the chronic diseases.


Level-3. After attunements of level-3, the Energy is further

boosted up and now he can treat all physical and mental stresses/diseases including following: (a) The operations like of tumors, kidney stones etc. Of those patients who are present as well as of those patients who are at distance. Treatment related to beauty, uplifting of the face/body.


(c) Treatments related to Sex and reproduction. The operation are without surgical cuts and with the help of the Energy only.


Level-4- Human Magnetic Force. Attunements of

this Level enable you to align yourself with Universal Law of Attraction. You think and act in accordance with The law of the nature. Your thoughts pattern improve, Your judgment, your vision multiplies and like a Magnet you start attracting positive things. You are Now able to improve in almost all fields of life. You can Make positive changes now in habits, thinking behavior, communicating skills, concentration and it enables you to lead a successful life. It helps you in all walks of life and you can bring changes according to your will. You can influence the other people in a better way and get what ever you want in life.


Level-5. It deals with the master level attunements and

training. Ideally, it is given after a minimum gap of three to six
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza


Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


months. It takes time to assimilate the energy and material learned during previous -levels. This Level is about mastering the self and finding out who really you are, as often we are keen to help others without dealing our own issues. Recognizing and integrating the different aspects of yourself, liberates you from being separated from others. In this way, we can move beyond the self imposed barriers and attain freedom from limiting thought patterns. This study reflects the desire by many to train to the highest level without the responsibility of teaching. The student learns the advanced healing methods. He also receive powerful attunements and symbols which he can use for healing and transformation.

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335



Energy Measures / Rules

To Make You a Strong , Healthy And A Brand New Person

As well as healing physical symptoms, JAVEDAAN can help you bring more balance and harmony into your life. -Fragmented modern day living often leave many people feeling energetically depleted and disempowered. Much of our time is spent in meeting other peoples needs and, all too often, we lose sight of our own. We find time for every body and every thing else but not for our self. I would like you to focus attention now on a very special person and that person is you; yes sir/madam - that special person is you. As you are reading this book, it appears that you are a person who is conscious of enhancing your life. We want to suggest you the way by which you can further improve your life and make it even better than what you are now. JAVEDAAN can assist you in this process. Our thoughts are extremely powerful and our outer reality confirms to our beliefs. That is why it is so important to think positively at all times. Energy follows the thought pattern. The universal law of attraction is that you have to think on the lines you want to achieve. You have to ask what you want to achieve and leave rest to the Universe. You are manifesting right now for your future, with your thoughts and feelings, just as you have always done. The frequency you send out acts like a
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


magnet, attracting what you put out for. Ensure you choose your thoughts carefully and consider your choices wisely. JAVEDAAN brings you in alignment with the highest, wisest part of you, so you can manifest all that you heart desires. By allowing yourself to trust your inner guidance system, you can move closer to your dreams. To manifest, ensure you include in your thought and belief what ever you want. If, for example, you want to bring more love into your life, become the most loving person around. Just do not focus your attention for a while even on the lack of love. If you want to attract more money, become the most generous person around, so that you change your frequency and its vibration to that of the prosperity. Even if you are giving a minor thing to some body else, feel generous and abundant, so that your vibration alter in that way. Deciding to change your life, begin by making personal choice. All too often we become caught up in the reason regretting that why we cannot do things differently, forgetting that who is the Master of every thing. To enable yourself to create the life you want, implement in your life the recommendations being given in the succeeding paras.

(1) Restore Your Energy

Every action you take involves using your energy and in the process, your energy keep depleting. Some time the energy is depleted even when you are not doing anything but your intention to do something is taxing your mind energy wise heavily. Furthermore, sometime,

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


even long after the event, its thoughts and after effects keep on draining your energy. Relationships and living in non-conducive environments can also drain your energy. Not taking a diet having a high nutritional value can do it too. -Depletion can result from working in an environment that doesnt allow you to express your creativity. Worst is the depletion as a result of your financial worries and concerns that you are unable to meet. The first step is to identify those areas which are draining your energy; only then it is possible for you to reorganize yourself so that you can ensure that you are not diminishing your energy reserves, rather utilizing it properly. Here are few questions to start you off: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Are there relationships in my life that are draining me? Are there phone calls, letters or E-mail, which I can send to take it off from my mind? Is there any relationship that i should bring it an end? Is there a gap for someone special to me in my life? Am I satisfied with my job/work/business or it requires some change? Is there shortage of high energy people around me to spend my time with? Is there a project i need to bring it to completion? Is there anyone i need to forgive and forget?
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


(i) (j) (k)

Are there any financial concerns I need to pay more attention to? Am I working in an organized manner or i need to organize it? Are my priorities alright or i need to change it?

Make a list of the areas where your energy is being drained. Make it as comprehensive as you can spending some time on it. Reorganize it and replenish your energy reserves; some suggestions are:


Decide to take personal action as per the priority and then cross it off the list so that it no more bothers your mind and then cross it off the list.

(b) (c) (d) (e)

Delegate few works to someone else who can take care of it without your direct input. Task a family member to take care of some work or bring hired help. Decide to take help of someone else on a work requiring others expertise. Put a time limit on your plan so that every thing is dealt with quickly.

You can take help of different levels of JAVEDAAN for finishing off the tasks with speed by holding the list of task in your hand, giving it Energy to speed up the process. Sit on a place which is calm
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


without any extra noise, close your eyes and hold the list in your hands; give yourself treatment with the help of JAVEDAAN, allowing the Energy for about 30 minutes to surround you and travel it from head to hands energizing the list and visualizing speedy actions, stopping it for a while at points requiring more attention.

(2) Utilize Energy For Thinking Positively

It is important to give you powerful base from where you can move forward. It is better at this stage, to look at the people in your life ( past and present both) and consider whether there is any one about whom you have bad feelings and you need to forgive him/her. Anger and blame hold us back and keep us disempowered. While suffering is an inevitable part of the life, forgiveness is the key to liberation from these bad feelings. An old saying express it in a different way that if there is an enemy in your heart, it is not safe there for a friend. So, it is better to forgive because bad feelings cant give you anything except diverting part of your thought energy, depleting your concentration.

Remember following while forgiving: (a) It is important to recognize that your pain is coming from the hurt feelings, thoughts , physical upsets and that you are suffering and not the person because of whom you are having the bad feelings.
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335



It can help to share your feelings with others and benefits from there support. Do what ever you can to feel better. Remember that Forgiving others is with the aim to help yourself alone and not others. Forgiveness is neither about forgetting nor condoning what happed. Forgiveness does not necessarily mean reconciliation with the person who upset you. It is about finding peace within yourself. Remember, you do not need other person to admit that they wronged you, before you make the decision to forgive. Choosing to have compassion for yourself and whoever wronged you is a powerful step and needs extra courage to do that. Do You have it? Forgiveness liberates you from that feeling and living a happy, fulfilled life is the best retribution. Treating your heart with JAVEDAAN can help you heal the pain and allow you to move forward.

(c) (d)



(g) (h)


Do Not Carry Burden In Your Heart. Some time during

your daily routine, out of some compulsion or irritation, one behave with his dears in a way which he later realize that it was not fair or he could have avoided it. It is not necessary that you were entirely responsible for it but in your conscious it is being carried with a bit of heavy heart. If that is the case, be
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


courageous enough to call that person may be on telephone in case you cant go physically to him and say sorry or request him to excuse you for your part of the fault. You will see that you get a great mental relief after that and that part of the energy which was being utilized for that part of the irritation is no more wasted out. It is too easy to carry burdens around in our hearts; blaming or punishing ourselves wont change the situation. Have compassion for yourself and lighten your load. Also treat your heart with JAVEDAAN.

(4) Develop unshakeable self confidence

Many of us believe that thinking a lot of ourselves is wrong. As a result of it, we grow up undermining our achievements and not feeling completely comfortable with ourselves on occasions. In failing to give ourselves the approval we deserve, we wait for it to come from others. when this does not happen, we down grade our efforts and worth. Showing appreciation for someone can make his day but it doesnt give him enough confidence if he already doesnt possess it. Confidence comes from within. It begins with approving of who you are, and liking yourself. Confidence is not about believing in yourself when every one else does it; It is the opposite of it. Confidence is to have self belief when no body else does. Some of the tips are given here to help You: (a) Treat to Mind, Heart and Solar Plexus with JAVEDAAN to give them strength.
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


(b) (c) (d)

Think that you are unique. Take a moment to consider what makes you special, list your qualities. Have the confidence and think in that way that You can do every thing and better than every body else. Dont compare yourself to anyone else and strive to be the best that you can but dont let your unique achievements be undermined by comparing yourself to anyone else. Always think positively and refuse to allow any negative thoughts in you mind. Disqualify any negative statements by adding a positive one onto it. For example, if someone says that the talk you have given should have been longer and in detail, remind yourself that lengthy speech could have lost the audience, and that you covered all the points. Treat Your Eyes with the JAVEDAAN. Spend your time with uplifting, supportive people and listen to self help tapes, attend inspirational lectures, read books written by such successful people who have made the difference. Spend time with loving, supportive friends who make you feel the special person who you are. Treat the back of your head with JAVEDAAN.




Be Confident. JAVEDAAN can help you to boost up your confidence. At times, even when you are not feeling confident act as if you are. By acting that way You become that confident.
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza


Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335



Reward Yourself. Look for ways you can reward yourself whenever you do something extra-ordinary. By reinforcing the positive feelings, your subconscious mind will help you achieve even better outcome next time. Visualize HMF of JAVEDAAN when striving for some hard task; it will help positively achieving that. Learn from your own mistakes. When the inevitable happens, see it as a learning experience and take lessons out of it. Self confidence is about never letting yourself be undermined. When you learn to love and believe yourself, you will never need external approval again. You are tapping into and being sustained into your own energy source i.e. your inner power. You will achieve self confidence and self reliance by generating and harvesting it. Reinforce visualized solution of your problem and reinforce it with JAVEDAAN. Your inner guidance system and help of JAVEDAAN will help you achieving the desired result. Make a difference in the world. Great Poet Allama Iqbal says and I Quote



Daagh-e- sujjod tairi jabeen per hua to kia, Ik sujda ker aisa kay Zameen per Nishan Rahay.If you think of something you can do for someone, dont hesitate to do that. By choosing to help someone and helping others unconditionally, everyone is enriched and thereby start liking/loving you. If it is appropriate, offer and help
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


others with JAVEDAAN treatments. When people are touched by love, miracles takes place.


Take Action As per Your Inner Guidance . Decide what is important for you right now and then do it. See your life as a large canvas on which you can paint all of your dreams. You may get guidance from your inner self. As you give yourself JAVEDAAN Treatment, imagine your mind is like a sea and while visualizing the natural rhythm of the sea tides and also be aware of the currents under the tide. For better -results, sometime, one got to read in between the lines as well. Your higher self also helps you. It can be like the quiet messages from your soul, which are accessed via your 6th sense- Your intuition. Intuition is different from impulsive or fear based thoughts. Intuition is quiet just indicating to you only. You may get a sense of something which just feels right or wrong. A glimpse of path you could take or a choice you could make. It quietly tells you something you need to know. It could be a reminder that all is not right and its time to do something about it. Listen carefully to those subtle messages from your soul. Those are all important and aimed at guiding you to the right path you are just going to start. This way, you will develop the force of conviction and self confidence.

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


(5) Surround Yourself With Supportive High Energy People

Close your eyes for few minutes and visualize/ imagine who all remained in your life and also of those around you at present. Usually such occasions would have involved spending time with people who enriched your life, making you feel confident and happy. Modern day living is often fragmented, leaving us unable to sustain in-depth relationship. Take a closer look at your relationships. Do you feel energized and uplifted by them? Do you support each others dreams, even though they may differ? Are you able to share your deepest feelings including your fears as well as passions? If a relationship leaves you feel drained, angry, despondent or agitated; consider whether it is worth continuing. Begin to identify people who like to spend time with you. Consider every one you meet in your every day life, as well as old friends. Ask yourself if they share your values and interests. What are your specific feelings about a person? Are the friends judgmental or supportive? Are those upbeat and positive, or weighs down by problems and issues? Do you feel that you could connect with them at a deeper level? If you have taken up an interests recently and it is supportive, you may like to join this group? Is there course
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


you would like to take, where you could meet like minded other people? What ever may be your interests, there will always be others who share It. Do you resonate with the people in your neighborhood? If not, consider moving nearer to people whose company you are more likely to enjoy. It could make all the difference. Energize your Relationship with JAVEDAAN. The Energy is useful for attracting new people in your life. Before giving yourself a treatment, Feel the intention that you would like to meet like minded people. Visualize yourself socializing with them. If a relationship is not working well and you want to continue it, treat it with Second Level of JAVEDAAN Energy ( Just like absent patient), for betterment of both parties. This may resolve issues energetically, but if something is not meant to last, it may hasten the end. Ask yourself if would like to have new relationships that are meaningful. Would you like to meet new friends sharing common interests. Do you want to meet and connect up with a soul mate? Make a list of all the characteristics you would like to have in your new friend. Focusing on the list will make you aware of what qualities are important to you. Make it in detail and then energize it with JAVEDAAN. Good friends are of great value. Take time to appreciate the friends that you have. This can often
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


strengthen the connections and move the relationship to a deeper level. We dont express enough appreciation for each other, and appreciation can really make a big difference to create love and further strengthening the bond. Rather than flattering a person, it is about acknowledging his or her special traits. Commenting on a trait, special quality or gift, honors others in the highest possible way. It really promotes and enhance the existing feelings of attachments.


Promote Your Spiritualism

Spiritual well being has a different meaning for everyone .The most important and most common element is of our relationship with God and a deep sense of love, and quest for peace. The most fundamental way of honoring your spiritual well being is to live a life guided by your inner wisdom. If you can listen and act on the advice of your inner guidance, you will always find yourself on a path that is the most beneficial for you. Most of the people can recall a time, when they wish they should have made a different decision or feel in a way that they should have not done that! Well, intuition can help us in reaching that decision which logical mind often cannot; because your conscious part of the mind can only see what is there right in front, only in visible light spectrum and not on unseen distances. Whereas your inner self, unconscious part of the mind and soul have no limitation of time and space and can
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


travel in all direction- in past, present and future, beyond the visible hurdles at an immeasurable speed- much more than the speed of light i.e. 18600miles/sec. It could see in moments/minutes even the end result of the work you are just going to start. You just have to make the intentions and then consult it. Answer will come, may be immediately in few moments or some time-a bit later say a day or so but it will come. JAVEDAAN can help you in that as it encourages the development of this intuitive power i.e. Your relationship with your soul or Wise self.

Steps to develop Your Spiritual Well Being are as follows:>

(1) Start an Inner Dialogue. Simply ask for guidance from you inner self. Phrase this question in your mind and wait for the response. It may take minutes, hours or days but the answer will present itself. It may come in the form of dream, day dream, a thought or feelings in the mind and eyes. Whenever you are required to take up an important decision like for example starting a new job or a relation, ask whether it will prove good for you. If you get into the habit of asking for guidance, it will soon become your second nature. JAVEDAAN enhances your this coordination of mind, body and soul and it promotes your ability for quick answers-guidance to you. Discover Solitude
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335



Find time regularly to be alone; relax at a suitable place, give yourself JAVEDAAN treatment or mediate. It help promoting an inner dialogue with your wise self. If you take treatment with the help of JAVEDAAN, Just lie down and imagine the Energy to give you Energy Bath the Energy flowing from your head to toe and surrounding you; during the flow, stop it at body organs and glands. At these important organs and glands, spin the Energy and then keep on spinning it for few minute till the time it is totally relaxed. After you finish this session, you will find yourself very fresh, with no pain or tiredness in the body with boosted up energy and having enhanced vision. It can take you even to the Alpha state - very relaxed and feel like having very light weight-free of gravitational pull, when your conscious and unconscious mind are working simultaneously, giving you enhanced mental capacity and opening up your 6th sense. With it, you have your intuitive brain fully functional now. Your judgment increases and you can know even the other persons intentions- putting you in very advantageous position in business. In this state, you can control your body temperature and are able to successfully program your 24 hours working. The different frequencies at which brain functions and where you can achieve Alpha State are as under:

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335





Beta State. In this state, activity takes place when a person is fully awake. Its frequency is 14 Hz per second and above Alpha State. This state Occurs when a person relaxes and its rhythm is between 7.5 Hz to 13 Hz brain waves per second Theta state. Its a slow activity and takes place at a brain frequency of 3.5 Hz to & 7.5 Hz per second.


Delta State. This is the state when a person is sleeping. Its frequency rate is 1.5 to 4 cycles per second.


Live The Life You Want. Decide what you want to do and then do it now. Go confidently into the direction of dreams! Live the life you have imagined. As you start your life , simply ask the nature to help you. Universal Laws of Attraction will help you. Make plan, visualize the details of the plan you are gong to follow and also the end result; energize the plan and the desired positive outcome with JAVEDAAN. As you energize every part of your life with the
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335





Energy, you will enjoy it and others will simply think that you are lucky and having a charm full life. They may have a little idea that this energized life is possible for all those who makes effort for it. Be in The Present. Past is gone and is the history now; Thinking about the past may not give any thing to everyone except a few irritations. Future is not accessible to you at the moment, but present is the reality and in your reach. If you do best for today ,it will automatically secure your future. Mostly, much of the day is spent thinking about the past or dreaming of the future. Realize that only your present is the reality and by living increasingly in the present, you can substantially raise your awareness. You can have a clear dialogue with your inner wisdom. Spend every day few moments alone, becoming more aware of all your senses; what all can you see , feel, hear, smell, taste and sense right now? Becoming used to it in routine, turning in and utilizing all your senses. Before starting the day, treat yourself with JAVEDAAN, enhancing your vision and capacity to sense and boosting up your energy; During day, when you are striving for your case, place and visualize between you and your opponent, the symbols of HMT( Human Magnetic Force ), it will facilitate and enable you to make your point and convince others. Listen To Your Dreams. Expect to receive an insight into your dreams. Before going to sleep, pose questions to yourself to visualize the situation. Expect the answers of your question during your dreams. Get into the habit of
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza


Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


writing down the dreams as soon as you get up, even when those appears insignificant to you. You will receive messages from you inner and wiser self and be able to recall and refer to them in due course of time. (6) Keep A Note Book With You and Develop Habit of Writing Your Feelings/ Intentions This can be a helpful way of exploring and feeling your spiritual desires. As well as, recording your thoughts, you may want to recall inspirational quotations, synchronistic events, spiritual experiences and other insights. Writing habit in this way can be invaluable for noting down the dreams that could otherwise be forgotten. Find a regular time to write your feelings/ happenings/ dreams; You may want to keep these answers for self development exercises. Keep a note of any question you ask and record any reply you receive or decision you make. If you can be imaginative enough to draw these in picture shapes, the objectives you want to achieve-the dreams you want to fulfill, paste these into your diary and keep looking at them when ever you get the time, it is a powerful way of accessing the sub conscious part of the mind. It allows the subconscious mind-with more freedom of action and that too without the limitation of time and space, to take over, without the conscious mind getting in the way with its doubts, fears and limitations, to create favorable environments- more

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


easily allowing you and making it possible in a better way to achieve your objectives.

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335



As explained in the start, both the energies are very affective in healing the diseases and restoring the balance of human bodies, animals, plants and also of other existences of this world but somehow are not very well known and popular for treatment in this part of the world. I am suggesting here some of the techniques, which can help the healer for enhancing the effects of the Energies-adding few dimensions to the energy work and expanding it with powerful spiritual abilities. It will be in the following sequence: (6) Enhancing affects by carrying out treatment after clearance of Aura. Covered in the book in following parts:> (e) Energy field of Aura. (f) How to see Aura? (g) Meanings of different colors of Aura. (h) Clearance of Aura. (7) Enhancing affects by use of Rainbow Technique. (8) Energy work with Gem Stones and crystals. (9) Use of Yoga Chakras for enhancing the Energy Effects. (10) Use of Acupressure points for assisting in energy work. (11) Use of Power Centers.

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


What is Aura ?- Detail Explanation of Aura
For better effects of the treatment, may it be self treatment or you are treating the patient, it is always better to first clear the Aura. I will give you the example of treating children, where the energy affects more quickly to treat the child; only thing is that aura of children is more clean and therefore much stronger. In case the Aura is clean, the treatment will have its effects more quickly. In the temporary use of language there is the word "Aura" but the meaning can be quite different. For most people the Aura is only the radiance of human beings but for scientists it is a concrete, existing energy field around living creatures. The Aura is formed by subtle color radiances which surround the body of a human being. It is invisible energy, usually in the shape of an egg, surrounding the body, and its size is directly proportional to the spiritual development of the person. Every Aura is unique in itself; Of course, there are similarities and dissimilarities in different Aura. Similar Auras attract each other and get combined, while dissimilar Auras repel each other. This is why you like or dislike a person at first sight/meeting. The electromagnetic property of Auras makes them interact with each other. You are always absorbing something or giving away something, whenever you are in contact with a person or an object. Some of them, who are stronger than you, will suck and drain your Aura, and you feel exhausted after meeting or talking to them even on the phone. For this, you should make your Aura stronger by physical
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


exercise, deep breathing, spiritual practices, etc. Spiritual person are strong enough not to be affected by any evil. Generous and kind persons have large Auras. They spend their lives helping others quietly, many times unnoticed by others, many times taken for granted by friends and relatives, but the nature or psyche, which has the records of everyone's doings like a bank, recognizes them. Self-centered and highly materialistic people have small Auras.

Aura can be as seen in different colors

Aura is a complete representation of the personality. In metaphysics, Aura refers to the energy field emanating from the surface of a person or object. This emanation is visualized as an outline of cascading color and may be held to represent soul vibrations, chakra emergence, or a reflection of surrounding energy fields.
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


Auras may be viewed by the naked eye, though some psychics, like Edgar Cayce, believe this ability weakens with age. Focused training may improve one's ability to see Auras. Layers of Aura are separate and distinct yet connected to all the remaining layers. Auras vibrate to different colors, sounds, and light frequencies. The color spectrum varies with one's physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual states. Your Aura usually consists of more than one color at a time.

When I do a psychic reading with someone, I always check their Aura first. If the Aura sways back and forth, the person has a chemical imbalance, due to drugs, medication, drinking, a chemical imbalance the body. When I look at a photo of a person who has no aura - or the aura appears black - as their physical body no longer has an electromagnetic energy field. It can extend out very far or remain close to the body, which occurs when the person is protecting themselves form someone or something.

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


When people have done healing work together, or shared physical contact, they will share a common Auric field for a period of time as they have merged their electromagnetic energies.

Auras can be seen or sensed psychically, or both.

How To See The Aura?

There are different techniques to see the Aura; you may adopt any one out of the techniques being given in succeeding paras:> (1) Technique 1 To practice seeing Auras - have the subject stand in front of a white background and look to the side of their body either side is fine. Daylight is often the best light as the sun's rays are with full spectrum. If you watch the person for a minute, you will see their electromagnetic energies as sort of wavy lines of energies. This looks a lot like the energy you see when you are watching an airplane taking off in a movie. Please do not strain you eyes. Relax. You might want to let your eyes go a little out of focus while you are looking for at it. You may only see the aura
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


for a few seconds, then it will disappear. After you see that energy, you may also see or sense a color frequency, may be two or three colors, in the Aura. After several minutes you should be able to see some sort of energy field around the person. Remember that Auras change all the time according to the person's mood and environment. As with all psychic tools, learning to read Auras seems easy for some people while others need lot of practice. The color of your Aura is determined by your emotions, physical surroundings, spiritual work you are doing, items in the room, such as crystals which can magnify or change the colors of any Aura. Anything that can affect an electromagnetic field can affect a change in one's Aura. As everything that is in our reality is created from electromagnetic energy, everything has an Aura - plants, animals, etc. If you would like to see your own Aura, find a mirror that is in a well lit room. Relax. Look at your head or head and shoulder area. Focus on one side of your head. Soon you should be able to see the electromagnetic energies as a field of light around your head. Meditation or working with anything that can enhance your electromagnetic energy fields will raise your frequency and move you to a higher frequency color of light. In other words - you hold a few clear quartz crystals and meditate--->take your picture----> it will have a clear white tone unless you have a serious medical problem. So as you see all things are connected by the flow of the electromagnetic energy fields that create our reality. To see the Aura you have to be able to relax and concentrate, at the same time, and there is a trick to focusing the eyes in a special way. You need soft light to train in, not dim,
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


but good soft light. No harsh light shining or reflecting in your eyes! Get a book and cover it in Blue or Red paper. Stand it upright on a table several feet from you. Experiment with the distance until you find what is best for you. Make sure you have a plain neutral background. If the wall color is wrong, hang a sheet of neutral colored paper or cloth as a backdrop.

Some Aura Photos

g Auras

Technique 2 To build up your confidence, first practice on a book to see its Aura. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and relax. Focus your eyes on nothing, a little to the side of it. Gently hold and get
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


used to that focus but don't strain your eyes or tense your eyes or forehead. Concentrate! you need a gentle, steady un-focus, similar to day-dreaming. When you need to blink, do so, or it will cause your eyes to tense and water. Blink normally and quickly without changing focus, and do not become preoccupied with it. It may cause the Aura to disappear for a second, but it will reappear quickly if you stay relaxed and hold your focus. After a while you will see a pale narrow Aura coming from the book. Hold the focus, don't look at it, soon a bright Yellow or Green Aura will start building up from the object. Don't change focus or look directly at it or the aura will disappear. There is a reason for this strange un-focus. Your outer field of vision is many times more sensitive than the focused area is. Have you ever seen a movement, out of the corner of your eye, only to turn and see nothing there? What you may have seen is an Aura building up from something and your outer field of vision has detected it. Once you have completed the first step, gather several books and cover them, each with a different colored paper. Study these one at a time and write down the Auric color for it. Next try using two at a time, and watch how the Auric colors affect each other. Now get a pot plant or some flowers and study it. The Aura you will see emanates from the living plant and also from the colors of the petals. The Orange comes from the green of the stems and leaves. You will also see a shimmering optical effect around them. This shimmering is the energy field or living Aura of the plant. For the next step use an animal, dog or cat etc, if you have one. Try and observe them when they are resting.

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


Now Observe your own Aura. This can be done both inside and outside in the sun. Hold your arm out and study it against the sky or clouds. Alternatively, lie down and look at your legs. Make sure the skin is bare when you do this, and remember, grass will give off an Orange hue. When you feel proficient enough, try it with a human subject. Just remember not to try too hard. Do it exactly the same as in the original exercise with the book. Get your volunteer to remove some of their clothing and study the bare skin area against a neutral background. On a human subject, again, the first thing you will see is an Aura pale smoke clinging to the skin. Next you will see the shimmering optical effect in the air extending from several inches to a couple of feet deep, depending on the strength of their Aura. Keep trying and the Aura's color will build up, and out to make the image. It will first appear as a narrow band of color next. This will expand slowly, if you hold your focus, until it is several inches or more thick. Make sure the sun is behind you to see the human aura. Don't be disappointed if you fail, or see very little, the first few times you try. If you managed to see the Auric colors of the books, you can also learn to see the human Aura. Stimulates the 3rd eye position on forehead, which is responsible for this ability. With use, it will grow in strength, and become progressively easier to do. s not have to be born with the talent to be able to see auras. The (3) Technique 3 Turn Off the lights and lie down on bed or at any other suitable place where you can relax. Dont make the room pitch dark but there should be as little light as possible. In most cases, lights from adjacent rooms or from street lights, filtering in through the blinds or nightlights shinning in through a crack in the door should be sufficient.
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


Now, hold out your hands straight out in front of you. Dont stare hard, just gaze gently. An Aura is not always a bright light, usually it is more of a haze. To understand the way, you should be gazing, keep holding both hands in your line of sight, focus your gaze on the bed room wall in front of you. Your hands will be out of focus but still visible. Extend your pointer fingers and very slowly move your hands towards each other to the extent that your fingers are almost touching. The Aura will appear as the lines of blue and red light between the two barely touching finger tips. Thereafter, try again with all ten fingers barely touching. Now, slowly draw your hands apart, and you will see slight steams of energy connecting each finger. Encourage your mind visualizing energy increasing as you move your fingertips together and apart, back and forth; seems increasing and energizing the Auric flow. Practice this Technique time and again, and you will discover over time that you are beginning to notice the same effects around peoples heads. Although, Aura surround the entire body, it will be brightest and most visible around the head. With practice you will be able to see the Auras.

Electro Magnetic Spectrum

The Aura around human is partly composed from electro magnetic radiation, spanning from infra red to ultra violet Light. I am sure that you must be knowing that what we see with our naked eye is not the complete light spectrum; we dont see many electro magnetic waves with it; I would like to remind you here that you see even the TV & Radio waves with your naked eye- the type of waves with whom you are quite familiar.
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


Electromagnetic spectrum is the range of all possible electromagnetic radiation. The "electromagnetic spectrum" (or just spectrum) of an object is the characteristic distribution of electromagnetic radiation from that object. The complete light spectrum is as follows:>

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335



Another view is : >

The most familiar part of the electromagnetic spectrum is the visible region, which spans the colors of the rainbow (wavelength range of 400-700 nanometers (nm)). We are able to see things because our
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


eyes are sensitive to this region of the spectrum. A variety of applications have been found for the different parts of the spectrum. For instance, radio waves are used for the transmission of data for television, mobile phones, and wireless networking. X-rays and gamma rays are used in medicine.

In Aura each color signifies certain vibration which has different meaning from other.

Aura Reading
Looking at your spiritual energy system as represented in the seven layers of Aura. Along with colors, a reader may see memory pictures, symbolic images, spiritual beings and usually energies belonging to others--like friends and family members. Readings can help you identify and release blocks. Readings also help you get in touch with your own energy, so you can know your own truth and make the highest choices for yourself. In an Aura reading, the reader looks for what is your energy and what is not your energy. In each layer of your Aura, the reader sees different colors and identifies which colors represent your own energy and which colors are unwanted energies.

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


Often just by recognizing that something is not your energy, you can begin to release it. The future is not fixed. You have the ability to create healing and change your course of action at any time. The future is determined by the choices you make in the present. So reading the Aura focuses mostly on your energy system in the present. Having someone else seeing and validating your energy in the present moment is very healing and empowering. Ideally, readings are not primarily advice giving sessions. The best Aura readings are healing, empowering and support you in getting in touch with your own answers. Aura is our spiritual signature. When we see a person with bright, clean Aura, You can be sure that a person is good; and when you see a gray or dark Aura, you may be almost sure that the person has unclear intentions regardless of the fact that he/she is good looking, educated and well dressed.

Interpreting The Aura Meanings Of Different Colors

The question is how to interpret an Aura? What do the colors in the Aura really means. Our aura is filled with facets of ourselves. These colors tell every thing about his personality. Psychic and physical reading can be given to find out various problems with the person so that he can be treated in the best possible manner. The meanings of different colors in the Aura are:>

a. Reds
(1) Scarlet Red indicates a person with a big ego.
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


(2) Crimson indicates creative talents. (3) Rustic Red indicates person who is quick tempered. (4) Carmine- who is seeking change. (5) Maroon shows ability to own ones self power. (6) Claret tenacious

b. Oranges
(1) Apricot : Thoughtful Communication. (2) Orange : Strongly motivated. (3) Pumpkin : Self disciplined. (4) Amber : Individual strength & Courage. (5) Caramel: Positive Occupation Changes.

c. Yellows
(1)Pale Yellow : Introversion. (2)Primrose : Cheerful & Confident. (3)Lemon Yellow : Strength of direction. (4)Butter Yellow : Focused on a path of action. (5)Mustard : Manipulative tendencies. (6)Straw Yellow : Day dreamer. (7)Golden Yellow : inspiration. (8)Chocolate Brown : Links to earth work like agriculturist or environmentalist. (9)Mushroom : Slowing of destiny. (10)Dark Brown : Common sense.

d. Greens
(1)Lemon Green : Liars & Cheats.
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


(2)Pale Green : Spiritual advancement. (3)Apple Green : Healers. (4)Jade : Benevolent Character. (5)Olive Green : Miser. (6)Dark Green : Mental Stress.

e. Pinks
(1)Pale Pink : True love. (2)Iridescent Pink : Sexual desire. (3)Pink Madder : Faithfulness & Commitment. (4)Dusty Pink : Foolish person.

f. Blues
(1)Sky Blue : Well developed basic instincts. (2)Pale Blue : Sensitiveness. (3)Navy Blue : Slow, but safe and sure individual. (4)Persian Blue : Harmony. (5)Indigo : Great psychic talent.

a. Purples
(1)Mauve : Modest individual. (2)Grape : Idleness. (3)Violet : Humble person. (4)Lilac : Spiritual stability. (5)Lavender : Experience near of death.

b. Other Colors
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


(1) Black : Can often be seen in Auras of abused Childs, drug addicts, divorcee, torture or some great trauma in their life. (2) Gold : Elevated level of awareness. (3) Charcoal Grey : Depression. The list of colors are their meaning are without limit; I have given you the guidelines on which you can develop further. When you are working as a healer, you are bringing balance to the person's electromagnetic field. You should observe the person slowly then determine if they have holes in their Aura. It would look as if the electromagnetic energies had suddenly stopped. This will tell you where there is a problem or imbalance in their physical body. I always suggest you discuss the problem with the person first. All physical illness comes from the emotional blocks which creates the problem. You must find the psychological cause of the problem first, to determine if the person actually wants to be healed on an emotional and soul level. If he/she is not ready, the healing and balancing can only last for a sort time and will revert back, or manifest in another area of the body. All healing must be done on the soul level first! You can use your hands in a slow sweeping motion over the part of the Aura where the energy does not appear to flow properly. As you move your hands across the person's Aura - you should experience some sort of change in the energy flow. You do not touch the person you just go through the Auric field of that person. This healing technique goes to Therapeutic Touch.

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


Cleansing Of Aura
If You have read the Aura correctly, you will be able to clean it. Guide lines for cleansing of the Aura are as follows: The client stretches out on his back. He should not cross out his legs. The arms lie relaxed next to the body, with some distance in between. The healer now holds his hands over the heart and the hara at a distance of about 10 to 15 centimeters from the clients body; his eyes should be close and also direct him to pay attention to any change taking place inside him/her. After several minutes when you feel a sort of acceptance or resonance with the patient, Change the position of the hands on right and left of the centre of the body( Still without touching the body ) directly under the collarbone and above the breasts. To increase the effect, move your hands gently a bit in horizontal and vertical directions. After about 5 minutes, place the hands at the top of the head and start gentle stroking movement on one arm- from head to the hand, first in one arm and then on the other arm in the same manner. When stroking downwards, maintain a distance of about 10 to 15 centimeters from the body. Stroke through the energy field of each arm 5 to 10 times in this manner. This exercise clears the patients Aura and promotes the effectiveness of the treatment that follows. The ability of the hands for subtle perception can also be intensified in this way. Now place the hands above the top of the head and stroke to the right and left of the bodys mid line, down to around the respective middle of both thighs. Repeat it 5 to 10 times. Then position the hands
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


to the right and left above each hipbone and calmly feels the vibrations there for a moment. While closing, smooth out each leg from this point to distinctly beyond the foot. When bringing the hands back to the starting position above the hipbones, maintain a distance of about 50 centimeters in order to not to disturb the flow of the Aura. Now treat the soles of the patient for about 5 minutes in the same manner. In case, the healer feels that there is a requirement of further treatment; to further give the treatment,, just place the hands below the clients feet, about at 20 centimeters. Stroke over one leg up to the naval and then over the other leg for at least three times. Ensure to keep a distance of about 50 centimeters from the body while moving the hands back. Now holds the hands above the lower belly for a moment and feel the energy there. From here stroke to the right and left of the body midline up to the chest. Now hold the hands above the heart area and perceive the energy there; stroke first upward over one shoulder and then down to the hand. Move the hand now back over the heart, feel the energy there for a moment; if there is no requirement of further treatment, end the exercise by gently stroking up to the hairline. After the Aura has been thoroughly cleared and stabilized in this manner, a rest of about 15 minutes is recommended. Important reconstructing of the energy system takes place during this time and, the mind and body, should not be burdened with additional demands during this time

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335



The energy work is with the help of Divine Light and all the 7 Colors of the light are contained in the light of the Rainbow and this beautiful work of the art created by the nature, normally appearing after the rain, which has always been seen as a connecting link between the heaven and Earth, the human being and the subtle world. So, if the effects of the Energy are showered like a rain on the effected part of the body directly, it will definitely enhance its effects. To have the best effects of the Rainbow Technique, you are required to learn how to create a energy ball with the help of energy work ( REIKI or JAVEDAAN ). As you know it very well by now that after drawing the symbols of the Healing Energies, the energy starts flowing to the hands. To have maximum effects of the Healing Energies, create energy ball of this energy flow as under: To create the energy ball, hold your hands with palms facing each other about 20 to 30 centimeters apart at the level of your heart and at about 30 centimeters from your body. Wait for a moment and feel the energy that is now increasingly collecting between your hands. Now, gently move your palms towards each other and then away back and forth , a few times. As you do it, change the distance slightly every time, first in one direction and then the other i.e. While bringer the palms closer and then away. Be conscious that while taking the palms away from each other, the distance between the palms should not be more then 40 centimeters and while bringer closer, palms do not touch each other. Feel how the power between the palms continues to grow;
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


Feel the attraction and resistance while you move the palms closer and away from each other. Perceive how the hands are held back by the energy while you slowly pull them away from each other.

Continue to hold your hands with the inside of the palms facing each other, 20 to 30 centimeters apart for few moments, and thereafter, move them to a distance of 30 centimeters from the patient and align to his/her area /point of the body where you want to give treatment i.e. Either the area where the pain is being felt or body glands or body organ or Chakra which deals with that particular disease or its acupressure points. Now, blow air carrying energy- through your hands towards the area requiring treatment, till the time you have completely exhaled. Repeat this procedure of creating the energy ball and then blowing it on the point of treatment for at least two to three
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


times. The more no. Of times you repeat it, the more effect it will have during the treatment but, in a session you can have it maximum of six to seven times. while doing, direct your attention to the energy that you move through your hands and also the point of treatment. After every time you blow the energy, ask your patient about his perception / feelings he observed with reference to his/her problem; it will help you in further treatment. Blowing of the Energy Ball with the help with the help of your breath have a special significance in away that our breathing is linked directly to soul as such have multiplied effect. However, it is not necessary that you keep the energy ball at a distance from the patient (30 centimeters), You can move it as close to body of the patient as close as possible or if required, can even touch the body of the patient but take care while doing that especially if you are not very experienced in using it. Approach the body of the patient from the narrower side of the body, moving the energy ball very close to the body, and then move the ball into the body by placing one hand on the front of body at the appropriate place and other hand on the back of the body. The inside of the palms must keep facing each other all the time. Moving the hand gently back and forth is helpful in maintaining the energy ball.

Rainbow Technique and The Crystal/Gemstone Work

You can also utilize Rainbow technique with all type of healing stones and crystals, if you are familiar with them. You can actually use any gemstone for this purpose. If you are knowledgeable about the effects of the various types of the healing stones, choose them as per their suitability for your respective plans. The Rainbow
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


Technique will qualitatively expand its specific powers and intensify them greatly. Stones tumbled into a round form, called hand stones are most suitable. This dont need be of much larger size; even small size would suffice. However, to give its proper effects, its special orientation is more important to clearly define the exact purpose for which it is being laid than to find the appropriate stone for it. Take following steps to take effects of Rainbow-crystal Technique: Choose at least three stones for the pattern. Hold it each of them for a moment in your hand. Greet it, and explain it that for what purpose you want to use it; wait for few moments while still holding them for few moments; in case you fee have some positive and refreshing effect affects on your body, consider a positive response from them. If you feel burdening or heavy effect on you, consider it as negative effect. The mineral beings usually enjoy in a place requiring moving energies. But some time they dont. May be either their nature does not coincide with yours or they need peace and quietness, purification, some light, or first get to know you better and wants to spend some more time with you before they can start working with you. In this case, select few other stones. The maximum number of stones you can use for a pattern is theoretically unlimited. Normally make use of maximum 11 stones; though more no of stones will never harm you but their combined power will be so strong that your body closer to them you will feel as being in trance. Large patterns of

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


Energy Work With Gem Stones

Luminous, radiant powers of the universe are also concealed in Gem stones and crystals and can help us developing our divine light consciousness. In case we utilize Healing Energies making use of the Gem stones, it will further enhance the effectiveness of healing. When we use both of these powers for our benefit in combination with each other, complementing and intensifying each other, we are likely to have wonderful results.

The connection Of Healing JAVEDAAN With Gem Stones

Energies Reiki And

Our initiated hands with REIKI & JAVEDAAN radiate very intensive light and love whenever they touch something in this consciousness. Gem Stones are living, pulsating vibrations. The vibrations are as per their composition, color, pattern and form. When we as a channel of healing energies, pick up a gem stone, it immediately feel that it is loved, and a very power full, simple, natural, and concentrated activation of light energies are flooded out like a stream with divine light, shine and glow, extending far out into the Universe -> further increasing healing effects of the Energies.

Effects Through The Various Properties Of Gemstones

The Effects and clarity of gemstones color, its markings and pattern, size, cut, and pattern in which these are laid are very important for its effects. The subtle vibrations and entities of stone
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


correspond precisely with the extremely visible manifestation of the gemstones. Each color, is found in the vibration of our energy centers, auras and energy bodies. A gemstone stimulates exactly the same color nuances within us. This is why one should be careful not to select any gemstone with dull, cloudy or dirty colors, but choose stones with colors that are clear, pure and intensive. This will activate the color vibrations within us that have strong cleansing, clarifying, and healing effects. The marking, patterns, structures, and inclusion of gemstones are just as varied, individual, and unique as those of every human being. If we open up to them at deeper level, we will find access to our inner images of the soul through them; feelings and experiences that are within us and want to come back to the light, meaning consciousness. The effect is very intensively related to deeply concealed structures of the soul. Cut gemstones have experienced an increase of their energy through refinement; it has the effect of focus, centering our energy and directing it to what is important. The size of gemstone is also important as larger gemstones creates the effects of overcoming feelings of inferiority, narrowness, pettiness and say yes to greatness, vastness and expansion.

Cleansing And Activating Gem Stones

Before or after every energy work ( REIKI or JAVEDAAN ) clean the stones selected for the purpose, manually and spiritually. To do this hold them under cold, running water for a short time and imagine that every thing heavy and dark is being washed away from them. After drying them, hold them in your hand and give them energy treatment.
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


The stones are activated in their light vibrations through the concentrated light energy, universal source that radiates on its own from our hands. In this way, the emanations of the gemstones are not only cleansed, but are also brought into the powerfully healing, harmonizing vibrations that correspond to the energy flow. It is only when the gemstones are touched with light and love of energy that the concealed, subtle powers of the light are highlighted in them. The Energy Charged hands ( With REIKI OR JAVEDAAN) do this in a completely simple and natural way. During the treatment, gemstones experience a strong charging of the carried out energy work. Even long after the conclusion of the treatment, the continue to radiate the charged energy with in the room or to the person who takes or wears the stones with them. The stones in the room charged with the energy work provide beneficial pure, lovely and healthy atmosphere there. If we wear or carry the gemstone charged with energy work, with us during the day or for longer period, will accompany us with light and have positive effects on our efforts/ work.

Laying The Gemstones And Their Optimal Alignment On the Energy Centers
Our energy centers are particularly receptive to subtle light energies. These are bridges over which all of our bodies, from physical to the cosmic, are in contact and constant exchange of energy with each other. Each energy center has a special task and function in this process, and yet, each bit of information is present and accessible in each of energy centers.
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


If we put the gemstone on an energy center, its activating light energy flows into the energy streams of the center. In accordance with the color, form, size, markings, and patterns of stone, the effect will have certain nuances. We lay the gemstones for the :

a. 1st energy center ( base center ) on the lower genital area. b. 2nd energy center ( sacral center ) on the abdomen below the naval. c. 3rd energy center ( solar plexus center) above the naval. d. 4th energy center ( heart center ) at the location of the heart. e. 5th energy center ( throat center ) in the hollow of the throat. f. 6th energy center ( Forehead center ) above the bridge of the nose between the eyebrows. g. 7th energy center ( head center ) behind the head. h. The gemstone for the foot center is placed between the feet. i. The gemstones for the hand center is placed on top of the hand facing upward or under the palm of hand facing the floor. After cleansing and activating of gemstones as described above, patient should lie down ensuring his alignment in optimal direction. Every gem stone, whether uncut or tumbled, cut in facets or other wise, gives us indications about the energy course through its form, marking, pattern, growth structure, or inclusion. We usually find a tip, a triangle, a mountain, or just a peak towards which the energy strives. This is then the area of the stone that should be directed towards the head. This is very clear in quartz crystals or similar stones.

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


There are two possibilities for optimal alignment when laying out pyramids:

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


One corner of the pyramid points to the head; the energy flows from the spirit into matter and light energy supports us in earthly occurrence. One of the base surfaces of the pyramid points to the head: the energy raises itself from the material to the realm of the mind and spirit. We open ourselves for spiritual, mental, and intuitive perceptions and training.

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


Obelisks should be set up instead of laid out. Since this is only possible in the area of the foot centers, or the head center, we set the obelisks into the aura , next to the body in the area of the energy center.

When laying out and aligning the gemstones, we should do it with full concentration, since we hold concentrated light energy in our hands with each gemstone. This very strongly activates the flow and acceptance of Energy ( REIKI & JAVEDAAN ) work and its effects.

I will not go into the details of the gemstones as it is out of the scope of this book. However, people should select Gemstones as per their date of birth and liking.

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335



(1)Acne and skin Disorders. The acupressure points for acne and skin disorders have been shown in shape of black dates & arrows, on front, back and side of the face and the body in the diagrams given below. Energy treatment ( with REIKI or JAVEDAAN ) will have direct effect on curing the problems.

(2) Anxiety & Nervousness. To relieve anxiety, stress & nervousness, give Energy treatment on the points shown here:

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


(3)Arthritis. Given Energy ( REIKI or JAVEDAAN ) treatment directly on the affected joint with the help of shown acupressure points, will relieve the pain rapidly. The points shown on back of the neck, on hand and above the wrist are connected and will also help in relieving the pain.

(4)Asthma & breathing Difficulties. Acupressure points on the chest and its back are related directly to the breathing; if you touch your fingers on the points given on the chest, you will feel a slight dip there. Given Energy treatment will immediately relieve the problem.

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


(5) Backache & Sciatica. Backache & Sciatica are due to deficiency of Calcium, Magnesium, phosphorus, Silicon, Fluoride, Copper, and certain muscular stresses in the spinal cord. Sciatica Nerve is the largest Nerve in the body and Sciatica problem starts after slip disc when required blood is unable to flow in the Nerve. Energy ( REIKI/ JAVEDAAN ) Treatment on acupressure points helps relieving the problem.

(6)Depression. Energy Treatment on shown acupressure points quickly relieve the problem.

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


(7)Migraine. Energy Treatment (REIKI/JAVEDAAN) on mentioned acupressure points on back of the head, face, hand and feet quickly help relieving the pain.


Impotency & Sexual Problems. Acupressure points for

the weakness have been shown on the on front and back of the body. Also give treatment on the head at the indicated place with three dots as the desire for sex is generated from here.

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


(9)Insomnia. This problem is related to mind, its thinking, and blood circulation. Energies( REIKI & JAVEDAAN ) immediately effects the mind. Given treatment on the acupressure points will accelerates the process.

(10) Neck Pain. The pain is related to problem in upper seven vertebras and a blood carrying muscles. Treatment o shown acupressure and upper part of the spinal cord will help relieving the pain.

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335



Yoga Chakras and their effects on the body are well recognized all over the world. Incase Energy work( REIKI & JAVEDAAN ) is carried out and Chakras are treated, with respect to the disease, the effects are likely to be enhanced. Yoga Chakras and the body organs they treat are as under :

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335



Base/ Root Chakra or Muladhara Chakra. The related

organs are the organs of elimination and excretion: a. Lungs. b. Skin c. Kidneys d. Large intestine e. Rectum

For all disease related to the above organs, Energy treatment can be given on the First Chakra. It is very involved with how stable you feel physically and mentally. The root Chakra is expressed in your strength and stamina. It give you drive to get up and go to work in the morning. The Root Chakra must be balanced as a foundation to balancing the other chakras or your progression will be without roots and stability. When it is out of balance, it may cause problems of lower abdominal area such as constipation, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, kidney, sciatica and back pain. Being so important, it is imperative that it should be treated and balanced. 2.

Svadhisthana Chakra. The Chakra is located at the lower

abdomen between the naval and the genitals. It controls : a. Urinary system b. Reproductive System

As it deals with urinary system, sexuality, relationships and creativity, it governs our nurturing abilities, sensation and pleasure. If there are imbalances in this chakra, It could effect urinary, reproductive
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


and circulatory systems, impotence, sexually transmitted diseases and bladder problems. Change is an inescapable fact of life. Without change, there is no growth, no movement, no life. The Second Chakra is connected with the change and how you deal with it. A well balanced Second Chakra allows you to go with the flow and alter your path as necessary. If you have an imbalance in this Chakra, it could effect the urinary, reproductive, and circulatory systems. Impotence, sexually transmitted diseases and bladder problems could be sign that the Second Chakra needs attention. People who have an unbalanced Second Chakra have difficulty with giving or receiving either materially or emotionally. Obesity can be result. An over weight person who is using more calories than utilizing is taking more than he is giving. This Chakra also helps in assimilation of knowledge. On the mental level, receiving is linked with the integration of knowledge as the brain takes in and stores the knowledge. Feelings of guilt, anxiety, unpredictability and clinging on can be an indication of unbalanced Second Chakra. General low energy or lack of creativity is also connected with this Chakra. There may be too little or too much sexual desire. Flirting outrageously or using sex to gain attention is a further sign that the Chakra is off balance. A person may become trapped in an unhealthy pattern of seeking unhealthy excessive sexual pleasure. Treating a person with the Energy work ( REIKI OR JAVEDAAN ) will make him healthy in all above mentioned diseases after Second Chakra has been balanced. A person Whose Second Chakra has been balanced with Energy Treatment, will also have a high level of vitality. Lower abdominal, urinary and reproductive systems will be
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


healthy, possessing a good sense of humor. Will become comfortable with sexuality. Will become positive and enjoy life. Movement will be created and can easily go with the flow of life. Will have intellectual ideas about the world and, desires and emotions, to fit in it. Creative problem solving and the ability to work creatively with others will come easily. Even if others have different ideas from you, you are able to work out a complementary path. Rather than forming obstacles, different approaches and attitude of others enrich your life and allow you to develop and grow.

3. Manipura or Solar Plexus Chakra

The Third Chakra is situated between the bottom of the breastbone and the naval. It controls : a. b. c. d. e. f. g. The Digestive System. Liver. Stomach. Gall Bladder. Pancreas. Spleen. And Organs of excretion.

This Third Chakra is involved in the production of storage of energy- the same energy that allows us to live our life effectively. It relates to emotions, actions, power and will. It helps us to recognize that, with effort and action, we can achieve what we want.
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


The Solar plexus Center links to your level of comfort with power, and this includes your sense of personal power. Your power comes through being able to bring things together. Rather than seeing things separated and unrelated, and subdividing them, you are able to find the power of unification. A balanced third Chakra helps you develop a healthy will and autonomy. When unbalanced you may feel powerless, have lower self esteem and be more easily swayed by the opinions of those around you. If your Third Chakra is not in balance, you can experience, uncontrolled extreme emotions such as violent passions,, jalousies, anger and frustration, and these can then turn into troubling doubts, fears and confusion. There may also be tendency to try to manipulate others. A tendency to be addictive personality may also appear. Failure to learn to assert your own autonomy can cause you to feel powerless or victimized. With an unbalanced Third Chakra, you risk running out of emotional steam. Apathy and lethargy cause you to turn in on itself and create a feeling where you want to withdraw from life. You can become overly critical of yourself, causing you to lose the ability to connect and be nourished by your surroundings. Low self esteem makes you to doubt yourself and as a result you can suffer selfrecrimination. There may also be imbalance of energy like feeling hot , wanting cold drinks, sweating easily or being short tempered. Any of the related organs may show symptoms internally like ulcers, upset stomach, diabetes, and externally, a tight hard belly, or a sunken diaphragm- all give indication of an imbalanced Third Chakra. Treating Third Chakra with the Energy ( REIKI & JAVEDAAN ), and having balanced it with the Energies, will give you a great deal of
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


energy, which might show up as having a warm body and a fast metabolism. This energy gives an enthusiasm for work, play, development and transformation in your life. You will feel bright, extroverted and have clear thinking. You will be able to have a constructive use of power. The internal will power will give you assertive and confident qualities. Your self esteem will be at healthy level and there will be drive towards a consciously controlled positive change, as opposed to passively waiting or wishing for something great to happen. You will approach things from a social perspective. Balanced Third Chakra produces an inner strength allowing you to perform actions with ease and grace.

4. Anahata Chakra ( Heart Center )

Located at the center of the chest and corresponds to love in the pure, unconditional sense. It encompasses the love of nature. Controls the circulatory and respiratory systems, chest, breast and shoulders. This is very important Chakra as it gives energy and life to entire body and on the higher side, it is a transition to the spiritual one. This Chakra deals with the social awareness, love and openness, sense of devotion, peace, forgiveness, acceptance, kindness and joy. This Chakra is less materialistic and more conceptual. The force of this Chakra comes out of the limitations of our ego.. In transcending the ego we can grow towards something deep and strong. It loosens our boundaries as we experience the joy of love. Physically, an imbalance in this Chakra, could result in improper heart conditions, including high blood pressure,
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


problems of respiration, asthma and arteries. Emotionally, you might tend towards feeling a conditional type of love. Perhaps you expect something in return for giving your love, or you could confuse love and sex. You may like to impose your will over others, and tend to be manipulative. On the other hand one become overly selfish. The imbalance might lead to a lack of sensitivity, arrogance, selfishness, or feelings of sadness and depression. W hen the Heart Chakra is balanced with the Energy ( REIKI & JAAVEDAN ) work, related organs and systems will be healthy. There will be sense of connection with life, which gives peace, joy, and feelings of unconditional love for all beings. Your relationships will be more harmonious and balanced. Your emotions will be free but not unstable and they can be clearly and spontaneously expressed. You will be open, willing and able to live without fear of vulnerability. There will be good balance between the material things in life and your emotions. Because the heart center has an integrative force, helping us overcoming dualities, and because the love is the ultimate healing energy, the Heart Chakra is the ultimate healing energy, and therefore all the more reason that it must be balanced.

5. Visuddha Chakra ( Throat Center )

It is located at the base of the throat, and linked to the communication and expression. Physically, it relates to the neck and organs of the neck, including the voice box and airway in the throat. As the related glands are the thyroid and parathyroid glands, the metabolism of whole body is affected by the fifth Chakra.
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


This Chakra is involved in verbal expression of all the thoughts and feelings encompassed by the lower chakras. It effects our speech and how we express ourselves. The center connects our feelings and intuitions with our thoughts making them enter our conscious and enabling us to act on them. Imbalance of this Chakra can show up physically in sore throat, loss of voice or neck or throat conditions. An over or under active thyroid, neck pain, muscle tension, insomnia, flu and even cancer could be manifestation of an imbalance in this Center. Giving it Energy treatment ( REIKI & JAVEDAAN ) and the Throat Chakra has been balanced, the throat area will become healthy. You will have effective expression and clear communication of your feelings and ideas, and it can show up in your voice, making it clear and pleasant to the ears. Creativity, maturity and inspiration help you deal with yourself and others in an honest, compassionate and tactful way. You can make clear assessments. Verbal expression is made possible by irrational rhythms, and the Throat Chakra is linked to rhythm and the pace at which we lead our lives. You will be able to conduct your life at a regular, easy pace rather than losing yourself in a hectic and destructive life style. A balanced Fifth Chakra gives you a sense of serenity and devotion.

6. Ajna Chakra ( Third Eye Center )

Located between and just above the eyebrows, the 6th Chakra is like a 3rd eye, said to be the seat of vision and wisdom.

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


The 6th Chakra is linked to the brain and the nervous system. The ear, nose, eyes and the sinuses relate to it. The hormonal system is also affected by the 6th Chakra through the vide reaching effects of the pituitary glands to the brain. The information gathering capability of our sense of sight is very powerful. With a single glance we can take on board an enormous amount of information. Taking our ability to see and assess situation further, the 6th Chakra becomes involved in the capacity for intuition, imagination, visualization and even clairvoyance. The intuition is the link between the psychic abilities. Being guided from within lies beyond the part of the mind telling us we cant do something and part telling us we can. Intuition is a line to a force greater than ourselves. An imbalance in this 6th Chakra may manifest itself in headaches, or eye, ear or sinus conditions. Hormonal imbalances, insomnia and nervous disorders may appear. Depression may arise. The 3rd Eye Center is linked to the hormonal glands of the brain, and therefore to the levels of the neurotransmitters serotonin, which has a definite link to your mood and the depression. On another level, depression might come from having lost touch with your essential creative self a lack of ability to use and flow with your creativity. When the 6th Chakra is out of balance, you can have problems focusing and concentrating and may feel confused and negative. A lack of direction and intellectual stagnation can be experienced. When this 6th Chakra has been balanced with the Energy work , you will be able to observe thoughts and feelings without becoming overly attached to them. You have a good level of
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


direction, devotion and high ideals. You are imaginative and carry within yourself a sense of oneness and a feeling of unity. This sense of integration allows you to overcome anxiety. When this Chakra is fully awakened, you experience mastery of the self, known as self realization. Your judgment and vision achieve great heights.

7. Sahasrara Chakra ( Crown Center )

This Chakra is located at the top of the head, at the soft spot that is the anterior fontanel. The brain, the whole nervous system and the pineal glands are in the realm of this Chakra. This Chakra gives us coherent sense of meaning and relates to the higher sense of communication. It deals with spiritual enlightenment, self realization and consciousness . This Chakra is very important as this is the point where the liberation of the soul arrives; and when this Chakra is fully awakened, there is a fusion of the seven chakras and the experience of spiritual boundlessness. At this level of consciousness, there is an awareness of higher or deeper order that integrates and unifies. It also reminds us that while the body is finite, the soul is infinite. Physically, cerebral tumors and increased pressure in the skull can be an indication of an imbalance in the Crown Center. There could be psychological symptoms like psychoses or neuroses or depression. Insomnia may occur because of Crown Chakras link with the pineal gland, which produces melatonin, vital for healthy sleep and is linked to Seasonal Affective
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


Disorder (SADs), sufferers of which feel down and depressed during colder seasons. Emotionally, you may also experience a sense of isolation from the world. There can be loss of direction, low energy levels, fatigue and a tendency towards having closed mind. When the 7th Chakra has been balanced with the Energy Work ( REIKI & JAVEDAAN ), you will find a sense of unity with others without suffering a loss of your individuality; you will pay a well focused attention to them. There is absolutely no distortion, but rather a knowledge born of wisdom and enlightenment. You will free to follow your own ethical ideals and be overly influenced by outside forces or opinion of others.

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


Communication And Work With Invisible Friends From Subtle Dimensions

a. Theoretical Foundation
Our Universe consists of many planes of existence, separated from each other in a certain respect by energetic structures. What we human being normally experience in every day life is just one of the areas of being. There are comprehensive natural laws that are valid in every dimension such as that love causes liveliness to occur. Others only apply to certain areas, such as related to time and space, meaning separation of different creations in time and space dimensions. There is life on practically all levels of universe, even if it some times takes an extremely exotic forms from the human perspective. At the same time, every form of life is fundamentally adapted to the energetic plane of existence to which it belongs. It spends its complete life there and is not permitted to flee from there before death, under the basic laws. However, it is possible under certain conditions for it to temporarily explore other areas of creation., become active there, and maintain contact to a certain degree, with the beings that live there. When an individual being comprehends its freedom through liberating personal development, learning to use it in a loving and responsible manner, it is capable of sharing advice and helping not only with other inhabitants of its own level of existence but also deliberately establishing contact with other
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


planes and the creatures living there, working together with them for their mutual benefit( Vertical cross- linking of life ).

b. Helping Powers Of The Invisible Friends.

On some levels, but not only there, beings who would like to take part in work on cross- linking and development of life in the greater context, prefer to incarnate because they want to learn and further develop in this respect. An important area of the Energy Work - REIKI & JAVEDAAN can be the contacts. They have a series of abilities that are far reaching and are very useful. One of the basic law they follow are that they become active only when they are requested to do so. Only when the freedom of being in relation to the shaping of its own life is guaranteed, can it harmoniously fit into the universal order and meaning fully participate in the creations evolution. Among other things, these helper forces builds lines of the communication between the various levels of the communication between the various levels of creation, watch over the power places as protectors of the place and make sure that the life preserving streams of energy can circulate freely between all levels and reach all beings that are prepared with respect to their state of development to receive the respective power qualities and therefore desire the contact.

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


c. Human Beings Also Have Subtle Portions With Immense Hidden Powers
Human beings also have subtle portions in their dimensions. However, since the consciousness of most people is concentrated in this part of the existence, these talents cannot be used in a controlled way without practice and an expanded consciousness. Only in the course of natural spiritual development, in which increasingly larger portions of ones own being are lovingly integrated into the consciousness, and by accepting responsibility for ones own life as the precondition for more extensive participation in the evolution of the comprehensive life structure( creation ), do the hidden subtle powers become gradually accessible. Then they soon become a quite naturally applied means of shaping ones life. A more or less, short term opportunity for using limited subtle abilities is often granted by the subtle helper forces, as an incentive, new experiences and responsibilities as help in emergency situation or a catalyst for social transformation. According to the way in which the expended abilities are approached as an available potential, they stagnate, regress or continue to be developed in the person who has received them, or in the society in general, if this is spiritually meaningful for something or someone. Becoming aware of the deep solidarity with all life in our world and making the effort to take into account this cross linking, maintaining it and helping to develop it, is a great step An even greater step is to understand that our level of existence
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


is just one part of the universe with its living souls, that every being exists in all dimensions, and that in this respect the maintenance and intensification of the cooperation of each one with all others is not only important for development of ones own personality and ability, but also represents a significant contribution to the evolution of the entire creation. REIKI & JAVEDAAN offer comparatively simple, and yet extremely effective and expandable ways of increasing the possibilities of perception and activity, up into other levels of existence. However, in order for these journeys to bring meaningful results, it is important to know the best way in which to approach the ensuing perceptions and what should be heeded in contacts with beings whose home lies in other areas of creation and life is determined in part by laws other than our own.

d. Rules Of the Behavior For Involvement With Subtle Beings.

Always treat the being with courtesy and respect, but never be subservience. Honor their wishes and advice but never misunderstand to be commands. Always keep the responsibility of your life plan in your own hands! Your subtle friends may put you to the test in order to determine whether you are suited for deeper knowledge, more intensive possibilities of energetic actions or certain important projects. If you uncritically hand over the responsibility for your life to them or if you do what apparently they want you to do without stopping to think whether this will promote the consciousness, ability to
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


love, and personal responsibility of all participants, they will withdraw somewhat from you and limit their work with you to a degree safe for all sides until your development has grown accordingly and you can be active to a great extent without causing shambles. The same happen when they impart something to you and you dont use it in a practical sense in the following period of time, and despite this, still want to have more knowledge or possibilities from them. Furthermore, the subtle teachers refuse to impart knowledge that just will be for the sake of sensation or satisfaction of other superficial needs on the part of person requesting it. Also , only ask for the things that you really need and want to use. Always give some thought in advance to whether you can actually master the corresponding task through energy work. If there are conventional ways of doing it, utilize it first.

e. Train Your Inner Child For Contact with Subtle Beings. An

important precondition for every type of energy work is the best possible integration of a persons Inner Child into his overall personality. Inner Child is the part of the person that contains and controls his memories, feelings and instincts, vitality and abilities of subtle perception and energy work. The Inner Child does not have much use for logic, but is enormously creative, has excellent and unlimited abilities in time and space, and perception. It loves metaphors, sensual pleasures, and is therefore closely connected with the body and soul. In case you know the energy work ( REIKI OR JAVEDAAN ), Treating your
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


Inner Child with their Second Level can strengthen it to a great extent.

f. Principle Of Fair Exchange According To The Laws Of The Divine Order

When you receive something important for you, you should also give something in return that is value able, in sense of cosmic order, otherwise, bad feelings are created. This thought is the basis for offering to the subtle beings. When you give something that you need urgently yourself to survive, to be healthy, or to have experiences that are important for you, it is an act of self punishment but not at all in keeping with the natural laws. Plants give Oxygen to human beings and animals; if they would keep it, this highly reactive element would burn them or poison them. For plants Oxygen is the dangerous waste product of their metabolism. For us, it is the Elixir of life-without which we would have to die within minutes. The Carbon- Di- Oxide which we exhale, serves plants as an important nutrient; they live from it. We would suffocate if we keep it for ourselves. If human beings would not give off Oxygen, and the plants wont release Carbon Dioxide, the human cycle of life give and take would be interrupted and all those participating in it would suffer a miserable end. The laws of Energy work ( REIKI AND JAVEDAAN ) is equally applicable to the subtle beings. When we respect them, Our actions will always have beneficial effect for all involved in sense of cosmic order.

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


The release of strong feelings under the circumstances harmonizing with the respective purpose can also be a suitable return service. This can be the basis for our communication and work with the subtle beings. Sometimes spirits would have liking for a person who works with them to do something for them; that is important in our world and also their world. They never ask for a offering that reduces the ability to love, the consciousness, or the personal responsibility of the person involved; Quite to the contrary, an offering in the sense of cosmic order always detoxifies the giver in the material, energetic, emotional, or psychological sense. Things that are obstructing him are taken away and new free space, more strength and health are created for him., just like the Oxygen offering of a plant, keep it healthy and permits its metabolism to function. For a great number of reasons, people naturally hang onto precisely the material things, ways of behaving, energies, and feelings that do lasting damage to themselves and perhaps even their environments, preventing personal holistic growth.

The Energy Work ( REIKI & JAVEDAAN ) As An Offering

The Universal Life Force Healing Energies can do something good for subtle friends. It may not sound and appeal you , but dont assume that the inhabitants of the other planes of existence also master every form of energy work that some humans can do. This may be the case or it may not be. Even if some spirits can also do energy work, wouldnt you also like to receive healing energies treatment from others once in a while
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


and simply enjoy it, without having to do something yourself. They feel the same way. Furthermore, there are projects that require many beings working on them, so that they can succeed. You can also give Healing Energies, in any case. Give the thought time and again to the most suitable offering and dont believe that you have nothing to offer; The Healing Energies can be an important gift. There is always something; You do exhale once in a while. Dont you ?

g. Your Higher Self And the Energy Work

Your Higher Self watches over your life plan and, when you organize your life in a way that deviates from it, tries to show you that what you are doing is not so good for you and what would be better for you from its point of view; when doing so, it never makes rules but respects the freedom of Inner Child and your Middle Self ( Middle Self controls rational thinking taking care of the emotions and the past ), in directing ones own life. Its advice can be more frequent, clear and strong if it is provided with additional energy from the Middle Self, the part of the personality representing a persons every day life. Please note that a Higher Self is on the level of creation where time and space are not what they represent in our daily routine. It judges life, morality and ethics from a vastly different perspective than the Middle Self or even the Inner Child. The Higher Self, Middle Self and the Inner Child, if all three cooperate and complement each other, it can give you wonderful spiritual ability.

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


In Case You Can treat your Higher Self with Second Level of the Energy Work ( REIKI and JAVEDAAN ), where you can have distant healing and contacts, the special qualities of the existence plane of the Higher Selves relative lack of time and space are systematically used in order to be able to send the Universal Life Energies, over any desired distance, without loss of time and effects; we can communicate with friends from subtle dimensions.

h. Agreement with Yourself

Set a side a good hour of your time to do the following work. Take bath and if possible, fill the bath tub and perfume the water with a few drops of sandalwood oil of a natural origin. Take the bath thoroughly, washing yourself consciously. Perceive the water
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


and the fragrance of the oil. When you wash yourself, become aware that you are leaving that you are leaving the things of every day behind you and removing disruptive vibrations from your Aura. Rinse yourself with Luke warm water at the end. Now, go to a room where you can remain undisturbed for a while. Stand with bare feet, legs with one and a half shoulder width apart. Lift your arms, bend your knees, and raise your face a bit. Perceive the ground beneath your feet, which always securely support you and permits the feeling that you are in unity with other parts of the creation. Remain with this feeling for a few breaths. Then direct your attention to the sky above to the top of your head, from which life energies constantly flow into you and which is the head of your nervous system, in an attempt to support your development. Also perceive the contact with these energies for a few breath cycles. Now direct your attention to the flow of your breath. Each time you inhale, visualize the light stream of energies flows into you from the head and fills your complete body from head to feet. Every time you exhale, let a stream of dark Earth energy flow into you, through your feet, and fill you completely. Repeat this breathing exercise slowly and consciously at least for thirty times. It balances your body energies and helps you to come into contact with your Inner Child. Now stand up straight and light three candles a light colored one for your Higher Self, a dark one for Inner Child, and a violet one for conscious, rational part of your personality, your Middle Self. Now you just need to light some sandalwood incense, the aroma of which will relax you and foster the communication with your Inner Child; then the concluding part of the ritual can begin : preparing and signing a contact with yourself.

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


Take a piece of blank paper and write following on it with a violet color ink. When every thing, put your hands on your lap for a moment, close your eyes, feel how you are breathing, and say quietly : I am at my center, I am with myself and will now enter into a new, wonderful phase of my life through my clear and distinct decision. Now write Following on the paper :

I,-------------- -----------( Complete name ), son of-------------------------------Date of Birth------------------------------------, Irrevocably and of my free will, declare herewith that I will use all my spiritual powers to which I gain access, only for the best of all those involved. I will respect the freedom of beings when I put these abilities to use and only will do so with their consent in relation to them,. I call you, you high powers of light, love and energy, to be witness and guardians of the contract and request you to support me in my efforts, to help me when I need help, and to advise me when I need advice in order to fulfill my intentions in life. I hereby irrevocably dedicate my spiritual development to the Universal powers of Light, and gratefully and respectfully accept their protection and care.

-----------------------------------( place, date and signatures)

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


Creating A Connection Through Your Higher Self With Subtle Beings

Establish contact with Your Higher Self as explained earlier Tell it that you would like to have contact with Subtle beings that can help you on a certain problem or generally in the development of your personality or just a connection for mutual benefits. Use further intensification symbols ( Note that this effort can only be success full in case you are qualified in Second Level Of Energy Work REIKI OR JAVEDAAN for distant communication), to provide it with additional strength. Now wait with closed eyes, concentrating on your inner/ third eye . When you perceive one, request it that you want to work with the being, ask whether he/she is willing to work with you in general or mutual interest; you offer in return help with the Universal Life Energies. If it shows willingness, good enough and in case if it response in a way unwilling or disinterested, ask what you can do so in order to support you. If still you dont receive a positive reaction, respectfully say good bye to it thanking it for coming to you, no matter how it has acted towards you. This could be a test to see whether you are emotionally stable or mature enough for this type of work. Dont believe that you can deceive a subtle, it would immediately smell a rat and you will lose the opportunity of getting to know a subtle being more closely for a long time to come. Ask your Higher Self to mediate a more suitable contact. If this does not work out either, then respectfully take leave for the time

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


being; thank for the help and experience, and leave this effort for some time later. It is quite possible that you may have to put on such efforts for quite some time before you can achieve concrete results. Be patient and consider it a test for your sincerity. with consistent efforts, you will achieve the desired results.

i. Addressing Subtle Beings In an Appropriate Manner

There is a traditional way of addressing the spirits or a Higher Self that you can always use at the beginning when establishing contact with them. This is not something that you can learn word for word by heart; you can think of your own words. However guide lines are given here for help: I came to you as a needy person, a help less person and request for support and help. I came to you as powerless person and ask you for powers and protection. I came to you as an unhealthy person and request for help in health, or words to that effect. For ending the contact, following text can guide You: I thank you for your support and cooperation. The time of our contact is over for now. I request that you come to me when I call you. Now return to your home. May light, love and blessings of ALLAH/ Creating Power be with you. You can say this or similar words for opening and closing contacts with the subtle beings, and Higher Selves.
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


In case you are contacting Higher Self of some body else, Use the Second Level distance symbols of REIKI or JAVEDAAN and after open inning it, use the intensification symbols and then add first and last name of the person whose Higher Self you want to contact. Turn the palms of your hand away from your body and imagine that the Higher Self is at the place where you directed it to be. Utilize it and finally thank it to be with you before saying good bye.

Use Of Power Places Energy

Many of you must have experienced that when you are walking closer to various places time and again, some time, you come across such places that attract/ direct your attention towards them in a way that either you feel somebodys invisible presence the or some sort of attraction or repulsive feelings. Some places have harmonizing, animating or even consciousness expending effect on people. Such a place is called a positive power place. Those places, which have repulsive or burdening effect or number of accidents, imbalanced emotional states occur more frequently there as compared to the other places. Such are negative power places. Many power places with both the effects are also existing.

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


Some of the more known power places are: (1) Shrine/ Durgah of pious people/ saints. (2) Places where invisible power full subtle beings are living. (3) Places where energy work has been done on a regular basis. (4) Power places that are characterized by special architectural, geometric, or material features, like for example Pyramids in Egypt. (5) Places that have received emanation through nuclear, electromagnetic, or electrical facilities. (6) Natural power places that represents special concentration points of the subtle flow of energy on earth, like cliffs, caves, medicinal water springs etc. Choose a positive power place where you feel that you can be helped, sit at a place closer to it, preferably calm and quiet place, place your hands on your heart and request the spirit for your help; you can choose your own suitable words for request; some of the suggested words have already been given in the previous paras.

In case you are qualified in 2nd Degree of Energy work ( REIKI OR JAVEDAAN ) You may offer your services to strengthen the bond of love, gratitude, and
respect the Spirit.

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


Gift You Can Receive From Power Places

You can receive a series of energetic or even material type of gifts from power places. There can be deep mystical experiences, sudden insights, healings, knowledge and similar other tangible things. Many people have had wonderful healing experiences in this manner. I frequently visit power places that I , attune myself to them have been familiar with over a period of time, and request them to help me. As a result, I have learnt much that has given me joy, and also for others, those are very useful for healing. Always treat the natural powers and subtle beings in general and places of power in particular with respect, attention, thankfulness and modesty. Then you will have wonderful experiences with them and receive fantastic presents.

You Can Also Set Up A Power Place

You can also set up a power place in case you have been initiated into 2nd Level of Energy work ( REIKI & JAVEDAAN ). Naturally you cannot do it yourself alone; that is beyond human possibilities. But, the guardians of many existing, larger power places and other subtle friends are glad to help you to carry out such plans, in case your intentions are pure and all beings with whom you are involved will experience some thing good and can benefit out of it in the
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


sense of the cosmic laws. Now the question is how do you do it ? First, while following the ritual described above, go to a power place with which you have worked for a longer period of time. Explain your wish to establish a new power place when you are there. Describe the place you have selected for this purpose. Ask if its OK and suitable. If not, ask for guidance in finding a better one. Then ask for something to create the linking of new power place to be built with the one that already exists. Take these messages with you and bring them to the place chosen to be the new power place as soon as possible. Using the technique described earlier, contact with your Inner Child, your Higher Self, and the Higher Self responsible for the area selected. Explain your intentions to them and ask for their support. Then make contact with the Higher Self of the power place from which you have brought the message. Now bury the object at the place or put it there in a way that is lasting and concealed from unknown access there. Request the blessings of the creative force for this plan by lifting left hand to the heavens and placing the right hand on the ground of the power place. Then, also ask Mother Earth for the blessing by bringing the palm of both hands into contact with the ground. Then, place one hand- it does not matter which one-on your heart, stretch out the other arm with the palm of the hand turned away from you. Say out loud while you slowly turn around your own axis clockwise on time:>
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


I request for assistance, the protection, and the guidance of the Powers, the beings and the elements. Every one is welcome here who seeks healing and knowledge, protection and help, loving care and power to better serve the good of the creation or who would to like support to these intentions. Leave one hand on your heart and place the palm of the other hand on your forehead on your third eye. Feel what is happening within yourself for a moment. Now stretch out the arm whose hand was placed on your heart. While doing this, turn the palms of your hand outwards, away from your body. Continue to keep the other hand on your forehead. Now turn slowly around clockwise and say out loud while doing so :>

May the blessings of the life forces be here foe all eternity, may this place bring blessings to those who are dedicated to the good cause. May this place be closed on the subtle level for everyone and every thing that does not support, recognize and protect the universal order. So be it with the approval of God - The Almighty the Creator of Heaven and Earth, for now and for always, for every thing and for every one.

Now, place your both hands on the forehead, close your eyes, and feel what happens. If you like, remain for a while at this new power place, surrender yourself to the gradual
Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza
Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


increase the vibrations in its surroundings and rejoice with the subtle powers and beings of nature at this new light center. When you go, be sure to stick to the power place rituals described above. When you return to visit this place again, remember that is now a fully valid power place and act accordingly. During the next six months, and naturally longer if you like, make contact with the Higher Self, time and again, and provide it Energy ( REIKI / JAVEDAAN ). This is very important particularly in the development phase. It is especially good to create such a power place with a group of like minded people and work together with it.

Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335


Author: Col (R) Javed Mirza

Website: Mobile: +92 300 413 444 0, +92 42 3583 1335

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