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uest|ons on Aud|o

18|har CM N|t|sh kumar

O Who ls Lhe chlef mlnlsLer of blhar ln Lhe vldeo?
1 Why dld nlLlsh kumar meeL Lhe M?
2 Who was held responslble by Lhe rlnclpal AccounLanL Ceneral for breach ln kosl embankmenL?
3 WhaL ls Lhe meanlng of embankmenL?
4 ApproxlmaLely how many people were lefL homeless afLer Lhe Lragedy?
S WhaL could hlL Lhe nlLlsh kumar govL?
1 WhaL dld Lhe lndlan Army do unlnLenLlonally?
2 Who addressed Lhe press conference?
3 rlorlLy was Lo reflne compeLence ln ?
4 Whlch counLry ls a slgnaLory Lo lnLernaLlonal LreaLy for ellmlnaLlon of chemlcal and blologlcal
3 WhaL ls Lhe name of Lhe Army Chlef Ceneral?
6 lor a long Llme Lhe CusLody of lndla's chemlcal weapons was wlLh?
3Mumba| terror attack
1 WhaL ls Lhe meanlng of Lransplre?
2 Whlch place ls sald Lo be Mumbal's Landmark?
3 Pow many sLorled hoLel was lL?
4 AL 2 am how many more exploslons were heard?
3 Pow many LerrorlsLs were kllled ln Lhe 3 am gun baLLle?
6 Whlch pollce car was used by LerrorlsLs Lo drlve ouL of Lhe cama hosplLal?
4Naxa| Mao|sts |eader
1 WhaL ls Lhe name of Lhe MaolsL leader?
2 Cn whlch channel dld Lhe MaolsL leader admlLLed beheadlng !harkhand pollce man?
3 WhaL ls Lhe name of Lhe beheaded pollce man?
4 ln whlch sLaLe were Lwo more pollce man kllled?
3 WhaL condlLlon dld MaolsLs puL Lo seL free Lhe kldnapped pollce man?
6 WhaL sLand dld Lhe sLaLe governmenL Lake?
SSave the ch||dren
1 lrom whlch place ls Lhe show broad casLed?
2 name Lhe Lwo people hosLlng Lhe show?
3 un developmenL reporL broughL whlch counLry down ln lLs ranklng?
4 lrom 128 Lhe counLry wenL down Lo whlch rank?
3 lor whaL ls lndla ranked hlghesL ln Lhe world?
6 90 of deaLhs are due Lo whlch dlsease?
7 Whlch sLaLe had Lhe hlghesL neonaLal morLallLy raLe?
Shoa|b Ahmed's spec|a| report
1 Where do Lhe plraLes refuel Lhelr boaLs?
2 WhaL are Lhey armed wlLh?
3 WhaL klnds of phones are used for communlcaLlon?
4 1o whlch local drug are Lhey addlcLed Lo?
3 WhaL wlll happen lf shlps comlng ouL of Somalla are noL monlLored?
6 WhaL do Lhey mosLly survlve on?
now Mao|sts m|ned
1 Pow many people were kllled ln maolsL sLrlke?
2 Whlch channel ls broadcasLlng Lhe news?
3 Whlch day dld Lhe aLLack Lake place?
4 8y whlch vehlcle were pollcemen Lravelllng?
3 AL whaL depLh were Lhe exploslves placed?
6 Whlch Lwo Lhlngs were used Lo deLecL exploslves?
Ind|an I1 dream over
1 Whlch company has dealL a blow Lo Lhe lndlan l1 dream?
2 Who dld Lhe fraud whlch ls menLloned ln Lhe vldeo?
3 Who ls referrlng Lhe fraud Lo be a 1 off case?
4 Whlch company ls promlslng more dlsclosures Lo lLs lnvesLors?
3 WhaL has nASSCCM advlsed Lhe companles Lo do?
6 Whlch lnLernaLlonal blggles are menLloned ln Lhe movle?
Mumba| terror attack 2
1 AL whaL Llme dld Lhe aLLack begln?
2 Pow long dld Lhe flrlng conLlnue aL narlman polnL?
3 Where ln colaba dld Lhe flrlng Lake place?
4 1owards whlch hosplLal dld Lhey move?
3 Pow many people were Laken hosLage ln Lhe Cberol hoLel?
6 WhaL was Lhe name of Lhe A1S chlef?
10Naxa| attack
1 Pow many C8l [awans were kllled?
2 Where dld Lhe maolsL aLLack Lake place?
3 name Lhe reporLer aL Lhe lncldenL slLe?
4 WhaL proves LhaL Lhe [awaan was shoL ln Lhe head?
3 WhaL dld Lhe ln[ured [awaan Lell?
6 Where ls Lhe base camp?
11No mans |and
1 WhaL does AnLarcLlca lack?
2 WhaL buslness ls flourlshlng ln AnLarcLlca?
3 Why are Lhere no luxury hoLels ln AnLarcLlca?
4 Pow can AnLarcLlca be reached?
3 11 nlghL advenLure on a shlp ln AnLarcLlca would cosL
6 Whlch anlmals are menLloned Lo be found ln AnLarcLlca?
12kott|ng food gra|ns
1 WhaL ls Lhe M lnsLrucLlng Lo Lhe CM of chlef sLaLes?
2 whaL quanLlLy of wheaL graln has been menLloned for un[ab?
3 Pow many meLrlc Lonne of graln ls expecLed Lo harvesL?
4 WhaL ls lCl worklng for ln un[ab?
3 Pow long wlll lL Lake for lCl Lo address Lo Lhe problem?
6 name Lhe camera man?
13Secur|ty h|gh for ma||s
1 Where have Lhe blasLs occurred?
2 Who presenLed Lhe sLory?
3 Why are snlffer dogs used ln malls?
4 WhaL ls Lhe full form of uv8?
S WhaL are Lhe securlLy problems faced by malls?
WhaL are used for paLrolllng Lhe basemenL parklng loLs?
14So|ar storm
1 WhaL ls Lhe lssue belng Lalked abouL ln Lhe vldeo?
2 WhaL problems can solar acLlvlLy cause?
3 Pow many sun sLorms have affecLed llfe on earLh?
4 ln 1989 whlch counLry was affecLed?
3 Pow much was spenL on Lhe power grld by Lhe governmenL of Lhe presenLer's counLry?
6 Whlch ls Lhe presenLers counLry?
1SStar wars story
1 Where dld Lhe boy llve?
2 WhaL dld Lhe boy wlshed for ?
3 Who messed up everyLhlng?
4 Where dld Lhe roboLs declde Lo go?
3 Whom dld Lhey save ln space?
6 WhaL dld Lhey need Lo go Lo Lhe space?
1V|deo p|ayback
1 Whlch sLaLe ls belng menLloned ln Lhe vldeo?
2 AL whlch place dld Lhe flrlng Lake place?
3 WhaL dld Lhe proLesLanLs do?
4 Pow were Lhe ln[ured carrled Lo Lhe hosplLal?
3 Who were flrlng on Lheclvlllans?
6 Pow many ln[ured were broughL Lo Lhe hosplLal ln 20 mlns?
1?We are equa| |n our c|assroom
1 WhaL pollcy dld lndlan adopL for educaLlon 1 year back?
2 WhaL was Lhe purpose of Lhe acL?
3 WhaL does Lhe school ln 8angalore alm aL?
4 WhaL ls Lhe name of Lhe school?
S Pow much money per day do Manl's parenLs earn?
WhaL ls Lhe name of Lhe channel on whlch Lhe news ls broadcasLed?
1 kea| face of Is|am
1 lrom whlch rellglon dld she move Lo lslam?
2 lor how long was she a prlesL?
3 Whose deaLh was she mournlng?
4 Who gulded her Lowards lslam?
3 WhaL prlce dld she pay for Lhls LransformaLlon?
6 Where dld she learn Lhe lslamlc medlLaLlon Lechnlque?
1 Ch|nese |ntrus|ons
1 Who's Lhe naLlonal securlLy advlsor?
2 Where have been Lhe lnLruslons Laklng place?
3 Whlch channel ls glvlng Lhe news?
4 ln whlch year was lndla ln a sLaLe of war wlLh Chlna?
3 WhaL ls Lhe purpose of dlalogue beLween lndla and Chlna?
6 Why ls Lhere no cause for any alarm?
20v|duba v|deo
1 Pow dld kasab enLer lndla?
2 Pow many gaplng securlLy holes are found ln MaharasLra?
3 WhaL ls Lhe problem near senslLlve spoLs?
4 AL whlch spoL ls Lhe reporLer sLandlng?
3 WhaL klnd of ldenLlLy cards are been proposed for flshermen?
6 WhaL klnd of syLem has been proposed for small vessels?
21 kere|a new I1 hub
1 Whlch sLaLe ls known as gods own counLry"?
2 ln 200809 how much dld Lhe l1 secLor grow ln comparlson Lo oLher sLaLes?
3 name Lhe place where lnfo park ln slLuaLed?
4 Whlch 2 l1 glanLs have been lnvesLlng heavlly ln Lhe sLaLe?
3 Why are Lhey lnvesLlng so much?
6 WhaL ls Lhe name of Lhe presenLer?
22 C V report on Co|
1 Who meL Lhe soldler who dled leadlng on Lhe fronL?
2 Where dld Lhe gun baLLle wlLh mlllLanLs Lake place?
3 name Lhe soldler who dled?
4 name Lhe search parLy of Lhe unlL he was leadlng?
3 name Lhe son of Lhe colonel?
6 When and where wlll he be lald Lo resL?

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