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^ vl(Subiectcodc- 20004) PhaseEquilibrium Thermodynamics - I Tutorial Shect

by ThePW behaviorof a ceftaingasis described the equationof state: (V-b) : RT P show that: If Whereb is a constant. in additionC' is constant. 6) U is a functionof I onlY. tb) f : const. process" P(T-b)' : const. (c) For a mechanically reversible the 2 . Estimate changein enthalpyand entropyrvhenliquid ammoniaat 270 K is at2J0K, liquid ammonia pressureFor saturated . from its saturation conrpressed K .a v t - 1 . 5 5 ix 1 0 - 3 , o r k g - ' n dp : 2 . 0 9 5 x 1 0 - r - r .

is I-iquid isobutane throttledthrougha valve from an initial stateof 360 K and 4000 changeand entropy of kpa to a final pressure 2000 kPa. Estimatethe temperature ' at changeof the iiobutene.The specificheat of liquid isobutene 360 K is 2.78 J g oC-r.Estimates V and muy be fbund from the equatiort Rackett: of of F
r a i l tl/ ru'z(l-Irt028i7 l/cLC

4 . One kilogramof water(Vr : 1003cm3kg-r; in a pistoncylinderdeviceat 298.15K process 1500bar. to isothermal reversible. in and I bai is compressed a mechanically f ) e r e r m i nQ , w . L ( J , L H a n d A S g i v e nt l t a I p : 2 5 0 x 1 0 - 6 K - l a n d r c : 4 5 x 1 0 - 6 e _l r oar for Determineexpressions GR, l/. of state. der Waalsequatiou and ,SR lResidtralproperties)implied by the van

to 6. Wet stearnat 1100 kPa expandsat constantenthalpy(as in a throttling process) in What is the qualityoithe steam its K. is kPa.whereits temperature 378.15 101.325 initial state? to isentropically 50 kPa.What is K at steam 500 kPa and 573.15 expands 7. Superheated its final enthalPY? to flow process 1 g. propyle.e gas at 400.15 K and 38 bar is throttledin a steady-state of the to be bar, rvhereit ma1, assumed be an idealgas.Estimatethe final temperature \ l p r o p r e t t ca r l di t s e l l l l ' ( ) pc l t a t t g c ' of an l'rot.u initial pressure 1 bar isothermally g. propane gasat 373.15K is comprcssed AH and A5. of to a final pressure l0 bar.Estimate at from a compressor 10.An cquimolar rnixture of methaneand propaneis discharged line is ratc of 1.4kg/s.If the velocityin the discharge 363.15K at tl"re 5500klra ar-rd line? of 30 not to exceed m/s,what is the minimumdiameter the discharge

PhnseEquilitrriumTlrermodynamics(Subjectcode_20004) T'utorial Shcet- .f,I for ethane^t 122"2K and 2 bar using l . Estimatethe enthalpy and entropy departures correlation' virial eoefficient the generalized of 70 mole percentethyleneand the Caleglate secondvirial coeffrcientfbr a mixture at 30 mole percent ProPYlene 600 K' the estimate molar volume of the mixture of l , L]singAmagat'slaw of additivevolurnes 2 Problern at 600 K and 60 bar' mole percentpropaneand 70 rnole 4, It is desiredto store 100 k/mol mixture of 30 size of the tank using the percentn-pentaneat 500 K and 50 bar. Determine the throughKay's rule' estimated properties pseudoeritical and 70 mole percentethylene of 5 . A storage 50 ml capacityis filled with a mixture of follows 600 K and 60 bar" Assuming that the mixture 30 mole percentpropylene"at the the cletennine massof mixture ir-l tank' the van der Waalsequationof state.

coefficientconelation' r.'irial 6 . Reu,orkProblem5 usingthe generalized percentethl'leneand 30 t . Estimatethe entiralpyand entropyof'a mixture of 70 mole ideal gas valuesat to reference the mole at 600 K and 60 bar with mirture follorvs the Van der i.hesame tempcratureand piessure.Assume that the of Waalsequation state'

Use Kay's cotnpressibilityfaetor correlation" 8 . Rework Problenr7 using generalized properties" the rule to estirnate pseudocritical

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