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PresentContinuous(l am doing)

Studl' this examplesituation: Ann is ir-r car. Sheis on her way to rt,ork. her Sheis driving to rvork. This means:sheis driving noq at the time of speaking.The action is not finished. Am/is/are -ing is the presentcontinuous:

I am doing something = I'm in the middle of doing something;I've started doing it and I haven't finished yet. Often the action is happening at the time of speaking: s Please don't make so much noise. I'm working. (not I work) "'Where'sLauren?" "She'stiking a bath." (zor Shetakes a bath) s Let's go out now. It isn't raining anymore. (notIt doesn't rain) s (at a party) Hello, Lisa. Are you enioying the party? (not Do you enjoy) I'm tired. I'm going to bed now. Good night! But the action is not necessarily happening at the time of speaking.For example: Tom and Ann are talking. Tom says:

2chtEr I
Tom is not readingthe book at the time of speakrng. He meansthat he has startedit but has not finishedit yet. He is in the middle of reading it.
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Here are some more examples: s Maria wants to work in Italn so she is studying ltalian. (but perhapsshe isn't studying Italian exactly at the time of speaking) s Some friends of mine are building their own house. 'We use the presentcontinuous when we talk about things happeningin a period around now (for example, today / this week / tonight, etc.): 3F "You're working hard today." "Yes, I have a lot to do." (not You work hard today) s "Is Sarahworking this week?" "No, shet on vacation." We use the presentcontinuous when we talk about changeshappeningnow or around now: s The population of the world is rising very fast. (zof rises) s Is your Englishgettingbetter?(notDoes your Englishget berter?)

Present Continuous and Simple Presnt Units 3-4

Present Continuous with a Futur Meaning Unit 18A

1.1 Complete the sentencesusing one of the following verbs in the correctform. come get happen look make start stay try rr,oFk ,1 . "You 're working hard today." "Yes,I have a lot to do." 2 . I - __ ___ for Chrisrine.Do you know where she is? ,_____ J. dark. ShouldI turn on the lieht? - It 4. They don't h;;. ;;t*d;;t;; live at the momenr. Thev


with friendsuntil thevfind a place. 5. "Ann! Let'sgo!" 'OK, I 6. Do you have an umbrella?It to rain. 7 You a lot of noise. Could you pleasebe quieter?
to concentrate. 8. IThy are all thesepeople here?'What 1.2 Use the words in parenthesesto complete the questions. l. " /s Brad working this week?" "No, he's on vacation.', (Brad / work) 2. Why at me like that? Vhat's the matter? (vou / look) 3. "Jennyis a student at the universiw." "Is she?'What ?" (she srudy) / 4. to the radio, or can I turn it off? (anybody / listen) 5. How is your English? better? (it / get) 1.3 Put the verb into the correctform. Sometimes you need the negative (l'm not doing, etc.). 1. I'm tired. I (go) to bed now. Good night! 2. We can go out now. lt isn't rainina (rain) anymore. 3. Laura phoned me last night. She'son vacation in France.She (have) a great cime and doesn't want to come back. 4. I want to Iose weight, so this week I (eat) lunch. 5 . Angela has iust started evening classes. She (study) German. 6 . I think Dave and Amy had an argument. They (speak)to each other. 1.4 Readthis conversation between Brianand Sarah.Put the verbs into the correctform. Sarah: Brian! I haven'r seenyou in ages.What (1) are vou doina (you / do) thesedays? Brian: | (2 ) (train) to be a police officer. Sarah: Really?'S7hat's like? (3) it (you / enioy) it? Brian: It's all right. How about you? Sarah: 'Well, actually l (4) (not / work) right now. (5) (try) to find a iob, but it's not easy.Bur I'm prerfy busy. I r (5) (paint) rny apartment. Brian:'(7) (you / do) it alone? Sarah: No, some friends of mine (8) (help)me. 1.5 Complete the sentencesusing one of these verbs: change fall get increase +rsie You don't have to use all the verbs, and you can use a verb more than once. 1. Th9 population of the world is rising very fast. 2. Robert is still sick. but he better slowly. 3. The rvorld _ . Things neversray the same. cosr of li'ing ----. Everyvear things are more expensive. 1 llr. 5. The economic situarion alread'ver' bad,and ir is worse.

(l SimplePresent do)

Study this examplesituation: Alex is a bus driver br.rt now he is in bed asleep. So: He is not drivinga bus.1Heis asleep.) htrt He drivesa bus.{He is a busdriver.,) drive(s)/work(s)/do(es), is thesimplepresent. erc.,

'We use the simplepresentto talk about things in general.'Weuseit to say that something happensall the time or repeatedlyor that somethtg is true in general.It is not important whether rhe action is happeningat rhe time of rp."kir,g, s Nurses take care of patientsin hospitals. s I usually leavefor work at 8:00 e.l,r. * The earth goesaround the sun. Rememberthat we say he/she/ir Don'r forget the s: -s. * Iwork... but Heworks... Theyteach... but Mysisterteaches... For spelling (-s or -es),seeAppendix 5.
We use do/does to make questions and negative sentences:

s I come from Canada.'lfhere do you come from? * "Would you like a cigarette?""No, thanks.I don,t smoke." 'Sfhat s doesthis word mean?(not 'What meansthis word?) s Rice doesn'tgrow in cold climates. In the following examplesdo is also the main verb: * l'Ifhat do you do?" (='!fhat's your job?) "I work in a department store." He's so lazy.He doesnt do anything ro help me. (not He ioesn't anything) 'V7e use_the simple presentwhen we say how often we do things: s I get up at 8:00 everymorning. (not I,m getting) e How often do yo,ugo to the dentist?lnot How ofren are you going?) * Julie doesnt drink coffee very ofren. * In the summerJohn usually plays tennis once or twice a week. Note the position of always/never/usually, (beforethe main verb): etc. s Sue always looks happy. (zor Suelooks always) s I never drink coffee at night. '$Thattime s do you usuallyget home after rvork? For rvord order,seealso Unir 107.
Present Continuous and Simple Present units 3-4 Simple present with a Future Meaning unit 188

2.1 Completethe sentences using one of the following: cause(s) close(s) connect(s) drink(s) live(s) open(s) spak{s} take(s) 1. Ann speaks _ ). I never coffee. 3. The swimmingpool , . ___ at 9:00 and __** *_---at 6:30 evert' day.

N lt

4. B a d d ri v i n g ( My parents 6. The Olympic Games 7. The Panama CanaF' 2.2 Put the verb into the correct form. 2. 3. 4. 5.

manv accloenrs. in a very small apartment.

- - place every four years. the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

1. Jason doesn f drink 'What

time I have a car. but I "S7hat It

5. 1

(not / drink) coffee very often. (the banks / close)? (not I use) it very ofren. (you / do)?" "I'm an electricalengineer." - (take) me an hour to get to work. How long (ir / take) you? (play)the piano, but I (this word / mean)?

(not / play) very well. 7. I dont understandthis sentence. vhat

2.3 Use one of the following verbs to complete these sehtences. Sometimesyou need the negative. believe eat flow g+ g*rxr make rise tell translate 1. The earth goes around the /. An interpreter from one sun. language to another. 2. Rice doesn't at-ow in Canada. 8. A liar is someonewho 3 . The sun the truth. 4 . Bees honey. 9. The Amazon River into 5 . Vegetarians meat. the Atlantic Ocean. 6 . An atheist in God. 2.4 Ask Liz questions about herself and her family. 1. You know that Liz plays tennis. You wanr to know how often. Ask her. How often do vou p/aulennrs 2. Perhapsfi, your sister 3. You know thatLiz readsa newspaper."iiy J"y. V" 4. You know that Liz's brother works. You want to know what he does. Ask Liz. 5. You know thatLiz goesto the movies a lot. You want to know how often. Ask her. 5. You don't know where Liz's mother lives. Ask Liz. 7' You know that Liz works every da6 but you want to know what time she starts work. Ask her.


Present Continuous and SimplePresent (1) (l am doing and I do)

Present continuous (I am-doing) We use the present coutinttotts ior s o me th i n g th a t i s h a p p e n i n e ar or around t h e ti me o f s p e a k i n g . T h e a c ri on i s not f in i s h e d . I am doing

Simple present lI do) We use the simple presentfor things in generalor things that happenrepeatedl,v




'W'ater boils at 100 degrees Celsius. * Excuseme, do you speakEnglish?


The water is boiling. Could you turn ir off? Listen to those people.What language are they speaking? Let's go out. It isn't raining now. A: Don't disturb me. I'm busy. '!fhy? B: Vhat are you doing? I'm going to bed now. Good night. Maria is in Vancouver now. She's learning English.

It doesn't rain very much in the summer. 'S7hat F do you usually do on weekends? 'V/hat * do you do? (='What'syour job?) K I always go to bed before midnight. s Most people learn to swim when they are children. Use the simple presentfor permanenr sltuatrons: s My parentslive in Boston. They have lived thereall their lives. s John isn't lazy. He works very hard most of the time. SeeUnit 2 for more informarion.

Use the present continuous for temporary situations: s I'm living with some friends until I find an apartment. s "You're working hard today." "Yes, I've got a lot to do." See Unit 1 for more information.

I always do and I'm always doing Usually we say "I always do something" (= I do it every time): * I always go to work by car (notl'm always going) You can also say "I'm always doing something," but this has a different meaning. For example: Ilve lost m11keyagain "I'm always losing things" does not mean that I lose things every time. It meansthat I lose things too cften or more often than normal. You're always -ing meansthat you do somethingvery often, more often than the speakerthinks is normal or reasonable.
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s Yru're always watching TV. you should do somethingmore acrir.e. s John is never satisfied.He's always complaining.
Present continuous and Simple Present (2) unit 4 Present renses with a Future Meaning Unit 18

3.1 Are the underlined verbs right or wrong? Correctthe verbs that are wrong. 'Water L. boils at 100 degrees Celsius. R/GHT 2. The water boils. Could fou turn it off? is boi/ina 3. Look! That man ffies ro open the door of your car. 4. Can you hear thosepeople? \fhat do they talk about? 5. The moon goesaround the earth. 6. I have to go now. It getslate. 7. I usually p to work by car. 8. *Hurry up! It's time to leave." *OK, I Ee!qg." 9. I've got a new job. How does it p? 3-2 Put the verb in the correct form, present continuous or simple present. (not / rain) now. f . Lefs go our. It isn'f raining 2. Julia is very good at languages. she speaks (speak) four languages very well. 3. Hurry up! Everybody (wait) for you. 4. (you / listen) to the radio?" "No, you can turn it off.,, 5. (you i listen) to the radib every day?', ..No, iust occasionally." 6. The Nile River (flow) into the Mediterranean. 7. The river (flow) very fast today - much faster than usual. 8 . 'Weusually (grow) vegetables our garden, but this year in we (not / grow) any. 9 . "How is your English?""Not bad. It (improve) slowly." 1 0 . Matt is in San Francisco right now. He (stay) at the Pelton Hotel. He (always/ stay)there when heb iri San Francisco. 11 . Can we stop walking soon?I (start) to feel tired. 12. "Do you know how to drive?" "l (learn).My father


(finish) work ar 5:00, but this week I (work) untiI 5:00 to earn some extra money. 1,4. My parents (live) in Chicago. They were born there and have never lived anywhereelse.Where (your parents/ live)? 15 . Erica (look) for a place to live. She (stay) with her sisteruntil she finds a place. 1.5. "'Sfhat (your father I dal?" "He's an archirect.but he

13. Usually I

(teach) me."

17. The train is never late. It 1 8 . Jim is very messy. He


(not / work) at the moment."

(always/ leave)on time. (always / leave)his things all over rhe

3.3 Finish Bt sentences. Use always -ing (see Section B). 1. .A..I'm afraid I've losr my key again. _ 4, N-", again! .Yoqre q/ways /osing your key. 2. A: The car has broken down again. B: That car is a pain. It .--.-..-_-'-'-__---.3 . A: Look! You made the same aga;. -ist"ke B: Oh no, not again! I ___________ ______ 4. A: Oh, I forgot mv books again. B: That's rypical! You

(2) Present Continuous and SimplePresent (l am doing and I do)

'We can usecontinuous tenses only for actions and happenings(they are eating / it is raining, etc.).Someverbs(for example,know and like) are not action verbs.You cannot say "l am knowing" or "they are liking"; )'ou can onh'sav I knorv,they like. The following verbs are not normally used in conrinuousrenses: neg{..,,p1efeq

x Do you understand what I mean? s Kim doesn't seemvery h"ppy right now.

I'm hungry. I want something to eat. lnot I'm wanting)

When think meanS"believer" do not use the continuous: 'What do you think (= believe)will happen?(not 'What are you thinking) but - You look serious.What are you thinking about? (= SThatis going on in your mind?) * * I'm thinking of quitting my fob. (- I am considering) \(/hen have means "possessr'etc., do not usethe continuous (seeUnit 15): 'We'reenjoying our trip.'We have a nice room in the horel. (not\le're having) 'We're but 8 enjoying our trip.'lVe're having a great time. See hear smell taste 'W'e normally use the simple present(zot continuous) wirh theseverbs: Do you seethat man over there?(not Are you seeing) s This room smells. Let's open a window. 'S7e often use can + see/hear/smell/taste: * Listen! Can you hear something? Note that you can say I'm seeingwhen the meaning is "having a meetingwith" (especiallytn the future - seeUnit 18A): * I'm seeingthe managertomorrow morning. He is selfish and He is being selfish He's being = FIe's behaving / He's acting. Compare: * I can't understandwhy he'sbeing so selfish.He isn't usually like that. (being selfish - behaving selfishly ar the moment) but e He never thinks about other people. He is very selfish.(not He is being) .(= he is selfishgenerally,not only at the moment) 'We use am/is/are being to say how somebody is behaving. It is not usually possible in other * * It's hot today. (notk is being hot) Sarah is very tired. (not is being tired)

Look and feel You can use simple presentor continuous to say how somebodylooks or feelsnow: = You look good today. or You're looking good todav. + Hou'do you feel nou'? or How are you feelingnow? bti ' I usuallvfeel tired in the morning. (not I'm usuall.v feeling)
Present Continuous and Simple Present (1) Unit 3 Present Tenses with a Future Meaning Unit l8

4-1 Are the underlined verbs right or wrong? correct the ones that are wrong. 1. Ilm the managerromorrow morning. R/GHT leeing 2. I'm feeling hungry. Is there anything to eat? 3. Are you believing God? in 4. This sauceis grear. It's_Eslingreally good. 5. I'm thinking this is your key.Am I right? 4'2 Look at the pictures-Usethe words in parenthesesto make (you should also sentences. study Unit 3 before you do this exercise.) (you / not / seem/ very happy today) Youdont seem very hopp)r foday.


Be quiet! (I / think) I have no idea.

(dinner / smell /

(who / this umbrella belongto?)

Can I call you back in half an hour? (I/have/dinner)

4-3 Put the verb into the correct form, present continuous or simple present. 1 . Are you hungry? Do vou wanf somethingto eat? (you / want) 2. Don't put rhe dictionary away. I it. (use) 3. Don't put the dictionary away. I it. (need) 4 . 'S7hois that man?'S7har ? (he / want) 5. lfho is that man?'Why at us? (he/ look) 6. George sayshe's 80 yearsold, but nobody him. (believe) 7. Shetold me her name, but I it now. (not / remember) 8. of sellingmy car. (think) Would you be interested in buying it? 9. 1 you should sell your car. (think) you it very often. (not / use) 10. Air mainly of nitrogen and oxygen. (consist) 4-4 complete the sentencesusing the most appropriate form of be, simple present (am/is/are) or present continuous (amfis/a-re being).
1. I can't understand whv he's beina so selfish.He isn't usually like that. 2. lack very nrce to me tonight. I wonder why. 3. You'll like Jill when you meet her.She very nice. 4. You're usuallyvery patient,so why so unreasonable abour '',1'aiting five more minutes? 5. W h v i s n ' t Sa ra h a t w o rk to d a v?



SimplePast(t did)

Studvthis example: \\'asan Ausrrianmusicianand composer. WolfgangAmadeus.l\itrzarr He lived from 7756 ro 7797.He startedcor-nposing the age of five and wrote at more than 600 pieces music.He rvasonlv 35 yearsold when he died. of Lived/started/wrote/was/died all simpIe p ast. are

Very often the simple past ends in -ed (regular verbs): g I work in a travel agency now Before that I worked in a department store. s 'We invited thegnto our party, but they decided not to come. G The police stopped me for speeding. s Shepassedher exam because she studied very hard. For spelling (stopped,studied,etc.), seeAppendix 5. But many verbs are irregular. This means that the simple past does not end in -ed. For example: s Mozart wrote more than 600 piecesof music. write -+ wrote -+ saw s 'We saw Rosa in town a fer.l days ago. see go s I went to the movies three times last week. -) went s This housecost $89,000 in 7996. cost -) cost For a list of irregular verbs, seeAppendix 1. In questionsand negatives use did/didn't + baseform (enioylsee/go, we etc.): did they s went ,you she they enfoy{ see? go?

A: Did you go out last night? B.' Yes,I went to the movies, but I didnt enioy the film much. s "'When did Mr. Thomas die?" "About ten yearsago." s They didn't invite her to the party, so she didn't go. * "Did you have time to write the letter?" "No, I didn't." Be careful when do is the main verb in the sentence. * I didn't do anything- (notI didn't anything) The past of be (am/is/are) is was/were: we/you/they weidweren't

yn}ilEiil{*i1iifi;hl",t .,,nras l&/,#"Sifi= weie wel-y6d/th9j+,

Note that we do not use did in negatives and questions with was/were: s I was angry because they were late. s Was the weather good when you were on vacation? = They weren't able to come because they were so busy. :i.. Did vou go out last night, or were you too tired?
Simple Past and Past Continuous Unit 6 Present Perfect and Simple Past Units 12-13

5.1 Read what Debbie says about a typical working day:
A G..N






tt:00. I alwayssleep well.

l- .Shegor up ar 7:00. 2. She 3. She

4. It 5. 6. -

Yesterdaywas a typical working day for Debbie.write what she did or didn,t do yesterday.

a big breakfast. to get to work. at 8:45.


8. _tired


10. 11.

lunch. 12.

at 5:00. home. dinner. out last night. at 11:00. well last night.

5-2 complete the sentences using the following verbs in the correct form: boy catch. cost drink fall hua sell spend teach throw win 1. Mozart wrote more than 500 piecesof music. 2. "How did you learn to drive?" ,.My mother 3 . We couldn't afford to keep our car, so we it. 4. I was very thirsty. I _rhewaterveryquickly. 5. Sam easily. 6. Dave


and I"y. H., *o.h b"*.. rt


i ;,;;;

his leg. 7. Jim 8 . Jessica

a dress that

down the stairs this morning and the ball to Sue,who a lot of money yesterday.She


5.3 A friend has iust come back from vacation.Ask him about it. write your questions. 1. (where l go?) _ 2. (go alone?) 3. (food / good?) 4. (stay/atahotel?) 5. (rent / a car?) 6. (the weather / nice?) 7. (what / do in the evenings?) 5.4 clmllgtq the sentences. the verb.intothe correctform, Put positiveor

negative. 1. It was warm, sol took . off my coat.(take). movie wasnt very good. I didnr eryov ?. Ih. - it very much. (eniov) J. I knew Sarah ' was very busSso I her.(bother'---'-J
vu L.r =---very well. (sleep)

ylasn't very expensive.It _=_ ,;. ,r:_.^::_,e-r ru. I was tn a hurry, so I _-11. It was hard work carrying rhe bags.Ther.

7. It.wasaforrry rit,r"tion,but n9b9dy open, a bird: and 3 I|| fl*:y:f

@k"j 5. The bed was u.iy,rn. 5. We went to Kate's house, but she --


#i) inrotheroom.(fly)
very much. (cost) rime ro call y-.ou. liave) (bei r.ervheavr.. 11

Past Continuous(l was doing)

Study this example situation: Yesterday Karen and Jim plavedrennis.Thev beganat 10:00and finished 11:30. ar So at 10:30 they were playingtennis. They were playing = they were in the middle of playing. They had not finished playing. Was/were -ing is the past continwous:

I7e use the past continuous to say that somebody was in the middle of doing something at a certain time. The action or situation had already started before this time but had not finished: I started doing I finished doing

pdst x This time last year I was living in Brazil. * 'V7hatwere you doing at 10:00 last night? s I waved at her, but shewasnt looking. Compare the past continuous (I was doing) and simple pasr (I did): Past continuous (in the middle of an action) G I was walking home when I met Dave. (= in the middle of walking home) g Nicole was watching TV when the phone rang. 'We Simple pasf (completeaction) * I walked home after the party last nighr. (= all the way, completely) Nicole watched TV a lot when shewas sick last year.

often use the simple past and the past continuous together to say that something happened in the middle of something .lset * Matt burned his hand while he was cooking dinner. 3 I saw you in the park yesterday.You were sitting on the grass and reading a book. e- While I was working in the garden,I hurt my back. But we use the simple past to say that one rhing happened after another: !l I was walking downtown when I saw Dave. So I stopped and we talked for a while. Compare: t When Beth arrived, we were having I x \7hen Beth arrived, we had dinner. ;i dinner (= We had alreadystarted dinner.) I (= Beth arrived and then we had dinner.) T


Someverbs (for example,knorv and rvant) are not normallv usedin the continuous(see Unir 4A): s V/e n'eregood friends.$'e knerv eachother well. (not We u'ereknou,ing) s I was enfoi'ing rhe partl'. but chris wantedto go home. (not wasr,vanting)

6'1 what were you doing at the following times? write one sentenceas in the examples. The past continuous is not always necessary (seesentence2).


3. ( a t 1 0 :1 5 y e s te rd a ymo rn i n g ) __ .4. (at 7:45 lasr night) 5. (half an hour ago) ______,

8:00lastnight) !. \^t 2. (at 5:00 last Monday) L w_ss-e;s_b-usan-tny*uoyJo__e1_qss,,_ _


6'2 Use your own ideasto complete these sentences. Usethe past continuous. 1. Matt.burned his harrd while he was cooking dinner 2. The doorbell rang while I 3. 'Wesaw an accident while we 4. Lauren fell asleepwhile she 5. The television was on, but nobody 5.3 Put the verbs into the correctform, past continuous or simple past.

I saw Sue _ (see) downtown yesterday, but she.-(not/see) me. She (look) the other way.

I {meet)Tom and Ann at the airport a few weeks ago. They (go) to Boston and I (go) to Montreal. !7e (talk)while we (wait) for our flights.

I _-*-=-=-(ride) my bicycleyesterdaywhen suddenlya man ._(step)out into the street in front of me. I =..-_-(go) fairly fast, but luckily I stop in time and (not / hit) him.

6.4 Put the verbs into the correctform, past continuous or simple past. 1'' Jane was waiting (wait) when I arrived (arrive). 2. "V7hat 3. '--., (you / go) out last night?;;rto, r was too tired.,, 4. How fast __ % (happen)? 5. John (take) a picture of me while I (not / ----look). g y.. were in a very difficult position. ve _ (nor / know) what to do. 7'Ihaven,tseenDavidforagis.TheIast,(see)him,he

(hear).footsteps behind me. Somebody _-=(follow) me. I was _ scared, and I _ -__ (start) to run. 9. 'i7hen I r""t uo,,ng, i- __ = _'. _* (want) to be a niiot. _-- - _ ____,-

s r*-__--r*t;{i

,,L,*k,:,?.:yi:T""*nry r_


PresentPerfect(1) (l have done)

Studv this examolesrtuatlon: Tom is lookine for his ker'.He can'r find it. He has lost hii ker'.r= He losr ir end he still doesn't have Have/haslost is the presentperfect (simple):

The present perfect is have/has+ past participle. The past participle often ends in -ed (finished/decided,etc.), but many important verbs are irregular (lost/done/been/written, erc.). For a list of irregular verbs, seeAppendix 1. When we use the present perfect, there is a connection with now. The action in the past has a result now: s He told me his name, but I've forgotten it. (I can'r remember it now.) ffi "Is Kimberly here?" "No, she'sgone out." (Sheis out now.) ffi I can't find my purse. Have you seenit? (Do you know where it is now?) We often usethe presentperfect to give new information or to announcea recent happening: ffi The road is closed.There'sbeen an accident. * (from the news)The police have arrested two men in connection with the robbery. We also use the simple past (l played, I did, etc.) in these situations. So you can say: a He told me his name, but I've forgotten it. or . . . but I forgot it. gt Kimbedy isn't here. She'sgone out. orr . . . Shewent out. 'We often use the present perfect with iust, already, and yet. You can also use the simple past:

Just = a short time ago: # "Are you hungry?" "No, f've iust had lunch." (or I iust had lunch.) 'We use already to say that something happened sooner than expected (seealso Unit 107D): ffi "Don't forget to mail the letter." "I've already mailed it." (or I already mailed it.) Yet = until now. It shows that the speaker is expecting somerhing to happen. Use yet only in questionsand negativesentences (seealso Unit 107C): it stoppedraining yet? (or Did it stop raining yet?) ry Has s I wrote the letter, but I haven't mailed it yet. (or . . . I didn't mail it yet.)

Do not use the present perfect when you talk about a finished time (for example, last night / two yearsago / yesterday, etc.). Use the simple past (seealso Unit 13): ffi It snowed last night. (not has snowed) w Where were you at 3:00? (not-Wherehave you been) is I startedmy new job rwo weeks ago-(not have starred) it: Nicole didn't go our yesterday. (zof hasn't gone)
Present Perfect Units 8, 1'l Prsent Perfect Continuous Present Perfect and Simple Past Units 12-13 Units 9-1O

7.1 Readthe situations and write sentenceswith the present perfect. Chooseone of the following: break drop go up grow improve -lcse turn on Mike is looking for his key. He can't find i1. He has /ost his key. ___--_-_ Jennifer can't walk and her leg is in a cast. She *__ Maria's English wasnt very good. Now it is much better. Jasondidn't have a beardlast month. Now he has a beard. Last u'eek the bus fare was 80 cents. Now it is 90. The temperaturewas 55 degrees. Now it is only 36. The temperature The light was off. Now it is on. Somebody 7.2 Complete B's sentences.Use the verb in parentheses + just/already/yet. A


a No, thanks, l'u-eJg st7h a! lunch. (iust / have) Yes, I _ her. (fust / see) (already/ leave) He I don't know. I (not'/ read / yet) No, she the film. (already/ see) Yes, they here.(just / get) (not/tell/yet) I

L. 2. 4. 5.

7.3 Readthe situations and write sentenceswith the words in parentheses and iust, already, or yet. 1. After lunch you go to seea friend at her house. She says: "Iilould you like something to eat?' You say: "No, thank you, /'ve just' had /unch " (have lunch) 2. Joegoes out. Five minutes later, the phone rings and the caller says: "Can I speak to ." (go out) Joe?" You say: "I'm sorry, 3. You are eating in a restaurant. The waiter thinks you have finished and starts to take your plate away. You say: "'Wait a minute! " (not / finish) 4. You are going to a restaurant this evening. You call to reservea table. Later your friend says:"Should I call to reservea table?' You say: "No, it." (do) 5. You know that a friend of yours is looking for a job. Perhapsshe has beensuccessful. Ask her. You sav: " ?" (find) 6. Laura went to the bank, and she returned a few minutes ago. Somebody asks: "Is Laura still at the bank?" You say: 'No, " (come back) 7.4 parts of these sentences right or wrong? Correct the ones that are Are the u_nderlined wron9. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. It has snowed last night. Have vou seenmv ourse? "Don't forget to pay the gas bill.' 'I've alread)'done it." The accident has happened three days ago. Sue hasn't been at work yesterday. Jerry gave me his address, but I've lost it. Have you seenBrad on Monday? Where is the newspaper?'Whathave you done u'ith ir? 'We have bought our housein 1985.
/t snowed



(2) Present Perfect (l have done)

Study this example conversation: Daue: Have you traveled lor, Jane? a Yes,I've beento lots of places. lane: Daue: Really?Have you everbeento China? life Jane's Jane: Yes,I've been to China twice. {a perioduntil' Daue: What about India? past now Jane: No,I havent been to India. 'When we talk about a period of time that continues from the past until now, we usethe presentperfect (have been/ have traveled,etc.). Here, Dave and Jane are talking about the placesJane has visited in her life (which is a period rhat continuesuntil now). Some more examples: x Ffave you ever eaten caviar? (in your life) x 'We've never had a car. s "Flave you read Hamlet?" "No, I havent read any of Shakespeare's plays." s Susanreally loves that movie. She'sseenit eight times! K 'S7hata boring movie! It's the most boring movie I've ever seen. been (to) = visited: s I've never been to China. Have you been there? Here are more examplesof speakers talking about a period that continuesuntil now (recently/ in the last few days / so far / sincebreakfast, etc.): Flave you heard from Brian recently? s I've met a lot of people in the last few days. * Fverything is going well.'We havent had any problems so far. s I'm hungry. I haven't eaten anything since breakfast. (= from breakfast until now) rttto" Or""P;"sf$,l: * It's nice to seeyou again. 'Wehaven't seen each other for a long time. past 'We use the present perfect with today / this morning / this evening, etc., when these periods are not finished at the time of speaking:

A F & ffi * P fj fl S $ * $


s 'We

= i'."i"$"iJ&'#:*:",t#:;:i,1"

todav .i,.,.i.,:i

I havent seenTom this morning. Have you?

sa5 'It's the first time something has happened" (present perfect). For example: * Don is taking a driving lesson.It's his first one. It's the first time he has driven a car. (not drives) or He has never driven a car before. Sarah has lost her passport again. It's the secondtime this has happened.(nor happens) s Eric is calling his girlfriend again.This is the third time he'scalledher toniehr.
Present Perfect with forlsince Unit 12

Present Perfect (1) Unit 7

Present Perfect and Simple past U n i tsT,1 2 , 1 i

8.1 You are asking somebody questions about things he or she has done. Make questions from the words in pareniheses. 1. (ever/ride / horse?) Hav 2 . (ever/be/Mexico?) J. (ever/ run / mararhon? )
a horse?


4. (e v e r/s p e a k / fa m o u s p e rson?) 5. (always I live /in this tbrvn?) j 5. (mostbeautiful place ever vi;ir-?) / \dt; 8'2 ,t;L?ft"
be A

B s answersSomesentences positiveand are

be eat happen have meet play read

somenegative.use a verb from

see see

I have no idea. /ve never mel I don't know. I

1. 2.

4. 5. 5. 7. 8.

Yes,I Yes,but Yes,it is the bestvacarion in a long time. I don't know. I don't know. Again? He everyday this week. Not again! That,s the secondtime I don't know.

her. her recently. much today. for ages.

it. there.


this week. before.

8.3 compfete these sentencesusing today / thisyear / thisserneste, etc.

1. I saw.Tom yesterda5 b"t 2. II read z npwcnr npr Z. r eed a newspape,r r oor ^- l^- y.rt"rd-g L- - - rI brrr J. r,ast 3. La year the company made a profit, but today.

4. Tracv workedhard arschoolt^'^- ^--l urorlre.l ho'l ...^L^^t last,"*.ri.r,-U*

5. It snowed a lot last winter. but


a'4 Read the situations and write sentences as shown in the exampres. L. Jamesis driving a car, but he's very.nervous and not sure what to do. -Y_ou ask: Haize")toudriven a car before? He "^yt, 2. is playing tennis. H.t *ry god, Pj" "ot You ask: Have He says:No, this is the first



ask: Shesays: 4. Maria is in Los Angeles. hasy.rr, She You ask: "rrffi Shesa1's:

tn. ly. is ridinga horse. Oo You


Present Perfect continuou (t have beendoing) s

It has been raining. Study this examplesituarion: Is it raining? No, but the grorrndis It has beenraining. Have/hasbeen -ing is the presentperfect continuous:

We use the presentperfectcontinuous for an activiry that has recently stopped or just stopped.There is a connectionwith now: H You're out of breath. Have you been running? (you're out of breath now.) nx Jason is very tired. He's been working. very tr""ti. (g.t iired now.) s \Vhy are your clorhesso dirry? Vhat-have yo" U"." aoingl * I've been talking to Amanda about the proLlem, .lr.'"grees with me. ""a It has been raining for two hours. Study this .""rrrpl" ,i**iof It is raining now. It beganraining two hours ago. l{9w long has it been raining? It has been raining for rwo hturs. Ifie o{t13 us9 f-e presenr perfect conrinuous in this wag especially with how long, for, and since.The activity iJ' still happeningor has juit stopped.

iot, .,ti,

* How longhaveyou bee,ns_tudying Engrish? (you,restill studying Engrish.) * Tim is still watchingTV. He'sLe* *itchine TV haveyou been? beenlookingfoiy"u i"rirrl'r"r, harf "il;;;. I've ]z.h9re - -- --- ---Y hour. s Christopher hasnt beenfeeling well reclntly./ You can usethe present perfectcontinuous actionsthat are repeated for over a period of time: --* Debbieis a vervgoodtennisplayer. sh.t b*; p;;il;-rir." rt. *"; * Everymorning theymeetin the samec"f.. Thei oii&r, "Gt;. goirrgtherefor years.
Compare I am doing (seeUnit 1) and I have been doing,

* Don'r bother *rK.[,m
s Hurr;- up! rWe're rvaiting.


s X7e need umbrella. rainins. an It,s

going to take a break. * The ground is wet. It,s been raining. 'W'e've F been waitine for an hour.

nota I've been working hard, so now I'm

Present Perfect simple and continuous

units 1o-11

present perfet with forlsince

units 11-12

'4 -

9.1 What have these people been doing or what has been happening?


"-F* .#







9.2 Write a question for each situation. 1. John looks sunburned. You ash (you / sit in the sun?) Hawr>vnu-heen sjrtin4 in fh,a <rtn2 2. You have just arrived to meet a friend who is waiting for yoir. You ask: lyoit lwait l long?) 3. You meet a friend on the street. His face and hands are very dirty. You ask: (what / you i do?) 4. A friend of yours is now living on Main Street.You want to know "How long . . . ?" You ask: (how long I you / live / on Main Street?)_ 5.Afriendtellsyouaboutherjob_shesellscomput'''l. You ask: (how long /you / sell I computers?)

9.3 Readthe situations and complete the sentences.

i. The rain started rwo hours ago. It's still raining now. 'We 2. !7e started waiting waiting-for the bus 20 minutes aso.'We're s waiting now. us ago.'We're still 'We
It ha< h,',zn rr,ininn for two hours.

for 20 minutes. 3. I startedSpanish classes December. still studyingSpanish in I'm now.

since December. 4. Jessicastarted working in Tokyo on January 18th. She'sstill working there now. sinceJanuary 18th. 5. Years ago you started writing to a pen pal. You still write to each other regularly. 'We for years. 9.4 Put the verb into the present continuous (l am -ing) or present perfect continuous (l have been -ing). 1. Maria haq A,opn.+r,,J);nq (study) English for two years. 2. Hello, Tom.I 3. ri7hy _ (you / look) at me like that? Stop it! 4. I7e always go to Florida in the winter. 'We_ 5. I (think) about what you said, and I've decidedto take your -* advice. 6. "Is Kim on vacationthis week?" "No, she (rvorki." 7. sarah is'ery tired. She - (work) r'e^' hard recenrlr.. 19

Present Perfectcontinuousand presentperfect gimple (t have beendoing and I have aonil

Study theseexample situati,ons:

U"g" clothes are covered with painr. She has been painring the ceiling. Has been painting is the present perfect continuous. 'We are interested in the activity. It does not matter whether something has been finished gt lot: In this example, the activity (painting the ceiling) has not been finished.

The ceiling was white. Now it is blue. Shehas painted the ceiling. Has painted is the present perfect simple. Here, theimportant thing is that something has been finished. Has painted is a completed action. We are interested in the result of the activity (the painted ceiline). not in the activiw itself.

Compare these examples: My hands are very dirry. I've been fixing the car. * Siet.been eating roo much recently. She should eat less. r It's nice to seeyou again.'What have you been doing since the last time we saw you? s {he5 have you been?Have you been playing tennis? s The car is OK again now. I,ve fixed x Somebodyhas eatenall my candy! The box is empry. ! Where's the book I gave you? Ifhat have you done withlt? * Ffave you ever played tennis?

Use the continuous to say how long (for an activity that is still happening): I Howlong have you-beenreading that book? r Lisa is still writing letters. She'sbeen writing letrers all dav. :r They've been playing tennis since 2:00.

Usethe simple to say-how much, how manS or many times (for completed actions): !9w I How many pages of that book have you read? r Lisa has written ten lefters today. I They've played rennis three times this week.

For a list of theseverbs, seeUnit 4A.

Someverbs(forexample,knodIike/believe)arenot'o,ffi E I've known aboutit for a long time. (notl,ve b.e. k.rJ*irrgy

Present Perfect (simpre) units 7-8 present perfect continuous Present Perfect with forlsr?rce Units 11_12

Unit 9

1o'1 Readthe situations and write two sentences using the words in parentheses. 1' Luis startedreadinga book two hours ago. He is srill readingit, (read /for two hours) Heles been reodina fnr ruzn hn,,-. and now he is on page53.



/ 53 pages far.) so ^ f."i she South America;rr* lf^rfll-f1om {ustralia. i; ,r"*li"g around ' Shebeganher trip three months ago. -.-*. (travel
/ for three months) She

rrom'"u ' Yul.;jl:'fj;*1'd

(visit/ six countries far) so 3. Jimmyis a tennisplayer. b.g"" pl"fit;il;*h; H. he is nationalchampion againifor'the fourth ti_". (win / thb national.t"-pio.,rrri;;;;;-"s) _ (play/tennis since wai ten) he





Thi, r;;^

(make / ren movies sincethey graduated from college)They (make / movies since they left lofiege)

10.2 For each situation, ask a question using the words

in parentheses. 1. You have a friend who is studying Arabic. you ask: (how long / study / Arabic?)


(how long / teach?l " 5. You meer somebodywho ir;;;t* (how many books / write?) (how long / write / books?i

5. A friendof youis i,

(how long / wait?) 3. Y.ouseesomebodyfishing by th;ri".r. y"" (how many fish / catch?)_ "rl" 4. Somefriends of yours h"r, "r" !h9w m,anypeople/ invite?)

t.".h.i y"u

y., "rl"

of, * $ldlong / save?) r"ui'g @ (how

(how much money / save?)

10.3 Put the verb into the more appropriate form, present perfect simple or continuous.

I Look! Somebody 2. X$.:He ? You r^^r_ tired. 3. v^.. look ^:---r


youbeen? Have you beenp/aying

(you/ play) tennis? . \/uu PraY' renr ' (break) that window. (you/ work) hard?

5. 6.

3: 9.

(you / ever/ work) in a factory?', ,.No, never.,, My brother is an actor. He (appear)in severalmovies. ..Thatt "Sorry f'm late." all rigtlt. (not / wait) long.', tr it srill raining?""No, it (stop).' , - (lose)my addressbook. (you / see)it ""yrGt.l 1 read) the book you lenr me. but I / finish) it yet. {no, (read) the book vou lent me, so you can have it back now.


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