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CULVERHAY SCHOOL Department of Physical Education NATIONAL CERTIFICATE PUBLIC SERVICES (LEVEL 3) UNIT 4 Task 3a The Cardiovascular and

d Respiratory Systems

NAME: Cameron Weathers DEPTH

Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems Assessment Criteria

Pupils are able to name the major areas of the heart and its valves Pupils explain the process of blood flow through the heart and its chambers Pupils are able to name the major blood vessels bringing blood back to and away from the heart Pupils explain pulmonary ventilation Pupils briefly describe the process of gaseous exchange at the alveoli Pupils explain the process of inspiration and expiration Pupils can name the major structures of the respiratory system Pupils are able to give volumes for both the cardiovascular and respiratory systems e.g. SV, HR and TV

Comprehensive Demonstration

Detailed Demonstration

Basic Demonstration

Not Demonstrated



Overall comments/Suggestions for improvement: Really good work Cameron your did the minimum to get a distinction however still earned the grade well done. You have obviously been doing your revision and this has helped your understanding massively. Every part of the respiratory and cardiac system was named correctly.

Overall Grade: Signed: Mr G. Seavill

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