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—(Art. 22 (1), Constitution; Sec. 50, Cr.P.C.

Every arrested person has a right to be informed of the grounds ofarrest by the police.

The policeshould also inform the arrestedperson of this be released on bail when
arrestedfor a bailable offence. It is the dutyof the police officer to inform him ofhis right
to be released on be produced before the nearestcompetentmagistratewithin
24hours from thetime of hisarrest. Thisperiod excludes the time taken in journey.

Every arrested person has a right to to inform his relative or friend about his arrest and
the place of detention.It is the duty of the police to inform the arrested person of this right
and also inform his relatives or friend about his arrest and detention.
—(Art.22(2), Constitution Sec; 57& 76,
Cr. P.C)

Every arrested person has a right to meet and consult a lawyer of his choice. The arrested
person can consult a lawyer during interrogation also but not throughout the interrogation
period.not to be ill-treated, abused ortortured while in custody duringinterrogation and
investigation.not to be subjected to more restraint than what is necessary to prevent his
—(Art.22(1), Constitution; S.C. judgement
D.K.Basu v. State of West Bengal)
—(Sec.49, Cr.P.C)

—(S.C. judgement D.K.Basu v.

State of West Bengal)

A police officer making an arrest is entitledto search the arrested person and placein safe
custody all the articles seizedfrom him. A receipt of such articles must be given to the
arrested person.also but not throughout the interrogation period. not to be ill-treated,
abused ortortured while in custody duringinterrogation and investigation.not to be
subjected to more restraintthan what is necessary to preventhis escape.
—(Art.22(1), Constitution; S.C. judgement
D.K.Basu v. State of West Bengal)
—(Sec.49, Cr.P.C)
—(Sec.51, Cr.P.C)

Every accused person can demanda medical exam-ination of his bodyby a
registeredmedical practi-tioner to disprovethe commissionof the offencealleged
againsthim. It is the dutyof the Magistrate to inform him ofthis right.At the time of
examination, theinjuries found on the body should berecorded. It is necessary to
preparean Inspection Memo after theexamination is over and this Memoshould be signed
by the arrestedperson and the police officer making
—(Sec.54, Cr.P.C)

Every arrested person has the rightto be medically examined afterevery 48 hours during
his detentionin custody by a qualified andgovernment-approved doctor.The police officer
carrying out thearrest must bear accurate, visibleand clear identification in the formof
nametag with designation.
the arrest.
—(S.C. judgement D.K.Basu v.
—(S.C. judgement D.K.Basu v.—(S.C. judgement D.K.Basu v.
State of West Bengal)


• Females can be searched byonly another female with strictregard to privacy and
• Female suspects must be keptin a separate lock-up in thepolice station.
• They should notbe kept where male suspectsare detained.
• When a female is arrested fora non-bailable offence, even ifthe offence is very
serious(punishable by death penaltyeven), the court can release heron bail.

(S.C. judgement Sheela Barse v.
State of Maharashtra)

(Sec.437, Cr. P.C)
(Sec.51, Cr.P.C)

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