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Coasta| Management
O CoasLal managemenL lnvolves a planned response whlch carefully conslders Lhe geographlcal
processes LhaL shape coasLal landscapes and addresses lssues LhaL arlse ln Lhe coasLal
envlronmenL beLween human acLlvlLy and Lhe naLural envlronmenL
O CoasLal managemenL ls needed because of Lhe lssue lf long shore drlfL eroslon human
O CoasLal managemenL ls dlfflculL for AusLralla because of lLs small populaLlon and long coasLllne
(36 733km) and hlgh populaLlon denslLy and fasL developmenL on Lhe coasLllne
O JlLhouL coasLal managemenL Lhe dune and marlne ecosysLem would dle and our populaLlon would be
greaLly affecLed because of Lhe vasL percenLage LhaL llve on or near Lhe coasL whlch ls 83
O JlLhouL coasLal managemenL Lhe human populaLlon wlll be greaLly affecLed
O @he groups LhaL are normally lnvolved ln coasLal managemenL are sLaLe and local governmenL

key processes shap|ng the coasta| env|ronment

Lros|on Lhe wearlng away and removal of weaLhered maLerlal
nydrau||c act|on wave breaks agalnsL cllff Lraps alr LhaL ls compressed lnLo crack ln rock
loose rocks
Corras|on waves crash over rock shelves and moves rock oLher maLerlal wears away
Corros|on rocks along coasL conLaln mlnerals (lron) Javes break weL rock 8ock
drles salL ln sea waLer crysLalllses on mlnerals erodes away
Depos|t|on Lhe deposlLlng of sand and rock parLlcles caused by wlnd and wave acLlon
ofLen causlng beaches and dunes

8eaches are formed accumulaLlons of eroded rock and shell maLerlal on coasLllne
uunes are formed wlnd acLlon Jhen sand ls deposlLed on Lhe beach lL ls sub[ecL Lo
wlnd LransporLaLlon Jlnd blows sand sand Lrapped ln low lylng planLs
@ransporLaLlon waves hlLLlng coasL aL an angle moves sand along Lhe coasL

Strateg|es to he|p coasta| management
8each nourlshmenL sand ls moved by machlnes
Sand moved Lo parL of beach where lL has been eroded
@rucks expenslve ongolng
uune SLablllsaLlon sLablllslng dunes
naLural buffer beLween beach and land
lences/access ways/ paLhs vehlcles/ pedesLrlans from Lrampllng vegeLaLlon
8evegeLaLlon planL more shrubs and weeds
8lns rubblsh polluLes ecosysLem
Slgns lnsLrucLs clLlzens how Lo conducL
roups can help by
O overnmenLs conLrlbuLe fundlng creaLe leglslaLlon
O 9uL up slgns SuLherland Shlre Councll Sea 8ee Jall
O uune Care volunLary labour Lo rehablllLaLe dune sysLems remove exoLlc weeds
O CoasL Care proLecLlng sand dunes

1ypes of waves
O Spllllng Jhen Lhe waves come ln evenly and lL baslcally [usL spllls over Lhe Lop Lhese klnd
of waves are non desLrucLlve and have a very low lmpacL
O 9lunglng Jhere Lhe waves peak rushes over Lhe base as Lhe wave ls dragged along Lhe sea
bed Lhese waves are dangerous and desLrucLlve 8reak on medlum sloped beaches
O Surglng where Lhe waves break on sLeep beaches and roll over Lhemselves causlng heavy
Longsure drlfL ls Lhe process relaLed Lo coasLal managemenL where sand ls eroded LransporLed and
Lhen deposlLed Lhls means LhaL all Lhe sand for example on Lhe easL slde of AusLralla ls slowly
movlng norLh
Drban growth and dec||ne
O Drban uecllne when an urban area sLarLs looslng buslness and places close people loose
Lhelr [obs people move away from Lhe area and Lhe local economy shrlnks along wlLh Lhe
populaLlon and bulldlngs and publlc places become rundown and badly malnLalned whlch
means Lhe deslrablllLy of Lhe area falls and lL's a vlclous clrcle
O Drban 8enewal 8ehablllLaLlon of lmpoverlshed urban nelghbourhoods by largescale
renovaLlon or reconsLrucLlon of houslng and publlc works
O Drban uecay soclologlcal process whereby a clLy or parL of a clLy falls lnLo dlsrepalr and
decreplLude wlLh depopulaLlon or changlng populaLlon economlc resLrucLurlng abandoned
bulldlngs hlgh local unemploymenL fragmenLed famllles pollLlcal dlsenfranchlsemenL crlme
and a desolaLe lnhosplLable clLy landscape
O @hls ls an lssue because Lhe whole area becomes rundown and many famllles/buslnesses do
noL wanL Lo llve/work Lhere and Lhe area conLlnues Lo suffer because of lLs poorness
O @he acLlon Laken Lo combaL urban decay and decllne ls urban renewal Jhere Lhe
governmenLs and oLher communlLles rebulld Lhe houslng and/or bulldlng secLors of Lhe
rundown area Lo encourage relnvesLmenL and repopulaLlon
O Drban sprawl ls Lhe spread of a clLy ouLwards whlle Lhe populaLlon denslLy drops as Lhls
happens 9osslble effecLs of Lhls lnclude Lhe surroundlng naLural envlronmenL desLroyed
producLlve farmland ls consumed by Lhe growlng clLy as well a deflnlLlve lncrease ln polluLlon
A soluLlon Lo Lhls ls Drban consolldaLlon where Lhe exlsLlng clLy ls redeveloped Lo sulL for a
greaLer populaLlon llmlLlng Lhe need for urban sprawl Lo occur

ustra||a's |d L|nks
O @he AusLrallan governmenL donaLes almosL $3 bllllon each year ln overseas ald Lo counLrles
wlLh lower sLandards of llvlng @hls ls [usL 03 of our nl whereas Lhe Dn expecLaLlons are
around 07
O Ald llnks lnclude
Lled ald lven for speclflc reasons eg consLrucLlon healLh
food ald Ald Lo be used speclflcally for food
mulLllaLeral ald llnanclal ald glven Lo governmenLs vla n's
unlLed ald Ald glven Lo governmenLs whlch can be spenL on goods and
emergency ald 9rovlslon of baslc needs ln case of an emergency eg naLural
dlsasLer @hls means food cloLhlng shelLer and waLer
Lechnlcal asslsLance LxperLs who use Lhelr educaLlon Lo help counLrles
bllaLeral ald llnanclal asslsLance glve from one counLry Lo anoLher

O nongovernmenL organlsaLlons (n's) are lndependenL of governmenLs and play an
lmporLanL parL ln shaplng our llnks wlLh Lhe resL of Lhe world
O AusLrallan n's lnclude amnesLy lnLernaLlonal AusLralla 8ed Cross and world vlslon
O A LreaLy ls an agreemenL beLween counLrles LhaL ls bound by lnLernaLlonal law
O AusLralla ls lnvolved ln LreaLles sLrlvlng Lo malnLaln sLrong reglonal llnks
O CounLrles lnvolved ln AusLralla's ald program are from Lhe paclflc and Mlddle LasL reglons
O ADSald ls AusLralla's forefronL for Lhelr ald conLrlbuLlons

uture Cha||enges or ustra||a opu|at|on

Current 1rends
9opulaLe or perlsh posL JJ
oLhers say we cannoL supporL a large populaLlon because we slmply don'L have and
can'L produce Lhe resources needed Lo susLaln a populaLlon of Lhe magnlLude

opu|at|on Growth
1900 38 mllllon people end of 0
cenLury 189 mllllon people LaLe 003 0
mllllon people
194361 baby boomers agelng populaLlon

opu|at|on ro[ect|ons
uecllne ln raLe of naLural lncrease fewer blrLhs fewer deaLhs urop ln ferLlllLy raLe
causes fewer blrLhs and an ever advanclng healLh care sysLem explalns Lhe fewer

opu|at|on Structure
Agelng populaLlon falllng blrLhs people llvlng longer 9opulaLlon pyramld wlll look
llke an upslde down pyramld

nDM- kIGn1S
@he ldea LhaL all human belngs are equal Lo deserve falr and equal LreaLmenL

kesponses from the ustra||an Government
8lghL Lo voLe anLl dlscrlmlnaLlon
AusL ov offered safe haven Lo over 600000 dlsplaced persons 1931
AusAlu programs AusLrallan Agency for lnLernaLlonal developmenL AusLralla's
overseas offlclal ald programs

kesponses from -onGovernment Crgan|sat|ons
1948 DnlLed naLlons [olned by AusLralla AdopLed Dnlversal ueclaraLlon of Puman
CA8L AusLralla relleve sufferlng
AmnesLy lnLernaLlonal frees pollLlcal prlsoners

numan k|ghts buses]concerns
1948 DnlLed naLlons [olned by AusLralla AdopLed Dnlversal ueclaraLlon of Puman
O Lower levels of healLh care educaLlon employmenL
O Pugely overrepresenLed ln prlsons
O ueaLhs ln cusLody (8oyal Commlsslon) sLolen generaLlons
8efugees mandaLory deLenLlon
Pomeless youLh genderbased dlscrlmlnaLlon dlsabled persons

ustra||a's contr|but|on |n compar|son to other countr|es
AusLralla [olned lCC DnlLed SLaLes Chlna lsrael lraq dld noL
Sweden 'open door' asylum pollcy 16 000/year
more Lhan Lrlple of Aus

uture Strateg|es
AS@l subsLance use program
lncrease healLh educaLlon programs
expand prlmary healLh servlces

8esearch AcLlon 9lan
1 Lhe alm or purpose of your fleldwork
generaLe focus quesLlons on your Loplc
3 llsL prlmary (daLa collecLed ln fleld) and secondary (lnfo from books publlshed
reporLs) lnformaLlon ?ou need Lo lnvesLlgaLe Lhe Loplc
4 ldenLlfy Lhe Lechnlques you wlll use Lo collecL your daLa
3 collecL your daLa
6 process and analyze daLa
7 selecL presenLaLlon meLhods Lo communlcaLe your flndlngs
8 propose lndlvldual or group acLlons ln response Lo your research flndlngs

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