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前 言
经过我们艰苦细致的工作,这本收录了 185 个会议的《2005~2006 国内/国际学术
严谨的写作之外,发表高水平论文还是有规律可循的,SCI、EI、ISTP、ACM 等检索并
1. 该《指南》按四个专业方向进行编排,但是很多会议征文范围是跨学科方向的;
2. 在制作该指南时,我们发现有些重要会议的投稿日期已过,但是这些会议一般
3. 每个会议的“论文范围”一栏中仅仅列举了其主要论题,很多会议往往不局限
4. 会议论文是否能够进入检索要根据会议论文的出版情况而定,本指南中的信息
5. 由于篇幅所限,我们仅仅搜集了一些会议的主要信息,详细信息和更新后的信

2005 年 3 月

统编制作:汪东 邓林
资料采集:赵锋 扈啸 刘万伟 郑笛
目 录

一、计算机系统结构、并行/分布式计算方向 ..........................................................................................1
1.1 APPT 2005 .................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 ISPA 2005.................................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 SC 2005 ....................................................................................................................................... 2
1.4 ICCD 2005 .................................................................................................................................. 2
1.5 ICICS 2005.................................................................................................................................. 2
1.6 ICCS 2005 ................................................................................................................................... 2
1.7 ISSADS 2005 .............................................................................................................................. 3
1.8 ARCS 2005 ................................................................................................................................. 3
1.9 IEICE SIPDCN 2006................................................................................................................... 4
1.10 IEEE PerCom 2005 ..................................................................................................................... 4
1.11 ACA 2006.................................................................................................................................... 5

二、软件、数据库、人工智能、仿真方向 ................................................................................................6
2.1 POPL 2006 .................................................................................................................................. 6
2.2 PLDI 2005 ................................................................................................................................... 6
2.3 ICFP 2005.................................................................................................................................... 6
2.4 ICSE 2006 ................................................................................................................................... 7
2.5 ACM FSE 2005........................................................................................................................... 7
2.6 FM/FME 2005............................................................................................................................. 7
2.7 CAV 2005 .................................................................................................................................... 8
2.8 SIGMOD 2005 ............................................................................................................................ 8
2.9 VLDB 2005 ................................................................................................................................. 8
2.10 ICDT2005.................................................................................................................................... 9
2.11 TACAS 2005 ............................................................................................................................... 9
2.12 ESOP 2005 ................................................................................................................................ 10
2.13 RTA 2005................................................................................................................................... 10
2.14 CAISE 2005 .............................................................................................................................. 10
2.15 ASE 2005 .................................................................................................................................. 11
2.16 PADL 2005 ................................................................................................................................ 11
2.17 ICECCS 2005............................................................................................................................ 12
2.18 APLAS 2005 ............................................................................................................................. 12
2.19 ICSM 2005 ................................................................................................................................ 12
2.20 SSD 2005................................................................................................................................... 13
2.21 DEXA 2005 ............................................................................................................................... 13
2.22 DASFAA ................................................................................................................................... 14
2.23 FASE 2005 ................................................................................................................................ 14
2.24 COMAD 2005 ........................................................................................................................... 14
2.25 BNCOD 2005............................................................................................................................ 15
2.26 ADBIS 2005.............................................................................................................................. 15
2.27 DaWaK 2005 ............................................................................................................................. 16

2.28 ICDM 2005 ............................................................................................................................... 16
2.29 IDEAS 2005 .............................................................................................................................. 17
2.30 SOFSEM 2005 .......................................................................................................................... 18
2.31 本类其他会议 ....................................................................................................................... 18

三、计算机网络、网格计算、信息安全方向 ..........................................................................................21
3.1 SIGCOMM 2005....................................................................................................................... 21
3.2 INFOCOM 2005 ....................................................................................................................... 21
3.3 TestCom 2005............................................................................................................................ 22
3.4 MOBICOM 2005 ...................................................................................................................... 22
3.5 GLOBECOM 2005 ................................................................................................................... 23
3.6 SIGMETRICS 2005 .................................................................................................................. 23
3.7 ICNP 2005................................................................................................................................. 23
3.8 ICC 2005 ................................................................................................................................... 24
3.9 ICT 2005 ................................................................................................................................... 24
3.10 NPC 2005 .................................................................................................................................. 24
3.11 ICOIN 2005............................................................................................................................... 25
3.12 ICN 2005 ................................................................................................................................... 25
3.13 Networking 2005....................................................................................................................... 26
3.14 ICCNMC 2005 .......................................................................................................................... 26
3.15 GCC 2005.................................................................................................................................. 27
3.16 CCNC 2005 ............................................................................................................................... 27
3.17 ICOIN 2005............................................................................................................................... 28
3.18 QoS-IP 2005 .............................................................................................................................. 28
3.19 APWeb 2005.............................................................................................................................. 29
3.20 IM 2006 ..................................................................................................................................... 29
3.21 CETC 2005................................................................................................................................ 29
3.22 CERNET 2006 .......................................................................................................................... 30

四、VLSI/SOC 设计、电路与系统、EDA 设计、图形图像方向 ..............................................................31

4.1 DAC 2005 ................................................................................................................................. 31
4.2 ICCAD 2005 ............................................................................................................................. 31
4.3 PATMOS 2005 .......................................................................................................................... 31
4.4 ASICON 2005 ........................................................................................................................... 32
4.5 VMCAI 2005............................................................................................................................. 32
4.6 ATVA 2004 ................................................................................................................................ 32
4.7 ISPD 2005 ................................................................................................................................. 33
4.8 CICC 2005................................................................................................................................. 33
4.9 ESSCIRC 2005.......................................................................................................................... 34
4.10 CAD/Graphics 2005 .................................................................................................................. 34
4.11 CSS 2005................................................................................................................................... 34
4.12 ITC 2005 ................................................................................................................................... 35
4.13 ASYNC 2005 ............................................................................................................................ 35
4.14 DATE 2005................................................................................................................................ 35

4.15 EDP 2005 .................................................................................................................................. 36
4.16 DDECS 2005............................................................................................................................. 36
4.17 FCCM 2005............................................................................................................................... 37
4.18 ASP-DAC 2006......................................................................................................................... 37
4.19 EPS 2005 ................................................................................................................................... 37
4.20 SIP 2005 .................................................................................................................................... 37
4.21 VTS 2005 .................................................................................................................................. 38
4.22 HSD2005................................................................................................................................... 38
4.23 SPI 2005 .................................................................................................................................... 38
4.24 MSE 2005.................................................................................................................................. 38
4.25 WRTLT 2005 WORKSHOP...................................................................................................... 39
4.26 SASIMI 2006 ............................................................................................................................ 39
4.27 VLSI 2005 ................................................................................................................................. 39
4.28 ISLPED 2005 ............................................................................................................................ 40
4.29 FPL 2005 ................................................................................................................................... 40
4.30 Hot Chips 2005.......................................................................................................................... 41
4.31 SiPS 2005 Workshop................................................................................................................. 41
4.32 SBCCI 2005 .............................................................................................................................. 41
4.33 ICFPT 2005 ............................................................................................................................... 41
4.34 CODES+ISSS 2005................................................................................................................... 41
4.35 ESSDERC/ESSCIRC 2005 ....................................................................................................... 42
4.36 ECCTD 2005............................................................................................................................. 42
4.37 NCCET 2005............................................................................................................................. 42
4.38 CADCG 2006............................................................................................................................ 43


1.1 APPT 2005

会议名称: the 6th International Workshop on Advanced Parallel Processing Technologies
时间/地点: 27-28 Oct,2005 中国 香港
截稿时间: 1 April , 2005
论文范围: z 并行与分布式系统结构
z 先进微处理器结构
z 中间件,软件工具与环境
z 并行编译
z 软件工程问题
z 互连网络,网络协议,网络安全
z 网格计算,集群计算
z 图像处理,等

1.2 ISPA 2005

会议名称: the 3rd International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing and Applications
时间/地点: 2-5 Nov. 2005 中国 南京
截稿时间: 1 April , 2005
(该会议论文一般由 SCI 收录,一年一届!)
论文范围: z Computer networks
z Network routing and communication algorithms
z Parallel/distributed system architectures
z Tools and environments for software development
z Parallel/distributed algorithms
z Parallel compilers
z Parallel programming languages
z Distributed systems
z Wireless networks, mobile and pervasive computing
z Reliability, fault-tolerance, and security
z Performance evaluation and measurements
z High-performance scientific and engineering computing
z Internet computing and Web technologies
z Database applications and data mining
z Grid and cluster computing
z Parallel/distributed applications
z High performance bioinformatics

1.3 SC 2005
会议名称: International Conference for High Performance Computing and Communications
时间/地点: Seattle, US,12-18 Nov 2005
截稿时间: 18 Apr 2005
论文范围: high performance computing, networking and storage,略

1.4 ICCD 2005

会议名称: IEEE International Conference on Computer Design
时间/地点: October 2 - 5, 2005, San Jose, California, USA
截稿时间: May 6, 2005
论文范围: Computer Systems Design and Applications,
Processor Architecture
Logic and Circuit Design,
Tools and Methodology,
Verification and Test

1.5 ICICS 2005

会议名称: International Conference on Information & Computer Science
时间/地点: Bangkok, Thailand,06-09 Dec 2005
截稿时间: 01 June 2005
论文范围: z Multimedia systems
z Computer systems
z Signal processing
z Communications
z Networking

1.6 ICCS 2005

会议名称: International Conference on Computational Science 2005
时间/地点: 22-25 May 2005,Atlanta, GA, USA
截稿时间: December 8, 2004
论文范围: z Scientific Computing,Problem Solving Environments
z Advanced Numerical Algorithms
z Complex Systems: Modeling and Simulation
z Hybrid Computational Methods
z Computational Science Aspects of Data Mining and Information Retrieval
z Web- and Grid-based Simulation and Computing
z Parallel and Distributed Computing

z Visualization and Virtual Reality as Applied to Computational Science
z Applications of Computation as a Scientific Paradigm
z New Algorithmic Approaches to Computational Kernels and Applications
z Education in Computational Science

1.7 ISSADS 2005

会议名称: Fifth IEEE International Symposium and School on Advance Distributed Systems
时间/地点: January 24-28,2005 Guadalajara, Mexico
截稿时间: August 26, 2004
论文范围: - Distributed and Parallel Algorithms
- Sofware Development and Tools
- Computer Networks
- Routing and Communication Techniques
- Memory Systems
- Fault Tolerance
- Fault Tolerance
- Load Balancing & Load Sharing
- Performance Evaluation
- Modeling and Simulation
- Real-Time Distributed Systems
- Distributed Data Base Systems
- Cooperative Information Systems
- Distributed Query Processing

1.8 ARCS 2005

会议名称: 18th International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems - System Aspects
in Organic and Pervasive Computing
时间/地点: March 14 –17, 2005, Innsbruck, Austria
截稿时间: October 3, 2004
论文范围: Enabling Technologies and Infrastructure
• operating systems
• middleware for organic, pervasive and peer-to-peer computing
• multi-agent and mobile agent systems
• bio-analogue and artificial-life systems
• context and locality
• low power systems design
• machine-learning, prediction, pro-activity
• system design and simulation
• reconfigurable hardware and software systems
• safety, security, reliability
• self-managing service configuration

Architectures and Systems
• computer and system architecture
• modular distributed devices
• self-managing, self-healing and fault-tolerant systems
• real-time systems
• mobile and wearable devices
• embedded systems (consumer electronics, automotive)
• scenarios for ubiquitous and pervasive computing
• autonomic environments
• network server architectures and network based applications
• semantic networks
• ubiquitous, home and wireless networking


会议名称: IEICE Special Issue on Parallel/Distributed Computing and Networking
时间/地点: Feburary, 2006
截稿时间: March 31, 2005
论文范围: 1. Parallel and distributed hardware, architectures and computation models
2. Parallelizing compilers, tools, programming languages and algorithms, operation
system support and I/O issues
3. Interconnection networks
4. Optical networks
5. Wireless networks, sensor networks, and mobile computing
6. High performance scientific and engineering computing
7. Performance evaluation and measurements
8. Network routing, communication and fault-tolerance algorithms
9. High performance biological/molecular computing
10. Cluster, peer-to-peer, grid, pervasive and ubiquitous computing

1.10 IEEE PerCom 2005

会议名称: Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications
时间/地点: March 13-17, 2006,Pisa - Italy
截稿时间: September 1, 2005
论文范围: z Pervasive computing architectures
z Intelligent environments,Wearable computers
z Smart devices and smart spaces,Service discovery mechanisms
z Middleware services and Agent technologies,Sensors and actuators
z Positioning and tracking technologies
z Integration of wired and wireless networks
z 略

1.11 ACA 2006
会议名称: 全国计算机体系结构学术年会
时间/地点: 2006.8
截稿时间: 2006.6(该会议由周兴铭院士担任主席,可以咨询我院徐明教授,两年一届!)
论文范围: z Pervasive computing architectures
z Intelligent environments,Wearable computers
z Smart devices and smart spaces,Service discovery mechanisms
z Middleware services and Agent technologies,Sensors and actuators
z Positioning and tracking technologies
z Integration of wired and wireless networks
z 略


2.1 POPL 2006

会议名称: ACM SIGPLAN - SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages
时间/地点: January 11-13, 2006, Charleston
截稿时间: 23:00,18 July, 2005
相关网址: Conference Chair: Greg Morrisett (
Program Chair : Simon Peyton Jones (
论文范围: The annual Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages is a forum for the
discussion of fundamental principles and important innovations in the design, definition,
analysis, transformation, implementation and verification of programming languages,
programming systems, and programming abstractions. Both experimental and theoretical
papers on principles and innovations are welcome, ranging from formal frameworks to
reports on practical experiences.

2.2 PLDI 2005

会议名称: ACM-SIGPLAN Symposium on Programming Language Design&Implement ‘05
时间/地点: June 12-15, 2005, Chicago
论文范围: z Language support for security and safety
z Dynamic compilation and optimization techniques
z Languages and compilers for parallel computing
z Storage management techniques
z Design and processing of domain-specific languages
z Compilation for distributed heterogeneous systems
z Effective implementation of advanced language features
z Techniques for embedded and of mobile code
z Program representations
z Interactions between compilers and architectures
z Program analysis,software development tools
z Program optimizations and transformations

2.3 ICFP 2005

会议名称: International Conference on Function Programming ‘05
时间/地点: September 26-28, 2005, Tallinn, Estonia
截稿时间: 13 April, 2005

论文范围: ICFP 2005 seeks original papers on the art and science of functional programming.
Submissions are invited on all topics ranging from principles to practice, from
foundations to features, from abstraction to application. The scope includes all
languages that encourage functional programming, including both purely applicative and
imperative languages, as well as languages with objects and concurrency.
z Applications and domain-specific languages
z Formal Methods
z System Designation and Implementation
z Transformation and Analysis
z Software-development techniques for functional programming

2.4 ICSE 2006

会议名称: International Conference on Software Engineering ‘06
时间/地点: May 20-28,2006,Shanghai, China
论文范围: The International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) is the premier software
engineering conference, providing a forum for researchers, practitioners and educators to
present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, experiences and concerns in the
field of software engineering.

2.5 ACM FSE 2005

会议名称: ACM Conference on the Foundations of Software Engineering
时间/地点: September 5-9, 2005, Lisbon, Portugal
截稿时间: 待查
论文范围: z Software Requirements Engineering,Empirical Software Engineering
z Software Specification and Verification,Software Metrics
z Software Architectures and Design,
z Distributed, Web-based, and Internet-scale Software
z Engineering Software Testing
z Component-based Software Engineering
z Software Analysis and Model-checking
z Software Engineering Tools and Environments
z Software Configuration Management
z 略

2.6 FM/FME 2005

会议名称: Formal Methods, World Congress/Europe ‘05
时间/地点: 18-22 July 2005, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
截稿时间: 24th January 2005 (expired,仅供参考)

论文范围: • introducing formal methods in industrial practice (technical, organizational, social,
psychological aspects)
• reports on practical use and case studies (reporting positive or negative experiences)
• formal methods in hardware and system design
• reusable domain theories
• theoretical foundations (specification and modelling, refining, verification,
calculation etc.)
• tool support and software engineering
• environments for formal methods
• method integration

2.7 CAV 2005

会议名称: Computer Aided Verification 2005
时间/地点: July 6~10 ,2005, The University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
截稿时间: The paper submission deadline has passed
论文范围: CAV'05 conference is the 17th in a series dedicated to the advancement of the theory and
practice of computer-assisted formal analysis methods for software and hardware
systems. The conference covers the spectrum from theoretical results to concrete
applications, with an emphasis on practical verification tools and the algorithms and
techniques that are needed for their implementation
Computer aided verification

2.8 SIGMOD 2005

会议名称: ACM SIGMOD Conference on Management of Data‘05
时间/地点: June13~16,2005,Baltimore, Maryland
截稿时间: November 17, 2004 (expired,仅供参考)
论文范围: • Approximation, uncertainty, and probabilistic databases
• Benchmarking and performance evaluation
• Data cleaning, transformation, migration, and lineage
• Data mining and knowledge discovery
• Data models, semantics, and query languages
• Data privacy and security
• Data stream and publish-subscribe systems
• Data warehousing and OLAP
• Digital libraries
• 略

2.9 VLDB 2005

会议名称: the Conference of Very Large Data Bases
时间/地点: Aug 30 ~ Sep 2, 2005, Trondheim, Norway
截稿时间: by February 23, 2005 (expired,仅供参考)

论文范围: VLDB 2005 will be the 31st conference in the series of the Very Large Data Bases
conferences, the premier international database conference organized every year by the
VLDB Endowment

2.10 ICDT2005
会议名称: the 10th International Conference on Database Theory
时间/地点: March 6 – 10, 2006,ICM, Munich, Germany
截稿时间: June 29, 2004
论文范围: ICDT can be seen as the European version of PODS (the ACM Symposium on Principles
of Database Systems). Main topic include:
Access methods and physical design; Active databases; Complexity and performance;
Concurrency and recovery; Constraint databases; Data integration and interoperability;
Data mining; Data models; Database programming languages; Database updates;
Databases and information retrieval; Databases and workflow; Databases and the
Semantic Web; Databases in e-commerce; Databases in e-services; Deductive databases
and knowledge bases; Distributed databases; Integrity and security; Logic and databases;
Multimedia databases; Object-oriented databases; Query languages; Query optimization;
Query processing; Real-time databases; Semi-structured, XML, and Web data; Spatial
data; Temporal data; Transaction management; Views and data warehousing.

2.11 TACAS 2005

会议名称: The 11th International Conference on Tools And Algorithms For The Construction And
Analysis Of Systems
时间/地点: April 4-8, 2005, Edinburgh, U.K.
截稿时间: October 8, 2004(该会议每年一次,本信息仅供参考!)
论文范围: • Specification and verification techniques for finite and infinite state systems
• Software and hardware verification
• Theorem-proving and model-checking
• System construction and transformation techniques
• Static and run-time analysis
• Abstract interpretation
• Compositional and refinement-based methodologies
• Testing and test-case generation
• Analytical techniques for security protocols, real-time, hybrid and safety-critical
• Integration of formal methods and static analysis in high-level hardware design
• Tool environments and tool architectures
• Applications and case studies

2.12 ESOP 2005
会议名称: the European Symposium on Programming ‘05
时间/地点: April 2-10, 2005,Edinburgh, Scotland
论文范围: ESOP is an annual conference devoted to fundamental issues in the specification,
analysis, and implementation of programming languages and systems
• design of programming languages and calculi and their formal properties
• techniques, methods, and tools for their implementation
• exploitation of programming styles within different programming paradigms
• automatic and manual methods for reasoning about programs
• the design and invention of systems and tools to assist in exploitation of the

2.13 RTA 2005

会议名称: Rewriting Techniques and Applications ‘05
时间/地点: April 19 - 21, 2005,Nara, Japan
截稿时间: Expired,仅供参考
论文范围: • Applications: case studies; rule-based (functional and logic) programming; symbolic
and algebraic computation; theorem proving; system synthesis and verification; proof
• Foundations: matching and unification; narrowing; completion techniques; strategies;
constraint solving; explicit substitutions; tree automata.
• Frameworks: string, term, and graph rewriting; lambda-calculus and higher-order
rewriting; proof nets; constrained rewriting/deduction; categorical and infinitary
• Implementation: compilation techniques; parallel execution; rewriting tools.
• Semantics: equation logic; rewriting logic.

2.14 CAISE 2005

会议名称: International Conference on Advanced Information System Engineering ‘05
时间/地点: 13-17 June 2005, Porto, Portugal
截稿时间: Expired

论文范围: • Methodologies, Models, and Tools for IS Development
• Agile Methods for IS
• Innovative ERP Development and Evolution
• Requirements Engineering for IS
• Model Driven Architectures
• Enterprise Modelling Methods and Tools
• Service Oriented and Mobile Computing
• E-government Strategies and Applications
• Knowledge, Information and Data Quality
• Web Content Management and Distribution
• 略

2.15 ASE 2005

会议名称: Automated Software Engineering Conference ‘05
时间/地点: November 7-11, 2005 , Long Beach, California, USA
截稿时间: (PDF format) June 6, 2005
论文范围: z Automated reasoning techniques,Process and workflow management
z Automated software specification,Program understanding
z Automated software design and synthesis,Re-engineering
z Category and Graph-theoretic approaches,Reflection- and Metadata approaches
z Component-based systems,Requirements engineering
z Computer-supported cooperative work,Reuse
z Configuration management,Specification languages
z Domain modeling and meta-modeling,Software architectures
z Human computer interaction,Software design and synthesis
z Knowledge acquisition,Software visualization
z Maintenance and evolution,Testing
z Modeling language semantics,Tutoring, help, documentation systems
z Ontology and methodologies,Verification and validation

2.16 PADL 2005

会议名称: Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages ‘05
时间/地点: January 10-11, 2005, Long Beach, California
截稿时间: Expired,仅供参考
论文范围: • Innovative applications of declarative languages.
• Declarative domain-specific languages and applications.
• Practical applications of theoretical results.
• New language developments and their impact on applications.
• Evaluation of implementation techniques on practical applications.
• Novel implementation techniques relevant to applications.
• Novel uses of declarative languages in the classroom.

• Practical experiences.

2.17 ICECCS 2005

会议名称: IEEE International Conference on engineering of Complex Computer Systems 2005
时间/地点: 16-20 June 2005, 中国,上海
截稿时间: Expired,仅供参考
论文范围: • System and software architecture and system engineering
• Tools, environments, and languages for complex systems
• Formal methods for developing complex systems
• Integration of heterogeneous technologies
• Software and system development processes for complex systems
• Software review, inspection, and testing
• Formal proof and model checking
• Human factors and collaborative aspects
• Interoperability and standardization
• Systems and software safety and security
• Industrial automation, embedded and/or real time systems
• Content production and distribution systems, mobile and multi-channel systems

2.18 APLAS 2005

会议名称: Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems 2005
时间/地点: November 3-5, 2005, Tsukuba, Japan
截稿时间: (Abstract) 28 May, 2005
相关网址: Tetsuo Ida, University of Tsukuba (JP)
论文范围: • semantics, logics, foundational theory
• type systems, language design
• program analysis, optimization, transformation
• program security, safety, verification
• compiler systems, interpreters, abstract machines
• domain-specific languages and systems
• programming tools and environments for embedded and mobile codes

2.19 ICSM 2005

会议名称: The International Conference on Software Maintenance,2005

时间/地点: Sep 25~30, 2005 ,Budapest
截稿时间: March 21, 2005
相关网址: Harry M. Sneed ANECON GmbH, Vienna, Austria
论文范围: The International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM) is the world's major
international conference for software and systems maintenance, evolution, and
management. For the 21st ICSM 2005 we invite you to join us in exploring issues related
to maintaining, modifying, enhancing, and testing operational systems, and designing,
building, testing, and evolving maintainable systems. The theme of this year's conference
will be "Continuous Evolution." There will be special issues of IEEE Transactions on
Software Engineering and Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution featuring
selected papers of the conference.

2.20 SSD 2005

会议名称: International Symposium on Large Spatial Databases ‘05
时间/地点: March 21-24, 2005, Sousse - Tunisia
截稿时间: expired(仅供参考)
论文范围: SSD is the place for specialists in electrical engineering covering a wide range from
power to smart systems, to present papers and attend sessions on state-of-the-art
technology in this challenging and evolutionary sector.
The conference aims to be a meeting forum for researchers from the university,
developers and specialists from the industry. In order to put into effect this goal, SSD'05
focuses, beyond conventional sessions, dedicated workshops described hereunder,
related to some current technological trends reported worldwide

2.21 DEXA 2005

会议名称: Database and Expert System Applications ‘05
时间/地点: August 22 - 26, 2005, Copenhagen, Denmark
截稿时间: February 19, 2005 (expired)
论文范围: z Active and Deductive Databases,CIM - Applications
z Client Server and Open Network Databases,Connectionist Models
z Constraint Based Reasoning,CSCW,Databases in the Humanities
z Digital Libraries,Distributed and Parallel Database Systems,
z Expert Systems Architecture ,Hypertext / Hypermedia
z Information Modeling,Information Retrieval ,Interoperable Databases
z Knowledge Acquisition,Knowledge Engineering,Legal Information Systems
z Mobile Information Systems,Multimedia Databases
z Natural Language Interfaces/Processing,Object-Oriented Databases
z Office Information Systems,Qualitative Reasoning,Real-time Databases
z Reverse Engineering,Scientific/Engineering Applications,Security
z Social/Governmental Information Systems,Statistical Databases

z Temporal and Spatial Databases,Uncertainty Handling,Uncertainty Reasoning
z User Interfaces to Databases,Workflow and Process Automation

会议名称: Database Systems for Advanced Applications
时间/地点: April 17-20,2005, Peking, China
截稿时间: Expired(仅供参考)
论文范围: z Query Language and Query Optimization,Multi-databases and Federated Databases
z Security and Integrity Maintenance,Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
z Statistical and Scientific Databases,Parallel and Distributed Databases
z Data Warehouses,Information Retrieval with Database Systems
z Workflow Management,E-commerce Data Processing
z Multimedia Databases,Internet and the WWW Data Management
z Digital Libraries,Mobile Databases,User Interfaces,
z Temporal and Spatial Databases,Active Databases,Data Streams
z P2P and Grid-Based Data Management,Sensor Data Managing,XML Databases
z New Applications

2.23 FASE 2005

会议名称: Fund Application to Soft Engineering
时间/地点: 2-10 April 2005, Edinburgh, Scotland
截稿时间: expired,仅供参考
论文范围: FASE is one of the main ETAPS conferences:
• Component-based software architectures: design methods and strategies, design
patterns, quality assurance
• Systematic approaches towards evolution management in large scale systems,
continuous software engineering, and improvement and adaptation of legacy systems
to altered requirements.
• Rigorous approaches to the design, testing, and maintenance of reactive, mobile, and
distributed software systems
• Integration platforms and middleware systems for large scale heterogeneous
software federations
• 略

2.24 COMAD 2005

会议名称: International Conference on Management of Data,2005
时间/地点: January 6 - 8, 2005,Goa, India
截稿时间: expired

论文范围: For over a decade, the COMAD Intl. Conf. on Management of Data, modeled along the
lines of ACM SIGMOD, has been the premier database conference hosted in India. It
was held on a close-to-annual basis until December 2000, after which various national
and international database events, including ICDE in March 2003, have been hosted in
India. We are now reviving the COMAD series with COMAD 2005, which will be held
at the International Centre, Goa, India, from January 6-8, 2005. Goa is among the
foremost tourist destinations in India, attracting an international clientele, due to its
wonderful natural environment, including a variety of exquisite beaches, and a unique
Indo-Portugese cultural flavor.

2.25 BNCOD 2005

会议名称: British National Conference on Databases ‘05
时间/地点: 5~7 July,2005,Sunderland, UK
截稿时间: expired
论文范围: • Data Models and Architectures,Data Mining,Data Provenance
• Data Streaming, Data Warehousing, Database Integration and Interoperability
• Distributed Information Systems,E-business and E-commerce
• Enterprise Systems,Geographic Information Systems
• Grid: Middleware, Applications and Data Management ,Heterogeneous Systems
• Industrial applications of database systems,Information Retrieval
• Integrity, Constraints and Active Rules,Information and Knowledge Management
• Mobile computing,Multi-Agent systems,Multimedia, Spatial and Temporal Data
• New Application Areas and Processes,Performance Modelling and Metrics
• Query and Manipulation Languages,Query Processing and Optimisation
• Security and Privacy,Semantic Web and Ontologies,
• Semi-structured data, Metadata and XML,Transaction Management
• Ubiquity,Uncertainty and Reasoning,User Interfaces and Data Visualisation
• Usability and QoS,Workflow Support Systems

2.26 ADBIS 2005

会议名称: Symposium on Advances in DB and Information Systems
时间/地点: September 12-15, 2005, Tallinn, ESTONIA
截稿时间: February 28, 2005,

论文范围: z database theory,
z data modeling and database design,
z physical database design and performance evaluation,
z database systems architectures,
z activity modeling, advanced transaction, and workflow management,
z advanced databases (object-oriented DB, web-based DB, multimedia DB, temporal
and spatial DB, deductive and active DB, multimedia DB etc.),
z advanced information systems (GIS, intelligent IS, component-based IS, etc.),
z advanced database applications,
z heterogeneous databases interoperability and mediation,
z data and knowledge grids, semantic-based knowledge systems,
z data mining, data warehousing, and knowledge discovery, data quality,
z XML and databases, web services, e-business, e-commerce, and e-learning,
z distributed information systems, cross-enterprise information systems,
z mobile computing and agents, information systems and software systems

2.27 DaWaK 2005

会议名称: Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery
时间/地点: 22 - 26 August 2005, Copenhagen, Denmark
截稿时间: expired(仅供参考)
论文范围: This year the conference will also focus on autonomic aspect of data warehousing and
knowledge discovery. Moreover, the conference will be supplemented with invited talks,
panel discussion and industrial papers
Major Tracks;
Autonomic Database Systems;
Data Warehousing;
Knowledge Discovery;
Paper Submission Details; etc

2.28 ICDM 2005

会议名称: IEEE International Conference on Data Mining‘05
时间/地点: 27-30 November 2005 ,New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
截稿时间: 15 June 2005

论文范围: z Foundations of data mining
z Data mining and machine learning algorithms and methods in traditional areas (such
as classification, regression, clustering, probabilistic modeling, and association
analysis), and in new areas
z Mining data streams
z Pattern recognition and trend analysis
z Collaborative filtering/personalization
z Data and knowledge representation for data mining
z Query languages and user interfaces for mining
z Complexity, efficiency, and scalability issues in data mining
z Data pre -processing, data reduction, feature selection and feature transformation
z Post-processing of data mining results
z Soft computing (including neural networks, fuzzy logic, evolutionary computation,
and rough sets) and uncertainty management for data mining
z Integration of data warehousing, OLAP and data mining
z Human-machine interaction and visual data mining
z High performance and parallel/distributed data mining
z Quality assessment and interestingness metrics of data mining results
z Security, privacy and social impact of data mining

2.29 IDEAS 2005

会议名称: International Database Engineering and Application Symposium 2005
时间/地点: July 25-27, 2005 Montreal, CANADA
截稿时间: February 18, 2005 (仅供参考)
论文范围: z Access Methods and Data Structures,Active Databases
z Authorisation and Database Security,Benchmarking,Bioinformatics and Databases
z Concurrency Control and Recovery,Constraint Databases
z Data Grids,Data Integration,Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
z Data Models,Data Stream Processing,Data Visualisation,Data Warehousing,
z Database Applications,Database Design and UML,Database Evolution and Migration
z Database Performance,Database Query Languages
z Database Programming Languages,Databases and Electronic Commerce
z Databases and Information Retrieval,Database System Functionality as Service
z Distributed and Parallel Databases,Genomic Databases
z Interoperability and Cooperative Systems,Internet/Intranet Services and Databases
z Knowledge Base Management Systems,Logic and Databases
z Medical Information Systems,Mobile Computing and Database Systems
z Moving Object Databases,Multimedia Database Systems
z Ontology Development for Database Applications,Peer-to-Peer Data Management
z Performance Evaluation,Query Processing and Optimization

2.30 SOFSEM 2005
会议名称: 31st Annual Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Informatics
时间/地点: January 22 - 28, 2005,Slovak Republic, Europe
截稿时间: August 30, 2004
论文范围: Foundations of Computer Science:
z Algorithms and data structures (including sequential, parallel, distributed,
approximation and number theory algorithms)
z Complexity theory (computational and structural)
z Concurrency theory
z Cryptography and security
Track Graph drawing:
z Visualization of computer networks, Web maps, software engineering diagrams,
database schemas, chemical and biological structures
z Software systems and libraries for graph visualization
z Geometric graph theory and geometric computing
Track Modeling and Searching Data in Web-Era:
z XML warehouse
z Structured, nonstructured, semistructured data
z Web clustering
z Imperfect information (including logical, probabilistic, possibilistic, Bayesian
z Search engines
Software Engineering:
z Software specification, software design, software evolution
z Model driven architecture 等

2.31 本类其他会议
1. APSEC: Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference
2. ICCC: International Conference on Computers Communication
3. UML: International Conference on the Unified Modeling Language
4. Australian Software Engineering Conference
5. IEEE Int. Workshop on Object-oriented Real-time Dependable Sys. (WORDS)
6. IEEE International Symposium on High Assurance Systems Engineering
7. The Northern Formal Methods Workshops
8. SFP - Scottish Functional Programming Workshop
9. LCCS - International Workshop on Logic and Complexity in Computer Science
10. VLFM - Visual Languages and Formal Methods
11. PASTE: Workshop on Program Analysis For Software Tools and Engineering
12. TLCA: Typed Lambda Calculus and Applications
13. FATES - A Satellite workshop on Formal Approaches to Testing of Software
14. Workshop On Java For High-Performance Computing
15. DSLSE - Domain-Specific Languages for Software Engineering

16. FTJP - Workshop on Formal Techniques for Java Programs
17. INAP - International Conference on Applications of Prolog
18. MPOOL - Workshop on Multiparadigm Programming with OO Languages
19. PADO - Symposium on Programs as Data Objects
20. TOOLS: Int'l Conf Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems
21. Australasian Conference on Parallel And Real-Time Systems
22. PASTE: Workshop on Program Analysis For Software Tools and Engineering
23. AVCS: Workshop on Automated Verification of Critical Systems
24. SPIN: Workshop on Model Checking of Software
25. FDSCES: Workshop on Formal Design of Safety Critical Embedded Systems
26. PPDP: Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming
27. APL Conference
28. ASM: Workshops on Abstract State Machines
29. COORDINATION: Coordination Models and Languages
30. DocEng: ACM Symposium on Document Engineering
31. DSV-IS: Design, Specification, and Verification of Interactive Systems
32. FMCAD: Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design
33. FMLDO: Workshop on Foundations of Models and Languages for Data and Objects
34. LPNMR: Logic Programming and Non-monotonic Reasoning
35. PJW: Workshop on Persistence and Java
36. RCLP: Russian Conference on Logic Programming
37. STEP: Software Technology and Engineering Practice
38. ICTCS: IFIP International Conference on Testing of Communicating Systems
39. VL: Visual Languages
40. FMPPTA: Workshop on Formal Methods for Parallel Programming Theory and Applications
41. WRS: International Workshop on Reduction Strategies in Rewriting and Programming
42. FATES: A Satellite workshop on Formal Approaches to Testing of Software
43. FORMALWARE: Meeting on Formalware Engineering: Formal Methods for Engineering Software
44. DRE: conference Data Reverse Engineering
45. STAREAST: Software Testing Analysis & Review Conference
46. Conference on Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing
47. International Testing Computer Software Conference
48. Linux Showcase & Conference
49. FLOPS: International Symposium on Functional and Logic Programming
50. GCSE: International Conference on Generative and Component-Based Software Engineering
51. JOSES: Java Optimization Strategies for Embedded Systems
52. AADEBUG: Automated and Algorithmic Debugging
53. AMAST: Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology
54. ARTDB : Active and Real-Time Database Systems
55. CODAS: Intl Symposium on Cooperative DB Systems for Adv Apps
56. DBPL : Workshop on Database Programming Languages
57. EFIS/EFDBS : Engineering Federated Information (Database) Systems
58. KRDB : Knowledge Representation Meets Databases
59. NDB : National Database Conference (China)

60. NLDB : Applications of Natural Language to Data Bases
61. FQAS : Flexible Query-Answering Systems
62. IDC(W) : International Database Conference (HK CS)
63. RTDB : Workshop on Real-Time Databases
64. SBBD: Brazilian Symposium on Databases
65. Web&DB : International Workshop on the Web and Databases
66. WAIM: International Conference on Web Age Information Management
67. DASWIS : Data Semantics in Web Information Systems
68. DMDW : Design and Management of Data Warehouses
69. DOLAP : International Workshop on Data Warehousing and OLAP
70. DMKD : Workshop on Research Issues in Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
71. KDEX : Knowledge and Data Engineering Exchange Workshop
72. NRDM : Workshop on Network-Related Data Management
73. MobiDE : Workshop on Data Engineering for Wireless and Mobile Access
74. MDDS : Mobility in Databases and Distributed Systems
75. MEWS : Mining for Enhanced Web Search
76. TAKMA : Theory and Applications of Knowledge Management
77. WIDM: International Workshop on Web Information and Data Management
78. W2GIS : International Workshop on Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems
79. CDB : Constraint Databases and Applications
80. DTVE : Workshop on Database Technology for Virtual Enterprises
81. IWDOM : International Workshop on Distributed Object Management
82. OODBS : Workshop on Object-Oriented Database Systems
83. PDIS: Parallel and Distributed Information Systems

注意:3.1~3.8 是该方向最重要的 8 大国际会议!

3.1 SIGCOMM 2005

会议名称: ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication
时间/地点: August 20-26, 2005,Philadelphia PA, USA,
截稿时间: February 7, 2005 (Hard deadline)
论文范围: z Network, transport, and application-layer protocols
z Networking issues for Web, multimedia, and gaming applications
z Routing, switching, and addressing
z Resource management, quality of service, and signaling
z Operating system and other host support for networking
z Wireless, mobile, ad-hoc, and sensor networks
z Network management and traffic engineering
z Experimental and measurement results from operational networks
z Network fault-tolerance and reliability, debugging, and troubleshooting
z Peer-to-peer, overlay, and content distribution networks
z Analysis and design of network architectures and algorithms
z Tools and techniques for network measurement and simulation
z Network security, vulnerability, and defenses
Fundamental insights into network and traffic characteristics

3.2 INFOCOM 2005

会议名称: The Conference on Computer Communications
时间/地点: March 13-17 2005,Miami ,USA,
截稿时间: July 7, 2004
论文范围: z Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks,Performance evaluation,
z Addressing & location management,Power control,
z Mobility Models and Systems,Pricing & billing,
z Cellular networks,Quality of Service,Wireless Protocols,
z Resource Allocation,Content distribution,Routing & Multicast,
z Congestion control,Scheduling & buffer management
z Multimedia protocols,Security & Denial of Service,
z Network applications & services ,Service overlay networks,
z Network architectures,Switches & switching,Network control by pricing
z Topology inference,Network design & planning,
z Traffic analysis & control,Network management,Traffic engineering,

z Optical networks,Web performance
Peer to Peer Communications,Capacity Planning

3.3 TestCom 2005

会议名称: International Conference on Testing of Communicating Systems
时间/地点: May 30th -June 2d, 2005, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada,
截稿时间: December 1, 2004
论文范围: z Types of testing: Functional testing, Conformance testing, Interoperability testing,
Performance testing, Scalability/Stress testing, Robustness testing, Usability testing,
Regression testing.
z Industrial testing experience: successes and failures of testing communicating
systems, case studies, empirical studies.
z Classes of systems to be tested: Embedded systems, Real-time systems,
E-commerce systems, Mobile systems, Protocols, Multimedia systems, Middleware
platforms, Next Generation Networks, Distributed systems.
z Phases of testing: Test case generation, Test setup and execution, Test selection and
management, Test coverage and results analysis.
z Theory and Practice of testing: Theoretical frameworks, Test specification,
Validation and Analysis, Applications of testing theory, Test standards, Test tools.
z New paradigms and architectures: multimedia services, Web services, OSA/Parlay,
Jain, Ad-Hoc networks, etc.

3.4 MOBICOM 2005

会议名称: Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking
时间/地点: August 28 -September 2, 2005, Cologne, Germany
截稿时间: March 1, 2005
论文范围: z Architectures, protocols, and algorithms to cope with mobility, limited bandwidth,
or intermittent connectivity
z Applications and services for mobile users
z Distributed systems aspects of mobile computing
z Mobile ad hoc and wireless sensor networks
z Performance of mobile and wireless networks and systems
z Algorithms and protocols for power management and control
z Implementations and experimental mobile systems
z Integration and inter-working of wired and wireless networks
z Modeling and simulation aspects of mobile networks
z Operating system and middleware support for mobile computing and networking
z Security, privacy, and fault-tolerance of mobile/wireless systems
z Service creation and management environments for mobile/wireless systems

z Database and data management issues in mobile computing

3.5 GLOBECOM 2005

会议名称: IEEE Global Communications Conference
时间/地点: 28 November~2 December 2005, St. Louis, Missouri, USA
截稿时间: March 1, 2005
论文范围: * General Conference
* Computer & Network Security
* Wireless Communications
* Signal Processing for Communications
* Autonomic Internet
* Communication Theory
* Advances for Networks & Internet
* Photonic Technologies for Communications


会议名称: ACM International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems
时间/地点: June 6-10, 2005, Banff, Alberta, Canada
截稿时间: March 25th, 2005
论文范围: z Performance-oriented design and evaluation studies of: communication networks,
Internet servers, computer architectures, database systems, operating systems,
distributed systems, multimedia systems, file and I/O systems, memory systems,
real-time systems, and fault-tolerant systems.
z Performance methodology techniques and algorithms for: analytic modeling, system
measurement and monitoring, model verification and validation, workload
characterization, simulation, statistical analysis, stochastic modeling including
queues and Petri nets, experimental design, reliability analysis, performance
optimization, and hybrid models.

3.7 ICNP 2005

会议名称: International Conference on Network Protocols
时间/地点: November 6-9, 2005,Boston, Massachusetts, USA
截稿时间: May 6, 2005
论文范围: Protocol testing & analysis, Protocol design & implementation, Network
measurement & monitoring, Security & resiliency, Peer-to-peer / Overlay protocols
Routing protocols, Wireless & mobile networks, Ad hoc & sensor networks, QoS

& signaling, Flow & congestion control, Multimedia, Distributed gaming

3.8 ICC 2005

会议名称: IEEE Internationl Conference on Communications
时间/地点: May 2005,Seoul, Korea
截稿时间: 1 September 2004
论文范围: z Communications Quality and Reliability, Communications Software,
z Communications Switching & Routing,
z Communications Systems Integration & Modeling,
z Communication Theory, Computer Communications, Enterprise Networking,
z Gigabit Networking, Information Infrastructure,
z Interconnections in High-Speed Digital Systems,
z Internet, Multimedia Communications, Network Operations and Management,
z Optical Networking, Personal Communications, Radio Communications,
z Signal Processing and Communications Electronics,
z Signal Processing for Storage, Tactical Communications,
z Transmission, Access and Optical Systems.

3.9 ICT 2005

会议名称: Advanced Industrial Conference on Telecommunications
时间/地点: May 3-6, 2005,London
截稿时间: January 21, 2005
论文范围: * Telecommunication/Network management and services
* Wireless communications and technologies
* Information and coding theory
* Network theory and technologies
* Optical communications
* Internet technologies
* Communication software
注意:该会议的论文由 LNCS 出版,一般由 SCI 检索!

3.10 NPC 2005

会议名称: IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing
时间/地点: November 30 - December 3, 2005,Beijing
截稿时间: May 8, 2005
论文范围: z Parallel & Distributed Architectures

z Parallel & Distributed Applications/Algorithms
z Parallel Programming Environments and Tools
z Network & Interconnect Architecture ,Network Security,Network Storage
z Advanced Web and Proxy Services,Middleware Frameworks and Toolkits
z Cluster & Grid Computing,Ubiquitous Computing,Peer-to-peer Computing
z Multimedia Streaming Services,Performance Modeling/Evaluation
注意:该会议的论文由 LNCS 出版,一般由 SCI 检索!

3.11 ICOIN 2005

会议名称: The International Conference on Information Networking
时间/地点: January 31 - February 2, 2005, Jeju, Korea
截稿时间: September 13, 2004
论文范围: z Ad hoc & sensor networks,Applications and services,High-speed networks
z Integration of wired and wireless networks,Measurement and performance analysis
z Mobile networks and wireless LANs,Network security
z Network and transport protocols,Next generation Internet
z Peer-to-peer & overlay networks,QoS and Resource management
z Routing, switching, and addressing,Wireless multimedia systems,Ubiquitous
注意:该会议的论文由 LNCS 出版,一般由 SCI 检索!

3.12 ICN 2005

会议名称: 4th International Conference on Networking
时间/地点: April 17-21, 2005,Reunion Island
截稿时间: October 10, 2004
论文范围: z Communications switching and routing,Communications modeling
z Communications security,Computer communications
z Multimedia and multicast communications,Next Generation Network
z Network Management, scheduling and policy,Quality of Service, reliability
z Wireless Communications (Satellite, WLL, 4G, Ad Hoc, Sensor networks)
z Voice over IP,Network, control and service architectures,Storage Area Networks
z Access and Home Networks,Network signaling, pricing and billing,
z Optical networking
z Distributed communications,Traffic engineering, High-Speed Networks
z Telecommunication networks architectures,Performance evaluation, simulation
z Mobile networking and systems,Applications and case studies
z Protocol design and evaluation,MPLS, GMPLS,
z Peer-to-Peer and overlay networking

z Network middleware,Communication Theory,Signal Processing in Communications
注意:该会议的论文由 LNCS 出版,一般由 SCI 检索!

3.13 Networking 2005

会议名称: International Conferences on Networking
(organized by the IFIP Technical Committee on Communication Systems)
时间/地点: Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
截稿时间: November 8, 2004
论文范围: z Active & programmable networks,Broadband wireless access
z Caching & delivery of streaming media content
z Cellular networks (2G, 2.5G, 3G & beyond),Cryptography, security & privacy
z High performance grid networks,Home networking,Intelligence in networks
z Internet & web applications,Internet pricing & economic models
z Internet protocols over high-speed networks
z Measurement studies of web architectures & protocols,Mobile ad hoc networks
z Mobile agents,Mobile networking & computing
z Mobile networks architectures & protocols,Mobility models
z MPLS, MPLambdaS, GMPLS,Multicasting
z Multimedia over packet-based networks,Multiple access protocols
z Network design & capacity planning,Network management systems
z Network measurements ,Network modeling & simulation
z Networks of actuators,Optical networks,Peer-to-peer networks
z Pervasive computing,Power management,Quality of service
z Queuing network models of computer & communication networks
z Queuing theory,Real-time voice/video transport over IP networks
z Routing in ad hoc networks,Satellite networks
z Scheduling & resource allocation,Self-organizing network
z Service overlay networks,Switching & switch architectures
z Traffic engineering,Traffic management & control,
z Traffic modeling & characterization,Web caching, pre-fetching & replication
z Web performance,Wireless local & personal area networks
z Wireless multimedia systems,Wireless protocols,Wireless sensor networks
z Workload characterization & management
注意:该会议的论文由 LNCS 出版,一般由 SCI 检索!

3.14 ICCNMC 2005

会议名称: International Conference on. Computer Networks and Mobile Computing
时间/地点: 2~4 Aug. 2005, 中国,张家界
截稿时间: March 08, 2005

论文范围: z Network architecture, Protocol design and analysis, Mobile computing
z Routing and scheduling, Congestion management/QoS, Admission control
z Internet and web applications, Multimedia systems, Network security and privacy
z Optical networks
注意:该会议的论文由 LNCS 出版,一般由 SCI 检索!

3.15 GCC 2005

会议名称: International Conference on Grid and Collaborative Computing
时间/地点: November 30-December 3, 2005, Beijing, China
截稿时间: July 8, 2005
论文范围: • Fundamental theories on Grid and Cooperative Computing
• Grid Computing, grid services and grid security, Grid applications
• Grid monitoring, management and organization tools, Grid middleware and toolkits
• Knowledge Grid, Information Grid, and Service Grid
• Grid information representation and management
• Advanced resource reservation and scheduling, Performance evaluation and modeling
• P2P computing and automatic computing
• Information and Software integration technologies
• Software engineering and cooperative computing
• Computer-supported cooperative work
注意:该会议的论文由 LNCS 出版,一般由 SCI 检索!

3.16 CCNC 2005

会议名称: IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference
时间/地点: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA,07-10 Jan 2006
截稿时间: 15 June 2005(该信息仅供参考!)
论文范围: Networking
z Network Architecture
z Network Management and Control
z Network Protocols
z Wireless Networks ,等
Enabling Technologies
z Middleware (e.g.,Java, .Net, XML, OSGi, JTWI, JXTA, MHP/OCAP, UPnP, etc.)
z Multimedia Technologies
z Wearable Computers
z Pervasive Computing
z Transmission Technologies (e.g., Ultra Wideband)
z Digital TV ,等
Novel Applications
z Networked Appliances

z Peer-to-Peer Applications and Services
z Mobile Applications
z Medical and Health Care,等

3.17 ICOIN 2005

会议名称: The International Conference on Information Networking
时间/地点: Jan. 31 (Mon) - Feb. 2 (Wed), 2005 Jeju Island, South Korea
截稿时间: September 20, 2004
论文范围: z Ad hoc & sensor network
z Applications and services
z High-speed networks
z Integration of wired and wireless networks
z Measurement and performance analysis
z Mobile networks and wireless LANs
z Network security
z Network and transport protocols
z Next generation Internet
z Peer-to-peer & overlay networks
z QoS and Resource management
z Routing, switching, and addressing
z Wireless multimedia systems
z Ubiquitous networks

3.18 QoS-IP 2005

会议名称: the 3rd International workshop on Qos in multiservice IP networks
时间/地点: February 02-04, 2005, Catania, Italy
截稿时间: September 10th, 2004
论文范围: z Architectures for the provision of QoS guarantees in IP networks
z End-to-end QoS in IP networks
z Adaptive and customizable QoS provision
z Network planning and optimization for QoS
z Traffic models for QoS network design
z Analytical and simulation models for QoS estimation
z Fluid models for QoS estimation in large IP networks
z Experimental results on QoS
z QoS in wireless/mobile IP networks
z QoS in photonic IP networks
z QoS for special environments (Peer-to-peer, infomobility, broadcasting, ...)
z Mapping and Interworking between Local QoS and end-to-end QoS mechanisms

3.19 APWeb 2005
会议名称: The Seventh Asia Pacific Web Conference
时间/地点: 2005 3.29~4.1, 中国 上海
论文范围: z Data warehousing and OLAP,Data cleansing,Digital libraries
z Distributed and parallel processing,Grid Computing
z Information retrieval,Information visualization
z Groupware/computer supported cooperative work
z Peer-to-peer systems and computing
z Spatial, temporal and stream data processing
z Web and data mining,Web applications,Web community analysis
z Web database,Web intelligence,Web personalization
z Web query languages and interfaces,Web semantics,Web services
z Web technology evaluation and benchmarking,process management
z Workflow management systems and applications
z XML and semi-structured query processing and data management

3.20 IM 2006
会议名称: 第 14 届全国信息存储技术学术会议
时间/地点: 2006 年 8 月
截稿时间: 2006 年 6 月(注意:该会议由我院负责,可以咨询方粮老师,两年一届!)
相关网址: (上届网页,仅供参考!)
论文范围: 1.国内外存储技术的发展现状及趋势、信息存储理论研究与信息存储新技术研究

3.21 CETC 2005

会议名称: 第 15 届中国计算机学会网络与数据通信学术会议
时间/地点: 2004 年 10 月,西安
截稿时间: 2004 年 6 月 30 日
(该会议每年一次,2005 的投稿信息暂未发布,该信息仅供参考!)
相关网址: (上届网页,仅供参考!)
论文范围: 开放系统及其互联技术;新一代网络结构与协议;网络智能化、网络管理;网络信

3.22 CERNET 2006
会议名称: CERNET 第 12 届学术会议
时间/地点: 2004 年 10 月底,北京
截稿时间: 2004 年 9 月 1 日
(该会议每年一次,2005 的投稿信息暂未发布,该信息仅供参考!)
论文范围: 1. 网络体系结构:包括新一代网络体系结构研究,协议算法的设计与改进,网络
2. 网络运行与管理: 综合网络管理系统的研究和开发,网络计费管理,用户管理,
3. 网络与信息安全: 数字签名和用户认证技术,数据加密技术,防止黑客攻击的
4. 网络中间件: 网格协议,网格计算理论,网格服务质量保障机制,目录服务技
5. 新一代校园网:校园信息服务系统的研究和开发,基于网络的教育系统构架、
6. 无线与移动: 包括校园网络中无线信道的规划、设计和网络建设,宽带无线接
入,移动 IP 及其漫游技术的实现等;
7. 音频与视频应用: 视频会议(VC)系统的设计和实现,VoIP 技术和实现,IP/TV
技术和实现,网络服务质量 QoS 技术的研究,组播服务技术,视频点播(VOD)
8. IPv6 和下一代互联网: 包括下一代互联网相关理论的研究,下一代互联网发
展策略研究,IPv6 等下一代互联网关键协议的研究及其试验和应用技术;
9. 网络应用:语义 Web 技术及其应用,搜索引擎的开发技术,分布式计算技术,
10. 最新技术进展: 网络新技术的研究和应用,高速光纤和无线网络的研究、发展

四、VLSI/SOC 设计、电路与系统、EDA 设计、图形图像方向

4.1 DAC 2005

会议名称: the 42nd Design Automation Conference
时间/地点: June 13-17, 2005, Anaheim, California,
截稿时间: Nov. 3, 2004
论文范围: z system level design methodology
z embedded and real-time systems
z behavioral/logic synthesis and optimization
z validation and verification for behavioral/logic design
z circuit optimization and simulation
z physical design and interconnect optimization
z test and design for testability
z analog and RF circuit design
z design for manufacturability and TCAD
z reconfigurable systems
z leading-edge designs

4.2 ICCAD 2005

会议名称: International Conference on Computer Aided Design
时间/地点: November 6-10, 2005
截稿时间: April 20, 2005
论文范围: 1) physical design and test
2) synthesis and system design
3) verification, modeling and simulation
4) innovative design technologies for devices, circuits and systems

4.3 PATMOS 2005

会议名称: Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation
时间/地点: 21-23 Sep 2005, Leuven, Belgium
截稿时间: 31 March 2005
论文范围: The objective of the workshop is to provide a forum to discuss and investigate the
emerging problems in the design methodologies and CAD-tools for the new generation
of IC technologies. A major emphasis of the technical program is on speed and
low-power aspects with particular regards to modeling, characterization, design and
该会议论文一般由 SCI 收录!

4.4 ASICON 2005
会议名称: The 6th International Conference On ASIC
时间/地点: October 17-20, 2005, Shanghai, China
截稿时间: April 30, 2005(该会议论文一般由 SCI 收录!)
论文范围: [1] VLSI Design
[2] VLSI circuits
[3] Analog, mixed signal and RF circuit design
[4] Testing technology and design for testability
[5] Programmable devices
[6] Physical design
[7] Synthesis and system design, verification
[8] Modeling and simulation
Other VLSI Design related topics.

4.5 VMCAI 2005

会议名称: 6th Verification, Model Checking and Abstract Interpretation Conference
时间/地点: January 17-19, 2005,Paris, France
截稿时间: 该会议论文一般由 SCI 收录!
论文范围: z Program verification
z Program certification
z Model checking
z Debugging techniques
z Abstract interpretation
z Abstract domains
z Static analysis
z Type systems
z Deductive methods
z Optimization

4.6 ATVA 2004

会议名称: 3rd International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis
时间/地点: Taipei, Taiwan, October 4--7, 2005
截稿时间: May 23,2005 (该会议论文一般由 SCI 收录!)
论文范围: . Algorithmic (including model-checking) methods,
. Deductive (including theorem-proving) methods,
. Combined methods,
. Abstraction and reduction techniques,
. Compositional/modular and game-theoretical approaches,
. Decidability and complexity,

. Optimization and performance analysis,
. Infinite-state and parameterized systems,
. Real-time, embedded, and hybrid systems,
. Hardware/software synthesis and verification,
. Network and security protocols analysis,
. Established formalisms---petri-nets, process algebras, temporal logics,等

4.7 ISPD 2005

会议名称: ACM International Symposium on Physical Design
时间/地点: April 3-6,2005 San Francisco ,CA
截稿时间: October 17, 2004(该会议每年一次,本信息仅供参考!)
论文范围: z Floor planning and interconnect planning
z Interactions with behavior-level synthesis flows
z Partitioning, placement and routing
z Interactions with logic-level (re-)synthesis flows
z Compaction and layout verification, Analysis and management of power dissipation
z Synthesis optimizations within physical design,
z Management of design data and constraints
z Estimation and modeling New physical design methodologies
z Timing and crosstalk issues in physical design New paradigms in physical design
z Physical design for manufacturability and yield
z Design for large and/or high-performance systems
z Special structures for clocking and power networks
z Circuit performance measurements in a PD context
z Physical design in parallel/ distributed/Web environments

4.8 CICC 2005

会议名称: The IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference
时间/地点: September 18 - 21, 2005,DoubleTree Hotel, San Jose, California
截稿时间: 18 Apr 2005
论文范围: z Analog Circuit Design
z Custom Applications and Low-Power Techniques
z Signal and Data Processing
z Embedded Memory
z Emerging Technologies
z Programmable Devices
z Simulation-Modeling
z SoC/SiP- IP Generation and Management
z Test, Debug, and Reliability

4.9 ESSCIRC 2005
会议名称: 31ts European Solid-State Circuits Conference
时间/地点: 2005-9-12, Grenoble , France
截稿时间: 2005-4-9
论文范围: Analogue circuits, Digital circuits, RF communication circuits
Mixed signal circuits and Microsystems, Data converters

4.10 CAD/Graphics 2005

会议名称: The 9th International CAD/Graphics 2005 conference
时间/地点: December 7-10, 2005, Hong Kong,China
截稿时间: May 31, 2005
论文范围: –Geometric, solid and heterogeneous modeling
–Computer animation
–Rendering techniques
–Computer graphics systems and hardware
–Computer graphics in Arts, Education, Engineering, Entertainment
–Scientific computing and visualization
–Large discredited models
–Image based modeling and rendering, computer vision
–CAD data bases, data exchange and standards
–Virtual reality, computer human interface
–Applications of computational geometry
–Numerical control algorithms
–Design computing, AI in design
–Computer Aided IC Design
–Geometric and engineering tolerances

4.11 CSS 2005

会议名称: The 3rd IASTED International Conference on Circuits, Signals, and Systems
时间/地点: October 24-26, 2005,Marina del Rey, CA, USA
截稿时间: May 15, 2005(该会议每年一次,仅供参考!)
论文范围: Digital Circuits and Systems, Integrated Circuits
RF and High-frequency Circuits, VLSI Circuits and Systems, Systems on a Chip
Nonlinear Circuits and Systems, Optoelectronic Circuits, Power Electronics
Nanotechnology, Computer-aided Design, Biologically Inspired Circuits and Systems
Communication Circuits and Systems, Robotics, Digital Signal Processing
Image Processing, Pattern Recognition, Visualization, Speech Processing
Communication Systems, Wireless Communication, Multimedia

Control Theory, Control Systems, Fuzzy Logic, 等

4.12 ITC 2005

会议名称: The 35th International Test Conference
时间/地点: November 8 - 10, 2005,Austin Convention Center,Austin, TX, USA
截稿时间: February 18, 2005(该会议每年一次,仅供参考!)
论文范围: z BIST or Embedded Test-Chip and Board
z Design and Test for Reliability,Design Validation,Experiments and Case Studies
z High-Speed Digital Test,Low-Cost Test/ATE,Multisite Test
z Test and Post-Test Data Analysis,RF Testing,System-on-Chip Test
z Test for Nanometer Technologies,Test Resource Partitioning,Hot Topics
z Board and System Test,Defect-based Testing,On-line Test
z Practical Test Engineering,Regular Topics,ATE Hardware and Software
z ATPG, Test Synthesis,Boundary-Scan,Design-for-Test: Chip, Board, System
z Economics of Test,Fault Diagnosis and Failure Analysis,FPGA Test,等

4.13 ASYNC 2005

会议名称: the 11th IEEE International Symposium on Asynchronous Circuits and Systems
时间/地点: March 13-16, 2005, New York City, USA
截稿时间: October 4, 2004
论文范围: z Mixed synchronous/asynchronous architectures, interfaces, and circuits
z High-speed/low-power asynchronous logic, memories, and interconnects
z High-level design and synthesis of self-timed circuits
z Physical design of unclocked logic and pipelines
z Formal methods for correctness and performance analysis of asynchronous designs
z Test, reliability, security, and radiation tolerance
z CAD for asynchronous design and validation,
z Asynchronous System-on-a-chip (SoC)
z Novel asynchronous architectures
z Asynchrony and latency tolerance in system-level design

4.14 DATE 2005

会议名称: The 8th Design Automation and Test Conference in Europe
时间/地点: March 7 – 11, 2005 ICM, Munich, Germany
截稿时间: Sept. 12, 2004(该会议每年一次,本信息仅供参考!)
论文范围: z System Design Methods and Case Studies
z Analogue and Mixed A/D Systems
z Design of Low-Power Systems and Case Studies
z Platform Design and VC Reuse Methods

z System-Level Specification and Modelling
z Simulation and Emulation
z System Synthesis and Optimisation
z Architectural Synthesis
z Logic and FSM Synthesis
z Physical Design and Verification
z Defect-Based Testing and Test of Special Architectures
z SoC/SoB Test and Test Resource Partitioning
z Real-Time Systems
z Embedded Software Technology
z Media Processing
z Wireless Communication and Networking
z Data Storage and Control
z IP and Re-use

4.15 EDP 2005

会议名称: Electronic Design Processes Workshop 2005
时间/地点: April 7,8, 2005, Monterey California
截稿时间: February 10, 2005
论文范围: Best practices and experiences
z Domain-specific methodologies: SOC, analog / mixed-signal, RF
z Metrics, Cost, time-to-market, productivity
z Scaling and migration
z Co-evolution of methodology and process technology
Human issues
z Large/distributed design teams,Manufacturing integration
z Process/device characterization, modeling
z Functional verification,HW/SW co-design,IP reuse
z Future methodology needs and concepts
z Impact of design-manufacturing interface
z Process advances and multi-technology integration
z New tool/algorithms

4.16 DDECS 2005

会议名称: IEEE Workshop on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems 2005
时间/地点: April 13-16, 2005, Sopron, Hungary
截稿时间: January , 2005(该会议每年一次,本信息仅供参考!)
论文范围: z Analog, Mixed-Signal and RF Test, ASIC/FPGA Design,
z ATE Hardware and Software
z Bio-inspired Hardware, Built-in Self-Test (BIST),
z Defect/Fault Tolerance and Reliability, Design Verification/Validation

z Design for Testability and Diagnosis, Embedded Test,
z Formal Methods in System Design, Hardware/Software Co-Design, IP-based Design
z Logic Synthesis, Memory and Processor Test, MEMS Testing, Physical Design
z Reconfigurable Computing, System-on-a-Chip (SoC)

4.17 FCCM 2005

会议名称: IEEE Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines
时间/地点: April 17 - April 20, 2005 Napa, California
截稿时间: 待查(该会议每年一次,本信息仅供参考!)
论文范围: Device architecture, System architecture, Compilation and programming tools
Run time environments, Nano technology, Applications

4.18 ASP-DAC 2006

会议名称: 11th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference
时间/地点: Jan. 24-27,2006 Yokohama City, Japan
截稿时间: July 20, 2005
论文范围: [1] System Level Design Methodology
[2] Embedded and Real-Time Systems
[3] Behavioral/Logic Synthesis and Optimization
[4] Validation and Verification for Behavioral/Logic Design
[5] Physical Design
[6] Timing, Power, Signal/Power Integrity Analysis and Optimization
[7] Interconnect, Device and Circuit Modeling and Simulation
[8] Test and Design for Testability
[9] Analog, RF and Mixed Signal Design and CAD
[10] Leading Edge Design Methodology for SOCs and SIPs

4.19 EPS 2005

会议名称: Energy And Power Systems
时间/地点: April 18-20, 2005 Krabi, Thailand
截稿时间: December 1 , 2004(该信息仅供参考!)
论文范围: This conference aims to create an international forum for researchers and practitioners to
exchange new ideas and practical experience in the areas of energy and power systems

4.20 SIP 2005

会议名称: Signal And Image Processing
时间/地点: August 15-17, 2005 ,Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
截稿时间: March 15, 2005(该信息仅供参考!)

论文范围: SIP 2005 will be comprised of the following 3 symposia.
1. Signal Processing and Applications (SPA 2005)
2. Acoustics, Speech Processing, and Applications (ASPA 2005)
3. Image Processing and Applications (IPA 2005)
每个 symposia 都有自己的主题,此略!

4.21 VTS 2005

会议名称: 23rd IEEE VLSI Test Symposium
时间/地点: May 1-5,2005,Palm Springs, Clifornia, USA
截稿时间: April 7, 2005(该会议每年一次,本信息仅供参考!)
论文范围: emerging trends and novel concepts in testing, verification/validation of microelectronic
circuits and systems.

4.22 HSD2005
会议名称: 16th Annual Workshop Interconnections within High-Speed Digital Systems
时间/地点: 8–11 May 2005 Santa Fe, New Mexico
论文范围: The purpose of this Workshop is to determine the interconnection requirements of
emerging and future computer and communications systems and to discuss
state-of-the-art solutions in wired and wireless, optical and electrical interconnection
technologies. Interconnection technologies are considered at the component,
packaging, and systems level

4.23 SPI 2005

会议名称: 9th IEEE Workshop On Signal Propagation On Interconnects
时间/地点: May 10-13, 2005 , Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
论文范围: Frequency Domain Measurement Techniques
Time Domain Measurement Techniques
Modeling of Package & On-Chip Interconnects
Simulation of Interconnect Structures, 等

4.24 MSE 2005

会议名称: 2005 International Conference on Microelectronic Systems Education
时间/地点: 12 - 13 June 2005 Anaheim, California
截稿时间: 15 Jan. 2005
论文范围: z Technologies: system-on-a-chip, mixed signal, IP-based design, custom VLSI,

ASIC and FPGA designs; Nanotechnology; MEMS
z Educational techniques: novel curricula, laboratories, distance learning, text books
and student design projects
z Industry involvement: experiences with university/industry partnership, preparing
students for industry
z Educational infrastructure: design and IP libraries, CAD tool access, Internet-based
tools, design evaluation tools, test and verification tools


会议名称: 6th Workshop on RTL and High Level Testing
时间/地点: July 20-21, 2005, Harbin, China
截稿时间: March 10, 2005.
z High Level Testing,Processor Testing,Software Testing,SoC Testing,Functional

4.26 SASIMI 2006

会议名称: The 13th Workshop on Synthesis And System Integration of Mixed Information
时间/地点: Apr. 3-4, 2006, Nagoya, Japan
截稿时间: November 11, 2005
论文范围: Layout/Logic/Behavioral Synthesis Test, Verification and Simulation System Design and
Design Experiences Embedded Software Design and HW/SW Codesign Analog and
Mixed-Signal Design New Design Methodologies (Reconfigurable Systems, MEMS,

4.27 VLSI 2005

会议名称: 13th IFIP International Conferences on Very Large Scale Integration
时间/地点: October 17-19,2005 Perth, Western Australia
截稿时间: March 28, 2005
论文范围: z Analog and Mixed-Signal IC Design ,Digital IC Design ,Physical Design
z Digital Signal Processing and Image Processing IC Design
z Telecommunication Circuits and Applications
z Special and Reconfigurable ("Soft-Hardware") Architectures
z Hardware Reconfiguration (FPGA-based circuits, systems and applications)
z Systems on Chip (embedded systems, IPs, ...)
z Opto-ULSI processing ,Modelling and Simulation
z Deep Submicron Design and Modelling Issues
z Micromechanical Systems

z Verification ,Low-Power Design ,Logic and High-Level Synthesis
z Prototyping and Validation ,Testability and Design for Test ,CAD/CAE tools

4.28 ISLPED 2005

会议名称: International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design
时间/地点: August 8-10,2005, San Diego, California
截稿时间: February 20, 2005(该会议每年一次,仅供参考!)
论文范围: 1. Architecture, Circuits, and Technology
z Technologies and Digital Circuits, Emerging logic and memory technologies,
z Device design, Low leakage circuits, Memory circuits,
z Cooling technologies, Battery technologies
z Logic and Micro-architecture Design
z Logic and RTL design, Arithmetic and signal processing circuits
z Processor core design, Cache design,
z Temperature aware design, Asynchronous design
z Analog, MEMS and Mixed Signal Electronics, RF circuits, Wireless, MEMS
circuits, AD/DA, Converters, Mixed-signal circuits, DC-DC conversion
2. Design Tools, Systems and Software Design
z Energy estimation and optimization tools that operate at the circuit/gate level, RT
level, behavioral level, and algorithmic level, Physical design and interconnects
z System Design and Methodologies, Microprocessor and DSP-based systems
z Embedded systems design, SOC designs, Reconfigurable systems,
z System level power management and design aids
z Power aware compiler and operating system design,
z Application level optimizations, Wireless and sensor networks

4.29 FPL 2005

会议名称: International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Application
时间/地点: August 24-26 Tampere Hall, Tampere, Finland
截稿时间: 14 March 2005
z Dynamic and run-time reconfiguration,Low power architectures
z Defect and fault tolerance,Reconfigurable embedded systems
z Field-programmable analogue arrays,Interconnects and NoCs
z Communications/networking/cryptography,Bioinformatics
z Application acceleration,Evolvable and bio-inspired applications
z Rapid prototyping
z CAD for reconfigurable architectures,Optimisation and technology mapping
z System-level design methods,Testing, verification and benchmarking

Hardware/software co-design,Compilers and languages


z Roadmap of reconfigurable computing,Teaching reconfigurable systems
z History and surveys of reconfigurable logic,Emerging device technologies,等

4.30 Hot Chips 2005

会议名称: A Symposium on High-Performance Chips
时间/地点: Aug 14-16,2005, Palo Alto, USA
截稿时间: 25 March 2005
论文范围: 略

4.31 SiPS 2005 Workshop

会议名称: IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems
时间/地点: 02-04 Nov 2005,Athens, Greece
截稿时间: 11 Apr 2005
论文范围: 略

4.32 SBCCI 2005

会议名称: The 18th Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design
时间/地点: 04-07 Sep 2005,Florianópolis, Brazil
截稿时间: 14 Apr 2005
相关网址: (仅供参考!)
论文范围: 略

4.33 ICFPT 2005

会议名称: IEEE International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology
时间/地点: 11-14 Dec 2005,Singapore
截稿时间: 13 June 2005
论文范围: z Applications of field-programmable technology
z Architectures for field-programmable technology
z Device technology for field-programmable logic

4.34 CODES+ISSS 2005

会议名称: International Conference on Hardware/Software Co-design and System Synthesis
时间/地点: 19-21 Sep 2005,Jersey City, USA
截稿时间: 11 Apr 2005
论文范围: z High-level, architectural and system-level synthesis

z Hardware-software codesign
z Specification languages and models
z Embedded systems architecture
z Embedded systems software
z Analysis and verification
z Application-specific architectures and synthesis
z Industrial practices and benchmark suites
z Design applications


会议名称: European Solid-State Device Research/Circuits Conference
时间/地点: 12-16 Sep 2005,Grenoble, France
截稿时间: 09 Apr 2005
论文范围: ESSDERC 主题:
z Advanced Devices
z Process Steps & Integration
z Telecommunication & Power Devices
z Modelling And Simulation
z Characterisation And Reliability
z Memory Devices & Technology For Soc
z Emerging Technologies
z Analogue Circuits
z Data Converters
z Digital Circuits
z Rf & Wireless Communication Circuits
z Digital & Mixed Signal Soc Integration
z Mixed Signal, High Voltage & High Power Circuits
z Imagers, Sensors And Microsystems

4.36 ECCTD 2005

会议名称: European Conference on Circuits Theory and Design
时间/地点: 29 Aug-01 Oct 2005,Cork, Ireland
截稿时间: 15 March 2005
论文范围: Circuits Theory
Circuits Design,略

4.37 NCCET 2005

会议名称: 第九届计算机工程与工艺全国年会
时间/地点: 2005.8,济南
截稿时间: 2005.6

相关网址: 该会议由我院负责,可以咨询我院张民选教授、陈书明教授,两年一届!
论文范围: z 计算机结构设计
z 组装工艺与热设计
z 高速电路系统与可靠性
z 计算机硬件系统设计
z 高性能微处理器体系结构
z 嵌入式系统和嵌入式微处理器
z 高速低功耗集成电路设计
z SOC 及 IC 设计自动化
z 工程应用

4.38 CADCG 2006

会议名称: 全国第 14 届计算机辅助设计与图形学学术会议
时间/地点: 2006.8,(两年一次,06 年的征文通知尚未发布!)
截稿时间: 2006.6
论文范围: 协办:《计算机辅助设计与图形学学报》《系统仿真学报》
z 容错技术,数字化技术与应用
z 测试诊断与可测试性设计
z 企业信息化建设,工程数据库与系统集成
z 智能 CAD 技术,科学计算可视化,人机接口技术
z 多媒体技术和图象处理
z 虚拟现实,电子设计自动化
z CAD/CAM 技术与应用,CIMS
z 计算机辅助几何设计,
z 地理信息系统 GIS
z 计算机动画仿真技术计算机支持的协同设计


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