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Abstract Aportaciones a la determinacin de la prevalencia de la obesidad entre el alumnado de educacin especial Introduccin La obesidad se ha convertido en una de las principales

lneas de investigacin a nivel mundial. Se define como aquella situacin en la que existe un desequilibrio entre el gasto y la ingesta energtica, en el que prevalece un balance positivo y que trae como resultado el incremento del peso a expensas del tejido graso. La Organizacin Mundial de la Salud cita que, a nivel global, existen unos 250 millones de personas obesas, es decir, un 7% de la poblacin mundial. Es un gran problema de salud pblica en pases desarrollados por el impacto que tiene en la esperanza y calidad de vida de los sujetos afectos, y es considerada por muchos como la epidemia ms grave de la sociedad occidental del siglo XXI1. Adems, en individuos con necesidades educativas especiales estas cifras se hallan incrementadas2,3; sin embargo, es importante destacar la escasa literatura que existe sobre el tema de la obesidad asociada a la discapacidad psquica4. La obesidad como fenmeno social es simplemente el resultado de un desequilibrio por un destacado aumento del ingreso calrico cotidiano (sobrealimentacin) junto con un marcado descenso del gasto calrico por el sedentarismo, situacin que se asocia con el incremento de la prevalencia de enfermedades crnicas (cardiovasculares y diabetes). Debe aadirse que la obesidad infantil se asocia a un aumento del riesgo cardiovascular, a hiperinsulinemia con menor tolerancia a la glucosa, a alteraciones en el perfil lipdico en sangre, a hipertensin arterial, a problemas ortopdicos y a consecuencias psicosociales (como baja autoestima, aislamiento soblem, we reviewed the medical records of 114 children 3 to 20 years old of the Immaculate

Conception School in Granada (Spain). We analyzed demographic data, clinical and anthropometric data. The level of obesity was determined from the tracking of BMI percentile curves by age and sex. The children were classified by the findings as underweight, normal weight, overweight and obese. Also the individuals were classified into six groups according to the medical diagnosis: Down Syndrome, Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation, Low Incidence Syndrome and Fragile-X Syndrome. SPSS 15.0 was used for statistical studies. In general differences were statistically highly significant (p = 0.00) with respect to gender (higher BMI in females) and age (increase coincided with an increase in chronological age). Association was also established with syndromes (p = 0.00), as determined by a BMI of 29.64 X-Fragile versus 16.57 Cerebral Palsy. Twenty-seven and two percent of the sample was obese (defined by the Fragile-X syndrome and mental retardation), whereas 13.2% were underweight, conditioned by social factors, metabolic and developmental maturity. It will be necessary the creation and implementation of programs aimed at increasing physical activity and improving nutrition. Key words: Disabilities. Special education. Body mass index. Nutrition. Obesity.cin. Universidad de Granada. Granada. Espaa. bTcnico especialista en psicomotricidad. Educador social. Fundacin Pursima Concepcin. Granada. Espaa. cFisioterapeuta. Fundacin Pursima Concepcin. Granada. Espaa. dProfesor. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud. Universidad de Almera. Almera. Espaa. Flix Zurita Ortega,, Los autores declaran no presentar conflictos de intereses en relacin con la preparacin y publicacin de este artculo. Introduccin La obesidad se ha convertido en una de las principales lneas de investigacin a nivel mundial. Se define como aquella situacin en la que existe un desequilibrio entre el gasto y la ingesta energtica, en el que prevalece un balance positivo y que trae como resultado el incremento del peso a expensas del tejido graso. La Organizacin Mundial de la Salud cita que, a nivel global, existen unos 250 millones de personas obesas, es decir, un 7% de la poblacin mundial. Es un gran problema de salud pblica en pases desarrollados por el impacto que tiene en la esperanza y calidad de vida

de los sujetos afectos, y es considerada por muchos como la epidemia ms grave de la sociedad occidental del siglo XXI1. Adems, en individuos con necesidades educativas especiales estas cifras se hallan incrementadas2,3; sin embargo, es importante destacar la escasa literatura que existe sobre el tema de la obesidad asociada a la discapacidad psquica4. La obesidad como fenmeno social es simplemente el resultado de un desequilibrio por un destacado aumento del ingreso calrico cotidiano (sobrealimentacin) junto con un marcado descenso del gasto calrico por el sedentarismo, situacin que se asocia con el incremento de la prevalencia de enfermedades crnicas (cardiovasculares y diabetes). Debe aadirse que la obesidad infantil se asocia a un aumento del riesgo cardiovascular, a hiperinsulinemia con menor tolerancia a la glucosa, a alteraciones en el perfil lipdico en sangre, a hipertensin arterial, a problemas ortopdicos y a consecuencias psicosociales (como baja autoestima, aislamiento soZurita Ortega F, y cols. Aportaciones a la determinacin de la prevalencia de la obesidad entre el alumnado de educacin especial 16 Revista Pediatra de Atencin Primaria Vol. XII. N. 45. Enero/marzo 2010 Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria. 2010;12:15-31 blem, we reviewed the medical records of 114 children 3 to 20 years old of the Immaculate Conception School in Granada (Spain). We analyzed demographic data, clinical and anthropometric data. The level of obesity was determined from the tracking of BMI percentile curves by age and sex. The children were classified by the findings as underweight, normal weight, overweight and obese. Also the individuals were classified into six groups according to the medical diagnosis: Down Syndrome, Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation, Low Incidence Syndrome and Fragile-X Syndrome. SPSS 15.0 was used for statistical studies. In general differences were statistically highly significant (p = 0.00) with respect to gender (higher BMI in females) and age (increase coincided with an increase in chronological age). Association was also established

with syndromes (p = 0.00), as determined by a BMI of 29.64 X-Fragile versus 16.57 Cerebral Palsy. Twenty-seven and two percent of the sample was obese (defined by the Fragile-X syndrome and mental retardation), whereas 13.2% were underweight, conditioned by social factors, metabolic and developmental maturity. It will be necessary the creation and implementation of programs aimed at increasing physical activity and improving nutrition. Key words: Disabilities. Special education. Body mass index. Nutrition. Obesity.

J Pediatr (Rio J) 2009;85(1):21-27 Temporal trens and inequality in under-5 mortality from diarrea Lgia C. F. L. Mellia y Eliseu A. Waldmanb
ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the trend in mortality due to diarrhea among children under 5 in the town of Osasco (SP), Brazil, between 1980 and 2000. Methods: This is a descriptive observational study with two different designs, the first using individuals as the unit of study, and the other ecological, using groups of individuals as units of observation and including time series analysis. Data were obtained from the state of So Paulo information system of deaths and the results of the 1980, 1991 and 2000 censuses. Seasonal variations were described and log linear polynomial regression models were employed to analyze trends, using the sociodemographic characteristics of mothers and their children. Analyses were carried out of the changes in the town's sociodemographic indicators from 1980 to 2000, the average mortality rates among under-5s due to diarrhea and the differences between districts during the 1990s. Results: There were a total of 1,360 deaths, 94.3% of which were before 1 year of age and 75.3% of which were before 6 months. There was a 98.3% reduction in mortality and the period of peak mortality shifted from summer to autumn/fall. The median age at death increased from 2 months at the first three quinquenium of study to 3 months at the last. The residual deaths were among the children of mothers aged 20 to 29 years and of mothers who had spent less than 8 years in education. The relative risk between the worst-affected district and the average rate for the town reduced from 3.4 to 1.3 from the first 5 years of the 1990s to the second half of the decade. Conclusions: Our results demonstrate an increase in the age of greatest vulnerability and indicate that it is probable that the agent most often linked with mortality due to diarrhea has changed. a. Mestre, Centro Universitrio FIEO (UNIFIEO), Osasco, SP, Brazil. b. Doutor, Faculdade de Sade Pblica, Universidade de So Paulo (USP), So Paulo, SP, Brazil.

Indian J Endocrinol Metab. 2011 Sep;15 Suppl 3:S156-61.

The orgasmic history of oxytocin: Love, lust, and labor. Magon N, Kalra S.
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Air Force Hospital, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India.

Oxytocin has been best known for its roles in female reproduction. It is released in large amounts during labor, and after stimulation of the nipples. It is a facilitator for childbirth and breastfeeding. However, recent studies have begun to investigate oxytocin's role in various behaviors, including orgasm, social recognition, bonding, and maternal behaviors. This small nine amino acid peptide is now believed to be involved in a wide variety of physiological and pathological functions such as sexual activity, penile erection, ejaculation, pregnancy, uterine contraction, milk ejection, maternal behavior, social bonding, stress and probably many more, which makes oxytocin and its receptor potential candidates as targets for drug therapy. From an innocuous agent as an aid in labor and delivery, oxytocin has come a long way in being touted as the latest party drug. The hormone of labor during the course of the last 100 years has had multiple orgasms to be the hormone of love. Many more shall be seen in the times to come! PMID: 22029018 [PubMed - in process] PMCID: PMC3183515 Free PMC Article

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