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Contacts: Bill & Dina Lord (07834318490) blord05@googlemail.

com John & Jane Smith (01476 400800)

Date: 17th November, 2011 Planning Case Officer, Development Control, South Kesteven District Council, St. Peters Hill, Grantham, Lincs NG31 6PZ FAO: INDEPENDENT PLANNING INSPECTOR RE: GRAH3 (Ordnance Survey Grid Reference: SK903 7NE) This is a written representation from the residents of Gonerby Hill Foot and surrounding area regarding the proposed development of a greenfield site (Site ref: GRAH3) for 400 new houses, including 80 designated for social housing, on farmland to the north of Peachwood Close. Attached are full contact details of residents who strongly object to this plan. The Council has informed us that each named resident on this letter will be counted as providing an individual written representation. We are aware that a vote in favour of the development was taken at the Full Council Meeting on the 8th September 2011. However, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that although a planning notice was placed in the Grantham Journal on October 7th 2011, referring to the Grantham Area Action Plan over 15 years up to 2026, it failed to identify the specific areas that would be affected and at no time did any council representative attempt to alert residents that the land to the north of Peachwood Close was vulnerable to development. Residents were only made aware of the plan when an Officer of South Kesteven District Council was challenged taking photographs of the rear of houses backing onto the field. This is contrary to documented minutes of the council meeting on September 8th, 2011, which states that: The Council had carried out extensive community engagement in preparing the documents. This being the case we believe that the plan is fundamentally unsound as there has been insufficient community consultation, and the authority has failed to properly consider its environmental, social and economic effects. This could well make any decision to grant consent vulnerable to a Judicial Review. For reasons explained in appendices 1-4 (attached to this letter) we do not consider that the popular and well-used informal open space identified in GRAH3 is suitable for development of 400 houses. Should there be a need for further building to the north of Grantham we believe that the rejected brownfield site of Vacu-Lug, Gonerby Hill Foot, is significantly more suitable and the reasons for its removal from GAAP are unsound. The Vacu-Lug site already has access to the main road and in terms of the impact on biodiversity, agriculture, heritage and other reasons stated in appendices 1-4 this site is clearly a preferable location. Importantly, relocating the tyre factory would dramatically improve the air quality in this residential area.

It must be stated however, that we consider neither site to be ideal, as increasing traffic on Gonerby Road will exacerbate the problem of the town becoming regularly gridlocked. We believe that the current Growth Plan for developments south and west of Grantham is much better suited to residential development because of easier infrastructure issues. One of the aims of GAAP is to enhance Granthams historic environment and improve the quality and range of facilities and services available to residents and businesses. However, the Planning Advisor at the National Trust has reviewed the study document site GRAH3 and confirmed that the site is, in terms of the potential impact upon the setting of the national heritage site of Belton House and Park, exceptionally sensitive. Further reference to this extremely valid argument and the Belton House and Park Setting Study and Policy Development study, (published by SKDC and the National Trust in January, 2010), is contained within our detailed objections. If the plan to build 400 houses on the greenfield site to the north of Peachwood Close is adopted by the council it will undoubtedly have a permanent and detrimental impact on the areas landscape, agriculture, infrastructure, highways, heritage and biodiversity. When considering Granthams future growth the social, environmental and economic wellbeing of the town and its residents must be paramount. We believe that the devastating impact of this proposal makes it unsound and contrary to the councils community strategy. Please note the considerable strength of feeling against the development of this popular and well-used informal open space. To date a total of 300+ residents have attended two open public meetings to object to the plan compare this to the total of 250 people who registered their objections to plans for the entire Grantham area. Attached to this letter (appendix 1) are more detailed arguments and reasons why we feel that this planning proposal is fundamentally flawed. We believe that the plan fails to meet the necessary tests of soundness and statutory requirement that will allow you to recommend it for adoption. Representatives of the Gonerby Hill Foot Residents Group would welcome an invitation to attend a preexamination meeting to discuss our concerns. In the meantime, if we can provide you with any further information to assist with your assessment please do not hesitate to contact us. Yours faithfully,

Bill Lord On behalf of Gonerby Hill Foot Residents Group

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