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(Greek to English)


Copyright 2005 by ARSENIA R. JOAQUIN

All rights reserved.

Published by


To My




Other Related Books Published:

GOD, 215 pages -

The Right Way, 346 pages -


ORIGIN, 229 pages -


pages -


The author has already translated The
Greek New Testament into THE WILL (A
Plain Translation of The New Testament
from Greek to English). She found out
differences from the versions of wide
circulation throughout the world. As
she is bestowed with the rare spiritual
gift of knowledge and understanding of
the Greek language used by God to write
the New Testament which was also earlier
used to translate the Old Testament from
the Hebrew language, she decided to un-
dertake this rigorous work of translation
of the Word of God from Greek to English.
In both books, Greek words are
translated simply into their
corresponding English word-equivalents.
Transliterations (Greek words adopted
into the English language) are indi-
cated in bold words while additional
words especially for grammar purposes
are written in italics. Names of persons
retain their Greek spelling in the
nominative case. Names of places gen-
erally retain their Greek spelling; only
few very popular places use their

commonly used names. The books are in
the form of prose to make the reading
easy and interesting.
GENESIS & EXODUS (Greek to English)
was translated from the Septuagint or
LXX (Greek Old Testament) which was
allegedly translated from the Hebrew
language by 70 Israelite elders in
Alexandria, Egypt, in about 270 B. C.
thru the initiative of King Ptolemy.
God used the Hebrew language to write
the Old Testament while He used Greek
for the New Testament. This book is
simple, beautiful, easily understood,
and a translation that relays the true
Word of God.
The author was born in Camiling,
Tarlac, Philippines, on June 7, 1945.
She donated THE WILL (A Plain Translation
of The New Testament from Greek to
English) to the Alpha Omega Seniars Intl
Foundation, Inc. for senior citizens,
widows, orphans, disabled, poor
intellectuals, etc.

October 22, 2005

GENESIS & EXODUS (Greek to English)

In the beginning God made the heaven
and the earth. And the earth was
invisible and unequipped, and darkness
was above the abyss, and the Spirit of
God was moving above the water.


And God said:
“Let light become.”
And light became. 4And God saw that the
light is good. And God separated between
the light and between the darkness. 5And
God called the light day and He called
the darkness night. And it became evening
and it became morning, first day.


And God said:
“Let firmness become in the middle
of the water and let separation be between
water and water.”

Genesis 1:7 GENESIS & EXODUS

And it became thus. 7And God made the

firmness, and God separated between the
water, which was under the firmness,
and between the water above the firmness.
And God called the firmness heaven. And
God saw that it is good. And it became
evening and it became morning, second


And God said:
“Let the water under the heaven
assemble into one synagogue, and let
the dry appear.”
And it became thus. And the water under
the heaven assembled into the synagogues
of them, and the dry appeared. 10And God
called the dry earth and He called the
systems of the waters sea. And God saw
that it is good. 11And God said:
“Let the earth grow botany of grass,
seed yielding according to genus and
according to likeness, and fruit-bearing
tree producing fruit, of which the seed
of it in it according to genus on the

GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 1:18

And it became thus. And the earth
brought out botany of grass, seed
yielding according to genus and according
to likeness, and fruit-bearing tree
producing fruit, of which the seed of it
in it according to genus on the earth.
And God saw that it is good. 13And it
became evening and it became morning,
third day.


And God said:
“Let lights become in the firmness
of the heaven into lights of the earth
to separate between the day and between
the night and let them stand into signs
and into times and into days and into
years. 15And let them stand into lights
in the firmness of the heaven so as to
shine on the earth.”
And it became thus. 16And God made the
two great lights, the great light into
ruler of the day and the lesser light
into ruler of the night, and the stars.
And God set them in the firmness of the
heaven so as to shine on the earth 18and
to rule the day and the night and to
separate between the light and between

Genesis 1:19 GENESIS & EXODUS

the darkness. And God saw that it is

good. And it became evening and it
became morning, fourth day.


And God said:
“Let the waters lead out reptiles of
living psyches and birds flying on the
earth throughout the firmness of the
And it became thus. 21And God made the
great fishes and all psyches of living
reptiles, which the waters led out
according to genus of them, and every
bird flying according to genus. And God
saw that they are good. And God
eulogized them saying:
“Grow and multiply and fill the waters
in the seas, and let the birds multiply
on the earth.”
And it became evening and it became
morning, fifth day.


And God said:

GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 1:28

“Let the earth lead out living psyches

according to genus, four-footed and
reptiles and beasts of the earth
according to genus.”
And it became thus. 25And God made the
beasts of the earth according to genus
and the cattle according to genus and
all the reptiles of the earth according
to genus of them. And God saw that they
are good. 26And God said:
“Let us make man according to our
icon and according to likeness, and let
them rule the fishes of the sea and the
birds of the heaven and the cattle and
all of the earth and all the reptiles
creeping on the earth.”
And God made the man, He made him
according to the icon of God, He made
them male and female. 28And God eulogized
them saying:
“Grow and multiply and fill the earth
and lord over it and rule the fishes of
the sea and the birds of the heaven and
all of the cattle and all of the earth
and all of the reptiles creeping on the

Genesis 1:29 GENESIS & EXODUS

And God said:
“Behold I have given to you every
grass producing yielding seed, which is
above all the earth, and every tree,
which has in itself fruit producing seed
— it will be to you into food – 30and to
all the beasts of the earth and to all
the birds of the heaven and to every
reptile creeping on the earth, which
has in itself psyche of life, every green
grass into food.”
And it became thus. 31And God saw all
the things, whatsoever He made, and
behold they are very good. And it became
evening and it became morning, sixth

And the heaven and the earth were
completed and the whole world of them.
And God completed in the sixth day the
works of Him, which He made, and He
rested on the seventh day from all of
the works of Him, which He made. 3And
God eulogized the seventh day and He
made it holy, because He rested from all

GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 2:10

of the works of Him in it, which God

began to do.
This is the book of the genesis of
heaven and earth, when it became, which
day God made the heaven and the earth
and every green of the field before the
time to become on the earth and every
grass of the field before the time to
rise; for God rained not on the earth,
and there was not man to work the earth,
and spring went up out of the earth and
watered the whole face of the earth.


And God molded the man dust from the
earth and He breathed into the face of
him breath of life, and the man became
into a living psyche.
And the Lord God planted paradise
in Eden down from the east and He placed
there the man, whom He molded. 9And God
made to rise out of the earth every
beautiful tree into appearance and good
into food and the tree of life in the
middle of the paradise and the tree of
knowledge to know good and evil. 10And a
river went out of Eden to water the
paradise; it separates from there into

Genesis 2:11 GENESIS & EXODUS

four beginnings. A name to one is
Phison; this is the one which surrounds
the whole land Euilat, where the gold is
there; 12and the gold of that land is
good; and the coal is there and the onyx
stone. 13And a name to the second river
is Geon; this is the one which surrounds
the whole land of Ethiopia. 14And the
third river is Tigris; this is the one
going opposite Assyria. And the fourth
river, this is Euphrates.
And the Lord God took the man, whom
He molded, and He placed him in the
paradise to work and to guard it. 16And
the Lord God commanded Adam saying:
“From every tree in the paradise thou
may eat food, 17but from the tree to know
good and evil, eat not from it; and
whichever day you eat from it, you shall
die with death.”


And the Lord God said:
“It is not good for the man to be
alone; let us make for him a helper
according to him.”

GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 2:25

And God still molded out of the earth
all the beasts of the field and all the
birds of the heaven and He led them to
Adam to see, what he will call them, and
everything, whatever living psyche Adam
called it, this is the name of it. 20And
Adam called names to all the cattle and
all the birds of heaven and all the
beasts of the field, and Adam found not
a helper like him.
And God casted ecstasy on Adam, and
he slept; and He took one of the ribs of
him and He filled up flesh for her.
And the Lord God built the rib, which
He took from Adam, into a woman and He
led her to Adam. 23And Adam said:
“Now this is a bone out of the bones
of me and flesh out of the flesh of me;
this will be called woman, because this
herself was taken out of the man.”
Because of this a man shall leave
the father of him and the mother of him
and he will be joined to the woman of
him, and the two will be into one flesh.
And the two were naked, both Adam and
the woman of him, and they were not

(Greek to English) GENESIS & EXODUS

And the snake was the wisest of all
of the beasts on the earth, which the
Lord God made; and the snake said to the
“What is it that God said: ‘You
shall not at all eat from any tree in
the paradise?’”
And the woman said to the snake:
“We may eat from the fruit of the
tree of the paradise, 3but from the fruit
of the tree, which is in the middle of
the paradise, God said: ‘You shall not
eat from it nor shall you touch it, in
order that you shall not die.”’
And the snake said to the woman:
“You will not die with death; 5for
God knows that in which ever day you eat
from it, the eyes of you will be opened,
and you will be as Gods knowing good and
And the woman saw that the tree is good
into food and that it is pleasing to the

GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 3:11

eyes to see and it is beautiful to

perceive, and having taken of the fruit
of it she ate; and she gave also to the
man of her with her, and they ate. 7And
the eyes of the two were opened, and
they knew that they were naked, and they
sewed leaves of fig tree and made for
themselves girdles.
And they heard the voice of the Lord
God walking in the paradise at twilight,
and both Adam and the woman of him hid
from the face of the Lord God in the
middle of the tree of the paradise. 9And
the Lord God called Adam and said to
“Adam, where art thou?”
And he said to Him:
“I heard the voice of Thee walking
in the paradise and I feared, because I
am naked, and I hid.”
And He said to him:
“Who announced to thee that thou art
naked? Is it not that from the tree,
which I commanded to thee this only not
to eat from it, thou ate?”

Genesis 3:12 GENESIS & EXODUS

And Adam said:
“The woman, whom thou gave to me with
me, she herself gave to me from the
tree, and I ate.”
And the Lord God said to the woman:
“Why is it that thou did this?”
And the woman said:
“The snake deceived me, and I ate.”

And the Lord God said to the snake:
“Because thou did this, thou art
cursed from all of the cattle and from
all of the beasts of the earth; thou
shall go on the chest of thee and on the
belly and thou shall eat soil all the
days of the life of thee.”


“And I will set enmity between thee
and between the woman and between the
seed of thee and between the seed of
her; he himself shall keep the head of

GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 3:19

thee, and thou thyself shall keep the

heel of him.”

And to the woman He said:
“Multiplying I will multiply the grief
of thee and the sigh of thee, in grief
thou shall deliver children; and towards
the man of thee the longing of thee, and
he himself shall lord over thee.”

And to Adam He said:
“Because thou heard the voice of the
woman of thee and thou ate from the
tree, which I commanded to thee this
only not to eat from it, the earth is
cursed in the works of thee; in grief
thou shall eat from it all the days of
the life of thee; 18it rises thorns and
thistles for thee, and thou shall eat
the grass of the field. 19In the sweat
of the face of thee thou shall eat the
bread of thee until the time for thee to
return into the earth, out of which thou
were taken; because thou art earth and
into earth thou shall go.”

Genesis 3:20 GENESIS & EXODUS

And Adam called the name of the woman
of him Life, because she is the mother
of all of the living.
And the Lord God made for Adam and
the woman of him tunics of skins and He
clothed them. 22And God said:
“Behold Adam has become as one out
of us to know good and evil, and now
lest perchance he shall stretch out the
hand and take of the tree of life and
eat and he shall live into the age.”
And the Lord God sent him out of the
paradise of Eden to work the earth, out
of which he was taken. 24He casted out
Adam and dwelt him opposite the paradise
of Eden and ordered the cherubims and
the flaming sword turning to guard the
way of the tree of life.

And Adam knew the woman of him, and
having taken she delivered Kain and said:
“I created a man through God.”

GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 4:8

And she has added to deliver Abel the
brother of him. And Abel became a
shepherd of sheep, and Kain was working
the earth.


And it happened after days Kain
brought from the fruits of the earth
sacrifice to the Lord, 4and Abel himself
also brought from the firstborn of the
sheep of him and from the fattened of
them. And God saw on Abel and on the
gifts of him, 5but on Kain and on the
sacrifices of him He regarded not. And
it grieved Kain very much, and he fell
on the face. 6And the Lord God said to
“Why is it that thou become over-
whelmed with grief, and why is it that
the face of thee fell? 7Thou sin not, if
thou offer straightly, but if thou do
not straightly? Be quiet; the longing
of it is towards thee, and thou thyself
rule over it.”
And Kain said to Abel the brother of
“Let us go into the field.”

Genesis 4:9 GENESIS & EXODUS

And it happened in the time for them to

be in the field also Kain stood up against
Abel the brother of him and killed him.
And God said to Kain:
“Where is Abel the brother of thee?”
And he said:
“I know not; I myself am not the
guard of the borther of me?”
And God said:
“What did thou do? The voice of the
blood of the brother of thee shouts to
Me out of the earth. 11And now thou art
cursed from the earth, which opened the
mouth of it to receive the blood of the
brother of thee out of the hand of thee;
that thou work the earth, and it will
not add the strength of it to give to
thee; thou will be a fugitive and vaga-
bond on the earth.”
And Kain said to the Lord:
“The charge of me is greater than
for me to bear; 14if Thou will cast me
out today from the face of the earth and
from the face of Thee I will hide, and I
will be a fugitive and vagabond on the

GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 4:22

earth, and it will be that any man who

shall find me shall kill me.”
And the Lord God said to him:
“Not thus; any man who has killed
Kain will receive vengeance seven times.”
And the Lord God placed a sign to Kain
for any man who finds him not to kill
him. 16And Kain went out from the face
of God and dwelt in the land of Naid
opposite Eden.
And Kain knew the woman of him, and
having taken she delivered Enoch; and
he was building a city and he named the
city on the name of the son of him Enoch.
And Gaidad was begotten to Enoch, and
Gaidad begot Maiel, and Maiel begot
Mathousala, and Mathousala begot Lamech.
And Lamech took for himself two women,
Ada is the name for the first, and the
name for the second is Sella. 20And Ada
delivered Iobel; this was the father
dwelling in tents feeding cattle. 21And
a name to the brother of him is Ioubal;
this was the man who held the psalter
and harp. And Sella herself also
delivered Thobel, and he was a worker a
coppersmith of copper and iron; and a

Genesis 4:23 GENESIS & EXODUS

sister of Thobel is Noema. 23And Lamech

said to the women of himself Ada and
“Hear the voice of me, women of
Lamech, listen to the words of me, because
I have killed a man into a wound to me
and young into stripe to me; 24because
it is avenged seven times out of Kain,
but seventy-seven times out of Lamech.”
And Adam knew Eua the woman of him,
and having taken she delivered a son and
named the name of him Seth saying:
“For God set out to me another seed
instead of Abel, whom Kain killed.”
And a son became to Seth, and he named
the name of him Enos; this hoped to call
upon the name of the Lord God.

This is the book of genesis of men;
on which day God made Adam, He made him
according to the icon of God; 2He made
them male and female; and He eulogized
them. And He named the name of them
Adam, on which day He made them.

GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 5:11


And Adam lived two hundred and thirty
years and he begot according to the
appearance of him and according to the
icon of him and he named the name of him
Seth. 4And the days of Adam after him to
beget Seth was seven hundred years, and
he begot sons and daughters. 5And all
the days of Adam were, which he lived,
nine hundred and thirty years, and he
And Seth lived two hundred and five
years and he begot Enos. 7And Seth lived
after him to beget Enos seven hundred
and seven years and he begot sons and
daughters. And all the days of Seth
were nine hundred and twelve years, and
he died.
And Enos lived a hundred ninety-
nine years and he begot Kainan. 10And
Enos lived after him to beget Kainan
seven hundred and fifteen years and he
begot sons and daughters. 11And all the
days of Enos were nine hundred and five
years, and he died.

Genesis 5:12 GENESIS & EXODUS

And Kainan lived a hundred seventy
years and he begot Maleleel. 13And Kainan
lived after him to beget Maleleel seven
hundred and forty years and he begot
sons and daughters. 14And the days of
Kainan were nine hundred and ten years,
and he died.
And Maleleel lived a hundred and
sixty-five years and he begot Iared.
And Maleleel lived after him to beget
Iared seven hundred and thirty years
and he begot sons and daughters. 17And
all the days of Maleleel were eight
hundred and ninety-five years, and he
And Iared lived a hundred and sixty-
two years and he begot Enoch. And
Iared lived after him to beget Enoch
eight hundred years and he begot sons
and daughters. And all the days of
Iared were nine hundred and sixty-two
years, and he died.
And Enoch lived a hundred and sixty-
five years and he begot Mathousala. 22And
Enoch pleased God after him to beget
Mathousala two hundred years and he begot
sons and daughters. 23And all the days
of Enoch were three hundred sixty-five

GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 5:32

years. 24And Enoch pleased God and he

was not found, because God transferred
And Mathousala lived a hundred and
sixty-seven years and he begot Lamech.
And Mathousala lived after him to beget
Lamech eight hundred two years and he
begot sons and daughters. 27And all the
days of Mathousala, which he lived, were
nine hundred and sixty-nine years, and
he died.
And Lamech lived a hundred eighty-
eight years and he begot a son 29and he
named the name of him Noe saying:
“This will rest us from the works of
us and from the grief of the hands of us
and from the earth, which the Lord God
And Lamech lived after him to beget
Noe five hundred and sixty-five years
and he begot sons and daughters. 31And
all the days of Lamech were seven hundred
and fifty-three years, and he died.
And Noe was five hundred years and
Noe begot three sons, Sem, Cham, Iapheth.

(Greek to English) GENESIS & EXODUS

And it happened when the men began
to become many on the earth, and daughters
were begotten to them. 2And the sons of
God seeing the daughters of men that
they are good, took for themselves women
from all, whom they chose. And the
Lord God said:
“The Spirit of Me shall not at all
remain in these men into the age on
account of them to be flesh, and the
days of them will be hundred twenty
And the giants were on the earth in
those days and after that, as the sons
of God were entering to the daughters of
men they also begot for themselves; those
were the giants the men from age, the
men renown.
The Lord God seeing that the wick-
edness of men on the earth was multi-
plied and every certain one thinks care-
fully in the heart of him on the things
evil all the days, 6also God was angry

GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 6:14

that He made man on the earth, and He

was vexed. And God said:
“I will blot out the man, whom I
made, from the face of the earth from
man until cattle and from reptiles un-
til the birds of the heaven, because I
am angry that I made them.”
But Noe found grace before the Lord
These are the genesis of Noe; Noe
was a righteous man, being perfect in
the generation of him; Noe pleased God.
And Noe begot three sons, Sem, Cham,

And the earth was corrupt before
God, and the earth was filled of
unrighteousness. 12And the Lord God saw
the earth, and it is being corrupted,
because all flesh corrupted the way of
him on the earth. 13And God said to Noe:
“The time of every man has come be-
fore Me, because the earth was filled of
unrighteousness from them, and behold I
Myself will destroy them and the earth.
Therefore make for thyself an ark of

Genesis 6:15 GENESIS & EXODUS

four corners out of wood; thou shall

make the ark rooms and thou shall as-
phalt it from inside and from outside
with asphalt. 15And thou shall make the
ark thus: the length of the ark three
hundred cubits and the breadth fifty
cubits and the height of it thirty cu-
bits; 16thou shall make the ark with a
window and thou shall complete it into a
cubit from above; and thou shall make
the door of the ark out of the side;
thou shall make it with lower, second,
and third floors.
”And behold I Myself will lead up
the flood of water on the earth to de-
stroy all flesh, in which there is spirit
of life, under the heaven; and whatso-
ever be on the earth, he shall die.
And I will set a covenant of Me to
thee; and thou shall enter into the ark,
thou and the sons of thee and the woman
of thee and the women of the sons of
thee with thee. 19And from all of the
cattle and from all of the reptiles and
from all of the beasts and from every
flesh, thou shall lead into the ark two
two from all, in order that thou shall
nourish them with thyself; they will be
male and female. 20From all of the birds

GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 7:4

flying according to genus and from all

of the cattle according to genus and
from all of the reptiles creeping on the
earth according to genus of them, they
shall enter with thee two two from all
to nourish them with thee, male and fe-
male. 21And thou thyself shall take with
thyself from all of the foods, which
thou see, and thou shall assemble to
thyself, and it will be for thee and for
those to eat.”
And Noe did all things, whatsoever the
Lord God commanded to him, he did thus.

And the Lord God said to Noe:
“Thou thyself and the whole house
of thee enter into the ark, because I
see thee righteous before Me in this
generation. 2Lead in to thee from the
clean cattle seven seven, male and fe-
male, and from the cattle not clean two
two, male and female, 3and from the clean
birds of the heaven seven seven, male
and female, and from the birds not clean
two two, male and female, to scatter
seed on the whole earth. For still
seven days I Myself will lead rain on

Genesis 7:5 GENESIS & EXODUS

the earth forty days and forty nights

and I will blot out every thing that
rise out, which I made, from the face
of the earth.”
And Noe did all things, whatsoever the
Lord God commanded to him.


And Noe was six hundred years, and
the flood of water came on the earth.
And Noe entered and the sons of him and
the woman of him and the women of the
sons of him with him into the ark on
account of the water of the flood. 8And
from the birds and from the clean cattle
and from the cattle not clean and from
all of the things creeping on the earth
two two entered with Noe into the ark,
male and female, as God commanded to
him. 10And it happened after seven days
and the water of the flood came on the
In the six hundredth year in the
life of Noe, of the second month, twenty-
seventh of the month, on this day all
the springs of the abyss bursted, and
the windows of the heaven were opened.
And the rain came on the earth forty

GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 7:21

days and forty nights. 13In this day Noe

entered, Sem, Cham, Iapheth, sons of
Noe, and the woman of Noe and the three
women of the sons of him with him into
the ark. 14And all the beasts according
to genus and all the cattle according to
genus and every reptile moving on the
earth according to genus and every bird
according to genus 15entered with Noe
into the ark, two two from all flesh, in
which there is spirit of life. 16And all
the things entering male and female from
all flesh entered, as God commanded to
Noe. And the Lord God closed the ark
from outside of it.
And the flood came forty days and
forty nights on the earth, and the water
increased and took up the ark, and it
rose high from the earth. And the
water prevailed and it was being
exceedingly increased on the earth, and
the ark was being brought above the wa-
ter. 19And the water prevailed exceed-
ingly much on the earth and it covered
all the high mountains, which were un-
der the heaven; 20the water rose high
above fifteen cubits and covered all
the high mountains. 21And all flesh moving
on the earth died the birds and the

Genesis 7:22 GENESIS & EXODUS

cattle and the beasts and every reptile

moving on the earth and every man. 22And
all, whatsoever has breath of life, and
everyone, who was on the dry, died. 23And
He blotted out all the things living,
which was on the face of the whole earth,
from man until cattle and reptiles and
the birds of the heaven, and they were
blotted out from the earth; and only Noe
and the men with him in the ark were
left. 24And the water rose high on the
earth hundred fifty days.

And God remembered Noe and all the
beasts and all the cattle and all the
birds and all the reptiles, whatsoever
was with him in the ark, and God led up
wind on the earth, and the water stopped,
and the springs of the abyss and the
windows of the heaven were covered, and
the rain from the heaven was restrained.
And the water was giving in going from
the earth, the water was giving in and
lessening after hundred and fifty days.
And the ark sat in the seventh month,
twenty-seventh of the month, on the

GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 8:12

Ararat mountains. 5And the water going

was lessening until the tenth month;
and in the eleventh month, on the first
of the month, the heads of the mountains
were seen.
And it happened after forty days
Noe opened the window of the ark, which
he made, 7and he sent the raven to see if
the water has stopped; and having gone
out it returned not until the time for
the water to dry from the earth. 8And he
sent the dove behind it to see if the
water has stopped from the face of the
earth; 9and the dove finding not rest
for the feet of her, returned to him
into the ark, because water was on the
whole face of the earth, and having
stretched out the hand of him he took
her and led in her to himself into the
ark. 10And having waited still another
seven days again he sent the dove out of
the ark; 11and the dove returned to him
towards the evening and had fresh leaf
of olives in the mouth of her, and Noe
knew that the water has stopped from the
earth. And having waited still an-
other seven days again he sent out the
dove, and she was setting forth not to
return to him still.

Genesis 8:13 GENESIS & EXODUS

And it happened in the six hundred
and first year in the life of Noe, of
the first month, of the first of the
month, the water dried from the earth;
and Noe removed the roof of the ark,
which he made, and saw that the water
dried from the face of the earth. 14And
in the second month, twenty-seventh of
the month, the earth was dried. 15And
the Lord God said to Noe saying:
“Go out of the ark, thou and the
woman of thee and the sons of thee and
the women of the sons of thee with thee
and lead out with thyself all the beasts,
whatsoever is with thee, and all flesh
from birds until cattle, and every
reptile moving on the earth; and grow
and multiply on the earth.”
And Noe went out and the woman of him
and the sons of him and the women of the
sons of him with him. And all the
beasts and all the cattle and every bird
and every creeping thing moving on the
earth according to genus of them went
out of the ark. 20And Noe built an altar
for God and took from all the clean
cattle and from all the clean birds and
offered burnt offerings on the altar.

GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 9:3

And the Lord God smelled the smell of
fragrance, and having thought the Lord
God said:
“I will not still set to curse the
earth on account of the works of men,
because the mind of man is carefully set
on the things evil out of youth; therefore
I will not still set to strike all living
flesh as I did. Seed and harvest,
cold and heat, summer and winter, day
and night shall not rest all the days of
the earth.”

And God eulogized Noe and the sons
of him and said to them:
“Grow and multiply and fill the earth
and lord over it. The trembling and
the fear of you will be on all the beasts
of the earth and on all the birds of the
heaven and on all the things moving on
the earth and on all the fishes of the
sea; I have given to you under your
hands. 3And any reptile, which is liv-
ing, will be to you into food; as veg-

Genesis 9:4 GENESIS & EXODUS

etable of grass I have given to you all

”However eat not meat in blood of
psyche; 5for also your blood I will seek
out the psyches of you, out of the hand
of all of the beasts I will seek it and
out of the hand of man of brother I will
seek out the psyche of the man. 6The man
who pours out blood of man it will be
poured out for the blood of him, because
I made the man in the icon of God. 7And
you yourselves grow and multiply and
fill the earth and multiply on it.”
And God said to Noe and to the sons of
him with him saying:
“Behold I Myself set the covenant
of Me to you and to the seed of you
after you 10and to every living psyche
with you from birds and from cattle and
to all the beasts of the earth, whatsoever
is with you, from all of the ones coming
out of the ark. 11And I will set the
covenant of Me to you, and all flesh
shall not still die from the flood of
water, and there will not still be flood
of water to destroy the whole earth.”
And the Lord God said to Noe:

GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 9:19

“This is the sign of the covenant,

which I Myself give between Me and you
and between every psyche of life, which
is with you, into everlasting genera-
tions: I set the bow of Me in the
cloud, and it will be into a sign of the
covenant between Me and the earth. 14And
it will be in the time for Me to bring
clouds on the earth the bow of Me will
be seen in the cloud, 15and I will remem-
ber the covenant of Me, which is between
Me and you and between every living psy-
che in all flesh, and the water will not
still be into flood so as to blot out
all flesh. 16And the bow of Me will be
in the cloud, and I will see to remember
the everlasting covenant between Me and
between every living psyche in all flesh,
which is on the earth.”
And God said to Noe:
“This is the sign of the covenant,
which I set between Me and between every
flesh, which is on the earth.”
And the sons of Noe the men going out
of the ark were Sem, Cham, Iapheth; Cham
was the father of Canaan. 19These three
are the sons of Noe; from these people
were dispersed on the whole earth.

Genesis 9:20 GENESIS & EXODUS


And Noe began a man a farmer of
land and he planted a vineyard. 21And he
drank out of the wine and he was drunk
and naked in the house of him. And
Cham the father of Canaan saw the
nakedness of the father of him and having
gone out he announced to the two brothers
of him outside. 23And having taken the
garment Sem and Iapheth placed on the
two backs of them and went backward and
covered the nakedness of the father of
them, and the face of them backward, and
they saw not the nakedness of the father
of them. 24And Noe awoke from the wine
and knew whatsoever the younger son of
him did to him, 25and he said:
“Cursed be Canaan; he will be a serv-
ant a helper to the brothers of him.”
He also said:
“Eulogized is the Lord God of Sem,
and Canaan will be servant of him. 27God
will broaden Iapheth and let him dwell
in the houses of Sem, and let Canaan
become servant of them.”

GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 10:9

And Noe lived after the flood three
hundred fifty years. 29And all the days
of Noe were nine hundred and fifty years,
and he died.

And these are the genesis of the
sons of Noe: Sem, Cham, Iapheth, and
sons were begotten to them after the
flood. Sons of Iapheth: Gamer and
Magog and Madai and Iouan and Elisa and
Thobel and Mosoch and Thiras. 3And sons
of Gamer: Aschanaz and Rhiphat and
Thorgama. And sons of Iouan: Ilisa
and Tharsis, Kitioi, Rhodioi. Out of
these islands of the nations in the land
of them were separated, each according
to tongue in the tribes of them and in
the nations of them.
Sons of Cham: Chous and Mesraim,
Phoud and Canaan. 7And sons of Chous:
Saba and Euila and Sabatha and Rhegma
and Sabakatha. And sons of Rhegma: Saba
and Dadan. And Chous begot Nebrod.
This began to be a giant on the land;
this was a giant a hunter before the
Lord God; on account of this they say
“As Nebrod a giant a hunter before the

Genesis 10:10 GENESIS & EXODUS

And the beginning of the kingdom of
him came Babylon and Orech and Archad
and Chalanne in the land Sennaar. 11Assour
came out of that land and he built Nineveh
and the city Rhooboth and Chalach 12and
Dasem between Nineveh and between
Chalach; this is a great city.
And Mesraim begot the Loudums and
the Enemetums and the Labums and the
Nephthalums 14and the Patrosonums and the
Chaslonums, where Philistines came out
from there and the Kaphthorums.
And Canaan begot Sidon firstborn
and Chettaios 16 and Iebousaios and
Amorraios and Gergessaios 17Euaios and
Aroukaios and Asennaios 18and Aradios and
Samaraios and Amath. And after this the
tribes of the Canaanites were dispersed,
and they made the borders of the
Canaanites from Sidon until to come into
Gerar and Gazan, until to come into Sodom
and Gomorrah, Adama and Seboim, until
These are the sons of Cham in the
tribes of them according to the tongues
of them in the areas of them and in the
nations of them.

GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 10:32

And to Sem was begotten also to
him, father of all of the sons of Eber,
brother of Iapheth the greater. 22Sons
of Sem: Ailam and Assour and Arphaxad
and Loud and Aram and Kainan. 23And sons
of Aram: Os and Oul and Gather and
And Arphaxad begot Kainan, and Kainan
begot Sala, and Sala begot Eber. 25And
Eber begot two sons; and the name to one
is Phalek, because in the days of him
the land was divided, and the name to
the brother of him is Iektan. And
Iektan begot Elmodad and Saleph and
Asarmoth and Iarach 27and Odorra and Aizel
and Dekla 28and Abimeel and Sabeu 29and
Ouphir and Euila and Iobab. All these
are sons of Iektan. 30And the dwelling
of them came from Masse until to come
into Sophora, a mountain of the east.
These are the sons of Sem in the
tribes of them according to the tongues
of them in the areas of them and in the
nations of them. 32These are the tribes
of the sons of Noe according to the
genesis of them according to the nations
of them; islands of the nations on the
earth were dispersed from these after
the flood.

(Greek to English) GENESIS & EXODUS

And the whole earth was one lip, and
one voice to all. 2And it happened in
the time for them to move from the east
they found a field in the land Sennaar
and they dwelt there. 3And man said to
the neighbor:
“Come here let us make bricks and
let us burn them with fire.”
And the brick became to them into stone
and the bitumen was to them asphalt.
And they said:
“Come here let us build for ourselves
a city and tower, where the head will be
until the heaven, and let us make for
ourselves a name before us to scatter on
the face of the whole earth.”
And the Lord went down to see the city
and the tower, which the sons of men
built. 6And the Lord said:
“Behold one genus and lip in all,
and they began to do this, and now any
thing will not fail out of them,

GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 11:13

whatsoever they desire to do. Come
here and going down let us confuse the
tongue of them there, in order that each
shall not hear the voice of the neighbor.”
And the Lord dispersed them from
there on the face of the whole earth,
and they stopped building the city and
the tower. 9On account of this the name
of it was called “Confusion,” because
the Lord confused the lips of the whole
earth, and from there the Lord God
dispersed them on the face of the whole
And these are the genesis of Sem:
Sem a son hundred years, when he begot
Arphaxad, second year after the flood.
And Sem lived after the time for him to
beget Arphaxad five hundred years and
he begot sons and daughters and he died.
And Arphaxad lived hundred thirty-
five years and begot Kainan. And
Arphaxad lived after him to beget Kainan
four hundred thirty years and he begot
sons and daughters and he died. And
Kainan lived hundred thirty years and
he begot Sala. And Kainan lived after
him to beget Sala three hundred thirty
years and he begot sons and daughters

Genesis 11:14 GENESIS & EXODUS

and he died. 14And Sala lived hundred

thirty years and he begot Eber. 15And
Sala lived after him to beget Eber three
hundred thirty years and he begot sons
and daughters and he died.
And Eber lived hundred thirty-four
years and he begot Phalek. 17And Eber
lived after him to beget Phalek three
hundred seventy years and he begot sons
and daughters and he died. 18And Phalek
lived hundred thirty years and he begot
Rhagau. 19And Phalek lived after him to
beget Rhagau two hundred nine years and
he begot sons and daughters and he died.
And Rhagau lived hundred thirty-two
years and he begot Serouch. 21And Rhagau
lived after him to beget Serouch two
hundred seven years and he begot sons
and daughters and he died. 22And Serouch
lived hundred thirty years and he begot
Nachor. 23And Serouch lived after him
to beget Nachor two hundred years and he
begot sons and daughters and he died.
And Nachor lived seventy-nine years and
he begot Thara. 25And Nachor lived after
him to beget Thara hundred twenty-nine
years and he begot sons and daughters
and he died. 26And Thara lived seventy

GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 12:1

years and begot Abram and Nachor and

And these are the genesis of Thara:
Thara begot Abram and Nachor and Arran,
and Arran begot Lot. 28And Arran died
before Thara the father of him in the
land, in which he was begotten, in the
area of the Chaldeans. 29And Abram and
Nachor took for themselves women; Sara
is the name for the woman of Abram, and
Melcha is the name for the woman of
Nachor a daughter of Arran, father of
Melcha and father of Iescha. 30And Sara
was sterile and bears not child. 31And
Thara took Abram the son of him and Lot
son of Arran the son of him and Sara the
bride of him woman of Abram the son of
him and led them out of the area of the
Chaldeans to go into the land of Canaan
and went until Charran and dwelt there.
And the days of Thara in Charran were
two hundred five years, and Thara died
in Charran.

And the Lord said to Abram:
“Go out of the land of thee and out
of the generation of thee and out of the

Genesis 12:2 GENESIS & EXODUS

house of the father of thee into the

land which I will show to thee; 2and I
will make thee into a great nation and I
will eulogize thee and I will magnify
the name of thee, and thou will be eulo-
gized; 3and I will eulogize the men who
eulogize thee, and I will curse the men
who curse thee; and all the tribes of
the earth will be eulogized in thee.”
And Abram went, just as the Lord
spoke to him, and Lot went with him; and
Abram was seventy-five years, when he
went out of Charran. And Abram took
Sara the woman of him and Lot the son of
the brother of him and all the things
being of them, whatsoever they got, and
every psyche, which they got in Charran,
and they went out to go into the land
Canaan and they went into the land Canaan.
And Abram passed through the land into
the length of it until the place Suchem
on the high oak; and the Canaanites then
were dwelling in the land. And the
Lord appeared to Abram and said to him:
“To the seed of thee I will give this
And Abram built there an altar to the
Lord who appeared to him. 8And he stood

GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 12:15

away from there into the mountain

throughout east of Baithel and set there
the tent of him, Baithel throughout the
sea and Aggai throughout east; and he
built there an altar to the Lord and
called on the name of the Lord.
And Abram took up and having gone he
encamped in the wilderness. 10And famine
came on the land, and Abram went down
into Egypt to sojourn there, because
the famine prevailed on the land. 11And
it happened when Abram drew near to enter
into Egypt, Abram said to Sara the woman
of him:
“I myself know that thou art a
beautiful woman; 12therefore it will be
as the Egyptians shall see thee, they
will say that: ‘This is the woman of
him,’ and they will kill me, and they
will possess thee. 13Therefore say that:
‘I am a sister of him,’ in order that it
becomes well to me on account of thee,
and the psyche of me will live because
of thee.”
And it happened when Abram entered into
Egypt, the Egyptians saw the woman that
she was exceedingly good, 15and the rulers
of Pharaoh saw her and they commended

Genesis 12:16 GENESIS & EXODUS

her to Pharaoh and led her into the

house of Pharaoh; 16and they entreated
Abram well on account of her, and sheep
were given to him and calves and oxen,
men-servants and maidservants, asses and
camels. 17And God struck Pharaoh with
great sores and evil and the house of
him concerning Sara the woman of Abram.
And having called Abram Pharaoh said:
“Why is it that thou did this to me,
that thou reported not to me that she is
a woman of thee? 19Why is it that thou
said that ‘She is a sister of me?’ And
I took her to myself into a woman. And
now behold the woman of thee before thee;
having taken you run away.”
And Pharaoh commanded the men concerning
Abram to send him forth and the woman of
him and all, whatsoever was to him, and
Lot was with him.

And Abram went up out of Egypt, he
himself and the woman of him and all the
things of him and Lot was with him, into
the wilderness. And Abram was
exceedingly rich in cattle and silver
and gold. 3And he went from where he

GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 13:10

came, into the wilderness until Baithel,

until the place, where the tent of him
was formerly, between Baithel and between
Aggai, 4into the place of the altar,
which he made there in the beginning;
and Abram called there the name of the
Lord. 5And to Lot who went with Abram
was sheep and oxen and tents. 6And the
land was not accommodating them to dwell
both, because the things being of them
were many, and both were not able to
dwell. 7And fight between the shepherds
of the cattle of Abram and between the
shepherds of the cattle of Lot happened;
and the Canaanites and the Pherezites
then were dwelling in the land. 8And
Abram said to Lot:
“Let not fight be between me and thee
and between the shepherds of me and
between the shepherds of thee. Because
we ourselves are men brothers. 9Behold
is not the whole land before thee? De-
part from me; if thou shall go into the
left, I into the right; and if thou into
the right, I into the left.”
And having lifted up the eyes of him
Lot saw all the surrounding area of Jordan
that all was being watered before God to
destroy Sodom and Gomorrah as the

Genesis 13:11 GENESIS & EXODUS

paradise of God and as the land of Egypt

until to come into Zogora. And Lot
chose for himself all the surrounding
area of Jordan, and Lot took up from
east, and they departed each from the
brother of him.
And Abram dwelt in the land of
Canaan, and Lot dwelt in the cities of
the surrounding areas and pitched tent
in Sodom; 13and the men in Sodom are
exceedingly evil and sinners before God.
And God said to Abram after Lot to
depart from him:
“Having lifted up the eyes of thee
behold from the place, where thou thyself
art now, towards north and south and
east and the sea; 15because the whole
land, which thou thyself see, I will
give it to thee and to the seed of thee
until the age. And I will make the
seed of thee as the sand of the earth;
if someone is able to count out the sand
of the earth, and the seed of thee will
be counted out. 17Having stood up pass
through the land both into the length of
it and into the breadth, because I will
give it to thee.”

GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 14:7

And having removed his tent having come
Abram dwelt along the oak Mambre, which
was in Chebron, and he built there an
altar for the Lord.

And it happened in the kingdom with
Amarphal king of Sennaar, Arioch king
of Ellasar and Chodollogomor king of
Ailam and Thargal king of the nations
made war with Balla king of Sodom and
with Barsa king of Gomorrah and Sennaar
king of Adama and Sumobor king of Seboim
and king of Balak (this is Segor). 3All
these joined on the salty valley (this
is the salt sea). 4Twelve years they
served Chodollogomor, and on the
thirteenth year they rebelled.
And in the fourteenth year
Chodollogomor came and the kings with
him and they struck the giants in Astaroth
Karnain and a strong nation together
with them and the Ommaious in the city
of Saue 6and the Chorraious in the moun-
tain of Seir until Pharan, which is in
the wilderness. 7And returning they came
on the spring of judgment (this is Kades)
and they struck all the rulers of Amalek

Genesis 14:8 GENESIS & EXODUS

and the Amorrites the men dwelling in

Asasanthamar. And the king of Sodom
went out and the king of Gomorrah and
the king of Adama and the king of Seboim
and the king of Balak (this is Segor)
and joined them into war in the salty
valley, 9against Chodollogomor king of
Ailam and Thargal king of nations and
Amarphal king of Sennaar and Arioch king
of Ellasar, the four kings against the
five. 10And the salty valley was full of
wells of asphalt; and the king of Sodom
fled and the king of Gomorrah and they
fell there, and the men who were left
fled into the mountain. 11And they took
the horse all of Sodom and Gomorrah and
all the foods of them and went away.
And they took also Lot son of the brother
of Abram and the belongings of him and
they went away; for he was dwelling in
And someone of the ones who escaped
having arrived reported to Abram the
Hebrew; and the Amorite himself dwells
towards the oak in Mambre the brother of
Eschol and brother of Aunan, who were
allies of Abram. 14And Abram having heard
that Lot the brother of him was taken
captive, counted his own men the stew-

GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 14:21

ards of him, three hundred eighteen,

and he pursued down behind them until
Dan. 15And he fell on them at night, he
himself and the servants of him, and
struck them and pursued them until Choba,
which is in the left of Damascus 16and
returned all the horse of Sodom, and
returned Lot the brother of him and all
the things being of him and the women
and the people.
And the king of Sodom went out into
a meeting with him -- after him to return
from the smashing of Chodollogomor and
the kings with him -- into the Saue
valley (this was the field of kings).
And Melchisedek king of Salem
brought out bread and wine; and he was a
priest of God the Most High. 19And he
eulogized Abram and said:
“Eulogizing Abram to God the Most
High, who created the heaven and the
earth, 20and eulogized is God the Most
High, who delivered the enemies of thee
to thee under hand.”
And he gave to him tenth from all. And
the king of Sodom said to Abram:

Genesis 14:22 GENESIS & EXODUS

“Give to me the men, and take the

horse for thyself.”
And Abram said to the king of Sodom:
“Stretch out the hand of me towards
God the Most High, who created the heaven
and the earth, 23if I will take from
thread until thong of sandal from all of
thine, in order that thou shall not say
that ‘I myself made Abram rich;’ 24however
which the young men ate and the part of
the men who went with me, Eschol, Aunan,
Mambre, these will take part.”

And after these words the word of
the Lord came to Abram in a vision saying:
“Fear not, Abram, I Myself am the
shield of thee; the reward of thee will
be exceedingly much.”
But Abram says:
“Master, why will thou give to me?
And I myself am released childless; and
the son of Masech the steward of me,
this Eliezer of Damascus.”

GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 15:8

And Abram said:
“Since Thou gave not seed to me, and
the steward of me will inherit from me.”
And right away the voice of the Lord
came to him saying:
‘This will not inherit from thee,
but he who will come out of thee, this
will inherit from thee.”
And He led him outside and said to him:
“Look necessarily into the heaven and
count the stars, if thou art able to
count them out.”
And He said:
“Thus will be the seed of thee.”
And Abram believed God, and He reckoned
it to him into righteousness.
And He said to him:
“I am the God who led thee out of the
areas of the Chaldeans so as to give to
thee to inherit this land.”
But he said:

Genesis 15:9 GENESIS & EXODUS

“Master Lord, according to what will

I know that I will inherit it?”
And He said to him:
“Take to Me a heifer three years old
and a she-goat three years old and a ram
three years old and a turtledove and a
And he took to Him all these and cut
them in the middle and set them facing
one another, but he cut not the birds.
And the birds went down on the bodies,
the cuts of them, and Abram drove them
away. 12And of the sun about setting an
ecstasy fell to Abram, and behold a great
fear of darkness fell to him. 13And it
was said to Abram:
“Knowing thou will know that the seed
of thee will be a sojourner in a land
not his own, and they will enslave them
and mistreat them and they will make
them low four hundred years. 14But the
nation, whichever shall enslave, I Myself
will judge; and after these they will
come out here with many belongings. 15And
thou thyself will go to the fathers of
thee with peace, thou will be buried in
a good old age. 16And they will return

GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 16:2

here in the fourth generation; for the

sins of the Amorrites are not yet filled
up until now.”
And since the sun was going towards
setting, a flame came, and behold a
furnace smoking and lamps of fire, which
passed between these cuts. In that
day the Lord set a covenant to Abram
“To the seed of thee I will give this
land from the river of Egypt until the
great river, the river of Euphrates,
the land of the Kenites and the Kenizites
and the Kadmonites 20and the Hittites
and the Pherizites and the Raphaims 21and
the Amorrites and the Canaanites and
the Hevites and the Gergesites and the

And Sara the woman of Abram delivered
not to him. And there was to her an
Egyptian maidservant, the name is Hagar.
And Sara said to Abram:
“Behold the Lord shut me not to
deliver; therefore enter to the

Genesis 16:3 GENESIS & EXODUS

maidservant of me, in order that thou

shall bear a child out of her.”
And Abram obeyed the voice of Sara. 3And
Sara the woman of Abram having taken
Hagar the Egyptian the maidservant of
herself -- after ten years to dwell with
Abram in the land of Canaan -- also gave
her to Abram the man of her to him as
woman. 4And he entered to Hagar, and
she took and saw that she has in the
belly, and the lady was despised before
her. 5And Sara said to Abram:
“I am unrighteous out of thee; I
myself have given the maidservant of me
into the loins of thee, and having seen
that she has in the belly, I am despised
before her; God judges between me and
And Abram said to Sara:
“Behold the maidservant of thee in
the hands of thee; use her, as what may
be pleasing to thee.”
And Sara mistreated her, and she fled
from the face of her. 7And an angel of
the Lord found her on the spring of
water in the wilderness, on the spring

GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 16:12

in the way to Sour. 8And the angel of

the Lord said to her:
“Hagar maidservant of Sara, thou came
from where and where art thou going?”
And she said:
“I myself fled from the face of Sara
the lady of me.”
And the angel of the Lord said to her:
“Return to the lady of thee and be
low under the hands of her.”
And the angel of the Lord said to her:
“Multiplying I will multiply the seed
of thee, and it shall not be counted
from the multitude.”
And the angel of the Lord said to her:
“Behold thou thyself have in the belly
and thou shall deliver a son and thou
shall call the name of him Ismael, because
the Lord heard the lowliness of thee.
This will be a wild man; the hands of
him on all, and the hands of all on him,
and he shall dwell according to face of
all of the brothers of him.”

Genesis 16:13 GENESIS & EXODUS

And Hagar called the name of the Lord
who speaks to her:
“Thou art the God who sees me.”
Because she said:
“For also before I saw it has been
seen by me.”
Because of this she called the well
“Well Where I Saw Before;” behold between
Kades and between Barad. And Hagar
delivered a son to Abram, and Abram called
the name of the son of him, whom Hagar
delivered to him, Ismael. 16And Abram
was eighty-six years, when Hagar
delivered Ismael to Abram.

And Abram became ninety-nine years,
and the Lord appeared to Abram and said
to him:
“I Myself am the God of thee; be
pleasing before Me and be blameless,
and I will set the covenant of Me between

GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 17:9

Me and between thee and I will multiply

thee exceedingly.”
And Abram fell on the face of him, and
God spoke to him saying:
“And I behold the covenant of Me
with thee, and thou shall be father of
multitude of nations. 5And thou thyself
shall not still be called the name of
thee Abram, but the name of thee will be
Abraham, because I have set thee father
of many nations. 6And I will make thee
grow exceedingly many and I will set
thee into nations, and kings will come
out of thee. And I will set the cov-
enant of Me between Me and between thee
and between the seed of thee after thee
into the generations of them into ever-
lasting covenant to be God of thee and
of the seed of thee after thee. 8And I
will give to thee and to the seed of
thee after thee the land, which thou
sojourn, the whole land of Canaan, into
everlasting possession and I will be
God to them.”
And God said to Abraham:
“And thou thyself shall keep the
covenant of Me, thou and the seed of

Genesis 17:10 GENESIS & EXODUS

thee after thee into the generations of

them. 10And this is the covenant, which
thou shall keep, between Me and you and
between the seed of thee after thee into
the generations of them: every male of
you shall be circumcised, 11and you will
circumcise the flesh of the
uncircumcision of you, and it will be in
sign of the covenant between Me and you.
And every male child eight days old in
you shall be circumcised into the gen-
erations of you, the steward of the house
of thee and the man bought from any son
of foreigner, who is not out of the seed
of thee. 13The steward of the house of
thee and the man bought shall be circum-
cised with circumcision, and the cov-
enant of Me will be on the flesh of you
into everlasting covenant. 14And a male
uncircumcised, which the flesh of the
uncircumcission of him will not be cir-
cumcised on the eighth day, that psyche
shall be destroyed out of the genus of
it, because he violated the covenant of


And God said to Abraham:

GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 17:21

“Sara the woman of thee, shall not

be called the name of her Sara, but
Sarra shall be the name of her. 16And I
will eulogize her and I will give to
thee out of her a child; and I will
eulogize him, and he will be into nations,
and there will be kings of nations out
of him. 17And Abraham fell on the face
and laughed and said in the mind of him
“If he will beget on the hundredth
year, and if Sarra shall deliver being
ninety years old?”
And Abraham said to God:
“Let this Ismael live before Thee.”
And God said to Abraham:
“No; behold Sarra the woman of thee
shall deliver to thee a son, and thou
shall call the name of him Isaak, and I
will set the covenant of Me with him
into an everlasting covenant and to the
seed of him after him. 20And concerning
Ismael behold I heard thee; behold I
eulogized him and I will make him grow
and I will multiply him exceedingly; he
will beget twelve nations, and I will
give him into a great nation. 21And I

Genesis 17:22 GENESIS & EXODUS

will set the covenant of Me to Isaak,

whom Sarra shall deliver to thee into
the this time in the other year.”
And He completed speaking to him
and God went up from Abraham. And
Abraham took Ismael the son of him and
all the stewards of him and all the men
bought and every male of the men in the
house of Abraham and he circumcised the
uncircumcision of them in that time of
the day, as God spoke to him. And
Abraham was ninety-nine years, when he
circumcised the flesh of the
uncircumcision of him. 25And Ismael the
son of him was thirteen years, when the
flesh of the uncircumcision of him was
circumcised. 26In that time of the day
Abraham was circumcised and Ismael the
son of him; 27and all the men of the
house of him and the stewards and the
men bought out of foreigners of nations,
he circumcised them.

And God appeared to him towards the
oak of Mambre of him sitting on the door
of the tent of him at midday. And
having lifted up the eyes of him he saw,

GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 18:8

and behold three men stood above him;

and having seen he ran into a meeting
with them from the door of the tent of
him and he bowed on the ground. 3And he
“Lord, if then I found grace before
Thee, Thou shall not pass by the servant
of Thee; 4necessarily let me take water,
and wash the feet of you, and rest under
the tree; 5and I will take bread, and
eat, and after this you shall pass by
into the way of you, because you turned
to the servant of you.”
And they said:
“Do thus, as thou said.”
And Abraham hastened on the tent to
Sarra and said to her:
“Hasten knead three measures of fine
flour and bake cakes.”
And Abraham ran into the oxen and took
a calf tender and good and he gave to
the servant, and he quickened to do it.
And he took cheese and milk and the
calf, which he made, and set to them,
and they ate; and he himself has stood

Genesis 18:9 GENESIS & EXODUS

by them under the tree. And He said to
“Where is Sarra the woman of thee?”
And having answered he said:
“Behold in the tent.”
And He said:
“Having returned I will come to thee
according to this time into the hour,
and Sarra the woman of thee shall have a
And Sarra heard towards the door of the
tent, being behind him. 11And Abraham
and Sarra were old having advanced in
days, and Sarra failed to do the things
of womanhood. And Sarra laughed in
herself saying:
“Indeed it has not yet become to me
until now, and the lord of me is old.”
And the Lord said to Abraham:
“Why is it that Sarra laughed in
herself saying ‘Then indeed truly I will
deliver? And I myself have become old.’
The word is not impossible in the pres-
ence of God? I will return to thee into

GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 18:20

this time into the hour, and a son will

be to Sarra.”
And Sarra denied saying:
“I laughed not; for I feared.”
And He said:
“Not, but she laughed.”
And having stood out from there the
men looked down on the face of Sodom and
Gomorrah, and Abraham was going with
them sending them forth. 17And the Lord
“I Myself will not hide from Abraham
the servant of Me the things which I
Myself will do. 18And becoming Abraham
will be into a great nation and many,
and all the nations of the earth will be
eulogized in him. 19For I know that he
will order the sons of him and the house
of him with him, and they will guard the
ways of the Lord to do righteousness and
judgment; in order that the Lord shall
lead up all things on Abraham, whatsoever
He spoke to him.”
And the Lord said:

Genesis 18:21 GENESIS & EXODUS

“The outcry of Sodom and Gomorrah

will be multiplied, and the sins of them
are exceedingly great. Having gone
down I will see if according to the
outcry of them coming to Me they are
completed, and if not, in order that I
shall know.”
And having returned from there the men
came into Sodom, and Abraham was standing
before the Lord. 23And having drawn near
Abraham said:
“Thou will not destroy righteous with
ungodly and the righteous will be as the
ungodly? 24If there be fifty righteous
in the city, shall thou destroy them?
Shall Thou not relieve the whole place
because of the fifty righteous, if there
be in it? 25Certainly Thou Thyself will
not do as this word, to kill righteous
with ungodly, and the righteous will be
as the ungodly.. certainly not; shall
not the One who judges the whole earth
do judgment?”
And the Lord said:
“If I find in Sodom fifty righteous
in the city, I will forgive the whole
place on account of them.”

GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 18:31

And having answered Abraham said:
“Now I begin to speak to the Lord,
and I myself am earth and ash; 28and if
the fifty righteous be lessened by five,
shall Thou destroy the whole city be-
cause of the five?”
And He said:
“I shall not at all destroy, if I
find there forty five.”
And he still added to speak to him and
“And if there be found there forty?”
And He said:
“I will not at all destroy because
of the forty.”
And he said:
“Be not angry, Lord, if I will speak;
and if there be found there thirty?”
And He said:
“I will not at all destroy, if I find
there thirty.”
And he said:

Genesis 18:32 GENESIS & EXODUS

“Since I have to speak to the Lord,

and if there be found there twenty?”
And He said:
“I will not at all destroy because
of the twenty.”
And he said:
“Be not angry, Lord, if I will still
speak once; and if there be found there
And He said:
“I will not at all destroy because
of the ten.”
And the Lord went away, as He stopped
speaking to Abraham, and Abraham returned
into the place of him.

And the two angels went into Sodom
at evening; and Lot was sitting along
the gate of Sodom. And having seen Lot
stood up out into a meeting with them
and he bowed with the face on the ground
and said:

GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 19:8

“Behold, lords, turn into the house

of the servant of you and loosen and
wash the feet of you, and early in the
morning go away into the way of you.”
And they said:
“Not, but we shall loosen in the wide
And he was forcing them, and they turned
with him and entered into the house of
him. And he made feast for them, and
baked unleavened bread for them, and
they ate. Before them to sleep also
the men of the city the Sodomites
surrounded the house from young until
old, all the people together, 5and they
were calling out Lot and saying to him:
“Where are the men entering to thee
the night? Lead them out to us, in
order that we may know them.”
And Lot went out to them to the gate,
and he shut the door behind him. 7And he
said to them:
“Certainly not, brothers, you shall
not do evil. 8And there are two daughters
to me, who knew not men; I will lead
them out to you, and use them; as whatever

Genesis 19:9 GENESIS & EXODUS

please you; only do not nothing

unrighteous into these men, because they
entered under the shade of the beam of
And they said:
“Stand away there, thou came in order
to sojourn; and not to judge judgment?
Now therefore we will mistreat thee more
than those.”
And they exceedingly forced the man Lot
and drew near to break the door. 10And
stretching out the hands the men pulled
in Lot to themselves into the house and
closed the door of the house; 11and they
struck the men who are on the door of
the house in blindness from small until
great, and they passed by seeking the
door. 12And the men said to Lot:
“Is someone here with thee, sons-in-
law or sons or daughters? Or if some
other is with thee in the city, lead out
of this place; 13because we ourselves
will destroy this place, because the
outcry of them before the Lord was high,
and the Lord sent us to destroy it.”

GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 19:18

And Lot went out and spoke to the sons-
in-law of him who took the daughters of
him and said:
“Stand up and go out of this place,
because the Lord will destroy the city.”
But he seemed to laugh before the sons-
in-law of him. 15And when the dawn came
the angels hastened Lot saying:
“Having stood up take the woman of
thee and the two daughters of thee, whom
thou have, and go out, in order that
thou shall not be destroyed with the
lawlessness of the city.”
And they were troubled; and the angels
held the hand of him and the hand of the
woman of him and the hands of the two
daughters of him in the time for the
Lord to pity him. 17And it happened when
they led them outside. And they said:
“Saving save the psyche of thyself;
look not into the things behind nor stay
in the whole surrounding area; be saved
into the mountain, lest perchance thou
shall be taken along.”
And Lot said to them:

Genesis 19:19 GENESIS & EXODUS

“I petition, Lord; since the servant
of Thee found mercy before Thee and Thou
magnified the righteousness of Thee,
which Thou do on me, the psyche of me to
live, and I myself will not be able to
be saved into the mountain, lest the
things evil shall take me down and I
die, 20behold this city is near for me to
flee there, which is small, there I will
be saved; is it not small? And the
psyche of me will live.”
And He said to him:
“Behold I made the face of thee wonder
and on this word not to turn down the
city, concerning which thou spoke;
therefore hasten to be saved there;
for I am not able to do matters until
thee to go there.”
On account of this he called the name of
that city “Segor.”
The sun went out on the earth, and
Lot entered into Segor, 24and the Lord
rained on Sodom and Gomorrah sulfur and
fire from the Lord out of the heaven
and He turned down these cities and
the whole neighbor and all the men

GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 19:32

dwelling in the cities and all the things

rising out of the earth.
And the woman of him looked into
the things behind and she became a pillar
of salt. 27And Abraham got up early in
the morning into the place, where he has
stood before the Lord, 28and he looked
on the face of Sodom and Gomorrah and on
the face of the land of the surrounding
area and he saw, and behold flame came
up of the land as vapor of furnace.
And it happened in the time for the
Lord to destroy all the cities of the
surrounding area God remembered Abraham
and sent Lot out of the middle of the
catastrophe in the time for the Lord to
destroy the cities, in which Lot was
dwelling in them. 30And Lot went up out
of Segor and sat in the mountain and the
two daughters of him with him; for he
feared to dwell in Segor. And he dwelt
in the cave, he and the two daughters of
him with him. 31And the older said to
the younger:
“The father of us is old, and no one
is on the land, who will enter to us, as
he dwells the whole land; 32come here
and we shall make the father of us drink

Genesis 19:33 GENESIS & EXODUS

wine and sleep with him and we shall

rise seed out of the father of us.”
And they made the father of them drink
wine in this night, and the older having
entered slept with the father of her
that night, and he knew not in the time
for her to sleep and to rise. 34And the
morrow came and the older said to the
“Behold I slept yesterday with the
father of us; let him drink wine also
this night, and having entered sleep
with him, and we shall rise seed out of
the father of us.”
And also in that night they made the
father of them drink wine, and the younger
having entered slept with the father of
her, and he knew not in the time for her
to sleep and to rise. And the two
daughters of Lot took out of the father
of them. 37And the older delivered a son
and called the name of him Moab saying:
“Out of the father of me.”
This is the father of the Moabites until
the day today. 38And the younger also
delivered a son and called the named of

GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 20:5

him Amman “A son of the genus of me;”

this is the father of the Ammonites until
the day today.

And Abraham moved from there into
the land towards the south and dwelt
between Kades and between Sour and
sojourned in Gerar. 2And Abraham said
concerning Sarra the woman of him that:
“She is a sister of me.”
For he feared to say that “She is a
woman of me,” lest perchance the men of
the city shall kill him on account of
her. And Abimelech king of Gerar sent
and took Sarra. And God entered to
Abimelech in the sleep at night and said:
“Behold thou thyself shall die
concerning the woman, whom thou took,
and this is married to a man.”
And Abimelech touched her not and said:
“Lord, shall Thou destroy a nation
ignorant and righteous? 5Is it not that
this said to me ‘She is a sister of me?’
And she herself said ‘He is a brother of

Genesis 20:6 GENESIS & EXODUS

me.’ In clean heart and in righteousness

I did this worse.”
And God said to him during sleep:
“And I know that thou did this in
clean heart, and I Myself spared thee
not for thee to sin into Me; because of
this I have left thee not to touch her.
And now give the woman to the man,
because he is a prophet and he will pray
concerning thee and thou shall live;
and if thou shall not give, know that
thou thyself shall die and all thine.”
And Abimelech got up early in the morning
and called all the servants of him and
spoke all these words into the ears of
them, and all the men feared exceedingly.
And Abimelech called Abraham and said
to him:
“Why is it that thou did this to us?
We sinned not something into thee, that
thou led a great sin on me and on the
kingdom of me? Thou have done to me a
work, which no one shall do.”
And Abimelech said to Abraham:
“Why is it that thou did this thing?”

GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 20:16

And Abraham said:
“For I said ‘Then there is not god-
liness in this place, and they will kill
me because of the woman of me. For
also truly she is a sister of me out of
the father, but not out of mother; and
she became to me into a woman. 13And it
happened when God led me out of the
house of the father of me, and I said to
her ‘Thou shall do on me this righteous-
ness; into every place, wherever we enter
there, say me that ‘He is a brother of
And Abimelech took a thousand didrachma
sheep and calves and menservants and
maidservants and gave to Abraham and
gave to him Sarra the woman of him.
And Abimelech said to Abraham:
“Behold the land of me before thee;
dwell wherever is pleasing to thee.”
And he said to Sarra:
“Behold I have given a thousand
didrachma to the brother of thee; these
will be to thee into honor of the face
of thee and to all the women with thee;
and all things true.”

Genesis 20:17 GENESIS & EXODUS

And Abraham prayed to God, and God healed
Abimelech and the woman of him and the
maidservants of him, and they delivered;
because closing the Lord closed from
outside all the wombs in the house of
Abimelech because of Sarra the woman of

And the Lord visited Sarra, as He
said, and the Lord did to Sarra, as He
spoke. 2And having taken Sarra deliv-
ered a son to Abraham into the old age
into the time, as the Lord spoke to him.
And Abraham called the name of the son
of him the one who become to him, whom
Sarra delivered to him, Isaak. And
Abraham circumcised Isaak on the eighth
day, as God commanded to him. And
Abraham was hundred years old, when
Isaak the son of him became to him. 6And
Sarra said:
“The Lord made laughter for me; for
whoever hears, he rejoices with me.”
And she said:

GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 21:13

“Who announces to Abraham that Sarra

nurses a child? Because I delivered a
son in the old age of me.”
And the child grew and he was weaned,
and Abraham made a great banquet, on
which day Isaak the son of him was weaned.
And Sarra seeing the son of Hagar the
Egyptian, who came to Abraham, playing
with Isaak the son of her 10she also said
to Abraham:
“Cast out this maidservant and the
son of her; for the son of this
maidservant will not inherit with the
son of me Isaak.”
And the word appeared exceedingly hard
before Abraham concerning the son of
him. 12And God said to Abraham:
“Let not the word be hard before thee
concerning the child and the maidservant;
all, whatsoever Sarra says to thee, hear
the voice of her, because in Isaak a
seed will be called to thee. 13And also
the son of this maidservant, I will make
him into a great nation, because he is
thy seed.”

Genesis 21:14 GENESIS & EXODUS

And Abraham stood up early and took
bread and wineskin of water and gave to
Hagar and set on the shoulder and the
child and sent her. And going they
wandered in the wilderness throughout
the well of the oath. 15And the water
dried out of the wineskin, and she threw
the child under one shoot; 16and going
she sat opposite him from afar about a
throw of a bow; for she said “Let me not
at all see the death of the child of
me.” And she sat opposite him, they
shouted and the child wailed.
And God heard the voice of the child
out of the place, where he was, and an
angel of God called Hagar out of heaven
and said to her:
“What is it, Hagar? Fear not; for
God has heard the voice of the child of
thee out of the place, where he is.
Stand up, take the child and seize it
with the hand of thee; for I will make
him into a great nation.”
And God opened the eyes of her, and she
saw a well of living water and went and
filled the wineskin of water and made
the child drink. 20And God was with the
child, and he grew. And he dwelt in the

GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 21:27

wilderness, and he became an archer.

And he dwelt in the wilderness in Pharan,
and the mother took for him a woman out
of the land of Egypt. 22And it happened
in that time also Abimelech said and
Ochozab the father-in-law of him and
Phikol the chief captain of the power of
him to Abraham saying:
“The God is with thee in all,
whichever you do. 23Now therefore swear
to me God not to harm me nor the seed of
me nor the name of me, but according to
righteousness, which I did with thee,
thou shall do with me and the land,
which thou thyself sojourned in it.”
And Abraham said:
“I myself swear.”
And Abraham reproved Abimelech
concerning the wells of the water, which
the servants of Abimelech took away.
And Abimelech said to him:
“I know not, who made this matter,
neither thou thyself reported to me,
nor I myself heard but rather today.”
And Abraham took sheep and calves and
gave to Abimelech, and both set a

Genesis 21:28 GENESIS & EXODUS

covenant. 28And Abraham set seven ewe

lambs of the sheep alone. 29And Abimelech
said to Abraham:
“What are these seven ewe lambs of
sheep, which thou set alone?”
And Abraham said that:
“Take these seven ewe lambs from me,
in order that they be to me into a witness
that I myself dug this well.”
On account of this he named the name of
that place “Well of Oath,” because both
swore there. 32And they set a covenant
in the well of the oath. And Abimelech
stood up and Ochozab the father-in-law
of him and Phikol the chief captain of
the power of him and they returned into
the land of the Philistines.
And Abraham planted grove on the
well of the oath and called there the
name of the everlasting Lord God. 34And
Abraham sojourned in the land of the
Philistines many days.

Genesis 22:5

And it happened after these words
God tested Abraham and said to him:
“Abraham, Abraham.”
And he said:
“Behold I.”
And He said:
“Take the beloved son of thee, whom
thou loved, Isaak, and go into the high
land and offer him there into a burnt
offering on one of the mountains,
whichever I shall say to thee.”
And having stood up early Abraham saddled
the donkey of him; and he took along
with himself two servants and Isaak the
son of him and cut wood into burnt
offering having stood up he went and
went on the place, which God said to
him. 4And on the third day having lifted
up the eyes Abraham saw the place from
afar. 5And Abraham said to the servants
of him:

Genesis 22:6 GENESIS & EXODUS

“Sit here with the donkey, and I and

the little child will go through until
here and having worshipped we shall
return to you.”
And Abraham took the wood of the burnt
offering and placed on Isaak the son of
him; and he took also the fire with the
hand and the sword, and the two went
together. And Isaak said to Abraham
the father of him saying:
And he said:
“What is it, child?”
He said:
“Behold the fire and the wood; where
is the sheep into burnt offering?”
And Abraham said:
“God will see for himself a sheep
into burnt offering, child.”
And they both went together.
They came to the place, which God
said to him. And Abraham built an altar
there and placed the wood and having
bound Isaak the son of him he placed him

GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 22:16

on the altar above the wood. 10And Abraham

stretched out the hand of him to take
the sword to slay the son of him. 11And
an angel of the Lord out of heaven called
him and said to him:
“Abraham, Abraham.”
And he said:
“Behold I.”
And he said:
“Thou shall not cast the hand of thee
on the little child nor do to him
anything; for now I know that thou thy-
self fear God and thou spared not the
beloved son of thee on account of Me.”
And having lifted up the eyes of him he
saw, and behold one ram with the horns
being fastened in thick plant; and
Abraham went and took the ram and offered
it into a burnt offering instead of Isaak
the son of him. 14And Abraham called the
name of that place “The Lord saw,” that
they say today “The Lord appeared in the
mountain.” 15And the angel of the Lord
called Abraham a second time out of heaven

Genesis 22:17 GENESIS & EXODUS

“Down from Myself I swore,” says the

Lord, “because thou did this word and
spared not the beloved son of thee on
account of Me, 17which indeed eulogizing
I will eulogize thee and multiplying I
will multiply the seed of thee as the
stars of the heaven and as the sand
along the lip of the sea, and the seed
of thee will inherit the cities of the
adversaries; 18and all the nations of
the earth will be eulogized in the seed
of thee, for which thou obeyed My voice.”
And Abraham returned to the servants
of him, and having stood up they went
together on the well of the oath. And
Abraham dwelt on the well of the oath.
And it happened after these words and
it was announced to Abraham saying:
“Behold Melcha herself has delivered
sons of Nachor the brother of thee, 21Ox
the firstborn and Baux the brother of
him and Kamouel the father of Suro 22and
Chasad and Azau and Phaldas and Iedlaph
and Bathouel; 23 and Bathouel begot
These eight are sons, whom Melcha
delivered to Nachor the brother of
Abraham. And the concubine of him,

GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 23:8

the name Rheema, also herself delivered

Tabek and Gaam and Tochos and Mocha.

And the life of Sarra was hundred
twenty-seven years. 2And Sarra died in
the city of Arbok, which is in the valley
(this is Chebron) in the land of Canaan.
And Abraham went to lament and to mourn
Sarra. 3And Abraham stood up from the
dead of him and said to the sons of Chet
“I myself am a sojourner and pilgrim
with you; therefore give to me a property
of grave with you, and I shall bury the
dead of me from me.”
And the sons of Chet answered to Abraham
“Not, lord; and hear us. Thou thyself
art king from God in us; bury the dead
of thee in the chosen tombs of us; for
no one of us shall hinder from thee to
bury the dead of thee there.”
And having stood up Abraham bowed to
the people of the land, to the sons of
Chet, 8and Abraham spoke to them saying:

Genesis 23:9 GENESIS & EXODUS

“If you have the psyche of you so as

to bury the dead of me from the face of
me, hear me and speak concerning me Ephron
of Saar, 9and give to me the double cave,
which is to him, which is in part of the
field of him; let him give it to me
worth of silver into a property of tomb
in you.”
And Ephron was sitting in the middle
of the sons of Chet; and having answered
Ephron the Hittite said to Abraham of
the hearing of the sons of Chet and all
of the ones going into the city saying:
“Be beside me, lord, and hear me.
I give to thee the field and the cave in
it; I have given to thee before all of
the citizens of me; bury the dead of
And Abraham bowed before all the people
of the land 13and said to Ephron into the
ears of the people of the land:
“Since thou art with me, hear me;
take the silver of the field from me,
and I will bury the dead of me there.”
And Ephron answered to Abraham saying:

GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 24:2

“Not, lord; hear. The land is four
hundred didrachma of silver, what may
this be between me and thee? And thou
thyself bury the dead of thee.”
And Abraham heard Ephron, and Abraham
set to Ephron the silver, which he spoke
into the ears of the sons of Chet, four
hundred didrachma of silver approved by
merchants. And the field of Ephron
was set, which was in the double cave,
which is against the face of Mambre, the
field and the cave, which was in it, and
every tree, which was in the field, which
is in the mountains around it, 18to Abraham
into property before the sons of Chet
and all the ones entering into the city.
After these Abraham buried Sarra the
woman of him in the double cave of the
field, which is opposite Mambre (this
is Chebron) in the land of Canaan. 20And
the field and the cave, which was in it,
was ratified to Abraham into property
of grave from the sons of Chet.

And Abraham was old of days
advancing, and the Lord eulogized Abraham
according to all. 2And Abraham said to

Genesis 24:3 GENESIS & EXODUS

the servant of him the presbyter of the

house of him the ruler of all of the
things of him:
“Set the hand of thee under the thigh
of me, 3and I adjure thee the Lord the
God of the heaven and the God of the
earth, that thou shall not take a woman
for the son of me Isaak from the daughters
of the Canaanites, with whom I myself
dwell in them, 4but into the land of me,
where I was, go into the tribe of me and
take a woman for the son of me Isaak
from there.”
And the servant said to him:
“Lest perchance the woman wish not
to go with me behind into this; shall I
return the son of thee into the land,
where thou came out from there?”
And Abraham said to him:
“Hold on to thyself, thou shall not
return the son of me there. 7The Lord
the God of the heaven and the God of the
earth, who took me out of the house of
the father of me and out of the land,
where I was, who spoke to me and swore
to me saying: ‘I will give to thee this
land and to the seed of thee.’ He Himself

GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 24:14

will send the angel of Him in front of

thee, and thou shall take a woman for
the son of me Isaak from there. 8And if
the woman wills not to go with thee into
this land, thou will be clean from this
oath; only thou shall not return the son
of me there.”
And the servant set the hand of him
under the thigh of Abraham the lord of
him and swore to him concerning this
word 10and the servant took ten camels
from the camels of the lord of him and
from all of the goods of the lord of him
with himself and having stood up he went
into Mesopotamia into the city of Nachor.
And he made the camels to rest
outside the city along the well of the
water towards evening, when the women
water drawers are coming out. 12And he
“Lord the God of the lord of me
Abraham, prosper before me today and do
mercy with the lord of me Abraham.
Behold I myself have stood on the spring
of the water, and the daughters of the
men dwelling the city are coming out to
draw water. 14And the virgin will be,
whomever I myself say: ‘Incline the

Genesis 24:15 GENESIS & EXODUS

waterpot of thee, in order that I may

drink,’ and she shall say to me: ‘Drink,
and I shall let the camels of thee drink,
until they stop to drink,’ Thou pre-
pared this for the servant of Thee Isaak,
and in this I shall know that Thou did
mercy to the lord of me Abraham.”
And it happened before him to complete
speaking in the mind, and behold Rhebekka
the woman having been delivered to
Bathouel son of Melcha the woman of Nachor
and brother of Abraham went out having
the waterpot on the shoulders of her.
And the virgin was exceedingly good in
the face; she was a virgin, a man knew
her not. And going down on the spring
she filled the waterport and came up.
And the servant ran into a meeting of
her and said:
“Give me to drink little water out
of the waterpot of thee.”
And she said:
“Drink, lord.”
And she hastened and lowered the waterpot
on the arm of her and she made him to
drink, 19until he stopped drinking. And
she said:

GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 24:25

“I will also draw water for the camels

of thee, until all could drink.”
And she hastened and emptied the
waterpot into the trough and she still
ran on the well to draw and she drew
water for all the camels. 21And the man
observed her and kept silent to know if
the Lord prospered the way of him or
not. And it happened when all the
camels stopped to drink, the man took
gold earrings each a drachma of weight
and two bracelets on the hands of her,
ten gold of weight of them. And he
asked her and said:
“Thou art a daughter of who? Announce
to me; if there is a place for us to
loosen in the presence of the father of
And she said to him:
“I myself am a daughter of Bathouel
of Melcha, whom she delivered to Nachor.”
And she said to him:
“Also there is much chaff and
foodstuff in the presence of us and place
to loosen.”

Genesis 24:26 GENESIS & EXODUS

And having been pleased the man bowed
to the Lord 27and said:
“Eulogized is the Lord the God of
the lord of me; the Lord prospered me
into the house of the brother of the
lord of me.”
And having run the child reported into
the house of the mother of her according
to these words. 29And a brother was to
Rhebekka, the name to whom is Laban; and
Laban ran to the man outside on the
spring. 30And it happened when he saw
the earrings and the bracelets on the
hands of the sister of him and when he
heard the words of Rhebekka the sister
of him saying: “The man has spoken to
me thus;” and he went to the man having
stood by the camels of him on the spring
and he said to him:
“Come here thou enter; eulogized is
the Lord; why is it that thou have stood
outside? And I myself prepared the house
and place for the camels.”
And the man entered into the house and
loose the camels. And he gave chaff and
foodstuff to the camels and water to
wash the feet of him and the feet of the

GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 24:38

men with him. 33And he set to them bread

to eat. And he said:
“I shall not at all eat until the
time for me to speak the words of me.”
And they said:
And he said:
“I myself am a servant of Abraham.
And the Lord eulogized the lord of me
exceedingly, and he was exalted; and He
gave to him sheep and calves, silver and
gold, men-servants and maidservants, cam-
els and donkeys. 36And Sarra the woman
of the lord of me delivered one son to
the lord of me after him to become old,
and gave to him whatsoever was for him.
And the lord of me adjured me saying:
‘Thou shall not take a woman for the
son of me from the daughters of the
Canaanites, in which I myself sojourn
in the land of them, 38but rather go into
the house of the father of me and into
the tribe of me and take a woman for the
son of me from there.’

Genesis 24:39 GENESIS & EXODUS

“And I said to the lord of me: ‘Lest
perchance the woman will not go with me’
and he said to me: ‘The Lord, to whom
I am pleasing before Him, He Himself
shall send the angel of Him with thee
and he will prosper the way of thee, and
thou shall take a woman for the son of
me out of the tribe of me and out of the
house of the father of me. 41Then thou
shall be innocent from the curse of me;
for whenever thou come into my tribe and
they give not to thee, also thou shall
be innocent from the oath of me.’
“And coming today on the spring I
said: ‘Lord the God of the lord of me
Abraham, if Thou Thyself prosper the
way of me, which I myself go now on it,
behold I myself have stood on the spring
of the water, and the daughters of the
men of the city are coming out to draw
water, and the virgin will be, whoever I
myself say “Give me to drink a little
water out of the waterpot of thee,”’
and say to me: ‘Thou thyself drink
also, and I will draw water for the
camels of thee, this is the woman, which
the Lord prepared for Isaak the servant
of Himself, and in this I will know that

GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 24:49

Thou have done mercy to the lord of me

“And it happened before me to
complete speaking in the mind right away
Rhebekka went out having a waterpot on
the shoulders and she came down on the
spring and drew water. And I said to
her: ‘Give me to drink.’ 46And having
hastened she lowered the waterpot of
her from herself and said: ‘Thou thyself
drink, and let the camels of thee drink.’
And I drank, and the camels of me drank.
And I asked her and said: ‘Thou art a
daughter of who?’ And she was saying:
‘I am a daughter of Bathouel the son of
Nachor, whom Melcha delivered to him.’
And I placed to her the earrings and the
bracelets around the hands of her; 48and
being pleased I bowed to the Lord and
eulogized the Lord the God of the lord
of me Abraham, who prospered me in the
way of truth to take the daughter of the
brother of the lord of me for the son of
“If therefore you yourselves will
do mercy and righteousness to the lord
of me, report to me, and if not, report
to me, in order that I may turn into the
right or into the left.”

Genesis 24:50 GENESIS & EXODUS

And having answered Laban and Bathouel
“This order came out from the Lord;
therefore we are not able to say to thee
bad for good. 51Behold Rhebekka before
thee; having taken go, and let her be
woman for the son of the lord of thee,
as the Lord spoke.”
And it happened in the time for the
servant of Abraham to hear these words
he bowed on the ground to the Lord; 53and
the servant offered things of silver
and gold and gave garments to Rhebekka
and gave gifts to the brother of her and
to the mother of her. 54And they ate and
drank, he and the men being with him and
they slept. And having stood up early
he said:
“Send me out, in order that I may go
away to the lord of me.”
And the brothers of her and the mother
“Let the virgin remain with us about
ten days, and after these she will go
And the man said to them:

GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 24:61

“Hold me not, and the Lord prospered

the way of me; send me out, in order
that I may go away to the lord of me.”
And the men said:
“We shall call the servant and ask
the mouth of her.”
And they called Rhebekka and said to
“Go with this man”
And she said:
“I will go.”
And they sent out Rhebekka the sister
of them and the things being of her and
the servant of Abraham and the men with
him. 60And they eulogized Rhebekka the
sister of them and said to her:
“Thou art a sister of us; be into
thousands of myriads, and let the seed
of thee inherit the cities of the
And having stood up Rhebekka and the
maids of her embarked on the camels and
they went with the man, and the servant
having taken Rhebekka went away.

Genesis 24:62 GENESIS & EXODUS

And Isaak was going through the
wilderness throughout the well of the
vision; and he dwells in the land towards
the south. And Isaak came out to
meditate into the field towards twilight
and having lifted up the eyes he saw
camels coming. 64And having lifted up
the eyes Rhebekka saw Isaak and she went
down from the camel 65and said to the
“Who is that man going in the field
into a meeting with us?”
And the servant said:
“This is the lord of me.”
And having taken the veil she was covering
herself. 66And the servant narrated to
Isaak all the words, which he did. 67And
Isaak entered into the house of the mother
of him and took Rhebekka, and became a
woman of him, and loved her; and Isaak
was exhorted concerning Sarra the mother.

And adding Abraham took a woman,
whose name is Chettoura. And she
delivered to him Zemran and Iexan and
Madan and Madiam and Iesbok and Soue.

GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 25:11

And Iexan begot Saba and Thaiman and
Daidan; and the sons of Daidan were
Rhagouel and Nabdeel and Assourum and
Latousum and Loomim. 4And the sons of
Madiam: Gaipha and Apher and Enoch and
Abira and Elraga. All these were sons
of Chettoura.
And Abraham gave all the things being
of him to Isaak the son of him, 6and to
the sons of the concubines of him Abraham
gave gifts and sent them out from Isaak
the son of him still of him living towards
east into the land of the east.
And these are the years of the days
of the life of Abraham, whatsoever he
lived: hundred seventy-five years. 8And
failing Abraham died in good old age a
presbyter and full of days and he was
added to the people of him. 9And Isaak
and Ismael the sons of him buried him
into the double cave into the field of
Ephron of Saar the Hittite, which is
opposite Mambre, 10the field and the cave,
which Abraham acquired from the sons of
Chet, they buried Abraham there and Sarra
the woman of him. And it happened
after Abraham to die God eulogized Isaak
the son of him; and Isaak dwelt along
the well of the vision.

Genesis 25:12 GENESIS & EXODUS

And the genesis of Ismael the son
of Abraham, whom Hagar the maidservant
of Sarra delivered to Abraham, 13and these
are the names of the sons of Ismael
according to the name of the generations
of him: firstborn of Ismael Nabaioth
and Kedar and Nabdeel and Massam 14and
Masma and Idouma and Masse 15and Choddad
and Thaiman and Ietour and Naphes and
Kedma. 16These are the sons of Ismael
and these are the names of them in the
tents of them and in the dwelling of
them: twelve rulers according to the
nations of them. And these are the
years of the life of Ismael: hundred
thirty-seven years; and failing he died
and was added to the genus of him. 18And
he dwelt from Euilat until Sour, which
is according to the face of Egypt, until
to come to Assyria; he dwelt according
to face of all of the brothers of him.


These are the genesis of Isaak the
son of Abraham: Abraham begot Isaak.
And Isaak was forty years, when he took
Rhebekka daughter of Bathouel the Syr-
ian out of Mesopotamia sister of Laban
the Syrian woman for himself. 21And Isaak


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 25:26

was petitioning the Lord concerning

Rhebekka the woman of him, because she
was sterile; and God heard him, and
Rhebekka the woman of him took in the
belly. And the children in her
struggled; and she said:
“If it matters to me to be thus, that
why is this to me?”
And she went to inquire from the Lord.
And the Lord said to her:
“There are two nations in the belly
of thee, and two peoples shall be divided
out of the womb of thee; and a people
will prevail over a people, and the
greater will serve the lesser.”
And the days of the time for her to
deliver were fulfilled, and twins were
in the womb of her. 25The firstborn son
came out reddish, the whole body as a
hairy mantle; and she named the name of
him Esau. 26And after this the brother
of him came out, and the hand of him is
taking hold of the heel of Esau; and she
called the name of him Iakob. And Isaak
was sixty years, when Rhebekka delivered


Genesis 25:27 GENESIS & EXODUS

And the young men grew, and Esau
was a man knowing to hunt a man of field,
and Iakob was a quiet man staying in
house. 28And Isaak loved Esau, because
the beast-hunting of him is food to him;
and Rhebekka loved Iakob. 29And Iakob
boiled pottage; and Esau came out of the
field failing, 30and Esau said to Iakob:
“Let me taste from this reddish pot-
tage, because I am failing.”
On account of this the name of him was
called Edom. 31And Iakob said to Esau:
“Give to me today the birthrights of
thee to me.”
And Esau said:
“Behold I myself am going to die,
and that what are to me these
And Iakob said to him:
“Swear to me today.”
And he swore to him; and Esau gave the
birthrights to Iakob. 34And Iakob gave
to Esau bread and pottage of lentils,
and he ate and drank and having stood up


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 26:5

he was going; and Esau made the

birthrights worthless.

And famine came on the land apart
from the famine formerly, which came in
the season of Abraham; and Isaak went to
Abimelech the king of the Philistines
into Gerar. 2And the Lord appeared to
him and said:
“Go down not into Egypt; and dwell
in the land, whichever I say to thee.
And sojourn in this land, and I will be
with thee and I will eulogize thee; for
also I will give all this land to thee
and I will set the oath of Me, which I
swore to Abraham the father of thee.
And I will multiply the seed of thee as
the stars of the heaven and I will give
to the seed of thee all this land, and
all the nations of the earth shall be
eulogized in the seed of thee, 5for which
Abraham the father of thee obeyed My
voice and guarded the orders of Me and
the commandments of Me and the
justifications of Me and the statutes
of Me.”


Genesis 26:6 GENESIS & EXODUS

And Isaak dwelt in Gerar. 7And the men
of the place asked concerning Rhebekka
the woman of him. And he said:
“She is a sister of me.”
For he feared to say that “She is woman
of me,” lest perchance the men of the
place will kill him concerning Rhebekka
the woman of him, because she was
beautiful in the face.
And long time passed there; and
having stooped to look through the window
Abimelech the king of Gerar saw Isaak
playing with Rhebekka the woman of him.
And Abimelech called Isaak and said to
“Then indeed she is a woman of thee;
why is it that thou said ‘She is a sister
of me?’”
And Isaak said to him:
“For I said ‘Lest perchance I die on
account of her.’”
And Abimelech said to him:
“Why is it that thou did this to us?
Someone of the genus of me almost slept


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 26:18

with the woman of thee, and thou led on

us ignorance.”
And Abimelech ordered to all the people
of him saying:
“Every man who touches this man or
the woman of him will be guilty of death.”
And Isaak sowed in that land and found
in that year hundredfold barley; and
the Lord eulogized him. 13And the man
was exalted and he was becoming greater
going forward, until which he became
exceedingly great 14and cattle of sheep
and cattle of oxen and many farmers became
to him. And the Philistines envied him.
And all the wells, which the servants
of the father of him dug in the time of
the father of him, the Philistines
stopped them and filled them with soil.
And Abimelech said to Isaak:
“Go away from us, because thou become
exceedingly more powerful than us.”
And Isaak went away from there and
loosened in the valley of Gerar and dwelt
there. 18And again Isaak dug the wells
of water, which the servants of Abraham
the father of him dug and the Philistines
stopped them after Abraham the father


Genesis 26:19 GENESIS & EXODUS

of him to die, and he named them names

according to the names, which Abraham
the father of him named. And the
servants of Isaak dug in the valley of
Gerar and found there wells of living
water. 20And the shepherds of Gerar fought
with the shepherds of Isaak insisting
the water to be of them; and he called
the name of the well “Unrighteousness;”
for they wronged him. 21And having taken
away from there Isaak dug another well,
and also they were being judged
concerning that; and he named the name
of it “Echthria.” And having taken
away from there he dug another well, and
they fought not concerning it; and he
named the name of it “Euruchoria” saying:
“Wherefore now the Lord broadened us
and made us grow on the land.”
And he came up from there on the well
of the oath. 24And the Lord appeared to
him in that night and said:
“I Myself am the God of Abraham the
father of thee; fear not; for I am with
thee and I have eulogized thee and I
will multiply the seed of thee on ac-
count of Abraham the father of thee.”


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 26:32

And he built there an altar and he
called the name of the Lord and pitched
there the tent of him; and the servants
of Isaak dug there a well. 26And Abimelech
went to him from Gerar and Ochozab the
father-in-law of him and Phikol the chief
captain of the power of him. 27And Isaak
said to them:
“Why is it that you came to me? You
yourselves hated me and sent me from
And they said:
“Seeing we have seen that the Lord
was with thee, and we said ‘Let then be
betweeen us and between thee, and we
will set a covenant with thee 29not to do
evil with us, as we ourselves abominated
thee not and which manner we did well to
thee and sent thee out with peace; and
now thou thyself art eulogized by the
And he made to them a banquet, and they
ate and drank; 31and having stood up early
a man swore to the neighbor of him, and
Isaak sent them out, and they departed
from him with salvation. 32And it happened
in that day and having arrived the


Genesis 26:33 GENESIS & EXODUS

servants of Isaak reported to him

concerning the well, which they dug,
and said:
“We found not water.”
And he called it “Oath;” on account of
this the name for the city is well of
oath until the day today.
And Esau was forty years and he
took a woman Ioudin the daughter of Beer
the Hittite and Basemmath daughter of
Ailon the Hevite. And they were
quarreling with Isaak and Rhebekka.

And after Isaak became old and the
eyes of him dimmed to see, also he called
Esau the older son of him and said to
“Son of me.”
And he said:
“Behold I.”
And he said:


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 27:10

“Behold I have become old and I know

not the day of the death of me; 3now
therefore take the things of thee, both
the quiver and the bow, and go out into
the field and hunt for me a beast 4and
make for me savory food, as I myself
love, and bring to me, that I may eat,
in order that the psyche of me may eulo-
gize thee before me to die.”
And Rhebekka heard Isaak speaking to
Esau the son of him. And Esau went into
the field to hunt a beast for the father
of him; 6and Rhebekka said to Iakob the
son of her the lesser:
“Behold I heard the father of thee
speaking to Esau the brother of thee
saying: 7‘Bring to me a beast and make
for me savory food, and having eaten I
will eulogize thee before the Lord be-
fore me to die.’ 8Now therefore, son,
hear me, as I myself command to thee,
and having gone into the sheep take to
me from there two goats tender and good,
and I will make them savory food for the
father of thee, as he loves, 10and bring
in to the father of thee, and he eats,
in order that the father of thee may
eulogize thee before him to die.”


Genesis 27:11 GENESIS & EXODUS

But Iakob said to Rhebekka the mother
of him:
“Esau the brother of me is a hairy
man, but I a smooth man; 12lest per-
chance the father of me shall touch me,
and I will be before him as mocking and
I will lead on myself curse and not
The mother said to him:
“The curse of thee on me, child; only
obey the voice of me and having gone
bring to me.”
And having gone he took and brought to
the mother, and the mother of him made
savory food, as the father of him loves.
And Rhebekka having taken the good stole
of Esau the older son of her, which was
beside her in the house, clothed Iakob
the younger son of her 16and she placed
the skins of the goats on the arms of
him and on the naked parts of the neck
of him 17and she gave the savory food and
the bread, which she made, into the hands
of Iakob the son of her. 18And he brought
in to the father of him. And he said:


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 27:22

And he said:
“Behold I. Who art thou?”
And Iakob said to the father of him:
“I Esau the firstborn of thee; I did,
as thou spoke to me; having stood up
sit and eat of the beast-hunting of me,
in order that the psyche of thee may
eulogize me.”
But Isaak said to the son of him:
“Why is this, that thou found quickly,
oh child?”
And he said:
“The Lord the God of thee gave be-
fore me.”
And Isaak said to Iakob:
“Draw near to me, and I will touch
thee, child, if thou thyself art the son
of me Esau or not.”
And Iakob drew near to Isaak the father
of him, and he touched him and said:
“The voice indeed is the voice of
Iakob, but the hands are hands of Esau.”


Genesis 27:23 GENESIS & EXODUS

And he recognized him not; for the hands
of him were as the hairy hands of Esau
the brother of him; and he eulogized
him. And he said:
“Art thou thyself the son of me Esau?”
And he said:


And he said:
“Lead forth to me, and I may eat
from the beast-hunting of thee, child,
in order that the psyche of me may eulo-
gize thee.”
And he brought forth to him, and he ate;
and he brought in to him wine, and he
drank. And Isaak the father of him
said to him:
“Draw near to me and kiss me,
And having drawn near he kissed him,
and he smelled the smell of the garments
of him and he eulogized him and said:


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 27:32

“Behold the smell of the son of me as

the smell of full field, which the Lord
eulogized. 28And may God give to thee
from the dew of the heaven and from the
fatness of the earth and multitude of
wheat and wine. 29And let nations serve
thee, and rulers will bow to thee; and
become lord of the brother of thee, and
the sons of the father of thee will bow
to thee. The man who curses thee is
cursed, and the man who eulogizes thee
is eulogized.”


And it happened after Isaak to stop
eulogizing Iakob the son of him and it
happened as Iakob went out from the face
of Isaak the father of him, also Esau
the brother of him came from the beast-
hunting. 31And also he himself made savory
food and brought forth to the father of
him and said to the father:
“Let the father of me stand up and
let him eat of the beast-hunting of the
son of him, in order that the psyche of
thee shall eulogize me.”
And Isaak the father of him said to


Genesis 27:33 GENESIS & EXODUS

“Who art thou thyself?”

And he said:
“I myself am Esau the firstborn son
of thee.”
And Isaak was out of himself with
exceedingly great ecstacy and said:
“Therefore who is the man who hunted
for me a beast and brought in to me?
And I ate from all before thee to come
and I eulogized him, and let him be
And it happened when Esau heard the
words of Isaak the father of him, he
shouted an exceedingly great voice and
bitterness and said:
“Eulogize me necessarily also, Fa-
But he said to him:
“The brother of thee having come with
deceit took the eulogy of thee.”
And he said:
“Righteously the name of him was
called Iakob; for he supplanted me al-
ready this second time; and he took the


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 27:40

birthrights of me and now he took the

eulogy of me.”
And Esau said to the father of him:
“Is there not a eulogy left for me,
And having answered Isaak said to Esau:
“If I made him lord of thee and I
made all the brothers of him helpers, I
set him firm with wheat and wine, and
what shall I do for thee, child?”
And Esau said to the father of him:
“There is not one eulogy to thee,
Father? Eulogize me necessarily also,
And having pierced Isaak Esau shouted a
voice and wailed. 39And having answered
Isaak the father of him said to him:
“Behold the dwelling of thee will be
away from the fatness of the earth and
from the dew of the heaven from above;
and thou shall live on the sword of
thee and thou shall serve the brother of
thee; but it will be whenever thou can
loose, also thou will break the yoke of
him from the neck of thee.”


Genesis 27:41 GENESIS & EXODUS

And Esau begrudged Iakob concern-
ing the eulogy, which the father of him
eulogized him; and Esau said in the mind:
“Let the days of the sorrow of the
father of me draw near, in order that I
could kill Iakob the brother of me.”
But the words of Esau the older son of
her were reported to Rhebekka, and having
sent she called Iakob the younger son of
her and said to him:
“Behold Esau the brother of thee
threatens to thee to kill thee; 43now
therefore, child, hear the voice of me
and having stood up flee into Mesopota-
mia into Charran to Laban the brother of
me 44and dwell with him some days until
the fury to turn away 45and the wrath of
the brother of thee from thee and he
forgets what thou have done to him, and
having sent I will send for thee from
there, lest perchance I would be child-
less from the two of you in one day.”
And Rhebekka said to Isaak:


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 28:5

“I am wearied for the life of me on

account of the daughters of the sons of
Chet; if Iakob will take a woman from
the daughters of this land, that what is
for me to live?”

And having called for Iakob Isaak
eulogized him and commanded him saying:
“Thou shall not take a woman out of
the daughters of Canaan; 2having stood
up flee into Mesopotamia into the house
of Bathouel the father of the mother of
thee and take for thyself from there a
woman out of the daughters of Laban the
brother of the mother of thee. 3And the
God of me will eulogize thee and make
thee grow and multiply thee, and thou
will be into synagogues of nations; 4and
He will give to thee the eulogy of Abraham
the father of me, to thee and to the
seed of thee with thee, to inherit the
land of the sojourn of thee, which God
gave to Abraham.”
And Isaak sent Iakob, and he went into
Mesopotamia to Laban the son of Bathouel
the Syrian and brother of Rhebekka the
mother of Iakob and Esau.


Genesis 28:6 GENESIS & EXODUS

And Esau saw that Isaak eulogized
Iakob and sent away into Mesopotamia of
Syria to take for himself a woman from
there in the time for him to eulogize
him and commanded him saying:
“Thou shall not take a woman from
the daughters of Canaan.”
And Iakob heard the father and the mother
of him and went into Mesopotamia of Syria.
And Esau saw that the daughters of Canaan
are evil before Isaak the father of him,
and Esau went to Ismael and took Maeleth
daughter of Ismael the son of Abraham
sister of Nabaioth to the women of him
as woman.
And Iakob went out from the well of
the oath, and he went into Charran. 11And
he came to a place and slept there; for
the sun was setting; and he took from
the stones of the place and placed towards
the head of him and slept in that place.
And he dreamt, and behold a ladder being
set in the ground, of which the head
reaches into the heaven, and the angels
of God going up and coming down on it.
And the Lord was on it and said:


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 28:18

“I am the Lord the God of Abraham the

father of thee and the God of Isaak;
fear not; the land, on which thou thyself
sleep on it, I will give it to thee and
to the seed of thee. 14And the seed of
thee will be as the sand of the earth
and it will be broadened on the sea and
on the south and on the north and on the
east, and all the tribes of the earth
will be blessed in thee and in the seed
of thee. And behold I will be with
thee guarding thee in all the way,
wherever thou go, and I will return thee
into this land, because I will not at
all forsake thee until Me to do all,
whatsoever I spoke to thee.”
And Iakob rose out from the sleep of
him and said that:
“The Lord is in this place, and I
knew not.”
And he feared and said:
“How fearful is this place; this is
not but the house of God, and this is
the gate of heaven.”
And Iakob stood up early and took the
stone, which he placed there towards
the head of him, and set it pillar and


Genesis 28:19 GENESIS & EXODUS

poured oil on the corner of it. 19And

Iakob called the name of that place “House
of God;”and Oulamlous was the name for
the city formerly. 20And Iakob vowed a
vow saying:
“If the Lord God be with me and guard
me in this way, which I myself go, and
He will give to me bread to eat and
garment to wear 21and He will return me
with salvation into the house of the
father of me, the Lord will be to me
into God, 22and this stone, which I set
as pillar, will be to me house of God,
and of all, whichever Thou give to me, I
will give back tenth to Thee.”

And having taken out the feet Iakob
went into the land of the people of the
east to Laban the son of Bathouel the
Syrian and brother of Rhebekka mother
of Iakob and Esau. 2And having looked
also behold a well in the field, and
three flocks of sheep were there resting
on it; for out of that well they let the
flocks drink, but a great stone was on


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 29:7

the mouth of the well, 3and all the flocks

were assembling there and they roll away
the stone from the mouth of the well and
they let the sheep drink and they set
the stone on the mouth of the well into
the place of it. And Iakob said to
“Brothers, you yourselves are from
And the men said:
“We are out of Charran.”
And he said to them:
“You know Laban the son of Nachor?”
And the men said:
“We know.”
And he said to them:
“Is he well?”
And the men said:
“He is well. And behold Rhachel the
daughter of him is coming with the sheep.”
And Iakob said:


Genesis 29:8 GENESIS & EXODUS

“There is still much day, not yet

hour to assemble the cattle; having let
the sheep drink go away feed them.”
But the men said:
“We are not able until all the shep-
herds to assemble and roll away the stone
from the mouth of the well, and we let
the sheep drink.”
Of him still speaking to them also
Rhachel the daughter of Laban was coming
with the sheep of the father of her; for
she was feeding the sheep of the father
of her. 10And it happened as Iakob saw
Rhachel daughter of Laban brother of
the mother of him and the sheep of Laban
brother of the mother of him also having
approached Iakob rolled away the stone
from the mouth of the well and let the
sheep of Laban the brother of the mother
of him drink. 11And Iakob kissed Rhachel
and having shouted the voice of him he
wailed. And he reported to Rhachel
that he is a brother of the father of
her and that he is a son of Rhebekka,
and having ran she reported to the father
of her according to these words.


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 29:19

And it happened as Laban heard the
name of Iakob the son of the sister of
him, he ran into a meeting with him and
having embraced him he kissed and led
him into the house of him. And he
narrated to Laban all these words. 14And
Laban said to him:
“Thou thyself art out of the bones
of me and out of the flesh of me.”
And he was with him a month of days.
And Laban said to Iakob:
“For because thou art a brother of
me, thou will not serve me freely; re-
port to me, what is the reward of thee.”
And there are two daughters to Laban,
the name for the greater is Leia , and
the name for the younger is Rhachel.
And the eyes of Leia were weak, but
Rhachel is good in the appearance and
beautiful in the face; 18and Iakob loved
Rachel and he said:
“I will serve thee seven years con-
cerning Rhachel the younger daughter of
And Laban said to him:


Genesis 29:20 GENESIS & EXODUS

“Better for me to give her to thee

than for me to give her to another man;
dwell with me.”
And Iakob served seven years concerning
Rhachel, and they were before him as few
days along the thing for him to love
her. 21And Iakob said to Laban:
“Give the woman of me, for the days
of me have been fulfilled, in order that
I may enter to her.”
And Laban assembled all the men of the
place and made a wedding feast. 23And
evening came, and having taken Leia the
daughter of him Laban led her in to
Iakob, and Iakob entered to her. 24And
Laban gave to Leia the daughter of him
Zelpha the maidservant of him maidservant
to her. 25And morning came, and behold
it was Leia. And Iakob said to Laban:
“Why is it that thou did this to me?
Have I not served in the presence of
thee concerning
Rhachel? And why is it that thou deceived
And Laban said:


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 29:33

“It is not thus in the place of us,

to give the younger before the older;
therefore complete the seven of this,
and I will also give this to thee in-
stead of the work, which thou shall still
work in the presence of me another seven
And Iakob did thus and filled up the
seven years of this, and Laban gave to
him Rhachel the daughter of him to him
as woman. 29And Laban gave to Rhachel
the daughter of him Balla the maidservant
of him to her as maidservant. 30And he
entered to Rhachel; and he loved Rhachel
more than Leia; and he served him another
seven years.
And the Lord seeing that he hates
Leia, opened the womb of her; and Rhachel
was sterile. 32And Leia took and delivered
a son to Iakob; and she called the name
of him Rhouben saying:
“Wherefore the Lord saw the lowli-
ness of me; now the man of me will love
And Leia took again and delivered a
second son to Iakob and said:


Genesis 29:34 GENESIS & EXODUS

“Because the Lord heard that I am

hated, and He also gave this to me.”
And she called the name of him Sumeon.
And still she took and delivered a son
and said:
“In the time now the man of me will
be to me, for I delivered to him three
On account of this she called the name
of him Leui. 35And having taken still
she delivered a son and said:
“Now still this I will confess out
to the Lord.”
On account of this she called the name
of him Ioudas. And she stopped to

And Rhachel having seen that she
has not delivered to Iakob, Rhachel also
envied the sister of her and said to
“Give children to me; and if not, I
myself will die.”


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 30:9

And Iakob was angry with Rhachel and
said to her:
“I myself am not instead of God, who
denied thee fruit of womb?”
And Rhachel said to Iakob:
“Behold the maidservant of me Balla;
enter to her, and she will deliver on
the knees of me, and I myself will also
bear children out of her.”
And she gave to him Balla the maidservant
of her as woman to him; and Iakob entered
to her. 5And Balla the maidservant of
Rhachel took and delivered a son to Iakob.
And Rhachel said:
“God judged me and heard the voice
of me and gave to me a son.”
On account of this she called the name
of him Dan. 7And Balla the maidservant
of Rhachel still took and delivered a
second son to Iakob. 8And Rhachel said:
“God took me, and I struggled with
the sister of me and I was empowered.”
And she called the name of him Nephthali.
And Leia saw that she stopped to deliver,
and she took Zelpha the maidservant of


Genesis 30:10 GENESIS & EXODUS

her and gave her to Iakob as woman.

And Iakob entered to her, and Zelpha
the maidservant of Leia took and
delivered a son to Iakob. And Leia
“In luck.”
And she called the name of him Gad.
And Zelpha the maidservant of Leia took
and she still delivered to Iakob a second
son. 13And Leia said:
“I am blessed, because the women will
bless me.”
And she called the name of him Asher.
And Rhouben went in the days of wheat
harvest and found mandrakes in the field
and brought them to Leia the mother of
him. And Rhachel said to Leia:
“Give me of the mandrakes of the son
of thee.”
But Leia said:
“Is it not enough to thee that thou
took the man of me? Thou shall not take
also the mandrakes of the son of me?”
And Rhachel said:


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 30:21

“Not thus; let him sleep with thee

this night instead of the mandrakes of
the son of thee.”
And Iakob entered out of the field in
the evening, and Leia went into a meeting
with him and said:
“Thou shall enter to me today; for I
have hired thee instead of the mandrakes
of the son of me.”
And he slept with her that night. 17And
God heard Leia, and having taken she
delivered to Iakob a fifth son. 18And
Leia said:
“God gave the reward of me for which
I have given the maidservant of me to
the man of me.”
And she called the name of him Issachar,
which is Reward. 19And Leia still took
and she delivered a sixth son to Iakob.
And Leia said:
“God has given to me a good gift; in
the time now the man of me will take me,
for I delivered to him six sons.”
And she called the name of him Zaboulon.
And after this she delivered a daughter


Genesis 30:22 GENESIS & EXODUS

and she called the name of her Dina.

And God remembered Rhachel, and God
heard her and opened the womb of her.
And having taken she delivered a son
to Iakob. And Rhachel said:
“God took away the reproach of me.”
And she called the name of him Ioseph
“Let God add to me another son.”
And it happened as Rhachel delivered
Ioseph, Iakob said to Laban:
“Send me, in order that I may go away
into the place of me and into the land
of me. 26Give the women of me and the
children, concerning whom I have served
to thee, in order that I may go away;
for thou thyself know the slavery, which
I have served to thee.”
And Laban said to him:
“If I found grace before thee, I may
have learned by experience; for God
eulogized me with thy entrance. 28Divide
the reward of thee to me, and I will
And Iakob said to him:


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 30:34

“Thou thyself know the things which

I have given to thee and whatsoever cattle
was of thee with me; 30for whatsoever
was to thee was little before me, and
they grew into multitude, and the Lord
eulogized thee on the foot of me. Now
therefore when shall I also make a house
for myself?”
And Laban said to him:
“What shall I give to thee?”
And Iakob said to him:
“Thou shall not give to me nothing;
if thou shall do to me this word, again
I shall shepherd the sheep of thee and
guard. 32Let me pass by all the sheep of
thee today, and separate from there every
speckled sheep in the lambs and every
white and spotted in the she-goats; it
will be reward to me. 33And the right-
eousness of me will be heard to me in
the day tomorrow, because the reward of
me is before thee; any, whichever be not
spotted and white in the she-goats and
speckled in the lambs, it will be being
stolen in the presence of me.”
And Laban said to him:


Genesis 30:35 GENESIS & EXODUS

“Let it be according to the word of

And he separated in that day the spotted
and white goats and all the spotted and
white she-goats and any, which there
was white in them, and any, which there
was speckled in the lambs, and he gave
through the hands of the sons of him.
And he went a way of three days between
them and between Iakob; and Iakob
shepherd the sheep of Laban which have
been left.
And Iakob took to himself a green
staff of poplar and almond and plane,
and Iakob scaled them white scales around
the green; and the white appeared on the
staffs, which he scaled, multi-colored.
And he set the staffs, which he scaled,
in the gutters of the troughs of the
water, in order that, as the sheep come
to drink before the staffs, of them coming
in order to drink, 39the sheep conceive
into the staffs; and the sheep delivered
white and multi-colored and brought forth
spotted. 40And Iakob separated and set
a white ram before the sheep and every
multi-colored in the lambs; and he
separated for himself flocks according


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 31:3

to himself and placed them not into the

sheep of Laban.
And it came in the time, to which
the sheep conceived taking in the belly,
Iakob placed the staffs before the sheep
in the gutters of them to conceive ac-
cording to the staff. And whenever
the sheep delivered, he was not placing;
and the sheep of Laban were
insignificant, and the sheep of Iakob
were outstanding. 43And the man became
very exceedingly rich, and many cattle
became to him and oxen and menservants
and maidservants and camels and donkeys.

And Iakob heard the words of the
sons of Laban saying:
“Iakob took all the flocks of the
father of us and he has made all this
glory out of the flocks of the father of
us. 2And Iakob saw the face of Laban,
and behold he was not to him as yesterday
and third day. 3And the Lord said to


Genesis 31:4 GENESIS & EXODUS

“Return into the land of the father

of thee and into the generations of thee,
and I will be with thee.”
And having sent Iakob called Rhachel
and Leia into the field, where the flocks
are, 5and he said to them:
“I myself see the face of the father
of you that he is not to me as yesterday
and third day; and the God of the father
of me was with me. 6And you yourselves
know that in all the strength of me I
have served the father of you. 7And the
father of you deceived me and changed
the reward of me of the ten lambs, and
God gave not to him to do me evil. 8If
he shall say thus ‘The multi-colored
will be the reward of thee,’ and all the
sheep will deliver multi-colored; and
if he shall say ‘The white will be the
reward of thee,’ and all the sheep will
deliver white; 9and God took all the
cattle of the father of you and gave
them to me. 10And it happened when the
sheep conceive, and I saw them with the
eyes in the sleep, and behold the goats
and the rams were coming up on the sheep
and the white she-goats and multi-colored
and they bring forth spotted.


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 31:16

”And the angel of God said to me
during sleep ‘Iakob;’ and I myself said
‘What is it?’ 12And he said ‘Lift the
eyes of thee and behold the goats and
the rams coming up on the sheep and the
she-goats white and multi-colored and
they bring forth spotted; for I have
seen whatsoever Laban was doing to thee.
I Myself am the God who appeared to
thee in the place of God, where thou
anointed for Me there a pillar and vowed
to me there a vow; now therefore stand
up and go out of this land and go away
into the land of the genesis of thee,
and I will be with thee.’”
And having answered Rhachel and Leia
said to him:
“There is not still part to us or
inheritance in the house of the father
of us? 15Have we not been reckoned to
him as the foreigners? For he has sold
us and he consumed as food the silver of
us. 16God took all the riches and the
glory of the father of us, it will be to
us and the children of us. Now there-
fore whatsoever God said to thee, do.”


Genesis 31:17 GENESIS & EXODUS

And having stood up Iakob took the
women of him and the children of him on
the camels 18and led away all the things
being of him and all the belonging of
him, which he possessed in Mesopotamia,
and all the things of him to go to Isaak
the father of him into the land of Canaan.
And Laban went to shear the sheep of
him; and Rhachel stole the idols of the
father of her. And Iakob hid from
Laban the Syrian not to announce to him
that he has fled, 21and he himself fled
and all the things of him and passed
through the river and rushed into the
mountain of Galaad. 22And Laban the Syrian
announced on the third day that Iakob
fled, 23and taking all the brothers of
him with himself he pursued behind him a
way of seven days and seized him in the
mountain of Galaad. 24And God came to
Laban the Syrian during sleep at night
and said to him:
“Guard thyself, lest perchance thou
shall speak evil after Iakob.”
And Laban seized Iakob; and Iakob
pitched the tent of him in the mountain;
and Laban set the brothers of him in the
mountain of Galaad. 26And Laban said to


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 31:32

“Thou did what? Why is it that thou

fled in secret and thou have cheated me
and led away the daughters of me as
captives of sword? 27And if thou announced
to me, I could have sent thee out with
gladness and with musicians, tambourines
and harps? 28I was not considered worthy
to kiss the children of me and the
daughters of me. And now thou did
foolishly. And now the hand of me is
strong to do evil to thee; and the God
of the father of thee said yesterday to
me saying:
‘Guard thyself, lest perchance thou
shall speak evil after Iakob.’
”Now therefore thou have been gone;
for with desire thou desired to go away
into the house of the father of thee;
why is it that thou stole the gods of
And having answered Iakob said to Laban:
“For I said ‘Lest perchance thou take
the daughters of thee from me and all
the things mine; 32thou fully know, what
is of the things thine in the presence
of me, and take. And I fully know not
in the presence of it nothing.”


Genesis 31:33 GENESIS & EXODUS

And Iakob said to him:

“In the presence of whomever thou
find the gods of thee, he will not live
before the brothers of us.”
And Iakob knew not that Rhachel the woman
of him stole them. 33And having entered
Laban searched into the house of Leia
and found not; and having come out of
the house of Leia he searched the house
of Iakob and in the house of the two
maidservants and found not. And he also
entered into the house of Rhachel. 34And
Rhachel took the idols and casted them
into the saddle of the camel and sat on
them. 35And she said to the father of
“Let it not be borne heavily, lord;
I am not able to stand up before thee,
because the things according to the
custom of women is to me.”
And Laban searched in the whole house
and he found not the idols. 36And Iakob
was enraged and fought with Laban; and
having answered Iakob said to Laban:
“What is the wrong of me and what is
the sin of me, that thou pursued behind
me 37and that thou searched all the vessels


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 31:43

of me? Thou found what from all of the

vessels of the house of thee? Set here
before the brothers of me and the brothers
of thee, and let them reprove between
the two of us. 38These to me I myself am
twenty years with thee; the sheep of
thee and the she-goats of thee miscarried
not; I consumed not rams of the sheep of
thee; 39eaten by beasts I brought not to
thee, I required from myself thefts by
day and thefts by night; 40I was by day
being burned with heat and frost by night,
and sleep went away from the eyes of me.
These to me I myself am twenty years in
the house of thee; I served thee fourteen
years for the two daughters of thee and
six years in the sheep of thee, and I
was deceived the reward of me ten lambs.
If the God of the father of me Abraham
and the fear of Isaak was not with me,
thou sent me out empty now; God saw the
lowliness of me and the labor of the
hands of me and He reproved thee yester-
And having answered Laban said to Iakob:
“The daughters are daughters of me,
and the sons are sons of me, and the
cattle cattle of me, and all the things,


Genesis 31:44 GENESIS & EXODUS

whatsoever thou thyself see, is mine

and of the daughters of me. What shall
I do to these today or to the children
of them, whom they delivered? Now
therefore come here let us make a covenant
I and thou, and it will be into a witness
between me and thee.”
And he said to him:
“Behold there is nothing with us,
behold God is the witness between me and
And having taken a stone Iakob set it a
pillar. 46And Iakob said to the brothers
of him:
“Assemble stones.”
And they assembled stones and made a
hill, and they ate and drank there on
the hill. And Laban said to him:
“This hill witnesses between me and
thee today.”
And Laban called it “Hill of the
Witness,” but Iakob called it “Hill the
Witness.” 48And Laban said to Iakob:


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 31:55

“Behold this hill and this pillar,

which I set between me and thee, this
hill witnesses and this pillar
On account of this the name of it was
called Hill Witnesses 49and The Vision,
for which he said:
“May God see between me and thee,
that we go away another from the other.
If thou will make the daughters of me
low, if thou shall take women on the
daughters of me, see there is nothing
with us; 51see this hill and this pillar
set between you and me (version) 52for
except on malice both I myself pass to
thee nor thou thyself pass to me through
this hill and this pillar, 53the God of
Abraham and the God of Nachor judges
between us.”
And Iakob swore through the fear of the
father of him Isaak. And Iakob
sacrificed a sacrifice in the mountain
and called the brothers of him, and they
ate and drank and they slept on the
mountain. 55And having stood up early
Laban kissed the sons of him and the
daughters of him and eulogized them,


(Greek to English) GENESIS & EXODUS

and having turned Laban went away into

the place of him.

And Iakob went away into the way of
himself, and having looked up he saw the
camp of God having been encamped, and
the angels of God met him. 2And Iakob
said, when he saw them:
“This is the camp of God.”
And he called the name of that place
“Camps.” 3And Iakob sent angels in front
of him to Esau the brother of him into
the land of Seir into the area of Edom
and he commanded them saying:
“Say thus to the lord of me Esau:
‘The servant of thee Iakob says: With
Laban I sojourned and tarried until now
and oxen and donkeys and sheep and
menservants and maidservants became to
me, and I sent angels to the lord of me
Esau, in order that the servant of thee
shall find grace before thee.’”
And the angels returned to Iakob saying:


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 32:12

“We went to the brother of thee Esau,

and behold he himself is coming into a
meeting with thee and three hundred men
with him.”
And Iakob feared exceedingly and he was
going. And he divided the people with
him and the oxen and the sheep into two
camps. 8And Iakob said:
“If Esau comes into the first camp
and strike it, the second camp will be
in order to be saved.”
And Iakob said:
“The God of the father of me Abraham
and the God of the father of me Isaak,
the Lord who has said to me: ‘Go into
the land of the genesis of thee and I
will do thee well, 10make sufficient to
me from all righteousness and from all
truth, which Thou did to the servant of
thee; for I passed in the staff of me
this Jordan, and now I have become into
two camps. 11Let me come out of the hand
of the brother of me Esau, because I
myself fear him, lest perchance having
come he strikes me and the mothers and
on children 12and Thou Thyself said: I
will make thee surely well and set the


Genesis 32:13 GENESIS & EXODUS

seed of thee as the sand of the sea,

which will not be counted from the
And he slept there that night. And he
took the gifts which he brought and sent
out to Esau the brother of him, 14two
hundred she-goats, twenty goats, two
hundred sheep, twenty rams, 15thirty
nursing camels and the children of them,
forty oxen, ten bulls, twenty donkeys
and ten colts. And he gave to the
servants of him through the hand little
flock according to themselves. And he
said to the servants of him:
“Go in front of me and do interval
between shepherd and shepherd.”
And he commanded to the first saying:
“If Esau the brother of me meets thee
and ask thee saying: ‘Who art thou and
where art thou going, and who are these
coming before thee?’ 18Thou shall say:
‘The servant of thee Iakob; he sent gifts
to the lord of me Esau, and behold he
himself is behind us.’”
And he commanded to the first and the
second and the third and to all the ones
going behind these shepherds saying:


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 32:26

“According to this word speak to Esau

in the time for him to find us 20and say:
‘Behold the servant of thee Iakob is
arriving behind us. For he said: I
will atone the face of him in the gifts
going before him, and after this I will
see the face of him; for equally he will
receive the face of me.’”
And the gifts were going according to
the face of him, and he himself slept
that night in the camp.


And having stood up that night he
took the two women and the two maidserv-
ants and the eleven children of him and
passed through the ford of Jabok; 23and
he took them and passed through the brook
and all the things of him passed through.
And Iakob was left alone, and a man
wrestled with him until morning. 25And
he saw that he is not able against him,
and he touched the breadth of the thigh
of him, and he dislocated the breadth
of the thigh of Iakob in the time for
him to wrestle with him. 26And he said
to him:


Genesis 32:27 GENESIS & EXODUS

“Send me; for the dawn is coming up.”

But he said:
“I will not at all send thee, if thou
shall not eulogize me.”
And he said to him:
“What is the name of thee?”
And he said:
And he said to him:
“The name of thee will not still be
called Iakob, but Israel will be the
name of thee, because thou struggled
with God and with men and thou art able.”
And Iakob asked and said:
“Announce to me the name of thee.”
And he said:
“Why is this that thou ask the name
of me?”
And he eulogized him there. 30And Iakob
called the name of that place “Appearance
of God; for I saw God face to face, and
the psyche of me was saved.” 31And the


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 33:5

sun rose to him, when he passed by the

Appearance of God; and he himself limped
the thigh of him. 32Because of this the
sons of Israel would not at all eat the
sinews, which shrank, which is on the
breadth of thigh, until this day, because
He touched the breadth of the sinews of
the thigh of Iakob and shrank.

And having looked up Iakob saw and
behold Esau the brother of him coming
and four hundred men with him. 2And he
made the two maidservants and the sons
of them in the first rows and Leia and
the children of her behind and Rhachel
and Ioseph last. 3And he himself went
forth in front of them and bowed on the
ground seven times until the time to
draw near the brother of him. 4And Esau
ran forth into a meeting with him and
embracing him he kissed and fell on the
neck of him, and both wailed. 5And having
looked up he saw the women and the chil-
dren and said:
“What are these to thee?”
And he said:


Genesis 33:6 GENESIS & EXODUS

“The children, whom God gave mercy

to the servant of thee.”
And the maidservants and the children
of them drew near and bowed, 7and Leia
and the children of her drew near and
bowed, and after these Rhachel and Ioseph
drew near and bowed, 8and said:
“What are these to thee, all these
camps, which I have met?”
And he said:
“In order that the servant of thee
find grace before thee, lord.”
And Esau said:
“There are many to me, brother; let
the things to thee thine.”
And Iakob said:
“If I find grace before thee, receive
the gifts through my hands; because of
this I saw the face of thee, as someone
saw the face of God, and as thou will
please me; 11take the eulogies of me, as
I have brought to thee, because God pitied
me and there are to me all things.”


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 33:17

And he forced him, and he took. And he
“Having taken away we go on
And he said to him:
“The lord of me knows that the
children are more tender and the sheep
and the oxen with young on me; if there-
fore I will overdrive them one day, all
the cattle will die. 14Let the lord of
me come forth in front of the servant,
and I myself will strengthen in the way
according to school of the one going
before me and according to the feet of
the little children until me to go to
the lord of me into Seir.”
And Esau said:
“I will leave with thee men from the
people with me.”
And he said:
“That why is this? That I found
enough grace before thee, lord.”
And Esau returned in that day into the
way of him into Seir. 17And Iakob took
up into the tents; and he made a house


Genesis 33:18 GENESIS & EXODUS

there for himself and he made tents for

the cattle of him; on account of this he
called the name of that place “Tents.”
And Iakob came into Salem a city of
Sikim, which is in the land of Canaan,
when he went out of Mesopotamia of Syria,
and he encamped throughout the face of
the city. 19And he bought the part of
the field, where he set the tent of him
there, from Hemmor father of Suchem
hundred lambs. And he set there an
altar and called the God of Israel.

And Dina the daughter of Leia went
out, whom she delivered to Iakob, to see
the daughters of the land. 2And Suchem
the son of Hemmor the Hivite the ruler
of the land saw her and having taken her
he slept with her and made her low. 3And
he regarded the psyche of Dina the
daughter of Iakob and loved the virgin
and spoke to her according to the mind
of the virgin 4and Suchem said to Hemmor
the father of him saying:
“Take this maidservant for me into a


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 34:12

And Iakob heard that the son of Hemmor
defiled Dina the daughter of him; and
the sons of him were with the cattle of
him in the field, and Iakob kept silent
until them to come. And Hemmor the
father of Suchem went out to Iakob to
speak to him. 7And the sons of Iakob
came out of the field; and as they heard,
the men were pierced down, and grief was
to them exceedingly because he did
indignity in Israel having slept with
the daughter of Iakob, and it will not
be thus. And Hemmor spoke to them
“Suchem the son of me set the psyche
for the daughter of you; therefore give
her to him as woman. Make marriages
with us; give to us the daughters of you
and take the daughters of us for the
sons of you. 10And dwell in us, and the
land behold the breadth before you; dwell
and trade on it and get possessions in
And Suchem said to the father of her
and to the brothers of her:
“Let me find grace before you, and
whatever you say, we will give. 12Multiply
the gifts exceedingly, and I will give,


Genesis 34:13 GENESIS & EXODUS

according to whatever you say, and you

will give to me this child into a woman.”
And the sons of Iakob answered to Suchem
and Hemmor the father of him with deceit
and spoke to them that they defiled Dina
the sister of them. And Sumeon and
Leui the brothers of Dina and sons of
Leia said to them:
“We are not able to do this word, to
give the sister of us to a man, who has
uncircumcision; for it is a reproach to
us; 15in this we shall be like you and
we will dwell in you, if you become as
we and you in the time to be circumcised
every male of you, 16and we will give the
daughters of us to you and from the
daughters of you will be taken for us
women and we will dwell in the presence
of you and we will be as one genus.
And if you shall not hear us to circum-
cise, we shall go away taking the
daughters of us.”
And the words pleased before Hemmor
and before Suchem the son of Hemmor.
And the young man tarried not to do
this word; for he has fallen for the
daughter of Iakob; and he himself was
the most glorified of all of the ones in


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 34:26

the house of the father of him. 20And

Hemmor came and Suchem the son of him to
the gate of the city of them and they
spoke to the men of the city of them
”These men are peaceful with us;
let them dwell on the land and trade in
it, and the land behold the breadth before
them. We will take the daughters of
them women for us and we will give to
them the daughters of us. 22Only in this
the men shall be likened to us to dwell
with us so as to be one people, in the
time for us to circumcise every male as
also they themselves are circumcised.
And will not the cattle of them and the
things being of them and the four-footed
animals be of us?”
And the men who go out of the gate of
the city of them heard Hemmor and Suchem
the son of him and they circumcised the
flesh of the uncircumcision of them,
every male. And it happened in the
third day, when they were in pain, the
two sons of Iakob Sumeon and Leui the
brothers of Dina took each the sword of
him and entered into the city safely and
they killed every male; 26and both Hemmor


Genesis 34:27 GENESIS & EXODUS

and Suchem and went out. 27And the sons

of Iakob entered on the wounded and they
grabbed the city, in which Dina the sister
of them has been defiled, 28and the sheep
of them and the oxen of them and the
donkeys of them, whatsoever was in the
city and whatsoever was in the field,
they took. 29And all the bodies of them
and all the goods of them and the women
of them they took as captives, and they
grabbed whatsoever was in the city and
whatsoever was in the houses. 30And Iakob
said to Sumeon and Leui:
“You have done for me hatred so as
for me to be evil to all the men who
dwell in the land, both in the Canaanites
and the Pherezites; and I myself am the
fewest in number, and having assembled
against me they will strike me, and I
myself will perish and the house of me.”
And they said:
“But shall they use the sister of us
as prostitute?”

And God said to Iakob:


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 35:7

“Having stood up go up into the place

of Baithel and dwell there and make there
an altar to God who appeared to thee in
the time for thee to run away from the
face of Esau the brother of thee.”
And Iakob said to the house of him and
to all the men with him:
“Take the foreign gods with you out
of the middle of you and cleanse and
change the stoles of you, 3and having
stood up we shall go up into Baithel and
make there an altar to God who heard me
in the day of tribulation, who was with
me and saved me in the way, which I was
And they gave to Iakob the foreign gods,
which were in the hands of them, and the
earrings in the ears of them, and Iakob
hid them under the oak in Sikim and laid
them waste until the day today. 5And
Israel took out of Sikim, and fear of
God came on the cities around them, and
they pursued not behind the sons of
Israel. And Iakob came into Louza,
which is in the land of Canaan, which is
Baithel, he and all the people, who was
with him. 7And he built there an altar
and called the name of the place Baithel;


Genesis 35:8 GENESIS & EXODUS

for God manifested to him there in the

time for him to run away from the face
of Esau the brother of him. 8And Debbora
the nurse of Rhebekka died beneath
Baithel under the oak, and Iakob called
the name of it Oak of Sorrow.
And God appeared to Iakob still in
Louza, when he arrived out of Mesopota-
mia of Syria, and God eulogized him.
And God said to him:
“The name of thee is Iakob; it will
not still be called Iakob, but Israel
will be the name of thee.”
And God said to him:
“I am the God of thee; grow and mul-
tiply; and a nation and synagogues of
nations will be out of thee, and kings
out of the loin of thee will come out.
And the land, which I have given to
Abraham and Isaak, I have given it to
thee; it will be to thee, and to the
seed of thee after thee I will give this
And God went up from him out of the
place, where He spoke with him. 14And
Iakob set a pillar in the place, on
which He spoke with him, a pillar made


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 35:22

of stone, and he poured on it drink

offering and poured on it oil. And
Iakob called the name of the place, in
which God spoke with him there, Baithel.
And having taken up out of Baithel Iakob
pitched the tent of him beyond the tower
of Gader, and when he happened to draw
near Chabrath to go to Ephrath, Rhachel
delivered and she travailed in the
childbearing. 17And it happened in the
time for her to hardly deliver the midwife
said to her:
“Be cheerful, for also this is a son
to thee.”
And it happened in the time for the
psyche to leave her -- for she died --
she called the name of him “Son of the
pain of me;” but the father called him
Beniamin. And Rhachel died and was
buried in the way to Ephrath (this is
Bethleem). 20And Iakob set a pillar on
the tomb of her; this is a pillar of the
tomb of Rhachel until the day today.
Israel went and pitched his tent beyond
the tower of Edar. (version)
And it happened when Israel dwelt
in that land, Rhouben went and slept
with Balla the concubine of the father


Genesis 35:23 GENESIS & EXODUS

of him; and Israel heard, and he mani-

fested evil before him. And the sons of
Iakob were twelve.
Sons of Leia: Firstborn of Iakob
Rhouben, Sumeon, Leui, Ioudas, Issachar,
Zaboulon. Sons of Rhachel: Ioseph
and Beniamin. And sons of Balla the
maidservant of Rhachel: Dan and
Nephthali. And sons of Zelpha the
maidservant of Leia: Gad and Aser. These
are sons of Iakob, the sons who were
begotten to him in Mesopotamia of Syria.
And Iakob came to Isaak the father of
him into Mambre into a city of the field
(this is Chebron) in the land of Canaan,
where Abraham and Isaak sojourned.
And the days of Isaak were, which
he lived, hundred eighty years; 29and
having failed he died and was added to
the genus of him old and full of days,
and Esau and Iakob the sons of him buried

And these are the genesis of Esau
(this is Edom); 2and Esau took a woman
for himself from the daughters of the
Canaanites, Ada daughter of Ailon the


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 36:10

Hittite and Elibema daughter of Ana of

the son of Sebegon the Hivite 3and
Basemmath daughter of Ismael sister of
And Ada delivered to Esau Eliphas,
and Basemmath delivered Ragouel, 5and
Elibema delivered Ieous and Ieglom and
Kore; these are sons of Esau, the sons
who were begotten to him in the land of
And Esau took the women of him and
the sons and the daughters and all the
bodies of the house of him and all the
things existing and all the cattle and
all, whatsoever he got and whatsoever
he possessed in the land of Canaan, and
went out of the land of Canaan from the
face of Iakob the brother of him; 7for
there were many things being of them to
house both, and the land of the sojourn
of them was not able to carry them from
the multitude of the things being of
them. 8And Esau dwelt in the mountain
of Seir (Esau himself is Edom).
And these are the genesis of Esau
father of Edom in the mountain of Seir,
and these are the names of the sons of
Esau: Eliphas son of Ada woman of Esau


Genesis 36:11 GENESIS & EXODUS

and Rhagouel son of Basemmath woman of

Esau. 11And the sons of Eliphas were:
Thaiman, Omar, Sophar, Gothom and Kenez;
and Thamna was a concubine of Eliphas
the son of Esau and she delivered to
Eliphas Amalek; these are sons of Ada
woman of Esau. 13And these are sons of
Rhagouel: Nachoth, Zare, Some and Moze;
these were sons of Basemmath woman of
Esau. 14And these were sons of Elibema
daughter of Ana of the son of Sebegon,
woman of Esau; and she delivered to Esau
Ieous and Ieglom and Kore.
These governors were sons of Esau:
sons of Eliphas firstborn of Esau:
governor Thaiman, governor Omar, governor
Sophar, governor Kenez, 16governor Kore,
governor Gothom, governor Amalek; these
are governors of Eliphas in the land of
Idumea; these are sons of Ada. And
these are sons of Rhagouel son of Esau:
governor Nachoth, governor Zare, gover-
nor Some, governor Moze; these are gov-
ernors of Rhagouel in the land of Edom;
these are sons of Basemmath woman of
Esau. 18And these are sons of Elibema
woman of Esau: governor Ieous, gover-
nor Ieglom, governor Kore; these are
governors of Elibema. 19These are sons


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 36:30

of Esau, and these are governors of them.

These are sons of Edom.
And these are sons of Seir the
Chorite dwelling in the land: Lotan,
Sobal, Sebegon, Ana 21and Deson and Asar
and Rhison; these are governors of
Chorite the son of Seir in the land
Edom. And the sons of Lotan were:
Chorri and Aiman; and sister of Lotan is
Thamna. 23And these are sons of Sobal:
Golon and Manachath and Gaibel, Soph
and Oman. 24And these are sons of Sebegon:
Aie and Onas; this is Onas, who found
Iamin in the wilderness, when he fed the
donkeys of Sebegon the father of him.
And these are sons of Ana: Deson and
Elibema daughter of Ana. And these
are sons of Deson: Amada and Asban and
Iethran and Charran. And these are
sons of Asar: Balaan and Zoukam and
Ioukam and Oukan. 28And these are sons
of Rhison: Os and Aram. These are
governors of Chorri: governor Lotan,
governor Sobal, governor Sebegon,
governor Ana, 30governor Deson, governor
Asar, governor Rhison. These are gov-
ernors of Chorri in the governments of
them in the land of Edom.


Genesis 36:31 GENESIS & EXODUS

And these are the kings reigning in
Edom before the time to reign kingdom in
Israel. 32And Balak son of Beor reigned
in Edom, and the name for the city of
him was Dennaba. 33And Balak died, and
Iobab son of Zara out of Bosor reigned
instead of him. 34And Iobab died, and
Asom out of the land of Thaiman reigned
instead of him. And Asom died, and
Adad son of Barad the one who struck
Midian in the field of Moab reigned
instead of him, and the name for the
city of him was Geththaim. 36And Adad
died, and Samala out of Masekka reigned
instead of him. 37And Samala died, and
Saoul out of Rhooboth along the river
reigned instead of him. 38And Saoul died,
and Balaennon son of Achobor reigned
instead of him. 39And Balaennon son of
Achobor died, and Arad son of Barad
reigned instead of him, and the name for
the city of him was Phogor, and the name
for the woman of him was Maitebeel
daughter of Matraith son of Maizoob.
These are the names of the governors
of Esau in the tribes of them throughout
the place of them, in the areas of them
and in the nations of them: governor
Thamna, governor Gola, governor Iether,


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 37:4

governor Elibemas, governor Elas,
governor Phinon, 42 governor Kenez,
governor Thaiman, governor Mazar,
governor Megediel, governor Zaphoim.
These are governors of Edom in the places
dwelling in the land of the possession
of them. Esau himself is father of

And Iakob dwelt in the land, where
the father of him sojourned, in the land
of Canaan. 2And these are the genesis
of Iakob:
Ioseph seventeen years old was shep-
herding the sheep with the brothers of
him being young, with the sons of Balla
and with the sons of Zelpha the women of
the father of him; and Ioseph brought an
evil report to Israel the father of them.
And Iakob loved Ioseph than all the
sons of him, because he was to him a son
of old age; and he made for him multi-
colored tunic. 4And the brothers of him
having seen that the father loves him
out of all of the sons of him, hated him
and were not able to speak to him nothing


Genesis 37:5 GENESIS & EXODUS

peaceful. 5And Ioseph having dreamt a

dream reported it to the brothers of him
and he said to them:
“Hear this dream, which I dreamt: 7I
was seeing us to bind sheaves in the
middle of the field, and my sheaf stood
up and it was straight, and the sheaves
of you having turned around worshipped
my sheaf.”
And the brothers said to him:
“Reigning thou will not reign on us
or lording thou will lord over us?”
And they were still adding to hate him
because of the dreams of him and because
of the words of him. 9And he saw another
dream and he narrated it to the father
of him and to the brothers of him and
“Behold I dreamt another dream, as
the sun and the moon and eleven stars
worshipping me.”
And the father of him rebuked him and
said to him:
“What is this dream, which thou
dreamt? Then indeed having come I myself


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 37:16

and also the mother of thee and the

brothers of thee will come to bow to
thee on the ground?”
And the brothers of him envied him,
and the father of him kept the word.
And the brothers of him went to
feed the sheep of the father of them
into Suchem. 13And Israel said to Ioseph:
“Are not the brothers of thee shep-
herding in Suchem? Come here I will
send thee to them.”
And he said to him:
“Behold I.”
And Israel said to him:
“Having gone see if the brothers of
thee and the sheep are well, and announce
to me.”
And he sent him out of the valley of
Chebron, and he went into Suchem. 15And
a man found him planetizing in the field;
and the man asked him saying:
“What art thou seeking?”
And he said:


Genesis 37:17 GENESIS & EXODUS

“I am seeking the brothers of me;

announce to me, where are they feed-
And the man said to him:
“They went away from here; for I heard
them saying ‘Let us go into Dothaim.”’
And Ioseph went after the brothers of
him and found them in Dothaim.


And they saw him from afar before
him to draw near to them and they were
thinking evil to kill him. 19And they
said each to the brother of him:
“Behold that dreamer is coming; 20now
therefore come here let us kill him and
throw him into one of the dungeons and
we shall say ‘An evil beast consumed
him;’ and we will see, what will the
dreams of him be.”
But having heard Rhouben took him out
of the hands of them and said:
“We should not strike him into psy-
And Rhouben said to them:


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 37:28

“Shed not blood; cast him into this

dungeon in the wilderness, and lay not
hands on him.”
In order that he could take him out of
the hands of them and he could give him
to the father of him. 23And it happened
when Ioseph came to the brothers of him,
they unclothed Ioseph of the multi-
colored tunic around him 24and having
taken him they threw into the dungeon;
and the dungeon was empty, it had not
And they sat to eat bread and having
lifted up the eyes they saw, and behold
Ismaelite travellers coming out of
Galaad, and the camels of them carrying
incense and spices and riches; and they
were going to lead down into Egypt. 26And
Ioudas said to the brothers of him:
“What is the use, if we kill the
brother of us and we hide the blood of
him? 27Come here we should give him to
these Ismaelites, and let not the hands
of us stand against him, because he is a
brother of us and flesh of us.”
And the brothers of him heard. 28And the
men the Midianite merchants were going


Genesis 37:29 GENESIS & EXODUS

by, and they drew and brought Ioseph out

of the dungeon and sold Ioseph to the
Ismaelites for twenty gold coins, and
they led down Ioseph into Egypt.
And Rhouben returned on the dungeon
and saw not Ioseph in the dungeon and he
ripped the garments of him. And he
returned to the brothers of him and said:
“There is not the little child; and
I myself am going still where?”
And having taken the tunic of Ioseph
they slaughtered a kid of a she-goat and
defiled the tunic with blood. 32And they
sent the multi-colored tunic and brought
in to the father of them and said:
“We found this; know if it is the
tunic of the son of thee or not.”
And he recognized it and said:
“It is the tunic of the son of me; an
evil beast consumed him, a beast grabbed
And Iakob ripped the garments of him
and placed sackcloth on the loin of him
and mourned on the son of him many days.
And all the sons of him and the daughters


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 38:6

were assembled and came to exhort him,

and he was not willing to be exhorted
saying that:
“I am going down to the son of me
mourning into Hades.”
And the father of him wailed on him.
And the Midianites were giving Ioseph
into Egypt to Petephre the officer of
Pharaoh, the captain of the guard.

And it happened in that time Ioudas
went down from the brothers of him and
he was leaving until towards a man a
certain Odollamite, to whom a name Iras.
And Ioudas saw there a daughter of a
Canaanite man, to which a name Saua, and
he took her and entered to her. 3And
having taken she delivered a son and
called the name of him Er. 4And having
taken still she delivered a son and called
the name of him Aunan. 5And adding still
she delivered a son and called the name
of him Selom. And she herself was in
Chasbi, when she delivered them.
And Ioudas took a woman for Er the
firstborn of him, to whom a name Thamar.


Genesis 38:7 GENESIS & EXODUS

And Er firstborn of Ioudas was evil
before the Lord, and God killed him.
And Ioudas said to Aunan:
“Enter to the woman of the brother
of thee and marry her and raise a seed
to the brother of thee.”
And Aunan knowing that the seed will
not be to him, it happened when he was
entering to the woman of the brother of
him, he poured out on the ground not to
give seed to the brother of him. 10And
he manifested evil before God because
he did this, and He killed this also.
And Ioudas said to Thamar the bride of
“Sit as a widow in the house of the
father of thee, until Selom the son of
me shall become great.”
For he said:
“Lest perchance this will also die
just as the brothers of him.”
And having gone away Thamar was sitting
in the house of the father of her. 12And
the days were multiplied and Saua the
woman of Ioudas died; and having been
exhorted Ioudas went up on the shearers


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 38:17

of the sheep of him, he and Iras the

shepherd of him the Odollamite, into
Thamna. 13And he reported to Thamar the
bride of him saying:
“Behold the father-in-law of thee is
going up into Thamna to shear the sheep
of him.”
And having removed the garments of the
widowhood from herself she cast around
a vesture and went and sat towards the
gates of Ainan, which is in the passageway
of Thamna; for she said that Selom has
become great, but he himself gave her
not to him as woman. 15And having seen
her Ioudas supposed her to be a
prostitute; for she covered the face of
her, and he recognized her not. 16And he
turned the way to her and said to her:
“Allow me to enter to thee.”
For he knew not that she is the bride of
him. And she said:
“What shall thou give to me, if thou
enter to me?”
And he said:


Genesis 38:18 GENESIS & EXODUS

“I myself will send to thee a kid of

a she-goat out of the sheep.”
And she said:
“If thou shall give a guarantee until
the time for thee to send.”
And he said:
“What guarantee shall I give to thee?”
And she said:
“The ring of thee and the chain and
the staff in the hand of thee.”
And he gave to her and he entered to
her, and she took out of him in the
belly. 19And having stood up she went
away and she removed the vesture from
herself and she put on the garments of
the widowhood of her. 20And Ioudas sent
the kid out of a she-goat in the hand of
the shepherd of him the Oddolamite to
obtain the guarantee from the woman,
and he found her not. 21And he asked the
men out of the place:
“Where is the prostitute who was in
Ainan on the way?”
And they said:


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 38:25

“There was not a prostitute here.”

And he returned to Ioudas and said:
“I found not, and the men out of the
place say: ‘There is not a prostitute
to be here.’”
And Ioudas said:
“Let her have them. But lest
perchance we shall be laughed at; I myself
indeed have sent this kid, but thou thy-
self found not.”
And it happened after three months it
was reported to Ioudas saying:
“Thamar the bride of thee has
committed fornication and behold she has
in the belly out of the fornication.”
And Ioudas said:
“Lead her out, and let her be burned.”
And leading her she sent to the father-
in-law of her saying:
“Out of the man, of whom are these
things, I myself have in the belly.”
And she said:


Genesis 38:26 GENESIS & EXODUS

“Know, of whom are the ring and the

chain and this staff.”
And Ioudas recognized and said:
“Thamar has been more righteous than
I, because I gave her not to Selom the
son of me.”
And he added not still to know her.
And it came when she delivered, and
there were twins in the belly of her.
And it happened in the time for her to
deliver one brought forth the hand; and
having taken the midwife bound a scarlet
on the hand of him saying:
“This will come out former.”
And as he assembled the hand, also right
away the the brother of him came out.
And she said:
“What fence is smashed on account of
And he called the name of him Phares.
And after this the brother of him came
out, on which the scarlet was on the
hand of him; and he called the name of
him Zara.


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 39:6

And Ioseph was taken down into Egypt,
and Petephre the eunuch of Pharaoh, the
captain of the guard, an Egyptian man,
got him out of the hand of the Ismaelites,
who led him down there. 2And the Lord
was with Ioseph, and he was a successful
man and he came in the house in the
presence of the lord the Egyptian. 3And
the lord of him knows that the Lord is
with him and whatsoever he does, the
Lord makes them prosper in the hands of
him. 4And Ioseph found grace before the
lord of him, and he pleases him, and he
appointed him on the house of him and
all things, whatsoever was to him, he
gave through the hand of Ioseph. 5And
it happened after the thing to appoint
him on the house of him and on all things,
whatsoever was to him, also the Lord
eulogized the house of the Egyptian
through Ioseph, and eulogy of the Lord
came in all the goods to him in the
house and in the field. 6And he permitted
all things, whatsoever was to him, into
the hands of Ioseph and he knows not of
the things according to himself nothing
except the bread, which he himself was


Genesis 39:7 GENESIS & EXODUS


And Ioseph was good in the appear-
ance and exceedingly beautiful in the
face. 7And it happened after these words
and the woman of the lord of him casted
the eyes of her on Ioseph and said:
“Sleep with me.”
But the man was not willing, and he
said to the woman of the lord of him:
“If the lord of me knows not nothing
in the house of him and all things on
account of me, whatsoever is to him, he
gave into the hands of me 9and he is not
nothing superior than me in this house
nor he withholds from me nothing except
thee on account of thee to be the woman
of him, also how shall I do this evil
word and sin before God?”
And when she was speaking to Ioseph
day out of day, and he obeyed not her to
sleep with her to be with her . 11And it
happened on such a certain day, Ioseph
entered into the house to do the works
of him, and no one was in the house
inside, 12and she held him of the garments


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 39:18

“Sleep with me.”

And having left the garments of him in
the hands of her he fled and went outside.
And it happened as she saw that he left
the garments of him in the hands of her
she also fled and went outside, 14and
she called the men who are in the house
and said to them saying:
“See, he led in to us a Hebrew serv-
ant to mock us; he entered to me saying
‘Sleep with me,’and I shouted a great
voice; 15and in the time for him to hear
that I lifted the voice of me and shouted,
having left the garments of him beside
me he fled and went outside.”
And she lays the garments beside
herself, until the lord came into the
house of him. And she spoke to him
according to these words saying:
“The Hebrew servant, whom thou led
in to us, entered to me, and he mocked
me and said to me, ‘I will sleep with
thee;’ 18and as he heard that I lifted
the voice of me and shouted, he left the
garments of him beside me and fled and
went outside.”


Genesis 39:19 GENESIS & EXODUS

And it happened as the lord of him
heard the words of the woman of him,
whatsoever she spoke to him saying:
“Thus the servant of thee did to me.”
And he was angered with wrath. And
having taken Ioseph the lord casted him
into the fortress, into the place, in
which the prisoners of the king were
held there in the fortress. 21And the
Lord was with Ioseph and poured down the
mercy of Him and gave to him grace before
the chief prison guard. 22And the chief
prison guard gave the prison through
the hand of Ioseph and all the prisoners,
whosoever is in the prison, and all
things, whatsoever they do there. 23The
chief prison guard was not knowing on
account of him nothing; for every thing
was through the hand of Ioseph on account
of the Lord to be with him, and whatsoever
he himself was doing, the Lord makes
them to prosper in the hand of him.

And it happened after these words
the butler of the king of Egypt and the


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 40:8

baker sinned to the lord of them the

king of Egypt. 2And Pharaoh was wrathful
on the two eunuchs of him, on the butler
and on the baker. And he placed them
in prison beside the prison guard into
the prison, into the place, where Ioseph
was kept there. 4And the chief prison
guard set them to Ioseph, and he stood
by them; and they were days in the prison.
And both saw a dream, each a dream,
in one night a vision of the dream of
him, the butler and the baker, who were
with the king of Egypt, the men who are
in the prison. 6And Ioseph entered to
them early and saw them, and they were
troubled. 7And he asked the eunuchs of
Pharaoh, who were with him in the prison
beside the lord of him, saying:
“Why is it that the faces of you are
sad today?”
And the men said to him:
“We saw a dream, and there is not the
man who interprets it.”
And Ioseph said to them:
“Is not the explanation of them
through God? Therefore narrate to me.”


Genesis 40:9 GENESIS & EXODUS

And the butler narrated the dream of
him to Ioseph and said:
“In the sleep of me there was a vine
before me; 10and in the vine three stalks,
and having flourished it blossoms
shoots; the clusters have brought grapes.
And the cup of Pharaoh was in the hand
of me; and I took the grape and squeezed
it into the cup and gave the cup into
the hands of Pharaoh.”
And Ioseph said to him:
“This is the interpretation of it:
the three stalks are three days; 13three
days still and Pharaoh will remember
the rule of thee and he will restore
thee on the work of thee as butler, and
thou will give the cup of Pharaoh into
the hand of him according to the former
rule of thee, as when thou were a but-
ler. 14But remember me through thyself,
when it becomes well to thee, and thou
shall do mercy in me and remind Pharaoh
concerning me and lead me out of this
fortress; 15because I was deceived sto-
len out of the land of the Hebrews and
here I did not nothing, but they casted
me into this dungeon.”


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 40:23

And the baker saw that he interpreted
straightly, and he said to Ioseph:
“I also saw a dream and I saw three
cake baskets to take on the head of me;
and in the basket above were from all
of the genus, work of baker, which Phar-
aoh the king eats, and the birds of the
heaven consumed them from the basket
above the head of me.”
And having answered Ioseph said to him:
“This is the interpretation of it:
the three baskets are three days; 19still
three days Pharaoh will take away the
head of thee from thee and hang thee on
a tree, and the birds of the heaven will
eat the flesh of thee from thee.”
And it happened in the day the third
day it was the genesis of Pharaoh, and
he was making a feast to all the servants
of him and remembered the rule of the
butler and the rule of the baker in the
middle of the servants of him 21and he
restored the butler on the rule of him,
and he gave the cup into the hand of
Pharaoh, 22but he hanged the baker, just
as Ioseph interpreted to them. But


(Greek to English) GENESIS & EXODUS

the butler remembered not Ioseph, but

he forgot him.

And it happened after two years of
days Pharaoh saw a dream. He was stand-
ing on the river, 2and behold seven oxen
were coming up as out of the river good
to the appearance and chosen to the flesh
and they were feeding in the meadow;
and another seven oxen were coming up
after these out of the river shameful to
the appearance and thin to the flesh and
they were standing along the oxen along
the lip of the river; 4and the seven
oxen the shameful and thin to the flesh
consumed the seven oxen the good to the
appearance and chosen. And Pharaoh was
And he dreamt the second, and be-
hold seven ears were coming up in one
stalk chosen and good; 6and another seven
ears thin and scorched by the wind also
grew up with them; 7and the seven ears
the thin and scorched by the wind
swallowed the seven chosen and full ears.
And Pharaoh was riose, and it was a


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 41:15

And morning came and the psyche of
him was agitated, and having sent he
called all the magicians of Egypt and
all the wise men of it, and Pharaoh
narrated to them the dream, and there
was not the man reporting it to Pharaoh.
And the butler spoke to Pharaoh saying:
“I remember the sin of me today;
Pharaoh was wrathful to the servants
of him and placed us in prison in the
house of the captain of the guard, both
me and the baker. 11And we saw a dream
in one night, both I and he, we saw each
according to the dream of him. 12And a
young Hebrew servant of the captain of
the guard was there with us, and we
narrated to him, and he interpreted to
us. 13And it happened as he interpreted
to us, thus also it happened, and me to
be restored on the rule of me, and that
to be hanged.
And having sent Pharaoh called
Ioseph, and they were leading him out
of the fortress and they shaved him and
changed the stole of him, and he went to
Pharaoh. 15And Pharaoh said to Ioseph:
“I have seen a dream, and there is
not the man who interprets it; and I


Genesis 41:16 GENESIS & EXODUS

myself heard concerning thee saying thee

having heard dreams to be able to inter-
pret them.”
Having answered Ioseph said to Pharaoh:
“Without God the salvation of Pharaoh
will not be answered.”
And Pharaoh spoke to Ioseph saying:
“In the sleep of me I was standing
along the lip of the river, 18and seven
oxen good to the appearance and chosen
to the flesh were coming up as out of
the river and they were feeding in the
meadow; 19and behold seven other oxen
were coming up behind them out of the
river evil and shameful to the appear-
ance and thin to the flesh, such as more
shameful as I saw not in the whole land
of Egypt; 20and the seven oxen the
shameful and thin consumed the first
seven oxen the good and chosen, 21and
they entered into the bellies of them
and it became not clear that they entered
into the bellies of them, and the faces
of them shameful as also in the beginning.
And having risen, I slept.


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 41:31

And I saw again in the sleep of me,
also as seven ears coming up in one
stalk full and good; 23and another seven
ears thin and scorched by the wind grew
up coming with them; 24and the seven ears
the thin and scorched by the wind
swallowed the seven ears the good and
full. Therefore I said to the magicians,
and there was not the man who reports to
And Ioseph said to Pharaoh:
“The dream of Pharaoh is one; what-
soever God is doing, he showed to Phar-
aoh. The seven good oxen are seven
years, and the seven good ears are seven
years; the dream of Pharaoh is one. 27The
seven thin oxen coming up behind them
are seven years, and the seven ears the
thin and scorched by the wind will be
seven years of famine. 28And the word,
which I have said to Pharaoh ‘Whatso-
ever God is doing, He showed to Pharaoh,’
behold seven years will come with much
prosperity in the whole land of Egypt;
and seven years of famine will come
after these, and the prosperity in the
whole land of Egypt will be forgotten,
and famine will destroy the land, 31and


Genesis 41:32 GENESIS & EXODUS

the prosperity on the land from the coming

famine after these will not be known;
for it will be exceedingly strong. 32And
concerning the dream of Pharaoh to double
twice, that the word from God will be
true, and God hastens to do it.
Now therefore oversee a man wise
and intelligent and appoint him on the
land of Egypt; 34and let Pharaoh make
and appoint officers on the land, and
let them take the fifth of all the fruits
of the land of Egypt of the seven years
of prosperity 35and let them assemble
all the foods of these coming seven good
years, and let the wheat be assembled
under the hand of Pharaoh, let the foods
be guarded in the cities; 36and it will
be the foods being guarded for the land
into the seven years of famine, which
will be in the land Egypt, and the land
will not be destroyed in the famine.


The words pleased before Pharaoh
and before all of the servants of him,
and Pharaoh said to all the servants
of him:


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 41:44

“Shall we not find such man, who has

the Spirit of God in him?”
And Pharaoh said to Ioseph:
“Since God showed to thee all these,
there is not a man wiser and more intel-
ligent than thee; 40thou thyself shall
be on the house of me, and on the mouth
of thee all the people of me will obey;
however on the throne I myself am superior
than thee.”
And Pharaoh said to Ioseph:
“Behold I appoint thee today on the
whole land of Egypt.”
And removing the ring from the hand of
him Pharaoh placed it on the hand of
Ioseph and clothed him with a fine stole
and placed a gold chain around the neck
of him; 43and he embarked him on the
chariot the second of the chariots of
him, and a crier cried out in front of
him; and he appointed him on the whole
land of Egypt. And Pharaoh said to
“I am Pharaoh; without thee no one
takes the hand of him on the whole land
of Egypt.”


Genesis 41:45 GENESIS & EXODUS

And Pharaoh called the name of Ioseph
Psonthomphanech; and he gave to him
Asenneth the daughter of Petephre priest
of the city of Sun as woman to him.
And Ioseph was thirty years, when he
stood before Pharaoh king of Egypt. And
Ioseph went out of the face of Pharaoh
and went through the whole land of Egypt.
And the land produced sheaves in the
seven years of prosperity; 48and he
assembled all the foods of the seven
years, in which the prosperity was in
the land of Egypt, and he placed the
foods in the cities, he placed in it
foods of the fields of the city around
it. 49And Ioseph assembled wheat as the
sand of the sea exceedingly much, until
they were not able to be counted, for
there was not a number.
Before the seven years of famine to
come two sons became to Ioseph, whom
Asenneth the daughter of Petephre priest
of the city of Sun delivered to him.
And Ioseph called the name of the
firstborn Manasse, because:
“God made me to forget all of the
pains of me and all of the things of the
father of me.”


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 42:1

And he called the name of the second
Ephraim, because:
“God grew me in the land of the low-
liness of me.”
And the seven years of prosperity
passed, which happened in the land Egypt,
and the seven years of famine began to
come, as Ioseph said. And famine came
in the whole land, but bread were in the
whole land of Egypt. And the whole
land of Egypt hungered, and the people
cried out to Pharaoh concerning bread;
and Pharaoh said to all the Egyptians:
“Go to Ioseph, and whatever he says
to you, you do.”
And the famine was on the face of the
whole land; and Ioseph opened all the
granaries and he sells to all the
Egyptians. 57And all the areas came into
Egypt to Ioseph to buy; for the famine
prevailed in the whole land.

And having seen that there is selling
in Egypt, Iakob said to the sons of him:


Genesis 42:2 GENESIS & EXODUS

“Why is it that you are intense?

Behold, I have heard that there is wheat
in Egypt; go down there and buy for us
little food, in order that we shall live,
and not die.”
The ten brothers of Ioseph went down to
buy wheat out of Egypt; 4and he sent not
Beniamin the brother of Ioseph with the
brothers of him; for he said:
“Lest perchance softness comes to
And the sons of Israel went to buy with
the ones who come; for the famine was in
the land of Canaan.
And Ioseph was the ruler of the land,
he himself sells to all the people of
the land; and having come the brothers
of Ioseph bowed to him on face on the
ground. 7And having seen the brothers
of him Ioseph recognized and he estranged
himself from them and he spoke to them
harshly and said to them:
“You came from where?”
And they said:


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 42:14

“Out of the land of Canaan to buy

And Ioseph recognized the brothers of
him, but they themselves recognized him
not. 9And Ioseph remembered the dreams,
which he himself saw, and he said to
“You are spies; you have come to
observe the tracks of the land.”
And the men said:
“Not, lord; the servants of thee came
to buy foods; 11we are all sons of one
man; we are peaceful, the servants of
thee are not spies.”
He said to them:
“Not, but you came to see the tracks
of the land.”
And they said:
“We the servants of thee are twelve
brothers in the land of Canaan, and be-
hold the younger is with the father of
us today, and the other exists not.”
But Ioseph said to them:


Genesis 42:15 GENESIS & EXODUS

“It is this, which I have said to you

saying that ‘You are spies;’ 15you shall
be manifested in this; by the health of
Pharaoh, you shall not at all go out
from here, except the younger brother
of you comes here. 16You will send one
out of you and take the brother of you,
and you yourselves are held until the
words of you to become manifest, if they
are true or not; and if not, by the
health of Pharaoh, you are indeed spies.”
And he placed them in prison for three
days. 18And he said to them on the third
“Do this and you will live, for I
myself fear God: 19If you are peaceful,
let one brother of you stay in the prison,
and you yourselves go and lead away the
grain of the household of you 20and you
lead to me the younger brother of you,
and the words of you will be believed;
and if not, you shall die.”
And they did thus. 21And each man said
to the brother of him:
“Yes; for we are in sin concerning
the brother of us, because we overlooked
the tribulation of the psyche of him,


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 42:27

when he was petitioning us, and we heard

him not; because of this, this
tribulation came on us.”
And having answered Rhouben said to
“I spoke not to you saying ‘We should
not harm the little child?’ And you
heard me not; and behold the blood of
him is being sought out.”
And they themselves knew not that Ioseph
is hearing; for the interpreter was
between them. 24And having turned from
them Ioseph wailed. And again he came
to them and said to them and took Sumeon
from them and bound him before them.
And Ioseph commanded the containers of
them to be filled of wheat and to give
the silver of each into the sack of him
and to give to them provision into the
way. And it happened to them thus.
And having placed the wheat on the
donkeys of them they went away from there.
And one having loosed the sack of him
to give foodstuffs to the donkeys of
him, where they loosened, saw the bond
of the silver of him, and it was above


Genesis 42:28 GENESIS & EXODUS

the mouth of the sack; and he said to
the brothers of him:
“The silver was given back to me,
and behold this is in the sack of me.”
And the heart of them stood out, and
they were troubled saying to one another:
“Why is it that God did this to us?”
And they came to Iakob the father
of them into the land of Canaan and they
reported to him all the things that hap-
pened to them saying:
“The man the lord of the land has
spoken to us harshly and placed us in
prison as spying the land. 31And we said
to him: ‘We are peaceful, we are not
spies; 32we are twelve brothers, sons of
the father of us; one exists not, and
the smaller is with the father of us
today in the land of Canaan.’ 33And the
man the lord of the land said to us:
‘In this I will know that you are peace-
ful; you leave here with me one brother,
and having taken the grain of the house-
hold of the house of you go away 34and
lead to me the younger brother of you,
and I will know that you are not spies,
but that you are peaceful, and I will


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 42:38

give back the brother of you to you, and

trade in the land.’”
And it happened in the time for
them emptying the sacks of them also the
bond of the silver of each was in the
sack of them; and they saw the bonds of
the silver of them, and the father of
them himself, and they feared. And
Iakob the father of them said to them:
“You bereaved me of children; there
is not Ioseph, there is not Sumeon, and
you will be taking Beniamin; all these
things came on me.”
And Rhouben said to the father of him
“Kill the two sons of me, if I will
not lead him to thee give him into the
hand of me, and I will lead him up to
But he said:
“The son of me will not go down with
you, because the brother of him died and
he himself has been left alone; and if
it will happen for him to be soft in the
way, which you go, also you lead down
the old age of me with grief into Hades.”


(Greek to English) GENESIS & EXODUS

And the famine prevailed on the land.
And it happened when they completed to
consume the wheat, which they brought
out of Egypt, also the father of them
said to them:
“Again having gone buy for us little
But Ioudas said to him saying:
“The man witnessing witnessed to us
saying: ‘You will not see the face of
me, except the younger brother of you be
with you.’ Therefore if indeed thou
will send the brother of us with us, we
will go down and buy for thee foods;
and if thou will not send the brother
of us with us, we will not go; for the
man said to us saying: ‘You will not
see the face of me, except the younger
brother of you be with you.’”
And Israel said:
“Why is it that you did evil to me
announcing to the man if there is to you
a brother?”


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 43:12

And they said:
“Asking the man asked us also the
generation of us saying: ‘If still the
father of you lives? If there is to you
a brother?’ And we reported to him
according to this question. We knew not
if he says to us: ‘Lead the brother of
And Ioudas said to Israel the father of
“Send the little child with me, and
having stood up we go, in order that we
shall live and not die and we and thou
and the household of us. 9And I myself
receive him, seek him out of the hand of
me; if I will not lead him to thee and
let him stand before thee, I will be
sinning to thee all the days. 10For if
we delayed not we might have returned
twice already.”
And Israel the father of them said to
“If it is thus, do this; take from
the fruits of the land in the containers
of you and lead down to the man gifts,
of the spices and honey, incense and
nuts and myrrh and gum. 12And take the


Genesis 43:13 GENESIS & EXODUS

silver double in the hands of you; the

silver which he returned in the sacks of
you return with you; lest perchance it
is an oversight. 13And take the brother
of you and having stood up go down to
the man. 14And may the God of me give to
you grace before the man, and send the
one brother of you and Beniamin; for I
indeed, as I am bereaved of children, I
am bereaved of children.”
And the men having taken these gifts
and the silver being doubled took in the
hands of them and Beniamin and having
stood up they went down into Egypt and
stood before Ioseph.
And Ioseph saw them and Beniamin
the brother of him of the same mother
and said to the steward on the house of
“Lead in the men into the house and
slaughter sacrifices and prepare; for
the men will eat bread with me on the
The man did, as Ioseph said, and he
led in the men into the house of Ioseph.
And the men having seen that they entered
into the house of Ioseph, said:


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 43:24

“On account of the silver returned

in the sacks of us in the beginning we
ourselves are being led in to falsely
accuse us and lay to us to take us into
servants and the donkeys of us.”
And having approached towards the man
the steward on the house of Ioseph they
spoke to him in the gate of the house
“We petition, lord; we went down in
the beginning to buy foods; 21and it hap-
pened when we came in order to loosen
and we opened the sacks of us, also the
silver of each in the sack of him; we
returned with the silver of us in weight
now in the hands of us 22and we brought
another silver with ourselves to buy
foods; we know not, who casted the silver
into the sacks of us.”
And he said to them:
“Mercy to you, fear not; the God of
you and the God of the fathers of you
gave to you treasures in the sacks of
you, and I hold away the silver of you
with pleasure.”
And he led Sumeon out to them 24and brought
water to wash the feet of them and gave


Genesis 43:25 GENESIS & EXODUS

foodstuffs to the donkeys of them. 25And

they prepared the gifts until the time
for Ioseph to come at midday; for they
heard that he is about to eat there.
And Ioseph entered into the house,
and they brought to him the gifts, which
they had in the hands of them, into the
house and they bowed to him on face on
the ground. 27And he asked them:
“How are you having?”
And he said to them:
“If the old father of you, whom you
said, is sound? Is he still living?”
And they said:
“The servant of thee the father of
us is sound, he still lives.”
And he said:
“That man is eulogized by God.”
And having stooped they bowed to him.
And having lifted up the eyes Ioseph
saw Beniamin the brother of him of the
same mother and said:
“Is this the younger brother of you,
whom you said to lead to me?”


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 43:34

And he said:
“May God pity thee, child.”
And Ioseph was troubled -- for the
feelings of him was converging on the
brother of him -- and he was seeking to
wail; and having entered into the closet
he wailed there. And having washed
the face having gone out he controlled
himself and said:
“Set bread.”
And they set to him alone and to them
according to themselves and the Egyptians
who eat with him according to themselves;
for the Egyptians are not able to eat
bread with the Hebrews, for it is
abomination to the Egyptians. 33And they
sat before him, the firstborn according
to the birthrights of him and the younger
according to the youth of him; and the
men stood out of themselves each to the
brother of him. And they took part
from him to them; and the part of Beniamin
was greater than the parts of all five
times against those. And they were
drinking and they drank with him.


(Greek to English) GENESIS & EXODUS

And Ioseph commanded the steward who
is in the house of him saying:
“Fill the sacks of the men with foods,
whatsoever they are able to take, and
cast the silver of each on the mouth of
the sack 2and cast the silver cup of me
into the sack of the younger and the
value of the wheat of him.”
And it happened according to the word of
Ioseph, as he said. 3And morning dawned,
and the men were sent, they and the
donkeys of them. 4And of them going out
of the city (not holding away far) also
Ioseph said to the steward on the house
of him:
“Having stood up pursue behind the
men and overtake them and say to them:
‘Why is it that you return evil instead
of good? 5Why is it that you stole the
silver cup of me? Is this not, in which
the lord of me drinks? And asking God
he himself will ask God in it. You
complete evil, the things which you have


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 44:13

And having found them he said to them
according to these words. 7And the men
said to him:
“Why is it that the lord speaks ac-
cording to these words? May it be not
to the servants of thee to do according
to this word. If indeed the silver,
which we found in the sacks of us, we
returned to thee out of the land of
Canaan, how shall we steal silver or
gold out of the house of the lord of
thee? 9From whoever of the servants of
thee thou find the cup, let him die; and
we ourselves also will be servants of
the lord of us.”
And he said:
“And now as you say, thus it will be;
the man, from whom the cup shall be
found, he himself will be servant of me,
and you yourselves will be clean.”
And they hastened and took down each
the sack of him on the ground and opened
each the sack of him. 12And he searched
beginning from the older until he came
on the younger, and he found the cup in
the sack of Beniamin. 13And they ripped
the garments of them and they placed


Genesis 44:14 GENESIS & EXODUS

each the sack of him on the donkey of

him and returned into the city.
And Ioudas entered and the brothers
of him to Ioseph still of him being
there and they fell before him on the
ground. 15And Ioseph said to them:
“What is this matter, which you did?
You know not that I am such a man who
asking God asks God?”
And Ioudas said:
“What shall we say against the lord
or what shall we speak or what shall we
justify? God found the wickedness of
the servants of thee. Behold we are
household helpers to the lord of us,
both we and from whom thou found the
But he said:
“May it be not to me to do this word;
the man, from whom the cup was found, he
himself will be servant of me, and you
yourselves go up with salvation to the
father of you.”
And Ioudas drew near to him and said:


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 44:26

“I petition, lord, let the servant

of thee speak a word before thee, and
not angry to the servant of thee, be-
cause thou thyself art with Pharaoh.
Lord, thou thyself asked the servants
of thee saying: ‘If you have father or
brother?’ And we said to the lord:
‘There is to us an old father and a
child of old age a younger to him, and
the brother of him died, and he himself
was left alone by the mother of him, and
the father loved him.’ And thou said
to the servants of thee: ‘Lead him down
to me, and I may take care of him.’
And we said to the lord: ‘The child
will not be able to leave the father;
and if he leaves the father, he might
die.’ And thou thyself said to the
servants of thee: ‘If the younger brother
of you shall not go down with you, you
will not still add to see the face of
“And it happened when we went up to
the servant of thee and father of us, we
reported to him the words of the lord.
And the father of us said to us: ‘Go
again, buy for us little food.’ 26And
we ourselves said: ‘We will not be able
to go down; but if indeed the younger


Genesis 44:27 GENESIS & EXODUS

brother of us goes down with us, we will

go down; for we will not be able to see
the face of the man, of the younger
brother not being with us.’ 27And the
servant of thee the father of us said to
us: ‘You yourselves know that the woman
delivered to me two sons; 28and one went
out from me, and you said that he has
been eaten by beast, and I saw him not
still also now; 29therefore if you take
also this out of the face of me and
softness comes to him in the way, also
you lead down the old age of me with
grief into Hades.’ 30Now therefore if I
go in to the servant of thee and father
of us and the little child be not with
us -- and the psyche of him hangs out of
this psyche --, 31also it will be in the
time for him to see not the little child
with us he will die, and the servants of
thee will lead down the old servant of
thee and father of us with pain into
”For the servant of thee is being
made surety for the child from the fa-
ther saying: ‘If I will lead him not to
thee and set him before thee, Iwill be
sinning to the father all the days.’
Now therefore I shall remain servant


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 45:4

to thee instead of the child, helper of

the lord; and let the child go up with
the brothers. 34For how shall I go up to
the father, of the child not being with
us? In order that I shall not see the
things evil, which will find the father
of me.”

And Ioseph was not able to endure
all the things which are present to him,
but he said:
“Send out all from me.”
And no one stood still with Ioseph, when
he was being made known to the brothers
of him. 2And he lifted up voice with
wailing; and all the Egyptians heard,
and the hearing came into the house of
Pharaoh. 3And Ioseph said to the brothers
of him:
“I myself am Ioseph; is the father
of me still living?”
And the brothers were not able to answer
him; for they were troubled. 4And Ioseph
said to the brothers of him:


Genesis 45:5 GENESIS & EXODUS

“Draw near to me.”

And they drew near. And he said:
“I myself am Ioseph the brother of
you, whom you gave away into Egypt. 5Now
therefore grieve not nor let it be hard
to you that you gave me away here; for
into life God sent me in front of you;
for this is second year of famine on
the land, and still five years remain,
in which there will not be plowing nor
reaping; 7for God sent me in front of
you, to leave a remnant of you on the
earth and to preserve a great remnant of
you. 8 Now therefore you yourselves sent
me not here, but rather God, and he made
me as father of Pharaoh and lord of the
whole house of him and ruler of the
whole land of Egypt. 9Therefore hasten-
ing go up to the father of me and say to
him: ‘Ioseph the son of thee says these
“God made me lord of the whole land
of Egypt; therefore go down to me and
tarry not; 10and thou will dwell in the
land of Gesem of Arabia and thou will be
near me, thou and the sons of thee and
the sons of the sons of thee, the sheep
of thee and the oxen of thee and whatso-


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 45:18

ever is to thee, 11and I will nourish

thee there -- for famine are still five
years --, in order that thou will not
waste away, thou and the sons of thee
and all the things being of thee.”
“Behold the eyes of you see and the
eyes of Beniamin the brother of me that
the mouth of me is speaking to you.
Therefore report to the father of me
all the glory of me in Egypt and whatso-
ever you see, and quickly lead down the
father of me here.”
And having fallen on the neck of Beniamin
the brother of him he wailed on him, and
Beniamin wailed on the neck of him. 15And
having kissed all the brothers of him he
wailed on them, and after these the
brothers of him spoke to him. 16And the
voice was shouted into the house of
Pharaoh saying:
“The brothers of Ioseph have come.”
And Pharaoh rejoiced and the household
of him. 17And Pharaoh said to Ioseph:
“Say to the brothers of thee ‘Do this:
Fill the journey of you and go away into
the land of Canaan 18and having taken
along the father of you and the things


Genesis 45:19 GENESIS & EXODUS

being of you come to me, and I will give

to you all the goods of Egypt, and eat
the marrow of the land.’ And thou
thyself command these things, to take
with them wagons out of the land of
Egypt for the children of you and the
women, and having taken up the father of
you arrive; 20and spare not the eyes of
you of the goods of you, for all the
good things of Egypt will be for you.”
And the sons of Israel did thus; and
Ioseph gave to them wagons according to
the things said by Pharaoh the king and
he gave to them provision into the way.
And he gave to all two stoles, and to
Beniamin he gave three hundred gold and
five changing stoles, 23and to the father
of him he sent according to things
themselves and ten donkeys taking from
all of the goods of Egypt and ten she-
asses taking bread for the father of him
into the way. And he sent out the
brothers of him, and they went; and he
said to them:
“Quarrel not in the way.”
And they went up out of Egypt and came
into the land of Canaan to Iakob the


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 46:2

father of them 26and they announced to

him saying that:
“The son of thee Ioseph lives, and
he himself rules the whole land of Egypt.”
And the mind of Iakob stood out; for he
believed them not. 27And they spoke to
him all the things being said by Ioseph,
whatsoever he said to them. And having
seen the wagons, which Ioseph sent so as
to take him up, the spirit of Iakob the
father of them fired up. 28And Israel
“It is great to me, if Ioseph the
son of me still lives; having gone I
will see him before me to die.”

And having taken up Israel, he and
all the things of him, went to the well
of the oath and sacrificed sacrifice to
the God of the father of him Isaak. 2And
the God of Israel said in a vision of
the night having said:
“Iakob, Iakob.”


Genesis 46:3 GENESIS & EXODUS

And he said:
“What is it?”
“I Myself am the God of the fathers
of thee; fear not to go down into Egypt;
for I will make thee there into a great
nation, 4and I Myself will go down with
thee into Egypt, and I Myself will carry
thee into the end, and Ioseph will cast
the hands on the eyes of thee.”
And Iakob stood up from the well of the
oath, and the sons of Israel took up the
father of them and the household and the
women of them on the wagons, which Ioseph
sent to take him, 6and having taken up
the things being of them and all the
cattle, which they got in the land of
Canaan, they entered into Egypt, Iakob
and all the seed of him with him, 7sons
and the sons of the sons of him with
him, daughters and daughters of the sons
of him; and he led all the seed of him
into Egypt.
And these are the names of the sons
of Israel entering into Egypt. Iakob
and the sons of him: firstborn of Iakob
Rhouben. 9And sons of Rhouben: Enoch


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 46:20

and Phallous, Asron and Charmi. 10And

sons of Sumeon: Iemouel and Iamin and
Aod and Iachin and Saar and Saoul son of
the Canaanite woman. 11And sons of Leui:
Gersom, Kaath and Merari. 12And sons of
Ioudas: Er and Aunan and Selom and
Phares and Zara; and Er and Aunan died
in the land of Canaan; and the sons of
Phares were Asron and Iemouel. And
sons of Issachar: Thola and Phoua and
Iasoub and Zambram. And sons of
Zaboulon: Sered and Allon and Aloel.
These are sons of Leia, whom she
delivered to Iakob in Mesopotamia of
Syria, and Dina the daugther of him; all
the psyches, sons and daughters, thirty-
And sons of Gad: Saphon and Aggis
and Saunis and Thasoban and Aedis and
Aroedis and Aroelis, 17And sons of Asher:
Iemna and Iesoua and Ieoul and Baria,
and Sara sister of them. And sons of
Baria: Chobor and Melchiel. These
are sons of Zelpha, whom Laban gave to
Leia the daughter of him, who delivered
these to Iakob, sixteen psyches.
And sons of Rhachel woman of Iakob:
Ioseph and Beniamin. 20And sons of Ioseph


Genesis 46:21 GENESIS & EXODUS

were in the land Egypt, whom Asenneth

daughter of Petephre priest of the city
of Sun, Manasse and Ephraim. And sons
of Manasse, whom Sura the concubine
delivered to him, Machir; and Machir
begot Galaad. And sons of Ephraim brother
of Manasse: Soutalaam and Taam. And
sons of Soutalaam: Edem. 21And sons of
Beniamin: Bala and Chobor and Asbel.
And sons of Bala were: Gera and Noeman
and Agchis and Rhos and Manphin and
Ophimin; and Gera begot Arad. 22These
are sons of Rhachel, whom she delivered
to Iakob; all psyches eighteen.
And sons of Dan: Asom. 24And sons
of Nephthali: Asiel and Gouni and Issaar
and Sullem. 25These are sons of Balla,
whom Laban gave to Rhachel the daughter
of him, who delivered these to Iakob;
all psyches seven.
And all the psyches entering with
Iakob into Egypt, the men who went out
of the thighs of him, apart from the
women of the sons of Iakob, all psyches
And the sons of Ioseph the men who
became to him in the land Egypt nine


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 46:34

psyches. All psyches of the house of

Iakob entering into Egypt seventy-five.
And he sent Ioudas in front of him
to Ioseph to meet him throughout the
city of Heroon into the land of Rhamesses.
And having yoked the chariots of him
Ioseph went up into a meeting of Israel
the father of him throughout the city of
Heroon and having faced him he fell on
the neck of him and wailed wailing more.
And Israel said to Ioseph:
“I may die from now, since I have
seen the face of thee; for thou thyself
still live.”
And Ioseph said to the brothers of him:
“Having gone up I report to Pharaoh
and say to him: ‘The brothers of me and
the house of the father of me, who were
in the land of Canaan, have come to me;
and the men are shepherds -- for the
men were keepers of cattle -- and they
are bringing the cattle and the oxen and
all the things of them.’
“Therefore if Pharaoh calls you and
say to you: ‘What is the work of you?’
You say: ‘We the servants of thee are
men keepers of cattle out of child until


(Greek to English) GENESIS & EXODUS

now, we and also the fathers of us,’ in

order that we shall dwell in the land of
Gesem of Arabia; for every shepherd of
sheep is an abomination to Egyptians.”

And having come Ioseph reported to
Pharaoh saying:
“The father of me and the brothers
of me and the cattle and the oxen of
them and all the things of them came out
of the land of Canaan and behold they
are in the land of Gesem.”
And he took along five men from the
brothers of him and made them stand before
Pharaoh. And Pharaoh said to the
brothers of Ioseph:
“What is the work of you?”
And they said to Pharaoh:
“The servants of thee are shepherds
of sheep, we and also the fathers of
And they said to Pharaoh:
“We have come to sojourn in the land;
for there is not pasture for the cattle


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 47:9

of the servants of thee, for the famine

prevailed in the land of Canaan; now
therefore we the servants of thee will
dwell in the land of Gesem.”
And Pharaoh said to Ioseph:
“Let them dwell in the land of Gesem;
and if thou know that there are able men
in them, appoint them rulers of my
And Iakob and the sons of him came into
Egypt to Ioseph, and Pharaoh king of
Egypt heard. And Pharaoh said to Ioseph
“The father of thee and the brothers
of thee have come to thee; 6behold the
land of Egypt is before thee; let the
father of thee and the brothers of thee
dwell in the best land.”
And Ioseph led in Iakob the father of
him and let him stand before Pharaoh,
and Iakob eulogized Pharaoh. 8And Pharaoh
said to Iakob:
“How many are the days of the years
of the life of thee?”
And Iakob said to Pharaoh:


Genesis 47:10 GENESIS & EXODUS

“The days of the years of the life of

me, which I sojourn, hundred thirty
years; the days of the years of the life
of me have been few and evil, they reached
not into the days of the years of the
life of the fathers of me, days which
they sojourned.”
And having eulogized Pharaoh Iakob went
out from him. 11And Ioseph dwelt Iakob
the father and the brothers of him and
he gave to them possession in the land
of Egypt in the best land in the land of
Rhamesses, as Pharaoh ordered. And
Ioseph was rationing the father and the
brothers of him and all the house of the
father of him with wheat according to
And wheat was not in the whole land;
for the famine exceedingly prevailed;
and the land of Egypt failed and the
land of Canaan from the famine. 14And
Ioseph assembled all the silver found
in the land of Egypt and in the land of
Canaan of the wheat, which they bought
and he was rationing to them, and Ioseph
brought all the silver into the house of
Pharaoh. 15And all the silver out of the
land of Egypt and out of the land of


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 47:19

Canaan failed. And all the Egyptians

came to Ioseph saying:
“Give to us bread, and why is it that
we shall die before thee? For the silver
of us has failed.”
And Ioseph said to them:
“Bring the cattle of you, and I will
give to you bread instead of the cattle
of you, if the silver has failed.”
And they led the cattle to Ioseph and
he gave to them bread instead of the
horses and instead of the sheep and
instead of the oxen and instead of the
donkeys and he nourished them in bread
instead of all of the cattle of them in
that year.
And that year went out, and they
came to him in the second year and said
to him:
“Lest perchance we shall waste away
from the lord of us; for if the silver
and the things being of us and the cattle
have failed to thee the lord, and there
is not left to us before the lord of us
but rather our own body and the land of
us. 19Therefore in order that we shall


Genesis 47:20 GENESIS & EXODUS

not die before thee and the land become

desolate, get us and the land of us
instead of bread, and we ourselves and
the land of us shall be servants of
Pharaoh; give seed, in order that we
shall sow and live and not die and the
land shall not become desolate.”
And Ioseph got all the land of the
Egyptians for Pharaoh; for the Egyptians
gave the land of them to Pharaoh, for
the famine prevailed on them; and it
became the land of Pharaoh. 21And the
people served him into servants from
the tips of the borders of Egypt until
the tips, 22except the land of the priests
only; for Ioseph got this not, for in
giving Pharaoh gave gifts to the priests,
and they ate the gifts, which Pharaoh
gave to them; on account of this, they
gave not the land of them. 23And Ioseph
said to all the Egyptians:
“Behold I have acquired you and the
land of you today for Pharaoh; take for
yourselves seed and sow the land, 24and
it will be from the fruits of it you
will give the fifth part to Pharaoh, and
the four parts will be for you for them
into seed for the land and into food of


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 47:30

you and for all the men in the houses of

And they said:
“Thou have saved us, we found grace
before the lord of us and we will be
servants of Pharaoh.”
And Ioseph set to them into order until
this day on the land of Egypt giving
fifth to Pharaoh, except the land of the
priests only; it was not to Pharaoh.

And Israel dwelt in the land Egypt
on the land of Gesem and they inherited
on it and they grew and multiplied ex-
ceedingly. 28And Iakob lived in the land
Egypt seventeen years; and the days of
Iakob the years of the life of him were
hundred forty seven years.
And the days of Israel to die drew
near, and he called the son of him Ioseph
and said to him:
“If I have found grace before thee,
place the hand of thee under the thigh
of me and thou will do on me mercy and
truth not to bury me in Egypt, 30but I


Genesis 47:31 GENESIS & EXODUS

will sleep with the fathers of me and

take me out of Egypt and bury me in the
grave of them.”
And he said:
“I myself will do according to the
word of thee.”
And he said:
“Swear to me.”
And he swore to him. And Israel bowed
on the tip of the staff of him.

And it happened after these words
and it was reported to Ioseph that:
“The father of thee is sick.”
And having taken the two sons of him,
Manasse and Ephraim, he went to Israel.
And it was reported to Iakob saying:
“Behold the son of thee Ioseph is
coming to thee.”
And having strengthened himself Israel
sat on the bed. And Iakob said to


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 48:8

“The God of me appeared to me in

Louza in the land of Canaan and eulogized
me. And he said to me: ‘Behold I
Myself will make thee grow and I will
multiply thee and make thee into
synagogues of nations and I will give to
thee this land and to the seed of thee
after thee into everlasting possession.
Now therefore the two sons of thee who
are being with thee in Egypt before me
to come to thee into Egypt are to me,
Ephraim and Manasse as Rhouben and Sumeon
will be to me; 6and the descendants,
whichever thou beget after these, will
be to thee, they will inherit in those
inheritance on the name of the brothers
of them.’ 7And I myself when I came out
of Mesopotamia of Syria, Rhachel the
mother of thee died in the land of Canaan
of me drawing near throughout the
hippodrome of Chabrath of the land to
come to Ephrath, and I buried her in the
way of the hippodrome (this is
And having seen the sons of Ioseph Israel
“Who are these to thee?”


Genesis 48:9 GENESIS & EXODUS

And Ioseph said to the father of him:
“They are the sons of me, whom God
gave to me here.”
And Iakob said:
“Lead them forth to me, in order that
I shall eulogize them.”
And the eyes of Israel were heavy from
the old age, and he was not able to see;
and he made them draw near to him, and
he kissed them and embraced them. 11And
Israel said to Ioseph:
“Behold I was not expecting the face
of thee, and behold God showed to me
even the seed of thee.”
And Ioseph led them out from the knees
of him, and they bowed to him on face
on the ground. 13And Ioseph having taken
the two sons of him, both Ephraim in the
right out of the left of Israel, and
Manasse in the left out of the right of
Israel, drew them near to him. And
Israel having stretched out the right
hand casted on the head of Ephraim --
and this was the younger -- and the left
on the head of Manasse, exchanging the
hands. 15And he eulogized them and said:


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 48:19

“May the God, whom the fathers of me

Abraham and Isaak pleased before Him,
the God who nourishes me out of youth
until this day, 16the angel who rescued
me out of all of the evil things eulogize
these children, and the name of me and
the name of the fathers of me Abraham
and Isaak will be called in them, and
they will be multiplied into many mul-
titude on the earth.”
And Ioseph having seen that the father
casted the right hand of him on the head
of Ephraim, it was manifested heavy to
him, and Ioseph helped the hand of the
father of him to remove it from the head
of Ephraim to the head of Manasse. 18And
Ioseph said to the father of him:
“Not thus, father; for this is the
firstborn; place the right hand of thee
on the head of him.”
And he willed not, but he said:
“I know, child, I know; and this will
be into a people, and this will be
exalted, but the younger brother of him
will be greater than him, and the seed
of him will be into multitude of nations.”


Genesis 48:20 GENESIS & EXODUS

And he eulogized them in that day saying:
“In you Israel will be eulogized
saying ‘May God make thee as Ephraim
and as Manasse.”
And he placed Ephraim in front of Manasse.
And Israel said to Ioseph:
“Behold I myself will die, and God
will be with you and return you into the
land of the fathers of you; 22and I myself
give to thee Sikim chosen above the broth-
ers of thee, which I took out of the
hand of the Amorrites in the sword and
bow of me.”

And Iakob called the sons of him and
“Assemble, in order that I may
announce to you, what will happen to you
on the last of the days; 2assemble and
hear, sons of Iakob, hear Israel the
father of you. 3Rhouben, thou art the
firstborn of me, the strength of me and
the beginning of the children of me,
hard to bring and hard self-pleasing.
Unstable as water, thou shall not excel;


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 49:11

for thou shall come up on the bed of the

father of thee; then having defiled the
spread, thou shall not come up. 5Sumeon
and Leui are brothers; they completed
unrighteousness out of the heresies of
them. 6May the psyche of me come not
into the counsel of them, and on the
company of them not to join, because in
the fury of them they killed men and in
the desire of them they hurt a bull.
and the fury of them is cursed, because
they are self-pleasing, and the passion
of them, because it was hardened I will
divide them in Iakob and I will disperse
them in Israel. 8Ioudas, let the brothers
of thee praise thee, the hands of thee
on the back of the enemies of thee; the
sons of the father of thee will bow to
thee. 9Ioudas is a cub of lion; out of
prey, son of me, falling thou shall sleep
as a lion and as a cub; who shall rouse
him? A ruler out of Ioudas and a
governor out of the thighs of him shall
not fail, until the things being laid
shall come to him; and he is the
expectation of them. 11He binds the gate
of him to the vine and the gate of the
donkey of him to the chosen vine; he
will wash the stole of him in wine and


Genesis 49:12 GENESIS & EXODUS

the mantle of him in blood of grapes;

the eyes of him are red from wine, and
the teeth of him white as milk.
”Zaboulon shall dwell along the
seaside, and he is a haven of ships,
and he borders until Sidon. 14Issachar
desired the good resting between the
lots; 15and having seen the rest that it
is good, and the land that it is fat, he
placed the shoulder of him in order to
labor and he became a man a farmer.
Dan judges the people of himself as
also one tribe in Israel. 17And let Dan
become a snake on the way sitting on the
path, biting heels of horse, and the
horseman falls into the things behind.
Let the salvation of the Lord remain.
Gad, an attacker shall attack him,
but he himself shall attack them
throughout the feet. 20Asher, the bread
of him is fat, and he himself shall give
revelry to rulers. 21Nephthali is like
a doe running freely, giving in the fruit
good. 22Ioseph a son being grown, a son
being grown a zealot, youngest son of
me; return to me. 23Into whom casting
they were reviling, and lords of archers
had him; 24and he shattered after the


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 49:30

mighty bows of them, and loose out the

sinews of the arms of the hands of them
through the able hands of Iakob, the man
who prevailed Israel from there; 25from
the God of the father of thee, and my
God helped thee and eulogized thee eulogy
of heaven from above and eulogy of earth
having all; because of eulogy of breasts
and wombs, 26eulogy of the father of thee
and the mother of thee; he prevailed on
eulogy of ancient mountains and on eu-
logies of everlasting hills; it will be
on the head of Ioseph and on top of whom
he considered brothers. 27Beniamin wolf
grabber; he eats in the morning still
also into the evening he shall divide
All these are the twelve sons of
Iakob, and the father of them spoke these
to them and he eulogized them, he
eulogized each according to the eulogy
of him. 29And he said:
“I myself will be added to my people;
bury me with the fathers of me in the
cave, which is in the field of Ephron
the Hittite, 30in the double cave oppo-
site Mambre in the land of Canaan, which
cave Abraham got from Ephron the Hittite


Genesis 49:31 GENESIS & EXODUS

in possession of tomb; 31Abraham and Sarra

the woman of him were buried there, Isaak
and Rhebekka the woman of him were buried
there, and I buried Leia there 32in pos-
session of the field and the cave which
is in it from the sons of Chet.”
And Iakob rested ordering the sons of
him and having taken out the feet of him
on the bed he failed and was added to
the people of him.

And Ioseph falling on the face of
the father of him wailed on him and
kissed him. And Ioseph ordered the
servants of him the embalmers to embalm
the father of him, and the embalmers
embalmed Israel. And they fulfilled
forty days of him; for thus the days of
the burial were counted. And Egypt
mourned him seventy days. And since
the days of the sorrow passed, Ioseph
spoke to the potentates of Pharaoh say-
“If I found grace before you, speak
concerning me into the ears of Pharaoh
saying: ‘The father of me made me
swear saying “In the tomb, which I dug


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 50:11

for myself in the land of Canaan, thou

shall bury me there;”’ now therefore
having gone up I will bury the father of
me and and I will return.’”
And Pharaoh said:
“Go up, bury the father of thee, just
as he made thee swear.”
And Ioseph went up to bury the father
of him, and all the servants of Pharaoh
and the presbyters of the house of him
and all the presbyters of the land of
Egypt went up with him 8and the whole
household of Ioseph and the brothers of
him and the whole house the descendants
of him, and the relatives and the sheep
and the oxen were left in the land of
Gesem. 9And they went up with him both
chariots and horsemen, and the camp was
exceedingly great. 10And they arrived
on the threshing floor of Atad, which is
on the other side of Jordan, and they
mourned him with a great mourning and
exceedingly strong; and they made the
sorrow for the father of him seven days.
And the men who dwell the land of Canaan
saw the sorrow in the threshing floor of
Atad and said:


Genesis 50:12 GENESIS & EXODUS

“This is a great sorrow to the Egyp-

On account of this the name of it is
called “Sorrow of Egypt,” which is on
the other side of Jordan. 12And thus the
sons of him did to him and they buried
him there. 13And the sons of him took
him into the land of Canaan and buried
him into the double cave, the cave which
Abraham got in possession of tomb from
Ephron the Hittite opposite Mambre.
And Ioseph returned into Egypt, he
and the brothers of him and the men who
went up to bury the father of him. 15And
the brothers of Ioseph having seen that
the father of them died, said:
“Lest perchance Ioseph shall remember
evil to us and he will recompense a
recompense to us for all the evil things,
which we showed to him.”
And they arrived to Ioseph saying:
“The father of thee swore before him
to die saying: 17‘Thus say to Ioseph:
Forgive to them the unrighteousness and
the sin of them, because they showed
evil to thee;’ and now show the


GENESIS & EXODUS Genesis 50:23

unrighteousness of the servants of the

God of the father of thee.”
And Ioseph wailed of them speaking to
him. 18And coming to him they said:
“See we are household servants to
And Ioseph said to them:
“Fear not; for I myself am of God.
You yourselves wished evil against me,
but God wished concerning me into good,
in order that it shall be as today, in
order that many people shall be
And he said to them:
“Fear not; I myself will nourish you
and the houses of you.”
And he besought them and spoke with them
into the heart.


And Ioseph dwelt in Egypt, he and
the brothers of him and the whole house-
hold of the father of him. And Ioseph
lived hundred and ten years. 23And Ioseph
saw the children of Ephraim until the


Genesis 50:24 GENESIS & EXODUS

third generation, and the sons of Machir

the son of Manasse were delivered on the
thighs of Ioseph. 24And Ioseph said to
the brothers of him saying:
“I myself will die; but in the
visitation God will visit you and will
lead you up out of this land into the
land, which God swore to the fathers of
us Abraham and Isaak and Iakob. 25And
Ioseph made the sons of Israel swear
“In the visitation, God will visit
you, and you shall take the bones of me
from here with you.”
And Ioseph died hundred ten years;
and they buried him and placed in the
coffin in Egypt.


GENESIS & EXODUS (Greek to English)

These are the names of the sons of
Israel who have come into Egypt together
with Iakob the father of them -- they
entered each with the household of them:
Rhouben, Sumeon, Leui, Ioudas, 3Issachar,
Zaboulon, and Beniamin, 4 Dan and
Nephthali, Gad and Asher. 5And Ioseph
was in Egypt. And all psyches out of
Iakob were five and seventy. 6And Ioseph
died and all the brothers of him and all
that generation. 7And the sons of Is-
rael grew and multiplied and they were
becoming strong and they were prevailing
very exceedingly, and the land multi-
plied them.
And another king stood up out of
Egypt, who knew not Ioseph. 9And he
said to the nation of him:
“Behold the genus of the sons of Is-
rael is a great multitude and strong
above us; 10therefore come here we should
beset them, lest perchance they will
multiply and, when war would come to us,


Exodus 1:11 GENESIS & EXODUS

these will also be added to the

adversaries and fighting us they will
go out of the land.”
And the overseers of the works stood
by them, in order that they mistreat
them in the works and they built fortified
cities for the Pharaoh, both Pithom and
Rhamesses and On, which is the city of
Sun. 12But as they were making them low,
they were becoming as such more and strong
very exceedingly; and the Egyptians were
abhorring from the sons of Israel. 13And
the Egyptians were oppressing the sons
of Israel with violence 14and oppressing
the life of them in hard works, with the
mortar and the brick and all the works
which are in the fields, according to
all the works, they were enslaving them
with violence.
And the king of the Egyptians said
to the midwives of the Hebrews, one of
them, the name is Sepphora, and the name
of the second is Phoua, 16and he said:
“When you serve as midwives to the
Hebrew women and see them to deliver, if
indeed be male, kill it, but if female,
let it live.”


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 1:22

But the midwives feared God and did
not as the king of Egypt ordered to
them, and they were making the male
children live. 18And the king of Egypt
called the midwives and said to them:
“Why is it that you did this matter
and made the male children live?”
And the midwives said to Pharaoh:
“The Hebrew women are not as the women
of Egypt, for they deliver before which
the midwives are able to enter to them;
and they deliver.”
And God was doing well with the midwives,
and the people multiplied and grew
exceedingly strong. 21Since the midwives
were fearing God, they made for
themselves houses. 22And Pharaoh ordered
to all the people of him saying:
“Every male, whichever shall be de-
livered by the Hebrews, throw into the
river; and every female, let it live.”


(Greek to English) GENESIS & EXODUS

And there was a certain man out of
the tribe of Leui, who took of the daugh-
ters of Leui and had her. 2And she took
in the belly and delivered a male; and
having seen it fine they covered it three
months. 3And since they were not still
able to hide it, the mother of him took
for it a box and daubed it with asphalt
and she casted the child into it and
placed it into the reeds along the river.
And the sister of him spied from afar
to learn, what is the thing coming to
him. 5And the daughter of Pharaoh went
down to wash on the river, and the maids
of her were going along the river; and
having seen the box in the reeds having
sent the maid she took it up. And
having opened they saw the child wailing
in the box, and the daughter of Pharaoh
spared him and said:
“This is from the children of the
And the sister of him said to the
daughter of Pharaoh:


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 2:11

“Art thou willing that I will call

for thee a nursing woman out of the
Hebrews and she will nurse for thee the
And the daughter of Pharaoh said to
And having gone the young woman called
the mother of the child. And the
daughter of Pharaoh said to her:
“Keep for me this child and nurse it
for me, and I myself will give to thee
the reward.”
And the woman took the child and nursed
it. 10And of the child having grown she
led it in to the daughter of Pharaoh,
and he became to her into a son; and she
called the name of him Mouses saying:
“I took him up out of the water.”


And it happened in those many days
of Mouses becoming great he went out to
the brothers of him the sons of Israel.
And having perceived the labor of them
he saw an Egyptian man striking a certain


Exodus 2:12 GENESIS & EXODUS

Hebrew of the brothers of himself the

sons of Israel; 12and having looked around
here and here he saw not not even one
and having struck the Egyptian he hid
him in the sand. 13And having gone out
on the second day he saw two Hebrew men
quarreling and he says to the man who
does wrong:
“On account of what thou thyself
strike the neighbor?”
And he said:
“Who appointed thee ruler and judge
on us? Art thou thyself not willing to
kill me, in which manner thou killed the
Egyptian yesterday?”
And Mouses feared and said:
“If thus this word has become mani-
And Pharaoh heard this word and he was
seeking to kill Mouses; and Mouses
withdrew from the face of Pharaoh and
dwelt in the land of Midian; and having
come into the land of Midian he sat on
the well.


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 2:21


And there were seven daughters to
the priest of Midian shepherding the
sheep of the father of them Iothor; and
having arrived they were drawing water,
until they filled the troughs to let the
sheep of the father of them Iothor drink.
And having arrived the shepherds casted
them out; and having stood up Mouses
rescued them and drew water for them and
let the sheep of them drink. 18And they
arrived to Rhagouel the father of them;
and he said to them:
“Why is it that you are quick to
arrive today?”
And they said:
“An Egyptian man rescued us from the
shepherds and he drew water for us and
let the sheep of us drink.”
And he said to the daughters of him:
“And where is he? Why is it also
that you left the man thus? Therefore
call him, in order that he may eat bread.”
And Mouses dwelt along the man, and he
gave out to Mouses as woman Sepphora the


Exodus 2:22 GENESIS & EXODUS

daughter of him. 22And the woman having

taken in the belly delivered a son, and
Mouses named the name of him Gersam saying
“I am a sojourner in a foreign land.”


And after those many days the king
of Egypt died. And the sons of Israel
sighed from the works and they shouted,
and the shout of them from the works
went up to God. 24And God heard the sigh
of them, and God remembered the cov-
enant of Him to Abraham and Isaak and
Iakob. 25And God saw the sons of Israel
and He knew them.

And Mouses was shepherding the sheep
of Iothor the father-in-law of him the
priest of Midian and he led the sheep by
the wilderness and came into the moun-
tain Horeb. 2And an angel of the Lord
appeared to him in a flame of fire out
of the bush, and he saw that the bush
burns with fire, but the bush was not
being burned. 3And Mouses said:



“Having approached I will see this

great vision, why is it that the bush is
not burning.”
As the Lord saw that he leads forth to
see, the Lord called him out of the bush
“Mouses, Mouses.”
And he said:
“What is it?”
And He said:
“Draw not near here; loose the san-
dal out of the feet of thee; for the
place, in which thou thyself stood, is a
holy land.”
And He said to him:
“I Myself am the God of the father of
thee, God of Abraham and God of Isaak
and God of Iakob.”
And Mouses turned the face of him; for
he was being reverent to look before
God. 7And the Lord said to Mouses:
“Having seen I saw the evil treatment
of the people of Me in Egypt and I heard
the outcry of them from the taskmas-



ters; for I know the pain of them; 8and

go down to take them out of the hand of
the Egyptians and to lead them out of
that land and to lead them into the land
good and many, into the land flowing
with milk and honey, into the place of
the Canaanites and Hittites and Amorrites
and Pherezites and Gergesites and Hivites
and Jebusites. 9And now behold the
outcry of the sons of Israel has come to
Me, and I have seen the oppression, which
the Egyptians trouble them. 10And now
come here I will send thee to Pharaoh
king of Egypt, and lead the people of Me
the sons of Israel out of the land of
And Mouses said to God:
“Who am I, that I will go to Pharaoh
king of Egypt, and that I will lead the
sons of Israel out of the land of Egypt?”
And God said to Mouses saying that:
“I will be with thee, and this is the
sign to thee that I Myself send thee out
in the time for thee to lead the people
of Me out of Egypt and you shall reli-
giously serve God in this mountain.”


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 3:16

And Mouses said to God:
“Behold I myself will go to the sons
of Israel and say to them: ‘The God of
the fathers of you has sent me to you,’
they will ask me: ‘What is the name to
Him?’ What shall I say to them?
And God said to Mouses:
“I Myself am the One who is.”
And He said:
“Thus thou will say to the sons of
Israel, ‘The One who is has sent me to
And God again said to Mouses:
“Thus thou will say to the sons of
Israel: ‘The Lord the God of the fathers
of you, God of Abraham and God of Isaak
and God of Iakob, has sent me to you;’
this is the everlasting name of Me and a
memorial of generations to generations.
Therefore having gone assemble the
senate of the sons of Israel and say to
them: ‘The Lord the God of the fathers
of you appeared to me, God of Abraham
and God of Isaak and God of Iakob, say-


Exodus 3:17 GENESIS & EXODUS

“In visitation I have seen you and

whatsoever has been done to you in Egypt,
and I said: I will bring you up out of
the evil treatment of the Egyptians into
the land of the Canaanites and Hittites
and Amorrites and Pherezites and
Gergesites and Hivites and Jebusites,
into a land flowing with milk and honey.”’
And they will hear the voice of thee;
and thou thyself shall enter and the
senate of Israel to Pharaoh king of Egypt
and thou will say to him, ‘The God of
the Hebrews has called us forth;
therefore we shall go a way of three
days into the wilderness, in order that
we may sacrifice to the God of us.’
“And I Myself know that Pharaoh king
of Egypt will not allow you to go, except
with a mighty hand. 20And having stretched
out the hand I will strike the Egyptians
in all the wonders of Me, which I will
do in them, and after these he will send
you out. 21And I will give grace to this
people before the Egyptians; and when
you go, you shall not go empty; 22a woman
shall request from the neighbor of her
and who sojourns with her vessels of
silver and gold and garment, and you



shall put on the sons of you and on the

daughters of you and you shall spoil the

And Mouses answered and said:
“Therefore if they will not believe
me nor hear the voice of me, for they
will say that: ‘God appeared not to
thee,’ what shall I say to them?”
And the Lord said to him:
“What is this in the hand of thee?”
And he said:
“A staff.”
And He said:
“Throw it on the ground.”
And he threw it on the ground, and it
became a snake; and Mouses fled from it.
And the Lord said to Mouses:
“Stretch out the hand and take up
the tail;”



therefore having stretched out the hand

he took up the tail, and it became a
staff in the hand of him;
“in order that they may believe thee
that the Lord the God of the fathers of
them appeared to thee, God of Abraham
and God of Isaak and God of Iakob.”
Again the Lord said to him:
“Bring in the hand of thee into the
bosom of thee.”
And he brought in the hand of him into
the bosom of him; and he brought the
hand of him out of the bosom of him, and
the hand of him became as snow. 7And He
“Again bring in the hand of thee into
the bosom of thee.”
And he brought in the hand into the
bosom of him; and he brought it out of
the bosom of him, and again it was
restored into the body of the flesh of
“And if they would not believe thee
nor hear the voice of the first sign,
they will believe thee of the voice of


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 4:14

the last sign. 9And it will be except

they believe thee with these two signs
nor hear the voice of thee, take from
the water of the river and pour out on
the dry, and the water will be, whichever
thou take from the river, blood on the
But Mouses said to the Lord:
“I petition, Lord, I am not fit be-
fore yesterday nor before the third day
nor from which I began to speak to the
household of Thee; I myself am of harsh
voice and slow tongue.”
And the Lord said to Mouses:
“Who gave mouth to man, and who made
him deaf and dumb, see and blind? Not I
the God? 12And now go, and I Myself will
open the mouth of thee and teach thee
what thou art about to speak.”
But Mouses said:
“I petition, Lord, appoint another
able, whom Thou will send.”
And having been angry with wrath on
Mouses the Lord said:


Exodus 4:15 GENESIS & EXODUS

“Behold is not Aaron the Levite the

brother of thee? I understand that
speaking he himself will speak for thee;
and behold he himself will come out into
a meeting with thee and seeing thee he
will rejoice in himself. 15And thou will
say to him and thou will give the words
of Me into the mouth of him; and I Myself
will open the mouth of thee and the
mouth of him and I will teach you what
you will do. 16And he himself will speak
for thee to the people, and he himself
will be the mouth of thee, and thou
thyself will be to him the things towards
God. 17And thou shall take in the hand
of thee this staff which has turned into
snake, in which thou will do the signs
in it.”


And Mouses went and returned to
Iothor the father-in-law of him and says:
“I will go and return to the brothers
of me in Egypt and I will see if they
still live.”
And Iothor said to Mouses:
“Hasten with soundness.”


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 4:23

And after those many days the king of
Egypt died. And the Lord said to Mouses
in Midian:
“Hasten go away into Egypt; for all
the men who seek the psyche of thee have
And having taken up the woman and the
children Mouses embarked them on the
donkeys and returned into Egypt; and
Mouses took the staff from God in the
hand of him. 21And the Lord said to
“Of thee going and returning into
Egypt see all the wonders, which I have
given in the hands of thee, thou will do
them before Pharaoh; and I Myself will
harden the heart of him, and he will not
at all send out the people. 22And thou
thyself will say to Pharaoh:
‘The Lord says these things: Israel
is the firstborn son of Me; 23and I said
to thee: “Send out the people of Me, in
order that they shall religiously serve
Me;” therefore if indeed he wishes not
to send them out, “therefore see I Myself
will kill the firstborn son of thee.”’”


Exodus 4:24 GENESIS & EXODUS

And it happened in the way in the inn
an angel of the Lord met him and he was
seeking to kill him. 25And having taken
a stone Sepphora circumcised the
uncircumcision of the son of her and
fell to the feet and said:
“The blood of the circumcision of
the child of me stood.”
And he went away from him, wherefore
he said:
“The blood of the circumcision of
the child of me.”
And the Lord said to Aaron:
“Go into a meeting with Mouses into
the wilderness.”
And he went and met him in the mountain
of God, and they kissed one another.
And Mouses announced to Aaron all the
words of the Lord, which He sent, and
all the signs, which He commanded to
him. 29And Mouses and Aaron went and
they assembled the senate of the sons of
Israel. 30And Aaron spoke all these words,
which God spoke to Mouses, and he made
the signs before the people. 31And the
people believed and rejoiced, because



God visited the sons of Israel, and that

He saw the tribulation of them; and having
stooped the people bowed.

And after these things Mouses and
Aaron entered to Pharaoh and they said
to him:
“The Lord the God of Israel says these
things: ‘Send out the people of Me, in
order that they shall make feast to Me
in the wilderness.’”
And Pharaoh said:
“Who is He whom I will hear the voice
of Him so as to send out the sons of
Israel? I know not the Lord and I will
not send out Israel.”
And they say to him:
“The God of the Hebrews has called
us forth; therefore we will go a way of
three days into the wilderness, in order
that we may sacrifice to the God of us,
lest perchance He will cause to us death
or murder.”
And the king of Egypt said to them:



“Mouses and Aaron, why is it that

you will turn the people of me from the
works? Each of you go away to the works
of him.”
And Pharaoh said:
“Behold now the people multiplies
much; therefore we shall not rest them
from the works.”
And Pharaoh ordered the taskmasters of
the people and the scribes saying:
“You shall no longer add to give to
the people chaff into the brick work
just as yesterday and third day; let
these go and assemble for themselves
chaffs. 8And the order of the bricks,
which these do during each day, cast on
them, you shall not forgive nothing;
for they leisure; on account of this
they have cried out saying: ‘We shall
go and sacrifice to the God of us.’ 9Let
the works of these men be heavy, and let
them take care of these things and let
them not take care in empty words.”
And the taskmasters and the scribes
hurried them and they said to the people


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 5:16

“Pharaoh says these things: ‘I shall

no longer give to you chaffs; 11you your-
selves having gone assemble for
yourselves chaffs from wherever you find,
for I shall not lessen from the order of
you nothing.’”
And the people dispersed in the whole
Egypt to assemble reed into chaffs; 13and
the taskmasters hurried them saying:
“Complete the works which have been
set during the day just as when the
chaff was given to you.”
And the scribes the genus of the sons
of Israel were scourged the men who have
been appointed on them by the overseers
of the Pharaoh saying:
“On account of what you completed
not the orders of you of the bricks, as
yesterday and third day, and today?”
And having entered the scribes of the
sons of Israel shouted to Pharaoh saying:
“Why is it that thou do thus to thy
helpers? 16Not a chaff is given to the
helpers of thee, and they say to us to
make the brick, and behold the servants


Exodus 5:17 GENESIS & EXODUS

of thee have been scourged; therefore

thou will harm the people of thee.”
And he said to them:
“You leisure, you are lazy; on ac-
count of this you say: ‘We shall go we
shall sacrifice to the God of us.’ 18Now
therefore having gone you work; for the
chaff will not be given to you, and you
will give the order of the bricks.”
And the scribes of the sons of Israel
found themselves in evil saying:
“You will not lessen the brick set
for the day.”
And they met Mouses and Aaron coming
into a meeting with them of them going
out from Pharaoh. 21And they said to
“May God see and judge you, because
you abominate the smell of us before
Pharaoh and before the servants of him
to give sword into the hands of him to
kill us.”
And Mouses turned to the Lord and said:
“Lord, on account of what Thou did
evil to this people? And why is it that



Thou have sent me? 23And from which time

I have gone to Pharaoh to speak on Thy
name, he did evil to this people, and
Thou rescued not the people of Thee.”

And the Lord said to Mouses:
“Thou shall already see what I will
do to Pharaoh; for in mighty hand he
will send them out and in high arm he
will cast them out of the land of him.”
And God spoke to Mouses and said to
“I am the Lord; 3and I appeared to
Abraham and Isaak and Iakob, being God
of them, and I did not make the name of
Me Lord clear to them; 4and I set the
covenant of Me to them so as to give to
them the land of the Canaanites, the
land, which they sojourn, and in which
they have sojourned on it. 5And I My-
self hear the sigh of the sons of Israel,
whom the Egyptians enslave them, and I
remembered the covenant of you. 6Hasten
I said to the sons of Israel saying:



‘I am the Lord and I will lead you

out from the dynasty of the Egyptians
and I will rescue you out of the slavery
and I will redeem you in high arm and
great judgment 7and I will take you to
Myself a people to Me and I will be the
God of you, and you will know that I am
the Lord the God of you the One who
leads you out of the oppression of the
Egyptians, 8and I will lead you into the
land, into which I stretched the hand of
Me to give it to Abraham and Isaak and
Iakob, and I will give it to you in
inheritance; I am the Lord.’”
And Mouses spoke thus to the sons of
Israel, and they heard not Mouses from
the little courage and from the hard
works. 10And the Lord said to Mouses
“Enter speak to Pharaoh king of Egypt,
in order that he sends the sons of Israel
out of the land of him.”
But Mouses spoke before the Lord saying:
“Behold the sons of Israel heard me
not, and how will Pharaoh hear me? And
I myself am without word.”


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 6:20

But the Lord said to Mouses and Aaron
and ordered them to Pharaoh king of Egypt
so as to send the sons of Israel out of
the land of Egypt.
And these are the rulers of the
fathers of them. Sons of Rhouben the
firstborn of Israel: Enoch and Phallous,
Asron and Charmi; this is the generation
of Rhouben. 15And sons of Sumeon: Iemouel
and Iamin and Aod and Iachin and Saar
and Saoul the man out of Phoenicia; they
are the families of the sons of Sumeon.
And these are the names of the sons
of Leui according to the generations of
them: Gedson, Kaath and Merari; and the
years of the life of Leui hundred thirty
seven. 17And these are the sons of Gedson:
Lobeni and Semei, houses of the families
of them. 18And sons of Kaath: Ambram
and Issaar, Chebron and Oziel; and the
years of the life of Kaath hundred thirty
years. 19And sons of Merari: Mooli and
Omousi. These are the houses of the
families of Leui according to the gen-
erations of them. And Ambram took
Iochabed daughter of the brother of the
father of him for himself into a woman,
and she begot to him both Aaron and


Exodus 6:21 GENESIS & EXODUS

Mouses and Mariam the sister of them;

and the years of the life of Ambram
hundred thirty-two years.
And sons of Issaar: Kore and Naphek
and Zechri. And sons of Oziel:
Elisaphan and Setri. 23And Aaron took
Elisabeth daughter of Aminadab sister
of Naasson for him as woman, and she
delivered to him both Nadab and Abiuod
and Eleazar and Ithamar. 24And sons of
Kore: Asir and Elkana and Abiasaph;
these are the genesis of Kore.
And Eleazar the son of Aaron took
of the daughters of Phoutiel for him as
woman, and she delivered to him Phinees.
These are the rulers of the families of
the Levites according to the genesis of
them. 26These are Aaron and Mouses, to
whom God said to them to lead the sons
of Israel out of the land of Egypt with
the power of them; 27these are the men
who discuss to Pharaoh king of Egypt and
they led the sons of Israel out of Egypt;
these are Aaron and Mouses. 28The day
the Lord spoke to Mouses in the land
Egypt, 29and the Lord spoke to Mouses



“I am the Lord; speak to Pharaoh king

of Egypt whatsoever I Myself say to thee.”
And Mouses said before the Lord:
“Behold I myself am of harsh voice,
and how will Pharaoh hear me?”

And the Lord said to Mouses saying:
“Behold I have given thee God to
Pharaoh, and Aaron the brother of thee
will be the prophet of thee; 2and thou
thyself will speak to him all, whatso-
ever I command to thee, and Aaron the
brother of thee will speak to Pharaoh so
as to send the sons of Israel out of the
land of him. 3And I will harden the
heart of Pharaoh and multiply the signs
of Me and the wonders in the land Egypt.
And Pharaoh will not hear you; and I
will cast the hand of Me on Egypt and I
will lead with the power of Me the people
of Me the sons of Israel out of the land
of Egypt with great vengeance, 5and the
Egyptians will know all that I Myself am
the Lord stretching the hand on Egypt,
and I will lead the sons of Israel out
of the middle of them.”



And Mouses and Aaron did just as the
Lord commanded to them, they did thus.
And Mouses was eighty years old, and
Aaron the brother of him was eighty-
three years old, when he spoke to Pharaoh.


And the Lord said to Mouses and Aaron
“Änd if Pharaoh speaks to you say-
ing: ‘Give to us a sign or wonder,’ and
thou say to Aaron the brother of thee:
‘Take the staff and throw it on the
ground before Pharaoh and before the
servants of him,’ and it will be a
And Mouses and Aaron entered before
Pharaoh and the servants of him and they
did thus, just as the Lord commanded to
them; and Aaron threw the staff before
Pharaoh and before the servants of him,
and it became a dragon. 11And Pharaoh
called the wise men of Egypt and the
sorcerers, and the magicians of the
Egyptians did also the sorceries of them
similarly. 12And they threw each the
staff of him, and they became dragons;
and the staff of Aaron swallowed those


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 7:18

staffs. And the heart of Pharaoh
strengthened, and he heard them not,
just as the Lord spoke to them.


And the Lord said to Mouses:
“The heart of Pharaoh has been made
heavy not to send out the people. 15Hasten
to Pharaoh early; behold he himself goes
out on the water, and stand meeting him
on the lip of the river and take the
staff which turned into snake in the
hand of thee. 16And thou say to him:
‘The Lord the God of the Hebrews has
sent me to thee saying: Send out the
people of Me, in order that they shall
religiously serve Me in the wilderness;’
and behold thou heard not until this.
The Lord says these things: ‘In this
thou will know that I am the Lord;’
behold I myself will strike the staff in
the hand of me on the water in the river,
and it converts into blood; 18and the
fishes in the river will die, and the
river will stink, and the Egyptians will
not be able to drink water from the


Exodus 7:19 GENESIS & EXODUS

And the Lord said to Mouses:
“Say to Aaron the brother of thee:
‘Take the staff of thee and stretch out
the hand of thee on the waters of Egypt
and on the rivers of them and on the
streams of them and on the ponds of them
and on every pool of water of them, and
it will be blood.’”
And it became blood in the whole land of
Egypt both in the vessels made of wood
and in the vessels made of stones. 20And
Mouses and Aaron did thus, just as the
Lord commanded to them; and having lifted
up the staff of him he struck the water
in the river before Pharaoh and before
the servants of him and it converted all
the water in the river into blood. 21And
the fishes in the river died, and the
river stank, and the Egyptians were not
able to drink water out of the river,
and blood was in the whole land of Egypt.
And the magicians of the Egyptians
did similarly with the sorceries of them;
and the heart of Pharaoh was hardened,
and he heard them not, just as the Lord
said. 23And having turned Pharaoh en-
tered into the house of him and he did
not set the mind of him not even on



this. 24And all the Egyptians dug around

the river so as to drink water, and they
were not able to drink water from the
river. 25And seven days were fulfilled
after the Lord to strike the river.

And the Lord said to Mouses:
“Enter to Pharaoh and say to him:
‘The Lord says these things: Send out
the people of Me, in order that they
shall religiously serve Me 2and if thou
wish not to send out, behold I Myself
will strike all the borders of thee with
frogs. 3And the river will bring out
frogs, and having gone up they will enter
into the houses of thee and into the
closets of the bedchambers of thee and
on the beds of thee and into the houses
of the servants of thee and of the people
of thee and in the pots of thee and in
the furnace of thee; 4and the frogs will
come up on thee and on the servants of
thee and on the people of thee.’”
And the Lord said to Mouses:



“Say to Aaron the brother of thee:

‘Stretch out the hand the staff of thee
on the rivers and on the streams and on
the ponds and lead up the frogs.’”
And Aaron stretched out the hand on the
waters of Egypt and he led up the frogs;
and the frog came up and covered the
land of Egypt. 7And the magicians of
the Egyptians did similarly with the
sorceries of them and led up the frogs
on the land of Egypt. 8And Pharaoh called
Mouses and Aaron and said:
“Pray concerning me to the Lord, and
let Him remove the frogs from me and
from my people, and I will send out the
people, and they shall sacrifice to the
And Mouses said to Pharaoh:
“Order to me, when I shall pray con-
cerning thee and concerning the servants
of thee and concerning the people of
thee to have the frogs disappear from
thee and from the people of thee and out
of houses of you, however they will be
left in the river.”
And he said:


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 8:16

“Into the morrow.”

Therefore he said:
“As thou have said; in order that
thou shall know that there is not an-
other except the Lord. 11And the frogs
will be taken from thee and out of the
houses of you and out of the dwellings
and from the servants of thee and from
the people of thee, however they will be
left in the river.”
And Mouses and Aaron went out from
Pharaoh; and Mouses shouted to the Lord
concerning the matter of the frogs, as
Pharaoh ordered. 13And the Lord did
just as Mouses said, and the frogs died
out of the houses and out of the dwellings
and out of the fields; 14and they assembled
them heaps on heaps, and the land stank.
But Pharaoh seeing that refreshing has
been done, the heart of him was hardened,
and he heard them not, just as the Lord

And the Lord said to Mouses:
“Say to Aaron: ‘Stretch out the staff
in the hand of thee and strike the dust


Exodus 8:17 GENESIS & EXODUS

of the land, and they will be gnats both

in the men and in the four-footed ani-
mals and in the whole land of Egypt.’”
Therefore Aaron stretched out the staff
in the hand and struck the dust of the
land, and the gnats were both in the men
and in the four-footed animals, and the
gnats were in all dust of the land in
the whole land of Egypt. 18And also the
magicians did similarly with the
sorceries of them to lead out the gnat
and they were not able. And the gnats
were in the men and in the four-footed
animals. 19Therefore the magicians said
to Pharaoh:
“This is the finger of God.”
And the heart of Pharaoh was hardened,
and he heard them not, just as the Lord

And the Lord said to Mouses:
“Be early in the morning and stand
before Pharaoh and behold he himself
will go out on the water, and say to
him: ‘The Lord says these things:
Send out the people of Me, in order that


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 8:26

they shall religiously serve Me in the

wilderness; 21and if thou wish not to
send out the people of Me, behold I
Myself send on thee and on the servants
of thee and on the people of thee and on
the houses of you swarm of flies, and
the houses of the Egyptians will be filled
of the swarm of flies and into the land,
on which they are on it. 22And in that
day I will glorify the land of Gesem, on
which the people of Me stay on it, on
which the swarm of flies will not be
there, in order that thou will know that
I Myself am the Lord the Lord of the
whole earth. 23And I will give distinction
between the people of Me and between the
people of thee; and in the morrow this
will be the sign on the land.’”
And the Lord did thus, and the swarm of
flies multitude arrived into the houses
of Pharaoh and into the houses of the
servants of him and into the whole land
of Egypt, and the land was destroyed
from the swarm of flies. 25And Pharaoh
called Mouses and Aaron saying:
“Having gone sacrifice to the God of
you in the land.”
And Mouses said:


Exodus 8:27 GENESIS & EXODUS

“It is not possible to be thus; for

we sacrifice to the Lord the God of us
the abominations of the Egyptians; for
if we sacrifice the abominations of the
Egyptians before them, we will be stoned.
We shall go a way of three days into
the wilderness and sacrifice to the Lord
the God of us, just as He said to us.”
And Pharaoh said:
“I myself will send you, and sacrifice
to the Lord the God of you in the wil-
derness, but you will not extend to go
far; therefore pray concerning me to
the Lord.”
And Mouses said:
“Behold I myself will come out from
thee and pray to God, and the swarm of
flies will go away from thee and from
the servants of thee and the people of
thee tomorrow; Pharaoh, thou shall not
still add to deceive not to send out the
people to sacrifice to the Lord.”
And Mouses went out from Pharaoh
and prayed to God; 31and the Lord did
just as Mouses said, and He removed the
swarm of flies from Pharaoh and the



servants of him and the people of him,

and not even one was left. 32And Pharaoh
hardened the heart of him also on this
time and he willed not to send out the

And the Lord said to Mouses:
“Enter to Pharaoh and say to him:
‘The Lord the God of the Hebrews says
these things: Send out the people of
Me, in order that they shall religiously
serve Me; therefore if indeed thou wish
not to send out the people of Me, but
still thou control him, 3behold the hand
of the Lord will be in the cattle of
thee in the fields, both in the horses
and in the donkeys and the camels and
oxen and sheep, death exceedingly great.
And I Myself will glorify in that time
between the cattle of the Egyptians and
between the cattle of the sons of Is-
rael; not one will die from all of the
sons of Israel.’”
And God gave time saying:



“In the morrow the Lord will do this

word on the land.”
And the Lord did this word on the morrow,
and all the cattle of the Egyptians died,
and not one died from the cattle of the
sons of Israel nothing. 7And Pharaoh
saw that not one died from all of the
cattle of the sons of Israel nothing,
the heart of Pharaoh was made heavy, and
he sent not the people out.

And the Lord said to Mouses and Aaron
“You yourselves take fill the hands
with ash of furnace, and let Mouses sprin-
kle into the heaven before Pharaoh and
before the servants of him, 9and let the
dust be on the whole land of Egypt, and
sores will be on the men and on the
four-footed animals, boils having
erupted, both in the men and in the
four-footed animals and in the whole
land of Egypt.”
And he took the ash of the furnace
before Pharaoh and Mouses sprinkled it
into the heaven, and it became sores,


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 9:16

boils having erupted, in the men and in

the four-footed animals. And the
sorcerers were not able to stand before
Mouses on account of the sores; for the
sores came in the sorcerers and in the
whole land of Egypt. But the Lord
hardened the heart of Pharaoh, and he
heard them not, as the Lord ordered.

And the Lord said to Mouses:
“Be early in the morning and stand
before Pharaoh and say to him:
‘The Lord the God of the Hebrews says
these things: Send out the people of
Me, in order that they shall religiously
serve Me. 14For in the time now I Myself
send out all the disasters of Me into
the heart of thee and of the servants of
thee and of the people of thee, in order
that thou shall know that there is not
another in the whole earth as I. 15For
now having sent the hand I will strike
thee and the people of thee with death,
and thou will vanish from the earth;
and because of this thou will be kept
safe, in order that I can show in thee
the strength of Me, and in order that


Exodus 9:17 GENESIS & EXODUS

the name of Me is proclaimed in the

whole earth. 17Therefore thou thyself
still hold the people of Me not to send
them out. 18Behold I Myself will rain
exceedingly much hail this hour tomor-
row, such as which has not become in
Egypt from which day it was created until
this day. 19Now therefore hasten to as-
semble the cattle of thee and whatso-
ever is to thee in the field; for all
the men and the cattle, whatsoever is
found in the field and enter not into
the house, and the hail falls on them,
will die.’”
The man of the servants of Pharaoh
fearing the word of the Lord assembled
the cattle of him into the houses; 21but
he who held not the mind into the word
of the Lord, left the cattle in the
fields. 22And the Lord said to Mouses:
“Stretch out the hand of thee into
the heaven, and hail will be on the
whole land of Egypt, both on the men and
the cattle and on all botany on the
And Mouses stretched out the hand into
the heaven, and the Lord gave sounds and
hail, and fire ran through on the land,


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 9:30

and the Lord rained hail on the whole

land of Egypt. 24And there was the hail
and the flaming fire in the hail; and
the hail was very exceedingly much, such
as which has not become in Egypt from
which it has become a nation on it.
And the hail struck in the whole land
of Egypt from men until cattle, and the
hail struck all botany in the field, and
the hail destroyed all the trees in the
fields; 26except in the land of Gesem,
where the sons of Israel were, the hail
came not. 27And having sent Pharaoh called
Mouses and Aaron and said to them:
“I have sinned now; the Lord is right-
eous, and I and the people of me ungodly.
Therefore pray to the Lord concerning
me, and let God stop sounds and hail and
fire to become; and I will send you out,
and you shall no longer add to remain.”
And Mouses said to him:
“As I go out of the city, I will
spread the hands of me to the Lord, and
the sounds will stop, and the hail and
the rain will not still be; in order
that thou shall know that the earth is
of the Lord. 30And I understand that


Exodus 9:31 GENESIS & EXODUS

thou and the servants of thee have not

yet feared the Lord.”
And the flax and the barley was plagued;
for the barley was in the ear, and the
flax budding. 32But the wheat and the
spelt were not plagued; for they were
late in coming up. 33And Mouses went out
from Pharaoh outside the city and spread
the hands to the Lord, and the sounds
and the hail stopped, and the rain stood
not still on the land. 34But Pharaoh
having seen that the rain and the hail
and the sounds have stopped, he was adding
to sin and hardened the heart of him and
of the servants of him. 35And the heart
of Pharaoh was hardened, and he sent out
not the sons of Israel, just as the Lord
spoke to Mouses.

And the Lord said to Mouses saying:
“Enter to Pharaoh; for I Myself hard-
ened the heart of him and of the servants
of him, in order that these following
signs come on them; 2in order that you
shall narrate into the ears of the chil-


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 10:6

dren of you and to the children of the

children of you whatsoever I have done
to the Egyptians, and the signs of Me,
which I did in them, and you will know
that I am the Lord.”
And Mouses and Aaron entered before
Pharaoh and said to him:
“The Lord the God of the Hebrews
says these things: ‘Until when thou
wish not to respect Me? Send out the
people of Me, in order that they shall
religiously serve Me. And if thou
thyself will not to send out the people
of Me, behold I Myself lead up many
locusts on all the borders of thee this
hour tomorrow, 5and it will cover the
face of the land, and thou shall not be
able to see the land, and it shall con-
sume all the abundance of the land left,
which the hail left to you, and it will
consume every tree growing to you on the
land; 6and the houses of thee and the
houses of the servants of thee and all
the houses in the whole land of the
Egyptians will be filled, which the
fathers of thee nor the forefathers of
them have never seen from which day they
have become on the land until this day.”


Exodus 10:7 GENESIS & EXODUS

And having turned Mouses went out from

Pharaoh. 7And the servants of Pharaoh
say to him:
“Until what will this snare be to
us? Send out the men, in order that
they shall serve the God of them; or
thou wish to know that Egypt is de-
And both Mouses and Aaron returned to
Pharaoh, and he said to them:
“Go and religiously serve the God of
you; but who and who are the men going?”
And Mouses says:
“We shall go with the young and old,
with the sons and daughters and sheep
and oxen of us; for it is feast of the
Lord the God of us.”
And he said to them:
“Let it be thus, the Lord with you;
as I send you, and not the household of
you? See that wickedness is laid be-
forehand to you. 11Not thus; but let the
men go, and religiously serve God; for
they themselves seek this.”


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 10:17

And they casted them out from the face

of Pharaoh. 12And the Lord said to Mouses:
“Stretch out the hand on the land of
Egypt, and let locust come up on the
land and consume all botany of the land
and all the fruit of the trees, which
the hail has left.”
And Mouses took up the staff into the
heaven, and the Lord led up the south
wind on the land that whole day and
whole night; morning came, and the south
wind took up the locust 14and led it up
on the whole land of Egypt, and rested
on all the borders of Egypt exceedingly
many; such locust has not become formerly
and after these it will not be thus.
And it covered the face of the land,
and the land was darkened; and it consumed
all botany of the land and all the fruit
of the trees, which was left from the
hail; there was not green left nothing
in the trees and in all botany of the
field in the whole land of Egypt. 16And
Pharaoh hastened to call Mouses and Aaron
“I have sinned before the Lord the
God of you and into you; 17therefore still
accept the sin of me now and pray to the


Exodus 10:18 GENESIS & EXODUS

Lord the God of you, and let Him remove

this death from me.”
And Mouses went out from Pharaoh and
prayed to God. 19And the Lord casted
wind from the sea exceedingly, and took
up the locust and casted it into the Red
Sea, and not one locust was left in the
whole land of Egypt. And the Lord
hardened the heart of Pharaoh, and he
sent out not the sons of Israel.

And the Lord said to Mouses:
“Stretch out the hand of thee into
the heaven, and let darkness become on
the land of Egypt, darkness felt.”
And Mouses stretched out the hand into
the heaven, and a storm of darkness and
blackness came on the whole land of Egypt
three days, 23and no one saw not the
brother of him three days, and no one
stood up out of the bed of him three
days; but there was light to all the
sons of Israel in all, which they were
staying. 24And Pharaoh called Mouses
and Aaron saying:


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 10:29

“Hasten, religiously serve the Lord

the God of you; however leave the sheep
and the oxen; and let the household of
you run away with you.”
And Mouses said:
“But thou thyself will also give to
us burnt offerings and sacrifices, which
we make for the Lord the God of us, 26and
the cattle of us will go with us, and
not a hoof shall be left for we shall
take from them to religiously serve the
Lord the God of us; and we ourselves
know not, what we religiously serve to
the Lord the God of us, until the time
for us to go there.”
But the Lord hardened the heart of
Pharaoh, and he wished not to send them
out. 28And Pharaoh says:
“Go away from me, beware for thyself
still to add to see the face of me; and
whichever day thou appear to me, thou
shall die.”
And Mouses says:
“Thou have said; I shall no longer
appear to thee into face.”


(Greek to English) GENESIS & EXODUS

And the Lord said to Mouses:
“I will still lead one plague on Phar-
aoh and out of Egypt, and after these
he will send you out from there; and
when he sends you out, he casts you out,
with all castaway. 2Therefore speak in
secret into the ears of the people, and
let each man request from the neighbor
and woman from the neighbor vessels of
silver and gold and garments.”
And the Lord gave grace to the people
of Him before the Egyptians, and they
used them; and the man Mouses became
exceedingly great before the Egyptians
and before Pharaoh and before all the
servants of him. 4And Mouses said:
“The Lord says these things: ‘About
the middle of the night I Myself will
enter into the middle of Egypt, 5and
every firstborn in the land Egypt will
die from the firstborn of Pharaoh, who
sits on the throne, and until the
firstborn of the servant beside the mill


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 11:10

and until the firstborn of all cattle,

and there will be a great outcry
throughout the whole land of Egypt, such
which has happened not and such shall no
longer be added. 7And in all the sons of
Israel a dog shall not move the tongue
of it from man until cattle, in order
that thou shall know whatsoever the Lord
will glorify between the Egyptians and
Israel. 8And all these servants of thee
will go down to Me and worship Me say-
ing: ‘Go out thou and all the people of
thee, where thou thyself go.’ And after
these I will come out.”
And Mouses went out from Pharaoh with
anger. 9And the Lord said to Mouses:
“Pharaoh will not hear you, in order
that multiplying I will multiply the
signs of Me and the wonders in the land
And Mouses and Aaron did all the signs
and these wonders in the land Egypt before
Pharaoh; and the Lord hardened the heart
of Pharaoh, and he willed not to send
the sons of Israel out of the land of


(Greek to English) GENESIS & EXODUS

And the Lord said to Mouses and Aaron
in the land of Egypt saying:
“This month is for you the begin-
ning of months, it is to you the first
in the months of the year. 3Speak to all
the synagogues of the sons of Israel
‘On the tenth of this month let each
man take a sheep throughout the houses
of the fathers, each sheep according to
house, 4and if they be few in the house
so as not to be enough into a sheep,
take with himself the neighbor the
neighbor of him according to number of
psyches; each the appetite to him shall
be counted into a sheep. 5It will be a
male one year old perfect sheep for you;
you shall take from the lambs and the
”It shall be kept by you until the
fourteenth of this month, and all the
multitude of the synagogue of the sons
of Israel slaughter it towards evening.
And they shall take from the blood and
place on the two door posts and on the
lintel in the houses, in whichever they


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 12:14

eat them in them. 8And they will eat the

meat this night; they shall eat broiled
in fire and unleavened bread on bitter
herbs. 9Eat not from them raw nor boiling
in water, but rather broiled in fire,
head with the feet and the entrails.
Leave not from it until morning and
break not bones from it; and burn the
things remaining from it until morning
in fire. 11And you shall eat it thus;
the loins of you being girded, and the
sandals in the feet of you, and the
sticks in the hands of you; and you
shall eat it with diligence; it is
passover to the Lord. 12And I will go
through in the land Egypt in this night
and strike every firstborn in the land
Egypt from man until cattle and in all
the gods of the Egyptians I will do the
vengeance; I am the Lord. And the
blood will be to you in sign on the
houses, in which you yourselves are
there, and I will see the blood and I
will cover you, and the plague to de-
stroy will not be in you, when I will
strike in the land Egypt.
‘This day shall be for you a memo-
rial, and you shall make it a feast to
the Lord into all the generations of


Exodus 12:15 GENESIS & EXODUS

you; you shall make it feast an

everlasting statute. 15You shall eat
unleavened seven days, and from the first
day you shall remove leaven out of the
houses of you; every man, who eats leaven,
that psyche shall be destroyed out of
Israel from the first day until the
seventh day. 16And the first day shall
be called holy, and the seventh day shall
be called holy to you; you shall not do
any work religiously serving in them,
except whatsoever shall be done by any
psyche, only this shall be done by you.
And you shall guard this commandment;
for in this day I will lead the power of
you out of the land of Egypt, and you
shall make this day into the genera-
tions of you an everlasting statute.
‘Beginning on the fourteenth day of
the first month from evening you shall
eat unleavened until the twenty first
day of the month until evening. 19Leaven
shall not be found in the houses of you
seven days; any, whoever eats leavened,
that psyche shall be destroyed out of
the synagogue of Israel both in the stran-
gers and natives of the land; 20you shall
not eat any leavened, and you shall eat
unleavend in all the dwellings of you.’”


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 12:27

And Mouses called the whole senate of
the sons of Israel and said to them:
“Having gone away take to you sheep
for yourselves according to the
generation of you and sacrifice the
passover. 22And take a bunch of hyssop
and having dipped from the blood along
the door set on the lintel and on both
of the doorposts from the blood, which
is along the door; and you yourselves
each shall not go out from the door of
the house of him until morning. 23And
the Lord will pass to strike the Egyp-
tians and will see the blood on the
lintel and on both of the doorposts, and
the Lord will pass over the door and
will not let the destroyer to enter into
the houses of you to strike. 24And guard
this word a statute to thyself and to
the sons of thee until everlasting. 25And
if you enter into the land, which the
Lord shall give to you, as He spoke,
guard this religious service. 26And it
will be, if the sons of you shall say to
you: ‘What is this religious service?’
And you shall say to them: ‘This
passover is a sacrifice to the Lord, as
He covered the houses of the sons of
Israel in Egypt, when He struck the


Exodus 12:28 GENESIS & EXODUS

Egyptians, and He rescued the houses of

And having stooped the people bowed.
And having gone away the sons of Israel
did as the Lord commanded to Mouses and
Aaron, they did thus.


And the middle of the night came
and the Lord struck every firstborn in
the land Egypt from the firstborn of
Pharaoh who sits on the throne until the
firstborn of the captive in the dungeon
and until the firstborn of all cattle.
And Pharaoh stood up at night and all
the servants of him and all the Egyp-
tians and a great outcry came in the
whole land Egypt; for there was not a
house, in which there was not a man who
has died in it. 31And Pharaoh called
Mouses and Aaron at night and he said to
“Stand up and go out of the people of
me both you and the sons of Israel;
hasten and religiously serve the Lord
the God of you, as you say; 32and having
taken up the sheep and the oxen of you,
go, and eulogize me also.”


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 12:39

And the Egyptians forced the people
with haste to cast them out of the land;
for they said that:
“We all ourselves might die.”
And the people took up the dough before
the time to be leavened, the lumps of
them having put in the garments of them
on the shoulders. And the sons of
Israel did as Mouses ordered to them,
and they requested from the Egyptians
vessels of silver and gold and garments;
and the Lord gave the grace to the
people of Him before the Egyptians, and
they used them; and they despoiled the
And the sons of Israel who took up
out of Rhamesses into Succoth the men
on foot except the household into six
hundred thousand, 38and many mixed people
went with them and sheep and oxen and
cattle exceedingly many. 39And they baked
the dough, which they brought out of
Egypt, unleavened cakes; for it was not
leavened; for the Egyptians casted them
out, and they were not able to remain
nor they made provision for themselves
into the way.


Exodus 12:40 GENESIS & EXODUS

And the dwelling of the sons of
Israel, which they dwelt in the land
Egypt and in the land Canaan, four hundred
thirty years, 41and it happened after
the four hundred thirty years all the
power of the Lord went out of the land
of Egypt. 42It is watching of night for
the Lord so as to lead them out of the
land of Egypt; that same night is watching
for the Lord so as to all the sons of
Israel to be into the generations of
And the Lord said to Mouses and
Aaron saying:
“This is the Law of the Passover:
Every foreigner shall not eat from it;
and you shall circumcise him, any cer-
tain helper or bought, and then he shall
eat from it; 45a sojourner or hired man
shall not eat from it. 46it shall be
eaten in one house, you shall not take
of the meat outside the house; and you
shall not break a bone from it. 47Every
synagogue of the sons of Israel shall do
it. 48And if someone a proselyte shall
approach to you to make the Passover to
the Lord, circumcise him every male,
and then he will approach to do it and


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 13:5

it will be just as also the natives of

the land; every uncircumcised shall not
eat from it. 49It will be one Law to the
native and to the proselyte approaching
in you.”
And the sons of Israel did as the Lord
commanded to Mouses and Aaron to them,
they did thus. 51And it happened in that
day when the Lord led the sons of Israel
out of the land of Egypt with the power
of them.

And the Lord said to Mouses saying:
“Make holy to Me every firstborn
firstgeneration opening any womb in the
sons of Israel from man until cattle; it
is for Me.”
And Mouses said to the people:
“Remember this day, in which you came
out of the land of Egypt out of the
house of slavery; for in mighty hand the
Lord led you out from there; and leaven
shall not be eaten. 4For in the day
today you yourselves go out in a month
of the new barley ears. 5And it will be


Exodus 13:6 GENESIS & EXODUS

whenever the Lord the God of thee lead

thee into the land of the Canaanites and
Hittites and Hevites and Gergesites and
Amorrites and Pherezites and Jebusites,
which He swore to the fathers of thee to
give to thee, land flowing milk and honey,
and thou shall do this religious service
in this month. 6You shall eat unleavened
six days, and the seventh day is a feast
of the Lord; 7you shall eat unleavened
seven days, leavened shall not be seen
with thee, nor there will be to thee
leaven in all the borders of thee.
”And thou shall announce to the son
of thee in that day saying: ‘On account
of this the Lord God did to me, as we
went out of Egypt.’ 9And it will be to
thee a sign on the hand of thee and a
memorial before the eyes of thee, in
order that the Law of the Lord will be
in the mouth of thee; for in mighty hand
the Lord the God led thee out of Egypt.
And guard this Law according to the
times of hours from day into day. 11And
it will be as when the Lord the God of
thee led thee into the land of the
Canaanites, in which manner He swore to
the fathers of thee, and He will give it
to thee, 12and thou shall leave all the


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 13:17

males opening the womb to the Lord; every

male opening the womb out of the beasts
or in the cattle of thee, whatsoever be
to thee, the males, thou shall make holy
to the Lord. 13Thou shall change every
firstling opening the womb of donkey
with sheep; and if thou change not, redeem
it. Thou shall redeem every firstborn
of man of the sons of thee. 14And if the
son of thee after these shall ask thee
saying: ‘What is this?’ And thou shall
say to him that: ‘In mighty hand the
Lord led us out of the land of Egypt out
of the house of slavery; 15and when Pharaoh
hardened to send us out, He killed every
firstborn in the land Egypt from
firstborn of man until firstborn of
cattle; on account of this I myself
sacrifice to the Lord all the males open-
ing the womb, and I will redeem every
firstborn of the sons of me.’
”And it will be into a sign on the
hand of thee and unshaken before the
eyes of thee; for in mighty hand the
Lord led thee out of Egypt.”
And as Pharaoh sent out the people out,
God guided them not the way of the land


Exodus 13:18 GENESIS & EXODUS

of the Philistines, because it was near;

for God said:
“Lest perchance thou shall regret with
the people seeing war, and return into
And God led around the people a way
into the wilderness into the Red Sea.
And on the fifth generation the sons of
Israel went up out of the land of Egypt.
And Mouses took the bones of Ioseph
with himself; for Ioseph made the sons
of Israel swear an oath saying:
“In visitation the Lord will visit
you, and take the bones of me from here
with you.”
And having taken out of Sokchoth the
sons of Israel encamped in Othom along
the wilderness. 21And God was guiding
them, indeed during day in a pillar of
cloud to show to them the way, and the
night in a pillar of fire; 22the pillar
of the cloud failed not during day and
the pillar of the fire during night before
all the people.


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 14:5

And the Lord spoke to Mouses say-
“Speak to the sons of Israel, and
having returned let them encamped before
the dwelling between Magdol and between
the sea out of opposite Beelzepphon,
thou shall encamp before them on the
sea. 3And Pharaoh will say to the people
of him: ‘These sons of Israel are being
planetized in the land; for the wilder-
ness enclosed them.’ 4And I Myself harden
the heart of Pharaoh, and he will pursue
down behind them; and I will be glorified
in Pharaoh and in all the army of him,
and all the Egyptians will know that I
Myself am the Lord.”
And they did thus. 5And it was announced
to the king of the Egyptians that the
people have fled; and the heart of Pharaoh
and the servants of him changed on the
people, and they said:
“Why is it that we did this to send
out the sons of Israel not to serve us?”


Exodus 14:6 GENESIS & EXODUS

Therefore Pharaoh yoked the chariots of
him and all the people of him led up
with himself 7and he took six hundred
chosen chariots and every horse of the
Egyptians and captains on all. 8And the
Lord hardened the heart of Pharaoh king
of Egypt and the servants of him, and he
pursued down behind the sons of Israel;
and the sons of Israel were going out in
high hand. 9And the Egyptians pursued
down behind them and they found them
having been camped along the sea, and
every horse and the chariots of Pharaoh
and the horsemen and the army of him
before the dwelling out of opposite
Beelsepphon. 10And Pharaoh led forth;
and having lifted up the eyes the sons
of Israel saw, and the Egyptians marched
behind them, and they feared exceedingly;
and the sons of Israel shouted to the
Lord 11and said to Mouses:
“Thou led us out to die in the
wilderness for tombs not to exist in the
land Egypt? Why is it that thou did
this to us leading out of Egypt? 12Was
this not the word, which we spoke to
thee in Egypt saying: ‘Leave us, in
order that we serve the Egyptians?’ For


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 14:18

it is better for us to serve the Egyptians

than to die in this wilderness.”
And Mouses said to the people:
“Be cheerful; stand and see the sal-
vation from God, which He will do to us
today; for which manner you have seen
the Egyptians today, you will not still
add to see them into everlasting time;
the Lord will fight concerning you,
and you yourselves be silent.”
And the Lord said to Mouses:
“Why shout to Me? Speak to the sons
of Israel, and let them go up; 16and thou
thyself lift up the staff of thee and
stretch out the hand of thee on the sea
and divide it, and let the sons of Israel
enter into the middle of the sea through-
out the dry. 17And behold I Myself will
harden the heart of Pharaoh and all the
Egyptians, and they will enter behind
them; and I will be glorified in Pharaoh
and in the whole army of him and in the
chariots and in the horses of him. And
all the Egyptians will know that I Myself
am the Lord glorifying Me in Pharaoh and
in the chariots and in the horses of
him. 18And all the Egyptians will know


Exodus 14:19 GENESIS & EXODUS

that I Myself am the Lord glorifying Me

in Pharaoh and in the chariots and horses
of him.”
And the angel of God who goes before
the camp of the sons of Israel took out
and went out from behind; and the pillar
of the cloud also took out from the face
of them and stood out behind them. 20And
he entered between the camp of the
Egyptians and between the camp of Israel
and stood; and darkness and blackness
happened, and the night went through,
and they approached not one another the
whole night; 21and Mouses stretched out
the hand on the sea, and the Lord led
away the sea in a violent south wind the
whole night and made the sea dry, and
the water was divided. 22And the sons of
Israel entered into the middle of the
sea throughout the dry, and the water to
them wall out of the right and wall out
of the left; 23and the Egyptians pursued
down and entered behind them, every horse
of Pharaoh and the chariots and the
riders, into the middle of the sea. 24And
it happened in the morning watch and the
Lord looked on the camp of the Egyptians
in a pillar of fire and cloud and troubled


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 14:29

the camp of the Egyptians 25and bound

the wheels of the chariots of them and
led them with violence. And the Egyptians
“Let us flee from the face of Israel;
for the Lord fights concerning them
against the Egyptians.”
And the Lord said to Mouses:
“Stretch out the hand of thee on the
sea, and let the water be restored and
cover the Egyptians, both on the chariots
and the riders.”
And Mouses stretched out the hand on
the sea, and the water was restored
towards day on the area; and the Egyptians
fled under the water, and the Lord shook
out the Egyptians in the middle of the
sea. 28And the water returned and covered
the chariots and the riders and all the
power of Pharaoh the men who have gone
behind them into the sea, and not even
one out of them was left. 29But the sons
of Israel went through the dry in the
middle of the sea, and the water became
wall to them out of the right and wall
out of the left.


Exodus 14:30 GENESIS & EXODUS

And the Lord rescued Israel in that
day out of the hand of the Egyptians;
and Israel saw the Egyptians dead along
the lip of the sea. 31And Israel saw the
great hand, which the Lord did to the
Egyptians; and the people feared the
Lord and they believed God and Mouses
the servant of Him.

Then Mouses and the sons of Israel
sang this ode to God and they said saying:
“We sing to the Lord, for glorifying
He has been glorified; He threw the horse
and its rider into the sea. 2He became
a helper and a shelter to me into salva-
tion; this is the God of me, and I will
glorify Him, the God of the father of
me, and I will exalt Him. 3The Lord
shatters wars, Lord is the name to Him.
He threw the chariots of Pharaoh and
the power of him into the sea, He sank
the chosen riders captains in the Red
Sea. 5In deep He covered them, they
sank into the deep as stone. 6The right
of Thee, Lord, has been glorified in
strength; the right hand of Thee, Lord,


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 15:15

shattered the enemies. 7And with the

multitude of the glory of Thee Thou
shattered the adversaries; Thou sent the
wrath of Thee, and consumed them as reed.
And through the spirit of the fury of
Thee Thou caused the water to stand;
Thou led up the waters as wall, Thou led
up the waves in the middle of the sea.
The enemy said:
‘Having pursued I will seize, I will
divide the spoils, I will fill the psyche
of me, I will loosen the sword of me,
the hand of me will lord.’
”Thou sent the spirit of Thee, the
sea covered them; they sank as lead in
exceeding water. 11Who is like Thee in
gods, Lord? Who is like Thee, having
been glorified in holies, wonderful in
glories, doing wonders? 12Thou stretched
out the right of Thee, the land swallowed
them. 13Thou guided with the righteous-
ness of Thee this people of Thee, whom
Thou redeemed, Thou exhorted with the
strength of Thee into the holy inn of
Thee. The nations heard and were
wrathful; travails took the dwellings
of Philistines. 15Then governors of Edom
and rulers of the Moabites hastened,


Exodus 15:16 GENESIS & EXODUS

trembling took them, all the men dwelling

Canaan melted. 16May fear and trembling
fall on them, let the greatness of the
arm of Thee be petrified, until the people
of Thee can pass, Lord, until this people
of Thee can pass, whom Thou got. 17Plant
them leading into the mountain an in-
heritance of Thee, into a prepared
dwelling of Thee, which Thou worked,
Lord, a Sanctuary, Lord, which the hands
of Thee prepared. 18Lord is reigning
the age and on ages and still. 19Because
the horse of Pharaoh entered with chari-
ots and riders into the sea, and the
Lord led on them the water of the sea;
and the sons of Israel went through dry
in the middle of the sea.”
And Mariam the prophetess the sister
of Aaron took the tambourine in the hand
of her, and all the women went out behind
her with tambourines and choruses, 21and
Mariam took out of them saying:
“Let us sing to the Lord, for
glorifying He has been glorified; He
threw horse and rider into the sea.”
And Mouses took out the sons of Israel
from the Red Sea and led them into the
wilderness of Sour; and they were going


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 15:27

three days in the wilderness and they

were not finding water so as to drink.
And they went into Merra and they were
not able to drink out of Merra, for it
was bitter; on account of this the name
of that place was called “Bitterness.”
And the people murmured against Mouses
“What shall we drink?”
And Mouses shouted to the Lord; and
the Lord showed to him a tree, and he
casted it into the water, and the water
was sweetened. He placed there to him
justifications and judgments and He
tested him there. 26And He said:
“If hearing thou hear the voice of
the Lord the God of thee and thou shall
do the things pleasing before Him and
listen to the commandments of Him and
guard all the justifications of Him,
every disease, which I led to the
Egyptians, I will lead not on thee; for
I Myself am the Lord the One who heals
And they came into Ailim, and there
were there twelve springs of waters and


(Greek to English) GENESIS & EXODUS

seventy palm trees; and they encamped

there along the waters.

And they took up out of Ailim and
the whole synagogue of the sons of Israel
came into the wilderness of Sin, which
is between Ailim and between Sinai. And
on the fifteenth day on the second month
of them having gone out of the land of
Egypt 2the whole synagogue of the sons
of Israel murmured against Mouses and
Aaron, 3and the sons of Israel said to
“We wish that we died having been
plagued by the Lord in the land Egypt,
when we sat on the pots of meat and ate
bread into satisfaction; because you led
us out into this wilderness to kill this
whole synagogue in famine.”
And the Lord said to Mouses:
“Behold I Myself will rain to you
bread out of the heaven, and the people
shall go out and gather the food of the
day into day, in order that I may test


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 16:9

them if they will go with the Law of Me

or not; 5and it will be on the sixth day
also prepare whichever they bring in,
and it will be double whichever they
assemble during day into day.”
And Mouses and Aaron said to the whole
synagogue of the sons of Israel:
“At evening you shall know that the
Lord led you out of the land of Egypt,
and morning you shall see the glory of
the Lord in the time to hear the murmur-
ing of you against God; and we ourselves
are what because you murmur against us?”
And Mouses said:
“In the evening the Lord shall give
to you meat to eat and bread in the
morning into satisfaction on account of
the Lord to hear the murmuring of you,
which you yourselves murmur against us;
but what are we ourselves? For the
murmuring of you is not against us, but
rather against God.”
And Mouses said to Aaron:
“Say to the whole synagogue of the
sons of Israel: ‘Approach before God;
for He heard the murmuring of you.’”


Exodus 16:10 GENESIS & EXODUS

And when Aaron was speaking to the whole
synagogue of the sons of Israel, and
they turned into the wilderness, also
the glory of the Lord appeared in cloud.
And the Lord spoke to Mouses saying:
“I heard the murmuring of the sons
of Israel; speak to them saying: ‘To-
wards evening you shall eat meat and in
the morning you will be satisfied with
bread; and you will know that I am the
Lord the God of you.’”
And evening came, and quails came up
and covered the camp; the morning came
of the dew resting around the camp 14and
behold on the face of the wilderness
small as crushed white as frost on the
ground. 15And having seen it the sons of
Israel said another to the other:
“What is this?”
For they knew not, what it was. And
Mouses said to them:
“This is the bread, which the Lord
has given to you to eat; 16this is the
word, which the Lord has ordered:
‘Assemble from it each into the victuals,
an omer according to head according to
the number of the psyches of you assem-


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 16:23

ble each with the men in the tents of

And the sons of Israel did thus and
they assembled, some many and some
lesser. 18And having measured with the
omer the man who assembled many increased
not, and the man who assembled the lesser
lacked not; they assembled each into
the victuals in the presence of himself.
And Mouses said to them:
“Let no one leave from it into the
And they heard not Mouses, but some
left from it into the morning; and it
produced worms and smelled; and Mouses
was embittered on them. And they
assembled it early morning, each the
victual for him; and when the sun became
hot, it was being melted. And it
happened on the sixth day they assembled
the food double, two omers to one; and
all the rulers of the synagogue entered
and announced to Mouses. 23And Mouses
said to them:
“This is the word, which the Lord
spoke; it is Sabbath a holy rest to the
Lord tomorrow; whatsoever you shall boil,


Exodus 16:24 GENESIS & EXODUS

boil, and whatsoever you shall bake,

bake; and any excess you leave it into
store into the morning.”
And they left from it into the morning,
just as Mouses ordered to them; and it
smelled not, nor worm was in it. 25And
Mouses said:
“Eat today; for today is Sabbath to
the Lord; you will not find in the field.
You shall assemble six days; and the
seventh day is Sabbath, because there
will not be in it.”
And it happened in the seventh day some
out of the people went out to assemble
and they found not. 28And the Lord said
to Mouses:
“Until what you wish not to hear the
commandments of Me and the Law of Me?
See, for the Lord gave to you this day
the Sabbath; on account of this He Himself
gave to you on the sixth day bread of
two days; you each man shall sit into
the houses of you, let no one go out of
the place of him on the seventh day.”
And the people made the seventh day
Sabbath. 31And the sons of Israel named


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 16:36

the name of it manna; and it was white

as seed of coriander, and the taste of
it as wafers in honey. And Mouses
“This is the word, which the Lord
ordered: ‘Fill the omer of the manna
into store into the generations of you,
in order that they shall see the bread,
which you yourselves eat in the wilder-
ness, as the Lord led you out of the
land of Egypt.’”
And Mouses said to Aaron:
“Take one gold jar and cast into it
the omer full of the manna and thou
shall store it before God into keeping
into the generations of you.”
Which manner the Lord ordered to Mouses,
also Aaron was storing before the witness
into keeping. 35And the sons of Israel
ate the manna forty years, until they
came into an inhabited land; they ate
the manna, until they arrived into the
part of Phoenicia. 36And the omer was
the tenth of the three measures.


(Greek to English) GENESIS & EXODUS

And the whole synagogue of the sons
of Israel took up out of the wilderness
of Sin according to the camps of them
through the word of the Lord and they
encamped in Rhaphidin; and there was
not water for the people to drink. 2And
the people were reviling against Mouses
“Give to us water, in order that we
can drink.”
And Mouses said to them:
“Why revile against me, and why are
you tempting the Lord?”
But the people thirsted there for water,
and the people murmured there against
Mouses saying:
“Why is this that thou brought us up
out of Egypt to kill us and the children
of us and the cattle with thirst?”
And Mouses shouted to the Lord saying:


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 17:9

“What shall I do to this people?

Still a little time and they will stone
And the Lord said to Mouses:
“Go before this people, and take with
thyself from the presbyters of the people
and the staff, in which thou struck the
river, take in the hand of thee and go.
Behold I Myself have stood before thee
there on the rock in Horeb; and thou
shall strike the rock, and water shall
come out of it, and the people of Me may
And Mouses did thus before the sons of
Israel. 7And he named the name of that
place “Temptation and Reviling” on
account of the reviling of the sons of
Israel and on account of the thing to
tempt the Lord saying:
“If the Lord is in us or not?”


And Amalek came and fought Israel
in Rhaphidin. 9And Mouses said to Iesous:
“Choose for thyself able men and
having gone out strike Amalek tomorrow,


Exodus 17:10 GENESIS & EXODUS

and behold I myself have stood on the

top of the hill, and the staff of God in
the hand of me.”
And Iesous did just as Mouses said to
him, and having gone out they struck
Amalek; and Mouses and Aaron and Or went
up on the top of the hill. 11And it
happened when Mouses took up the hands,
Israel prevailed; but when he put down
the hands, Amalek prevailed. 12And the
hands of Mouses became heavy; and having
taken stone they placed under him, and
sat on it, and Aaron and Or strengthened
the hands of him, one from here and one
from here; and the hands of Mouses were
strengthened until the setting of the
sun. 13And Iesous prostrated Amalek and
all the people of him in murder of sword.
And the Lord said to Mouses:
“Write this in a book into a memorial
and give to Iesous into the ears that
blotting I will blot out the memorial of
Amalek under heaven.”
And Mouses built an altar to the Lord
and he named the name of it: “The Lord
of me is a Fortress;” 16because the Lord
fights in mighty hand against Amalek
from generations into generations.


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 18:6

And Iothor the priest of Midian the
father-in-law of Mouses heard all,
whatsoever the Lord did to Israel the
people of Himself; for the Lord led Israel
out of Egypt. 2And Iothor the father-
in-law of Mouses took Sepphora the woman
of Mouses after the leaving of her 3and
the two sons of him; a name to one of
them is Gersam saying:
“I was a sojourner in a foreign land.”
And the name of the second is Eliezer
“For the God of the father of me is a
helper of me and He took me out of the
hand of Pharaoh.”
And Iothor the father-in-law of Mouses
and the sons and the woman went out to
Mouses into the wilderness, where he
encamped on the mountain of God. 6And
it was announced to Mouses saying:
“Behold Iothor the father-in-law of
thee arrives to thee, and the woman and
the two sons of thee with him.”


Exodus 18:7 GENESIS & EXODUS

And Mouses went out into a meeting with
the father-in-law of him and he bowed to
him and kissed him, and they greeted one
another; and he led him into the tent.
And Mouses related to the father-in-law
all things, whatsoever the Lord did to
Pharaoh and the Egyptians, because of
Israel, and every toil that has happened
to them in the way and that the Lord
took them out of the hand of Pharaoh and
out of the hand of the Egyptians. 9And
Iothor stood out on all the good things,
which the Lord did to them, because He
took them out of the hand of the Egyptians
and out of the hand of Pharaoh. 10And
Iothor said:
“Eulogized is the Lord, because He
took the people of Him out of the hand
of the Egyptians and out of the hand of
Pharaoh; 11now I have known that the Lord
is greater than all the gods, that He
laid on them because of this.”
And Iothor the father-in-law of Mouses
took burnt offerings and sacrifice to
God; and Aaron and all the presbyters of
Israel arrived to eat bread with the
father-in-law of Mouses before God. 13And
it happened after the morrow Mouses sat


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 18:19

to judge the people and all the people

has stood before Mouses from morning
until evening. 14And Iothor having seen
all, whatsoever the people was doing,
“What is this, which thou thyself
art doing to the people? On account of
what thou thyself sit alone, and all the
people has stood before thee from morn-
ing until twilight?”
And Mouses says to the father-in-law
“The people arrive to me to seek
judgment from God; 16for when dispute
comes to them and they come to me, I
judge each and I instruct to them the
ordinances of God and the Law of Him.”
And the father-in-law of Mouses said
to him:
“Thou thyself do this word not
straightly; 18with corruption thou shall
be corrupted both thou and this people,
who is with thee; this word is heavy for
thee, thou thyself art not able to do
alone. 19Now therefore hear me, and I
shall counsel thee, and God will be with
thee. Thou thyself be to the people the


Exodus 18:20 GENESIS & EXODUS

things towards God and bring the words

of them to God 20and witness to them the
ordinances of God and the Law of Him and
thou shall signify to them the ways, in
which they shall go in them, and the
works, which they shall do. 21And thou
thyself oversee for thyself from all of
the people able godly men, righteous
men hating arrogance, and appoint them
chiliarchs out of them and centurions
and rulers of fifty and rulers of ten,
and they judge the people every hour;
and they shall bring the inflated word
on thee, and they themselves shall judge
the things little of the judgments and
they shall lighten from thee and they
shall help thee. 23If thou shall do this
word, God will make thee prevail, and
thou shall be able to stand, and this
whole people shall come into the place
of himself with peace.”
And Mouses heard the voice of the father-
in-law and did whatsoever he said to
him. 25And Mouses chose able men from
all of Israel and made them chiliarchs
on them and centurions and rulers of
fifty and rulers of ten, 26and they judged
the people every hour; and they brought
every inflated word on Mouses, and they


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 19:6

themselves judged lighter word. 27And

Mouses sent out the father-in-law of
himself, and he went away into the land
of him.

And of the third month of the exodus
of the sons of Israel out of the land of
Egypt on this day they came into the
wilderness of Sinai. 2And they took out
of Rhaphidin and came into the wilderness
of Sinai, and Israel encamped there
opposite the mountain. 3And Mouses went
up into the mountain of God; and God
called him out of the mountain saying:
“Say these things to the house of
Iakob and announce to the sons of Israel:
‘You yourselves have seen whatsoever I
have done to the Egyptians, and I took
you up as on the wings of an eagle and I
lead you forth to Myself. 5And now if
with hearing you shall hear My voice and
guard the covenant of Me, you shall be a
people to Me a possession from all of
the nations; for the whole earth is Mine;
and you yourselves shall be a kingdom
of priesthood to Me and a holy nation.’
Say these words to the sons of Israel.”


Exodus 19:7 GENESIS & EXODUS

And Mouses came and called the presbyters
of the people and set to them all these
words, which God ordered to him. 8And
all the people answered with one mind
and said:
“All, whatsoever God said, we shall
do and we shall hear.”
And Mouses brought the words of the people
to God. 9And the Lord said to Mouses:
“Behold I Myself arrive to thee in a
pillar of cloud, in order that the people
shall hear Me speaking to thee and they
shall believe thee into the age.”
And Mouses announced the words of the
people to the Lord. 10And the Lord said
to Mouses:
“Having gone down witness to the
people and make them holy today and
tomorrow and let them wash the garments;
and let them be ready into the third
day; for on the third day the Lord will
go down on Mount Sinai before all the
people. 12And thou shall separate the
people around saying:
‘Hold on for yourselves to go up into
the mountain and to touch a certain thing


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 19:18

of it; every man who touches the mountain

shall die with death. 13A hand shall not
touch it; for in stones he shall be
stoned or he shall be shot with arrow;
even if a cattle even if a man, he shall
not live. When the sounds and the trum-
pets and the cloud go up from the
mountain, those will go up on the
And Mouses went down out of the mountain
to the people and made them holy, and
they washed the garments. 15And he said
to the people:
“Be ready three days, approach not a
And it happened on the third day towards
morning and sounds occurred and
lightnings and black cloud on Mount
Sinai, a great sound of the trumpet comes;
and all the people in the camp were
terrified. 17And Mouses led the people
into a meeting of God out of the camp,
and they stood by the mountain. 18And
the whole Mount Sinai was being covered
with smoke on account of God to have
come down on it in fire and the smoke as
moke of furnace went up, and all the
people stood out of themselves


Exodus 19:19 GENESIS & EXODUS

exceedingly. 19And the sounds of the

trumpet occurred to come forth
exceedingly stronger; Mouses was
speaking, and God was answering him with
sound. 20And the Lord went down on Mount
Sinai on the top of the mountain; and
the Lord called Mouses on the top of the
mountain, and Mouses went up. 21And God
said to Mouses saying:
“Go down to witness to the people,
lest perchance they draw near to God to
observe and a multitude shall fall out
of them; 22and let the priests who draw
near to the Lord the God be holy, lest
perchance the Lord shall release from
And Mouses said to God:
“The people are not able to go up to
Mount Sinai; for Thou Thyself have
witnessed to us saying: ‘Separate the
mountain and make it holy.’”
And the Lord said to him:
“Hasten go down and thou thyself go
up and Aaron with thee; but let not the
priests and the people force to go up to
God, lest perchance the Lord shall
release from them.”


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 20:7

And Mouses went down to the people and
said to them.

And the Lord spoke all these words
”I Myself am the Lord the God of
thee, who led thee out of the land of
Egypt out of the house of slavery. 3There
shall not be other gods to thee except
”Thou shall not make idols for
thyself nor any likeness, whatsoever in
the heaven above and whatsoever in the
earth under and whatsoever in the wa-
ters underneath the earth. 5Thou shall
not bow to them nor thou shall at all
religiously serve to them; for I Myself
am the Lord the God of thee, a jealous
God giving sin of the fathers on the
children until the third and fourth
generations to the ones who hate Me 6and
doing mercy into thousands to the ones
who love Me and to the ones who guard
the ordinances of Me.
”Thou shall not take the name of
the Lord the God of thee on worthless


Exodus 20:8 GENESIS & EXODUS

things; for the Lord shall not at all

cleanse the man who takes the name of
Him on worthless things.
”Remember the day of the Sabbaths
to make it holy. 9Work six days and thou
shall do all the works of thee; 10and on
the seventh day Sabbath to the Lord the
God of thee; thou shall not do in it any
work, thou and the son of thee and the
daughter of thee, the servant of thee
and the maidservant of thee, the ox of
thee and the donkey of thee and any
cattle of thee and the proselyte the
sojourner in thee. 11For in six days the
Lord made the heaven and the earth and
the sea and all the things in them and
He rested on the seventh day; on account
of this the Lord eulogized the seventh
day and made it holy.
”Honor the father of thee and the
mother, in order that it becomes well to
thee, and in order that thou shall live
long time on the good land, which the
Lord the God of thee gives to thee.
”Thou shall not commit adultery.
”Thou shall not steal.


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 20:20

”Thou shall not murder.
”Thou shall not bear false witness
against the neighbor of thee.
”Thou shall not desire the woman of
the neighbor of thee, thou shall not
desire the house of the neighbor of thee
nor the field of him nor the servant of
him nor the maidservant of him nor the
ox of him nor the donkey of him nor any
cattle of him nor whatsoever is to the
neighbor of thee.”
And all the people saw the sound and
the lamps and the sound of the trumpet
and the smoking mountain; and all the
people stood from afar. 19And they said
to Mouses:
“Thou thyself speak to us, and let
not God speak to us, lest perchance we
And Mouses says to them:
“Be cheerful; for because of the thing
to test you God arrived to you, in order
that the fear of Him comes in you, in
order that you shall sin not.”


Exodus 20:21 GENESIS & EXODUS

And the people stood from afar, and
Mouses entered into the blackness, where
God was. 22And the Lord said to Mouses:
“Say these things to the house of
Iakob and announce to the sons of Israel:
‘You yourselves have seen that I have
spoken to you out of the heaven; 23you
shall not make for yourselves silver
gods and you shall not make them gold
gods for you. 24You shall make for Me an
altar out of the earth and sacrifice on
it the burnt offerings and the salva-
tion of you, the sheep and the calves of
you in every place, whichever I will
name the name of Me there, and I will
come to thee and I will eulogize thee.
If thou shall make for Me an altar out
of stone, thou shall not build them hewn;
for thou have lifted up the tool of thee
on them, and they have been defiled.
Thou shall not go up in stairs on the
altar of Me, in order that thou shall
not reveal the shamefulness of thee on


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 21:7

”And these are the justifications,
which thou shall set before them:
‘If thou shall get a Hebrew servant,
he shall serve for thee six years; and
on the seventh year he shall freely go
away free. 3If he himself entered alone,
also he shall go out alone; and if a
woman entered with him, he shall go out
and the woman with him. 4And if the Lord
shall give to him a woman, and she de-
livered to him sons or daughters, the
woman and the children will be to the
lord of him, and he himself alone shall
go out. 5And if the servant having an-
swered said:
“I have loved the lord of me and the
woman and the children, I shall not run
away free;”
’the lord of him shall lead him forth
to the criterion of God and then he
shall lead him forth to the door on the
door post, and the lord of him shall
pierce the ear with an awl, and he shall
serve him into the age. 7And if someone
shall give the daughter of himself as a
household helper, she shall not go away


Exodus 21:8 GENESIS & EXODUS

just as the slaves run away. 8And if

thou art not pleased with the lord of
her who betrothed to him, he shall redeem
her; and the lord is not to sell her to
a foreign nation, because he dealt
deceitfully in her. 9And if he shall
betroth her to the son, he shall do to
her according to the justification of
the daughters. 10And if he shall take
another woman for himself, he shall not
defraud the food and the garment and the
company. 11And if he shall not do to her
these three things, she shall come out
freely without silver.
’And if someone shall strike someone,
and he shall die, let him die with death.
And the man lies not in wait, but God
delivered into the hands of Him, I shall
give to thee a place, where the man who
has murdered shall flee there. 14And if
someone shall plan against the neighbor
to kill him with deceit and flee, take
him from the altar of Me to die.
’He who shall strike the father of
him or the mother of him, let him die
with death. 16The man who speaks evil to
the father of him or to the mother of
him shall die with death.


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 21:26

’If someone shall steal someone of
the sons of Israel and having oppressed
him he shall sell, and was found in him,
let him die with death. 18And if two men
revile and someone shall strike the
neighbor with stone or fist, and he shall
not die, but reclined on the bed, 19if
having stood up the man shall walk out-
side on staff, the man who has struck
will be acquitted; however he shall pay
the loss of the time of him and the
healings. 20And if someone shall strike
the servant of him or the maidservant of
him in staff, and dies by the hands of
him, let him be avenged with justice.
But if he shall continue one day or
two, he shall not be avenged; for he is
the money of him.
’And if two men shall fight and
strike a woman having in the belly, and
the child went out of her not being
hurt, he shall be punished; according
to what the man of the woman shall cast
on, he shall give with worth. 23And if
there was hurt, he shall give psyche for
psyche, 24an eye for an eye, a tooth for
a tooth, a hand for a hand, a foot for a
foot, 25burning for burning, wound for
wound, stripe for stripe. 26And if someone


Exodus 21:27 GENESIS & EXODUS

And if he shall cast out the tooth of
the household helper or the tooth of the
maidservant of him, he shall send them
out free for the tooth of them.
’And if a bull shall gore a man or
a woman, and dies, the bull shall be
stoned with stones, and the meat of it
shall not be eaten; and the lord of the
bull will be acquitted. 29And if the
bull is one which gored before yester-
day and before the third day, and it was
witnessed to the lord of it, and he made
it not disappear, and it killed a man or
a woman, the bull shall be stoned, and
the lord of it shall die. 30But if a
ransom was casted on him, he shall give
ransom of the psyche of him whatsoever
they cast on him. 31And if it shall gore
a son or a daughter, they shall do to
him according to this justification.
And if the bull shall gore a servant or
maidservant, he shall give thirty
didrachma of silver to the lord of them,
and the bull shall be stoned.


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 22:4

’And if someone shall open a dun-
geon or dig a dungeon and cover it not,
and a calf or donkey shall fall there,
the lord of the dungeon shall pay; he
shall give to the lord of them silver,
and the dead calf or donkey shall be to
him. 35And if a certain bull shall gore
the bull of the neighbor, and dies, he
shall sell the living bull and divide
the silver of him and divide the dead
bull. 36And if the bull is known that it
is one which gored before yesterday and
before the third day, and they were
witnessing to the lord of it, and he
made it not disappear, he shall pay a
bull for a bull, and the dead bull shall
be to him.

’And if someone shall steal a calf
or a sheep and slaughter it or sell, he
shall pay five calves for the calf and
four sheep for the sheep. 2And if the
thief was found in the breaking in and
he shall be plagued and dies, it is not
murder to him; 3and if the sun shall
rise on him, he is guilty, he shall
recompense. And if there exists not to
him, let him be sold for the theft. 4And


Exodus 22:5 GENESIS & EXODUS

if he was seized, and the theft was

found in the hand of him from both donkey
until sheep living, he shall pay them
double. 5And if someone shall feed on
the field or vineyard and let the cattle
of him to feed on another field, he
shall pay out of the field of him ac-
cording to the fruit of it; and if he
shall feed on the whole field, he shall
pay from the best of the field of him
and the best of the vineyard of him.
And if fire coming out found thorns and
consumed threshing floor or ear or field,
the man who has burned shall pay.
’And if someone shall give to the
neighbor silver or vessel to guard, and
it was stolen out of the house of the
man, if the thief was found, he shall
pay double; 8and if the thief was not
found, the lord of the house shall go
before God and he shall swear that indeed
he himself has not done evil on the
whole deposit of the neighbor. 9According
to any word of injustice concerning both
calf and donkey and sheep and garment
and all destruction of the accused,
whichever certain thing it be with, the
judgment of both shall come before God,
and the man condemned through God shall


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 22:18

pay double to the neighbor. 10And if

someone shall give to the neighbor a
donkey or calf or sheep or any cattle to
guard, and it is shattered or it shall
die or it becomes captive, and no one
knows, 11there shall be an oath of God
between both that indeed he has not done
evil throughout the whole deposit of
the neighbor; and the lord of it shall
accept thus, and he shall not pay. 12And
if he stole from him, he shall pay to
the lord. 13And if it becomes eaten by
beast, he shall lead him on the beast
and he shall not pay. 14And if someone
shall request from the neighbor, and it
is shattered or it shall die or it be-
comes captive, and the lord be not with
it, he shall pay; 15and if the lord be
with it, he shall not pay; and if it be
hired, it shall be to him for the reward
of it.
’And if someone shall deceive a
virgin not betrothed and slept with her,
with dowry he shall endow her to him as
a woman. And if renewing he shall
renew and the father of her wish not to
give her to him as a woman, he shall pay
silver to the father according to
whatever is the dowry of the virgins.


Exodus 22:18 GENESIS & EXODUS

You shall not perform sorceries. 19All
who sleep with cattle, you shall kill
them with death.
’The man who sacrifices to gods shall
be destroyed with death except to the
Lord alone. 21And you shall not do evil
to a proselyte nor at all trouble him;
for you were proselytes in the land Egypt.
’You shall not do evil to any widow
and orphan; 23and if you shall do to them
evil and malice and having cried out
they will shout to Me, hearing I will
hear the voice of them 24and I will be
wrathful with fury and I will kill you
with sword, and the women of you will be
widows and the children of you orphans.
’And if thou shall lend silver to
the poor brother beside thee, thou shall
not force him, and thou shall not set
interest to him. 26And if thou shall
take as pledge the garment of the
neighbor, thou shall give to him before
the setting of the sun; 27for this is the
mantle of him, this is the only garment
of the indignity of him; in what shall
he sleep? Therefore if he shall shout
to Me, I will hear him; for I am merciful.
Thou shall not speak evil against God


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 23:5

and thou shall not say evilly against

rulers of the people of thee. 29Thou
shall not withhold the firstfruit of
the threshing floor and winepress of
thee; thou shall give to Me the firstborn
of the sons of thee.
’Thou shall do thus to the calf and
the sheep of thee and the donkey of
thee; it will be seven days by the mother,
and on the eighth day thou shall give it
to Me. 31And holy men shall be for Me.
And you shall not eat meat of things
eaten by beast, throw it to the dog.

’Thou shall not accept worthless
news. Thou shall not sit with the
unrighteous to become an unrighteous
witness. 2Thou shall not be with the
majority on malice. Thou shall not add
after the multitude to turn away with
the majority so as to turn away judgment.
And thou shall not pity a poor man in
judgment. 4And if thou shall meet the
ox of the enemy of thee or the donkey of
him planetizing, having returned thou
shall give to him. 5And if thou shall
see the donkey of the enemy of thee


Exodus 23:6 GENESIS & EXODUS

having fallen under the cargo of it,

thou shall not pass by it, but thou
shall raise it with it. 6Thou shall not
pervert the judgment of the poor in the
judgment of him. 7Thou shall stand away
from any unrighteous word; thou shall
not kill innocent and righteous and thou
shall not justify the ungodly because
of gift. 8And thou shall not take gifts;
for the gifts blind eyes seeing and
devastate righteous words. 9And you shall
not trouble a proselyte; for you
yourselves know the psyche of the
proselyte; for you yourselves were
proselytes in the land Egypt.
’Six years thou shall sow the land
of thee and thou shall assemble the fruits
of it; 11and on the seventh year thou
shall make a leave and thou shall re-
lieve it, and the poor of the nation of
thee may eat, and the beasts of the
fields shall eat the things left behind.
Thou shall do thus to the vineyard of
thee and the oliveyard of thee. 12Six
days thou shall do the works of thee,
and on the seventh day rest, in order
that the ox of thee may rest and the
donkey of thee, and in order that the


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 23:19

son of the maidservant of thee and the

proselyte shall rest.
’All, whatsoever I have said to you,
guard. And you shall not remember the
name of other gods, nor at all be heard
out of the mouth of you.
’Three times of the year you shall
make feast to Me. 15You shall guard to
make the feast of the unleavened bread;
you shall eat unleavened seven days,
just as I commanded to thee, according
to the time of the month of the new
ears; for in it you went out of Egypt.
Thou shall not appear before Me empty.
Thou shall make a feast of harvest of
the firstfruits of the works of thee,
whichever thou sow in the field of thee,
and a feast of completion on the exodus
of the year in the assembly of the works
of thee out of the field of thee.
’Three times of the year every male
of thee shall appear before the Lord the
God of thee. 18For when I cast out nations
from the face of thee and I broaden the
borders of thee, thou shall not sacrifice
on leaven blood of the sacrifice of Me,
nor at all fat of the feast of Me shall
sleep until morning. 19Thou shall bring


Exodus 23:20 GENESIS & EXODUS

into the house of the Lord the God of

thee the firstfruits of the firstfruits
of the land of thee. Thou shall not
boil a lamb in the milk of the mother of
’And behold I Myself send the angel
of Me before the face of thee, in order
that he shall guard thee in the way, in
order that he shall lead thee into the
land, which I prepared for thee. 21Hold
on for thyself and hear him and disobey
him not; for he shall not withdraw from
thee, for the name of Me is on him. 22If
hearing you shall hear My voice and thou
shall do all, whatsoever I command to
thee, and you shall guard the covenant
of Me, you shall be to Me a people a
possession from all of the nations; for
the whole earth is Mine, and you
yourselves shall be to Me a kingdom of
priests and a holy nation. Thou shall
say these words to the sons of Israel:
If hearing you shall hear the voice of
Me and thou shall do all, whatsoever I
say to thee, I shall be an enemy to the
enemies of thee and I shall oppose the
men who oppose thee. 23For the angel of
Me shall go leading thee and lead thee
in to the Amorrites and Hittites and


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 23:30

Pherizites and Canaanites and Gergesites

and Hivites and Jebusites, and I will
destroy them.
’Thou shall not bow to the gods of
them nor at all religiously serve them;
thou shall not do according to the works
of them, but thou shall destroy destroy-
ing and thou shall shatter shattering
the pillars of them. 25And thou shall
religiously serve the Lord the God of
thee, and I will eulogize the bread of
thee and the wine of thee and the water
of thee and I will turn away softness
from you. 26There shall not be miscarriage
nor sterile on the land of thee; I will
fulfill the number of the days of thee.
And I will send fear leading thee and I
will destroy all the nations, into whom
thou thyself shall enter into them, and
I will give the necks of all the
adversaries of thee. 28And I will send
the hornets before thee, and it shall
cast out the Amorrites and the Hivites
and the Canaanites and the Hittites from
thee. 29I will not cast them out in one
year, in order that the land shall not
become desolate and many beasts of the
land shall come on thee; 30I will cast
them out from thee little by little,


Exodus 23:31 GENESIS & EXODUS

until thou shall grow and inherit the

’And I will set the borders of thee
from the Red Sea until the sea of the
Philistines and from the wilderness until
the great river Euphrates; and I will
deliver into the hands of you the
inhabitants in the land and I will cast
them out from thee. 32Thou shall not set
a covenant with them and with the gods
of them. 33And they shall not inhabit in
the land of thee, in order that they
shall not make thee to sin to Me; for if
thou serve the gods of them, these will
be stumbling block to thee.’”

And He said to Mouses:
“Come up to the Lord thou and Aaron
and Nadab and Abioud and seventy of the
presbyters of Israel, and bow to the
Lord from afar; 2and Mouses alone shall
draw near to God, and they themselves
shall not draw near; and the people shall
not go up with them.”
And Mouses entered and narrated to the
people all the words of God and the


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 24:8

justifications; and all the people

answered with one voice saying:
“All the words, which the Lord spoke,
we will do and we will hear.”
And Mouses wrote all the words of the
Lord. And Mouses having risen early in
the morning built an altar by the mountain
and twelve stones into the twelve tribes
of Israel. 5And he sent out the young
men of the sons of Israel, and they
offered burnt offerings and sacrificed
a calf as a sarifice of salvation to
God. 6And having taken the half of the
blood Mouses put into basins, and he
sprinkled the half of the blood to the
altar. 7And having taken the book of
the covenant he opened into the ears of
the people, and they said:
“All, whatsoever the Lord spoke, we
shall do and we shall hear.”
And having taken the blood Mouses
sprinkled the people and said:
“Behold the blood of the covenant
which the Lord set to you concerning all
these words.”


Exodus 24:9 GENESIS & EXODUS

And Mouses went up and Aaron and Nadab
and Abioud and seventy presbyters of
the senate of Israel 10and they saw the
place, where God stood there; and the
things under the feet of Him as work of
transparent sapphire and as appearance
of the firmness of the heaven in
cleanness. 11And He sounded not of the
chosen ones of Israel not even one; and
they appeared in the place of God and
they ate and drank. 12And the Lord said
to Mouses:
“Come up to Me into the mountain and
stand there; and I will give to thee the
stone tablets, the Law and the
commandments, which I wrote to set the
Law to them.”
And having stood up Mouses and Iesous
the man who stand by him went up into
the mountain of God; 14and they said to
the presbyters:
“Be quiet here, until we shall return
to you; and behold Aaron and Or with
you; if someone needs judgment, let them
go to them.”
And Mouses went up and Iesous into the
mountain, and the cloud covered the


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 25:7

mountain. 16And the glory of God went

down on Mount Sinai, and the cloud covered
it six days; and the Lord called Mouses
on the seventh day out of the middle of
the cloud. 17And the appearance of the
glory of the Lord as consuming fire on
the top of the mountain before the sons
of Israel. 18And Mouses entered into
the middle of the cloud and went up into
the mountain and he was there in the
mountain forty days and forty nights.

And the Lord spoke to Mouses saying:
“Say to the sons of Israel, and take
to Me firstfruits from all, whichever
thou glory with the heart, and take the
firstfruits of Me. 3And this is the
firstfruit, which you shall take from
them: gold and silver and brass 4and
hyacinth and purple and scarlet double
and fine linen having been bleached and
hairs of she-goats 5and skins of rams
being dyed red and skins made of hya-
cinth and shittim wood 6oil for the lamps,
spices for the anointing oil and for the
sweet-smelling incense (version), 7and
stones of sardius and stones into the


Exodus 25:8

setting into the ephod and the breast-

plate. 8Thou shall make a Sanctuary for
Me, and I will appear in you; 9and thou
shall do to Me according to all, whatso-
ever I Myself show to thee in the moun-
tain, the example of the tent and the
example of all of the vessels of it;
thou shall do it. 10And thou shall make
an ark of the witness out of shittim
wood, the length two cubits and a half
and the breadth a cubit and a half and
the height a cubit and a half. 11And
thou shall overlay it with clean gold,
thou shall make it gold from outside and
from inside and thou shall make it with
gold mouldings around. 12And thou shall
make for it four gold rings and place on
the four sides, two rings on one side
and two rings on the second side, 13and
thou shall make poles of shittim wood
and thou shall overlay them with gold;
and thou shall lead the poles into the
rings in the sides of the ark to take
the ark in them; 15the immovable poles
shall be in the rings of the ark. 16And
thou shall cast the witnesses into the
ark, which I shall give to thee.
”And thou shall make an Atoning Place
of clean gold, the length two cubits and


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 25:25

a half and the breadth a cubit and a

half. 18And thou shall make two cherubims
of hammered gold and place them out of
both of the sides of the Atoning Place;
one cherubim out of this side and one
cherubim out of the second side of the
Atoning Place shall be made; and thou
shall make the two cherubims on the two
sides. 20The cherubims shall be stretching
out the wings from above, with the wings
of them shadowing on the Atoning Place,
and the faces of them into one another;
the faces of the cherubim shall be into
the Atoning Place. 21And thou shall place
the Atoning Place on the ark from above;
and thou shall cast the witnesses into
the ark, which I shall give to thee.
And I shall be made known to thee from
there and I will speak to thee from
above the Atoning Place between the two
cherubims being on the ark of the wit-
ness and according to all, whatsoever I
shall command to thee to the sons of
Israel. 23And thou shall make a table of
clean gold, the length two cubits and
the width a cubit and the height a cubit
and a half. 24And thou shall make it
mouldings of gold around. 25And thou
shall make around it a crown; and thou
shall make a moulding around the crown.


Exodus 25:26 GENESIS & EXODUS

And thou shall make four gold rings
and place the rings on the four parts of
the feet of it 27under the crown, and the
rings shall be into setting for the poles
so as to take the table in them. 28And
thou shall make the poles out of shittim
wood and overlay them with clean gold,
and the table shall be taken in them.
And thou shall make the bowls of it and
the plates and the spoons and the pitch-
ers, in which thou shall pour in them;
thou shall make them of clean gold. 30And
thou shall place on the table bread of
the presence before Me through all time.
”And thou shall make a lampstand
out of clean gold, thou shall make the
lampstand hammered; the base of it and
the branches and the cups and the capi-
tals and the flowers will be out of it.
And six branches shall go out of the
sides, three branches of the lampstand
out of one side of it and three branches
of the lampstand out of the second side.
And three cups shall be made like almonds
in one branch, capital and flower; thus
to the six branches going out of the
lampstand. 34And in the lampstand four
cups shall be made like almonds; the
capitals and the flowers of it in one


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 26:3

branch. The capital under the two
branches out of it, and a capital under
the four branches out of it; thus shall
be to the six branches out of the
lampstand. 36Let the capitals and the
branches stand out of it; the whole
hammered out of one clean gold. 37And
thou shall make the seven lamps of it;
and thou shall place the lamps, and they
shall shine out of one face. 38And thou
shall make the tongs of it and the censers
of it out of clean gold. 39All these
vessels a talent of clean gold.
’See thou shall make according to
the type which I have shown to thee in
the mountain.

”And thou shall make the tent of ten
curtains out of fine linen having been
bleached and hyacinth and purple and
scarlet having been bleached; thou shall
make them with cherubims of cunning work.
One curtain shall be: the length of
one curtain shall be eight and twenty
cubits and the width four cubits; the
same measure shall be to all the curtains.
And five curtains shall be joined out


Exodus 26:4 GENESIS & EXODUS

of one another the other out of the

other, and five curtains shall be joined
another to the other. 4And thou shall
make for them loops made of hyacinth on
the lip of one curtain out of one part
into the coupling and thus thou shall
make on the lip of the outer curtain to
the second coupling.
’Thou shall make fifty loops for
one curtain and thou shall make fifty
loops out of the part of the second
curtain throughout the coupling; faces
falling opposite one another into each.
And thou shall make fifty gold hooks
and thou shall join the curtains an-
other to the other with the hooks, and
it shall be one tent. 7And thou shall
make curtains made of hairs of goats a
covering on the tent; thou shall make
them eleven curtains. 8The length of
one curtain shall be thirty cubits, and
the width of one curtain forty cubits;
the same measure shall be to the eleven
curtains. 9And thou shall join the five
curtains on the same and the six curtains
on the same; and thou shall double the
sixth curtain throughout the face of
the tent. 10And thou shall make fifty
loops on the lip of one curtain between


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 26:18

coupling throughout and thou shall make

fifty loops on the lip of the curtain
joining the second. 11And thou shall
make fifty brass hooks and thou shall
join the hooks out of the loops and thou
shall join the curtains, and it shall be
one. 12And thou shall place the increase
in the curtains of the tent; the half of
the curtain thou shall leave the remnant,
thou shall leave the increase of the
curtain of the tent behind the tent; 13a
cubit out of this and a cubit out of
this out of the excess of the curtains
out of the length of the curtains of the
tent will be covering on the sides of
the tent from inside and from inside, in
order that it is covered.
”And thou shall make a covering for
the tent skins of rams having been made
red and coverings of skins made of hya-
cinth from above. 15And thou shall make
pillars for the tent out of shittim wood;
thou shall make one pillar ten cubits,
and the breadth of one pillar one and a
half cubits; 17two poles to one pillar
falling against another to the other;
thus thou shall do to all the pillars of
the tent. 18And thou shall make pillars
for the tent, twenty pillars out of the


Exodus 26:19 GENESIS & EXODUS

side towards north. 19And thou shall

make forty feet of silver for the twenty
pillars, two feet for one pillar into
both the parts of it and two feet for
one pillar into both the parts of it.
And the second side towards south twenty
pillars; 21and forty silver feet of them,
two feet for one pillar into both the
parts of it and two feet for one pillar
into both the parts of it. 22And thou
shall make six pillars out of behind the
tent throughout the part towards the
sea. 23And thou shall make two pillars
on the corners of the tent out of the
back, 24and it will be six equal from
beneath; throughout it shall be equal
out of the heads into one ring; thus
thou shall make both, let the two corners
stand. 25And there shall be eight pillars,
and the silver feet of them sixteen; two
feet for one pillar into both the parts
of it and two feet for one pillar.
”And thou shall make bars out of
shittim wood five for one pillar out of
one part of the tent 27and five bars for
the pillar for the side of the tent for
the second and five bars for the pillar
at the back for the side of the tent
towards the sea; 28and let the middle


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 26:36

bar between the pillars pass from one

side into the other side. 29And thou
shall overlay the pillars with gold and
thou shall make gold rings, into which
thou shall lead in the bars, and thou
shall overlay the bars with gold.
’And thou shall set up the tent
according to the appearance which I have
shown to thee in the mountain. 31And
thou shall make veil out of hyacinth and
purple and scarlet having been bleached
and twined fine linen; thou shall make
it cherubim of cunning work, 32and thou
shall place it on four pillars of shittim
having been overlaid with gold; and the
heads of them gold, and the feet of them
four silver. 33And thou shall place the
veil on the pillars and thou shall bring
there inside the veil the ark of the
witness; and the veil to you shall
separate between the holy and between
the holy of the holies. 34And thou shall
cover with the veil the ark of the witness
in the holy of the holies. 35And thou
shall place the table from outside the
veil and the lampstand opposite the table
on part of the tent towards south and
thou shall place the table on part of
the tent towards north. 36And thou shall


Exodus 26:37 GENESIS & EXODUS

make door curtain out of hyacinth and

purple and scarlet having been bleached
and fine linen having been bleached, of
various work. 37And thou shall make five
pillars for the veil and thou shall
overlay them with gold, and the heads of
them gold, and thou shall make five feet
of brass for them.

”And thou shall make an altar out of
shittim wood, the length five cubits
and the width five cubits -- the altar
shall be four-cornered -- and the height
of it three cubits. 2And thou shall
make the horns on the four corners; the
horns shall be out of it; and thou shall
cover them with brass. 3And thou shall
make crown for the altar and the pot of
it and the bowls of it and the forks of
it and the firepan of it; and thou shall
make all the vessels of it brass. 4And
thou shall make for it a covering brass
netted work; and thou shall make four
brass rings for the covering on the four
sides. 5And thou shall place them under
the covering of the altar beneath; and
the covering shall be until the half of
the altar. 6And thou shall make for the


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 27:13

altar poles out of shittim wood and thou

shall overlay them with brass. And
thou shall lead in the poles into the
rings, and let the poles stand through-
out the sides of the altar in the time
to take it. 8Thou shall make it hollowed
board; according to the thing I showed
to thee in the mountain, thus thou shall
make it.
”And thou shall make a courtyard
for the tent; into the side towards the
south hangings of the courtyard out of
fine linen having been bleached, the
length for one side shall be one hundred
cubits. 10And the pillars of them shall
be twenty, and the feet of them twenty
brass, and the hooks of them and the
fillets of them silver. 11Thus towards
the dark side hangings, the length one
hundred cubits; and the pillars of them
twenty, and the feet of them twenty brass,
and the hooks and the fillets of the
pillars and the feet of them having been
overlaid with silver. 12And the width
of the courtyard throughout the sea
hangings fifty cubits; the pillars of
them ten, and the feet of them ten.
And the width of the courtyard towards
the south hangings fifty cubits; the


Exodus 27:14 GENESIS & EXODUS

pillars of them ten, and the feet of

them ten. 14And the height of the hangings
for one side fifteen cubits; the pil-
lars of them three, and the feet of them
three. 15And the second side, the height
of the hangings fifteen cubits; the
pillars of them three, and the feet of
them three. 16And a covering for the
gate of the courtyard, the height twenty
cubits, out of hyacinth and purple and
scarlet having been bleached and fine
linen having been bleached for the
various needlework; the pillars of them
four, and the feet of them four. 17All
the pillars of the courtyard around hav-
ing been overlaid with silver, and the
head of them silver, and the feet of
them brass. And the length of the
courtyard one hundred on one hundred,
and the width fifty on fifty, and the
height five cubits, out of fine linen
having been bleached, and the feet of
them brass. 19And all the vessels and
all the works and the pegs of the court-
yard brass.
”And thou thyself order to the sons
of Israel and let them take to thee oil
out of olives pure clean having been
beaten into light to burn, in order that


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 28:5

a lamp shall burn through all time.

Aaron and the sons of him shall burn it
in the tent of the witness from outside
the veil on the covenant from evening
until morning before the Lord; an
everlasting statute into the generations
of you from the sons of Israel.

”And thou shall lead forth to thyself
both Aaron the brother of thee and the
sons of him out of the sons of Israel to
serve as priest to Me, Aaron and Nadab
and Abioud and Eleazar and Ithamar the
sons of Aaron. 2And thou shall make a
holy stole of Aaron the brother of thee
into honor and glory 3and thou thyself
speak to all the wise men in the mind,
whom whom I filled with Spirit of wisdom,
and they shall make the holy stole of
Aaron into the holy, in which he shall
serve as priest to Me. 4And these are
the stoles, which they shall make: the
robe and the ephod and the breastplate
and embroidered tunics and turban and
belt and they shall make holy stoles of
Aaron and for the sons of him in order
to serve as priest to Me. 5And they
themselves shall take the gold and the


Exodus 28:6 GENESIS & EXODUS

hyacinth and the purple and the scarlet

and the fine linen. 6And they shall
make the ephod out of fine linen having
been bleached, of multi-colored cunning
work; 7two ephods shall be having joined
to it another to the other, having been
joined on the two parts; 8and the band
of the ephods, which is on it, through-
out the work out of it shall be out of
gold and hyacinth and purple and scarlet
and fine linen having been bleached.
”And take the two stones, emerald
stones, and thou shall engrave in them
the names of the sons of the sons of
Israel, 10six names on one stone and the
remaining six names on the second stone
according to the generations of them.
Stone work of craftsman, engraving of
seal, thou shall engrave on the two stones
the names of the sons of Israel 12and
thou shall place the two stones on the
shoulders of the ephod; they are stones
of memorial for the sons of Israel; and
Aaron shall take up the names of the
sons of Israel before the Lord on the
two shoulders of him, a memorial
concerning them.


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 28:21

”And thou shall make brocades out
of clean gold; 14and thou shall make two
chains out of clean gold, having been
fastened in the border, plaited work;
and thou shall place the chains having
been intertwined on the brocades
throughout the settings of them out of
the front. 15And thou shall make a pouch
of the judgments, of various work; thou
shall make it throughout the rhythm of
the ephod; thou shall make it out of
gold and hyacinth and purple and scar-
let having been bleached and fine linen
having been bleached. 16It shall be four-
cornered, double, the length a span and
the width a span. 17And thou shall make
in it a band stone four rows; a row of
stones shall be sardius, topaz and
emerald, one row; 18and the second row
coal and sapphire and jasper; 19and the
third row, ligure, agate and amethyst;
and the fourth row chrysolite and beryl
and onyx; let them stand according to
the row having been covered around with
gold, having been bound in gold. 21And
let the stones stand out of the names of
the twelve sons of Israel according to
the names of them; engravings of seals,
each according to the name, let them
stand into the twelve tribes.


Exodus 28:22 GENESIS & EXODUS

”And thou shall make on the pouch
chains having been plaited, chained work
out of clean gold.
”And Aaron shall take the names of
the sons of Israel on the pouch of the
judgment on the chest, bringing into
the holy memorial before God. And thou
shall place on the pouch of the judgment
the chains; thou shall place the chains
on both of the sides of the pouch and
thou shall place the two brocades on
both the shoulders of the ephod through-
out the face. 30And thou shall place on
the pouch of the judgment the light and
the truth, and it shall be on the chest
of Aaron, when he shall go into the holy
before the Lord; and Aaron shall bring
the judgments of the sons of Israel on
the chest before the Lord through all
time. 31And thou shall make robe for the
breastplate the whole made of hyacinth.
And there shall be the hole out of it
in the middle, had sewn around the hole,
of cunning work, the joint having been
reinforced out of it, in order that it
shall not be torn. 33And thou shall make
on the hem of the robe beneath as flowers
of pomegranates out of hyacinth and
purple and scarlet and fine linen having


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 28:40

been bleached on the hem of the robe

around; and the same appearance gold
pomegranates and bells between these
around; 34along gold pomegranates bells
and flowers on the hem of the robe around.
”And in the time to religiously serve
the sound of it shall be heard of Aaron
going into the holy before the Lord and
going out, in order that he shall not
die. 36And thou shall make clean gold
petal and thou shall engrave in it
engraved seal Sanctuary of Lord. 37And
thou shall place it on hyacinth having
been bleached, and it shall be on the
miter; it shall be throughout the face
of the miter. 38And it shall be on the
forehead of Aaron, and Aaron shall take
out the sins of the holies, whatsoever
the sons of Israel make holy, all gifts
of the holies of them; and it shall be
on the forehead of Aaron through all
time, acceptable to them before Lord.
And the embroideries of the tunics out
of fine linen; and thou shall make turban
of fine linen and thou shall make belt,
of multi-colored work.
”And thou shall make tunics and belts
and turbans for the sons of Aaron thou


Exodus 28:41 GENESIS & EXODUS

shall make for them into honor and glory.

And thou shall put them on Aaron the
brother of thee and the sons of him with
him; and thou shall anoint them and thou
shall fill the hands of them and thou
shall make them holy, in order that they
serve as priests to Me. 42And thou shall
make for them linen breeches to cover
the shame of the body of them; it shall
be from loins until thighs. 43And Aaron
shall have them and the sons of him, as
they will go into the tent of the wit-
ness or when they will go forth to reli-
giously serve to the altar of the holy,
and they shall not lead on to themselves
sin, in order that they shall not die;
an everlasting statute to him and to the
seed of him with him.

”And these are, which thou shall do
to them to make them holy so as to make
them serve as priests to Me. Take one
calf out of oxen and two unblemished
rams 2and unleavened bread having been
lumped in oil and unleavened cakes having
been anointed in oil; thou shall make
them of fine flour out of wheat. 3And
thou shall place them on one basket and


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 29:10

thou shall bring them on the basket and

the calf and the two rams. 4And thou
shall lead forth Aaron and the sons of
him on the doors of the tent of the
witness and thou shall bathe them in
water. And having taken the stoles
thou shall clothe Aaron the brother of
thee and the tunic the breastplate and
the ephod and the pouch and thou shall
bind to him the pouch towards the ephod.
And thou shall place the miter on the
head of him and thou shall place the
petal the Sanctuary on the miter. 7And
thou shall take the oil of the anointing
and thou shall pour it on the head of
him and thou shall anoint him. 8And
thou shall lead forth the sons of him
and thou shall clothe them tunics. 9And
thou shall gird them with the belts and
thou shall place to them the turbans,
and it will be to them priesthood to Me
into the age. And thou shall make per-
fect the hands of Aaron and the hands of
the sons of him.
”And thou shall lead forth the calf
on the doors of the tent of the witness,
and Aaron and the sons of him shall
place the hands of them on the head of
the calf before the Lord along the doors


Exodus 29:11 GENESIS & EXODUS

of the tent of the witness. 11And thou

shall slaughter the calf before the Lord
along the doors of the tent of the
witness. 12And thou shall take from the
blood of the calf and set on the horns
of the altar with the finger of thee;
and thou shall pour out all the remaining
blood along the foot of the altar. 13And
thou shall take all the fat on the belly
and the lobe of the liver and the two
kidneys and the fat on them and thou
shall place on the altar. 14And thou
shall burn with fire the meat of the
calf and the skin and the excrement
outside the camp; for it is sin.
”And thou shall take one ram, and
Aaron and the sons of him shall place
the hands of them on the head of the
ram; 16And thou shall slaughter it and
having taken the blood thou shall pour
on the altar around. 17And thou shall
divide the ram throughout the parts and
thou shall wash the entrails and the
feet with water and thou shall place on
the cuts with the head. 18And thou shall
open the whole ram on the altar as burnt
offering to the Lord into a smell of
fragrance; it is a sacrifice to the Lord.
And thou shall take the second ram,


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 29:23

and Aaron and the sons of him shall

place the hands of them on the head of
the ram; 20and thou shall slaughter it
and take the blood of it and place on
the lobe of the right ear of Aaron and
on the tip of the right hand and on the
tip of the right foot and on the lobes
of the right ears of the sons of him and
on the tips of the right hands of them
and on the tips of the right feet of
”And thou shall take from the blood
from the altar and from the oil of the
anointing and thou shall sprinkle on
Aaron and on the stoles of him and on
the sons of him and on the stoles of the
sons of him with him, and he himself
shall be made holy and the stole of him
and the sons of him and the stoles of
the sons of him with him; and thou shall
pour the blood of the ram to the altar
around. 22And thou shall take from the
ram the fat of it and the fat which
covers the belly and the lobe of the
liver and the two kidneys and the fat on
them and the right arm -- for it is
perfection to it -- 23and one bread out
of oil and one cake from the basket of
the unleavened bread which have been


Exodus 29:24 GENESIS & EXODUS

set before the Lord 24and thou shall place

all the things on the hands of Aaron and
on the hands of the sons of him and thou
shall wave them a wave offering before
the Lord. 25And thou shall take them out
of the hands of them and thou shall
bring on the altar of the burnt offering
into a smell of fragrance before the
Lord, it is fire offering to the Lord.
And thou shall take the chest from the
ram of the perfection, which is of Aaron,
and thou shall wave it a wave offering
before the Lord, and it shall be to thee
in part. 27And thou shall make the chest
holy a wave offering and the arm of the
wave offering, which is waved and which
is heaved from the ram of the perfection
from Aaron and from the sons of him,
and it shall be for Aaron and the sons
of him an everlasting statute from the
sons of Israel; for this is a heave
offering and it shall be a heave offering
from the sons of Israel from the sacri-
fices of salvation of the sons of Israel,
a heave offering to the Lord.
And the stole of the holy, which is
of Aaron, will be for the sons of him
with him, to anoint them in them and to
make the hands of them perfect. 30The


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 29:36

priest the one instead of him of the

sons of him will clothe them seven days,
who shall enter into the tent of the
witness to religiously serve in the
holies 31and thou shall take the ram of
the perfection and thou shall boil the
meat in the holy place, 32and Aaron and
the sons of him shall eat the meat of
the ram and the bread in the basket
along the doors of the tent of the
witness; 33they shall eat them, in which
they were made holy in them to make the
hands of them perfect to make them holy,
and a foreigner shall not eat from them;
for it is holy. 34And if there was left
from the meat of the sacrifice of the
perfection and of the bread until
morning, thou shall burn the rest with
fire; it shall not be eaten, for it is
”And thus thou shall make Aaron and
the sons of him according to all,
whatsoever I commanded to thee; thou
shall make the hands of them perfect
seven days. 36And thou shall make the
calf of the sin on the day of the cleans-
ing and thou shall cleanse the altar in
the time to make thee holy on it and
thou shall anoint it so as to make it


Exodus 29:37 GENESIS & EXODUS

holy. 37Thou shall cleanse the altar

seven days and thou shall make it holy,
and it shall be the altar holy of the
holy; any man who touches the altar shall
be made holy.
”And these are, which thou shall
make on the altar: two one-year old
unblemished lambs the day on the altar
continually, a fire offering of
continuity. 39Thou shall make one lamb
in the morning and thou shall make the
second lamb at twilight; 40and tenth fine
flour having been lumped in oil having
been mixed to the fourth of the hin and
drink offering the fourth of the hin of
wine for one lamb; 41and thou shall make
the second lamb at twilight, according
to the morning sacrifice and thou shall
make according to the drink offering of
it into a smell of fragrance a fire
offering to the Lord, 42a sacrifice of
continuity into the generations of you
on the doors of the tent of the witness
before the Lord, in which I will know
thee from there so as to speak to thee.
”And I will order there to the sons
of Israel and I will be made holy in the
glory of Me; 44and I will make the tent


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 30:6

of the witness and the altar holy; and I

will make Aaron and the sons of him holy
to serve as priests to Me. 45And I will
dwell in the sons of Israel and I will
be the God of them, 46and they shall know
that I Myself am the Lord the God of
them who has led them out of the land of
Egypt to dwell with them and to be the
God of them.

”And thou shall make an altar of
incense out of shittim wood; and thou
shall make it 2the length a cubit and
the width a cubit -- it shall be four-
cornered -- and the height two cubits;
the horns of it shall be out of it. 3And
thou shall overlay them with clean gold,
the top of it and the walls of it around
and the horns of it, and thou shall make
for it a gold crown around. 4And thou
shall make two clean gold rings under
the crown of it, thou shall make into
the two sides in the two sides; and
there will be fillets for the bars so as
to take it in them. 5And thou shall make
bars out of shittim wood and thou shall
overlay them with gold. 6And thou shall
place it before the veil which is on the


Exodus 30:7 GENESIS & EXODUS

ark of the witnesses, in which I shall

be known to thee from there.
”And Aaron shall burn sweet smelling
incense on it; every morning, when thou
shall prepare the lamps, thou shall burn
incense on it, 8and when Aaron shall
light the lamps at late, he shall burn
incense on it; incense of continuity
through all time before the Lord into
the generations of them. 9And thou shall
not bring on it another incense, a fire
offering, a sacrifice; and thou shall
not pour drink offering on it. 10And
Aaron shall make atonement on it on the
horns of it once of the year; he shall
cleanse it from the blood of the cleans-
ing of the sins of the atonement once of
the year into the generations of them;
it is holy of the holies to the Lord.”
And the Lord spoke to Mouses saying:
“If thou shall take the sum of the
sons of Israel in the visitation of them,
and they shall give each a ransom of the
psyche of him to the Lord, and fall
shall not be in them in the visitation
of them. 13And this is what they shall
give whosoever go along the visitation:
half of the didrachma, which is according


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 30:20

to the holy didrachma; twenty gerahs

the didrachma, and half of the didrachma
offering to the Lord. 14Every man who
goes along into the visitation from
twenty years and above shall give the
offering to the Lord. 15The rich man
shall not add and the poor man shall not
lack from the half of the didrachma in
the time to give the offering to the
Lord to make atonement concerning the
psyches of you. 16And thou shall take
the silver of the offering from the sons
of Israel and thou shall give it into
work of the tent of the witness, and it
will be to the sons of Israel a memorial
before the Lord to make atonement con-
cerning the psyches of you.”
And the Lord spoke to Mouses saying:
“Make a brass bath tub and brass
foot to it so as to wash; and thou shall
place it between the tent of the witness
and between the altar and thou shall
pour water into it. 19And Aaron shall
wash and the sons of him out of it the
hands and the feet with water. 20When
they shall go into the tent of the
witness, they shall wash with water and
not at all die; or when they shall go to


Exodus 30:21 GENESIS & EXODUS

the altar to religiously serve and to

offer the burnt offering to the Lord.
They shall wash the hands and the feet
with water; when they shall go into the
tent of the witness, they shall wash
with water, in order that they shall not
die; and it will be to them an everlasting
statute, to him and to the generations
of him with him.”
And the Lord spoke to Mouses saying:
“And thou thyself take spices, the
chosen flower of myrrh five hundred
shekels and fragrant cinnamon the half
of this two hundred fifty and fragrant
reed two hundred fifty 24and cassia five
hundred shekels of the holy and oil out
of olives hin 25and thou shall make it
holy anointing oil, perfume made of
perfume by an art of perfumer; it will
be holy anointing oil. 26And thou shall
anoint out of it the tent of the witness
and the ark of the witness 27and the
lampstand and all the vessels of it and
the altar of the incense 28and the altar
of the burnt offering and all the ves-
sels of it and the table and all the
vessels of it and the bath tub and the
feet of it 29and thou shall make them


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 30:36

holy, and it shall be holy of the holies;

every man who touches them shall be made
holy. 30And thou shall anoint Aaron and
the sons of him and thou shall make them
holy to serve as priests to Me. 31And
thou shall speak to the sons of Israel
‘This will be the holy anointing oil
to you into the generations of you. 32It
shall not be anointed on the flesh of
man, and similarly you shall not make
this by you for yourselves according to
this synthesis; it is holy and it shall
be holy to you. 33Whoever shall make
similarly, and whoever shall give from
it to a foreigner, he shall be destroyed
out of the people of him.’”
And the Lord said to Mouses:
“Take for thyself spices, resin,
onycha, galbanum of spices and clear
frankincense, it shall be equal to equal;
and they shall make in it incense, made
of perfume work of perfumer, having been
mixed, clean, holy work. 36And thou shall
grind out of these small and thou shall
place before the witness in the tent of
the witness, from where I shall be known
to thee from there; it shall be holy of


Exodus 30:37 GENESIS & EXODUS

the holies to you. 37You shall not make

them to you incense according to this
synthesis; it shall be holy to you to
the Lord; 38whoever shall make similarly
so as to smell in it, destroy out of the
people of him.”

And the Lord spoke to Mouses saying:
“Behold I have called out of name
Beseleel the son of Ourias the son of Or
of the tribe of Ioudas 3and I filled him
with the Spirit of God of wisdom and
understanding and comprehension in all
work 4to devise and to make art to work
the gold and the silver and the brass
and the hyacinth and the purple and the
scarlet and the fine linen having been
bleached 5and the stoneworks and into
the art works of wood to work according
to all the works. 6And I Myself have
given him and Eliab the son of Achisamach
out of the tribe of Dan and to all
intelligent heart I have given under-
standing, and they shall do all, what-
soever I ordered to thee, 7the tent of
the witness and the ark of the covenant
and the Atoning Place out of it and the


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 31:15

vessel of the tent 8and the altars and

the table and all the vessels of it and
the clean lampstand and all the vessels
of it 9and the bath tub and the foot of
it 10and the religious service stoles of
Aaron and the stoles of the sons of him
to serve as priests to Me 11and the oil
of the anointing and the incense of the
synthesis of the holy; according to all,
whatsoever I Myself commanded to thee,
they shall do.”
And the Lord spoke to Mouses saying:
“And thou thyself order to the sons
of Israel saying:
‘See and you shall guard the Sabbath
of Me; it is a sign in the presence of
Me and in you into the generations of
you, in order that you shall know that I
am the Lord the One who makes you holy.
And you shall guard the Sabbath, because
this is holy of the Lord to you; the man
who profanes it shall die with death;
every man who does work in it, that
psyche shall be destroyed out of the
middle of the people of him. Thou
shall do work six days, and on the sev-
enth day a Sabbath, a holy rest to the
Lord; any, whoever shall do work on the


Exodus 31:16 GENESIS & EXODUS

seventh day, shall die with death. 16And

the sons of Israel shall guard the Sab-
baths to do them into the generations of
them an everlasting covenant. 17It is
an everlasting sign in Me and to the
sons of Israel, because in six days the
Lord made the heaven and the earth and
on the seventh day He stopped and
And He gave to Mouses, when He rested
speaking to him in Mount Sinai, the two
plakes of the witness, stone plakes
having been written with the finger of

And the people saw that Mouses has
tarried to go down out of the mountain,
the people stood together to Aaron and
they say to him:
“Stand up and make gods for us, which
shall go before us; for this man Mouses,
who has led us out of Egypt, we know
not, what has happened to him.”
And Aaron says to them:


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 32:8

“Remove the gold earrings in the ears

of the women of you and daughters and
bring to me.”
And all the people removed the gold
earrings in the ears of them and brought
to Aaron. 4And he received out of the
hands of them and molded them in the
engraving and made them a molten calf
and he said:
“These are the gods of thee, Israel,
who brought thee up out of the land of
And having seen Aaron built an altar
before it, and Aaron cried out saying:
“A feast of the Lord tomorrow.”
And having rose early on the morrow he
brought up burnt offerings and offered
sacrifice of salvation, and the people
sat to eat and to drink and they stood
up to play. And the Lord spoke to
Mouses saying:
“Hasten quickly go down from here;
for the people of thee, whom thou have
led out the land of Egypt, decayed; 8they
transgressed quickly out of the way,
which I commanded to them; they made for


Exodus 32:9 GENESIS & EXODUS

themselves a calf and have bowed to it

and have sacrificed to it and they said:
‘These are the gods of thee, Israel,
who brought thee up out of the land of
”I have seen this people, hard-necked
people (version). 10And now allow Me
and having been angered with wrath into
them I will destroy them and I will make
thee into a great nation.”
And Mouses petitioned before the Lord
God and said:
“Lord, why is it that Thou art angry
with wrath into the people of Thee, whom
Thou have led out of the land of Egypt
in great strength and in the mighty arm
of Thee? 12Lest perchance the Egyptians
shall say saying:
‘With wickedness He has led them out
to kill in the mountains and to loose
them up out from the earth.’
“Stop the wrath of the fury of Thee
and be merciful on the wickedness of the
people of Thee 13having remembered Abraham
and Isaak and Iakob Thy servants, to


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 32:18

whom Thou swore according to Thyself

and Thou spoke to them saying:
‘I will multiply much the seed of
you as the stars of the heaven in
multitude, and all this land, which I
said to give to the seed of them, and
they shall have it into the age.’”
And the Lord atoned concerning the evil,
which He said to do to the people of
Him. 15And having returned Mouses went
down from the mountain, and the two plakes
of the witness in the hands of him,
stone plakes having been written out of
both of the parts of them, they were
having been written from here and from
here; 16and the plakes were the work of
God, and the writing is the writing of
God having been engraved in the plakes.
And Iesous having heard the voice of
the people crying out says to Mouses:
“A sound of war in the camp.”
And he says:
“It is not a sound of rule according
to strength nor a sound of rule of defeat,
but I myself hear a sound of rule of


Exodus 32:19 GENESIS & EXODUS

And when he drew near to the camp, he
saw the calf and the choruses, and Mouses
having been enraged with fury threw from
the hands of him the two plakes and
shattered them under the mountain. 20And
having taken the calf, which they made,
he burned it in fire and ground it small
and he scattered it on the water and
made the sons of Israel drink it. 21And
Mouses said to Aaron:
“What did this people do to thee,
that thou have led upon them a great
And Aaron said to Mouses:
“Be not enraged, lord; for thou
thyself know the violence of this people.
For they say to me: ‘Make for us gods,
which will go before us; for this man
Mouses, who has led us out of Egypt, we
know not, what has happened to him.’
And I said to them: ‘If someone has
gold, remove.’ And they gave to me; and
I threw into the fire, and this calf
came out.”
And Mouses having seen the people that
they loosen -- for Aaron made them
loosen, a shame to the adversaries of


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 32:30

them --, 26and Mouses stood on the gate

of the camp and said:
“Who is to the Lord? Let him come to
Therefore all the sons of Leui came to
him. 27And he said to them:
“The Lord the God of Israel says these
‘Place each the sword of himself on
the thigh and go through and return from
gate to gate through the camp and kill
each the brother of him and each the
neighbor of him and each the man near
And the sons of Leui did as Mouses
spoke to them, and they fell out of the
people in that day into three thousand
men. 29And Mouses said to them:
“Fill the hands of you today to the
Lord, each in the son or the brother, to
give on you eulogy.”
And it happened after the morrow Mouses
said to the people:


Exodus 32:31 GENESIS & EXODUS

“You yourselves sinned a great sin;

and now I shall go up to God, in order
that I may make atonement concerning
the sins of you.”
And Mouses returned to the Lord and
“I petition, Lord; this people sinned
a great sin and they made gold gods for
themselves. 32And now if indeed Thou
forgive to them the sin, forgive; and if
not, blot me out of the book of Thee,
which Thou wrote.”
And the Lord said to Mouses:
“If someone sinned before Me, I will
blot him out of the book of Me. 34And
now hasten go down and guide this people
into the place, which I said to thee;
behold the angel of Me will go before
the face of thee; and whichever day I
shall visit, I will lead on them the sin
of them.”
And the Lord struck the people
concerning the making of the calf, which
Aaron made.


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 33:5

And the Lord said to Mouses:
“Go go up from there thou and the
people of thee, whom thou have led out
of the land of Egypt, into the land,
which I swore to Abraham and Isaak and
Iakob saying: ‘I will give this to the
seed of you.’ 2And I will send the angel
of Me before the face of thee, and he
shall cast out the Amorrites and Hittites
and Pherezites and Gergesites and Hivites
and Jebusites. 3And I will lead thee
into the land flowing with milk and honey;
for I will not at all go up with thee on
account of the people to be hard-necked
to thee, in order that I will not destroy
thee in the way.”
And having heard this evil word the
people were sorry in sorrows. 5And the
Lord said to the sons of Israel:
“You are hard-necked people; see lest
I Myself shall lead on you another plague
and I shall destroy you; now therefore
remove the stoles of the glory of you
and the ornament, and I will show to
thee what I will do to thee.”


Exodus 33:6 GENESIS & EXODUS

And the sons of Israel removed the
ornament of them and the raiment from
the mountain of Horeb. 7And having taken
the tent of Him Mouses pitched outside
the camp far from the camp, and it was
called Tent of Witness; and it happened
that every man who seeks the Lord was
going out into the Tent ouside the camp.
And whenever Mouses was going into the
Tent outside the camp, all the people
watching were standing along the doors
of the tent of him and observed Mouses
until the time for him to enter into the
Tent. 9And as Mouses entered into the
Tent, the pillar of the cloud went down
and stood on the door of the Tent, and
Mouses was speaking; 10and all the people
saw the pillar of the cloud having stood
on the door of the Tent, and all the
people standing bowed each from the door
of the tent of him. 11And the Lord spoke
to Mouses face to face, as if someone
speaks to the friend of himself. And he
was returning into the camp, but the
servant Iesous young son of Naue was not
going out of the Tent. 12And Mouses said
to the Lord:
“Behold Thou Thyself say to me: ‘Lead
up this people;’ and Thou Thyself has


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 33:17

not made clear to me whom Thou shall

send with me; and Thou Thyself said to
me: ‘I know thee from all, and thou
have grace in the presence of Me.’ 13If
therefore I have found grace before Thee,
manifest Thyself to me; let me know-
ingly see Thee, in order that I would
have really found grace before Thee,
and in order that I shall know that this
great nation is the people of Thee.”
And He says:
“I Myself shall go before thee and I
shall make thee rest.”
And he says to Him:
“If Thou Thyself shall not go, Thou
shall not lead me up from here. 16And
how shall it be known to me truly that I
have found grace in the presence of Thee,
both I and the people of Thee, but rather
of Thee going with us? And both I myself
and the people of Thee will be glorifed
in the presence of all the nations,
whatsoever is on the earth.”
And the Lord said to Mouses:
“And to thee this word, which I have
said, I will do; for thou have found


Exodus 33:18 GENESIS & EXODUS

grace before Me, and I know thee from

And he says:
“Show to me the glory of Thyself.”
And He said:
“I Myself will pass before thee with
the glory of Me and I will call on the
name of Me Lord before thee; and I will
pity whomever I pity, and I will show
compassion to whomever I show
And He said:
“Thou shall not be able to see the
face of Me; for a man shall not at all
see the face of Me and live.”
And the Lord said:
“Behold a place in the presence of
Me, thou shall stand on the Rock; 22and
when the glory of Me shall pass, and I
will set thee into the hole of the Rock
and I will cover with the hand of Me on
thee, until I could have passed; 33and I
will remove the hand, and then thou shall
see the things behind Me, but the face
of Me will not be seen by thee.”


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 34:7

And the Lord said to Mouses:
“Hew for thyself two stone plakes as
also the first and go up to Me into the
mountain, and I will write on the plakes
the words, which were in the first plakes,
which thou threw. 2And be ready into
the morning and go up on Mount Sinai and
thou shall stand to Me there on the tip
of the mountain. 3And let no one go up
with thee nor appear in all the moun-
tain; and let not the sheep and the oxen
pasture near that mountain.”
And he hewed two stone plakes just as
also the first; and Mouses having rose
early went up into Mount Sinai, as the
Lord ordered to him; and Mouses took the
two stone plakes. 5And the Lord went
down in the cloud and stood by him there;
and he called the name of the Lord. 6And
the Lord passed before the face of him
and he called:
“The Lord God is compassionate and
merciful, patient and much in mercy and
true 7and keeping righteousness and doing
mercy into thousands, taking away
lawlessness and unrighteousness and sin,


Exodus 34:8 GENESIS & EXODUS

and He cleanses not the guilty leading

upon lawlessness of fathers on children
and on children of children on third and
fourth generations.”
And having hastened having stooped down
on the ground Mouses worshipped 9and he
“If I have found grace before Thee,
let the Lord of me go with us; for the
people are hard-necked, and Thou Thyself
shall forgive the sins of us and the
lawlessness of us, and we shall be for
And the Lord said to Mouses:
“Behold I Myself set a covenant to
thee; I will do glorious things, which
had not become in the whole earth and in
all nations, and all the people will
see, in which thou thyself art, the works
of the Lord that they are wonderful which
I Myself will do to thee. 11Thou thyself
hold on all things, whatsoever I Myself
command to thee. Behold I Myself cast
out before the face of you the Amorrites
and Canaanites and Hittites and
Pherezites and Hivites and Gergesites
and Jebusites; 12hold on to thyself, lest


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 34:17

perchance thou set a covenant with the

inhabitants on the land, into which thou
go into it, lest they become to thee a
stumbling block in you.
”You shall destroy the altars of
them and you shall shatter the pillars
of them and you shall cut out the groves
of them and you shall burn in fire the
images of the gods of them. 14For you
shall not at all bow to a different god;
for the Lord the God the name is Zealot,
God is a Zealot. 15Lest perchance thou
shall set a covenant with the inhabitants
with other tribes on the earth, and they
shall commit fornication behind the gods
of them and they shall sacrifice to the
gods of them and they shall call thee
and thou shall eat of the sacrifices of
them; 16and thou shall take the daugh-
ters of them for the sons of thee and
thou shall give the daughters of thee
for the sons of them, and the daughters
of thee shall commit fornication behind
the gods of them and the sons of thee
shall commit fornication behind the gods
of them. 17And thou shall not make for
thyself molten gods.


Exodus 34:18 GENESIS & EXODUS

”And thou shall guard the Feast of
the Unleavened. Thou shall eat
unleavened seven days, just as I command
to thee, into the time in the month of
the new ears; for in the month of the
new ears thou came out of Egypt. 19All
males opening the womb are for Me,
firstborn of calf and firstborm of sheep.
And firstborn of donkey thou shall
redeem with sheep; and if thou shall not
redeem it, thou shall give value. Thou
shall redeem every firstborn of the sons
of thee. Thou shall not appear before
Me empty.
”Work six days, and thou shall rest
on the seventh; thou shall rest the sowing
and the harvesting. 22And thou shall
make a Feast of Weeks to Me beginning
the harvest of wheat and a Feast of
Synagogue middle of the year. 23Every
male of thee shall appear before the
Lord God of Israel three times of the
year; 24for when I cast out the nations
before the face of thee and broaden the
borders of thee, no one shall desire the
land of thee, whenever thou come up to
appear before the Lord the God of thee
three times of the year. 25Thou shall
not slaughter on leaven blood of the


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 34:31

sacrifices of Me. And sacrifices of the

Feast of the Passover shall not sleep
into the morning. 26Thou shall set into
the house of the Lord the God of thee
the firstfruits of the land of thee.
Thou shall not boil a lamb in the milk
of the mother of it.”
And the Lord said to Mouses:
“Write for thyself these words; for
I set to thee and to Israel a covenant
on these words.”
And Mouses was there before the Lord
forty days and forty nights; he ate not
bread and he drank not water; and he
wrote these words on the plakes of the
covenant, the ten words.
And as Mouses went down out of the
mountain, and the two plakes on the hands
of Mouses; and of him going down out of
the mountain Mouses knew not that the
face of the body of the face of him has
been glorified in the time for him to
speak to Him. 30And Aaron and all the
presbyters of Israel saw Mouses and the
face of the body of the face of him was
having been glorified. And Mouses
called them, and Aaron and all the rulers


Exodus 34:32 GENESIS & EXODUS

of the synagogue returned to him, Mouses

spoke to them. 32And after these all the
sons of Israel approached to him, and he
commanded to them all, whatsoever the
Lord spoke to him in Mount Sinai. 33And
since he stopped speaking to them, he
placed a covering on the face of him.
And whenever Mouses was going before
the Lord to speak to Him, he was taking
away the covering until he went out.
And having come out he was speaking to
all the sons of Israel whatsoever the
Lord commanded to him. 35And the sons of
Israel saw the face of Mouses that he
has been glorified, and Mouses placed
the covering on the face of himself,
until he entered to speak with Him.

And Mouses gathered the whole
synagogue of the sons of Israel and said
to them:
“These are the words, which the Lord
said to do them:
‘Thou shall do work six days, and
the seventh day is rest, holy, Sabbath,
rest to the Lord; let any man doing work
in it die. 3You shall not burn with fire


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 35:12

in all the household of you on the day

of the Sabbaths; I am the Lord.’”
And Mouses said to the whole synagogue
of the sons of Israel saying:
“This is the word, which the Lord
ordered saying:
‘Take from you heave offering of
them to the Lord; every man who receives
with the heart they shall bring the
firstfruits to the Lord: gold, silver,
brass, 6hyacinth, purple, scarlet double
and fine linen having been bleached and
hairs of she-goats 7and skins of ram
having been made red and skins made of
hyacinth and shittim wood 8and oil for
the lamps, spices for the anointing oil
and for the sweet-smelling incense (ver-
sion) 9and stones of sardius and stones
into the setting into the ephod and the
’And let every wise in the heart in
you having come work all, whatsoever
the Lord ordered: 11the Tent and the
frames and the coverings and the fas-
teners and the bars and the pillars 12and
the ark of the witness and the poles of
it and the Atoning Place of it and the


Exodus 35:13 GENESIS & EXODUS

veil and the hangings of the courtyard

and the pillars of it and the stones of
the emerald and the incense and the oil
of the anointing 13and the table and all
the vessels of it 14and the lampstand of
the light and all the vessels of it 15and
the altar of the incense and the poles,
the sweet-smelling incense, the door
curtains at the door of the tent
(version); 16and the altar and all the
vessels of it 17and the hangings of the
courtyard and the pillars, and the
curtain for the gate of the courtyard
(version), 18and the pegs of the tent
and the pegs of the courtyard and the
bands (version), 19and the holy stoles
of Aaron the priest and the stoles, in
which they religiously serve in them,
and the tunics for the sons of Aaron of
the priesthood and the oil of the
anointing and the incense of the
And the whole synagogue of the sons
of Israel went out from Mouses 21and they
brought each which the heart of them
bore, and glorified with the psyche of
them, they brought heave offering to
the Lord into all the works of the Tent
of the Witness and into all the works of


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 35:29

it and into all the stoles of the holy.

And the men brought from the women;
all, which he glorified with the mind,
they brought seals and earrings and rings
and braids and bracelets, every gold
vessel, and all, whosoever brought heave
offerings of gold to the Lord. 23And in
the presence of which was found fine
linen and skins made of hyacinth and
skins of rams having been made red, they
And every man who brought heave
offering of silver and brass they brought
the heave offerings to the Lord, and in
the presence of whom was found shittim
wood into all the works of the vessel,
they brought. 25And every woman wise
with the mind to spin with the hands
they brought what they have spun, the
hyacinth and the purple and the scarlet
and the fine linen; 26and all the women,
who glorified with the mind of them in
wisdom, they spun the hairs of the she-
goats. 27And the rulers brought the stones
of the emerald and the stones of the
fullness into the ephod and into the
pouch 28and the synthesis and the oil of
the anointing and the synthesis of the
incense. 29And every man and woman, which


Exodus 35:30 GENESIS & EXODUS

the mind of them brought entered to do

all the works, whatsoever the Lord or-
dered them to do through Mouses, the
sons of Israel brought heave offering
to the Lord. 30And Mouses said to the
sons of Israel:
“Behold God has called out of the
name of Beseleel the son of Ourias the
son of Or out of the tribe of Ioudas
and He filled him with the Spirit of
God of wisdom and understanding and
comprehension of all 32to craft accord-
ing to all the works of architecture to
do the gold and the silver and the brass
and to work the stone and to work the
wood and to do in all work of wisdom;
and to instruct indeed He gave to him
in the mind, both to him and Eliab the
son of Achisamak out of the tribe of
Dan; 35He filled them wisdom and under-
standing of mind all to understand to do
the works of the holy and the cunning
works and to skillfully embroider the
scarlet and the fine linen to do every
work of various architecture.”


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 36:6

And Beseleel did and Eliab and every
wise man in the mind, which was given
wisdom and understanding in them to
understand all the works according to
the holies being set, according to all,
whatsoever the Lord ordered. 2And Mouses
called Beseleel and Eliab and all the
men having the wisdom, to whom God gave
understanding in the heart, and all the
men wishing willingly to go to the works
so as to complete them. 3And they took
from Mouses all the heave offerings,
which the sons of Israel brought into
all the works of the holy to do them,
and they themselves still receive the
things being brought from the ones who
bring in the early morning. 4And all
the wise men who do the works of the
holy arrived, each according to the work
of him, which they themselves work. 5And
they said to Mouses that:
“The people bring multitude alongside
the works, whatsoever the Lord ordered
to do.”
And Mouses ordered and cried out in the
camp saying:


Exodus 36:7 GENESIS & EXODUS

“Let man and woman no longer work

into the firstfruits of the holy.”
And the people was hindered still to
offer. 7And the works were sufficient
for them to do into the vessel, and they
left. 8And every wise man did in the
works the stoles of the holies, which
are of Aaron the priest, as the Lord
ordered to Mouses. 9And they made the
ephod out of gold and hyacinth and purple
and scarlet and fine linen having been
bleached. 10And hairs were cut the petals
of the gold so as to join with the
hyacinth and the purple and with the
scarlet and with the fine linen having
been bleached a cunning work; 11they made
it ephod joining out out of both of the
parts, 12a cunning work into one another
having been plaited as itself out of it
they did according to the work of him
out of gold and hyacinth and purple and
scarlet and fine linen having been
bleached, as the Lord ordered to Mouses.
And they did both the stones of the
emerald and having been decorated with
gold, having been engraved and having
been carved seal out of the names of the
sons of Israel. 14And he placed them on
the shoulders of the ephod, stones of


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 36:24

memorial of the sons of Israel, as the

Lord ordered to Mouses. 15And they made
pouch, a cunning work of varieties
according to the work of the ephod out
of gold and hyacinth and purple and
scarlet and fine linen having been
bleached; 16they made the pouch four-
cornered double, the length a span and
the width a span, double. 17And a band
shall be made in it stone four rows; a
row of stones sardius and topaz and
emerald, one row; 18and the second row
coal and sapphire and jasper; 19and the
third row ligure and agate and amethyst;
and the fourth row chrysolite and beryl
and onyx; having been covered with gold
and having been bound with gold.
And the stones were out of the twelve
names of the sons of Israel out of the
names of them, having been written into
seals, each out of the name of himself,
into the twelve tribes. 22And they made
the pouch chains having been plaited,
of braided work out of clean gold; 23and
they made two gold brocades and two gold
rings and they placed the two gold rings
on both the archs of the pouch; 24and
they placed the braids out of gold on
the rings on both of the parts of the


Exodus 37:25 GENESIS & EXODUS

pouch 25and into the two couplings the

two braids and placed on the two brocades
and placed on the shoulders of the ephod
out of opposite against the face.
And they made two gold rings and
placed on the two wings on the tip of
the pouch on the tip of the back of the
ephod from inside. 27And they made two
gold rings and placed on both the shoul-
ders of the ephod beneath it against the
face against the coupling from above
the joint of the ephod. 28And it set the
pouch from the rings on it into the
rings of the ephod, joining out of the
hyacinth, having been plaited into the
band of the ephod, in order not to let
the pouch from the ephod, as the Lord
ordered to Mouses. 29And they made the
robe under the ephod, a cunning work
whole made of hyacinth; 30and the hole
of the robe in the middle having been
reinforced plaited, had sewn around the
hole. 31And they made on the hem of the
robe beneath as flowers of pomegranates
out of hyacinth and purple and scarlet
and fine linen having been bleached 32and
they made gold bells and placed the bells
on the hem of the robe around between
the pomegranates; 33gold bells and pome-


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 37:4

granates on the hem of the robe around

in order to religiously serve, as the
Lord ordered to Mouses. 34And they made
fine linen tunics of Aaron cunning work
and for the sons of him 35and the turbans
out of fine linen and the miter out of
fine linen and the breeches out of fine
linen having been bleached. 36And the
belts of them out of fine linen and
hyacinth and purple and scarlet, of
various work, which manner the Lord
ordered to Mouses. 37And they made the
gold petal, heave offering of the holy,
clean gold; and he wrote on it writings
“Sanctuary for the Lord;” 38and they
placed on it hem made of hyacinth so as
to set on the miter from above, which
manner the Lord ordered to Mouses.

And they made the tent ten curtains,
length of one curtain eight and twenty
cubits -- they were the same to all --
and the width of one curtain four cu-
bits. 3And they made the veil out of
hyacinth and purple and scarlet and fine
linen having been bleached, cherubim of
various work, 4and they placed it on
four pillars of shittim having been


Exodus 37:5 GENESIS & EXODUS

overlaid in gold, and the heads of them

gold, and the feet of them four silver.
And they made the veil of the door of
the Tent of the Witness out of hyacinth
and purple and scarlet and fine linen
having been bleached, cherubim of cunning
work, 6and the pillars of it five and
the hooks; and they overlaid with gold
the heads of them and the fillets of
them, and the feet of them five brass.
And they made the courtyard; the
things towards south hangings of the
courtyard out of fine linen having been
bleached hundred on hundred, 8and the
pillars of them twenty, and the feet of
them twenty; 9and the side towards south
hundred on hundred, and the pillars of
them twenty, and the feet of them twenty;
and the side towards the sea curtains
of fifty cubits, pillars of them ten,
and the feet of them ten; 11and the side
towards east fifty cubits, 12hangings fif-
teen cubits down from back, and the
pillars of them three, and the feet of
them three, 13and on the second back from
inside and from inside throughout the
gate of the courtyard curtains fifteen
cubits, and the pillars of them three,
and the feet of them three.


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 37:21

All the curtains of the courtyard
out of fine linen having been bleached,
and the feet of the pillars brass, and
the loops of them silver, and the heads
of them overlaid with silver, and the
pillars overlaid with silver, all the
pillars of the courtyard. 16And the veil
of the gate of the courtyard of various
work of out of hyacinth and purple and
scarlet having been spun and fine linen
having been bleached, the length twenty
cubits, and the height and the width
five cubits joined to the hangings of
the courtyard; 17and the pillars of them
four, and the feet of them four brass,
and the loops of them silver and the
heads of them overlaid with silver; 18and
they are overlaid with silver, and all
the pegs of the courtyard around brass.
And to it the order of the Tent of the
Witness, as ordered by Mouses to be the
religious service of the Levites through
Ithamar the son of Aaron the priest.
And Beseleel the son of Ourios out
of the tribe of Ioudas did as the Lord
ordered to Mouses. 21And Eliab the son
of Achisamak out of the tribe of Dan,
who crafted the cunning works and the


(Greek to English) GENESIS & EXODUS

sewing and to skillfully embroider the

scarlet and the fine linen.

And Beseleel made the ark 2and
overlaid it with gold from inside and
from outside. 3And he cast to it four
gold rings, two on one side and two on
the second side, 4he set the poles so as
to take it in them. 5And he made the
Atoning Place from above the ark out of
gold 6and the two cherubims gold, 7one
cherubim on one tip of the Atoning Place
and one cherubim on the second tip of
the Atoning Place, 8shadowing with the
wings of them on the Atoning Place. 9And
he made the table out of clean gold;
and he cast to it four rings, two on
one side and two on the second side, he
set the poles so as to take in them.
And he made the poles of the ark and he
made the table and he overlaid them with
gold. 12And he made the vessels of the
table, both the bowls and the plates and
the pitchers and the spoons, in which
they pour in them, gold.
And he made the lampstand, which
lights, gold, 14and the branches out of


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 38:23

both of the parts of it; 15the buds going

out of the branches of it, three out of
this and three out of this, going out
from one another; 16and the lamps of them,
which is on the tips, in order that the
lamps be on them, and the seventh from
the tip of the lamp on the top from
above, whole solid gold; 17and seven
lampstands on it gold. 18This overlaid
the pillars with gold and he cast to the
pillar gold rings and he overlaid the
bars with gold and he overlaid the pil-
lars of the covering with gold and he
made the loops gold. 19He made this and
the hooks of the Tent gold and the hooks
of the courtyard and hooks in order to
stretch out the covering from above
brass. 20This cast the silver heads of
the Tent and the brass heads of the door
of the Tent and the gate of the court-
yard and he made loops for the pillars
silver on the pillars; this overlaid
them with silver. 21This made also the
pegs of the Tent and the pegs of the
courtyard brass.
This made the brass altar out of
the brass fire pans, they were the men
who rebelled with the synagogue of Kore.
This made all the vessels of the altar


Exodus 38:24 GENESIS & EXODUS

and the fire pan of it and the feet and

the bowls and the brass forks. 24This
made the grating for the altar, netted
work, beneath the firepan under it until
the half of it and placed to it four
rings out of the four parts of the grating
of the brass altar, he set the bars so
as to take the altar in them. 25This
made the holy oil of the anointing and
the synthesis of the incense, clean work
of perfumer. 26This made the brass bath
tub and the brass feet of it out of the
things of the ones who fast, in which
they fasted along the doors of the Tent
of the Witness in the day he pitched it;
and he made the bath tub, in order that
Mouses and Aaron and the sons of him
shall wash the hands of them and the
feet out of it; of them going into the
Tent of the Witness or when they shall
go to the altar to religiously serve,
washing out of it, just as the Lord
ordered to Mouses.

All the gold, which was worked into
the works throughout the whole work of
the holies, of gold of the firstfruits
was twenty-nine talents and seven hun-


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 39:9

dred twenty shekels according to the

holy shekel; 2and of silver heave offering
from men of the synagogue hundred talents
and seven hundred seventy-five thousand
shekels, 3one drachma for the head the
half of the shekel according to the holy
shekel, every man who goes along the
visitation from twenty years and above
into the sixty myriads and three thou-
sand five hundred and fifty. 4And it
became the hundred talents of the sil-
ver into the thing of the hundred heads
of the Tent and into the heads of the
veil, hundred heads into the hundred
talents, a talent for the head. 5And
they made the seven hundred seventy-
five thousand shekels into the loops
for the pillars, and overlaid the heads
of them with gold and adorned them. 6And
the brass of the heave offering seventy
talents and five hundred thousand shek-
els. 7And he made out of it the feet of
the door of the Tent of the Witness 8and
the feet of the courtyard around and the
feet of the gate of the courtyard and
the pegs of the Tent and the pegs of the
courtyard around 9and the brass grating
of the altar and all the vessels of the
altar and all the hooks of the Tent of
the Witness.


Exodus 39:10 GENESIS & EXODUS

And the sons of Israel did as the
Lord ordered to Mouses, thus they did.
And the remaining gold of the heave
offering they made vessels in order to
religiously serve in them before the
Lord. 12And they made the excess of the
hyacinth and purple and the scarlet
stoles of religious service of Aaron so
as to religiously serve in them in the
holy. 13And they brought the stoles to
Mouses and the Tent and the vessels of
it and the feet and the bars of it and
the pillars 14and the ark of the covenant
and the poles of it 15and the altar and
all the vessels of it and the oil of the
anointing and the incense of the
synthesis 16and the clean lampstand and
the lamps of it, lamps of the burning,
and the oil of the light 17and the table
of the presentation and all the vessels
of it and the bread laid beforehand 18and
the stoles of the holy, which are of
Aaron, and the stoles of the sons of him
into the priesthood 19and the hangings
of the courtyard and the pillars and the
veil of the door of the Tent and of the
gate of the courtyard and all the ves-
sels of the Tent and all the works of it
and the skins of rams having been made


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 40:7

red and the coverings skins made of hya-

cinth and the coverings of the rest 21and
the pegs and all the works the into the
works of the Tent of the Witness; 22what-
soever the Lord ordered to Mouses, thus
the sons of Israel made all the vessels.
And Mouses saw all the works, and they
were doing them which manner the Lord
ordered to Mouses, thus they did them;
and Mouses eulogized them.

And the Lord spoke to Mouses saying:
“In the first day of the first month
thou shall set the Tent of the Witness
and thou shall set the ark of the witness
and thou shall cover the ark with the
veil 4and thou shall bring in the table
and thou shall set the presentation of
it and thou shall bring in the lampstand
and thou shall set the lamps of it 5and
thou shall set the gold altar into the
incense before the ark and thou shall
set covering of veil on the door of the
Tent of the Witness 6and the altar of
the fire offerings thou shall set along
the doors of the Tent of the Witness
and thou shall set the bath tub between


Exodus 40:8 GENESIS & EXODUS

the Tent of the Witness and the altar

and thou shall pour into it water (ver-
sion) 8and thou shall set the Tent and
thou shall make all the things of it
holy around.
And thou shall take the oil of the
anointing and thou shall anoint the Tent
and all the things in it and thou shall
make it holy and all the vessels of it,
and it will be holy. 10And thou shall
anoint the altar of the fire offerings
and all the vessels of it and thou shall
make the altar holy, and the altar will
be the holy of the holies. 11And thou
shall anoint the bath tub and the feet
of it and thou shall make it holy
(version). 12And thou shall lead forth
Aaron and the sons of him on the door of
the Tent of the Witness and thou shall
bathe them with water 13and thou shall
clothe Aaron with the holy stoles and
thou shall anoint him and thou shall
make him holy, and he shall serve as
priest to Me; 14and thou shall lead forth
the sons of him and thou shall clothe
them with tunics 15and thou shall anoint
them, which manner thou anointed the
father of them, and they will serve as
priests to Me; and it will be to them as


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 40:25

to be anointing of priesthood into the

age into the generations of them.”
And Mouses did all, whatsoever the Lord
commanded to him, thus he did. 17And it
happened in the first month first day on
the second year of them going out of
Egypt the Tent was set; 18and Mouses set
the Tent and placed the heads and he
cast the bars and set the pillars 19and
he stretched out the curtains on the
Tent and placed the covering of the Tent
on it from above, as the Lord ordered to
Mouses. 20And having taken the witnesses
he cast out into the ark and placed the
poles under the ark 21and he brought the
ark into the Tent and he placed the
covering of the veil and he covered the
ark of the witness, which manner the
Lord ordered to Mouses. 22And he placed
the table into the Tent of the Witness
on the side of the Tent of the Witness
towards north from outside the veil of
the Tent 23and he placed on it the bread
of the presentation before the Lord,
which manner the Lord ordered to Mouses.
And he placed the lampstand into the
Tent of the Witness into the side of the
Tent towards south 25and he placed the
lamps of it before the Lord, which manner


Exodus 40:26 GENESIS & EXODUS

the Lord ordered to Mouses. 26And he

placed the gold altar in the Tent of the
Witness opposite the veil 27and he burned
the incense of the synthesis on it, just
as the Lord ordered to Mouses.
And he set the curtain of the door
of the Tent (version) 29and he placed
along the doors of the Tent the altar of
the fire offerings 30and he set the bath
tub between the Tent of the Witness and
between the altar and he poured into it
water so as to wash (version), 31in or-
der that Mouses and Aaron and the sons
of him shall wash the hands of them and
the feet out of it (version) 32of them
going into the Tent of the Witness and
going to the altar to religiously serve,
washing out of it, just as the Lord
ordered to Mouses (version). 33And he
set the courtyard around the Tent and
the altar. And Mouses completed all the
And the cloud covered the Tent of
the Witness, and the Tent was filled
with the glory of the Lord. 35And Mouses
was not able to enter into the Tent of
the Witness, because the cloud shadowed
on it and the Tent was filled with the


GENESIS & EXODUS Exodus 40:38

glory of the Lord. 36And whenever the

cloud went up from the Tent, the sons of
Israel journeyed with the sins of them;
and if the cloud went up not, they
journeyed not until the day, which the
cloud went up; 38for the cloud was on the
Tent during the day and fire was on it
at night before all Israel in all the
journeys of them.


(Greek to English) GENESIS & EXODUS

THE WILL (A Plain Translation of The

New Testament from Greek to English) is
a translation of the GREEK New Testament,
Second Edition (1968) by the United Bible
Socities, U.S.A., and the Greek New
Testament, Fourth Revised Edition by the
Deutsche Bibelgeselschaft (1998 - 3rd
printing) with the permission of the
German Bible Society.
The highlights of this translation
and the procurement procedure are shown
Any query, comment, or suggestion may
be directed to
or to ARSENIA R. JOAQUIN, 628 Grapes
St., Brgy Commonwealth, Quezon City,
Philippines, 1121, Tel. Nos. 063-2-
The author donated THE WILL (A Plain
Translation of The New Testament from
Greek to English) to the Alpha Omega
Seniars Intl Foundation, Inc. for senior
citizens, widows, orphans, disabled, poor
intellectuals, etc.
May God bless all the readers of these


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