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O Introduction

8orrowlng books reLurnlng books or vlewlng Lhe avallable books aL Lhe Llbrary of Lhe local unlverslLy ls
currenLly done manually where ln Lhe sLudenL has Lo go Lo Lhe Llbrary and check Lhe avallable books aL
Lhe Llbrary SLudenLs check Lhe llsL of books avallable and borrow Lhe books lf Lhe book ls a borrow book
oLherwlse lL ls of wasLe for Lhe sLudenL Lo come Lo Lhe llbrary Lo come Lo check for Lhe books lf Lhe
sLudenL doesn'L geL Lhe book 1hen Lhe llbrarlan checks Lhe sLudenL ld and allows Lhe member Lo check
ouL Lhe book and Lhe llbrarlan Lhen updaLes Lhe member daLabase and also Lhe books daLabase 1hls
Lakes aL leasL one Lo Lwo hours lf Lhe member ls avallable aL Lhe near by place oLherwlse lL may Lake more

We have declded Lo lnvesLlgaLe Lhe use of an Cnllne Llbrary ManagemenL SysLem 1hls sysLem would be
used by members who may be sLudenLs or professors of LhaL unlverslLy Lo check Lhe avallablllLy of Lhe
books and borrow Lhe books and by Lhe llbrarlan Lo updaLe Lhe daLabases 1he purpose of Lhls documenL
ls Lo analyze and elaboraLe on Lhe hlghlevel needs and feaLures of Lhe Oolloe llbtoty 5ystem lL focuses
on Lhe capablllLles and faclllLles provlded by a Llbrary 1he deLalls of whaL all are Lhe needs of Lhe Oolloe
llbtoty 5ystem and lf lL fulflls Lhese needs are deLalled ln Lhe usecase and supplemenLary speclflcaLlons

O roduct Iunct|ons

1he Cnllne Llbrary SysLem provldes onllne real Llme lnformaLlon abouL Lhe books avallable ln Lhe
Llbrary and Lhe user lnformaLlon 1he roducL funcLlons are more or less Lhe same as descrlbed ln Lhe
producL perspecLlve 1he funcLlons of Lhe sysLem lnclude Lhe sysLem provldlng dlfferenL Lype of
servlces based on Lhe Lype of users Member/Llbrarlan

O 1he member should be provlded wlLh Lhe updaLed lnformaLlon abouL Lhe books caLalog
O rovlslons for Lhe members Lo borrow Lhe books Lhey wanL lf all Lhe oLher requlred rules
hold good
O 1he member ls glven a provlslon Lo check hls accounL lnformaLlon and change Lhe accounL
lnformaLlon any Llme ln Lhe glven valld perlod
O 1he members are provlded wlLh Lhe books avallable rosLer and allowed Lo choose Lhe books
whlch Lhey wanL Lo use ln Lhe comlng up days
O 1he llbrarlan can geL Lhe lnformaLlon abouL Lhe members who have borrowed or reLurned
Lhe books
O 1he llbrarlan ls provlded wlLh lnLerfaces Lo add/deleLe Lhe books avallable ln Lhe book
O 1he members when compleLe Lhe book borrowlng or reLurnlng process Lhe due Lo be pald
by Lhe member musL be calculaLed and Lhe lnformaLlon abouL Lhe member and Lhe due
amounL ls senL Lo Lhe unlverslLy bllllng sysLem
O 1he sysLem uses Lhe unlverslLy lnformaLlon securlLy requlremenLs Lo provlde Lhe logln
faclllLy Lo Lhe users
1. Specific Requirements
1hls secLlon descrlbes ln deLall all Lhe funcLlonal requlremenLs
1.1 FunctionaIity
1.1.1 Logon Capabilities
1he sysLem shall provlde Lhe users wlLh logon capablllLles
1.1.2 Mobile Devices
1he Cnllne Llbrary SysLem ls also supporLed on moblle devlces such as cell phones
1.1.3 Alerts
1he sysLem can alerL Lhe Llbrarlan or Lhe admlnlsLraLor ln case of any problems

1.2 UsabiIity
O The system shall allow the users to access the system Irom the Internet using HTML or it`s derivative
technologies. The system uses a web browser as an interIace.
O $ince all users are Iamiliar with the general usage oI browsers, no speciIic training is required.
O The system is user Iriendly and selI-explanatory.

1.3 ReIiabiIity
The system has to be very reliable due to the importance oI data and the damages incorrect or incomplete
data can do.
1.3.1 Availability
1he sysLem ls avallable 100 for Lhe user and ls used 24 hrs a day and 363 days a year 1he sysLem shall
be operaLlonal 24 hours a day and 7 days a week
1.3.2 Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF)
1he sysLem wlll be developed ln such a way LhaL lL f fall once ln a year
1.3.3 Mean Time to Repair (MTTR)
ven lf Lhe sysLem falls Lhe sysLem wlll be recovered back up wlLhln an hour or less
1.3.4 Accuracy
The accuracy oI the system is limited by the accuracy oI the speed at which the employees oI the library
and users oI the library use the system.
1.3.5 Maximum Bugs or Defect Rate
Not speciIied.
1.3.6 Access Reliability
1he sysLem shall provlde 100 access rellablllLy

1.4 Performance
1.4.1 Response Time
1he Splash age or lnformaLlon page should be able Lo be downloaded wlLhln a mlnuLe uslng a 36k
modem 1he lnformaLlon ls refreshed every Lwo mlnuLes 1he access Llme for a moblle devlce should be
less Lhan a mlnuLe 1he sysLem shall respond Lo Lhe member ln noL less Lhan Lwo seconds from Lhe Llme
of Lhe requesL submlLLal 1he sysLem shall be allowed Lo Lake more Llme when dolng large processlng
1.4.2 Administrator/Librarian Response
1he sysLem shall Lake as less Llme as posslble Lo provlde servlce Lo Lhe admlnlsLraLor or Lhe llbrarlan
1.4.3 Throughput
The number oI transactions is directly dependent on the number oI users, the users may be the Librarian,
employees oI the Library and also the people who use the Library Ior checking-out books, returning books
and checking online library account.
1.4.4 Capacity
The system is capable oI handling 250 users at a time.
1.4.5 Resource Utilization
The resources are modiIied according the user requirements and also according to the books requested by
the users.

1.5 SupportabiIity
The system designers shall take in to considerations the Iollowing supportability and technical limitations.
1.5.1 Internet Protocols
1he sysLem shall be comply wlLh Lhe 1C/l proLocol sLandards and shall be deslgned accordlngly
1.5.2 Information Security Requirement
1he sysLem shall supporL Lhe uPCL lnformaLlon securlLy requlremenLs and use Lhe same sLandard as Lhe
uPCL lnformaLlon securlLy requlremenLs
1.5.3 Billing System Data Compatibility
The member balance amount that will be calculated and sent to the billing system shall be compatible with
the data types and design constraints oI the billing system.
1.5.4 Maintenance
1he malnLenance of Lhe sysLem shall be done as per Lhe malnLenance conLracL
1.5.5 Standards
1he codlng sLandards and namlng convenLlons wlll be as per Lhe Amerlcan sLandards
1.6 Design Constraints
1.6.1 Software Language Used
1he languages LhaL shall be used for codlng Lhe Cnllne Llbrary SysLem are AcLlve Server ages (AS) !ava
ServleLs !ava Server ages (!S) P1ML !avaScrlpL and v8ScrlpL lor worklng on Lhe codlng phase of Lhe
Cnllne Llbrary SysLem Lhe lnLerneL lnformaLlon Servlces (llS) Server needs Lo be lnsLalled
1.6.2 Development Tools
ill make use oI the available Java Development Tool kits Ior working with Java Beans and Java $erver
Pages. Also will make use oI the online reIerences available Ior developing programs in A$P, HTML and
the two scripting languages, Java$cript and VB$cript.
1.6.3 Class Libraries
ill make use oI the existing Java libraries available Ior J$P and $ervlets. Also we need to develop some
new libraries Ior the web-based application. Also will develop new programs using A$P and scripting

1.7 On-Iine User Documentation and HeIp System Requirements
nline help is provided Ior each oI the Ieature available with the nline Library $ystem. All the
applications provide an on-line help system to assist the user. The nature oI these systems is unique to
application development as they combine aspects oI programming (hyperlinks, etc) with aspects oI
technical writing (organization, presentation). nline help is provided Ior each and every Ieature provided
by the system.

The User Manual describes the use oI the system to Librarian and Employees. It describes the use oI the
system on mobile systems. The user manual should be available as a hard copy and also as online help.

An installation document will be provided that includes the installation instructions and conIiguration
guidelines, which is important to a Iull solution oIIering. Also, a Read Me Iile is typically included as a
standard component. The Read Me includes a 'hat`s New ith This Release section, and a discussion
oI compatibility issues with earlier releases. Most users also appreciate documentation deIining any known
bugs and workarounds in the Read Me Iile.

$ince the installation oI nline Library $ystem is a complex process, our experts will do it. $o an
installation Guide will not be provided to the user.

1.8 Purchased Components
The $ystem Administrator will need to purchase the license Ior II$ $erver. Mostly it is available with
indows Environment. $o the system need not purchase any licensing products.

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