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C: Tobe honest Ihave no idea - the important a) He's getting old and he can't keep harming

thing to me was that I cOl4fdput that dresson himself bv smokinq, He's losing cOntro!. lts not

M: Are you stilI dieting theri( b) lts nevel' let him down. lts nevel' abandoned
C: No way - I love my food and dieting is 50 him on lonely, desperate nights. It clears his
boring. Hopefully, I won 't need to wear the head and helps him to think. It has started
wedding dress again anyway! conversations. It has driven away annoying
It helps get over
losses, comfort the comfortless. It also chases
4 Play the recording again. Students listen and make notes. away mosquitoes.
When you have played the recording for the second time,
c) He has been to see Shubentsov, who is known
ask if they can now complete the table. If they can't, play
around the world for curing smokers of their
the recording again. Allow students to compare notes in
pairs before checking with the class.

Sam wasn't al!owed: to drink ar smoke; crisps, 3 Students find words and expressions in the text to replace
burgers, butter; too much caffeine the underlined ones in the sentences. Check answers with
Sarnwas aliow~dt tOgCl out;prown ti§eand the class.
vegetables; Cl'ánberryjUke
Sam had to: live like a monk; be in bed by midnight; a) feel the urge
train every day; be strict with his diet; drink lots of b) picked up
fluids; eat carbohydrates and protein;increase.his
lets me down
Catherine wasn't al!owed: carbohydrates; bread;
e) get over
f) claim to
Catherine was allowed: roast chicken and steak;
'm hooked
eggsand bac:qh
Catherthe had tO: do sit-ups every give up

5 Students match the diets in 1 to the diets described by Sam Close Up (p 40)
and Catherine. Check answers with the class.
Phrasal verbs
Sam: F-plan diet 1 Ask the class for a few examples of phrasal verbs and
Catherine: No-carbohydrate diet write them on the board. Make sure that some of them are
transitive and some are intransitive and explain the
difference. Elicit sentences using the verbs on the board
6 Whole class. Students discuss which of the diets they
and ensure students are using them correctly. Point out
would find hardest to follow. If they wish, they could tell how the dictionaries the students use indicate whether a
the class about any diets they have tried. verb is transitive or intransitive.

Students then turn back to the text on giving up smoking

I will quit. Soon (p39) and find and underline eleven phrasal verbs. They then
decide which one is intransitive.
You might like to begin by asking students about their hopped down picked ... up picked up
attitudes to smoking. Do they, or have they ever smoked? Why hasdrivenaway
did they start? Have they ever tried to give up? ls smoking in chasesaway give up lightihg up
public places considered acceptable in their country or cal! ... back put ... down
countries? ls there anywhere it is not acceptable to smoke? hopped down is intransitive.
1 Students can work individually or in pairs to think up
their three answers to each point. Get feedback from the 7
2 Students work individually to complete the sentences.
Check answers with the class.
2 Go through the points that students are looking for before
they start reading. Give them plenty of time to read the a) picked it up 8
article before checking answers. Then ask them whether
they think the writer is likely to give up and why /why not.

44 Body

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