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Mario Monti e le sue frequentazioni pericolose.

Periodicamente si torna a parlare di Monti, a maggior ragione adesso che sta diventando capo del governo, e delle sue frequentazioni internazionali. Commissione Trilaterale: come risulta dalla home page del sito ( Monti il presidente della sezione europea della Commissione Trilaterale. Gruppo Bilderberg: quasi dieci anni un europarlamentare verde, Patricia Mc Kenna, chiese conto in una interrogazione allallora Presidente della Commissione Europea Romano Prodi delle frequentazioni pericolose di alcuni membri della Commissione. Prodi rispose, sostanzialmente, che non vi era alcun problema di opportunit (vedi qui sotto i documenti dellEuroparlamento).

Parliamentary questions 4 April 2003 WRITTEN QUESTION by Patricia McKenna (Verts/ALE) to the Commission Subject: Commissioners' links to the Bilderberg Group Answer(s) P-1370/03

Commissioners Mario Monti, Erikki Liikanen, Pedro Solbes Mira, Gunther Verheugen, Antonio Vitorino and Frederik Bolkestein have in the past attended Bilderberg meetings and are thus de facto members, since they are kept apprised of its activities. Commission President Romano Prodi was a Steering Committee Member of Bilderberg in the 80s, at the time when ECB President Wim Duisenberg was Treasurer. Three Commissioners are or have been members of the Trilateral Commission, Mario Monti, Chris Patten and Pedro Solbes Mira. Will the Commission say which Commissioners will be attending the forthcoming Bilderberg and Trilateral meetings, whether they will be attending on behalf of the Commission or in an apparent private capacity, and whether they will be granted daily allowances or other expenses in connection with those meetings? Will the Commission ensure that these memberships are mentioned in the Commissioners' individual declarations of interest?

Parliamentary questions 15 May 2003 Answer given by Mr Prodi on behalf of the Commission


Several Members of the Commission have been invited to and have participated in meetings of the Bilderberg group during their term of office, while others have been invited and have participated before becoming Members of the Commission and have not then participated during their term of office. It should be pointed out that in the group's rules there is no such category as "member of the group". The only category that exists is "member of the Steering Committee".

No Member of the Commission is a member of the Steering Committee. Personalities who do not belong to the Steering Committee of the Bilderberg group may be invited to the meetings. Occasional participation at a meeting does not need to be mentioned in the declaration of interests provided for by the Code of Conduct for Commissioners, since the act of participating occasionally at one or another conference, or of receiving information on the activities of a group, does not necessarily mean that the person concerned is a member of or belongs to a group. As regards participation at the next meeting of the Bilderberg group, which is due to take place from 16 to 18 May 2003 in Versailles, three Commissioners have accepted the invitation that has been extended to them on account of their functions, although they will not be participating on behalf of the Commission. The three in question are Mr Monti, Mr Bolkestein and Mr Lamy. Their trip will be governed by the rules generally applicable in this matter. As regards the Trilateral Commission, its rules preclude the participation of any member who holds public office. No Commissioner is therefore a member of the Trilateral, and no Commissioner has as yet voiced any intention of participating in a future meeting of the Trilateral Commission.

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