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United States History


November 8th By Mohammad Saira #1Page

The North Union

Section1: Goods Graphs
The number of Soldiers for the North are mostly a major factor in the practical war times, as the North had the more men to ght as a great resource and that major generals have often tried and some did use them sufciently to apply their tactics to weaken the southern resistance and applying the Total War. The resources of both sides have been revealing this cycle of self sufciency in terms of the resources exploitation and cultivation to support each side in the war and have the other side outweigh the other in terms of enough resources to blockade the other side resources by such practices of Total war and complete surroundings.

If Poetry teaches emotions and life lessons, then History what reveals emotions and life lessons.

Soldiers. Blue: North Gray: South

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Military Leaders/Battles.

General George McClellan was a highly respected and capable skilled engineer, who helped upon the graduation from West Point Academy to support the Academy in the production of engineers and army captions. He worked on railroad as chief engineer under the central Ohio Railroad and later, its president. He also returned to battlefield and in the campaign of Richmond capture, he advanced well, but did not quite managed the case during the battle. He is called the Mac, the unready.

General John pope was a intelligent engineer and a skillful solider who proved himself the only Potomac commander fighting against the Army of Northern Virginia, as he took command of the potomac from Gen. McClellan, due to his ineffective management. He was named major Army general in the department of the Northwest, as where he offered most of his support and volunteers and ended up establishing the Army of Northern Virginia originally to fight off General Lee and his men in the east.

General Robert Anderson was the topic of command in the Charleston Harbor, where he ended in surrender, due to his wishes not to start a war, he was forced to North, after the Confederates fired upon the Star of the West aid ship and he was the first one to moved to the incomplete harbor of Fort Sumter. He was known for his successful capture of Charleston harbor and with all dignity and pride, he rose the flag of the Union on the harbor just like it was on before.

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Maecenas pulvinar sagittis enim.

Rhoncus tempor placerat.

1. The Battle of Fort Sumter, where it was led Gen. Beauregard was in command of the Confederates forces. He during the war demanded the complete surrender of the North forces led by Gen. Robert Anderson. The Battle was the first for the kickoff of the American Civil War, as it was for the southern commanders who waned to fight off the north and establish the Confederacy of America. As Gen. Anderson wanted to avoid fighting, that did not help, because the other Gen. Beauregard wanted instead to fight by first bombarding the charleston Harbor. The battle influenced, by giving the Southern Generals hope that they could resist and continue to make the north Surrender, as it did help later, in Chancellorsville. 2. The Battle of Fort Wagner, where it was led by Gen. Quincey Gilmore of the Potomac against the Southern Gen. Robert Graham. Gen. Gilmore was a successful Army Engineer, who helped to attack the Southern in the sandy

battlefield. As the battle was aiming by the north to capture the Fort, the south have already constructed and dominated the fort with heavy cannons and artillery guns firing that almost made it not possible to pass into the fort, and resulted in a strong Confederate victory. 3. The Battle Of Chancellorsville, the battle was led by Gen. Hooker of the Potomac and the southern Confederate Gen. Robert Lee. As the battle begun due to the campaign to turn the South over by crossing the Rappahannock and Rapidan Rivers by the North to cause retreat, but Gen. Lee sent an army corps into the other side near Fredericksburg to meet the larger Federal troops. But, Hooker,s plans did not quite work, because Gen. Lee and Jackson had already a progressive plan to attack around the side of the Northern positions. As Gen. Lee had his plans worked to cause Gen. Hooker to back up and had the great victory for Gen. Lee and Army. The battle influenced the idea that the Northern realized their weakness and strengths when facing the experienced Gen. Lee and his tactics of attacks.

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The Roles of Women, Immigrants, Spies, and African Americans.

1. The African Americans: African toward slaved ones and families. E. Spy: Harry Tubman was a great Americans had supported the Provided comfort and possible aid spy. A great spy, cook, and a nurse. By Northern Potomac Army in care to the wounded ones. her support of the Union army of terms of the stimulation of the B. Mary lincoln, rst lady spying on the southern army rebels, weaponry. One example of that visited on soldiers giving out the north made an attack that had is related to the battle of Fort ower and instilling hope within restored the foremost hopes of the Wagner, where a Lieutenant them. slaves toward the northern star. named Robert Shaw was a C. Stowe- one of the most F. Immigrants: The role of the Harvard educated and enrolled famous Americas orators and immigration had greatly inuenced at the 54th Massachusetts writers in her anti-slavery novels Americas foreign born population to Regiment to ght in the battle, and writings that have revealed her he was impressed by the energy work of promotion of equality and double during the civil war. As during of the African Americans who freedom to the race. She is the the beginning days of the Civil War, in fought with him as Regiment author of Uncle Toms Cabin. As the the states where it was in the north soldiers, as they were aggressive she was great great in trying to as most immigrants wished their du to in their attacks and Lit. Shaw persuade critics that slavery was its cultural homogeneity and norms have shown respect to them and wrong and unequal that pres. much tolerated, unlike the southern, impressed by their abilities to Lincoln said to her So you are the due to its stricter slavery-labor system. ght in the battleelds. little woman who wrote the book that Most Immigrants came from Britain, 2. Women: As throughout the civil started this great war!". Wales, Ireland, Germany, Scotland. It war, not only that soldiers died, D. Harry Tubman: The Moses of impacted the development of more wounded, civilians killed, but the Blacks and the symbol in mind of Urbanization and diversity within there was another group who the northern star, as toward freedom, states in the Union. cared much that they would she helped to free former slaves into actually join the side in the war and perfor m their nursery the north. She was one of the famous practices without being paid. inspirational sources to teach and free the slaves into gaining heir liberties. While men were busy at the war, women had to step up by lling Harry Tubman helped also to recruit posts by being clerks and factory group of the freed slaves to go through workers. Women have played the the underground railroad and to role of for example: monitor the movement of the A. Saw the war as a good confederate forces, as she was to be a opportunity advantage to help great spy, cook, and a nurse. promote equality Collector, 1234 Main Street, Any Town, State ZIP | 123-456-7890 | The and liberties




The Life of the Civil War Soldiers Styles and Norms.

The life camps during the war were somehow felt wake up and work differently among soldiers who are mostly of the on 2 hours drilling after breakfast, and that is a daily time got bored, and one oft the ways they got over routine that they have adopted to. In terms of the with was to relive themselves from being bored, and writing letters to wives, soldiers have wrote on some meanwhile, they had to be aware of the illness, as it topic of their minds, ranging from the war grieves to has water contaminated in camps.The ways includes, loving memorable times they had spent with their games, such as, playing cards in front of their tents, sweethearts. Some soldiers have said Soldering is playing dominoes at the tables on the camps, mice, 99% boredom and 1% sheer terror. This could be chess, wrestling, and baseball. Also during the reecting upon the sever exposure and experience daytime or midnight, as they have to get prepared for soldiers face in living within tents and in around the morning and daytime for more practical drills that drills. Regarding Time, soldiers once admitted and in are essential component of the war to ght by the army, they were to serve for long time and for extensively getting drills and training to adopt to the them, the rules/standards of duty is what dominantly needed skills and tactics to progress the war preoccupied the majority time of the soldier. If objectives. As the soldiers get to play and have good soldiers were to abandon army, then the soldier may times playing, they had to balance their times for the be subject to either rejection or sever punishment next day by being always prepared. The soldiers may from the surroundings. had some basic needs of water, cooking on re some meat, reveling, and using their resources to eat harvested fruits form the northern plantations. Unlike, the south, where it was hard to approach much plantations in times of the war and even times off, due to the limitation on resources they had and it probably might have been destroyed. The south had suffered with starvation and limited food. Both sides, the North and South had adopted to the use of the Sibley Tents invented by Brigadier Sibley. They were large in diameter and powered by heat stoves, and acutely they were made to house more men for each tent. Some basic needs of wood were used in the winter to make huts blankets to cover a soldier with his wedge tent that he used in the rest time of the day. other vital needs of foods, like eggs, meat, biscuits, salted pork and sh and fruits were used mostly for the breakfast and dinner dinner times. In terms of the survival rate, 75%of the soldiers who felt inactive int the early morning day woken up Mainthe sergeant, that ZIP | 123-456-7890 | by Street, Any Town, State The Collector, 1234 percentage was how much often it was for them to


A. In terms of the women, whee they had to step up to support men whom are severely injured and were actual nurses during the war and without paid. The actual woman had to be in the house as a house wife, but then women did not take into account that fact, because they also believed to help the men at the war, and by spying for such practical reasons to defeat the southern rebels whom have had taken advantages holding on the slaves labor system. B. Families: As the civil war have divided up most of families in between each side. brothers and sisters fought each other, fathers and sons opposed over secession, and husband and wives argued over opposing loyalties to weather the north or the south, as some did, where a wife had sent letters to the husband conrming that the son or the daughter had turned to join the confederacy, while the wife,s husband is ghting for the north. So, the family division was a major add up issue above the overall civil war and its aftermath. For families to survive under hard conditions and be able to unite bak with their beloved ones, it caused that split between them to live without much differences. The families turned on each other due to the fact that when

husbands and even their children went off for the battleeld for the war, women were to be fully responsible for the ranches and the young children to be fed and clothed, and so the war have had turned families on each other, due to the disconnection between the father/son and the mother/young ones. C. As the for the ination and wartime scarcity, the civil might have probably been the turning point of most past historians and modern on the explanation of today,s U.S economic mechanisms that are based off industrial mechanism, that includes nancial and commercial ones that might have supported the integration of an America that have witnessed tremendous economic growth and practicing until the day the means of industrialization and privatization to stabilize the market of commodities that were used widely during the civil war era. As wartime scarcity have caused much food shortages, riots to occur. Scarcity within the vital resources that the north had to use to mobilize their army of the Potomac. Unlike the South, where planters and general economy relied on cash crops, the North had through sustained factory and food/beverages systems, where they had the capability and

affordability to manufacture weaponry, agricultural, and commercial goods used to support families and the army during the war. Due to that, some 69% of total output of farms and transport railroads were based and held by the north, as they had that major industrial capabilities to support their army and feed its states, in addition to that, the more industrialized union had enough factories to supply around a million ries a week to the army. Regarding the issue of greenbacks as the major currency printing paper used to fund foe the war with gold back it up, the union had also bonds to sell to nancial institutions to nd the paper, and later, when the Union Federal Government issues the greenbacks and became the legal tender for all public debts to be accepted by citizens by law, that scenario helped to lower the ination pressures that North faced during the war. So , the scarcity and ination during the war seemed to be manageable during the civil war for the Northern Union, as they had the balance between their industrial capabilities to exploit and mobilize their raw materials and stabilizing the funds of the war and overall economic system. Ination and Scarcity were both represented in a way that allowed the economy to expand as more industrialization and tax revenues to

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1. As for the life of people living by near battleelds, it was a horric experience, as they were exposed to day to day war activities and trying to help and support the wounded soldiers, some people were willing to join the Union army. Most people were exposed to the dreadful scenes of the war, where casualties were perceived critically. The people living close to battleeld would give up homes to house the wounded ones to aid them in their injuries. The civil war have impacted the Northern Union, as for the battle inuencing the landscapes, it has been a interesting strategic in terms of the perseverance and the effects of the battles they had on the landscapes, as the two major classications could be the Eastern Theatre and the Western Theatre after the horric war took place for four dreadful years. Where in the post Civil War, its total casualties of around 600,000 an plus, it has separated some unique lands in between the Appalachians mountain ranges. The Eastern Theatre, where its comprises the areas of the to capitals that meet in the east of the mountain ranges and on the Atlantic Coast, Washington, DC for the Federal Union and Richmond, for the Confederate South. The two capitals that lay on the east of the mountains have a profound effect on the aftermath geography of

the war. meanwhile, the Western Theatre, where the edges of the mountains meet and the near the Mississippi areas, as where the horric battles took place, battles, like Vicksburg have impacted the landscape of the battle, as a symbol of how far the war took its unfolding to the point where the entire city and state were bombarded to limit the resources of the south that were scarce, to reveal how the pre-war condition were, as there were the signs of a disunity over the national scene of the people, both sides rmly came to believe that the most preventive method to either preserve their national entities was going through a destructive civil war. The aftermath of the war had left out a destructive outlook on the general landscape. A. The opposing army of the Northern army of Virginia were treating the unions people as if they were to ght them off. The inuence is based off that fact that some Southern Whites planters did not favor the south to ght in the civil war and there were some northern democrat who did not want to ght for a civil war, and both did not believe in slaveholding by all moral and economical means. That inuence have spread throughout the civil war, but it had its limit of not inuencing the overall war as it went on for four years with

thousands ghting for each side to preserve their political entities. The loss of the Emancipation Proclamation, as the civil war continued and president Lincoln was rm on declaring his Proclamation to be ofcial to free slaves in around the slaves states, and not within the Union territories, as there were a million slaves in slavery within the Union being out of the Emancipation consideration. Due to that loss, there was the loss of the long effects of the emancipation, as it only reached the areas of rebellion states and not the Union itself. The gain of the civil war for the Union and its Grand Potomac army was the matter of African Americans, as they escaped from the southern stronghold form their owners and had their most desirable hope to join the Union army and ght for the union, and that reected that it was for the reach of the Northern Star, liberty that they wanted to get a taste of, and in fact, some Union generals were trying to decide on weather to recruit some African American freedmen into the army, and that gradually had been successful to join the army, and provided with major support, as some going back to the roles of women, as they were housewives, but also were great spies in the side of the Union. The combination of the freed women and men were a

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A. The lasting sentiment of the Union were ones of mixed emotions and perceptions on the aftermath of the war, as it was on the post surrender of the South led by General Robert. E. lee marked the end of the devastated Civil war. As for the sentiment, people in the union, including the citizens, generals, federal gover nment, and the president had to look for a new social code to rebuild a nation that once stood as a center of sectionalism and ideological differences to a one that would have to unite the whole states including the democratic south into the large Union States. As there was the lost of beloved ones perceived with all grieves and sorrow, the war ended and families would recognize their hero ones who once stood to protect their sides and preserve their established beliefs. B. The Reconstruction period as it marked the post Civil War efforts by the federal Republican party and congress to support the freedmen population and formalizing major plans to support the overall union cause for the complete abolishing of the institution of slavery and measures on voting rights of the population. The reconstruction from the union perspective was based off the plans of Abraham lincoln and the radical republicans wanted to

completely set slavery as a done matter and restore all equal liberties within each and every citizen, including the black population. Some of the major benets that reconstruction had, it allowed for t h e r at i c at i o n o f t h e 1 3 t h amendment and the 14th amendment, in which these two critically imperative documents shaped todays obligation to basic human rights with equal protection of citizens liberties and ensure that all citizens share the same voting rights. These two big gains have paved the way toward a more united and a comprehensive states being able to adopt to the documents, and therefore, allowing for the integration of once a vital hope and goal of uniting the states. The mistake that have being revealed is the idea of how radical republicans were extreme in tackling the slavery issue and the rights of the slaves in the souther n states. Radical republicans being radical in also being harsh on the southern for slaveholding, and that might have a factor in the rise to other political factions, but mostly, led to the decline of the Republicans as a whole political entity in the Union. Despite the efforts by the Union Republican radicals, still African Americans were denied their demanded rights of votes, until the

late 1965 Voting Rights Act. In terms of synthesizing a desirable resolution, the aim to establish a reconstruction period was to help the free blacks population retain their basic liberties an voting rights, and for that reason, the radicals were extreme not only for pursuing that objective, but also their objective was to harshly punish the southern planters/slaveholders. If there was this idea of a moderateconservative faction, it would have been progressing much more exible and avoid the decline of the Republican party, and instead have a Democratic-Republican style that could equally hold representation and demands on each side concerns and formulate a comprehensive plan for both of their shared interests, such as abolishing slavery institution, and in return, allow a more involvement by southern leaders and states in congress and the house, so their political entity could be represented along with the republicans to end up with a plan that could not much, but at least, satises both sides. During reconstruction, it would have been more effective to be less radical and little moderate to meet democrats to support the unity of the union integration into the United States Of America.

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1, Febrary. "The Civil War." PBS: Public Broadcasting Service. PBS Online. Web. 13 Nov. 2011. < part4/4p2967.html>. "The Civil War at a Glance." Main Page. U.S Department Of the Interior. Web. 13 Nov. 2011. < epublications/civilwar/ civilwar.htm>. exhibits/civilwar/ about_section2a.html>.


globalgazette/gazsh/ gazsh-0016.htm>. "Robert Gould Shaw." The American Civil War. Web. 13 Nov. 2011. <>. Jenkins, Sally. "Ongo | In Civil Wars Early Days, Battleeld Deaths an Abstract Notion in North and South." Ongo | Welcome to Ongo. Your News like Never Before. Ongo Inc. Web. 13 Nov. 2011. <http:// F989D38EA2BD7155/early-inwar-death-an-abstract-notion>. Stewart, Sifakis. "George Brinton McClellan Biography." The American Civil War Home Page. Stewart Sifakis. Web. 13 Nov. 2011. <http:// macbio.htm>. Stewart, Sifakis. "John Pope Biography." The American Civil War Home Page. Stewart Sifakis. Web. 13 Nov. 2011. <http:// popebio.htm>. "Civil War Graphs." Pocantico Hills Central School. Web. 13 Nov. 2011. <http:// graphs.htm>.

"Gettysburg National Military Park." U.S. National Park Service - Experience Your America. National Park Services U.S Department of the Interior. Web. 13 Nov. 2011. <http:// gettex/>. Murphy, Daniel P. "Camp Life American Civil War." Netplaces. The NewYork Times Company. Web. 13 Nov. 2011. <http:// camp-life.htm>. "Immigrant America on the Eve of the Civil War : Features : Long Island Wins." Home : Long Island Wins. Long Island Wins. Web. 13 Nov. 2011. <http:// features/detail/ immigrant_america_on_the_eve_ of_the_civil_war/>. Hodges., Shirley C. "ARTICLE The Importance of Women in the Civil War. By Shirley C Hodges." Global Genealogy & History Book & Map Store Inc. Canada, Canadian. Inc., 1995. Web. 13 Nov. 2011. <http://

"Economy in The Civil War." Shmoop: Homework Help, Teacher Resources, Test Prep. Shmoop University, Inc. Web. 13 Nov. 2011. <http:// economy.html>. "CivilWarWomen." Home. Sondria Torchia and Company. Web. 13 Nov. 2011. <http:// civilwarwomen.html>. "North Carolina and the Civil War : About - A Soldier's Life." Welcome to the North Carolina Museum of History. North Carolina Museum of History Ofce of Archives and History, Department of Cultural Resources. Web. 13 Nov. 2011. <

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"Robert Anderson Biography." The American Civil War Home Page. Web. 13 Nov. 2011. < Andersonbio.htm>. "Civil War Battleelds - Learn About The American Civil War | Civil War Preservation Trust." Civil War Trust: Saving America's Civil War Battleelds. Civil War Trust. Web. 13 Nov. 2011. < battleelds/>.

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