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97 clear skin tips

This collection of tips range from practical skin care tips and lifestyle changes through to my favourite sayings and quotes towards the end of the eBook. These are all tips I have found useful over the years while trying to get rid of my acne. They relate to diet, skin care products, confidence and having a positive mind-set. They are meant to be read alongside my other FREE eBook, The 7 ESSENTIAL Clear Skin Tips. This eBook is the supporting act to that one, because there are so many of these little tips its virtually impossible to add them all to any eBook on the subject of acne. Sometimes a short sentence on a particular subject, not necessarily directly related to acne itself, is enough to kick-start a lifestyle change that could result in you achieving your goal of clear skin. Have a read through I hope some of these jump out at you and help you on your path to clear skin. And, if you have come across any little tips of your own, Id love to hear them.


Write up weekly menu plan. Budget and stick to it. Use online shopping list tools - many supermarket websites have these.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Switch as many skin care products to natural ones. Use fewer. Take up exercise. Use less make up. Cleanse thoroughly at night. Splash with warm water only in am. Juice. Especially green juices. Reduce sugar intake. Massively. Never exercise with make up on. Take MSM as a food supplement.

10. Visit a dietitian or nutritionist for dietary advice and deficiency analysis. 11. Drink plenty of water. 12. Avoid too much caffeine. 13. Avoid alcohol and recreational drugs.

14. Avoid pharmaceutical drugs. 15. Consider hydro colonics. 16. De-stress. 17. Practice confidence building. 18. Never squeeze spots that dont have a head. 19. Find an interesting hobby, or two, that take your mind off your skin problems. Think of anything you may want to do and just DO it! Go on! Steel drums, jewelry making, model rockets, book binding, life drawing, candle making, Lego. Theres so many wonderful things out there try them. Meet like-minded folk. 20. Find out about foods and other cupboard items that can be used as face packs. 21. Eat more vegetables. 22. Eat less refined carbs. 23. Reduce dairy intake. 24. Visualise success.

25. Use mud face packs. 26. Use camomile tea as a calming tonic for inflamed skin. 27. Be extremely gentle with your skin. Avoid harsh scrubs and products. 28. Breathe. Deeply. Often. 29. Find healthy alternatives to any of your favourite junk foods e.g. You can make ice cream / sorbets really easily, and ice cream makers arent very expensive. Make nutritious versions using almond milk, or soaked cashew nuts, instead of cows milk. You can make icecream from most of your favourite smoothie recipes. 30. Use tea tree oil on blemishes. 31. Avoid antibiotics. Take probiotics if you do. 32. Get regular facials. Professionally and at home. 33. Use green superfood powder in face masks. 34. Find out about cleansing diets. 35. Explore natural products.

36. Use green superfood powder in smoothies. 37. If you cant eat it, dont put it on your face. Read the ingredients list on your skin care products. Ensure you know what they all are, and what they do. 38. If you think your acne is hormonal, investigate taking maca as a food supplement. This is especially good for women, but be aware you may need to take it for three monthly cycles to see if it works for you. The first month may produce a little increase in your acne, but this should reduce by the third month. 39. Decide what YOU believe. Use your intuition. 40. Its ok to tell the occasional white lie. (e.g. if youre shy about why youre making diet changes to acquaintances, its OK to tell them you have a food intolerance). But remember, your close friends will want the best for you, so they may be a valuable source of support if you tell them the real reason. 41. Give up smoking. 42. Lie on your back in bed. 43. Change pillow cases everyday. 44. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep. 45. Always wash immediately after exercise.

46. Enjoy dark, lower sugar chocolate. Avoid sweet, milk-laden, chocolate confectionery. 47. Eat less red meat. Especially smoked or cured meat. 48. Eat berries blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, goji berries, strawberries. Preferably fresh and raw, or dried, or even frozen. 49. Eat water-rich fruit and vegetables. Melon, cucumber, celery, apples etc. 50. Eat loads of herbs - parsley, coriander, oregano, basil. Add them to juices, smoothies, salads. 51. Eat avocadoes and olives. 52. Choose organic foods and skin care products when you can. 53. Learn how to apply make up effectively. Accentuate your eyes. Use non pore blocking make up. 54. Men Use natural shaving products, such as Green Peoples mens range. 55. Your skin doesnt look as bad to other people as you think it does. Really. 56. If your confidence is really low, consider some kind of counselling.

57. Look into NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) to change your outlook. 58. Build up a library of recipes. 59. Famous people have skin problems too Victoria Beckham, Cameron Diaz, Brad Pitt. 60. Get fresh air (and sunshine) every day. 61. Avoid using heavy hair products near your face. 62. Consider light therapy for acne. Either in salons, or buy your own red/blue lightbox. 63. Relax in the bath with a good book and a deep cleansing face mask. 64. Use Epsom salt baths. 65. The occasional pizza or take away wont matter in the big picture. Dont beat yourself up about it. Enjoy it, and be healthier the next day. 66. Start each day with a glass of warm (not hot) water and lemon juice. 67. Have a green juice or smoothie for breakfast every day. A pint of green juice should energise you for hours.

68. Get a professional massage that includes strokes to help lymphatic drainage. 69. Join online forums and support groups. Try and find ones specialising in natural treatments. 70. Research. Research. Research. 71. Use a muslin cloth to cleanse with. Muslin gently exfoliates. 72. Aloe vera. As a drink and as a skin care product. 73. Make as many of your meals from scratch as your circumstances allow. 74. Look into the raw food diet. Elements if this are amazing for clear skin. 75. Reduce your intake of processed foods. 76. Eat nuts and seeds. Raw, not roasted or salted. 77. Consider laser treatment. Research it and find a recommended and reputable clinic. 78. Smile. People will remember that far more than the spot(s) on your chin. 79. Wash your make up brushes and sponges regularly.

80. Dont use a flannel / wash cloth. They harbour bacteria. 81. Get more of the right balance of omega oils into your diet. (This usually means consuming more foods rich in omega 3, such as flaxseed and hemp seed or oily fish, and fewer foods high in omega 6, such as processed vegetable oils and margarine). 82. Natural oils in skin care products are actually beneficial especially tea tree, raw coconut oil/butter, cocoa butter, and various aromatherapy oils. 83. Eat raw fats hemp seed oil, flaxseed oil, avocadoes. Almonds, pecans, Brazil nuts, pumpkin seeds, hemp seeds, sunflower seeds etc. You can make fantastic nut mylks from almonds, hemp and also sesame seeds. Just a few Brazil nuts and pumpkin seeds a day provide you with great sources of selenium and zinc minerals that have been linked to acne (if we dont get enough of them!) Cooked fats (roasted nuts, fried foods etc) are the ones to avoid. Also avoid peanuts and peanut (groundnut) oil. 84. Compile your favourite, feel-good songs onto a playlist for your MP3 player and computer. Play them when you need a boost. 85. Stock pile your favourite comedians on DVD laughter is a great boost. 86. Meditate. Keep a gratitude journal. Appreciate all the little things you DO have. Set some goals create a vision board to help you achieve them.


87. Do more than belong: participate. Do more than care: help. Do more than believe: practice. Do more than be fair: be kind. Do more than forgive: forget. Do more than dream: work. William Arthur Ward 88. Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind dont matter & those who matter dont mind. Dr. Seuss 89. The thoughts we choose to think are the tools we use to paint the canvas of our lives. Louise Hay 90. Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people wont feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. Its not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. Nelson Mandela 91. Wherever you are, be there totally. If you find youre here-and-now intolerable and it makes you unhappy, you have three options: remove yourself from the situation, change it, or accept it totally. If you want to take responsibility for life, you must choose one of those three options, and you must choose now. Then accept the consequences. Eckhart Tolle


92. There is a thought in your mind right now. The longer you hold on to it, the more you dwell upon it, the more life you give to that thought. Give it enough life, and it will become real. So make sure the thought is indeed a great one. Ralph Martson 93. We must become the change we want to see in the world. Mahatma Gandhi 94. Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart. Kahlil Gibran 95. Just do it. Nike 96. Have patience with all things, but chiefly have patience with yourself. Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them every day begin the task anew. Saint Francis de Sales 97. Get back up. Nick Vujicic Search online for this guy. He is an absolute inspiration. for the video Get back up. View it now:


The content offered in this eBook is for general informational purposes only and is not aimed to replace any advice you may receive from your medical practitioner or a qualified dermatology professional. Always work with a qualified health professional before making any changes to your diet, prescription drug use, lifestyle, or exercise activities. This information is provided as-is, and the reader/viewer assumes all responsibility from the use, non-use, or misuse of this information. assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of any particular statement and accepts no liability for any loss or damage which may arise from reliance on the information contained in this eBook. Links to other web sites from these pages are for information only and accepts no responsibility or liability for access to or the material on any web site which is referenced within this eBook. By providing links to other sites, does not guarantee, approve or endorse the information or products available at these sites, nor does a link indicate any association with the linked site to and Karen Jessett are not responsible for any increase in severity of your acne if you give up any medical treatment.



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