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Kitchener Waterloo Record August 6, 1977.

Copyright The Waterloo Region Record

Officers of Kraus firms Reprinted with Permission

hold positions in church _ Frank Gmhler, an Apostolic: pTle

Walertoo carpet maker Michael 1{ratl~ derdes
Imks between his private companies afl(l the trea~urerof Kraus Carpets and six other 1
New Apostuli(l Church. companies, as well as a dlr..:lor of NAill
In nu !iltervle'o", Kraus, 69, said tht:: two ~!'€ _ Kenneth Storer, prominent church of!
IS treasurer of NAHC and a dlrectt
M:Phl"Sle entitles and rejectoo BJly suggestion
church offJcials are-officers or director'!; Of hi!-. SWTllm:
companIes. - Harold Ecli:hal·dL, Kraus':; MJn~m~la\l
BUi r~l;ords at Queen's Park shuw K,"au:, a~ ~notht+l'church official. is president of •
president oi Krhus Carret Mills Ltd.• Stamm Holding;; Lld., a di,'OC,or of Kr~us Carpet
Jnvp.sunent~ Ltd., Strudex Fibn-s Lld., Chromc" fiYe other KrclU~ companies.
Print Ltd.• Kraus Jnvestments Ltd.. 2~5a
In various land and pT(,peny de&.Js .-:"1
Investments Lid., Kraus Cart};:i Distrihntof;.;
(Quebcc) Ltd. and the New Apostolic Holding
Kitcl1ener. the "Kruu" compame~ ::,nd j\
hav~ operaTed separatelv, bul. have
Company (NAHC) - a company whjch buy~
benefj1e~ from (ran~crions.
land for the church.
Officers and dltt~ctor~ uf NAHC are ideiltHAiJ in J966. Stnmm fJllid $L7 rnilllon to bl
to those of Stamm Inveslmems. acres of laud and an apanment buildi
Other offIcers and d!reclors or
Lhe Krau!oi Margaret Avenue arId Adam Street. I:u 197
year Stamm m.ade a $1 rnilliofl profit s
companje~ are pronlhleOI church officials,
Watcrioa ~uare Shoppmg centre, {he de\
__ En.. ·tn '..\iagner a cht!u:h apO::lfe. IS tn€nl company sold part of HS Mar
n:e-pre:,.uient I)f Kraus c.arpets, Stamm, Avenue land to J AHC fOJ "156,000
NAHC and it a d!I"eCwr of four Kralli'.
companies. He is ~~Iso presldelH (If Waterloo At 5th and eEb A,venues, Kitch~merl ,..
S:Jinnlng MiU~. a company which mcludes Lought land Lo build a church In 1965. A
Kra:ls'c; '.4'lfe. fWdu. u.nci son. NelsofJ. on ll~ 'fame rime, Kratt:.-, Davld aTl{i HHda Re
bO<.trd 'If di7{~tor~~ and Erwin V'agner \p~I'e huy:ng rteighbl
- ~!id:·, l-:t'mp~L churl.'!1 ,'H::rn,ttmg OfflCt>f The propertleb \l'~re (jeveloped ~s: ap:ilftH
,'l,IIj;;tO ?rt1plr)~'Lt In 1·:I·r:.U~':: OFiCL I~ a dir8Clot .inti latH sokl to t1\~!r f.jwn C01Tl[J~IlY - <;t,
~ild :A"ITPlar:v I'~ SlulYllii. NAHC ;.md i:. QireCWr tn\,.,.l.;lmer.t~ - \.. ·ill~h iI' tUr"l rt;:'!oIJtl
(11 S,! uoic- : "'·l.ll(ilord \r~rtrnt-c"nt.; Lvi

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