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1PL AnnlPlLA1Cn Cl Ln1l8L 8ACL Cl LCLL
1he nAZl parLy and Adolf PlLler selzed power ln 1933 and slowly began Lhelr program
agalnsL Lhe !ews of Cermany ln 1933 Lhere were 366000 !ews llvlng ln Cermany Lach
new ?ear ln Cermany led Lo harsher pollcles dlrecLed Lowards Lhe !ews ln 1933 nAZlS
boycoLL !ewlsh buslnesses lssue decree LhaL deflnes nonAryans Permann Coerlng
creaLes Lhe CLS1AC flrsL concenLraLlon camps are bullL uachau 3/22/331934 !ews
are noL allowed Lo have naLlonal healLh lnsurance1933 Lhe SS (SchuLzsLaffel) ls formed
PlLler becomes uer luherer and recelves a 90 approval raLlng from Lhe people !ews
are noL allowed Lo have naLlonal healLh lnsurance
O 1he no|ocaust began ln 1933 when Adolf PlLler came Lo power ln Cermany and ended ln
1943 when Lhe nazls were defeaLed by Lhe Allled powers 1he Lerm PolocausL orlglnally
from Lhe Creek word holokausLon whlch means sacrlflce by flre refers Lo Lhe nazls
persecuLlon and planned slaughLer of Lhe !ewlsh people 1he Pebrew word Shoah whlch
means devasLaLlon ruln or wasLe ls also used for Lhls genoclde ln addlLlon Lo !ews Lhe
nazls LargeLed Cypsles homosexuals !ehovahs WlLnesses and Lhe dlsabled for persecuLlon
Anyone who reslsLed Lhe nazls was senL Lo forced labor or murdered 1he Lerm nazl ls an
acronym for naLlonalsozlallsLlshe ueuLsche ArbelLerparLel (naLlonal SoclallsL Cerman
Workers arLy) 1he nazls used Lhe Lerm Lhe llnal SoluLlon Lo refer Lo Lhelr plan Lo
murder Lhe !ewlsh people

1he 8|g Numbers
O lL ls esLlmaLed LhaL 11 mllllon people were kllled durlng Lhe PolocausL Slx mllllon of Lhese
were !ews1he nazls kllled approxlmaLely LwoLhlrds of all !ews llvlng ln LuropeAn esLlmaLed
11 mlll
9ersecut|on 8eg|ns
O Cn Aprll 1 1933 Lhe nazls lnsLlgaLed Lhelr flrsL acLlon agalnsL Cerman !ews by announclng a
boycoLL of all !ewlshrun buslnesses 1he nuremberg Laws lssued on SepLember 13 1933
began Lo exclude !ews from publlc llfe 1he nuremberg Laws lncluded a law LhaL sLrlpped
Cerman !ews of Lhelr clLlzenshlp and a law LhaL prohlblLed marrlages and exLramarlLal sex
beLween !ews and Cermans 1he nuremberg Laws seL Lhe legal precedenL for furLher anLl
!ewlsh leglslaLlon nazls Lhen lssued addlLlonal anLl!ews laws over Lhe nexL several years
lor example some of Lhese laws excluded !ews from places llke parks flred Lhem from clvll
servlce [obs (le governmenL [obs) made !ews reglsLer Lhelr properLy and prevenLed !ewlsh
docLors from worklng on anyone oLher Lhan !ewlsh paLlenLs uurlng Lhe nlghL of november
910 1938 nazls lnclLed a pogrom agalnsL !ews ln AusLrla and Cermany ln whaL has been
Lermed krlsLallnachL (nlghL of 8roken Class) 1hls nlghL of vlolence lncluded Lhe plllaglng
and burnlng of synagogues breaklng Lhe wlndows of !ewlshowned buslnesses Lhe looLlng
of Lhese sLores and many !ews were physlcally aLLacked Also approxlmaLely 30000 !ews
were arresLed and senL Lo concenLraLlon camps AfLer World War ll sLarLed ln 1939 Lhe nazls
began orderlng !ews Lo wear a yellow SLar of uavld on Lhelr cloLhlng so LhaL !ews could be
easlly recognlzed and LargeLed lon chlldren were murdered ln Lhe PolocausL
O AfLer Lhe beglnnlng of World War ll nazls began orderlng all !ews Lo llve wlLhln cerLaln very
speclflc areas of blg clLles called gheLLos
O !ews were forced ouL of Lhelr homes and moved lnLo smaller aparLmenLs ofLen shared wlLh
oLher famllles
O Some gheLLos sLarLed ouL as open whlch meanL LhaL !ews could leave Lhe area durlng Lhe
dayLlme buL ofLen had Lo be back wlLhln Lhe gheLLo by a curfew LaLer all gheLLos became
closed whlch meanL LhaL !ews were Lrapped wlLhln Lhe conflnes of Lhe gheLLo and noL
allowed Lo leave
O A few of Lhe ma[or gheLLos were locaLed ln Lhe clLles of 8lalysLok kovno Lodz Mlnsk 8lga
vllna and Warsaw
O 1he largesL gheLLo was ln Warsaw wlLh lLs hlghesL populaLlon reachlng 443000 ln March
O ln mosL gheLLos nazls ordered Lhe !ews Lo esLabllsh a !udenraL (a !ewlsh councll) Lo boLh
admlnlsLer nazl demands and Lo regulaLe Lhe lnLernal llfe of Lhe gheLLo
O nazls would Lhen order deporLaLlons from Lhe gheLLos ln some of Lhe large gheLLos 1000
people per day were loaded up ln Lralns and senL Lo elLher a concenLraLlon camp or a deaLh
O 1o geL Lhem Lo cooperaLe Lhe nazls Lold Lhe !ews Lhey were belng LransporLed Lo anoLher
place for labor
O When Lhe nazls declded Lo klll Lhe remalnlng !ews ln a gheLLo Lhey would llquldaLe a
gheLLo by boardlng Lhe lasL !ews ln Lhe gheLLo on Lralns
O When Lhe nazls aLLempLed Lo llquldaLe Lhe Warsaw CheLLo on Aprll 13 1943 Lhe remalnlng
!ews foughL back ln whaL has become known as Lhe Warsaw CheLLo uprlslng 1he !ewlsh
reslsLance flghLers held ouL agalnsL Lhe enLlre nazl reglme for 28 days longer Lhan many
Luropean counLrles had been able Lo wlLhsLand nazl conquesL
oncentrat|on and Lxterm|nat|on amps
O AlLhough many people refer Lo all nazl camps as concenLraLlon camps Lhere were acLually
a number of dlfferenL klnds of camps lncludlng concenLraLlon camps exLermlnaLlon camps
labor camps prlsonerofwar camps and LranslL camps (Map)
O Cne of Lhe flrsL concenLraLlon camps was uachau whlch opened on March 20 1933
O lrom 1933 unLll 1938 mosL of Lhe prlsoners ln Lhe concenLraLlon camps were pollLlcal
prlsoners (le people who spoke or acLed ln some way agalnsL PlLler or Lhe nazls) and people
Lhe nazls labeled as asoclal
O AfLer krlsLallnachL ln 1938 Lhe persecuLlon of !ews became more organlzed 1hls led Lo Lhe
exponenLlal lncrease ln Lhe number of !ews senL Lo concenLraLlon camps
O Llfe wlLhln nazl concenLraLlon camps was horrlble rlsoners were forced Lo do hard physlcal
labor and yeL glven Llny raLlons rlsoners slepL Lhree or more people per crowded wooden
bunk (no maLLress or plllow) 1orLure wlLhln Lhe concenLraLlon camps was common and
deaLhs were frequenL
O AL a number of nazl concenLraLlon camps nazl docLors conducLed medlcal experlmenLson
prlsoners agalnsL Lhelr wlll
O Whlle concenLraLlon camps were meanL Lo work and sLarve prlsoners Lo deaLh
exLermlnaLlon camps (also known as deaLh camps) were bullL for Lhe sole purpose of kllllng
large groups of people qulckly and efflclenLly
O 1he nazls bullL slx exLermlnaLlon camps Chelmno 8elzec Soblbor 1rebllnka AuschwlLz and
Ma[danek (AuschwlLz and Ma[danek were boLh concenLraLlon and exLermlnaLlon camps)
O rlsoners LransporLed Lo Lhese exLermlnaLlon camps were Lold Lo undress Lo Lake a shower
8aLher Lhan a shower Lhe prlsoners were herded lnLo gas chambers and kllled (AL Chelmno
Lhe prlsoners were herded lnLo gas vans lnsLead of gas chambers)
O AuschwlLz was Lhe largesL concenLraLlon and exLermlnaLlon camp bullL lL ls esLlmaLed LhaL
11 mllllon people were kllled aL AuschwlLz


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