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AgrlculLure ls Lhe backbone of ll[l economy nowadays as Lhe cosL of llvlng lncrease

farmlng seems Lo be Lhe soluLlon 1hough lL may Lake a loL of hard work Llme sweaL and
paLlence aL Lhe end of Lhe day where Lhe cash comes ln one can say LhaL lt wos wottb tbe
1hls Lask ls abouL Lhe managemenL of an AgrlculLural LnLerprlse whlch sLudenLs wlll
choose carry ouL sell and wrlLe a reporL on all Lhe Lhlngs LhaL Lhey have done Lhrough each
phase of Lhelr Lask
SLudenLs have approxlmaLely 3 monLhs Lo compleLe all aspecLs of Lhelr Lask and Lhe
Llmellne for Lhe compleLlon of each phase of Lhe Lask should be sLrlcLly followed

1A8LL Cl CCn1Ln1

1 MarkeL Survey 2 weeks 8 marks
2 8udgeL
3 Schedule of work
4 Carry ouL LnLerprlse
3 ParvesL roducLs
6 osL ParvesL 1reaLmenL
7 use of producLs
8 use of 8yproducLs
9 AccounLs

WhaL ls MarkeL Survey?
lL ls Lhe collecLlng and analyzlng of lnformaLlon so LhaL lnformed and wlse declslons abouL a
producL or servlce ls made le whaL Lo produce how Lo produce when Lo produce where Lo
sell and aL whaL cosL eLc
Alm of MarkeL Survey
llnd ouL Lhe needs and wanLs of consumers (buyers) of a well deflned LargeL markeL and dellver
lL for cusLomer saLlsfacLlon CusLomer saLlsfacLlon 1he degree Lo whlch Lhere ls a maLch
beLween a cusLomer's expecLaLlon of a good or servlce and Lhe acLual performance of LhaL
good or servlces
1hrough markeL survey one wlll know beLLer whaL Lhe cusLomers needs are and aL Lhe same
Llme producLlon of a more saLlsfylng producL or servlce
Pow ls a MarkeL Survey ConducLed?
1 ldenLlfy a LargeL
2 8esearch whaL do Lhey wanL?
how much do Lhey wanL?
how much does lL cosL?
3 Analyzlng Lhe lnformaLlon gaLhered
4 ueclde whaL Lo produce

Alm of Lask/SLudenLs Lask
8y Lhe end of Lhe sLage sLudenLs should be able Lo
l ueflne markeL survey
ll repare or show evldence of markeL survey research lnformaLlon
lll ConducL markeL survey
lv Analyze Lhe resulL from Lhe conducLlng of markeL survey
v Choose a sulLable agrlculLural enLerprlse for Lhe school form board on Lhe resulL of Lhe markeL
Marklng CrlLerla
1ask descrlpLlon CrlLerla marks
MarkeL survey
(8 marks)
reparaLlon (2 marks) CuesLlons prepared relevanL 2 marks
CuesLlons prepared noL relevanL/no quesLlons
1 mark
AdmlnlsLer survey
(2 marks)
CuesLlonnalres dlsLrlbuLed and collecLed on
2 marks
CuesLlonnalres noL dlsLrlbuLed or collecLed laLe 1 mark
Analysls (2 marks) lnformaLlon analyzed 2 marks
lnformaLlon noL analyzed 1 mark
LnLerprlse selecLlon
(2 marks)
8ased on analysls of markeL survey 2 marks
noL based on analysls of markeL survey 1 mark

uaLe uues
03/02/11 8rlef glven Lo sLudenLs
09/02/11 urafL 1 due for marklng
14/02/11 urafL 2 due for marklng
17/02/11 llnal copy due for marklng

?ou have 2 weeks Lo compleLe Lhls sLage of Lhe Lask

ASklnC 1C 1PL lA8ML8S
1 larmers name Suresh rasad
2 Age 48
3 Where do you llve? Muanlwenl hlllslde
4 WhaL are some of Lhe Lhlngs you planL on your farm? ualo eggplanL and cabbage
3 WhaL Lype of crop Lo you planL? Chlnese cabbage
6 AfLer how many days do you harvesL Lhe crop? 3 weeks
7 AL whaL Llme do you waLer Lhe crops? 2 Llmes a day
8 Whlch ferLlllzer do you use ln Lhe crop? 8lend c b
9 WhaL pesLlcldes do you use? 8alnbow and CLln
10Pow ofLen do you use Lhem? Lvery 3 weeks
11Why do you use Lhem? 1o klll lnsecLs and weeds
12WhaL wlll be Lhe cosL of your crop? $130
13WhaL are some of Lhe Lhlngs LhaL you do afLer you have planLed your crops? WaLer lL
and plck ouL Lhe weeds
14Pow much dlsLance dld you leave ln beLween Lhe planL? 6 Lo 7 lnches
13Pow much proflL dld you geL by selllng your crop? We sold 90 bundles aL a prlce of $130
and made a proflL of $13300


1 larmers name hul Chand
2 Age 48
3 Where do you llve? Muanlwenl hlllslde
4 WhaL are some of Lhe Lhlngs LhaL you planL on your farm? ualo cabbage and okra
3 WhaL Lype of crop do you planL? Chlnese cabbage
6 AfLer how many days do you harvesL Lhe crop? 3 Lo 4 weeks
7 AL whaL Llme do you waLer Lhe planL? 2 Llmes a day
8 Whlch ferLlllzers do you use ln Lhe crops? urea and nk
9 Whlch pesLlcldes do you use? CrLhene and ralnbow
10Why do you use Lhem? Lo klll weeds
11Pow ofLen do you use Lhem? Lvery 3 weeks
12WhaL wlll be Lhe cosL of your crop? $200
13WhaL are some of Lhe Lhlng you do afLer you have planLed your crops? uL ferLlllzer
14 Pow much dlsLance dld you leave ln beLween Lhe planLs? 3 Lo 7 lnches
13Pow much proflL dld you geL by selllng your crop? $6000 per 30 bundles


1 larmers name 8avlnesh chand
2 Age 27
3 Where do you llve nasl
4 WhaL are some of Lhe Lhlngs you planL on your farm? lrench bean cassava and cabbage
3 WhaL Lype of crop do you planL? Chlnese cabbage
6 AfLer how many days do you harvesL Lhe crop? 3 Lo 4 weeks
7 AL whaL Llme do you waLer Lhe planL? 1wlce a day
8 Whlch ferLlllzers do you ln Lhe crops? 8alnbow and orLhene
9 Whlch pesLlcldes do you use? urea and nk
10Why do you use Lhem? 1o klll lnsecLs and weeds
11Pow ofLen do you use Lhem? 3 weeks
12WhaL wlll be Lhe cosL of your crop? $130
13WhaL are some of Lhe Lhlngs you do afLer you have planLed Lhe crop? klll Lhe weeds
14Pow much dlsLance dld you leave ln beLween Lhe planLs? 6 Lo 7 lnches
13Pow much proflL dld you geL by selllng your crop? $8030

1 number of farmers quesLloned? 3 farmers
2 Age of Lhe farmers? 8eLween 23 Lo 30
3 larmers llve ln? Muanlwenl and nasl
4 WhaL Lypes of crops Lo Lhey planL? MosL of Lhem planL Chlnese cabbages
3 AfLer how many days do Lhey harvesL Lhelr crops? 3 Lo 4 weeks
6 AL whaL Llme do Lhey waLer Lhelr crops? 1wlce a day
7 Whlch ferLlllzers do Lhey use ln Lhelr farms? MosLly urea and nk
8 WhaL pesLlcldes Lo Lhey use on Lhelr farms? MosLly 8alnbow and orLhene
9 Pow ofLen do Lhey use Lhem? When Lhe weed have grown
10Why do Lhey use Lhem? 1o klll lnsecLs and weeds
11WhaL was Lhe cosL of Lhe crop? 8eLween $100 Lo $200 per bundle
12WhaL were some of Lhe Lhlngs Lhe farmers dld afLer planLlng Lhe crops? Weeded Lhe
farm and puL ferLlllzer
13Pow much dlsLance dld Lhey leave ln beLween Lhe planLs? 6 Lo 7 lnches
14Pow much proflL dld Lhey make by selllng Lhe crops? 8eLween $6000 Lo $13300

name of Lhe person Pumesh
Shop sLem

8equlremenL Shop CosL CuanLlLy
Seed Chlnese cabbage _ _ _
nk nw $200 1 kg
urea nw $130 1kg
8equlremenL Shop CosL CuanLlLy
Seed Chlnese cabbage
nk vlnod paLel $293 1 kg
urea vlnod paLel $293 1 kg

name of Lhe person lalguhl aLa
Shop sLem

requlremenL Shop CosL CuanLlLy
SeedChlnese cabbage MP $164 1 packeL
nk MP $322 2 kg
urea MP $313 2 kg

name of Lhe person Abdul lrfan khan
Shop sLem

nk 200
urea 130
Seeds 164
1oLal $314

AfLer Lhe compleLlon of Lhls sLage lL can be concluded LhaL Lhe LoLal cosL requlred for Lhls Lask ls$314
1hls was done afLer researchlng on budgeLlng and llsLlng Lhe requlred lnpuLs whlch are urea and nk
and cabbage seeds

uA1L AC1lvl1? CCMLL1lCn
03/03/11 Land preparaLlon 060311
06/03/11 Addlng of M 060311
23/03/11 lanLlng 200311
03/06/11 lerLlllzer appllcaLlon nk 030611
03/06/11 lerLlllzer appllcaLlon urea 240611
03/06/11 lerLlllzer appllcaLlon blend b 010711
20/06/11 Weedlng 130711
20/06/11 WaLerlng 130711
13/07/11 ParvesLlng 130711
13/07/11 MarkeLlng 190711
20/07/11 orLfollo complllng 030811
20/07/11 SubmlLLlng porLfollo 030811

C8C 8CuuC1lCn
Crop Chlnese cabbage
8oLanlcal name 8rasslca chlnensls
SlLe locaLlon
Land should noL be excesslvely dralned
Chlnese cabbage can be grown on land wlLh elevaLlon less Lhan 130cm
Can LoleraLe a slde range of soll condlLlons
Seed bed preparaLlon
Clear Lhe area Lo be used 8emove blg sLones and planL rooL
Mark Lhe seed bed 3m by 1m ls an easy slze Lo prepare
ulg cuL Lhe soll 13m deep 8uL puL Lhe soll on Lhe slde and sub soll on Lhe oLher slde
uL small sLones no Lop Lo help wlLh Lhe dralnage
Mlx wlLh 1 packeL of soll of sand and dlsLrlbuLe equally
ConsLrucL a wood frame around Lhe seed bed Lo prevenL soll mlxLure from sllpplng off
Land preparaLlon
Clear Lhe area Lo be used and remove blg sLones and planL rooLs
Mark a ploL slze of 3m by 1m
ulg Lhe area Lo be planLed uslng a dlgglng fork
8rlng Lhe soll Lo flne LllL
Mlx some poulLry manure Lhoroughly
Level Lhe garden ploL whlch should be 13cm above ground
Seed selecLlon
Cnly vlable seed should be used for sowlng
Seed musL be able Lo germlnaLe emerge form Lhe soll and produce a healLhy planL
Seed germlnaLlon
1o germlnaLe seeds need Lhe rlghL amounL of
1emperaLure29 degrees
WaLer soll molsLure above 30
lanLlng dlsLance/spaclng
1820cm beLween planL and 33cm beLweens rows
1ransplanLlng seedllngs
Seedllngs are ready for LransplanLlng on 34weeks when Lhey reach 3 sLage
Cnly healLhy and vlgorous seed should be used
Seed bed should be waLered half an hour before llfLlng Lhe seedllng
Seedllng should be handled carefully Lo avold breaklng Lhe sLems and damaglng Lhe rooLs
1ransplanL laLe ln Lhe afLernoon or on cloudy days
ManagemenL pracLlces
Crganlc manure such as composL or poulLry manure ls mlxed wlLh soll before LransplanLlng
Area applled around planL 12 weeks afLer LransplanLlng
Pand fork or hoe used lnLerrow culLlvaLlon Lo conLrol weeds and Lo heap Lhe soll around Lhe
WaLer planLs ln dry condlLlons
lence area Lo keep ouL anlmals
esL and ulsease ConLrol
Cphlds and od 8earers Spray orLhene noLe (20grams ln 14grams of waLer)
8usL 8ooL 8oL pracLlce crop roLaLlon
SLem 8oL apply beanlace or manazeb

PA8vLS1lnC Anu MA8kL1lnC
8eady for harvesLlng ln 8 10 weeks afLer planLlng
ConLlnue harvesLlng for 4 weeks
ParvesL pod whlle sLllls Lender
Cleaned properly and sold ln markeL
?leld 3 7 Lonnes/hecLare
04/08/11 ParvesLed 8 8undles
Sold [ $100 per 8undles
lncome $800

CuL rooL sysLem
8emove older lower leaves
Clean and sLore ln cool place
Avold physlcal damage whlle handllng crop produce

Cabbage ls used for frled rlce and also ln Chlnese dlshes llke chopsuey

Chlnese cabbage has no by producLs

lncome CeneraLed lrom Sales $800
Less Lxpenses $314

AfLer compleLlng Lhls pro[ecL l was able Lo know more abouL and LhaL agrlculLure ls Lhe
backbone of ll[l's economy and more abouL AgrlculLural Sclence
l am very proud of my pro[ecL
1hank ?ou

1 whaL ls your name?
2 how old are you?
3 where do you llve?

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