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Surprise Shrug

Spun in Nazareth, Pennsylvania

Designed Exclusively for Kraemer Yarns

by Eleanor Swogger




Tatamy Tweed Worsted

45% Cotton 55% Acrylic

5 skeins color of your choice

Childs Large / Adult Small


Using larger needles 20 sts = 4 / 10 cm

U.S. 6 / 4.25 mm 29 Circular Needle U.S. 8 / 5 mm 29 Circular Needle U.S. 10 / 6 mm Straight or Circular Needle for binding off

Tweed ata T WORSTED


This shrug will knit up quickly. Laying at this shrug looks like a sweater gone wrong. Put it on and - Surprise - it turns in to a beautifully shaped shrug.

Surprise Shrug
Notes: TR (Twist Right) K second st on the left-hand needle by working in front loop only (do not take o the needle) K rst stitch take both o With size 6 needle cast on 58 stitches. Cu Row 1 - (WS) K1, P1 (K2, P2,) across row to last four stitches, K2, P1, K1. Cu Row 2 - (RS) K 2, (P2, TR, P2, K2) seven times, P2, TR, P2, K2. Repeat these two rows until work measures 3 inches, ending with a wrong side row. On next row change to size 8 needle and K1, M1, K1 (P2, TR, P2, M1, K1, M1, K1) six times, P2, TR, P2, M1, K2 (72 stitches) Work following two rows until work measures 55 inches: Row 1- K1, P2, (K2, P2, K2, P4) six times, K2, P2, K2, P2, K1. Row 2- K3, (P2, TR, P2, K4) six times, P2, TR, P2, K3. End with wrong side row. Next row - K1, K2tog, (P2, TR, P2, K2tog twice) 6 times, P2, TR, P2, K2tog, K1 (58 stitches) Change to size 6 needles. Repeat cu rows starting with cu row 1 for three inches. Bind o in pattern. Mark 14 from each cu end. Sew 14 seam from beginning of each cu to marked spot. With size 8, 29 circular needle pick up 120 stitches from one underarm (end of seam to other underarm), PM, pick up 120 more stitches to meet beginning of picked-up stitches, PM. Body Round 1 - (K2, P2, TR, P2, K2) twenty four times. Body Round 2 - (K2, P2, K2, P2, K2) twenty four times. Repeat these two rows for nine inches. Bind o in pattern with size 10 needle.

We are committed to excellence in our products and strive to make these instructions as accurate and complete as possible. However, we cannot be responsible for the variance of individual knitters and crocheters, human error, or typographical mistakes. If you have any questions, please e-mail us at


beg BO CC CN CO cont dec(s) dpn g st inc(s) K K1, s1, psso K2tog K2tog tbl kwise LH begin bind off contrasting color cable needle cast on, cast off continue decrease(s)/decreasing double-pointed needles garter stitch (K every row) increase(s)/increasing knit knit one, slip one, pass slipped stitch over knit 2 together knit 2 together through back loop knitwise left hand M1 MC P p2sso P2tog patt rep(s) patt(s) PM psso pwise rem rep RH rnd(s) RS sl make one (increase 1 stitch) main color purl pass 2 slipped stitches over purl 2 stitches together (1 stitch decreased) pattern repeat(s) pattern(s) place marker pass slipped stitch over purlwise remain(ing) repeat right hand round(s) right side slip ssk st st st(s) tbl tog WS wyib wyif yo yon () * [] slip 1, slip1, knit 2 slipped stitches together stockinette (stocking) stitch (1 row K, 1 row P) stitch(es) through back of loop together wrong side with yarn in back with yarn in front yarn over yarn over needle repeat instructions in parentheses number of times indicated repeat instructions following asterisk as indicated or until end of row instructions in square brackets refer to larger sizes

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