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ASNAU SENATE MEETING #8 OFFICIAL MINUTES Date: November 11, 2011 Date of Senate Meeting: November 10th, 2011

Prepared by Makenzie Mastrud Senate Chair Sidney West called the Senate meeting of the 2011-2012 Senate to order at 4: 08PM in the Havasupai Room A & B of the University Union. Roll Call The following Senators were not present at the meeting: -Senator Libby Approval of Minutes Motion: Senator Buchta move to approve last weeks minutes from 11/3/11 Second: Senator Villa Discussion: None Vote: Unanimous, last weeks minutes are now approved Call to the Audience None Unfinished Business SMS Snacks: Didnt know they were on the agenda New Action Business Motion: Senator Bingham move to vote on item a, Senate Bill 24-20: Audrey Auditorium seats, $3,500 for purchasing of 10 seats Second: Senator Alcorn Discussion: none Vote: Unanimous, item a, Senate Bill 24-20: Audrey Auditorium seats, $3,500 for purchasing of 10 seats has been approved Number on council: 12 Number present: 11

Motion: Senator Niemann on item c, Senate Bill 24-22:Kappa Kappa Psi, $2000 for NAU Lumber Jack Marching Band Banquet Second: Senator Bingham Discussion: Senator Woodhouse asked for $200 how long will it be? 7pm-11pm. Senator Barnes asked how many people? Over 75-90. Senator Alcorn asked what are the expenses going to? The top two things on the budget. They are guest teachers from Phoenix so they need gas money. Senator Lee asked will this cost money? $8 pre-sale in costume, $10 at the door. Vote: Unanimous, congratulations Marching Band you have received your funding for $2,000 Motion: Senator Bingham on item b, Senate Bill: 24-21:Golden Axe Award, $2,000 Second: Senator Villa Discussion: none Vote: Unanimous, item b, Senate Bill: 24-21:Golden Axe Award for $2,000 has been approved Executive report a. President- Blaise Caudill - Sustainability meeting went well, working on agendas, bylaws, and admission statement next meeting will be 11-28-11 at 5pm in ASNAU office. Met with David Bousquet and talked about financial aid. Looking to meet with a senator to talk about a resolution about the Pell program. Schedule Sheris appointments on-line only! b. Vice President of Student affairs- Sammy Smart - Tailgate canceled last game, next week there will be tailgating so depending on weather please sign up. Waiting on club headquarter stuff to be shipped in. Pick up after yourself in the office, its looking messy. There will be a cleaning schedule starting next week.


Vice President of Academic Affairs- Sidney West - Office hours due today. Office is closed tomorrow no office hours on Friday. Please do your forums even if they are no longer in your month. d. Chief of Staff- Chloe Olson - Survey for concert, rollover funding, and governing documents will be going out November 14th-27th. We will be doing tabling throughout the week please sign up.

Staff Reports A. ASA- Chelsea Byers, Wes Enns, Jenn Hancock - We are Pell campaign in Nationwide. Please join the group on Facebook. Starting other campaigns, like voter registration.

B. Public Relations- Julia Lesniak - Working on new designs for kiss my axe shirts and the snowjack express banner C. Special events- Caitlin Heck, Rachel Rogala - Listed the top ten performers that are going to be on the survey. D. NSO- Erick Gonzalez, Heather Reeves - Talent show date has been decided, next weekend they are having a thanksgiving dinner. Committee Reports A. Appropriations: when you are handing out OAs and Bills please tell them to fill out all information. There will now be a cover sheet on quick-hits. Revisiting Bills, OAs & IAs formats. B. Legislative: Thank you for reading and voting on the documents Senator Reports A. Nate Alcorn No announcements B. Sally Barnes - E-mailed clubs, not that much response, wrote a bill for younglife. C. Hal Bingham Met with dean from Business College, was looking to have a voice from the students making an official statement why they suppor the pledge program. D. Anthony Buchta Wrote bill for Ardrey Auditorium, and Kappa Kappa Psi. Voted to keep on the portal the link to Louie. E. Samantha DLeon Sits on a great appeal in 3 weeks F. Samantha Cross No announcements G. Ryan Lee Wrote a bill with Dr. B, sits on a committee for teacher evaluations. Pulling some students who will take the evaluation early. H. Zach Libby Attended RHA meeting, and encouraged them to apply for the student regent position. Let clubs know about the spring concert & survey. Working with gymnastics club for funding OA and Bill. October forum is continuing to work it out.

I. Annsley Niemann Pre-vet club wanting OA for conference. Forum next Thursday in the office, please stick around & send out poster. J. Matthew Villa Went to parking services appeal.. can someone take his Friday office hours from 10-12 next week, too busy. K. Gavin Walton Enjoyed parking services committee, working on drafting bill and OA for club soccer. L. Shayla Woodhouse Met with green fund committee. Sent out an e-mail about 23 forum. Advisor Reports (Rick Brandel and Art Farmer) Rick Brandel No report Art Farmer Be careful this weekend. If IT has issues with survey, then he can use the schools survey maker. Discussion Items A. CIE: Center for international education, is here to talk about the funding for the study abroad scholarship. Many students have benefited from this scholarship. Huge increase in summer programs that need funding. ASNAU provided $48,000 last year to this scholarship. Their outreach to students is that they go to classrooms to spread the word about studying abroad ever semester, during advising session, and via website. There is a committee and there are also requirements for the scholarship. More students want to study abroad, and some majors are making it required to study abroad. Please keep funding the scholarship, and finally NAU is among a handful of student governments who provide funds specifically for study abroad. B. Revised constitution and election code: After the online voting has taken place, the Vice President of Academic Affairs must present the tally of votes and results in the announcements of the next Senate Meeting. Changed to REPORTS. Should say student senators or senators at large. Motion: Senator Alcorn moves to vote on revised constitution. Second: Senator Buchta Vote: 11 pass, PASSED C. Extended Library hours: More money needs to be allocated to the line. It is more expensive, Sidney will be sending out an e-mail. Announcements None Adjournment

Motion: Senator Niemann Second: Senator Villa Unanimous 4:56 P.M.

A. Supports NAU, will recognize ASNAU as involved on campus. $ transferred interdepartmentally. B. Traditional awards for Seniors graduating every semester. One of the most prestigious awards on campus. ASNAU pays for them to be made. Ordered 30 this Fall semester. The total is $1,313.24 C. Putting on a dance Nov. 19 for NAu student body & community. Bring guest teachers and musitions to help bring them to the event. $ for venue. Northern Arizona Yoga center. Close to campus. Gas money for the guest to come help. Not the first dance they have done, first time they are asking for funding. Ryan: how are you going to advertise? They are going to be dancing on the ped-way on Monday & passing out flyers. Advertising via Newspaper.

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