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Purpose: In this lab, we will be conducting an experiment where we will observe the acts oI

passive transport: diIIusion and osmosis. The experiment will show how molecules in a solution
are able to move Irom an area oI high concentration to an area oI low concentration. With this, it
will also show us how hypertonic and hypotonic solutions exist, as well as how cells try to get
back into an isotonic state. This lab will allow us to learn why and how diIIusion and osmosis
happens in all living things. We will be testing the movement oI solutes Irom their area oI high
concentration to the area oI lower concentration that surrounds them.

Exercise A)
1) Obtain dialysis tubing that has been submerged in water. Tie oII an end to Iorm a
2) Test the solution Ior a presence oI glucose.
3) Place a starch solution into the bag.
4) Fill a beaker 2/3 Iull oI water and add a solution to the water. Record the color
change oI the solution and amount oI glucose present.
5) Immerse the bag into the beaker oI solution.
6) Wait 30 minutes or until a distinct color change has taken place in both the bag and
7) Test the liquid remaining in the beaker Ior any presence oI glucose.
Exercise B)
1) Obtain 6 strips oI presoaked dialysis tubing.
2) Tie a knot in one end oI each piece oI tubing to Iorm 6 bags. Fill them each up with
diIIerent solutions.
3) Rinse and record weight oI each bag.
4) Place each bag into a beaker to Iind the molarity oI the solution in the dialysis bags.
5) Now Iill each beaker with 2/3 oI water or enough to completely submerge the bag.
6) AIter 30 minutes, remove bags Irom water and determine their mass.
Exercise C)
1) Slice a potato into 4 discs without skin.
2) Pour assigned solution into a beaker.
3) Measure and record the mass oI the 4 discs.
4) Put all 4 discs into the designated solution and let sit overnight.
5) Remove discs. Measure and record their total mass.
6) Calculate percentage change Irom initial to Iinal and graph data.
Exercise D)
1) Complete the questions on the calculations oI water potential Irom experiment.
Exercise E)
1) Prepare a wet mount slide oI an epidermis oI an onion. Observe and record what you
2) Add a Iew drops oI a salt solution across the slide. Sketch and describe the onion cell.
3) Remove the cover slip and Ilood the onion cell with water. Observe and describe what
happened to the cell.

Exercise A)
Soluto3 Color Prese3ts of Glucose
3tal F3al 3tal F3al
Bag 15 glucose
& 1 starch
Clear Dark green Yes Yes
Beaker H2O & Dark orange Orange No Yes

Exercise B)
Co3te3t 3
Dalyss Bag
3tal Mass F3al Mass Mass Dffere3ce Perce3t Cha3ge
3 Mass`
a) M
6.87g 7.18 .31 4.51
-) 2 M
5.60g 5.77 .17 3.03
c) M
5.31g 5.93 .62 11.6
d) M
6.18g 7.08 .9 14.56
e) M
5.72g 7.68 1.96 34.27
f) 1 M
5.78g 7.99 2.21 38.24

Group Data
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group Group 5 Group
-12.38 5.54 -3 1.01 4.51 -6.08
2 M
-4.35 10.28 .49 13.4 3.03 10.37
-12.30 11.54 2.17 18.7 11.6 -1.03
-12.12 19.86 5.55 28.7 14.56 11.05
17.37 18.23 4.38 24.9 34.27 14.3
1 M
25.45 27.0 11.1 29.0 38l.24 3.2

Co3te3ts 3
3tal Mass F3al Mass Mass Dffere3ce Perce3t Cha3ge
3 Mass
a) M
3 32 5 1
-) 2 M
25 2 3
c) M
3 35 2
d) M
15 35 11 2
e) M
325 25 5 23
f) 1 M
21 1 3 1
3 Beker
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group Group 5 Group
11 13 11 1 1 13
2 M
3 3 22 3 2
-5 - -35 - - -
-3 -11 -12 -123 -2 -2125
-2 -22 -11 -2 -23 -23
1 M
2 -21 -23 -22 -1 -2

Exercise A)
1) Glucose is leaving the bag and the IKI is entering the bag. The change in the color oI the bag
proves IKI is entering the bag and aIter testing the beaker, we Iound there to be
glucose, which proves that glucose was leaving the bag and entering the beaker oI H2O
and IKI.
2) In the results, the IKI moved Irom the beaker to the bag. This caused the change in the color
oI the bag. The IKI moved into the bag to make the concentrations outside the bag equal to
inside the bag. The glucose solution moved out oI the bag. The glucose moved to make the
solute concentration inside and outside the bag equal.
3) II the initial and Iinal percent concentration oI glucose and IKI Ior the bag and the beaker
were given, they would show the diIIerences and prove the movement oI these substances to
reach equilibrium.
4) Water molecules, IKI molecules, Glucose molecules, and Membrane Pores. Starch
molecules are too large to enter or exit through the holes oI the dialysis tubing.
5) II the experiment started with glucose and IKI inside the bag with H2O and starch in the
beaker, the glucose and IKI would move out oI the bag to make the concentrations equal,
changing the color oI the solution within the beaker, the starch, however, could not move into the
bag because its molecules are too big to pass through the semi-permeable membrane oI the
dialysis tubing.
Exercise B)
1) The molarity oI the sucrose in the bag determines the amount oI water that either moves into
or out oI the bag, which in turn, changes the mass. For example, when the bag contained a 0.2M
solution, water entered the bag to make the concentrations inside and outside oI the bag more
equal. As this happened, the mass rose by 0.9 grams, a 4.2 percent increase.
2) II each oI the bags were placed into a 0.4M solution instead oI distilled water, the masses oI
the bags would have changed in diIIerent ways. The mass oI the bags Iilled with distilled water
and 0.2M sucrose would have gone down because water would have leIt the bag. The mass oI
the 0.4M bag would have stayed the same because the
concentrations are now equal. The masses oI the 0.6M, 0.8M, and 1.0M bags would have
increased because water would have moved into the bag to equalize the concentrations.
3) The percent change in mass was calculated to show how much the mass increased due to the
addition oI water, which was trying to equal the concentrations in both the bags and the cups.
4) 18 20 2; 2 / 20 0.10; 0.10x10010 change in mass
5) The sucrose solution in the beaker would have been hypotonic to the distilled water in the bag.
Exercise D)
1) The water potential oI the potato core aIter dehydrating will decrease because the water within
the potato would evaporate and thereIore lower the water potential.
2) The solute concentration oI the plant cell is hypertonic because the solute concentration is
higher than the water concentration. Because oI this, water will diIIuse into the cell to reach
dynamic equilibrium.
3) The pressure potential oI the system is equal to 0.
4) The water potential is greater in the dialysis bag.
5) Water will diIIuse out oI the bag since the water potential is higher in the bag and watermoves
Irom areas oI higher water potential to areas oI lower water potential.
9) Adding solute to a solution increases solute potential because the solute concentration
10) a) Distilled Water will have a higher concentration oI water molecules.
b) Distilled Water will have a higher water potential.
c) The red blood cells would increase in size due to water is moving Irom the area oI higher
water potential until equilibrium is reached.
Exercise E)
1) The cells look like normal plant cells.
2) The cells shrunk.
3) The cells increased back to their normal size.
Analysis of Results.
1) Plasmolysis is the loss oI water and turgor pressure within a plant cell.
2) The onion cells should plasmolyze because the area surrounding them had a lower
water potential thus water should have moved out oI the cells.
3) Grasses that live on the sides oI roads that have been salted in the winter tend to die
because the water is drained Irom their cells as the water moves out oI the grass cells
and into the hypertonic NaCl area around it.
In this lab, we observed passive transport, both diIIusion and osmosis, but more osmosis than
anything else. In Exercise A. Starch molecules cannot diIIuse out oI the bag and into the water
surrounding it because I learned that they were too big to exit though the semi-permeable
dialysis tubing. We witnessed how the bags got heavier aIter 30 minutes, indicating water
diIIused into the bag to try and make them isotonic with their surrounding environment in
Exercise B. In Exercise C, the water potential Ior the potato was negative; indicating water
movement towards the potatoes was high. For Exercise E. the onion sample, once with salt added
to it, showed how the cells became hypertonic and shriveled up, but as soon as water hit them,
they grew right back up and became one again. AIter looking at our data and the class data, I
believe we had made a couple oI mistakes, but overall I enjoyed seeing the diIIerent reactions in
these experiments.

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