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The Entry, Distribution, and Elimination of Drugs Duration of Drug Action after Single Doses First Order Elimination

For a 1st order elimination, the duration of a therapeutically effective drug concentration increases as the logarithm of the amount of drug in the body fluids

- Duration of action increases as the logarithm of the dose - Fig 4-6

Pharmacodynamics: Role of Drug Distribution and Tissue Responsiveness

- Many factors may modify the relation between plasma drug concentration and responses o Lack of rapid equilibration of drug in plasma with target tissue o A drugs action may be briefer than its presence in the blood or it may far outlast it. Bactericidal drugs, alkylating agents [after producing their irreversible chemical effects] quick destruction Organophosphate cholinesterase agents degraded rapidly buteffects last till new enzyme is synthesized

Drug concentration in plasma and tissue: Multicompartment Kinetics

- A drug entering the plasma is expected to distribute evenly in blood and well perfused tissues in a few minutes [CO = 5L/min, ~6L vol]

- The movement of a drug from blood to other tissues can significantly affect time course and extent of drug action o Eg, complete exclusion of certain drugs by the BBB o Slow diffusion in extracellular space o Low blood flow [poorly perfused tissues resting muscle, fat, and skin] - Fig 4-18

Two-compartment model
- In this model, the drug is considered to be in one of two pools or compartments

Drug is administered into the central compartment X1 considered to include blood and highly perfused tissues heart, brain, kidney X2 Tissue fluid or poorly perfused tissues

- Fig 4-19

Site of Drug Action: Effect Compartment

The time required for equilibrium of a drug between the central and peripheral compartments can vary greatly Atracurium [t1/2 for distribution = 2 mins] Digoxin [t1/2 for distribution = 35 mins] Amiodarone [t1/2 for distribution = many hours]

Site of Drug Action: Effect Compartment - If the receptors responsible for the drug effect are in equilibrium with
drug in the central compartment, the effect will peak rapidly and decline in a manner similar to the plasma drug concentration. - If the receptors are in equilibrium with drug in the peripheral compartment, there would be an expected delay in the onset of response - Eg: Digoxin plasma levels rise and fall rapidly, but the effect takes hours to develop - The response follows the time course calculated for the tissue compartment - Fig 4-20 - Eg: Lidocaine both the toxic effects on the CNS and the cardiac electrophysiological effects correlate best with the concentration of drug in the central compartment - For different drugs [digoxin and lidocaine], even though they are affecting the same tissue [the heart], the receptors may appear to be in equilibrium with either the peripheral or central compartment

- Effect compartment - Eg: Synthetic opiates fentanyl and alfentanil given to supplement nitrous oxide anesthesia - In contrast to digoxin, the delay in the onset of opiate response cannot be related to the time course of bulk tissue distribution - Distribution of fentanyl [t1/2 = 4.5 minutes] is slightly faster than the onset of response [t1/2 = 6.4 minutes]. For alfentanil [t1/2 = 6.2 minutes] is slower than the response [t1/2 = 1.1 minutes]

This can be explained by postulating that the entry of alfentanil into the target site [effect compartment] is faster than that of fentanyl even though both are distributed with similar kinetics into peripheral tissue

- Differences unlikely to be due to slow activation of receptors since both drugs have a rapid onset of action in vitro.

Nonlinear Concentration Effect Relations

- The magnitude of the response in relation to the concentration of the drug at the site of action. - Hyperbolic curve Eg; Fig 4-22 for theophylline Saturation of forced expiratory volume at higher concentrations

In the saturation range [x > EC80], very large changes in drug concentration result in only small changes in response. Eg: A 5 In the middle range of concentrations [EC80 > x > EC20] exponentially decreasing drug concentration results in a nearly linear decrease in response fold decrease in concentration [20xEC50 to 4xEC50] reduces the response only 15 % [from 95% to 80 %]

At lowest concentrations [EC20 > x] the response is a linear function of drug concentration

- For drugs with large therapeutic indices, effects of long duration can be achieved despite short elimination half-times, if doses in the saturation range are given. - Fig 4-23 A drug with a 2-hour elimination half-time may have an effective half-time of 10 hours if doses that produce 95 % response may be tolerated.

FINAL EXAM DATE: TUESDAY, MAY 14 PLACE: HCH [Hall behind the Bookstore] TIME: 6 PM

MATERIAL FROM TEXTBOOK: Pages 201 265, 277 288 Pages 297 308, 335 342

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