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SoItware Requirements

Just Imagine "& wish come true"

Prepared by:
1.Eman Saeed Abd ElAziz.
2.Shymaa ElSaid Abd ElHady.
3.Mahitab Abd ElHamid Salama.
4.Marah MostaIa Aboutaleb.
5.Nourhan ElSaid Soudi.
6.Omnia Adel Ahmed.

Faculty oI computers and inIormatics - Benha University

08l0 0f08l00

180l0 0l 00l0l8

Introduction ....................4
1.1 Project Overview ................4
1.2 Purpose .....................4
1.3 Scope .....................4

2 Overall Description .................5
2.1 Product Perspective ................5
2.2 Product Features ..................5
2.3 Operating Environment..................6
2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints.............6
2.6 User Documentation...................6

3 System features....................................7
3.1 way oI shopping......................7
3.2 making Iavorite list.....................7
3.3 buying by credit card...................8
3.4 making deal.......................8
3.5 contact administrator...................9
3.6 editing products inIormation..................9
3.7 add/delete products......................9
3.8 receive daily reports...................10
3.9 add/delete shop.......................10
3.10 update advertisement...................10
3.11 contact shop admin...................11
3.12 receive reports......................11

4 External Interface Requirements...........12

4.1 User InterIaces..................12

Other Nonfunctional
5.1 SaIety Requirements.................16
5.2 security requirements.................16
5.3 SoItware Quality Attributes...............16

ppendix : Glossary.............17

ppendix B: nalysis Models..............18


1.1 Project Overview

Just Imagine is a website Ior a mall that allow user to browse all oIIered
products and buy them by credit card and receive product in any place being
there. and allow user to make deal with mall manager or speciIic shop
manager. and allow user to submit a complaint and submit a suggestion about
mall or website
it also allow shop administrator to add new products or delete another
products and receive daily reports about shelled products and any another
products Irom customer.
Just Imagine also allow administrator to add new shops and delete closed
shops and make advertisement about shops and products.

1.2 Purpose
online buying Iacilitates shopping process.
reduce congestion in markets.
Saves time and eIIort Ior customers.
help in the marketing oI products.

1.3 Scope
the project will Iacilitate shopping process by providing services Ior
customers that enable them to buy the wanted product Irom website by credit
and help mall manager in the process oI marketing products through the

2 Overall Description

2 Product Perspective

"Just Imagine" is a new selI-contained product,

22 Product Features
"Just Imagine" has many Ieatures including:
O Customer can make shopping by category or by brand.
O Customer can make his/her own Iavorite list to Iacilitate buying.
O Customer can pay online by credit card.
O customer can make deal with the shop manager or the manager oI
the mall online, he can leave his personal data and his oIIer to be
shown by manager (to market his own products in a particular
shop, purchase a large quantity oI speciIic products or rent shop
Irom the owner oI the mall).
O Customer can evaluate the site and send complaints or suggestions
to the manager.
O Shop admin can edit product inIormation shown in the site.
O Shop admin can add/delete products.
O site enable shop admin to receive daily reports about soled
products and iI there is any suggestion, complaints or deals Irom
O Administrator can add/delete speciIic shop to the site.
O Administrator can update the advertisement.
O Administrator can contact with the shop admin over the site.
O Administrator will be enabled to receive reports over the site.

23 Operating Environment
SoItware will operate on any operating system and a suitable
web browser.

24 Design and Implementation Constraints

O Programming language will be used is JAVA.
O Database to be used will be oracle database.
O anguage oI the site will be English.

2 User Documentation
There is online help documentation.

3 System Features
3 Way of shopping
3 Description and priority
The site allow customer to choose appropriate way to make
shopping either by category or by brand.
it has high priority because the purpose oI site based on
Iacilitating the shopping processes.
32 Stimulus/Response Sequences
O The customer has to choose how to start shopping whether
"by category" or "by brand".
O Then choose the shop that includes that category or brand.
O And choose the subcategory in this shop.
O Then chooses his Iavorite product and either put it in the
Iavorite list and continue shopping or buy it at once.

32 Making favorite list

32 Description and priority
The site will allow customer to a list oI his/her Iavorite products.
322 Stimulus/Response Sequences
O The customer during the shopping or browsing the site
chooses "add to Iavorite list".

33 Buying by credit card

33 Description and priority
The site allows customer to pay by credit card, this Ieature is the
highest priority.

332 Stimulus/Response Sequences
O The customer enters the buy page.
O Fills the required Iields.
O The system send his inIormation with the amount oI
withdraw money to Bank.
O The bank checks the inIormation and iI valid Bank will
withdraw money and transIer it to Shop Admin iI not it will
give a notiIication with invalid data back to the system which
will pass it to Customer.
O A veriIication will delivered to Customer about complete
payment and time to receive product.

34 Making deal

34 Description and priority
The site allows customer to make a deal whether with administrator
or with shop admin.
Making a deal is concerned with:-
O Market his own products in a particular shop.
O Purchase large quantity oI speciIic products.
O Rent a shop Irom the administrator oI the mall.

342 Stimulus/Response Sequences
O The customer Iills the required Iields in the Make Deals page
(Name, address, email, phone number, type oI deal, InIormation
about it...).
O Then click on Make Deal.
O A message sent and saved in the administrator's Received

3 Contact administrator

3 Description and priority

The site allows customer to evaluate the site and send complaints or
suggestions to the manager.

32 Stimulus/Response Sequences
O The customer loads the page oI contact shop admin.
O Fills the required Iields to send the message.
O And send it.

3 Editing products information

3 Description and priority
The administrator can edit products inIormation that is shown in the site.

32 Stimulus/Response Sequences
O Shop admin loads his table page.
O Enters any modiIications in table.
O Then saves the changes to the table.

3 dd/Delete products
3 Description and priority
Shop admin can add/delete products displayed at the site.

32 Stimulus/Response Sequences
The Admin open the add/delete page.
Fill the required Iields oI a new product or delete row oI product.
Save the changes.


3 Receive daily reports
3 Description and priority
The site enables shop admin to receive daily reports about soled
products and iI there is any suggestion, complaints or deals Irom
customers or Irom administrator.

32 Stimulus/Response Sequences
Shop admin can receive a report at any time, he just click on
"reports" link and read reports easily.

3 dd/Delete shop
3 Description and priority
Administrator can add/delete shop displayed at the site.

32 Stimulus/Response Sequences
The Administrator open add/delete page.
Fill the required Iields oI a new added shop or delete row oI closed
Save the changes.

. Update advertisement
3 Description and priority
The site allow administrator to update advertisement oI new
products or shops.

32 Stimulus/Response Sequences
O Administrator loads his received reports or "messages" page.
O Reads the new advertisement data sent to him by shop admin.
O Develop a new advertisement to upload on soItware.
O et payment Irom shop admin.
O At this time the advertisement is visible to customer.


3 Contact shop admin
3 Description and priority
Administrator can easily contact with shop admin to remind shop
admin oI date oI payment or give him instruction to improve the
perIormance oI work.

32 Stimulus/Response Sequences
O Administrator choose the require shop to contact.
O rite the message.
O Send it to shop Admin.

32 Receive reports
32 Description and priority
The site enables administrator to receive reports iI there is any
suggestion, complaints or deals Irom customers or Irom shop admin
about make speciIic advertisement.

322 Stimulus/Response Sequences
Administrator can receive a report at any time, he just click on
"reports" link and read reports easily.


4 External Interface Requirements

4 User Interfaces

The web site "Just image' & wish come true'" have an interactive home page
that contains the categories that user can Iound in any mall and the brands that
mall contains. The user can contact the team Irom the home page and iI the
customer is special customer just like company owner can Iound make deals
to allow him to make deals with whatever shop he want.

From home page he/she can go to category page that contain all categories
that in the mall.


By click on any oI category that he/she wants will go to the shops that contain
all sub categories in this category.

o to subcategory and choose the subcategory he/she wants can now choose
the product that wish and read all the inIormation about it can add it to his/her
Iavorite or buy it immediately.


On the other hand he can go to the product wised by brand and it Irom the
home page too by clicking on brands

All the brands in the mall will appear in the screen can choose the brand
he/she want just click on it. ill appear all the subcategory this brand contain
by clicking on the subcategory he/she want all the products will appear can
Iind the product he wishes.


II the customer have any problem in the mall or in the site will contact with
the administrator by sending a message and that will Iound in contact us.

By clicking on make deals will appear an inIormation page asking the
customer to put his/her inIormation and the competent oI this message will
replay to the customer in mail ,Iax ,phone.Irom any inIormation leave it in
the site .


Other Nonfunctional Requirements

Safety Requirements
System should be saIe system to avoid hacking credit card.

2 security requirements
O Administrator has the highest authority to edit/delete/create database
oI shops
O Shop administrator has the authority to edit/delete/create oI his own
O Customer can only browse the shown products without any right oI
accessing the database.
O Critical inIormation like passwords should be transIerred in
encrypted Iorm.
O Passwords should be stored in encrypted Iorm.
O Password will not be mailed to the user in case user Iorgets password,
instead either temporary password or a password reset link will be

3 Software Quality ttributes
Systems should be available when required.
Site should be deliver its Iunctions correctly

ppendix : Glossary

%erms/cronyms Description
O customer User that enters the site to buy a product or browse oIIers.
O shop admin
user that is responsible Ior editing product inIormation, adding product,
deleting products and all operation relating to a particular shop
O Administrator
Super user, and the person LhaL ls responslble for mall and all slLe can add
or deleLe shop and so on

ppendix B: nalysis Models

Use Case Overview

Use case Scenarios:

Shopping by Category Name:

Customer Actors:
The customer needs a speciIic category. Trigger:
Customer chooses the category button in Home Page. Preconditions:
Time is not wasted. Post
O The customer has to choose the "CATEORY"
button to show all the available categories or just
choose one oI the random categories that shown
O Then choose the shop that includes that category.
O And choose the subcategory in this shop such as
(winter cloth or summer cloth or Ior kids.).
O Then chooses his Iavorite product and either put it
in the Iavorite list and continue shopping or buy it at

Shopping by Brand Name:

Customer. Actors:
The customer needs a speciIic brand. Trigger:
Customer chooses the Brand button in Home Page. Preconditions:
Time is not wasted. Post
O The customer has to choose the "BRAND" button
to show all the available brands or just choose one
oI the random brands that shown below.
O A page will be available with all the products oI this
brand available in the mall that he could choose one
oI them.
O And aIter choosing the brand customer can choose
a category Ior this brand.
O Then choose his Iavorite product and either put it
in the Iavorite list and continue shopping or buy it
at once


Make a Favorite list Name:
Customer Actors:
ots oI products to buy or liked Trigger:
Choose each product during the shopping process and add
them to Iavorite list.
A list will be created at the Iavorite list page with the
products the customer choice.
O The customer during the shopping or browsing the
site clicks on the Iavorite list button.
O There is an empty table in database Ior Iavorite list
automatically create a row Ior this customer with
the products he selected.
O The customer may buy or select and but Irom this
O AIter the customer close the site the row in database
automatically deleted.

Buy Name:
Primary: customer.
Secondary: Bank, Shop Admin.
The customer needs to buy a product. Trigger:
Choose the product Irom his Iavorite list or by clicking "BUY"
Money transIerred to Shop Admin Bank account. Post conditions:
O The customer enters the buy page.
O Fills the required Iields.
O The system send his inIormation with the amount oI
withdraw money to Bank.
O The bank checks the inIormation and iI valid Bank will
withdraw money and transIer it to Shop Admin iI not it
will give a notiIication with invalid data back to the
system which will pass it to Customer.
O A veriIication will delivered to Customer about
complete payment and time to receive product.


Make Deals Name:
Customer Actors:
A new deal with the mall oI a shop. Trigger:
Customer loads the Make Deal Page. Preconditions:
A Message sent to Administrator with the customer details
about new deal.
O The customer Iills the required Iields in the Make
Deals page (Name, address, email, phone number,
type oI deal, InIormation about it...).
O Then click on Make Deal.
O A message sent and saved in the administrator's
Received Reports.

Contact Administrator Name:

Primary: Customer.
Secondary: Admin.
A problem in the shop or the product Irom shop. Trigger:
Customer chooses the required shop. Preconditions:
Message stored in Admin's received emails table. Post
O The customer loads the page oI contact shop admin.
O Fills the required Iields to send the message.
O And send it.

ogin Name:
Administrator OR Shop Admin. Actors:
User wants to show his data and account. Trigger:
Data entered. Preconditions:
User logged in. Post conditions:
O The User will open the ogin Page in soItware.
O Fill the required Iield with data.
O System checks the entered data valid or not.
O II valid the system enters the user account iI not the
system go back to the login page with a notiIication with
invalid data.

Receive Reports Name:

Administrator. Actors:
Administrator ogged in.
Shop Admin sent a new report to administrator.
Report stored in the Reports table.
ModiIications in Advertisements according to Received
ain proIit Irom Advertising.
O The Administrator view the table oI the Received
reports "Messages".
O Adjust the new advertisement according to the
received report oI new product.
O Receive payment Irom shop admin.
O Upload advertisement to the system.

Add shop Name:

Administrator Actors:
New shop in the mall Trigger:
Administrator logged in the soItware. Preconditions:
New shop is posted with its products to customer. Post
O The Administrator opens the shops table page.
O Fill the required Iields Ior a new shop.
O Save the changes to the table.

Delete shop Name:

Administrator Actors:
Old or no more exist shop Trigger:
Administrator logged in. Preconditions:
ModiIications in shops table. Post
O Administrator opens the Shops table.
O Choose the required shop and deletes it.
O Save changes to table.

Update Advertisement Name:

Primary: Shop Admin.
Secondary: Administrator, customer.
New Ads came to Administrator by a Shop Admin. Trigger:
Administrator logged in. Preconditions:
New advertisement about a new product or a new shop is
available in soItware.
O Administrator loads his received reports or
"messages" page.
O Reads the new advertisement data sent to him by
shop admin.
O Develop a new advertisement to upload on
O et payment Irom shop admin.
O The advertisement is visible to customer.

Contact shop Admin Name:
Primary: Administrator.
Secondary: Shop Admin.
Administrator received a problem Irom customer. Trigger:
Administrator logged in.
Customer sent a message to Administrator.
Problem solved by shop Admin. Post
O Administrator choose the require shop to contact.
O Fill the require Iields.
O Send it to shop Admin.

ogout Name:
Administrator OR Shop Admin. Actors:
User wants to get out oI the system Trigger:
Data saved to system. Preconditions:
User logged out. Post conditions:
O The User will click on "OOUT" button in soItware.
O The system checks iI there is any unsaved data.
O II there is unsaved data it will gives a notiIication to user
to save or unsaIe data iI there is not the system will log
out immediately.

Edit Product Name:

Shop Admin Actors:
New Data Ior products or change data in a product. Trigger:
Shop admin logged in. Preconditions:
ModiIications in shop table. Post
O Shop admin loads his table page.
O Enters any modiIications in table.
O Then saves the changes to the table.

Add Product Name:
Shop Admin Actors:
New product in the shop. Trigger:
Shop admin logged in the site. Preconditions:
New product is visible to customer. Post
O The Admin open the table page.
O Fill the required Iields oI a new product.
O Save the changes.

Delete Product Name:

Shop Admin Actors:
Old or unused product Trigger:
Shop Admin logged in. Preconditions:
ModiIications in shop table. Post
O Shop Admin opens the table page.
O Choose the required product and deletes it.
O Save changes to table.

Receive Daily Reports. Name:

Shop Admin. Actors:
System Clock is 11:00 PM. Trigger:
Shop Admin ogged in.
Report stored in Daily report table.
Money oI sold products in Bank equals its actual price. Post
O A notiIication appears to Shop Admin at 12:00 PM
with the daily report.
O The Shop Admin views the table oI daily reports.
O The user check the money transIerred to his Bank

2 Data flow diagram

3 ctivity diagram:

4 Sequence diagram

State diagram

%ime Chart

Feasibility study


analysis design implementation testing
* AnalysLs
* deslgners

* developers
* LesLers

Total cost nearly 66000 .E

1 sL
proflL 0 1000 1000 0000 000 100000 1000 10000 00000

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