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Uuited States Patent and Trademrk Ad&em:COMMISSIONER FOR PATBI'.ITS PO.Box 1450 Aletudria, ViEinia 223 - | 450 L3 w.uaFo.







t2l963,189 George Burrell 2233Walnut Avenue Venice.CA 90291

George TimothyBurrell





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Date Maileci 11lA5l2O1O :


The applicant hereby is advised the United that Officein itscapacity a as StatesPatent Trademark and (37 Designated / Elected Office CFR1.495), determined theabove has identified international application that fras patentability metthe requirements35 U.S.C. of 371,andis ACCEPTED national for examination the United in StatesPatent andTrademark Office. The United States Application Number is above andtherelevant dates assigned theapplication shown to are: :10t22t2010 DATE REOEIPT 35 U.S.c. oF oF 371(c)(1), (c)(2) (o)(4) and REQUIREMENTS 10t22t2010 DATE COMPLETION ALL OF OF 35 U,S.C. REQUIREMENTS 371

(PTO-103X) be issued thepresent Receipt A Filing will in THEDATEAPPEARING for application duecourse. RECEIPT THE" FILING THELASTOF THE35 ON THEFILING AS DATE' IIS THEDATEONWHICH (c)(1), (c)(2) U.S.c.371 and (c)(a) REaUIREMENTS BEEN HAS RECEIVED THEOFFICE. lN THISDATE lS SHOWNABOVE.Ihe filingdateof the aboveidentified is application the international filingdate of the (Article internationalapplication 11(3) 35 U.S.C.363). Oncethe Filing Receipt beenreceived, has sendall and to the correspondence Group Unitdesignated Art therelon. itemshal'ebeenreceived: Thefollowing . Indication Smalltintity of Status . Copyof the International Application on 0711612010 filed . Copyof the International Search Report filedon 0711612010 .lnformation Disclosure Statements on 0711612010 filed . Oathor Declaration on 1012212010 filed . Request lmmediate for Examination on 0711612010 filed . U.S.Basic National Fees filedon 0711612010 . Priority Documents on 0711612010 filed . Authorization Permit to Access filedon 1012212010

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FORM PCT/DO/EO/903(37'l AcceptanceNotice)

is Applicant reminded anycommunications the United that to StatesPatent andT

given theheading include UrS. totheaddress in (3 and application shown no. above cFR1.5) the

Office must be mailed

ANITA D JOHNSON (57 Telephone: l) 272-0386

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FoRM PCT/DO/Eo/903 (371 AcceptanceNotice)

Ur.nrrn Srerns Parrr.rr ai.rp TireunL,rARK Onflce

United States

and Tradenark FOR PATENTS


Nexmdria, \4jgid,ia 22313'1450 ww, ATTI,IUA I TUN


tlLtNu or 371(c) DATE

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121863,188 10/22/:1010 Burrell George 2233Walnut Avenue Venice, 90291 CA



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DateMailed1110512010 :

patent is will Receipt acknowledgerd non-provisional application. application betakenupforexamination of this The in duecourse. Applicant be notified to the results the examination. correspondence Any concerning will as of the f'ilUMBER, must FILING fE, DA application includre following the identification information: U.S.APPLICATION the or to NAMEOF APPLICANT, TITLEOF INVENTION. transmitted check draftare subject collection. and by Fees pleerse Please verify accuracy thedatapresented thisreceipt. an error is notedon this Filing Receipt, the of lf on provide copyof this FilingReceipt with llhe submita writtenrequerst a FilingReceipt for Please a Correction. please changesnotedthereon. you received "Noticeto FileMissingParts"for this application, lf a submit Whenthe USPIO processes reply the any corrections this FilingReceipt to with your replyto the Notice. the the will incorporating reqgested corrections to the Notice, USPTO generate anotherFilingReceipt Applicant(s) George Timothy Burrell, Venice, CA; Powerof Attorney:None Domestic Prioritydatil as claimedby applicant 2009 Thisr is 021241 application a 371 of PCT/AU09/00204 Foreign Applications 2008900940 AUSTRALIA 02t27 t2008 2008902849 AUSTRALTA 06/06/2008 2008905662 AUSTRALIA 10t29t2008 Permission Access- A properAuthorizationto Permit Access to Application fv ParticipatingOffices to (PTO/SB/39 its equivalent) beenreceived the USPTO. or has by
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is US 121863,188
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of the by Sincethe rightsgranted a U.S.patentextendonlythroughout territory the UnitedStatesand haveno in countrymustapplyfor a patent an who wishespatentprotection another effectin a foreigncountry, inventor patentoffices. the may wish to consider filingof an international in a specific countryor in regional Applicants generally thesame (PCT) (PCT). international application has the application under Patent Cooperation Treaty An patent The simplifiesthefiling national country. PCTprocess effectas a regular application eachF|CT-member in applications thesameinvention member on but of of patent in countries, doesnot resultin a grant "aninternational patent" doesnoteliminate needof applicants fileadditional and docutrnents feesin countries and wherepatent the to protection desired. is country mustmakean has desiring patentin a particular a Almosteverycountry its own patent law,anda person laws.Sincethe lawqof manycountries dillfer application patentinr for that country accordance its particular in with to fromspecific applicants advised seekguidance are in various respects fronrthe patent of the United law States, foreign countries ensure to thatpatent rightsare not lostprematurely. the of in States, Difector theUSPTO must Applicants areadvised inthecaseof inventions also that made theUnited The of application before in country. filing a U,S,patent issuea license applicants apply a patent a foreign can for containq further information filing and filinglicense. for The application's receipt servesas a request a foreign guidance to thestatus applicant's as of license foreign for filing. (specifically, Patents" the Concerning may the Information Applicants wishto consult USPTO booklet, "General for "Treatiers Foreign on and entitled and Patents") moreinformation timeframes deadlines filingforeign for section patent Centqr 800-786-9199,it at or the Contact Thr.' either contacting USPTO by applications. guideis available on website at can be viewed the LISPTO you property (patents, and on theft trademarks gopyrights), maywish Forinformation preventing of yourintellectual Part of initiative, the website, of a Department Commerce to consult U.S.Government property specific givinginnovators guidance howto protect intellectual in on includes serlf-help thiswebsite "toolkits" patent issues, enforcemerpt applicants regarding may countries suchas China, Korea and Mexico. questions For (1-866-999-41 5B). hotline 1-866-999-HALT at callthe U.S.Governmeni

LICENSE FILING UNDER FORFOIREIGN Title 35, UnitedStatesGode,Section184 5.11 Title37, Codeof Federal Regulations, & 5.15
GRANTED FOREIGN FILING has beengranted license a under35 U.S.C.184,tt the phrase'lF REQUIRED, The applicant are issuedin all applications where by a date appearson this form. Such licenses LICENSEGRANTED'lfollowed issuance a licensehave been met, regardless whetheror not a licensemay be required of as the conditions for of forth in 37 CFR 5.15(a)unlessan earlier The of set forth in 37 CFR 5.115. scopeand limitations this licenseare set page of 3 2

license beenissued has under CFR5.15(b). lioense subject revocation 37 The is to uponwritten notification. t-he is dateindicated theeffective of thelicense, date license similar of scope beengranted has unless earlier an unrder o 3 7 C F R5 . 1 3 r 5 . 1 4 . Thislicense to bereterined thelicensee maybe usedat anytimeon or aftertheeffective thereof is by and date unless it is revoked. license automatically This is filed transferred anyrelated to applications(s) under CFR1.53(d). 37 This license not retroactiv,e. is Thegrantof a license drces in anywaylessen responsibility a licensee thesecurity thesubject not for the of of matter by lawsrelating espionage the national as imposed any Go'vernment contract the provisions existing or of to and or olf data.Licensees themselves current regulations security the export technical should apprise of especially with particularly Officeof Defense respect certaincountries, otheragencies, to TradeControls, Department of the of State th respect ,Arms, to Munitions lmplements \Nar(22 CFR 121-128)); Bureau Industry and of the of and (15 SecurityDepartment Commerce CFR parts730-774); Officeof Foreign o'f AssetsControl, the Depar-tmenii of (31CFRPart:s T 500+) andthe Department Energy. of


under35 U.S.C.184 has been granted this time,if the phrase"lF REQUIRED, FOREIGN FILING at


ifa date of this application the licensee from the and has not received any indication a secrecyorderunder35 of pursuant 37 CFR5.15(b). 1 U . S . C . 1, the licensee mayforeign theapplication file to

GRANTED" DOES NOTappear thisform. for on Applicant stillpetition a license may under CFR5.12, 37 is desired berfore expiration 6 months the lf of fromthefilingdateof the application.6 months laps;ed has

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SoeunNcn LrsrrncsAND lfanlrs Rnulrnn THnnnrotx

INTERN,ITIONAL ATTITCA.TIoNS FILED IN THE U.S. RncBIVING OrrIcn The Administrative (AIs) underthe Patent Instructions Cooperation Treaty(PCT),in forceas of July l,Z00g, containimportantchanges relatingto the mannerof filing, and applicablefeesfor, sequence listings and/or tablesrelatedthereto(sequence-related tables)in internationalapplications.The completetext may be accessed at http://www.wipo.irrt/pcVen/texts/index.htm. EffectiveJuly l' 2009,Part8 andAnnex C-brswill no longerform partof the AIs. Part8 was introduced in 2001 as a temporarysrolution problemsarisingfrom the filing of very largesequence to listlngs on paperand providedfor a sequence listingforming part of the internationalapplicationto be filed in efectronicform on physical medium(e.g.,CD), together with the remainder the application paper. In 2002,Part8 was of on expanded includesequence-related to tablesandAnnexC-brswasadded providetechnical to requirements. All applicants may now file complete international in applications electronic form, eliminating needfor these the provisions, temporary I. AIS PART 8 AND ANNEXC-BIS DELETEDAS "TULY OF I.2OO9 A) Sequence-relal;ed tablescannotbe filed as a separatepart of the desciigition in txt format. They On must be providedas an integralpart ofthe international applicationeither: r in PDF forrnatas part of an international applicationfiled in electronicform via EFS-Web;or . on paperaspart ofan international applicationfiled on paper. B) A sequence listingforming part of an international application may be providedeither: r in electroni,c form, aspartof an international application filed in electronic form rlia EFS-Web, in , Annex C/ST.25 text format(preferred), or . PDF format;or . on paperaspartofan international filed on paper. application C) A sequence listing notforming part of the international application (for search under PCT Rule l3ter\ in Anne:rC/ST.25text format o is not requirred wherethe sequence listingforming part of the internationalapplicationwas filed in AnnexC/S'1.25 formataspartof an international text application filed in electronic form via EFSWeb . is requiredlforsearch wherethe sequence listingforming port of the internationalapplicationwas filed in PDIr r is required search physical lfor on medium(e.g.,CD) wherethesequence part of the listingfqrming internationqlapplicationwas filed on paperas part of an intemationalapplicationfiled on paper, II. CALCULATION THE INTERNATIONAL OIF FILINGFEEANDFEEREDUCTION UNDER $ 707 AI A) A sequence-related table mustform an integral partof the international application will incurFULL and pagefeies with:r-upper i imit. B) A sequencelist,ingforming part of an international application filed: . via EFS-Web Annex C/ST.25 in text formatwill incurNO pagefees; . on paperor in PDF formatwill incurFULL pagefeeswith no upperlimit. III. AVAILABILITY SEOUBNcE OF LISTINGS SUBMITTED SEARcH FoR PCT RUT]B UNDER 13TEn IntemationalSearchLing Authoritieswill be requiredto transmitto the International Bureaua copy of an AnnexC/ST.25 texl, formatsequence listingprovided search for underPCT Rule l3rer. Any suchsequence listingwill be madeavailable PATENTSCOPE@ (sequence on listings formingpart of the international appli cation arealreadyavailable). IV. Julv 2Q09 RnouESr (PCT/RO/101) The Request now hastwo optionsfor the lastsheet: for paperfilings;andone for EFS-Web one filings. The July 2009Request rnaybe accessed http://www.wipo.intlpcVen/forms/index.htm. at

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