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Shermeen khan

Gma|| |d shermeen21Qgma||com
Skype |d shermeen3S

11 Assess purpose of pro[ect p|ann|ng and management2
12 Ana|yze how pro[ects |mpact on strateg|c ob[ect|ves of an organ|zat|on3
21 Descr|be the ro|e of pro[ect sponsor and pro[ect stakeho|der 4
22 Lva|uate need to scope and |dent|fy spec|f|cat|on to deve|op a pro[ectS
23 Lxp|a|n the phases necessary |n the construct|on of a pro[ect7
31 Descr|be the process of ga|n|ng pro[ect |mp|ementat|on agreement8
32 Assess the methods for secur|ng stakeho|ders support for pro[ect |mp|ementat|on and operat|ons
33 Descr|be eva|uat|on process to measure pro[ect performance to meet strateg|c ob[ect|ves10
keference 11

11 Assess purpose of pro[ect p|ann|ng and management?
pro[ecL managemenL ls helpful ln solvlng complex Lasks and acLlvlLles whlch are glven lL
assoclaLlon leads Lo plannlng and brlnglng change ln organlzaLlon lL can noL only be relaLed Lo
buslness buL also Lo domesLlc slLuaLlons such as shlfLlng a house or arranglng a weddlng
ceremony 8lsk and fallures are mlnlmlzed ln plannlng a proper Lask orlenLed pro[ecL ln
organlzaLlons lL ls assoclaLed wlLh sLafflng manufacLurlng and producLlon communlcaLlon
acqulslLlon cusLomer servlce and relaLlonshlp malnLenance of healLh and quallLy and
research and developmenL

Underp|nn|ng know|edge
ro[ecL managemenL process lncludes followlng sLeps
1 @erm of reference whlch Lells accuraLe speclflcaLlons and ways whlch ls helpful ln
deLermlnlng parameLers scopes and budgeL allocaLlons @hese speclflcaLlons are
necessary ln measurlng accounLablllLy and keeplng on Llme Lrack urpose and alm of
pro[ecL ls deflned Lhrough lL eople musL be selecLed accordlng Lo Lask whlch ls glven
Lo Lhem 8reakpolnL are esLabllshed Lo revlew and check progress of lL

2 lannlng of pro[ecL ls lmporLanL @eam polnL of vlew musL be Laken for maklng a plan
8ralnlng sLormlng ls lmporLanL ln gaLherlng ldeas and lnnovaLlve Lechnlques llshbone
dlagrams presenLs casual facLors whlch are helpful ln ldenLlfylng cause and effecL
relaLed Lo lL CrlLlcal paLh analysls and CanLL CharLs provlde a deLalled overvlew of
pro[ecL ln Lerms of cosLlng schedullng and budgeLlng
3 @lme and cosL of pro[ecLs lf deLermlned accuraLely leads Lo success lf some leverage ls
deLermlned before maklng a plan for pro[ecL Lhan lL would reduce chances of mlnlmlzlng
pro[ecL fallure
4 ro[ecL Leam ls selecLed on basls of commlLmenL Lo work @hey add value Lo pro[ecL and
lf lL ls made earller lL maxlmlzes ownershlp of pro[ecL Advlce for menLors and helpers
are necessarlly Laken
3 ro[ecL managemenL Lools ls used ln lncreaslng sLrengLh of a pro[ecL 8ralnsLormlng ls
flrsL sLage ln whlch creaLlve ldeas are Laken llshbone dlagram ls a secondary Lool whlch
ls helpful ln faulL deLecLlon and hldden facLors are ldenLlfled Lhrough lL LnvlronmenLal
and sysLemaLlc facLors are analyzed Lhrough lL so LhaL chances of error are mlnlmlzed
Lhrough lL
6 llnanclal plannlng and reporLlng planned expendlLures of a parLlcular pro[ecL and
flnanclal sysLems are analyzed Lhrough lL aymenLs should be Laken on Llme and be
accounLed ln noLes of accounLs
7 ro[ecL conLlngency plannlng ls done for unforeseen evenLs whlch mlghL occur durlng
pro[ecL Llme ( LasL accessed CcLober 20 2011)
App||ed know|edge
ro[ecL plannlng ls purpose ls cleared by an example llke maklng a plzza requlres ldenLlflcaLlon
of lLs lngredlenLs flrsL AfLer lL dough sauce and chlcken ls made separaLely Chances are
presenL LhaL dough mlghL noL be seLLled so a separaLe dough ls also made All Lhlngs are placed
on lL and baked AfLer someLlme resulLs are seen ln form of baked plzza So lf proper plannlng
ls done success ls on hand
lL ls necessary LhaL communlcaLlon ls done wlLh Leam member so LhaL gaps are ldenLlfled All
Leam members musL agree and supporL pro[ecL acLlons as lL would lead Lo comblne success of
lL @eam members musL be moLlvaLed so LhaL Lhey work more dedlcaLedly ro[ecL
performance ls also LabulaLed and facLs and flgures are ldenLlfled Lhrough lL

12Ana|yze how pro[ects |mpact on strateg|c ob[ect|ves of an organ|zat|on ?

Cb[ecLlves of organlzaLlons are necessary Lo be analyzed Managers have rlghL Lo make
declslons and lnsplre people LxpecLaLlons of a pro[ecL ls clearly deflned whlch ls helpful ln
deLermlnlng success Lo buslness
Underp|nn|ng know|edge
SelecLlon of pro[ecL ls based on resources avallable ln organlzaLlon ro[ecL are ranked
accordlng Lo prlorlLy level AfLer lL sLraLegy of maklng a pro[ecL ls deflned roducL
developmenL ls also done ln accordance wlLh ways and prlnclples of lLs accepLance LlemenLs
for maklng a pro[ecL sLraLegy are as followed
llrsLly lL ls deflned LhaL why we are Laklng a parLlcular pro[ecL for dolng buslness CusLomer and
markeL needs are ldenLlfled so LhaL opporLunlLles are creaLed for maklng lL AfLer lL ob[ecLlves
are seLLled CerLaln characLerlsLlcs of pro[ecL are deflned Lhrough producL feaLures value ls
added Lo pro[ecL by addlng cerLaln predomlnanL feaLures Success and fallure of pro[ecL ls
deflned Lhrough dlfferenL feaLures lf all ways adopLlng a pro[ecL are clearly deflned lL would
lead Lo success of buslness ( LasL accessed CcLober 20 2011)
App||ed know|edge
Whlle launchlng a soap or a deLergenL ln a markeL flrsLly markeL research ls done so LhaL LargeL audlence
ls seen @helr cholces and requlremenLs are sLudled ueLergenLs whlch are already ln use are LesLed
AfLer lL producL ls made accordlng Lo cusLomer requlremenLs whlch ls helpful ln deLermlnlng
speclflcaLlons of lL MonlLorlng and conLrolllng ls done by pro[ecL Leam A speclfled number of lLems ls
flrsLly Laken ln markeL lLs resulLs are seen AfLer lL new are placed ln markeL
SLaLemenL Lells LhaL sLraLeglc ob[ecLlves of organlzaLlon are lmpacLed by pro[ecL managemenL lf lL ls
clearly deflned and seLLled Lhan lL would lead Lo success of buslness ln long run llrsLly shorL Lerm
ob[ecLlves are deflned whlch are necessary Lo be Lackled lf lL ls handled efflclenLly proflLs are goL from
lL Mlsslon and vlslon sLaLemenL Lells purpose of exlsLence of buslness and sLraLegles are deflned
Lhrough lL @hrough lL compeLlLlve advanLage ls Laken and buslness success ls enLalled Lhrough lL

21 Descr|be the ro|e of pro[ect sponsor and pro[ect stakeho|der ?
ko|e of pro[ect sponsor
ro[ecL sponsor glves cash Lo buslness Pe works wlLh pro[ecL Leam so LhaL maLLers relaLed Lo fundlng a
pro[ecL monlLorlng and conLrolllng cerLaln acLlvlLles ls done efflclenLly Lhrough lL Pe has goL cerLaln

expecLaLlons wlLh pro[ecL Leam ln whlch he ls lnvesLlng ro[ecL charLer ls approved Lhrough lL @hey are
also lnvolved ln resolvlng cerLaln lssues and brlnglng changes Lo lL lncase of lnLernal pro[ecLs needs of
producL and servlce are deflned Lhrough lL Sponsor revlews pro[ecL on perlodlc basls so LhaL on Llme
responses are Laken Lhrough lL lL ls key responslblllLy of sponsor Lo meeL wlLh pro[ecL manager lf he
sees any errors ln areas or gaps he has rlghL Lo ask for changes ln lL LocaLlons and provlslon of
resources can be alded by sponsor easlly llnances of pro[ecLs are approved monLhly so he can Lake parL
ln Lhese acLlvlLles ollLlcal charges may also be seLLled by sponsor ( LasL accessed CcLober 20 2011)
ko|e of pro[ect stakeho|der
SLakeholder ls Lhe person who has goL parLlcular lnLeresL ln maklng a pro[ecL ManagemenL of
sLakeholders ls lmporLanL oLherwlse lL lead Lo delay ln pro[ecLs 8eallocaLlon of resources Lo pro[ecLs lf
Lhey are saLlsfles lL would lead Lo reducLlon ln pro[ecL cycle sLrengLhenlng process of approval focused
on pro[ecL processes malnLalnlng a flow of lnformaLlon lL ls lmporLanL Lo make pro[ecL sLake holders llsL
so LhaL on Llme flnances are ralsed Lhrough lL AfLer maklng a llsL sLakeholders are caLegorlzed on basls
of lnfluence SLakeholders musL be responslble accounLable consulLed and lnformed so LhaL Lhey can
easlly lmpacL on [ob performance ( !ane Suchan 2007)
App||ed know|edge
ln case of vlrgln moblles corporaLe sLrucLure ls made ln a way LhaL lL would lead Lo collecLlve proflL for
company SLakeholders are glven rlghL Lo make changes ln company opLlons plannlng and Lhey can
argue wlLh plannlng glven Lo Lhem lL ls lmporLanL for company Lo make lLs sLakeholders and sponsor Lo
be happy so LhaL Lhey can and conLrlbuLe Lo fuLure success of buslness

lrom dlscusslon lL ls seen LhaL sLakeholders and sponsors have goL dlfferenL rlghLs and responslblllLles as
Lhey are core asseL of company lL ls lmporLanL for company Lo deflne rules and pollcles whlch are
helpful ln deLermlnlng success Lo buslness @hey musL be reLalned because Lhey have goL cerLaln
experLlse whlch are useful ln company success ad progress ln fuLure

22 Lva|uate need to scope and |dent|fy spec|f|cat|on to deve|op a pro[ect p|an ?
CrganlzaLlons need cerLaln klnds of plannlng for deslgnlng a pro[ecL 8randlng lmage and adverLlslng of
pro[ecL ls lmporLanL as lL leads Lo fuLure success of buslness All sLakeholders musL agree Lo plan whlch
ls glven and deflned 8udgeL musL be allocaLed accordlng Lo speclfled requlremenLs and ways CreaLlve
ldeas musL be glven ln order Lo esLabllsh sLrong worklng relaLlonshlp ueslgnlng and speclflcaLlon ls also

necessary so LhaL lL would be helpful ln deflnlng approprlaLe ways and procedures for maklng a pro[ecL
Underp|nn|ng know|edge
Scope of pro[ect p|an
lL ls lmporLanL for a pro[ecL manager Lo deflne a clear hypoLhesls or sLaLemenL of pro[ecL deflned ldeas
are glven and presenLed ln a predeflned manner whlch are helpful ln acqulrlng user aLLenLlon
8esponses musL be Laken earller so LhaL Lhey can mlnlmlze hurdles Lo error presenL @asks whlch are
asslgned Lo managers musL fulflll cllenL expecLaLlons 8arrlers Lo communlcaLlon musL be reduced so
LhaL so LhaL dellverables musL be senL on Llme lormaL musL be clearly deflned so LhaL deLalled
ouLcome musL be glven Lo Lhem ln Lerms of parLlclpaLlon and follow up meeLlng programs musL be
Laken All lLems and scope musL be clearly deflned ln Lerms of ways whlch are already glven
1|me||ne of pro[ect
ro[ecL daLes musL be deflned so LhaL lL leads Lo coordlnaLe wlLh dellverables and evenLs occurrlng on
Llme ueadllnes musL be meL on Llme so LhaL key responslblllLy are deflned ln a speclfled manner
CllenLs musL clear Lo company LhaL wheLher Lhey are able Lo fulflll demands of company on Llme @hey
musL clear Lhem from beglnnlng of agreemenL so LhaL conLlngency plannlng ls done accordlngly
8esources musL be deflned ln a Llmely manner so LhaL lL ls helpful ln fulfllllng pro[ecL requlremenLs
8ecommendaLlons musL be glven ln accordance wlLh pro[ecL demands
8||||ng |ssues
LsLlmaLlon of prlclng ls lmporLanL as lL leads Lo fuLure prlclng of bllls whlch are Lo be glven A well
deflned mechanlsm musL be deflned approprlaLely so LhaL orders musL be glven on Llme 8ecord of
lnvolces musL be glven and checks musL be cleared Lxpenses of bllls musL be clearly deflned and
acLlvlLles are helpful ln deLermlnlng fuLure success Lo buslness
C||ent and consu|tant
8lghL people musL be communlcaLed for deLermlnlng scope of pro[ecL and declslons maklng musL be
done on Llme lnLervlews meeLlngs musL be Laken place so LhaL dellverables musL be senL on Llme
Pardcopy of pro[ecL musL be kepL so LhaL lL ls helpful ln communlcaLlon Lo subordlnaLes ( !ohn
SeasholLz 2003)

App||ed know|edge
CllenLs wanL Lo have such klnd of pro[ecLs whlch are helpful ln maklng budgeL and Llmellne of pro[ecLs
lnformaLlon musL be glven on Llme and ways are adopLed ln a predeflned manner so LhaL lL leads Lo
fuLure success of buslness Cb[ecLlves and speclflcaLlons musL be presenLed ln a Llmely manner
Schedullng of a pro[ecL ls lmporLanL as lL would lead Lo deflnlng ways whlch ls helpful ln fuLure success

Lo buslness ln markeL lor example an aeronauLlcal company wanLs Lo buy a spare parLs of englne of a
plane lL musL communlcaLe wlLh suppllers of dlfferenL companles so LhaL lL musL have an ldea of
markeL raLes of lLems knowhow of an lLem ls lmporLanL as lL leads Lo fuLure success
So by sLudylng all Lhese aspecLs lL ls lmporLanL for company so deflne speclflcaLlon Lo a parLlcular pro[ecL
so LhaL chances of errors are mlnlmlzed and success ls enLalled Lhrough lL 8elaLlonshlp of LrusL ls
esLabllshed beLween cllenL an d consulLanL and long Lerm relaLlonshlp ls esLabllshed Lhrough lL

23 Lxp|a|n the phases necessary |n the construct|on of a pro[ect p|an ?
Underp|nn|ng know|edge
urpose of pro[ect
ln flrsL phase of deflnlng a pro[ecL plan purpose of pro[ecL ls deflned MoLlvaLlon of people ls lmporLanL
as lL leads Lo fuLure success Lowards buslness ro[ecL plannlng ls lmporLanL as all facLors are
esLabllshed ln a well deflned manner for fuLure success of buslness
V|s|on of a pro[ect
vlslon of pro[ecL musL be clearly deflned so LhaL more ouLcomes are goL Lhrough lL and resulLs are
LabulaLed on random basls Lhrough lL
ldeas are glven ln a predeflned manner whlch ls helpful ln deLermlnlng fuLure success Lowards buslness
All ldeas whlch come ln mlnd are drafLed and Lhe one whlch sulLs besL ls LabulaLed
Se|ect|on cr|ter|a
AfLer braln sLormlng ldeas musL be organlzed on paper whlch are helpful ln deLermlnlng success of
buslness ComponenL and prlorlLles are deflned ln a manner LhaL lL would lead Lo fuLure success of
buslness ( lan's Messy uesk )

ro[ect contro|
lL ls lmporLanL for pro[ecL managers Lo keep a check and balance on all ways whlch are clearly deflned
so LhaL on Llme resulLs are LabulaLed Lhrough lL Schedullng of resources ls lmporLanL as lL ls helpful ln
deflnlng ways for fuLure success of buslness
App||ed know|edge
Slx phases of pro[ecL managemenL are as followed
1 In|t|at|on phase
ln Lhls phase ldeas are glven and presenLed for a parLlcular pro[ecL whlch ls helpful ln deLermlnlng fuLure
success of buslness AfLer plannlng of pro[ecL cerLaln feaLures are deflned whlch are helpful ln
deLermlnlng success of pro[ecL so LhaL Lhey are lnlLlaLed on Llme

2 Def|n|t|on hase
ln Lhls phase resulLs and ouLcomes of pro[ecLs are presenLed ln fronL of company so LhaL sLandards are
esLabllshed Lhrough lL
3 Des|gn phase
ln lL flowcharLs Lrees and maps are deflned whlch leads Lo an ldea of all posslble ways whlch are
uLlllzed ln deLermlnlng success of buslness
4 Deve|opment phase
ln lL lmplemenLaLlon of pro[ecL ls done graphlcal maLerlal conLracLors are seen and deflned so LhaL lL ls
helpful ln deLermlnlng fuLure success
S Imp|ementat|on phase
rocess and deslgnlng of pro[ecL ls sLarLed ln Lhls phase whlch ls helpful ln deLermlnlng fuLure success of
6 Io||ow up hase
Success of pro[ecL ls dependenL on lL whlch ls helpful ln reorganlzaLlon of resources lf Lhey are noL
performlng on Llme
lf all Lhese sLeps are clearly deflned and followed Lhan lL would lead Lo success of pro[ecL All
dlmenslons whlch are deflned lead Lo fuLure success of buslness

31 Descr|be the process of ga|n|ng pro[ect |mp|ementat|on agreement ?
ln lL pro[ecL lmplemenLaLlon plan purpose of pro[ecL ls deflned ln a full documenL ually producLlon
noLes adopLlon of new Lechnology processes and buslness are deflned ln lL uocumenLaLlon of
resources ls lmporLanL
Underp|nn|ng know|edge
Cwnershlp of pro[ecL ls also responslble for leadlng Lhe pro[ecL and pro[ecL manager musL Lake
ownershlp of lL Cverall approach whlch ls Laken by company Lo fulflll a pro[ecL demand ls glven
CommunlcaLlon from all aspecLs LhaL ls Lechnlcal cusLomer and operaLlve ls Laken whlch ls used ln
pro[ecL managemenL plan
lf a change ls Lo be made ln organlzaLlon Lhan lL ls lmplemenLed and deflned on paper so LhaL lL ls
execuLed well ln organlzaLlon
SLaff plannlng ls lmporLanL because Lhey should have goL approprlaLe knowledge whlch ls helpful ln
deflnlng ways and new sysLem adapLaLlon
All servlce level agreemenLs are done aL deparLmenLal level
AccounLlng and bllllng ls deflned whlch ls used for soluLlon of resources
ollcy are deflned ln a way whlch ls used Lo make a pro[ecL ln proper formaL
Schedullng of resources ls also lmporLanL
user readlness plan ls made whlch ls used for cusLomers so LhaL Lhey can have answers Lo Lhelr
ln Lhls way an agreemenL plan ls esLabllshed beLween cllenL and consulLanL

AgreemenL leads Lo legal documenLaLlon of resources whlch are helpful ln deflnlng ways and Lechnlques
for adapLaLlon

32 Assess the methods for secur|ng stakeho|ders support for pro[ect |mp|ementat|on and operat|ons?
Underp|nn|ng know|edge

Stakeho|ders musL be secured because lL ls lmporLanL for Lhem Lo Lake advanLage from pro[ecL llrsLly a
llsL of sLakeholders musL be deflned so LhaL power and lnfluence of facLors musL be clearly deflned
Lhrough lL lL ls lmporLanL Lo have falLh and LrusL among Lhem so LhaL Lhey can easlly supporL pro[ecL
plannlng processes MeLhods musL be devlsed and sLakeholders are glven a chance Lo speak abouL
pro[ecL plannlng buL lncrease l proflL marglns due Lo adapLaLlon of new Lechnology musL be enLalled ln
mlnd of sLakeholders so LhaL Lhey cannoL creaLe a hurdle ComplalnLs of cusLomers musL be clearly
deflned and Lhey musL be glven on Llme responses lL ls good lf communlcaLlon ls done clearly such as
emall and oLher communlcaLlon Lools musL be used from lL All goals ob[ecLlves and sLakeholders musL
be deflned so LhaL buslness sLraLegy ls clear Lo Lhem ( Alexa !osphlne 2011)
App||ed know|edge
Approaches Laken for securlng sLakeholders lncludes deploymenL of such klnd of people who can easlly
lmpacL on performance of lndlvlduals Cn basls of cusLomer needs pro[ecLs are shaped down Analysls
of resources musL be done Lhrough ways whlch are deflned
lf sLakeholders are saLlsfled from all ways whlch are helpful ln lmplemenLaLlon and operaLlon
procedures Lhan Lhey would conLrlbuLe more Lo pro[ecLs and become useful Lo companles

33 Descr|be eva|uat|on process to measure pro[ect performance to meet strateg|c ob[ect|ves ?
Underp|nn|ng know|edge
LvaluaLlon ls lmporLanL as lL glven conLlnuous feedback whlch Lells LhaL goals are achleved on Llme
roblems whlch are relaLed Lo pro[ecL are solved on Llme and soluLlons are gaLhered Lhrough lL
@argeL Audlence responses are Laken Lo check lmpacL of a parLlcular pro[ecL Cb[ecLlves of pro[ecL
are deflned ln a manner LhaL Lhey can be reprogrammed lf problems are seen Lhrough lL Lfflclency
of pro[ecL ls lmporLanL ro[ecL are revlewed ln Lhree forms
I|rst|y feedback musL be Laken on regular basls whlch ls helpful ln glvlng on Llme responses Lo
pro[ecL lssues are cleared on Llme and chances of errors are mlnlmlzed Lhrough lL lnLenslve
sLudles are helpful because Lhey glve a poslLlve glance of pro[ecL success
Second|y MldLerm pro[ecL revlew ls done ln whlch daLa ls collecLed from resources and feedback ls
1h|rd|y llnal reporL ls glven ln whlch all reporLs are merged LogeLher Lo geL know how of a pro[ecL
If a|| sLeps are clearly deflned and evaluaLed correcLly Lhan lL would lead Lo appralsal of pro[ecL

App||ed know|edge

LvaluaLlon process ls helpful ln evaluaLlng performance of pro[ecL as ob[ecLlves are clearly sLaLed
and deflned Lhrough lL 8esources allocaLlon ls clearly deflned Lhrough lL whlch ls used for fuLure
buslness success All of Lhem musL be easlly LabulaLed so LhaL buslness success ls dependenL on lL

lf a company makes sLraLegles Lhan lL would lead Lo fuLure success Lo buslness lf Lhey are focused
and made accordlng Lo resources whlch are glven Lo Lhem so LhaL proflL margln ls goL and
sLakeholders wealLh ls lncreased Lhrough lL

Alexa !osphlne 2011 Pow Lo communlcaLe change Lo sLakeholders" Avallable (onllne )
hLLp//wwwehowcom/how_8346663_communlcaLechangesLakeholdershLml ( lasL accessed 20


ro[ecL managemenL Avallable (onllne )
hLLp//wwwbuslnessballscom/pro[ecLhLm ( LasL accessed CcLober 20

Clancarlo uuranLl 2009
Avallable( onllne ) hLLp//wwwallpmcom ( LasL accessed CcLober 20

Leadershlp champlons 2008 8oles and responslblllLles of pro[ecL sponsor" Avallable (onllne )
hLLp//leadershlpchampswordpresscom ( lasL accessed CcLober 20

MlcrosofL offlce 2007 LsLabllsh ad manage pro[ecL sLakeholder and llsL Avallable (onllne)
PA010172673aspx ( LasL accessed CcLober 20

!ohn SeashloLz 2003 uevelop and presenL pro[ecL plan scope and Llmellne Avallable ( onllne )
LlmellnePA001171830aspx ( LasL accessed CcLober 20

lans Messy desk 2007 geLLlng Lhlngs done Avallable(onllne) hLLp//gLdmarvelzcom ( lasL
accessed CcLober 20

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