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Liceo Bicentenario Provincial Santa Teresa de Los Andes / Colina-Lampa-Tiltil

ENGLISH CLASS M. Prez de Castro M. TEST I/2S/2011

NAME ____________________________________________________ CLASS 7_____ TOTAL POINTS: 84 / grade ______ The following questions are about the short story All Summer in a Day.
I Match each word to one of the five sentences below. Put the corresponding letter in the blank. (10 pts.) a) future b) Margot c) Venus d) classmates e) rain 1. The story takes place on this planet. ____ 2. The climate on this planet is with constant ___. 3. ____ wrote the poem in the story. 4. Her ___ hate Margot because she remembers the sun.
5. The time of this story is in the ____.

Your points _______ / Your

II For the following multiple choice questions, mark the letter of the answer that best completes the sentence. (30 pts.) 1. After some years on the planet, Margot looks
A. healthy B. with no colors C. green

2. It was bad to put Margot in the closet because

A. she is afraid of the dark no friends B. sunshine is rare on this planet C. she has

3. Margots personal history makes her feel

A. different from her classmates friendly to her classmates B. better than her classmates C.

4. Another way of saying the rain is beginning to stop is to say that it is

A. down B. slowing down C. moving down

5. The silence was so ___ that you felt your ears were closed.
A. tumultuously B. concussion C. immense

6. The author, _____, was famous for writing science fiction.

A. Ray Charles B. Ray Reagan C. Ray Bradbury

7. Margots experience of the sun is different from her classmates because she came to Venus A. a week ago B. five years ago C. nine years ago 8. In what way was Margot most similar to her classmates?
A. She remembers the sun. She wants to see the sun. B. She is going back to Earth. C.

9. The sun will not shine again on Venus for other

A. 7 years B. 7 months C. 7 days

10. Which word means almost the same as the underlined word? The children enjoyed every minute in the sun.
A. loved B. remembered C. wasted

III If the sentence: refers to the MOVIE, mark with an M refers to the STORY, mark with an S refers to the MOVIE AND STORY, mark with M/S. (20 pts.) 1. The children receive artificial light to replace (reemplazar) sunlight. M

2. Margot reads a poem about the sun.


M/S M M S M _____

3. The children play soccer. 4. William fights (pelea) with the teacher.

5. In Venus the sun comes out every 7 years.


6. The children make drawings (dibujos) about the sun.


7. Margot stays apart from the children.



8. Margot writes a poem about the sun.



9. All came in a rocket to Venus.



All receive a kit with protection items to use when the sun comes M _____


IV Match each picture with one sentence. (12 pts.) A) B) C)




1) Many people are in the backyard of the house having a party! 2) They are having fun jumping the rope! 3) The dog is waiting for the boy to sit on his back. 4) The children are playing with marbles.

5) The cats are looking at the bird. 6) The wave is splashing water all around! A) ___

B) ___ F) ___

C) ___

D) ___

E) ___

V Write in Spanish the meaning (significado) of the words in bold in the sentences above: (12 pts.) Backyard: _______________________________________________ Rope: Back: Marbles: Wave: _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________


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