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Future Trends Newsletter April 2006

© 2006 Brian Morgan Research and Articles

Community Buying Networks. (New Form Of Supply & Demand)
Did Lies Get America in War? (Video From 20 Former US Workers)
Two Book Reviews from MarketWatch.
GM and Delphi News.
Online Movies & IPTV. (More TV on the Internet to Come)
Iran’s Nuclear Story. (Preparing For Military Strikes Now)
Peer to Peer File Sharing, Free Movies Online. (Free Source of Online Movies)
Important Websites & Stories.

Community Buying Networks Online: The Future of the

Internet for Business and Consumers
©2006 Brian Morgan Research and Articles

At the beginning of this week I went to the Microsoft website to see what kind of
content they offered in the line of videos. Most of what I found is business
related or news related. There was a keynote speech by Bill Gates (at the 2006
C.E.S. Conference) that explained his vision of the pc and the internet for the
next 5 years or so. And if anyone is going to predict the future, I guess he’s
about the savviest to do so. At least for the developed world most of us are
accustomed to. The people I network with in India & Africa have a very different
world they live in. They are lucky to have electricity. One friend called from
Nigeria this afternoon to advocate that we attend a conference in Washington
DC (PEPFAR Conference), and half-way through the conversation he had to go
because of a power outage- everything went dark. Personally I believe that the
internet enables people to “consolidate into groups or networks”, like when
people go to a forum and exchange ideas about current events and life in
general. People like forums to seek out “like minded individuals” and share their
perspectives in a very open forum, being safe behind the curtain of the internet.
These “networks of people” can be very large, (at we have
over 3,000 online volunteers) or they can be a small niche of people concerned
about special unique topics.
A few years ago I had a sort of idea about how “networks of people” could use
the internet, television, and the telephone to create what I will label “Consumer
Buying Networks” (CBN). The internet doesn’t really need to be included for
the idea to work, but since many people use it as a form of communication, I add
it thinking people will converse online. The idea of the CBN is that a very large
audience (i.e. 100,000 people) could work as a group to buy bundles of
products from a manufacturer/wholesaler. The concept would be similar to
the television show QVC ( with the difference being the
audience (network) could buy a bundle supply of products (i.e. a 12 month supply
of bath & kitchen products) and as the sales for the “bundled products”
increased the overall cost per unit would decrease. So as sales increased, the
price of the “bundled product” would decrease making it even more desirable for
new buyers. The CBN could even post on the TV the amount of
sales necessary in order to achieve a certain discounted
product price. So people would call or contact their friends
trying to increase the sales volume to lower the per unit
prices. This is how I see “networks” being used for
the benefit of the individual family. A company that would
empower this sort of benefit for large networks of people (say an entire city)
would really push their own competitors out of the marketplace for a period of
time. That is if the CBN is selling products for a 12-36 month supply. I think it
would be good for the customers, but it would really be a tough system to
compete against if your firm didn’t employ the same platform of selling and
distribution. I guess product manufacturers should be seeing this in their “crystal
ball”; it is the same way that the cellular companies have been selling
cellular service since the early 1990’s. They sell their product in bulk only;
you sign a year or two year contract. This would be unlike Sam’s Club in that the
consumers would have more control over the goods they purchase. Me ,for one,
would prefer buying a years supply of American Made Fax Paper and American
Made garbage bags or American Made light-bulbs, than I would a one months
supply of Asian Made goods. Ultimately the CBN would try to supply categories
of product lines so as to offer a family/consumer a complete area of products for
a specific length of time, so as to lock out their competition and provide the
buying network (CBN) with the lowest prices. Here is an example that I would
think would work as a “sample” product category:

The Bathroom Product Line (24 month supply):

Toothpaste 12 Tubes
Toothbrushes 8
Floss 3
Mouthwash 12
Hand Soap 24
Shampoo 12
Conditioner 12
Men’s Razors 216
Women’s Razors 216
Shaving Cream 20
Toilet Paper 96
Tub Tile Cleaner 9
Toilet Cleaner 12
Scrub Brush 4
Rubber Gloves 4 pairs
Mop 1
Counter Wipes 12

CBN Article Resources:

Bill Gates Keynote:
Online Volunteering:
Well Known Forums:

Did Lies Get A Country Into War?

I will state that I am non-biased toward the war in Iraqi at least for this article; this
article is based on an online documentary video available for peer-to-peer file
sharing networks. I was trying to get the movie “Fahrenheit 911” but instead got
a movie called “Uncovered The Whole Truth About The Iraqi War”, ©2003
Carolina Productions, Inc., Produced and Directed by Robert Greenwald,
Associate Producers Chris Gordon & Jim Gilliam. I found this movie in the peer-
to-peer online site called (Lime Wire) and the title was
called “Farenheit 911- Film by Moor”, which was not the correct title.

The “Uncovered…” movie I highly recommend, it contains about 1 hour of

documentation of 10 to 20 past government employees and service workers that
believe the US President and other high government officials (Powell & Rice...)
basically lied to congress and the media about the reality of Iraq’s weaponry
and the state of it’s ‘weapons of mass destruction’. Here are some tidbits
from the movie, I hope you are able to find it and watch it.

Ray McGovern (27 year CIA Analyst), “When the emperor has no clothes you
have to have the presence of mind, and the courage to stand up and say ‘the
emperor has no clothes’.” “There was never a clear threat. Weapons of mass
destruction was fabricated to get the House (Politicians) to approve the Iraqi war.
The administration has not been honest with its longer range goals and
philosophy for going to war…,” Graham Full (25 years foreign service).
Saddam Hussein’s son-in-law, Hussein Kamel said in August of 1995 (he was in
charge at the time), “I ordered the destruction of all chemical weapons, all
weapons- biological, chemical, missile, nuclear were destroyed…”. Kamel made
these claims in 1995 that the weapons of mass destruction were destroyed, and
the USA knew this. Yet video clips of politicians in this movie show, right before
the war, that they (politicians- Rice, Powell, Bush) claimed they knew for a fact
that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. Some politicians in this movie go as
far as to state the types of weapons that they know are in Iraq, which of course
they didn’t. To be able to take military action in the USA, we are supposed to do
so to an eminent threat. This ‘threat’ was drummed up, fabricated by Bush,
Cheney, Rice, Powell, and other US leaders and the people that inform them
prior to the war, as the video states.

About the State of the Union speech in 2003, “Bush presented so many distorted
beliefs, estimates, and guess-timates (on Iraq) - that it appears he was
misleading the public and the congress,” John Dean (Former White House
Counsel). Even Colin Powell’s reports to the United Nations were
embarrassing to the UN Weapons Inspectors attending Powell’s statements.
The movie shows that many of Powell’s statements were absolutely false due to
the fact that UN Weapons Inspectors had inspected many of the sites that
Powell claimed were dangerous weapons manufacturing sites.

“It is a crime (federal felony) to distort and mislead with information to the
congress…” John Dean (Former White House Counsel). At one point Colin
Powell stated to the UN that he knew Iraq had 100-500 tons of chemical
weapons agents. Ray McGovern (27 year CIA Analyst) says about Powell, “It
was a masterful performance but none of it was true, where are all these

You may remember this man and his wife from the
news. His wife was leaked as being a CIA agent, which
ruined her career. Why did they do this? …Her husband,
Joe Wilson…

Joe Wilson (23 years foreign service) helped find the

truth behind the supposed Uranium from Niger documents, concerning a
Uranium purchase between Iraq and Africa (Niger I believe). Documents that
turned out to be 100% falsified thanks to investigative work by Joe Wilson.
Later Joe’s wife’s career was ruined as intelligence leaked that Mrs. Wilson was
a CIA operative. That was a clear message that Washington didn’t want people
disproving their claims of Iraq having weapons capacity(s). They ruined Joe
Wilson’s wife’s career.

Chas Freeman (30 years diplomatic service), “I don’t think it is patriotic to stand
by and remain silent while your country stumbles into disaster.” (I say Amen to

“The politicians that started the war have no argument now, they have no
defense for what they did, the country is in a terrible international security
situation, that I think is perilous (dangerous),” Mel Goodman (20 year CIA
I recommend you watch this 87 minute video documentary highly. Watch the
movie online here or save it to your hard-drive:

Book Reviews: “America Mania: When More Is Not Enough”*

“America is like an addict who can’t stop…” In this book, psychiatrist Peter
Whybrow says we’re addicts; “more” is never really enough. Our savings rate is
blow zero so we borrow $67 million per month to feed our addictive
consumerism. We’re insatiable, only crushing will stop us. If you are not saving
10%, you’re spending too much.
Book review at:

“God, oil, and skyrocketing debt don’t mix!”*

Former republican strategist Kevin Phillip’s book “American Theocracy”
examines the rise and fall of great nations. Rome, Britain, and others lost power
following a convergence of three (3) trends: diminishing resources, ballooning
debt, and militant religions. This mix creates a blind obsession for world
domination, which itself ultimately self-destructs. Are we in denial, or is he?
Book website and more extras:

*Both above are MarketWatch excerpts by Paul Farrell in his article “Behavior
Finance: a Psychology of Denial?” April 10, 2006,

NEWS for Delphi Automotive Electronics

US Bankruptcy court in New York approved a GM buyout or early retirement of
13,000 Delphi Corp. workers. Delphi’s trying to shed 20,000 Union jobs. GM
itself wants to cut 30,000 people from its hourly staff of 113,000 by the year 2008.
GM posted a $10.6 Billion loss in 2005. Right now GM is offering car buying
discounts from $1300 to $4000 to help increase car sales.
GM’s market share is at the all time low of 26 percent and
Wall Street Analysts say GM may be forced to seek
bankruptcy protection within several years. Resource: April 11, 2006. Brian’s Note: I think its
way past the time that we start actively looking to buy American Made Products.
It may be difficult, but I am researching the subject and later this summer hope to
post and advertise my website of quality American Made Manufacturers. They
are out there, it just take time to search online for them. I am hoping the website
I produce will allow others (many others) to buy consciously.

Online Movies, TV, IPTV, and More

By Gary Gentile, AP Business Writer / Brian Morgan notes.
ABC (a Walt Disney Company) will offer four prime-time TV shows including
“Desperate Housewives” and “Lost” on its web site for free for two months
starting in May 2006.

These shows will include advertising which supports the programs. Today ABC
already offers ad-free TV episodes online for $1.99 each on Apple’s iTunes web
store. This experiment comes as networks reach out to viewers who watch less
prime-time TV and are embracing technology that lets them watch TV/Movies on
computers and ipods (portable devises).

Brian Morgan’s Notes: Here is my perspective on this, businesses seem to try

to do many new things will an “all or nothing” motive. Much of US company
outsourcing has this perspective- all products are made overseas (i.e. Asian
made). What US firms are going to have to acknowledge, is
that this information rich world we Americans live in, gives
us more monetary power. Firms that use overseas
outsourcing should still have ‘some’ form of US
manufacturing for the US consumers that want and will demand USA Made
Products. In the TV/Movie content business, the content providers are going to
have to offer many variations of receiving their content to secure revenue and
viewership. The content providers (TV cable firms mostly) will have to supply
regular cable TV, regular on-demand cable TV, online cable TV, online on-
demand cable TV, this of course includes what we call videos, movies, films.
Next month I will hopefully discuss connecting your computer to your TV.

Iran and It’s Nuclear Capacity

Resource: Christian Science Monitor /
Excerpt from: by Seth Jones, RAND Corp., April 11, 2006

Iran has stated that it will not back down its desires and efforts to
build nuclear capabilities. This has lead US and Israel to think
that a limited military strike against Iran’s Nuclear Facilities may be inevitable.
The US and Israel have deployed plans for limited strikes on Iranian nuclear
facilities; these would take three (3) forms: air strikes from aircraft, surface to
surface missiles, and attacks from surface ships or submarines in the
Mediterranean or Arabic Sea.

The most significant cost of such attacks on Iran would not be Iran’s military or
economic retaliation, but worsening the US relations with Muslim nations-
severely impacting America’s global war on terrorism. Brian’s note: If you want to
find a smorgasbord of video documentaries about topics like this visit: (Tons of Good Video Online)
I watched in disbelief the video there called “911 Eyewitness” and am going to
purchase the DVD to share with family and friends.

Online Content, Free Movies Online, P2P Networks

By Brian Morgan, April 11, 2006

Having recently upgraded to Broadband Internet Service, I have been looking for
avenues to watch TV, movies, video, and such online. One method of finding the
movies (content) or music online is called peer-to-peer file sharing (P2P). In a nutshell
you download a P2P free software-program, and this program enables you to search
hundreds and thousands of computers for shared files, through the peer-to-peer
network. The P2P software enables you to connect to the P2P network and then
“search” for the specific movie you’d like to find and then download it to your computer.
This download method can take from 1 to 3 hours normally for a 2 hour movie (with
broadband), but it is a free way that people share videos and music online. Along with
software and video games I should add. I am not sure how the P2P companies survive
because all or most of the desirable content (music & videos) is pirated or shared in
disregard to the licensing and copyright laws on music and video/film. Yet I have
tried it, and there are hundreds of new movies out there, and perhaps millions of people
using P2P methods. I don’t know if I would go to court if they find out I am gathering
copyrighted material or the P2P Company would legally be at fault. All I know is that it is
going on and I don’t hear much in the news about it being illegal, which I am sure most
of it is. The P2P company that I finally found that would work for me was Lime Wire
( . I tried three other P2P software providers: BearShare,
Morpheous, and Shareaza with no real luck. To date I have downloaded about 3 full
length movies and several shorter comedy clips. If I want to watch movies on the
weekends I generally use a pay-per-view online movie company called Movie Link
( The movies are almost exactly the same as the local
video/dvd store, they are released online at the same time, and they cost me $1.99 to
$4.95 per movie. The quality is very good. With Movie Link I can start a movie
download and then start watching the film in about 5-10 minutes. With a P2P download
you have to wait the 1-3 hours of download time before watching the movie. My next
step is transferring the movie from my computer to my Television, which I have tried
twice this last week with no luck. I will keep you informed. It’s my intuition that by the
end of this year most of the content that you see on cable TV or Satellite TV will be
offered online, and some of it free due to their advertising partners.

Sample Movies found in the P2P Networks:

A History of Violence
Broken Flowers
JackAss The Movie
The Matrix Reloaded
The Matrix Revolutions
The Matrix
King Kong
Kill Bill Vol. 1 & 2
Four Brothers
Transporter 2
Important Websites and Information Online
USA Government spends $13 million on 15,000 Chinese computers. Brand
name Lenovo. (March 24, 2006) Blog Story

Actual News Story about the Lenovo Purchase.

Video Content (4/1/06): Microsoft’s Bill Gates Keynote at January’s

Computer Electronics Show (CES) Products in the near future , also Vista.

Microsoft and AT&T in the creation of Internet TV (IPTV) (4/1/06)

IPTV Online (4-1-06)

I hope you had a good Easter, thanks for reading. I hope that you enjoyed this month’s content. I did spend more time on
current topics than I would usually, but I thought the websites, videos, and content I found was important. For those of
you that don’t know me that well, I spent a good 15+ years searching for that ‘perfect network marketing business’, which
lead me to understand more about sales, marketing, and what I believe is true in the industry: a duplicatable way to sell &
market products & services that the corporate world has not fully grasped yet. I don’t really ‘believe’ in the network
marketing system like I once did, but I cannot forget all the valuable leaders and people that I worked for and with.
Without network marketing I would not have learned valuable lessons about business, people, and the ability to sell on the
phone. At one point I was on the phone 6 hours each day dialing nationwide about 100-150 phone numbers (leads) each
day. Out of 150 calls I would actually have a goal of having 25-30 serious conversations in a day. That was brutal, but I
was focused. I finally decided to dive into reading ‘the experts’ view on entrepreneurship and found that network
marketing is a tough route to make a living, and that I could probably do much better investigating a business model &
system of my own. One spring I practically lived in the IUK library and read nearly 150 books. If you would like a copy of
the e-book that I have written that describes how the network marketing transformed
from the mid 1980’s to the current day, I should be completely done revising it & have
it for sale in May. The interesting facts about the successful folks in network
marketing is that in some circumstances many men & women have built networks of
over 20-100,000 sales persons….that is a large platform for selling. My e-book will
guide you through the early years of my adventure in network marketing and also
include the high tech methods they use today in making sales vehicles that are easily
duplicatable. Methods that the corporate culture will be using, once they know how.
Selling and marketing methods that will work for you and your business. The e-book
will be $12 dollars and available online, you can print it out or read it online. You can
email me if you would like a copy, and if you find the book as insight and helpful as I claim it to be, then simply send me
the $12 in a check or money order. I appreciate your help and support, and hope you find these newsletters worth
reading. Any feedback and comments are happily invited.
Note: This newsletter is mailed in hardcopy form due to the research that I have done on the newsletter industry.
Write to me at

If you’d like to visit the links in this newsletter easier, visit the e-version
online at

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