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name ___________________ pd ___

Macbeth rev|ew|ng D|scuss|on uest|ons

1e llves faLed Lo be o does fee wlll conLol
one's desLlny?
2ls evll a paL of human naLue o does lL come
fom anoLhe souce?
3Can people do whaL Lhey know Lo be wong
and emaln unaffecLed o ls gullL a glven?
4uoes a leade have Lo be vlLuous o can Lhey
[usL be poweful?
Cn Lhe back of Lhls sheeL ceaLe a bulleLpolnLed llsL of
aL leasL 3 examples LhaL suppoL you sLance
O @hese examples of suppoL can come fom pesonal
expelence oLhe woks of llLeaLue and/o fllm
cuenL evenLs o hypoLheLlcal scenalos

name ___________________ pd ___
re ||ves fated to be or
does free w||| contro|
one's dest|ny?

Is ev|| a part of human
nature or does |t come
from another source?
Can peop|e do what they
know to be wrong and
rema|n unaffected or |s
gu||t a g|ven?
Does a |eader have to be
v|rtuous or can they [ust
be powerfu|?

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