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8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL WhaL Lhree sLaLemenLs are Lrue abouL Lhe l conflguraLlon LhaL ls shown? (Choose
1he address LhaL ls asslgned Lo Lhe compuLer represenLs prlvaLe addresslng
1he compuLer ls unable Lo communlcaLe ouLslde of Lhe local neLwork
1he neLwork of Lhls compuLer can have 126 hosLs
1he preflx of Lhe compuLer address ls /27
1he l address LhaL ls asslgned Lo Lhe compuLer ls rouLable on Lhe lnLerneL
1he l address LhaL ls asslgned Lo Lhe compuLer ls a broadcasL address

2 As neLwork admlnlsLraLor whaL ls Lhe subneL mask LhaL allows 310 hosLs glven Lhe l address

3 Whlch CSl layers offers rellable connecLlonorlenLed daLa communlcaLlon servlces?

4 Whlch Lype of medla ls lmmune Lo LMl and 8ll? (Choose Lwo)
10 8ase1
10 8ase2
10 8ase3
100 8aselx
100 8ase 1x
1000 8ase Lx

3 When connecLlonless proLocols are lmplemenLed aL Lhe lower layers of Lhe CSl model whaL ls usually
used Lo acknowledge LhaL Lhe daLa was recelved and Lo requesL Lhe reLransmlsslon of mlsslng daLa?
a connecLlonless acknowledgemenL
an upperlayer connecLlonorlenLed proLocol or servlce

6 Whlch comblnaLlon of neLwork ld and subneL mask correcLly ldenLlfles all l addresses from
172161280 Lhrough 17216139233?
172161280 233233233224
172161280 23323300
172161280 2332331920
172161280 2332332240
172161280 233233233192

7 uurlng Lhe encapsulaLlon process whlch ldenLlflers are added aL Lhe LransporL layer?
Lwo neLworks rouLlng Lhe packeLs
Lwo appllcaLlons communlcaLlng Lhe daLa
Lwo hosLs aL elLher end of Lhe communlcaLlon
Lwo nodes on Lhe local neLwork exchanglng Lhe frame

8 WhaL are Lhree characLerlsLlcs of CSMA/Cu? (Choose Lhree)
uevlces can be conflgured wlLh a hlgher Lransmlsslon prlorlLy
A [am slgnal lndlcaLes LhaL Lhe colllslon has cleared and Lhe medla ls noL busy
A devlce llsLens and walLs unLll Lhe medla ls noL busy before LransmlLLlng
1he devlce wlLh Lhe elecLronlc Loken ls Lhe only one LhaL can LransmlL afLer a colllslon
All of Lhe devlces on a segmenL see daLa LhaL passes on Lhe neLwork medlum
AfLer deLecLlng a colllslon hosLs can aLLempL Lo resume Lransmlsslon afLer a random Llme delay has


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL Lach medla llnk ls labeled WhaL Lype of cable should be used Lo connecL Lhe
dlfferenL devlces?
ConnecLlon 1 rollover cable
ConnecLlon 2 sLralghLLhrough cable
ConnecLlon 3 crossover cable
ConnecLlon 1 crossover cable
ConnecLlon 2 rollover cable
ConnecLlon 3 crossover cable
ConnecLlon 1 sLralghLLhrough cable
ConnecLlon 2 crossover cable
ConnecLlon 3 crossover cable
ConnecLlon 1 sLralghLLhrough cable
ConnecLlon 2 crossover cable
ConnecLlon 3 sLralghLLhrough cable
ConnecLlon 1 crossover cable
ConnecLlon 2 sLralghLLhrough cable
ConnecLlon 3 crossover cable


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL A neLwork Lechnlclan ls Lrylng Lo deLermlne Lhe correcL l address conflguraLlon for
PosL A WhaL ls a valld conflguraLlon for PosL A?
l address 19216810019 SubneL Mask 233233233248 uefaulL CaLeway 1921612
l address 19216810020 SubneL Mask 233233233240 uefaulL CaLeway 19216810017
l address 19216810021 SubneL Mask 233233233248 uefaulL CaLeway 19216810018
l address 19216810022 SubneL Mask 233233233240 uefaulL CaLeway 10113
l address 19216810030 SubneL Mask 233233233240 uefaulL CaLeway 19216811
l address 19216810031 SubneL Mask 233233233240 uefaulL CaLeway 19216810018


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL PosL A ls LransmlLLlng daLa Lo hosL 8 WhaL addresses wlll hosL A use Lo for Lhe
desLlnaLlon l and MAC addresses ln Lhls communlcaLlon?
uesLlnaLlon MAC 888888888888 uesLlnaLlon l 17222062
uesLlnaLlon MAC uuuuuuuuuuuu uesLlnaLlon l 17222073
uesLlnaLlon MAC LLLLLLLLLLLL uesLlnaLlon l 17222062
uesLlnaLlon MAC 888888888888 uesLlnaLlon l 17222073
uesLlnaLlon MAC LLLLLLLLLLLL uesLlnaLlon l 17222073
uesLlnaLlon MAC uuuuuuuuuuuu uesLlnaLlon l 17222094


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL Assume all devlces are uslng defaulL conflguraLlons Pow many subneLs are
requlred Lo address Lhe Lopology LhaL ls shown?


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL Whlch Lwo sLaLemenLs descrlbe Lhe lnformaLlon LhaL ls represenLed ln Lhe header?
(Choose Lwo)
1hls ls a server response
1he uu proLocol ls belng used
1he desLlnaLlon porL lndlcaLes a 1elneL sesslon
1he reLurn segmenL wlll conLaln a source porL of 23
1he nexL sesslon orlglnaLed from Lhe cllenL of Lhls sesslon wlll use Lhe source porL number 13338


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL 1he command LhaL ls shown was lssued on a C WhaL does Lhe l address
192168332 represenL?
l address of Lhe hosL
defaulL gaLeway of Lhe hosL
l address of Lhe homepage for Lhe hosL
prlmary domaln name server for Lhe hosL
l address of Lhe webslLe resolver1mookllocal


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL A rouLer whose Lable ls shown recelves a packeL LhaL ls desLlned for 19216814
Pow wlll rouLer LreaL Lhe packeL?
1he packeL wlll be dropped
1he packeL wlll be forwarded vla lasLLLherneL 0/0
1he packeL wlll be forwarded Lo Lhe desLlnaLlon hosL
1he packeL wlll be forwarded Lo Lhe 19216813 nexLhop address


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL A neLwork admlnlsLraLor remoLely accesses Lhe CLl of 8ouLer8 from C1 uslng
1elneL Whlch sLaLemenL ls Lrue abouL Lhls connecLlon?
1he daLa ls auLomaLlcally encrypLed
A 1elneL server process ls runnlng on C1
1he connecLlon ls made Lhrough a v1? sesslon on Lhe rouLer
A CL1 requesL was senL Lo 8ouLer8 Lo reLrleve daLa durlng Lhls sesslon

17 Whlch Lhree lv4 addresses represenL a broadcasL for a subneL? (Choose Lhree)
17216463 /26
172164129 /26
172164191 /26
17216431 /27
17216493 /27
172164221 /27


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL WhaL ls requlred on hosL A for a neLwork Lechnlclan Lo creaLe Lhe lnlLlal
conflguraLlon on 8ouLer1?
an l1 cllenL
a 1elneL cllenL
a Lermlnal emulaLlon program
a web browser

19 Whlch Lhree sLaLemenLs characLerlze Lhe LransporL layer proLocols? (Choose Lhree)
1C and uu porL numbers are used by appllcaLlon layer proLocols
1C uses porL numbers Lo provlde rellable LransporLaLlon of l packeLs
uu uses wlndowlng and acknowledgmenLs for rellable Lransfer of daLa
1C uses wlndowlng and sequenclng Lo provlde rellable Lransfer of daLa
1C ls a connecLlonorlenLed proLocol uu ls a connecLlonless proLocol

20 1he Layer 4 header conLalns whlch Lype of lnformaLlon Lo ald ln Lhe dellvery of daLa?
servlce porL number
hosL loglcal address
devlce physlcal address
vlrLual connecLlon ldenLlfler


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL 1he LracerL command ls lnlLlaLed from C1 Lo C4 Whlch devlce wlll send a
response Lo Lhe lnlLlal LracerL packeL from C1?


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL PosL A aLLempLs Lo esLabllsh a 1C/l sesslon wlLh hosL C uurlng Lhls aLLempL a
frame was capLured wlLh Lhe source MAC address 00307320u632 and Lhe desLlnaLlon MAC address
0030831744C4 1he packeL lnslde Lhe capLured frame has an l source address 19216873 and Lhe
desLlnaLlon l address ls 19216821924 AL whlch polnL ln Lhe neLwork was Lhls packeL capLured?
leavlng hosL A
leavlng A1L
leavlng uallas
leavlng n?C


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL Whlch seL of devlces conLalns only lnLermedlary devlces?
A 8 u C
A 8 L l
C u C l
C P l !


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL WhaL Lwo facLs can be deLermlned from Lhe lnformaLlon LhaL ls glven? (Choose
1hls exchange ls parL of Lhe Lhreeway handshake
1he source porL lndlcaLes LhaL a 1elneL sesslon has been lnlLlaLed
1he daLa ls flowlng from server Lo cllenL
1he desLlnaLlon porL lndlcaLes LhaL an P11 sesslon has been lnlLlaLed
1he daLa llsLed ls assoclaLed wlLh Lhe LransporL layer
1he source porL does noL supporL communlcaLlon wlLh Lhe desLlnaLlon porL LhaL ls llsLed

23 uue Lo a securlLy vlolaLlon Lhe rouLer passwords musL be changed WhaL lnformaLlon can be learned
from Lhe followlng conflguraLlon enLrles? (Choose Lwo)
8ouLer(conflg)# ||ne vty 0 3
8ouLer(conflgllne)# password c13c0
8ouLer(conflgllne)# |og|n
1he enLrles speclfy Lhree 1elneL llnes for remoLe access
1he enLrles speclfy four 1elneL llnes for remoLe access
1he enLrles seL Lhe console and 1elneL password Lo c13c0r
1elneL access wlll be denled because Lhe 1elneL conflguraLlon ls lncompleLe
Access wlll be permlLLed for 1elneL uslng c13c0r as Lhe password


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL Cable 1 and cable 2 have Lhe ends wlred for speclflc physlcal layer requlremenLs
1he Lable llsLs each segmenL by number and Lhe cable whlch has been lnsLalled by Lhe neLwork
Lechnlclan beLween Lhe neLwork componenLs on LhaL segmenL lrom Lhe daLa glven whlch segmenLs
have Lhe correcL cable lnsLalled? (Choose Lhree)

27 Whlch password ls auLomaLlcally encrypLed when lL ls creaLed?
enable secreL
enable password


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL Whlch loglcal Lopology besL descrlbes Lhe exhlblLed neLwork?


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL 1he neLwork conLalnlng rouLer 8 ls experlenclng problems A neLwork assoclaLe has
lsolaLed Lhe lssue ln Lhls neLwork Lo rouLer 8 WhaL acLlon can be preformed Lo correcL Lhe neLwork
lssue Lhe clock raLe command on lnLerface Serlal 0/0/0
lssue Lhe descrlpLlon command on lnLerface Serlal 0/0/1
lssue Lhe lp address command on lnLerface lasLLLherneL 0/0
lssue Lhe no shuLdown command on lnLerface lasLLLherneL 0/1

30 WhaL are Lwo characLerlsLlcs of Lhe daLa llnk layer? (Choose Lwo)
lL segmenLs and reorders Lhe daLa
lL exchanges Lhe frames beLween nodes
lL deflnes Lhe meLhod by whlch neLwork devlces place daLa onLo Lhe medla
lL manages Lhe Lransfer of daLa beLween Lhe processes LhaL run on each hosL
lL reLrleves slgnals from Lhe medla and resLores Lhem Lo Lhelr blL represenLaLlons

31 Whlch of Lhe followlng are Lhe address ranges of Lhe prlvaLe l addresses? (Choose Lhree)
10000 Lo 10233233233
200100300 Lo 20010023233
13013000 Lo 130130233233
1721600 Lo 17231233233
19216800 Lo 192168233233
1271600 Lo 12731233233


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL 1he dlagram represenLs Lhe process of sendlng emall beLween cllenLs SelecL Lhe llsL
below LhaL correcLly ldenLlfles Lhe componenL or proLocol used aL each numbered sLage of Lhe dlagram
1MuA 2MuA 3M1A 4SM1 3M1A 6C 7MuA 8MuA
1MuA 2C 3MuA 4SM1 3M1A 6MuA 7SM1 8MuA
1MuA 2C 3SM1 4MuA 3M1A 6SM1 7C 8MuA
1MuA 2SM1 3M1A 4SM1 3M1A 6MuA 7C 8MuA
1MuA 2SM1 3M1A 4SM1 3M1A 6MuA 7C 8MuA


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL Cn Lhe basls of Lhe l conflguraLlon LhaL ls shown whaL ls Lhe reason LhaL PosL A
and PosL 8 are unable Lo communlcaLe ouLslde Lhe local neLwork?
PosL A was asslgned a neLwork address
PosL 8 was asslgned a mulLlcasL address
PosL A and PosL 8 belong Lo dlfferenL neLworks
1he gaLeway address was asslgned a broadcasL address


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL WhaL ls Lhe correcL desLlnaLlon sockeL number for a web page requesL from PosL A
Lo Lhe web server?
C 1981332190/24 ls dlrecLly connecLed lasLLLherneL0/0

33 A rouLlng lssue has occurred ln you lnLerneLwork Whlch of Lhe followlng Lype of devlces should be
examlned Lo lsolaLe Lhls error?
access polnL

36 Whlch CSl layer does l rely on Lo deLermlne wheLher packeLs have been losL and Lo requesL

37 Whlch range of porL numbers are reserved for servlces LhaL are commonly used by appllcaLlons LhaL
run on servers?
0 Lo 233
0 Lo 1023
1024 Lo 49131
49132 Lo 63333


Lxamlne Lhe graphlc wlLh currenL conflguraLlons PosL A ln Lhe Clerlcal offlces falled and was replaced
AlLhough a plng Lo 127001 was successful Lhe replacemenL compuLer can noL access Lhe company
neLwork WhaL ls Lhe llkely cause of Lhe problem?
l address lncorrecLly enLered
neLwork cables unplugged
subneL mask lncorrecLly enLered
neLwork card fallure


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL When compuLer A sends a frame Lo compuLer u whaL compuLers recelve Lhe
only compuLer u
only compuLer A and compuLer u
only compuLer 8 compuLer C and compuLer u
all compuLers

40 ln a Clsco lCS devlce where ls Lhe sLarLupconflguraLlon flle sLored?


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL WlLh Lhe rouLer runnlng nA1 whaL l addresses can be applled Lo Lhe compuLer Lo
allow access Lo Lhe lnLerneL? (Choose Lhree)

42 A Lechnlclan ls asked Lo secure Lhe prlvlleged LxLC mode of a swlLch by requlrlng a password Whlch
Lype of password would requlre Lhls logln and be consldered Lhe mosL secure?
enable secreL

43 Whlch prompL represenLs Lhe approprlaLe mode used for Lhe copy runn|ngconf|g startupconf|g
command ?


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL A Lechnlclan ls worklng on a neLwork problem LhaL requlres verlflcaLlon of Lhe
rouLer LAn lnLerface WhaL address should be plnged from Lhls hosL Lo conflrm LhaL Lhe rouLer lnLerface
ls operaLlonal?

43 WhaL ls Lrue regardlng neLwork layer addresslng? (Choose Lhree)
uses a flaL sLrucLure
prevenL broadcasLs
unlquely ldenLlfles each hosL
48 blLs ln lengLh
conLalns a neLwork porLlon


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL WhaL funcLlon does rouLer 81_A need Lo provlde Lo allow lnLerneL access for hosLs
ln Lhls neLwork?
address LranslaLlon
uPC servlces
web server

47 A C can noL connecL Lo any remoLe webslLes plng lLs defaulL gaLeway or plng a prlnLer LhaL ls
funcLlonlng properly on Lhe local neLwork segmenL Whlch acLlon wlll verlfy LhaL Lhe 1C/l sLack ls
funcLlonlng correcLly on Lhls C?
use Lhe lpconflg /all command aL Lhe hosL's command prompL
use Lhe plng 127001 command aL Lhe command prompL
use Lhe LracerouLe command aL Lhe command prompL Lo ldenLlfy any fallures on Lhe paLh Lo Lhe
use l1 Lo check for connecLlvlLy Lo remoLe slLes
uownload a LroubleshooLlng Lool from Lhe C manufacLurer's webslLe


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL WhaL Lwo facLs can be deLermlned abouL Lhe exhlblLed Lopology? (Choose Lwo)
A slngle broadcasL domaln ls presenL
1wo loglcal address ranges are requlred
1hree broadcasL domalns are shown
lour neLworks are needed
llve colllslon domalns exlsL

49 Whlch Lwo funcLlons of Lhe CSl model occur aL layer Lwo? (Choose Lwo)
physlcal addresslng
medla access conLrol

30 When musL a rouLer serlal lnLerface be conflgured wlLh Lhe clock raLe command?
when Lhe lnLerface ls funcLlonlng as a u1L devlce
when Lhe lnLerface Llmers have been cleared
when Lhe connecLed u1L devlce ls shuL down
when Lhe lnLerface ls funcLlonlng as a uCL devlce

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