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Simple squamous epithelium that lines blood and lymph vessels goes by name of
________.(concept of endothelium)*****

2.Concept :-Types of epithelium.

3.Specialization of cell suface micro villi,cilia,inter-cellular functions.(types &


4.Which kind of cell contains special granule stain meta-chromatically.

5.Basal lamina,basal membrance (study clearly—41)

6.Connective tissue proper (—44)

Loose connective tissue***fibroblast,macrophage etc.(kinds of


7.fibers (kinds)

8.cartilage ( division,contents,difernt types,differences) distalis & adeno-hypophysis,basophilis include which kind of cells.

10.central acinar cell derived from which type of cell of pancreas.

11.imp.characters of alveolar duct.

12.glucose,amino acids,sugar & majority of water is absorbed in which part of renal

tubule ?

13.leydig cell produces which type of harmone --- testosterone.

14.zona pelicuda not present in which kind of follicle.

15.epidermis of skin is derived from which layer of exo-embryonic.

16.urino-genitial & genetal system derived from intermediate mesoderm.

17.umbilical basules derived from ________________.

a) endoderm b) ectoderm c) mesoderm d)

wall of yolk sac.

18. parenchyma cell of pancreas derived from

a)ectoderm b)mesoderm c) endoderm d)extra embryonic

19. lateral nasal prominence cannot fuse with maxillary prominence cannot fuse
with maxillary prominence results in __________________________________defect.

20. medial nasal prominence cannot fuse with maxillary prominence results in

21.eosin staining in H.E, cytoplasm & collagen causing which kind of colors ?
22.H.E staining by nucleus in which colors:--blue

23.epithelium cells can be divided into 2 groups by structure & function.

24.connective tissue proper are classified as 4 types..(learn them clearly)

25.granulocytes have nucleus including neutrophils .(learn --kinds of


26.nerve tissue consists of which kind of cells ?

27.the parenchyma of lymph nodes is composed of _____________________.(which


28.the white pulp includes ________.(how many parts and their names)

29.the red pulp includes ______.(how many parts and their names)

30.dermis of skin includes______ .(how many parts and their names)

31.adrenal cortex includes ________.(how many parts and their names)

32.endometrium can be sub-divided into __________________________.(their names)

33.the tri-laminar germ disc includes________________________.(how many names

and their names)

34.blastocyst includes 3 parts_________________________.(their names)

35.from medial to laternal parts of the mesoderm

______________________________________.(names of the parts)

36.the dilatration of heart tube is divided into 5 parts.___________________(their


37.bones – how many types of cells.( concept of osteons)

38.muscle—skeletal,smooth,cardiac.(structure under LM)

39.concept of sacromere.—page no.119

40.actin,myosin,tropnin,tropomysin---page no..120

41.ultra str. of skeletal muscle fiber

42.traid.—page no.—124

43.concept of transverse no.—123

44.nervous tissue –neuron,glial no.134

45.neuron str. Under LM.,cell body,dendrites.

46. concept of nissil body.

47.cell body of neuron called perikaryon.

48.glandular epithelium & covering no.—20

49.neuron filaments & micro-tubules present in cell body.

50.concept of synapses….page no.—140

51.str. of chemical synapse.

52.glial cells in CNS.

53.which kinds of cells form the axon---oligodendrocytes,Schwann sheath,satellite


54.which cells form the myelin sheath ?

55.capillaries—str., no.168

56.dermis layers –divided into

57.adenohypophysis/adrenal gland—layers,secreting substances and its

function.adrenal medulla secretes______________.(page no..232)

58.hypophysis—pars distalis include which cells ,its name,shape,which sub-type

cells,secretes what ?

59.basophillus,acidophilus---which cells.

60.pancreas into 2 layers,endocrine portion.(page no--275)

61.exocrine portion contain serous cells.

62.concept of central acinar cell.

63.liver---different parts,concept of liver lobules

64.portal space  concept  3ducts.

65.oesophagus key point …page no—251….gen.. str of digestive tract.

66.stomach---fundus,body…contains how many types of cells, gastric glands.

67.str.of parietal cell in LM & EM.(ppt)

68.small intenstine  villi glands have which types of cells –panette cells.

69.respiratory epithelium---page no—290

70.lung—conducting portion contain which no.—295

71.respiratory portion—ppts

Respiratory bronchioles have alveoli openings.

72.alveoli duct,sac.

73.type-1 & type-2…..str. & fun.

74.nephrons—concept ,parts,page 307,332.

75.renal corpuscules---glomercular capsule---which type of cells in inner & outer



77.blood filtration no.—337

78.renal tubules include how many parts.

79.proximal convoluted tubule under LM. glomerular apparatus—parts….page no.---344

81.semniferous tubule has 2 types of cells.—page no.---351

82.stages of spermatogenesis & names.

83.serotile cells  str. Under microscope

84.leydig cells. & large artery layers ( how many layers of smooth cells,elastic layers)

86.heart under LM. Page no.---181

87.lymphatic tissue----lymphatic nodule,diffuse lymphatic tissue.

88.micro str. Of thymus,cortex,medulla include cells…..hassell’s corpuscles present

in medulla---page no.—194

89.lymph node include which cells----”B-cells”.which area of lymph nodes include

which cells sub-scapular sinuses. Inner cortex – T-lymphocytes. & str. Of sinus in the lymph nodes.

91.epithelium wall…,lumen carticular cells.

92.spleen white pulp & red pulp.

Splenic sinus---str.

93.periarts--- present in T-cells.—layers.

95.str. of spinosum,granilosum…………….which cells present in them ?

96.markel’s cells,langerhans,melanocytes-------page no.---214.

97.developments & mature of no..317

98.primary,secondary follicle.

99.concept of ovulation,corpus leutum.

100.uterus ---wall is divided into layers.

101.endometrium divided into sub-layers.

102.cyclic—3phases----page no..—380.

All the best….:-


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