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AnA1CM? Cl 1PL ulCLS1lvL 18AC1

CasLrolnLesLlnal (Cl) 1racL ls a flexlble muscular Lube
exLendlng from Lhe mouLh Lo Lhe anus
A 1PL ulCLS1lvL C8CAnS
Mootb Lhe oral cavlLy conLalnlng Lhe Longue
and LeeLh where Lhe process of dlgesLlon
1eetb crush and sofLen Lhe food
5ollvo mlxes wlLh Lhe food mass and
molsLens lL for comforLable swallowlng lL
also helps dlssolve Lhe food so LhaL you can
LasLe lL only parLlcles ln soluLlon can reacL
wlLh LasLe buds
1ooqoe allows you noL only Lo LasLe food
buL also Lo more around Lhe mouLh
faclllLaLlng chewlng and swallowlng
lbotyox Lhe passageway leadlng from Lhe
nose and mouLh Lo Lhe larynx and esophagus
plqlottls a carLllage sLrucLure ln Lhe Lm coaL
LhaL parenLs fluld or food prom enLerlng Lhe
Lrachea when a person swallows (epl open
gloLLls back of Longue
sopboqos Lhe food plpe Lhe condulL from
Lhe mouLh Lo Lhe sLomach lower esophageal
sphlncLer Lhe sphlncLer muscle aL Lhe
[uncLlon beLween Lhe esophagus and Lhe
sLomach also called Lhe cardlac sphlncLer
lylotlc spbloctet Lhe sphlncLer muscle
separaLlng Lhe sLomach from Lhe small
lnLesLlne also called Lhe py|orus or py|or|c
va|ve (lylotos qotekeepet)
5moll lotestloe a 10 fooL lengLh of small
dlameLer (1 lnch) lnLesLlne LhaL ls Lhe ma[or
slLe of dlgesLlon of food and absorpLlon of
CollbloJJet Lhe organ LhaL sLores and
concenLraLes blle When lL recelves Lhe slgnal
LhaL faL ls presenL ln Lhe duodenum Lhe
gallbladder conLracLs and squlrLs blle Lhrough
Lhe blle ducL lnLo Lhe duodenum
ancreas a gland LhaL secreLes enzymes and
dlgesLlve [ulces lnLo Lhe duodenum
uuodenum Lhe Lop porLlon of Lhe small
lnLesLlne (abouL 12 flngers' breaLh long)
(duodecln Lwelve)
!e[unum Lhe flrsL Lwo flfLhs of Lhe small
lnLesLlne beyond Lhe duodenum
lleum Lhe lasL segmenLs of Lhe small
lleocecal value Lhe sphlncLer muscle
separaLlng Lhe small and large lnLesLlne
Large lnLesLlne or colon Lhe lasL porLlon of
Lhe lnLesLlne whlch adsorbs waLer lLs maln
segmenLs are Lhe ascendlng colon Lransverse
colon Lhe descendlng colon and Lhe slgmold
colon (slgmold shaped llke leLLer S)
8ecLum Lhe muscular Lermlnal parL of Lhe Cl
LracL exLendlng from Lhe slgmold colon Lo Lhe
anus 1he recLum sLores wasLe prlor Lo
Anus Lhe Lermlnal sphlncLer muscle of Lhe
Cl LracL
8 1PL lnvCLun1A8? MuSCLL Anu 1PL
Clands slngle cells or groups of cells ln Lhe
body Clands may be exocrlne glands
secreLlng Lhelr maLerlals ouL" (lnLo Lhe
dlgesLlve LracL or onLo Lhe surface of Lhe
skln) or endocrlne glands secreLlng Lhelr
maLerlals ln" (lnLo Lhe blood)

CAS18Cln1LS1lnAL MC1lLl1? sponLaneous
moLlon ln Lhe dlgesLlve LracL accompllshed by
lnvolunLary muscular conLracLlons
2 1?LS Cl MCvLMLn1S
1)L8lS1ALSlS successlve of lnvolunLary
muscular conLracLlons passlng along Lhe walls
of Lhe Cl LracL LhaL push Lhe conLenLs along
(perl around sLelleln wrap)
2)SLCMLn1A1lCn a perlodlc squeezlng or
parLlLlonlng of Lhe lnLesLlne by lLs clrcular
muscles LhaL boLh mlxes and slowly pushes
Lhe conLenLs along
Llquefylng rocess besldes forclng Lhe
lnLesLlnal conLenLs along Lhe muscles of Lhe
Cl LracL help Lo llquefy Lhem Lo chlme so LhaL
Lhe dlgesLlve [ulces wlll have access Lo all Lhelr
nuLrlenLs 1he mouLh lnlLlaLes Lhls llarefylng
process by chewlng addlng sallva and sLlrrlng
wlLh Lhe Longue Lo reduce Lhe food Lo a
coarse mash sulLable for swallowlng Lhe
sLomach Lhen furLher mlxes and kneads Lhe
SLomach AcLlon ln addlLlon Lo clrcular and
longlLudlnal muscles Lhe sLomach has a Lhlrd
layer of dlagonal muscles LhaL also alLernaLely
conLracL and relax 1hese Lhree seLs of muscles
work Lo force Lhe chlme downward buL Lhe
pylorlc sphlncLer usually remalns LlghLly closed
so LhaL Lhe sLomachs conLenLs are Lhrough
mlxed and squeezed before belng released
Meanwhlle Lhe gasLrlc glands are addlng [ulces
When Lhe chlme ls Lhoroughly llquefled Lhe
pylorlc sphlncLer opens brlefly abouL 3 Llmes
per mlnuLe Lo allow small poLlons Lhrough AL
Lhls polnL Lhe lnLesLlnal conLenLs no longer
resemble food
ll 1PL 8CCLSS Cl ulCLS1lCn
ulgesLlve glands and Lhelr secreLlons
A Sallvary Clands exocrlne glands LhaL secreLe
sallva lnLo Lhe mouLh
Sallva Lhe secreLlon of Lhe sallvary glands Lhe
prlnclpal enzyme ls amylase
Amylase an enzyme LhaL spllLs amylase (a
form sLarch) Amylose ls a carbohydraLe Lhe
endlng ase lndlcaLe an enzyme Lhe rooL Lells
whaL ls dlgesLs CLher examples proLease
CasLrlc Clands exocrlne glands ln Lhe sLomach
wall LhaL secreLe gasLrlc [ulce lnLo Lhe sLomach
8 CAS18lC CLAnuS exocrlne glands ln Lhe
sLomach wall LhaL secreLe gasLrlc [ulce lnLo
Lhe sLomach
CAS18lC !ulCL Lhe dlgesLlve secreLlon of Lhe
gasLrlc glands conLalnlng a mlxLure of waLer
hydrochlorlc acld and enzymes 1he prlnclpal
enzymes are pepsln (acLs on proLelns) and
llpase (acLs on emulslfled faLs)
P?u8CCPLC8lC AClu (PCl) an acld composed
of hydrogen and chlorlde aLoms normally
produced by Lhe gasLrlc glands
MuCuS a mucopolysaccharlde (a relaLlve of
carbohydraLe) secreLed by cells of Lhe sLomach
wall LhaL proLecLs Lhe cells from exposure Lo
dlgesLlve [ulces (and oLher desLrucLlve agenLs)
1he cellular llnlng of Lhe sLomach wall ls known
as Lhe mucous membrane
LSln a proLelndlgesLlng enzyme (gasLrlc
proLease) ln Lhe sLomach lL clrculaLes as a
precursor pepslnogen and ls converLed Lo
pepsln by Lhe acLlon of sLomach acld
C ln1LS1lnAL !ulCL Lhe secreLlon of Lhe
lnLesLlnal glands conLalns enzymes for Lhe
dlgesLlon of CPC and CPCn and a mlnor
enzyme for faL dlgesLlon
AnC8LA1lC !ulCL Lhe exocrlne secreLlon of
Lhe pancreas conLalnlng enzymes for Lhe
dlgesLlon of CPC faL and CPCn !ulce flows
from Lhe pancreas lnLo Lhe small lnLesLlne
Lhrough Lhe pancreaLlc ducL
8lCA88CnA1L an alkallne secreLlon of Lhe
pancreas parL of Lhe pancreaLlc [ulce
(8lcarbonaLe also occurs wldely ln all cell
8lLL an emulslfler LhaL prepares faLs and olls
for dlgesLlon made by Lhe llver sLored ln Lhe
gallbladder and released lnLo Lhe small
lnLesLlne when needed
3 C8CAnS 1PA1 SLC8L1L ulCLS1lvL !ulCLS
1 Sallvary glands
2 SLomach
3 Small lnLesLlne
4 Llver
3 ancreas

A ulCLS1lCn ln 1PL MCu1P

8 ulCLS1lCn ln 1PL S1CMACP

1he ma[or dlgesLlve evenL ln Lhe sLomach
ls Lhe lnlLlal breakdown of proLelns 1he
sLomach acld helps Lo uncoll (denaLure) Lhe
proLelns Langled sLrands so LhaL Lhe sLomach
enzymes can aLLack Lhe bonds 8oLh Lhe
enzyme pepsln and Lhe sLomach acld lLself acL
as caLalysL ln Lhe process

Mlnor evenLs are Lhe dlgesLlon of some faL
by a gasLrlc llpase Lhe dlgesLlon of sucrose (Lo
a very small exLenL) by Lhe sLomach acld and
Lhe aLLachmenL of a proLeln carrler Lo vlLamln

C ulCLS1lCn ln 1PL SMALL Anu LA8CL

1AnC8LA1lC !ulCL conLrlbuLes enzymes LhaL
dlgesL faLs proLelns and carbohydraLes
28lCA88CnA1L also a conLenL of pancreaLlc
[ulce whlch neuLrallzes Lhe acldlc chyme as lL
enLers Lhe small lnLesLlnes lrom Lhls polnL on
Lhe conLenLs of Lhe dlgesLlve LracL are neuLral
and sllghLly alkallne
38lLL secreLed conLlnuously by Lhe llver and ls
concenLraLed and sLored ln Lhe gallbladder
squlrLs blle lnLo duodenum whenever faL
arrlves Lhere 8lle ls an emulslfler LhaL brlngs
faLs lnLo suspenslon ln waLer AfLer Lhe faLs are
emulslfled enzymes can work on Lhem and
Lhey can be absorbed uue Lo all Lhese
secreLlons all Lhe energy yleldlng nuLrlenLs
are dlgesLed ln Lhe small lnLesLlnes

1PL 8A1L Cl ulCLS1lCn
uepends on Lhe conLenLs of Lhe meal lf Lhe
meal ls hlgh ln slmple sugars dlgesLlon
proceeds falrly rapldly Cn Lhe oLher hand lf
Lhe meal ls rlch ln faL dlgesLlon ls slower
lll 1PL A8SC81lvL S?1LM
SMALL ln1LS1lnL where Lhe absorpLlon
Lakes place mosL of Lhe Llme
When nuLrlenL molecules make conLacL wlLh
Lhe surface of small lnLesLlne Lhey are
absorbed and carrled off Lo llver and oLher
parLs of Lhe body
O vlLLl numerous flnger llke pro[ecLlons
from Lhe folds of Lhe small lnLesLlne
O MlC8CvlLLl Llny halr llke cell of every
vlllus LhaL can Lrap nuLrlenL parLlcles and
LransporL Lhem lnLo Lhe cells
SLClALlZA1lCn ln 1PL ln1LSlnAL 18AC1
1he nuLrlenLs LhaL are ready for absorpLlon
early are absorbed near Lhe Lop of Lhe LracL
Lhose LhaL Lake longer Lo be dlgesLed are
absorbed furLher down
1PL M?1P Cl lCCu CCM8lnlnC"
Some popular fad dleLs advocaLe Lhe ldea LhaL
people should noL caL cerLaln food comblnaLlons aL
Lhe same meal because Lhe dlgesLlve sysLem cannoL
handle more Lhan one Lask aL a Llme 1hls ls a myLh
1he arL of food comblnlng" ls based on Lhls ldea and
lL represenLs faulLy loglc and a gross underesLlmaLlon
of Lhe body's capablllLles ln facL Lhe conLrary ls ofLen
Lrue foods eaLen LogeLher can enhance each oLhers
use by Lhe body
A8SC81lCn Cl nu18lLn1S
Cnce a molecule has enLered a cell ln a vlllus lL ls
LransmlLLed elsewhere ln Lhe body by way of Lhe
body's Lwo LransporL sysLems Lhe bloodsLream and
Lhe lymphaLlc sysLem 8oLh sysLems supply vessels Lo
each vlllus 1hrough Lhese vessels Lhe nuLrlenLs leave
Lhe cell and enLer elLher Lhe lymph or Lhe blood aL
leasL for a whlle 1he waLersoluble nuLrlenLs (and Lhe
smaller producLs of faL dlgesLlon) are released dlrecLly
lnLo Lhe bloodsLream by way of Lhe caplllarles buL Lhe
larger faLs and Lhe faLsoluble vlLamlns flnd dlrecL
access lnLo Lhe caplllarles lmposslble because Lhese
nuLrlenLs are lnsoluble ln waLer (and blood ls mosLly
waLer) 1hey requlre some packaglng before Lhey are
released 1he lnLesLlnal cells assemble Lhe producLs of
faL dlgesLlon lnLo larger molecules called Lrlglycerldes
and oLher large llplds are Lhe packaged for LransporL
1hey clusLer LogeLher wlLh speclal proLelns Lo form
chylomlcrons one klnd of lypoproLelns llnally Lhe
cells release Lhe chylomlcrons lnLo Lhe lymphaLlc
sysLem 1hey can be gllde Lhrough Lhe lymph spaces
unLll Lhey arrlve aL Lhe polnL of enLry lnLo Lhe
bloodsLream near Lhe hearL
L?MPA1lC S?S1LM a loosely organlzed sysLem of
vessels and ducLs LhaL conveys Lhe producLs of
dlgesLlon Loward Lhe hearL
L?MP Lhe body fluld found ln lymphaLlc vessels
Lymph conslsLs of all Lhe consLlLuenLs of blood excepL
red blood cells
18lCL?CL8luLS on of Lhe maln classes of llplds Lhe
chlef form of faL ln Lhe body
CP?LCMlC8CnS Lhe llpoproLelns LhaL LransporL
llplds from Lhe lnLesLlnal cells lnLo Lhe body 1he cells
of Lhe body remove Lhe llplds Lhey need from Lhe
chylomlcrons leavlng Lhe chylomlcron remnanLs Lo be
plcked up by Lhe llver cells
LlC8C1lLnS clusLers of llplds assoclaLed wlLh
proLelns LhaL serve as LransporL vehlcles for llplds ln
Lhe lymph and blood
lv 18AnSC81 Cl nu18lLn1S
1he blood ls carrled Lo Lhe dlgesLlve sysLem by
way of an arLery whlch branches lnLo caplllarles Lo
reach every Cell8lood leavlng Lhe dlgesLlve however
goes by way of a veln noL back Lo Lhe hearL buL Lo
Lhe llver 1hls veln agaln branches lnLo caplllarles so
LhaL every cell of Lhe llver has access Lo Lhe newly
absorbed nuLrlenLs LhaL Lhe blood ls carrylng 8lood
leavlng Lhe llver Lhen reLurns Lo Lhe hearL by way of
anoLher veln 1he rouLe ls Lhus hearL Lo arLerles Lo
caplllarles (ln lnLesLlnes) Lo veln Lo caplllarles (ln llver)
Lo veln Lo hearL
1PL L?MPA1lC S?S1LM ls a oneway rouLe for flulds
Lo Lravel from Llssue spaces lnLo Lhe blood lL has mo
pump lnsLead lymph ls squeezed from one porLlon of
Lhe body Lo anoLher llke waLer l ln a sponge as
muscles conLracL and creaLe pressure here and Lhere
ulLlmaLely Lhe lymph collecLs ln a large ducL behlnd
Lhe hearL 1hls ducL LermlnaLes ln a veln LhaL conducLs
Lhe lymph lnLo Lhe hearL 1hus some of Lhe maLerlals
from Lhe Cl LracL enLer Lhe lymphaLlc sysLem before
enLerlng Lhe bloodsLream
18AnSC81 Cl LlluS LlpoproLelns
vL8?LCW uLnSl1? LlC8C1LlnS Lhe Lype of
llpoproLelns made prlmarlly by cells Lo LransporL llplds
Lo varlous Llssues ln Lhe body composed prlmarlly of
LCWuLnSl1? LlC8C1LlnS Lhe Lype of
llpoproLelns LhaL carry cholesLerol and Lrlglycerldes
from Lhe llver Lo Lhe cells of Lhe body and are
composed prlmarlly of cholesLerol back Lo Lhe llver
from perlpheral cells composed prlmarlly of proLeln
As chylomlcrons clrculaLe Lhough Lhe body cells
remove Lhelr llpld conLenLs so Lhe chylomlcrons geL
smaller and smaller 1he llver plcks up Lhese
chylomlcrons remnanLs When necessary Lhe llver
can assemble dlfferenL llpoproLelns whlch are known
as vL8?LCW uLnSl1? LlC8C1Lln (vLuL) As Lhe
body's cells remove Lrlglycerldes from Lhe vLuL Lhe
proporLlons of Lhelr llpld and proLeln conLenLs shlfL
As Lhls occurs vLuL become cholesLerolrlch LCW
uLnSl1? LlC8C1LlnS (LuL) CholesLerol reLurnlng
Lo Lhe llver for meLabollsm or excreLlon from Lhe
oLher parLs of Lhe body ls packaged ln llpoproLelns
known as PlCPuLnSl1? LlC8C1LlnS (PuL)

1he denslLy of llpoproLelns varles accordlng Lo Lhe
proporLlon of llplds and proLeln Lhey conLaln 1he
more llpld ln Lhe llpoproLeln molecule Lhe lower Lhe
denslLy Lhe more proLeln Lhe hlgher Lhe denslLy
carrles llplds around ln
Lhe blood
larger llghLer and fllled
wlLh more llpld
dellver cholesLerol and
Lrlglycerldes from Lhe
llver Lo Lhe Llssues
carrles llplds around
ln Lhe blood
Smaller denser and
packaged wlLh more
scavenge excess
cholesLerol from Lhe
Llssues and reLurn lL Lo
Lhe llver for
meLabollsm and

LlevaLed LuL concenLraLlons ln Lhe blood are
assoclaLed wlLh a hlgh rlsk of hearL dlsease and
elevaLed hdl concenLraLlons are assoclaLed wlLh a low
1he dlfferences beLween LuL and PuL reflecL
proporLlons of llplds and proLelns wlLhln Lhem noL
Lhe Lype of cholesLerol
lacLors LhaL lmprove Lhe LuLLoPuL raLlo lnclude
WelghL conLrol
olyunsaLuraLed or monosaLuraLed lnsLead of
saLuraLed faLLy aclds ln Lhe dleL
Soluble flbers
hyslcal acLlvlLy

LlvL8 vLuL

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