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Conrad Burgos Buffalo Prep Debate Draft Each crew will elect 1 person to be a Prep Senator, a group of students

who represent their crews individual experience in the final week/day program. The senators job is represent his of her unique crew; displaying the groups combined efforts, interests, enjoyable times, etc and how they helped that makes prep what it is today. The senators will display this in a number of ways: 1. working with the class in the morning to make up a class story (anything interesting, funny, from television nooks or any influence, facts about home teacher etf) to mr. streicher and the class during morning meeting. 1. Working together with the senators Setting up the final week sports team schedule 1. participate in an oratory debate over the topic: which country should the next buffalo prep be? Individuals will come together and discuss the effects prep has on communities, analyze communities through notes, google maps, interviews/ experiences, talk about what their life would be like going to prep in the different environment/ compare and contrast, propose new ideas for cross relations with other countries-showing connections. Also included is what buffalo prep is (it must be defined if its going to another country) implying we define what BP does in a community and encouraging students to incorporate their own prep experiences (or the group they represent). Time Is allotted during the week for the officials to meet and practice writing and oratory skills. The characteristics we want in a Senator who represents us is someone who communicates well, is friendly understanding, works hard, is helpful to others, (probably has more work completed the most work) and who has shown us he or deserves a chance to be a leader. Not a popularity or smart contest, When we put our best foot forward, whos example do you follow and would like others to follow? Goals: during the week group presentations to promote being comfortable and interactive with a crowd in order to get individuals information across. Senator provides distinction that everyone can accept (due to voting)-promotes pride in peers and self pride. Will show ambition in people who want to be leaders and hoefully encourage children to point out the other leaders in their crew. Try and stress community and how every one plays a vital role in how communities, families, teams, and businesses work. The selected few will have four days of Public speaking workshop to enhance technical and social oratory skills. Emphasis is based on delivery and presentation of information and understanding the information in an easy way to be able to deliver it in a competitive/ populated medium. Less stress is on physical completion of other work other than written speech notes based on previous and completed work. Students will be asked to speak from their unique point of view and perspective and try to apply it in another setting. The intention is for them to make personal connections with the people of the nation (or characters in books or notes from databases), as well as understanding of larger scale communities and the roll buffalo prep and other institutions play. The senators will have practice dealing with group dynamics in the morning meetings

and preceding flash facts sessions. Obstacles: Kids simply might not vote or get along, TIME Finishing other projects These morning facts should be fairly engaging and promote positive public speaking engagement. Stimulating overall healthy sociability. Small amounts of time for these tasks are similar to flash tests for stress situation group reinforcement.

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