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Business Researcb Proposal

Subm|tted to
M|ss Mar|a Nadeem
Undertaken 8y
Mad|ha Anwar
Iarheen Iaved

An analytical study about the overall teaching methodologies
Iollowed by the HEC recognized Private institutes with that oI a
comparison with the public sector in Pakistan.
Public Institutes:
Punjab University
Allama Iqbal Open University
Private Institutes:
University of Management Sciences (UMT)
Virtual University (VU)

WIai is iIc rolc of T & D io imrovc iIc icacIing mciIodologics in
HEC recognized rivaic and ullic cducaiion sccior in Palisian?



un!A8 unlvL8Sl1?
LsLabllshed ln 1882 aL Lahore Lhe unlverslLy of Lhe un[ab ls Lhe
largesL and Lhe oldesL seaL of hlgher learnlng ln aklsLan lL was Lhe flrsL
Lo be esLabllshed ln Lhe subconLlnenL ln Musllm ma[orlLy area 1he facL
LhaL Lwo nobel laureaLes are from Lhls unlverslLy speaks volumes for lLs
academlc and research excellence
LocaLed ln Lhe hlsLorlcal and culLurally allve clLy of Lahore Lhls unlverslLy
has played a leadlng role ln hlgher educaLlon ln Lhe counLry 1he
unlverslLy sLrlves Lo provlde a conduclve envlronmenL for Lhe pursulL of
Lhe academlc acLlvlLles Cn accounL of lLs quallLy degrees pleasanL
envlronmenL and low LulLlon fees Lhe unlverslLy remalns Lhe lnsLlLuLlon of
flrsL cholce for admlsslon seeklng sLudenLs
ALLAMA lC8AL CLn unlvL8Sl1?
Allama lqbal Cpen unlverslLy ls Lhe second Cpen unlverslLy ln
Lhe world and Lhe flrsL Cpen unlverslLy ln Asla lL was esLabllshed
under an acL of parllamenL ln 1974 1hls provldes educaLlonal
faclllLles Lo Lhe people who cannoL leave Lhelr homes and [obs
AlCu ls a unlque lnsLlLuLlon ln aklsLan because of lLs phllosophy
sysLem approach funcLlons and overall sLrucLure 1he unlverslLy
wlLh lLs maln campus aL lslamabad and huge neLwork of reglonal
cenLers spread all over Lhe counLry ls servlng lLs cllenLele all over
aklsLan and ln Lhe Mlddle LasL AlCu ls a ulsLance LducaLlon
lnsLlLuLlon whlch provldes mulLl dlsclpllnary educaLlon from
baslc Lo docLoral level programs


1he vlrLual unlverslLy aklsLan's flrsL unlverslLy based compleLely on
modern lnformaLlon and CommunlcaLlon 1echnologles was esLabllshed
by Lhe CovernmenL as a publlc secLor noLforproflL lnsLlLuLlon wlLh a
clear mlsslon Lo provlde exLremely affordable world class educaLlon Lo
asplrlng sLudenLs all over Lhe counLry uslng freeLoalr saLelllLe Lelevlslon
broadcasLs and Lhe lnLerneL Lhe vlrLual unlverslLy allows sLudenLs Lo
follow lLs rlgorous programs regardless of Lhelr physlcal locaLlons lL Lhus
alms aL allevlaLlng Lhe lack of capaclLy ln Lhe exlsLlng unlverslLles whlle
slmulLaneously Lackllng Lhe acuLe shorLage of quallfled professors ln Lhe
counLry 8y ldenLlfylng Lhe Lop rofessors of Lhe counLry regardless of
Lhelr lnsLlLuLlonal afflllaLlons and requesLlng Lhem Lo develop and dellver
handcrafLed courses Lhe vlrLual unlverslLy alms aL provldlng Lhe very
besL courses Lo noL only lLs own sLudenLs buL also Lo sLudenLs of all oLher
unlverslLles ln Lhe counLry

uM1 has lLs rooL ln Lhe lnsLlLuLe of Leadershlp and ManagemenL
(lLM) whlch has esLabllshed ln Lahore ln 1990 Spurred on Lhe greaL
success of lLM Lhe lnsLlLuLlon applled for a unlverslLy charLer whlch was
granLed Lo lL ln 2004
uM1 ls a pro[ecL of lLM 1rusL lL ls an lndependenL nonforproflL
organlzaLlon uM1 ls one of Lhe premler hlgher educaLlon lnsLlLuLes of Lhe
counLry PLC has also awarded W" caLegory for uM1 ln SepLember
2007 uM1 now ranks among Lhe few selecL unlverslLles ln Lhe counLry ln
Lhls caLegory
Basic Definition "T&D":
ln Lhe fleld of P8 1u ls Lhe fleld concerned wlLh organlzaLlonal acLlvlLy
almed aL beLLerlng Lhe performance of lndlvlduals and groups ln
organlzaLlonal seLLlngs

Rosemary Harrison (2005). Learning and Development. CIPD Publishing. pp. 5.

ISBN 1843980509.

What is T&D?
1hls acLlvlLy ls boLh focused upon and evaluaLed agalnsL Lhe [ob LhaL an
lndlvldual currenLly holds. 1ralnlng means glvlng new or presenL
employee Lhe skllls Lhey need Lo perform Lhelr [ob

1he focused upon Lhe acLlvlLles LhaL Lhe organlzaLlon employlng Lhe
lndlvldual or LhaL Lhe lndlvldual ls parL of may parLake ln Lhe fuLure and
ls almosL lmposslble Lo evaluaLe.
9atr|ck I Montana and 8ruce n Charnov (2000) 1ra|n|ng and Deve|opment
Monoqement 8arrons Lducat|ona| Ser|es pp 22S IS8N 0764112767
O Productivity - Training and Development helps in
increasing the productivity of the employees that helps
the organization further to achieve its long-term goal.

O Team spirit - Training and Development helps in
inculcating the sense of team work, team spirit, and
inter-team collaborations. It helps in inculcating the
zeal to learn within the employees.

O rganization Culture - Training and Development
helps to develop and improve the organizational health
culture and effectiveness. It helps in creating the
learning culture within the organization.

O rganization Climate - Training and Development
helps building the positive perception and feeling
about the organization. The employees get these
feelings from leaders, subordinates, and peers.

O "uality - Training and Development helps in
improving upon the quality of work and work-life.

O ealthy work environment - Training and
Development helps in creating the healthy working
environment. It helps to build good employee,
relationship so that individual goals aligns with
organizational goal.

O ealth and Safety - Training and Development helps
in improving the health and safety of the organization
thus preventing obsolescence.

O orale - Training and Development helps in improving
the morale of the work force.

O Image - Training and Development helps in creating a
better corporate image.

O Profitability - Training and Development leads to
improved profitability and more positive attitudes
towards profit orientation.

O Training and Development aids in organizational
development i.e. rganization gets more effective
decision making and problem solving. It helps in
understanding and carrying out organisational policies

O Training and Development helps in developing
leadership skills, motivation, loyalty, better attitudes,
and other aspects that successful workers and
managers usually display.

O ptimum Utilization of uman Resources - Training
and Development helps in optimizing the utilization of
human resource that further helps the employee to
achieve the organizational goals as well as their
individual goals.

O Development of uman Resources - Training and
Development helps to provide an opportunity and
broad structure for the development of human
resources technical and behavioural skills in an
organization. It also helps the employees in attaining
personal growth.

O Development of skills of employees - Training and
Development helps in increasing the job knowledge
and skills of employees at each level. It helps to
expand the horizons of

O uman intellect and an overall personality of the



Thomas N. Garavan, Pat Costine, and Noreen Heraty (1995). "Training and Development:
Concepts, Attitudes, and Issues". %raining and Development in Ireland. Cengage Learning EMEA.
pp. 1. ISBN 1872853927.

ive step process.

D AALYSIS: identifies specific job performance
skills needed. Develop specific measurable knowledge &
performance objectives. Based on any deficiencies.
2 Instructional design: you decide on, compile and
produce the training program content, including
workbooks, exercises and activities.
3 Validation Step: in which the bugs are worked out of
the training program by presenting it to a small
representative audience.
4 Implement: the program, by actually training the
targeted employee group.
;aluation Step: in which management assesses the
programs successes or failures.
(GAk DLSSLLk numan kesource Management 11th Ld|t|on)

ature of HR: An R paradigm has been good for
academics. The literature presents a hard & version of R.
The ard version emphasizes the term "resources adopts
to national approach to managing employees, that is
aligning business & R strategy & viewing people as any
other economic factor, as a cost that must be controlled.
The "soft version of R emphasizes the term "human and
thus advocates investments in Training and development.
And, the adoption "commitment strategies to ensure that
highly skilled & loyal employees giving the organization a
competitive advantage.
(ICnN 88kA11CN ILIILk GCLD 1999 nkM 1nLCk 9kAC1ISL 2
A|ms ob[ect|ves
O 1o puL forward Lhe recommendaLlon and suggesLlons Lo
enhance Lhelr Lralnlng and developmenL
O 1o lncrease beLLer undersLandlng of Leachlng sysLem ln
prlvaLe and publlc educaLlon secLors
O 1o conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe lmprovemenL of educaLlonal processes
and ouLcomes
O 1o lmprove Lhe quallLy of educaLlon by provldlng a
lnformaLlon Lo sLlmulaLe Lhe Leachlng Lechnlques
O 1o provlde lnformaLlon for Lhe Lralnlng of Leachers
O 1o asslsL Lralnlng and developmenL wlLh a comparaLlve

8esearch meLhodology
O 1he analysls of Lhe prlnclples of meLhods rules and
posLulaLes employed by a dlsclpllne
O 1he sysLemaLlc sLudy of meLhods LhaL are can be or have
been applled wlLhln a dlsclpllne
MeLhodology may be a descrlpLlon of process or may be
expanded Lo lnclude a phllosophlcally coherenL collecLlon of
Lheorles concepLs or ldeas as Lhey relaLe Lo a parLlcular dlsclpllne
or fleld of lnqulry
MeLhodology may refer Lo noLhlng more Lhan a slmple seL of
meLhods or procedures or lL may refer Lo Lhe raLlonale and Lhe
phllosophlcal assumpLlons LhaL underlle a parLlcular sLudy
relaLlve Lo Lhe sclenLlflc meLhod lor example scholarly llLeraLure
ofLen lncludes a secLlon on Lhe meLhodology of Lhe researchers
Method of research
Primary research:(also called field research) involves the collection oI
data that does not already exist, which is research to collect original data.
Primary Research is oIten undertaken aIter the researcher has gained some
insight into the issue by collecting secondary data. This can be through
numerous Iorms, including questionnaires, direct observation and
telephone interviews amongst others. This inIormation may be collected in
things like questionnaires and interviews .
There are basic approaches to data collections using primary methods:
Qualitative research includes interviews, Iocus groups and participant
Quantitative research includes controlled laboratory experiments, Iield
work, questionnaires and surveys and ethnographies.
O Addresses speciIic research issues as the researcher controls the
search design to Iit their needs
O Great control, not only does primary research enable the marketer to
Iocus on speciIic subjects, it also enables the researcher to have a
higher control over how the inIormation is collected. Taking this into
account, the researcher can decide on such requirements as size oI
project, time Irame and location oI research.
O EIIicient spending Ior inIormation, primary data collection Iocus on
issues speciIic to the researcher, improving the chances that the
research Iunds are spent eIIiciently.
O Proprietary inIormation, primary data collected by the researcher is
their own.


Secondary research: (also known as desk research) involves the
summary, collation and/or synthesis oI existing research rather than
primary research, where data is collected Irom, Ior example, research
subjects or experiments.
The term is widely used in market research and in medical research. The
principal methodology in medical secondary research is the systematic
review, commonly using meta-analytic statistical techniques, although
other methods oI synthesis, like realist reviews and meta-narrative

have been developed in recent years.
Secondary research can come Irom either internal or external sources. The
proliIeration oI web search engines has increased opportunities to conduct
secondary research without paying Iees to database research providers.

Data ana|ys|s
Ana|ys|s of data ls a process of lnspecLlng cleanlng Lransformlng and
modellng data wlLh Lhe goal of hlghllghLlng useful lnformaLlon suggesLlng
concluslons and supporLlng declslon maklng uaLa analysls has mulLlple
faceLs and approaches encompasslng dlverse Lechnlques under a varleLy
of names ln dlfferenL buslness sclence and soclal sclence domalns

"ualitative research:
Is a method oI inquiry appropriated in many diIIerent academic
disciplines, traditionally in the social sciences, but also in market research.

Qualitative researchers aim to gather an in-depth understanding oI human
behavior and the reasons that govern such behavior. The qualitative
method investigates the and o oI decision making, not just at,
ere, en. Hence, smaller but Iocused samples are more oIten needed,
rather than large samples.
Qualitative methods produce inIormation only on the particular cases
studied, and any more general conclusions are only hypotheses
(inIormative guesses).
"uantitative research:
ReIers to the systematic empirical investigation oI
quantitative properties and phenomena and their relationships. The
objective oI quantitative research is to develop and employ mathematical
models, theories and/or hypotheses pertaining to phenomena. The process
oI measurement is central to quantitative research because it provides the
Iundamental connection between empirical observation and mathematical
expression oI quantitative relationships.
Quantitative research is used widely in social sciences such as psychology,
sociology, anthropology, and political science.
1ypes of research
1here are 3 Lypes of research
O Lxp|oratory research
lnlLlal research conducLed Lo clarlfy and deflne Lhe naLure of a
problem ManagemenL may have dlscovered general problems buL
research ls needed Lo galn beLLer undersLandlng of Lhe dlmenslons of
problems LxploraLory sLudles provlde lnformaLlon Lo use ln analyzlng a
slLuaLlon buL uncoverlng concluslve evldence Lo deLermlne a parLlcular
course of acLlon ls noL Lhe purpose of exploraLory research
O Descr|pt|ve research
1he ma[or purpose of descrlpLlve research ls Lo descrlbe
characLerlsLlcs of a populaLlon or phenomenon uescrlpLlve research
seeks Lo deLermlne Lhe answers Lo who whaL when where and how
quesLlons uescrlpLlve research ofLen helps segmenL and LargeL markeLs
unllke exploraLory research descrlpLlve sLudles are based on some
prevlous undersLandlng of Lhe naLure of Lhe research problem

O Causa| research
1he maln goal of causal research ls Lo ldenLlfy causeandeffecL
relaLlonshlps among varlables ln casual sLudles lL ls Lyplcal Lo have an
expecLaLlon of Lhe relaLlonshlp Lo be explalned such as predlcLlon abouL
Lhe lnfluence of prlce packaglng adverLlslng and Lhe llke on sales
Casual research aLLempLs Lo esLabllsh LhaL when we do one Lhlng
anoLher Lhlng wlll follow

Je choice exp/orotory reseorch becouse this reseorch is
conducted to c/orify the ombiquous prob/ems ond he/p to qoin
better understondinq of the dimensions of the prob/ems 4s in
this proposo/ we ore reseorchinq on two educotion systems ond
studyinq there troininq ond deve/opment deportment lt wi//
belp os to Jlscovet bettet tecbolpoes ooJ metboJs
1be lofotmotloo wblcb ls collecteJ ftom tbe teseotcb
wotk wlll belp to clotlfy mooy ptoblems lo ttololoq ooJ
Jevelopmeot Jepottmeot 1be lofotmotloo wlll olso belp
to lmptove tbe stooJotJs of teocbloq ooJ wlll belp to
koow tbe bettet teocbloq tecbolpoes nelp to Jlscovet
mote woys to moooqe tbe ttololoq ooJ Jevelopmeot
lt wlll ovetoll belp tbe eJocotloo system (sectots) lo
lmptovloq tbete stooJotJs

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