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l ar sure you rereroer lral l rerl|ored |r our |asl reWs|eller l Was see|rg

a rard surgeor or lre 19lr, Wr|cr l d|d ard lre surgeor lo|d re l rad carpa|
lurre| |r oolr rards (Wr|cr l rave rad lr|s lor years) ard lre r|grl rard Was
Worse. ll l d|dr'l gel surgery l Wou|d everlua||y rol oe ao|e lo lurr ry rards.
3o or Ju|y 28lr lre cysl |r ry r|grl lruro Was reroved (Wr|cr Was lre s|ze
ol a pea seed & rad a p|ece a g|ass |r |l, rave ro |dea roW |l gol lrere) ard 0r. Var| repa|red
lre carpa| lurre|. l ar recover|rg oul rav|rg pa|r ard occupal|ora| lrerapy lW|ce a Wee|. l
ar ||r|led or ry lyp|rg so lral |s Wry lr|s |s a srorl reWs|eller. Tre |ell rard W||| rave carpa|
lurre| surgery |r 3epleroer or 0clooer, l W||| l|rd oul al ry rexl v|s|l or 3epleroer lr, so
p|ease corl|rue lo pray lor rel l Wasr'l ao|e lo go lo lre pr|sor al lre oeg|rr|rg ol lre rorlr
oul l ar go|rg roW. l rave exerc|ses lo pa| ga|r. le|p re Lord Jesusl
Pastor Tom's Preaching Corner
Psalm 34:1S-19 NKJV The LORD is near to those who have a broken heart, And
saves such as have a contrite spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, But
the LORD delivers him out of them all.
Tre 8|o|e le||s us lral 0od rears lre prayers ol lrose lral |ove l|r ard
de||vers lrer oul ol a|| lre|r lrouo|es. Trere seers lo oe cyc|es ol o|ess|rgs
ard cyc|es ol lesl|rgs lral We a|| rave lo go lrrougr. ll you're exper|erc|rg
d|sappo|rlrerl loday, rereroer lral 0od |s rear lo lrose Wro are
VallreW 5:1 says, '8|essed are lrose Wro rourr, lor lrey sra|| oe
corlorled. Aryl|re you're go|rg lrrougr a cyc|e ol d|sappo|rlrerl |r your
||le, you reed lre supporl ol olrers. 0re car pul a lrousard lo l||grl, oul lWo car pul ler
lrousard lo l||grl.
Every oe||ever ras lre sp|r|lua| slrerglr lo serd a lrousard erer|es rurr|rg. wrer you core
|rlo agreererl W|lr arolrer persor your sp|r|lua| slrerglr |s ru|l|p||ed oy ler. Trere's a
pr|rc|p|e |r lre K|rgdor ol 0od lral says, 'wrere ary lWo agree as loucr|rg arylr|rg |l sra||
oe dore lor lrer. 0od's word le||s us lral lrere |s superralura| slrerglr lor peop|e Wro are |r
agreererl. 0od crealed lre crurcr |r sucr a Way lral We are lo oe a lar||y. Corl. page 2
A short News|etter for th|s moath... ker. Noa|ca's update
Spec|a| po|ats of |aterest:
0ur Mission & 0ur vision.
ou are an extended hand.
11 years in prison ministry!
1raveled 18,821 miles in 2010
Fo|ror. lev. Mon|oa 0ohee
Ias|de th|s |ssae:
A short News|etter 1
Pastor Iom's Preach|ng 0orner 1-2
Ihere's Power |n Pra,er 2

0ar N|ss|oa & 0ar V|s|oa
OUR MISSION..........To help men in prison reach their fullest in the Lord.
WHAT WE DO..... Ministering to their spirit, soul and body, through one on one mentoring as
their spiritual advisor and friend.
HOW WE BEGAN......... Jeremiah Prison Ministry began on November 30, 1999, and was birth out
of a bond for a young man that made a wrong choice in life
OUR VISION. To be able to go into the prison chapels without the inmates having to take us
off their visiting list. With God all things are possible!
jeremiah Prison Ministry
jPM Neusuire
Au0uSI 2011
Vo|ame 11 Issae 00

Revs. 1homas & Monioa Cohee
128 Conodoguinet Mobile Lstates
Newville, PA 17241
Phone: 717-776-3535
lax: 717-776-3235
Lmail: jpmjeremiahprisonministry.oom


jeremiah Prison Ministry

Pray for Kevin, Chris, Mike, Doningo, MichaeI, & Doug that God bIesses then financiaIIy
above and beyond their expectations. They faithfuIIy stay in touch with us.
Pray for RandaII V. in prison faIseIy accused of a crine.
Pray for Larry, Lewis, Corey, Bob, Greg, & Eric for favor to receive connutation. BeIieve
with us for then for a niracIe with God's favor.
Pray for jereniah as we continue to beIieve for a niracIe for his reIease.
Pray for continued heaIing for Larry, Bob, Corey & Harvey.
Leah got her Iicense to God be the GIory! 5he renains cancer free 6 years & is now in the
survivor's cIinic! God is so faithfuI hearing our prayers!
Pray for our grandson, Andy wiII be going to DeIaware 5tate University.
Pray for ny daughter, Vickie, her thyroid condition has inproved.
Pray for our son in Iaw DaIe very urgent and very inportant, God knows the need!
Pray for Terri & TayIer they are doing nuch better with grief and stiII niss AIan.
Pray for ny brother Nornan.
Pray for the 5aIvation of every nan, wonan, boy and girI not saved in this worId. Our
prayers are heard!
PIease pray for aII the innates, their faniIies, our nation, our Ieaders, our niIitary and their
Pray for reforn in the prison systen, for Iives to be changed & a spirituaI renewaI across
this Iand with nen, wonen, boys & girIs being touched.
Pray for BiII our dear friend who goes with us to sone of the prisons and his wife Rose for
restored heaIth. Prose Report on Bll hs surgery wos o successl
Pray for Dotty another dear friend in prison ninistry, for restored heaIth.
Pray for us for strength and wisdon in aII that we do, for Ton & Monica to stay cancer free
& heaIthy to do God's work.
Pra,er 0oraer Ihere Is Power Ia Pra,er - 0od |s Ia|thfa|!
l was ln rlsen and yeu vlslted me - Matt. 25:36b
Pastor 1om's preachng corner contnued Pastor 1om's preachng corner contnued Pastor 1om's preachng corner contnued Pastor 1om's preachng corner contnued
wrer We're go|rg lrrougr a d|sappo|rlrerl, lral's Wrer We reed eacr olrer lre rosl. we a|| rave
|ssues |r our ||ves, ard We carrol overcore lrer oy ourse|ves. To recover lror d|sappo|rlrerl, you
rave lo |el go ol ary o|llerress.
0ec|de Wrelrer you are go|rg lo oe o|ller or |l you are go|rg lo gel oeller. 8|llerress W||| slea| your joy ard rapp|ress.
leoreWs 12:15 says, 'walcr oul lral ro o|llerress la|es rool |rs|de you. ll causes deep lrouo|e ard rurls rary.
ll's dargerous lo |el o|llerress core |rlo your rearl. ll you |el o|llerress slay |org erougr, |l W||| rarder your rearl. ll you Warl lo
overcore o|llerress |r your ||le, pul or a rearl ol lrar|sg|v|rg. 8e lrar|lu| lor Wral you rave. 8e lrar|lu| lral 0od |oves you ard
you rave a lulure. 8e lrar|lu| lral le's sl||| W|lr you.
Aryl|re you rave d|sappo|rlrerls |r your ||le, rereroer Wral rallers |s Wral you do lor lre K|rgdor ol 0od. 0or'l ou||d your ||le
or lr|rgs, ou||d your ||le or l|r. Tr|rgs car oe la|er lror you. Your re|al|orsr|p W|lr lre Lord car rever oe la|er lror you.
0od says, 'll you draW r|gr urlo Ve, l'|| draW r|gr urlo you. 0od Warls you lo gel your slrerglr lror l|r. ll's Wrer We rave greal
d|sappo|rlrerls lral We reed l|s poWer. ll you Warl l|s poWer you rave lo adr|l lral you car'l ra|e |l oy yourse|l.
7t 7t 7t 7t /.:t /.:t /.:t /.:t
~ tt t- ~ tt t- ~ tt t- ~ tt t-
_-~ - {--- _-~.` _-~ - {--- _-~.` _-~ - {--- _-~.` _-~ - {--- _-~.`
You are an Extended Hand
and a vital part of this ministrv.
Together we are making a
difference with Jesus Christ,
taking life to a dark place! We go
because vou send us. Thank You
so much!

T ur cm||, c r|enJs T ur cm||, c r|enJs T ur cm||, c r|enJs T ur cm||, c r|enJs
\e te u \e te u \e te u \e te u

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