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The Hematology Journal (2001) 2, 200 ± 205

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How do sickle cells become dehydrated?

Patrick Merciris1 and FrancËoise Giraud*,1

Laboratoire des Biomembranes et Messagers Cellulaires, Universite Paris XI-Orsay, France

The Hematology Journal (2001) 2, 200 ± 205

Keywords: sickle cells; hemoglobin F; K/Cl cotransport; KCa channels; serine/threonine phosphatase
2A; protein tyrosine kinase


In sickle cell anemia, dehydrated erythrocytes (SS process named sickling-induced pathway (SIP).4 Stimu-
RBC) are involved in the propagation of the vaso- lation of SIP leads to initially balanced Na+ and K+
occlusive process, which results in the most severe ¯uxes, but by increasing the Na+i/K+i ratio, this
complication in sickle cell disease (e.g. stroke). stimulation results in the activation of the Na/K
Deoxygenation leads to red cell dehydration, and pump and slow dehydration. The contribution of this
hence increases the rate of hemoglobin S (HbS) mechanism is considered to be minor and cannot
polymer formation, which subsequently sickles the account for the extreme K+ depletion of highly dense
cell and retards RBC transit through the microvascu- cells.1
lature. Dehydrated SS RBC exhibit decreased filter- Two K+ transporters have a high capacity for
ability and poor deformability, contributing to acute mediating rapid K+ loss and dehydration in RBC:
and chronic vaso-occlusive episodes and organ damage the Ca2+-activated K channels (KCa channels) and the
and to early removal from the circulation, uncompen- K/Cl cotransport (KCl-cot). KCa channels, if maximally
sated by erythropoiesis, resulting in hemolytic anemia.1 activated, dehydrate normal RBC very rapidly. They
The hydration state and the hemoglobin F (HbF) are activated in deoxygenated SS RBC, following the
content of RBC are known to in¯uence their in vivo stimulation of Ca2+ in¯ux by SIP.3,5 However, as HbF
survival: SS RBC, and especially denser fractions, have delays and decreases HbS polymerization and hence
a much shorter lifespan than normal RBC; and, the reduces SIP, KCa-channel activation will exclude most
lifespan of cells with high levels of HbF (F cells), of the F cells.3 KCl-cot is highly active in SS RBC, and
particularly in SS patients, is six to eight weeks, particularly in young RBC, where it can promote a
whereas that of non-F cells is only about two weeks.2 rapid dehydration when activated by cell swelling or
Populations of SS RBC are highly heterogeneous acid pH.6 Until recently, it was thought that KCl-cot is
with respect to age, density, HbF and cation contents inhibited by deoxygenation.7,8
(Figure 1). The densest SS cells are, on average,
younger than lesser dense cells, and, in vivo,
subpopulations of young cells dehydrate at di€erent Hypotheses and controversies on sickling-induced
rates,3 with a fraction (mostly reticulocytes) being pathway
susceptible to rapid dehydration after deoxygenation
in vitro. Dehydration is the result of a cationic loss, The nature of SIP and whether it corresponds to the
followed by Cl7 and water leaks to maintain activation of a pre-existing system or to a newly
electroneutrality and osmolarity of the cell. Deoxy- formed pathway are presently unknown. As SIP is
genation-induced sickling leads to a permeabilization sustained during deoxygenation, reversed on re-
of the SS RBC membrane for mono and divalent oxygenation and prevented in F cells,3,9 a ®rst
cations, resulting in a net movement of Na+, K+, Mg2+ hypothesis would suggest a relation to HbS polymer-
and Ca2+ along their electrochemical gradients, a ization and morphological sickling.10 The properties of
SIP (lack of selectivity for cations, dependence on
membrane potential, but insensitivity to inhibitors of
*Correspondence: F Giraud, Biomembranes et Messagers Cellulaires, all the known cationic transporters) are those of a
CNRS UMR 8619, Bat 440, Universite Paris XI 91405 Orsay Cedex, di€usible pathway or a channel with low selectivity
Tel: +33 1 69157644; Fax: +33 169154961 among metal cations.4 Na+ in¯ux mediated by SIP is
E-mail: reduced by external Ca2+,3,11 suggesting a competition
Received 13 November 2000; accepted 25 January 2001 between the two cations for the same transporter.
Hypothesis: sickle cell dehydration
P Merciris and F Giraud
polymers would therefore generate oligomeric aggre-
gates of band 3, functioning as a large ion channel. In
favor of this model, deoxy (and denatured) Hb have a
much higher anity for band 3 than oxyHb, and
clusters of band 3 are found to be locally associated
with membrane-bound Heinz bodies in aged and SS
RBC. However, to be valid such a mechanism would
require that oligomerization of band 3 is suciently
rapid to precede the initiation of the cationic
permeabilization. In fact, autologous IgG binding on
the surface of SS RBC ± which re¯ects the formation
of band 3 clusters ± is a slow process, which becomes
signi®cant only after at least 16 h of deoxygenation,13 a
time scale incompatible with the rapid activation of
A second hypothesis implies that the protrusion of
spicule HbS polymers, which causes uncoupling of the
membrane from the skeleton,14 would exert a distortion
on the membrane, leading to the activation of non-
selective mechano-sensitive, or stretch-activated, cation
channels.11 Cation permeability, stimulated by stress-
induced deformation of normal RBC, exhibits many of
the characteristics of SIP: in¯ux of Ca2+ and activation
of KCa channels, balanced movements of Na+ and K+
that are inhibited by DIDS; and inhibition of Na+
in¯ux by external Ca2+.15,16 However, SIP and
deformation-induced ¯uxes are unlikely to be
mediated by the same mechanism, as the concentra-
tion dependence of DIDS inhibition is distinct for the
two processes. In addition, stress-induced cation
transport is more consistent with a pathway formed
by rare ¯uctuations in the membrane structure than
with the activation of mechano-sensitive channels.16
Isolated spicule vesicles of deoxygenated SS cells
contain non-selective cation channels, with character-
Figure 1 Heterogeneity of density-fractionated SS RBC. SS RBC istics similar to SIP, but how they are activated
were separated in 4 or 3 density fractions, with de®ned density remains to be determined.17
limits, by centrifugation on a density gradient preparation (A, B)
or in 3 fractions corresponding to the top (low density), the
middle (intermediate density) or the bottom (high density) of the KCl-cot vs KCa-channel activation: what is the
density gradient preparation (C), as indicated in the inset in each
panel. (A) Distribution of the cells and mean corpuscular Hb
initial trigger for dehydration?
concentration (MCHC), percentage of reticulocytes, of irrever-
sibly sickled cells (ISC) and of HbF in each fraction; LD, low The e€ect of deoxygenation on the behavior of a very
density cells; ND, normal density cells; ID, intermediate density young and age-de®ned population of SS cells, which
cells; HD, high density cells.20 (B) Distribution of the cells and
percentage of F-RBC, of T+ cells and of T+F+ cells in each still contain transferrin receptors (T+) and either HbF
fraction.19 (C) Concentration of Na+, K+ and Mg2+ in top, (T+F+) or no HbF (T+F7) has been analysed.18,19 T+
middle and bottom fraction.3,6,25 cells dehydrate more than T7 cells with either 4 h
continuous deoxygenation or oxy-deoxy (O-D) cycles.
Under the former conditions, dehydration proceeds by
activation of KCa channels, while under the latter
Some inhibitors of band 3 anion transport, such as conditions, both KCl-cot and KCa channels are
4,4'-diisothiocyano-2,2' disulfostilbene (DIDS), can activated. Acid stimulation (pH 7.2) of KCl-cot in
reduce SIP, but with a concentration dependence moderately dense T+F+ or T+F7 cells promotes, to a
di€ering from that of anion transport.4,12 Moreover, similar extent, the formation of intermediate density
DIDS e€ect on SIP occurs without inhibiting T+ cells, consistent with a ®rst, HbF-independent,
morphological sickling. Therefore, if there is a dehydration stage. However, as the circulating densest
relationship between sickling and SIP, it would involve T+ cells (41.094) contained little or no HbF (Figure
di€erent steps, with DIDS inhibiting one of them. The 1B), and have more KCl-cot activity (measured after
interaction between HbS and the cytoplasmic domain rehydration and low pH activation) than those which
of band 3 might provide a site that is energetically remain light, the second stage of dehydration of these
favorable for nucleation,9 and bundles of adjacent young cells, from moderately dense to hyperdense, is
The Hematology Journal
Hypothesis: sickle cell dehydration
P Merciris and F Giraud
considered to be sickling and HbF-dependent and Initial activation of KCl-cot as the trigger of
therefore involves KCa-channel activation.18,19 dehydration does not support the previously proposed
A fraction of cells with normal density (ND; 1.08 ± model of reticulocyte dehydration,21 with initial
1.09 g/mL), enriched in reticulocytes (Figure 1A), activation of KCa channels, slight acidi®cation and
generates dense cells of intermediate density (ID; secondary activation of KCl-cot. Such a mechanism is
1.09 ± 1.114 g/mL) and hyperdense (HD; 41.114 g/ not consistent with the activation of KCl-cot in the
mL) cells by independent mechanisms,20 when exposed absence of external Ca2+ during cyclic deoxygenation18
for 22 h to O-D sickling at pH 6.8, in the presence of or during continuous deoxygenation in a fraction of
Ca2+. Incubations in Cl7, NO37 or EGTA media or Mg2+-clamped light SS RBC.7 It is neither contradicted
with speci®c inhibitors, provide evidence for the role of nor proved by the ®nding that, upon deoxygenation,
KCl-cot activation in ID cell formation and of KCa rapid dehydration of young SS cells is strictly Ca2+-
channels in the generation of HD cells. These data are dependent.3 However, it cannot be excluded that, in
further supported by the marked di€erence in the some light cells (with low HbF content, large SIP-
contribution of F cells to each dehydrated fraction. In induced Ca2+ in¯ux and high density of KCa channels),
the newly formed ID cells, the percentage of F cells is activation of the channels could trigger activation of
only slightly lower than in the parent ND cells, the cotransport.
consistent with the HbF independence of KCl-cot
activity.3,19 In contrast, in the newly formed HD cells,
the percentage of F cells is much lower than in the A role for cyclic vs continuous deoxygenation
parent ND cells, supporting a role for sickling-induced
KCa-channel activation mostly in cells with low levels of In the absence of other stimuli such as low pH or cell
HbF.3 Although the conclusions derived are convergent swelling, deoxygenation promotes dehydration of
with those of others,18,19 the experimental conditions are unfractionated SS cells or T+ cells, through activation
not physiological (pH 6.8 and long incubations). of KCl-cot, but only during relatively slow O-D
Figure 2 shows a two-step pathway (sequential cycling.18,22,23 The increase in intracellular Mg2+ free
activation of KCl-cot and KCa channels) for maximal concentration ([Mg2+]i) induced by deoxygenation, was
dehydration of T+F7 cells and a one-step pathway thought to be responsible for the inhibition of the
(activation of KCl-cot) for intermediate dehydration of transporter under continuous deoxygenation.8 Indeed,
T+F+ cells. This model also accounts for the pharmacological loading of cells with Mg2+ inhibits the
generation of ID and HD cells, by KCl-cot and KCa activity of KCl-cot.24 Consistent with this hypothesis,
channel activation, respectively and for their depen- after clamping of [Mg2+]i with ionophore A23187,
dence on HbF. continuous deoxygenation, at physiological pH, stimu-
lates KCl-cot in low-density SS RBC.7 Activation of
KCl-cot by deoxygenation might result from a depho-
sphorylation of the transporter or its regulators7,18 (see
below), but would be attenuated by the concomitant
rise in [Mg2+]i. Upon reoxygenation, KCl-cot could
express its activity, assuming that [Mg2+]i decreases in a
shorter time than that required for rephosphorylation.
Under fast O-D cycling (30 ± 40 s periods approaching
those in vivo), cells would not remain in the deoxy state
for a sucient time to allow dephosphorylation and
KCl-cot activation upon subsequent reoxygenation.23
However, there is good evidence that this pathway
contributes to SS RBC dehydration in vivo, as shown
by the bene®cial e€ect of oral administration of
magnesium on SS RBC hydration (see below). KCl-
cot might be activated in SS RBC subjected to `slower-
than-normal' O-D cycles due to adherence to post-
capillary venules.
The role of deoxygenation-induced increase in
[Mg2+]i on the inhibition of KCl-cot remains con-
troversial. Such an increase in SS RBC (from 0.4 to
Figure 2 Mechanisms of SS RBC dehydration induced by acid
0.7 mM)25 is too small to signi®cantly a€ect the activity
pH or deoxygenation. Two-step model for maximal dehydration of KCl-cot, at least when activated by cell swelling or
of T+F7 cells (or formation of HD cells from ND cells) and one- acid pH.24,26 The activation of the KCl-cot, after
step model for intermediate dehydration of T+F+ cells (or [Mg2+]i clamping,7 could result from the removal of
formation of ID cells from ND cells). ND, normal density cells; other inhibitory divalent cations by the ionophore
ID, intermediate density cells; HD, high density cells (the density
limits are indicated); T+F+ and T+F7, young RBC containing treatment. Mn2+ is a likely candidate, as it inhibits the
transferrin receptors and HbF or no HbF, respectively; O-D transporter activity with a much higher anity than
cycles, oxygenation-deoxygenation cycles; deoxy, deoxygenation. Mg2+.24 Total Mn2+ concentration in RBC is 3.4 mM.
The Hematology Journal
Hypothesis: sickle cell dehydration
P Merciris and F Giraud
Assuming that the bu€ering capacity of RBC for Mn 2+
(PTK) phosphorylation sites. Hence, KCl-cot activity

is the same as that for Mg2+, the free concentration may be regulated by serine/threonine phosphorylation
would be about 1 mM, and sucient to promote an on the transporter itself and by tyrosine phosphoryla-
inhibition of the transporter, especially under deox- tion on regulatory proteins.
ygenated conditions. Studies with speci®c inhibitors of serine-threonine
In RBC of many species (®sh, horse and sheep) and phosphatases PP1 and PP2A30 (calyculin A and
in normal human RBC, O2 exerts an overriding control okadaic acid), or with inhibitor of serine-threonine
on the activity of the KCl-cot (see references in Gibson PK and PTK31 (staurosporine), have demonstrated that
et al.27). In the absence of a suciently high PO2, KCl- dephosphorylation of the KCl-cot, or of a regulatory
cot is inactive and refractory to stimuli such as low pH protein, promotes activity, while phosphorylation
or cell swelling. The O2 dependence of KCl-cot is not decreases activity. The targets and the identity of PP
mediated via changes in [Mg2+]i. The presence of an O2 and PK involved in the regulation of KCl-cot are not
sensor has been speculated to explain the activation of yet clearly characterized and appear to depend on the
the transporter. In contrast, in SS RBC, KCl-cot stimulus. As the activation by staurosporine, or
remains capable of responding to these stimuli, even at n-ethylmaleimide (NEM), is fully inhibited and
low PO2.8,27 The di€erent O2 dependence of KCl-cot in reversed by calyculin A, the prevailing model is that
SS RBC may be related to the interaction of the staurosporine and NEM can inhibit a kinase that lies
abnormal Hb with the transporter,28 to the associated upstream to the step catalysed by the calyculin-
properties of HbS (auto-oxidation, polymerization) or sensitive PP.31 ± 34 PTK of Src family (Fgr and Hck)
to secondary changes in the activity of kinases/ negatively regulate the transporter in mouse RBC and
phosphatases (see below). are likely to be among the staurosporine- and NEM-
In contrast to KCl-cot, activation of KCa channels sensitive kinases.34 Consequently, the activation of
does not require a period of reoxygenation. Indeed, a PP2A (and KCl-cot) by NEM32 would result from
similar percentage of dehydrated T+ cells (as estimated NEM-induced inhibition of Src PTK. Mg2+ depletion
from the density score) is generated through KCa- suppresses the NEM-induced activation of PP2A and
channel activation, with either 4 h continuous or cyclic of the transporter,32 suggesting that the phosphatase
deoxygenation at pH 7.4.18 Continuous deoxygenation activation depends not only on the inhibition of Src
of ND cells, at pH 6.8, for 22 h promotes HD cell PTK, but also on the activity of another kinase
formation, by KCa-channel activation, to a greater inhibited by removal of Mg2+. This latter kinase
extent than O-D cycling.20 Instant state measurement of might be a PTK of another family (Syk), as tyrphostin
KCa-channel activation demonstrates that each deox- B46 (a PTK inhibitor) blocks the transporter stimula-
ygenation pulse, either single or repeated, causes a tion induced by staurosporine or NEM in sheep RBC.33
reversible, sustained SIP-induced Ca2+ in¯ux, channel Therefore, both inhibitory (Src) and activating (Syk)
activation and dehydration of 10 ± 45% of SS PTK may be involved in regulating the activity of
discocytes (1.095 ± 1.106 g/mL) to dense cells PP2A and of the transporter. Activation of PP2A and
(41.118 g/mL).9 However, continuous deoxygenation of KCl-cot by this mechanism is induced by inhibition
causes only one early and limited density shift, whereas of Src (NEM or staurosporine) but requires a basal
frequent O-D cycling generates a progressive increase activity of Syk, because it is suppressed when Syk is
in the fraction of dehydrated cells. This contradiction inhibited (Mg2+ depletion). Mg2+ depletion (alone),
with the above mentioned data,18 may arise from which inhibits PP1, does not stimulate PP2A,32
di€erences in the experimental conditions or from the presumably as it suppresses the activity of both Src
lower HbF content of T+ cells, when compared with
that of SS discocytes (Figure 1A,B). T+ cells are
predicted to be more sensitive to sickling-induced, KCa-
channel-mediated dehydration, than the discocytes and
a quantitative di€erence in the percentage of dehy-
drated cells, formed by continuous or cyclic deox-
ygenation, to be less easily detectable.

Phosphorylation/dephosphorylation: a signal to
activate K+ transporters?

The major erythroid KCl-cot (KCC1) is a member of

the KCC family, including up to now four isoforms, Figure 3 Hypothetical model of KCl-cot activation by staur-
which di€er in their distribution in di€erent tissues and osporine, NEM or Mg2+ depletion in human RBC and by
in the presence of putative phosphorylation sites in deoxygenation in SS RBC. A represents the inactive form of the
their N- and C-terminal cytoplasmic domains. The transporter and B the active form. PP2A, phosphoserine-
threonine phosphatase type 2A; PSK, protein serine-threonine
human erythroid KCC1 contains several consensus kinase; PTK, protein tyrosine kinase (Src or Syk family). KCl-cot
phosphorylation sites for casein kinase 2 and protein can be activated by inhibition of Src PTK or PSK, or by
kinase (PK) C, but has no protein tyrosine kinase activation of Syk PTK.

The Hematology Journal

Hypothesis: sickle cell dehydration
P Merciris and F Giraud
and Syk and, hence, would activate the transporter by PGE2 and ET-1 are elevated during the painful-crisis
inhibiting a serine/threonine protein kinase (PSK) episodes in SS patients,39 and these physiological
which phosphorylates the dephosphorylated KCl- stimuli may play an important role in the dehydration
cot.32,33 A model of regulation of PP2A and KCl-cot of SS cells in the absence of deoxygenation. In de-
in human RBC, integrating the data mentioned above, oxygenated SS RBC, KCa-channel activation occurs
is presented in Figure 3. Dephosphorylation of the without PKC stimulation, but pretreatment with a
transporter (from state A to B) by PP2A induces its phorbol ester, which activates PKCa, inhibits both SIP
activation and the reverse reaction, catalysed by a and Ca2+ ionophore-induced activation of the chan-
PSK, promotes inactivation. nels.40 Under such conditions, phosphorylation by PKC
The mechanism of KCl-cot activation in deoxyge- would negatively regulate the activity of KCa channels.
nated SS RBC remains speculative, but could involve
protein phosphorylation, as deoxygenation induces
both an okadaic acid-sensitive dephosphorylation of Conclusion
membrane proteins,35 presumably corresponding to the
activation of PP2A, and a stimulation of PTK.36 More Preventing sickle cell dehydration is of potential
speci®cally, deoxygenation stimulates Syk, but has no interest in therapeutic approaches for inhibition of
e€ect on the Src kinase Lyn (P Merciris, MD Hardy- HbS polymerization and ultimately for reducing vaso-
Dessources and F Giraud, unpublished data). PTK occlusive crisis in sickle cell patients. Clinical trials in
inhibitors (tyrphostins) reduce SIP-induced K+ e‚ux in SS patients with oral administration of magnesium or
SS RBC, even in the absence of external Ca2+, clotrimazole, to inhibit KCl-cot or KCa channels
suggesting the involvement of PTK on the activity of respectively, have produced bene®cial e€ects on RBC
KCl-cot, KCa channels or both.36 A possible role for hydration state and reduction in the incidence of
Syk in the activation of PP2A and KCl-cot in painful episodes.41,42 Although never investigated, these
deoxygenated SS RBC would be consistent with the treatments are likely to contribute to improving the
model in Figure 3. survival of both F and non-F cells, and may a€ect the
The regulation of KCa channels in RBC may involve percentage of HbF. Combination therapy with
both PKA and PKC. Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) and additional strategies using hydroxyurea or butyrate
endothelin-1 (ET-1), whose binding to speci®c recep- derivatives, aimed at inhibiting HbS polymerization by
tors triggers respectively PKA and PKC stimulation, increasing HbF production, may also be of bene®t in
activate KCa channels.37,38 PGE2 activation presumably sickle syndromes.42
results from a direct PKA-mediated e€ect on the
channels (or its regulator), as this metabolite is unable Acknowledgements
to stimulate Ca2+ in¯ux (B Lakatos and L Varecka, We thank Drs CH Joiner and RS Franco for critically
personal communication). ET-1 activates the channels reading the manuscript and Drs L Varecka and B Lakatos
for communicating their data. This work was supported by
by increasing the maximum velocity and the Ca2+
funds from the French National Centre for Scienti®c
sensitivity.38 This activation is associated with PKC Research (CNRS, UMR 8619), the University of Paris
stimulation, as it is blocked by a PKC inhibitor, XI-Orsay, the French Society of Hematology to P Merciris
suggesting that PKC activation could result in a and the Association for Research against Cancer to F
stimulation of Ca2+ in¯ux. The plasma levels of Giraud (ARC no9267).


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The Hematology Journal

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