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ChL 323

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1oble of cooteots
llst of 1obles
llst of llqotes
1 8rlef descrlpLlon of Lhe pro[ecL
2 Summary of Lhe flndlngs and concluslons
a ManagemenL SLudy
b 1echnlcal AspecLs
c MarkeLlng AspecLs
d llnanclal SLudy
e Soclal Lconomlc AspecLs
CnA1Lk I Introduct|on
1 8ackground of Lhe SLudy
2 roblem SLaLemenL
3 AssumpLlons
4 lmporLance of SLudy
3 Scope and uellmlLaLlons
6 MeLhodology
7 ueflnlLlon of 1erms

CnA1Lk II Market|ng Aspect
1 1orqet Morket
2 uemond
a ConsumpLlon for Lhe pasL years (1he pasL perlod Lo be covered should be adequaLe enough Lo show
some Lrends and Lo serve as Lhe basls for Lhe pro[ecLed demand) 1he consumpLlon flgures maybe broken
down lnLo
1) 8eglonal markeLs
2) 1ypes of consumers (households resLauranLs eLc)
3) 1ypes of markeL (as for lncrease ln unlLs or for Lhe replacemenL or scrappage markeL ln Lhe case of
4) Ma[or flrmusers (for lndusLrlal pro[ecLs)
b ro[ecLed consumpLlon for Lhe nexL flve years Some flnanclal lnsLlLuLlons may requlre LhaL Lhe
pro[ecLlons be up Lo Lhe Llme of lasL amorLlzaLlon on Lhe loan applled for
1) CuanLlLy broken down lnLo
a) 8eglonal markeLs
b) 1ypes of consumers
c) 1ypes of markeLs
d) Ma[or flrmusers
2) MeLhod used and facLors consldered ln preparlng Lhe above pro[ecLlons

a Supply for Lhe lasL flve years quanLlLy broken down as Lo source
1) lmporLed furLher broken down lnLo
a) lorm ln whlch Lhe goods are lmporLed
ChL 323

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b) CounLry of orlgln
c) llrmlmporLers
d) 8rands
2) Locallyproduced
a) rovlnce or reglon
b) llrm or companles LhaL produce Lhe producL
c) 8rands
b ro[ecLed supply for Lhe nexL flve years
quanLlLy broken down as shown above
c lacLors affecLlng Lrends ln pasL and fuLure supply
1) 8egardlng compeLlng producLs
a) uevelopmenL of new compeLlng producLs
b) lmprovemenL ln quallLy or decrease ln cosL and ln prlce
2) 8egardlng lmporLaLlons
a) 1axfree lmporLaLlons by cerLaln enLlLles
3) 8egardlng local producLlon
a) Local producLlon capaclLles (pasL presenL expanslon plans new pro[ecLs modernlzaLlon plans)
b) ercenLage uLlllzaLlon of Lhe capaclLles (based on a glven number of worklng days a year)
1) MalnLenance pollcles (malnLenance may be deferred)
2) Cbsolescence or prolonged breakdown of planL machlnery
3) Shlpplng lnLerrupLlons
4) llnanclng avallable for worklng caplLal

a Comparlson of Lhe followlng
1) CosL of lmporLaLlon
2) CosL of producLlon of exlsLlng flrms
3) ro[ecLed cosL of producLlon of Lhe pro[ecL
4) lmporLers and local producers selllng prlces
3) ulsLrlbuLors' wholesalers' and reLallers' prlces

b 1arlff proLecLlon assumed or expecLed for Lhe pro[ecL
c uomesLlc LransporLaLlon cosLs
d rlces Lo be adopLed by Lhe pro[ecL and explanaLlons for any dlfference beLween Lhls prlce Lhls prlce
and Lhe
expecLed fuLure prevalllng prlce ln Lhe lndusLry

4 Morketinq proqrom (1) presenL and expecLed markeLlng pracLlces of compeLlLors (2) proposed markeLlng
program for Lhe pro[ecL and (3) explanaLlon for any maLerlal devlaLlons coverlng
a 1erms of sale (cash 30 days eLc)
b Channels of dlsLrlbuLlon reglonal locaLlon of sales ouLleLs and LransporLaLlon and warehouslng
and correspondlng cosLs
c romoLlons
d ackaglng
5 Projected so/es quontity
ChL 323

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a LxpecLed annual volume (quanLlLy) of sales for Lhe pro[ecL conslderlng Lhe demand supply prlces and
markeLlng program
b Sales conLracLs lf any
CnA1Lk IV Management Study

1 lntroduction
2 Monoqement uurinq Preoperotion Period
a ro[ecL orlglnaLors ( eg researchers)
b ro[ecL promoLers managers
c llrms or persons lnvolved or Lo be lnvolved ln markeLlng englneerlng and oLher sLudles
d ro[ecL Schedule (use L81 CAnn1 CPA81S CM eLc)
e uescrlpLlon of AcLlvlLles
Monoqement uurinq Operotion Period
a CrganlzaLlonal Cb[ecLlves
b lorm of 8uslness CrganlzaLlon and Cwnershlp (lnclude reason for Lhe cholce)
c Cwners clLlzenshlp of owners and percenLage of Lhelr respecLlve holdlngs
d ersonal luncLlons CuallflcaLlons 8ecrulLmenL and CompensaLlon
e ManufacLurlng and roducLlon ulvlslon
f Sales and MarkeLlng ulvlslon
g llnance ulvlslon
h CrganlzaLlonal CharL
l Ceneral LmploymenL 8egulaLlons and Company ollcles ( lncludes Llme keeplng worklng hours
dlsclpllne penalLles eLc)
[ Lmployee 8eneflLs and Servlces (lncludlng leaves hollday pay overLlme healLh servlces labor
servlces eLc)

CnA1Lk V 1echn|ca| Aspect
1 Product
a uescrlpLlon and speclflcaLlons of Lhe producL lncludlng welghL slze and physlcal and chemlcal
b rlnclpal uses
c 1esLs for Lhe producL (proLoLype) lf appllcable
d Assurance LhaL Lhe producLs wlll be of Lhe expecLed quallLy and quanLlLy
2 kow Moterio/s
a SpeclflcaLlons or descrlpLlon (physlcal and chemlcal)
b roof of rellablllLy and superlorlLy of Lhe raw maLerlals and LesLs made
c AlLernaLlve raw maLerlals consldered facLors used ln selecLlng Lhe raw maLerlals and LesLs made
d 8aw maLerlals used ln oLher planLs new raw maLerlals belng sLudled or developed
e CuanLlLy requlred every year maLerlals
f AvallablllLy conLlnulLy of supply (especlally ln case of lmporLed maLerlals) CurrenL and prospecLlve
sources and LransporLaLlon
g Suppllers rellablllLy and arrangemenLs as Lo dellvery and paymenLs
h Mlneral reserves (as for cemenL) adequacy of Lechnlcal sLudles on Lhe exLenL of deposlLs and quallLy
lf appllcable
l CurrenL and prospecLlve cosLs of raw maLerlals Lerms of any longLerm conLracLs
Monufocturinq Process
a uescrlpLlon of Lhe process flow charL lu and normal duraLlon of Lhe process
b roof of rellablllLy and superlorlLy of Lhe processlng alLernaLlve processes consldered and facLors used
ln deLermlnlng Lhe process Lo be employed
c Llcenslng agreemenL lf any lncludlng Lerms rellablllLy of llcensor
ChL 323

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d rocesses used ln exlsLlng planLs and ln oLher new pro[ecLs
e rocesses belng developed
4 neot kecovery 5ystem { if opp/icob/e)
5 quipment (ma[or and auxlllary as LransporL maLerlals handllng and sLandby unlLs)
a SpeclflcaLlons and funcLlons raLed capaclLles and balanclng englneerlng flrm whlch prepared Lhe
b AvallablllLy of spare parLs and repalr servlces
c SelecLlon of suppller lncludlng blddlng procedures and evaluaLlon of blds
d CuoLaLlons from suppllers
e 8ellablllLy of Lhe suppllers and machlnery guaranLees
f uellvery paymenLs and oLher arrangemenLs wlLh suppllers
P/ont site ond production schedu/e
a 8aLed annual and dally planL capaclLy aL a glven number of shlfLs per day and number of operaLlng
days per year
b ueslrablllLy of Lhe selecLed capaclLy alLernaLlve planL and raLed capaclLles consldered mlnlmum
planL slze facLors used ln deLermlnlng planL slze
c rovlslons made ln Lhe locaLlon layouL machlnery deslgn and sLrucLures for expanslon
d LxpecLed annual producLlon volume for Lhe nexL flve years
7 P/ont /ocotion
a lanL locaLlon locaLlon map
b ueslrablllLy of Lhe locaLlons ln Lerms of dlsLance Lo servlces of raw maLerlals and markeLs Lleln wlLh
LransporLaLlon faclllLles and uLlllLles welghLbearlng capaclLy of Lhe slLe and oLher facLors
c AlLernaLlve locaLlons consldered and facLors used ln deLermlnlng Lhe locaLlon
|ant Layout
a uescrlpLlon of Lhe planL layouL layouL map
b LffecL of Lhe layouL on Lhe maLerlals flow
c 1reaLmenL of maLerlals handllng and sLorage ln Lhe layouL
d 1leln wlLh LransporLaLlon faclllLles
e rovlslons for expanslon
a 8ulldlngs area speclflcaLlon and bullLln uLlllLles and alrcondlLlonlng faclllLles
b CLher sLrucLure as plers
c Land lmprovemenLs roads wlLhln Lhe compound dralnage faclllLles fences
10 uti/ities
a LlecLrlclLy fuel waLer sLeam and suppllers
1 user
2 CuanLlLy requlred
3 uLlllLles balance
4 AvallablllLy
3 Sources (lmplanL producLlon or any of varlous posslble ouLslde sources)
6 8eason for Lhe cholce of source
7 8ellablllLy of Lhe source
8 AlLernaLlve sources consldered
9 CosL
b LlecLrlclLy
ChL 323

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1 Maxlmum or peak power demand ln kW
c luelaverage consumpLlon per hour
d WaLer
1 CuallLy requlred
2 Average consumpLlon per hour of raw and sofLened/LreaLed waLer for process coollng sanlLary and
general uLlllLles
3 WaLer LreaLmenL
4 SLorage and dlsLrlbuLlon
e SLeam
1 Maxlmum sLeam demand processed
2 Average sLeam consumpLlon pound per hour
10 woste uisposo/
a uescrlpLlon and quanLlLy of Lhe wasLe Lo be dlsposed of
b uescrlpLlon of Lhe wasLe dlsposal meLhod selecLed (as by chemlcal LreaLmenL burnlng or furLher
processlng Lo byproducLs)
c 8ellablllLy and superlorlLy of Lhe meLhod
d AlLernaLlve meLhods consldered and facLors used ln Lhe selecLlon
e MeLhods used ln oLher planLs
f MeLhods belng developed
g CosL of wasLe dlsposal
h Clearance from Lhe proper auLhorlLles or compllance wlLh legal requlremenLs

CnA1Lk VI I|nanc|a| Study
1 Mojor ossumptions used as on
a ro[ecL LlmeLable
b Sales volume
c lanL capaclLy
d lncome Lax raLes
e 1arlff raLes
f 1ax exempLlons Lo be en[oyed by Lhe pro[ecL
g lorelgn exchange raLe
h Ceneral prlce levels

2 linoncio/ 5totements
ro[ecLed flnanclal sLaLemenLs wlLh supporLlng compuLaLlons and subsldlary assumpLlons ( lnclude
esLlmaLlons cosL for manufacLurlng raw maLerlals equlpmenL faclllLles eLc)
a ro[ecLed lncome sLaLemenL
b ro[ecLed cash flow sLaLemenL
c ro[ecLed balance sheeL

linoncio/ 4no/ysis
a 8reakeven polnL
1 roflL breakeven polnL volume and selllng prlce
2 Cash breakeven polnL volume and selllng prlce
3 uebL servlce sales volume
b CaplLal recovery and earnlngs
ChL 323

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1 Cash pay off perlod
2 AccounLlng raLe of reLurns
3 ulscounLed cash flow raLe of reLurn
c CLhers

4 5ources of finoncinq for the project
a Sources selecLed for boLh long Lerm and shorLLerm flnanclng
b AlLernaLlve sources consldered and facLors used ln deLermlnlng Lhe selecLed sources

5 4mount ond terms of finoncinq for eoch source se/ected
a 1ype of flnanclng (caplLal sLock loan eLc)
b use of proceeds (as for machlnery land eLc)
c Currency of flnanclng (pesos dollars eLc)
d AmounL
e SecurlLy (as collaLeral or guaranLee)
f 8epaymenL perlod
g lnLeresL or dlvldend raLe
h CLher feaLures

5totus of the finoncinq from eoch source
a AcLual releases already made amounLs and daLes
b AppllcaLlons already approved buL correspondlng funds noL yeL released assurance of release of
funds and
expecLed daLe
c AppllcaLlons pendlng (noL yeL approved)
d AppllcaLlons sLlll Lo be made

7 linoncinq of continqencies ond seosono/ peoks in workinq copito/
a ConLlngencles provlslon made for Lhe flnanclng of conLlngencles as overruns ln consLrucLlon cosLs or
delay ln sLarL of normal operaLlons
b Seasonal peaks ln worklng caplLal provlslons made for Lhe flnanclng of seasonal lncreases ln worklng
as ln Lhe case of a pro[ecL solely orlenLed Lo Lhe manufacLure of ChrlsLmas lLems

CnA1Lk VII Soc|a| Lconom|c Aspect
1 6overnment revenues
a Cross lncrease ln governmenL revenues ln Lerms of Laxes and duLles Lo be pald by Lhe pro[ecL durlng
Lhe preoperaLlng and operaLlng perlod
b uecrease ln governmenL revenues due Lo Lhe seLLlng up of Lhe pro[ecL as loss ln Larlff duLles on goods
currenLly lmporLed buL Lo be subsequenLly produced by Lhe pro[ecL

2 ke/oted industries developmenL of relaLed lndusLrles oLher pro[ecLs whlch may be developed
subsequenLly Lo
supply Lhe raw maLerlals requlremenL of Lhe pro[ecL or Lo furLher process Lhe producLs of Lhe pro[ecL

ChL 323

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consumers posslble decrease ln Lhe reLall prlce of Lhe good

4 mp/oyees
a number of persons Lo be employed broken down lnLo local and forelgn and lnLo Lhe varlous skllls
b 1oLal wage blll (lncludlng frlnge beneflLs)
c 1ralnlng of workers

MaLerlal 8alance Lnergy 8alances LqulpmenL SpeclflcaLlons eLc should be ln Lhe order of how lL
was menLloned ln Lhe sLudy

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