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!o one can say that am perfect eeryone should admit that ithout the help
of ALLAH and His people a man can't get anything so bo my head before
almighty Allah ith gratitude.
am also ery much thankful and presents salute too many indiiduals ho
hae helped me in shaping this report. am also ery much thankful to lot of
former fellos and contemporary colleagues ho took the time and trouble
during the last fe days to speak to me about the ay this tet could be
further improed. First of all this report oes it originated to the aluable
assistance of our learned & honorable teacher S|r SHAHOOD ALAM hose
able guidance and encouraging attitude throughout has been a source of
inspirations for us. Vithout his kind attitude patronage, e ould hae neer
accomplished this task. am also thankful to the staff HBL ho proides me
an opportunity to made report in friendly enironment.
t has been an honor and pleasure as a student of:

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O Introduct|on to 8ank
O Introduct|on of n8L
O n|story 8ackground of n8L
O ct|vs of n8L
O I|s|on And M|ss|on of n8L
O or Ia|u of n8L
O rgan|zat|on Structur
O Managnt of th coany
O n8L roduct] Srv|cs
O n8L L||td Ntworks
O SW@ Ana|ys|s f n8L
O Markt|ng os|t|on of n8L
O Managnt and Stratg|c of n8L
O ontacts and 8ranchs of n8L
O |nanc|a| korts
O kfrncs

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L Itrutegic Report

Introduct|on of n8L
HBL vas the lirst commercial lank to le estallisheJ in Pakistan in I9+. Key areas ol operations
encompass proJuct ollerings anJ services in Retail anJ Consumer Banking. HBL has the largest
Corporate Banking portlolio in the country vith an active Investment Banking arm. SMF anJ
Agriculture lenJing programs anJ lanking services are ollereJ in urlan anJ rural centers. HBL is
currently rateJ AA (Long term) anJ AI- (Short term) anJ has a lalance sheet site ol over USD
II lillion. It is the lirst Pakistani lank to raise Tier II Capital lrom external sources
n|story of n8L
HBL estallisheJ operations in Pakistan in I9+ anJ moveJ its heaJ ollice to Karachi. Our lirst
international lranch vas estallisheJ in Colomlo, Sri Lanka in I95I anJ Halil Bank Plata vas
luilt in I92 to commemorate the lank's 25th Anniversary.

Vith a Jomestic market share ol over +J`, HBL vas nationaliteJ in I9+ anJ it continueJ to
Jominate the commercial lanking sector vith a major market share in invarJ loreign
remittances (55`) anJ loans to small inJustries, traJers anJ larmers. International operations
vere expanJeJ to incluJe the USA, Singapore, Oman, Belgium, Seychelles anJ MalJives anJ the

On Decemler 29, 2JJ3 Pakistans Privatitation Commission announceJ that the Government ol
Pakistan haJ lormally granteJ the Aga Khan IunJ lor Fconomic Development (AKIFD) rights
to 5I` ol the shareholJing in HBL, against an investment ol PKR 22.+J9 lillion (USD 389
million). On Ielruary 26, 2JJ+, management control vas hanJeJ over to AKIFD. The BoarJ ol
Directors vas reconstituteJ to have lour AKIFD nominees, incluJing the Chairman anJ the
PresiJent/CFO anJ three Government ol Pakistan nominees.

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ct|vs of n8L
Iolloving are some ol the main oljectives ol HBL.
O To earn prolit lor the Bank itsell anJ maximite its shareholJer's value.
O To proviJe solutions lor multiple requirements ol clients ol Jiverse linancial nature.
O To manage vith the changing trenJs ol the moJern Jay linancial market.
O To le a JiversilieJ lank ly ollering all lasic consumer services along vith specialiteJ
O Honest anJ ethical conJuct, incluJing ethical hanJling ol actual or apparent conllicts ol
interest letveen personal anJ prolessional relationship.
O To proviJe employment opportunities to people.
O To help in Jevelopment anJ inJustrialitation ol the country.
I|s|on M|ss|on f n8L
Fnalling people to aJvance vith conliJence anJ success
To make our Investor (s) prosper, our stall excel anJ to create value lor our stakeholJers.
or Ia|us of n8L
HBL is lirmly grounJeJ vith a corporate philosophy that incorporates live soliJ values vhich
each inJiviJual associateJ vith the lank aliJes ly.
This is at the core ol everything they Jo. The markets in vhich they operate are
lecoming increasingly competitive, giving their customers an alunJance ol choice. Only
through leing the very lest in terms ol the service they oller, their proJucts anJ
premises can they hope to le successlul anJ grov.

Ior them, integrity means a synergic approach tovarJs aliJing their core values. UniteJ
vith the lorce ol shareJ values anJ integrity, they lorm a netvork ol a vell integrateJ

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At every level, lrom selection to aJvancement, they have JesigneJ a consistent system ol
human resource practices, laseJ on oljective criteria throughout all the layers ol the
organitation. HBL is therelore, alle to achieve a specilic level ol perlormance at every
layer ol the organitation.

:stomer Ioc:s
They unJerstanJ lully the neeJs ol their customers anJ aJapt their proJucts anJ services
to meet these. They alvays strive to put the satislaction ol their customers lirst.

They lelieve in the aJvancement ol society through the aJoption ol enlighteneJ vorking
practices, innovative nev proJucts anJ processes, anJ a spirit ol enterprise.
rgan|zat|on Structur
Any organitation neeJs a structure, vhich proviJes a lramevork lor successlul operations. The
operation ol an organitation involves a numler ol activities, vhich are relateJ to Jecision
making, anJ communication ol these Jecisions. These activities must le vell coorJinateJ so
that the goals ol the organitation are achieveJ successlully.

8CA8u Cl ul8LC1C8S
CCun18? PLAuS
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A charL deflnes Lhe llne of auLhorlLy ln an organlzaLlon and lLs deparLmenLs lL ls a sorL of vlsual
presenLaLlon of Lhe organlzaLlonal sLrucLure lL speclfles Lhe duLles and responslblllLles of Lhe
personnel of Lhe organlzaLlon
Managnt of th coany
Board OI Directors

Sultan Ali Allana

Sajid Zahid

Mushtaq Malik

R. Zakir Mahmood
President & CEO

Ahmed Jawad

Sikandar Mustafa Khan

Moez Jamal

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Management OI HBI:

R. Zakir Mahmood 2 Sohail Malik 3 Nauman K. Dar
President and CEO Chief Risk Officer Head-Corporate &
Investment Banking and
International Banking

4 Sohail Malik 5 Abid Sattar 6 Sima Kamil
Chief Risk Officer Head-Global Operations Head-Retail &
& Learning and Consumer Banking

7- Jamil Iqbal 8 Ayaz Ahmed 9 Salim Amlani
Chief Compliance Officer Chief Financial Officer Chief Internal Auditor

Nausheen Ahmed Aslam Gadit 2 Aly Mustansir
Company Secretary & Head-Remedial Assets Head-Marketing &
Head-Legal Brand Management

3 M. Salahuddin Manzoor 4 Dr. Razi Azmat 5 Mubashar Maqbool
Global Treasurer Head-Human Resources Head-Commercial &
Retail Lending
6 Mirza Saleem Baig 7 Faiq Sadiq 8 Tulu Islam
Head-Islamic Banking Head-Payment Services GM-Branch &
Trade Operations
9 Abdur Rashid Awan 2 Shahid Fakhruddin 2 Aman Aziz Siddiqui
Business Head-Semi GM-International & RGM-Gulf
Urban Areas Market Risk (UAE, Oman, Bahrain)

22 Muhammad Ali
Chief Representative
and Retail Head-North

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n8L roduct] Srv|cs

ndivid:aI c:stomers:
HBL caters to all market segments, ollering proJucts that are as Jiverse as the people ve
service. Ve remain resolute in our commitment to proviJe proJucts that are competitive
anJ services that are exemplary. Vhether estallishing a nev venture or expanJing an
existing lusiness, our team unJerstanJs your lanking neeJs anJ vorks closely vith you
to realite your goals. HBL proviJes the lolloving proJucts anJ services to meet its
inJiviJual customer requirements.
O %erm Acco:nts:
OllereJ in a variety ol tenors vith Jeposits as lov as Rs. IJ,JJJ.
O :rrent Acco:nts:
Our Current Accounts oller leatures that meet your Jaily lanking neeJs.
O $aving Acco:nts:
HBL's Saving Accounts cater to inJiviJual saving halits.
O Ioreign :rrency Acco:nts:
OllereJ in multiple currencies vith interest paiJ on a quarterly lasis
O Banc Ass:rance:
HBL anJ Nev ]ulilee Lile Insurance Company LimiteJ (N]LI) introJuce Amaan
(Retirement Plan) anJ Taleer (ChilJ FJucation & Marriage). These proJucts
have leen JesigneJ keeping HBL's customer lase as the locus anJ vill proviJe
lile insurance along vith an investment option
O Amaan Retirement !Ian:
A pension plan that ollers attractive investment returns.
O %aleer iIdren Ed:cation:
An insurance plan that enalles parents to cover eJucation anJ marriage costs.
O Delit ard:
HBL Visa Delit CarJ allovs you to pay lor your purchases Jirectly lrom your lank
account. You Jon't have to carry cash anJ your monthly statement proviJes you
vith a complete recorJ ol all your transactions so you can manage your expenses
vith ease.
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O Ieat:res:
I. No Interest
2. Fase & Security
3. No Lialility
+. International Recognition& Acceptalility
5. SpenJing Limits
6. Iree Account Statement
. 2+ hour Customer Service
IolaI :stomer Assistance $ervice
!one BanIing:
Your lank is just a phone call avay. You can nov call HBL Phone Banking anJ save a trip to the
lranch. Your query vill le resolveJ in a single telephone call lrom anyvhere anJ at any time
8us|nss ustors
HBL ollers a viJe range ol proJucts anJ services lor its lusiness customers. They are as lollovs.
ororate lanIing:
HBL Corporate Banking Group comprises a seasoneJ team ol Relationship Managers
(RMs) to meet the JemanJing service stanJarJs ol large corporations. A long history ol
linancing anJ nurturing relationships in Pakistan has given HBL a unique insight,
enalling us to proviJe timely anJ ellective linancial solutions lor our customers to meet
the groving challenges ol a glolal economy.

Il you are a corporate customer, vith a turnover ol at least PKR 3JJ million, ve have a
range ol solutions JesigneJ to help you vith your lanking neeJs. Our RMs has the
expertise you neeJ to create tailoreJ linancial solutions catering to the specilic
requirements ol your lusiness. Vhether estallishing a nev venture or expanJing an
existing lusiness, our team unJerstanJs your lanking neeJs anJ vorks closely vith you
to realite your goals.
as Management:
HBL ollers a comprehensive platlorm lor customers to avail Cash Management Services
throughout Pakistan. Our Cash Management Services reJuce the cash turn arounJ ol your
company, therely making it cost ellicient

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O CentraliteJ Collections / IunJs Transler
O CentraliteJ Payments / Dislursements
O CustomiteJ MIS Reporting
O CentraliteJ Customer Support through
O IT/Operations
HBL is also proviJing unique anJ latest online services like online lunJ transler, lalance
checking to its customers.
R:raI Iinance:
HBL's Agriculture loans are spreaJ across the country anJ proviJe linancing through over 8JJ
lranches. Ve have the largest private lank portlolio in the country vith over PKR I8 lillion in
various agriculture sectors. HBL's presence in all agriculture lelts ol the country ensures easy
access to larmers in rural areas.
Agncy Srv|cs to ustors
oIIection oI eq:es:
HBL pays anJ collects cheques on lehall ol their customers, anJ lor this it receives commission
lorm their account holJers.
oIIection oI Dividends:
The Bank proviJes a very uselul service ly acting as an agent lor its customers. It
arranges the collection ol JiviJenJs on shares anJ securities helJ ly its customers. The
customer is simply to inlorm the issuer ol the securities that the interest on the securities
is to le creJiteJ to his account in the Bank. Bank charges commission lor the collection
ol the JiviJenJs on lehall ol account holJers.
!:rcase and $aIe oI $ec:rities:
HBL il authoriteJ ly the customers also makes purchase anJ sale ol securities on the
lehall ol its customers. Bank charges commission lor the purchase or sale maJe ly its on
lehall on the customers.

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Exec:tion oI standing instr:ction:

HBL also executes the stanJing in case il it is orJereJ ly the customers ol the Bank to Jo
so. These instructions are usually given in vriting to Bank. The Bank Jelits anJ creJits
the accounts ol its customer lor the transactions carrieJ out ly the inJiviJual or lirm.
Acts as an agent:
HBL also acts as an agent, corresponJent or representative ol its customers at home anJ alroaJ.
Ioreign excange B:siness:
HBL transacts loreign exchange lusiness ly Jiscounting loreign lills ol exchange anJ thus
proviJes lacilities lor linancing in loreign traJe.
Acts as a reIeree:
HBL proviJes uselul services to its customers ly acting as a releree lor its creJit
vorthiness. The inlormation is supplieJ in utmost secrecy anJ is laseJ on linancial
stanJing ol the customers.
oIIection oI UtiIity BiII:
Flectricity, telephone anJ other such lills can also le JepositeJ vith HBL.
IocIer IaciIity:
HBL also proviJes locker lacility to its customers vhere valualles ol customers can le kept.
n8L Ntworks
Domestic and nternationaI NetvorI
HBL is one ol Pakistans premier lanks in terms ol Jeposits anJ aJvances vith a huge Jomestic anJ
international netvork. Its salient leatures are
Major IocaI MarIet !resence: HBL is one ol the largest commercial lanks in Pakistan
representing approximately 2J` ol the assets anJ Jeposits ol the lanking sector.

A Ho:seoId Name: HBLs lranJ name is vell estallisheJ. It has an extensive Jomestic
netvork ol IJ5 lranches reaching virtually every segment ol the Pakistani economy.

A I:II $ervice BanI: HBL proviJes its customers a complete range ol lanking proJucts anJ
services incluJing retail lanking, corporate anJ institutional lanking, traJe linance, consumer
linance anJ creJit carJs.

An nternationaI BanI: HBL has a presence glolally through an extensive international lranch
netvork JescrileJ in the talle lelov
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Country $tatus Opened Branches

Kenya Branch Operation 1956 5
Mauritius Branch Operation 1964 4
Seychelles Branch Operation 1976 1
Suden Branch Operation 1982 1
Bangladesh Branch Operation 1976 2
Fiji Islands Branch Operation 1991 1
Maldives Branch Operation 1976 1
Singapore Branch Operation /OBU 1971 1
Sri Lanka Branch Operation 1951 3
Karachi EPZ Branch Operation 1983 1
Bahrain Branch Operation /OBU 1969 3
Lebanon Branch Operation 1964 1
Oman Branch Operation 1972 11
UAE Branch Operation 1966 8
Belgium Branch Operation 1975 1
France Branch Operation 1980 1
Netherlands Branch Operation 1979 1
Turkey Branch Operation 1983 1
UK Branch Operation 1961 6
U$A Branch Operation 1971 1

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SVOT analysis (alternately SLOT analysis) is a strategic planning methoJ useJ to evaluate
the Strengths, Veaknesses/Limitations, Opportunities, anJ Threats involveJ in a project or in
a lusiness venture. It involves specilying the oljective ol the lusiness venture or project anJ
iJentilying the internal anJ external lactors that are lavoralle anJ unlavoralle to achieve that
Strengths. characteristics ol the lusiness, or project team
that give it an aJvantage over others
Veaknesses (or Limitations). are characteristics that place
the team at a JisaJvantage relative to others
Opportunities. external chances to improve perlormance
(e.g. make greater prolits) in the environment
Threats. external elements in the environment that coulJ
cause troulle lor the lusiness or project

SW@ Ana|ys|s of n8L
nternaI AnaIysis
nternaI anaIysis oI a Iirm is te anaIysis oI its strengts and veaInesses UnIess a
Iirm as internaI strengts and controIs its veaInesses, it cannot
taIe advantage oI oort:nities and escae treats vic te externaI
environment resents IoIIoving are te main strengt and veaInesses oI HBI
Strength can le JelineJ as an area vhere a company is lest at Joing something or a
leature that puts the company at an aJvantage in comparison to its competitors. MCB
enjoys the lolloving strengths.
O HBL is a vell estallisheJ lank enjoying long history ol over
65years ol experience anJ prolitalle operation.
O HBL vas the lirst privatiteJ lank that gives it an eJge over other nationaliteJ
lanks as it can Jevelop any strategy consistent vith the JemanJ ol market anJ
lree lrom any political or lureaucratic inlluence.
O HBL is the largest private lank in Pakistan nov anJ people trust is very high.
O It has the largest lranch netvork among private lanks ol Pakistan.
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O HBL is the market leaJer in introJuction ol elanking anJ it has the largest ATM
netvork in the country.
O The Bank's Rupee Traveler Cheques have leen market leaJers lor the past six
O HBL vas rateJ the lest Jomestic lank lor tvo consecutive years ol 2JJJanJ 2JJI
ly Furo money, a leaJing international pullication.
O HBL has lorgeJ strategic alliances vith international lanks lor expanJing its
netvork lurther, loth locally anJ internationally.
O HBL has the alility to lring innovative proJucts anJ services like
personaliteJ service, electronic lunJs Transler, sophisticateJ linancial proJucts
such as electronic lanking, autoteller machines anJ evening lanking.
O HBL has leen very ellective in controlling costs as it successlully restructureJ
itsell alter its privatitation. During this process more thanI, 6JJ employees vere
relieveJ unJer a golJen hanJshake scheme anJIIJ lranches vere closeJ.
O Fxcellent lranches appearance gives an eJge to HBL over
other lanks. The lranches are vell lurnisheJ
even in less JevelopeJ areas vhere other lanks' lranches give a poor viev.
A veakness is JelineJ as an area in an organitation vhere the organitation is
not as gooJ at Joing something as its competitors or a thing vhich an organitation lacks
thus putting the organitation at JisaJvantage in comparison to its competitors. BaseJ
on the alove Jelinition, MCB has the lolloving veaknesses.
O Mission ol HBL is not vell JelineJ.
O Though HBL is seconJ largest lank in Pakistan, yet the lact remains that it is not
market leaJer as NBP. Their total asset is alvays less than NBP total assets.
O Nov as it is a privatite lank that is vhy GOVFRNAMFNT support to HBL
JecreaseJ as it vas in past.
O Fmployees at lranch level are not properly motivateJ to vork ly heart. They take
the all routine activities as a loring jol
O Most ol the employees lack managerial training as they are not properly eJucateJ.
Due to seniority, they have moveJ up on the hierarchy line to GraJeI, II or III
positions having harJly lachelor Jegrees. This type ol senior stall cannot apply
the moJern anJ innovative techniques ol management in Jecision making.

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ExternaI AnaIysis
An organization as to monitor its environment constantIy to Iee : vit nev
deveIoments and canges in te environment A cange in te externaI environment may
le eiter an oort:nity or treat n eiter case, te organization as to roerIy
:se it strengts to avaiI te oort:nities and avoid or minimize
te negative eIIects oI treats IoIIoving are te main oort:nities and treats oI HBI
An opportunity can le JelineJ as a change in external environment vhich il properly
exploiteJ vith the organitational strengths vill result in enhanceJ sales, market share,
or income. Using its strengths, MCB can avail the lolloving opportunities.
O HBL may enhance its Rupee Travelers Cheques (RTCs) sales ly searching
lor nev market niches.
O It can introJuce Jelit carJ system or may convert the existing ATM carJs into a
complete Jelit carJ.
O Nev proJucts like personal loans, mortgage anJ auto leasing anJ cash
management vhich Jiversily creJit risk anJ aJJ to revenue generating proJucts,
are currently proviJeJ in lig cities like Lahore, IslamalaJ, Karachi, anJ
RavalpinJi, these proJucts may le testeJ lor success in other small areas ol
PAKISTAN in Jillerent provinces.
O Developing netvork lor electronic transaction require huge investment vhich
can't le maJe all at once, there exists an opportunity lor HBL to enter into
agreement vith other lanks to use each other's ATMs vhich vill result in an
increaseJ convenience to HBL customers anJ customers ol other lanks.
O As all arounJ the vorlJ remittances ol money are strictly monitoreJ so as the
money remitteJ may not lall in hanJs ol so calleJ terrorists.Ior that all
Conventional money launJering through HunJies has leen stoppeJ, there is
an opportunity lor HBL to extenJ its lranch netvork to various countries
emphasiting mainly on introJucing electronic lunJ transler lacilities.

%reat can le deIined as a cange in externaI environment vic iI not met
vit roer strategies viII res:It in Ioss oI reven:es, marIet
sare, or income n te context oI MB`s externaI environment,
te IoIIoving otentiaI treats exist:

;t! ;!+o!eg+t 1eo+!

O The Rupee Travelers Cheque (RTC) sales volumes may le allecteJ on account ol
regulatory restriction imposeJ ly SBP on issuance ol large value Jenominations.
O The lrequent reJuction on 6month anJ I2month Treasury Bills Jiscount rates
ly SBP may create pressure on the lanks prolitalility.
O The lov Jiscount rates are also negatively inlluencing the aJvances rates vhich
may allect the lanks prolits lrom the other siJe.
O Ioreign lanks operating in Pakistan are playing a signilicant role ly
incorporating nev technologies anJ proviJing letter quality services thus
creating a threat to the local lanks especially to HBL vhich tries to Jevelop core
competence in electronic laseJ proJucts. Policies ol privatitation, loreign
exchange relorms, anJ structural aJjustments have increaseJ the inllov ol
loreign resources through Jirect anJ portlolio investment. In traJe
linancing, the role ol loreign lanks is even more signilicant, as approximately 3J
percent ol the total traJe ol the country is transacteJ through them. Major
portion ol the traJe linancing is lor importers to estallish letters ol creJit

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Markt|ng os|t|on of n8L

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Managnt and Stratg|c of n8L

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Stratg|c Invstnts

|nanc|a| rforanc

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ontacts and 8ranchs of n8L

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|nanc|a| korts
The selecteJ lalance sheet anJ income statement items (auJiteJ) are presenteJ lelov.
onsoIidated IinanciaI HigIigts oI HBI
MiIIion in R:ess MiIIion in U$D
I998 I999 I998 I999
ShareholJer Fquity 9,3I3.85 J5.23 I9.+6 I3.59
Total Assets 289,862.++ 3J5,2I.26 5,585.I5 5,88I.JI
Deposits & other
23,96+.2I 25J,85.8 +,585.I6 +,833.6J
Loans anJ AJvances I3,I23.8J I5+,33.8I 2,6+2.I+ 2,9+.52
Investments (Net ol
J,66.I 6+,2.5 I,36I.82 I,238.52
PreTax Prolit / Loss I,229.9 5,262.3 23.J IJI.+J
$taII $trengt ,u96 ,u

Brances I77 I76u
Domestic Brances I7u8 I7u5
Overseas Brances 65 55
Note: onversion Rate Rs 5I9u


O hLLp//wwwhblcom/abouLusnewsphp
O hLLp//wwwscrlbdcom/doc/19139792/lnLernshlp8eporLP8L
O hLLp//wwwscrlbdcom/doc/16412366/Pablb8ankLlmlLed
O hLLp//wwwscrlbdcom/doc/20832336/AComprehenslvelnLernshlp8eporLonP8L
O hLLp//wwwdocsLoccom/docs/9303193/Pablb8ankLLdaklsLan
O hLLp//wwwscrlbdcom/doc/28664399/P8LpresenLaLlon

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