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Remote Electronic Neuro-Communication

html The perfect Crime INTRODUCTION This report is about how an obscure effect - "radar hearing" - has turned into the world's first truly perfect crime, perpetrated on innocent citizens in their homes and communities, with disinformation and heavy legal cover provided by the governments we elect and pay to protect us. This is not fiction, and any wealthy person can avial him/herself of the technology without breaking any laws, from the commercial and unclassified arenas. "Radar hearing", that is, the hearing of the buzz from a stream of radar pulses directly in the skull with no receiving equipment whatsoever was first noted in World War II. This showed scientists, unfortunately including some highly unethical scientists, that if a radio signal were chopped into thin, sudden pulses, the human brain and nervous system could be directly accessed. Hypnosis and "silent sound" technology have combined to make the effects undetectable by the target. When dealing with the subject matter of this report, there are some terms which have become colloquial as synonyms for experiments for purposes of reading from and transmitting to the human brain: "Neuro-electromagnetic", "NEM", "electronic mind control". When dealing with this subject, the question "WHY?" is one of the first. The "WHY" is primarily military and intelligence psychological warfare equipment and tactics development, with revenge and sadism adding to the "national security" excuse. HISTORICAL SUMMARY The first neuro-communication device, that is, the first which could cause "entrainment" effects such as instant sleep AT A DISTANCE was the Soviet-made LIDA machine, used in the Korean War, and later (1983) brought to the Loma Linda Veterans Hospital Research Unit and studied by Dr. Ross Adey and Dr. Eldon Byrd. A veteran approached Dr. Adey and told him the device was in use in Allied POW camps during the Korean War.Thus, when the Cold War produced the U.S. Government's classified response to the Soviet Bloc threat, the CIA's MKULTRA program series, electronic neuro-communication became one of the smaller development tracks. MKULTRA's 149 programs emphasized involuntary confinement, secret torture facilities, and especially the use of drugs for control and interrogation purposes. From the 1950s to the late 1970s, MKULTRA's 149 sub-programs continued unhindered by public scrutiny. In the late 1970s, the U.S. Senate's Select Committee on Intelligence, Health and Scientific Research subcommittee, did their job and began hearings on the quarter-century of government-sanctioned atrocities perpetrated on innocent citizens. Eventually, eight Canadian involuntary test subjects, who had been swindled into becoming "patients" of the infamous Dr. Ewen Cameron at the McGill University Allen [psychiatric] Institute, won a small settlement of $100,000 each from the U.S. Government, via the Canadian Government which shepherded the suit. That case is named "Orlikow vs. United States et al". The many more victims of these kidnap/torture experiments, including child abuse, have not received a dime yet, and no official recognition, in spite of the U.S. Government's apologies to the Tuskegee untreated syphilis experiment victims, and half-hearted acknowledgement (by way

of a hearing but no compensation) of the covert radioactive food experiments. Very worrisome is the fact that no procedures have been put in place yet, after decades, to prevent more secret human experimentation. In fact, the opposite is true: In 1996, the U.S. Government VERY quietly un-signed the Nuremburg Human Experimentation protocols, enacted after the Nazi human experiments became known after World War II. Senator John Glenn tried to make this right by introducing his own Human Experimentation Act, S.193 This S.193 bill died quietly in the fanfare over Senator Glenn's space shuttle ride and subsequent retirement. About the only result of the late-70s hearings was that the institutional, drug, and child abuse phases of military and intelligence experiments were stopped. However, the neurocommunication experiments did NOT stop, in fact, they were never brought to light in the Senate hearings. [Above assertion backed only by the experiences of the several hundred known involuntary test subjects in the U.S., Canada, and world, over the past several decades. Many of us can be contacted directly for interviews. I am willing to call you at my expense. The best collection of testimonials is at: PLEASE BEAR IN MIND THAT THE SEVERAL HUNDRED MKULTRA AND NEM VICTIMS ARE FIRST-HAND WITNESSES. OUR TESTIMONY IS VALID IN COURT.] This is the collective opinion of the several hundred combined MKULTRA and neurocommunication experimentees, but what seems to have happened after the late-70s hearings was that principal CIA employees were "retired" and migrated into big business. We believe this was done to shed the appearance of government participation in involuntary experimentation. [Collective experience of the victims; governments won't talk about it, or deny it when asked.] It is alleged that "defense contractors play by the same rules" as government agencies. However, the defense contractors who hired the retired MKULTRA perpetrators have three major advantages in keeping their projects secret: 1. Private contractors are not automatically open to Congressional scrutiny. 2. Private contractors have a very powerful excuse to keep their work secret: PATENTS. No member of Congress is likely to try to force a corporation to reveal any patentable secrets who wants to continue getting elected. 3. Private contractors are not required to divulge sources of funding as are government agencies. [Above are public knowledge.] These advantages allowed the MKULTRA group to keep right on rolling, but now more covertly than ever. And remember, NO MKULTRA perpetrators were ever brought up on criminal charges. Remember too that not all senior government executives, those with the criminal mindset who authorized the work, left government. History shows, undeniably, that at any given time, there is always a percentage of government brass who are willing to use brutality to achieve their personal ends, using the excuse that works every time: "national security". So what we have is a reversal of criminal responsibility for involuntary human experimentation: - Fifties through seventies: GOVERNMENT was the perpetrator, with corporations, hospitals and universities assisting. - After the seventies, CORPORATIONS are the technology holders and users, with government executives, some with law enforcement powers, providing massive denial services and legal cover by not hunting down and charging the civilian perpetrators, instead denying involuntary experimentation exists. [Above assertions are the collective opinion of the several hundred known MKULTRA and NEM experimentees.] Even so-called "government laboratories" have in some cases been "sold" to private industry, just as with prisons. Oak Ridge National Laboratories is now owned and run by Martin-Marietta Corporation (in 1993).A final comment on the history of government-backed involuntary human experimentation in general and specifically where neuro-communication is involved: Scientists

who did the unclassified ground work in the 60s through the 80s, including Dr. Ross Adey, Dr. Eldon Byrd, Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher, and Dr. Bill Van Bise, have had their funding cut and even their notes confiscated (sometimes stolen) as soon as their work showed success. This is a fact, and they are still alive to confirm it. [From personal communication with Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher and Dr. Bill Van Bise, Eleanor White, by telephone] THE CATALOG OF CURRENT TECHNOLOGIES The current "catalog" of technologies includes devices to CAUSE, at a distance, effects, pleasant and unpleasant, and other devices to READ OUT biological (including mental) data from the targetted subject. Technology to CAUSE bio-effects: 1. "Voice to skull" transmission, via pulsed microwave carrier The basic how-it-works in one image - Audible The first un-classified success in transmitting audible words to a subject using pulsed microwave was performed by Dr. Joseph C. Sharp, Walter Reed Army Institute of Resarch, in 1974- Inaudible The first semi-classified use of inaudible sound via ultrasound piggybacked on to normal broadcasts was by the U.S. Army's Psychological Warfare Branch in the Gulf War, 1991. A telephone voice changer circuit which can raise the voice's pitch just above the limit or normal hearing generates the ultrasound voice. How "silent sound" works 2. Ultrasonic through-air transmission - Acoustic effects The projection, up to several hundred feet, of sound which appears to emanate from an object in the path of the ultrasound projector, but not the projector itself, is slated for military and commercial release by American Technologies Corp. San Diego CA, inventor Elwood Norris. Their patented product is named "HyperSonic Sound" or "HSS" How acoustic heterodyning works (applies to next item also) Destruction of target organism The use of extremely high power through-air ultrasound, INaudibly, to sicken and potentially kill an enemy soldier is being developed under an unclassified research contract awarded to Synetics Corp. 3. Hypnosis and hypnotic triggers Human beings range from being almost non-hypnotizeable to very hypnotizable, as with other traits, on the familiar bell curve. If SILENT hypnosis is used, as with the combination of microwave voice-to-skull transmission and ultrasonic voice conversion, commands to respond to a certain "trigger phrase" or other triggers such as sights, smells, sounds, can be sent into the target's skull for months on end. This capacity for long periods of repetition will eventually result in planted hypnotic triggers in most people. Above image file shows silent sound and voice to skull in combination. Hypnotic triggers are the number one problem for those who suffered under years of MKULTRA imprisonment and programming. These triggers don't simply "go away" on their own. 4. Pain In addition to causing the full range of hypnotic effects, and around-the-clock harassment of targetted individuals, very specific pain, such as the sensation of being stabbed by a large needle, or electric shock sensation, or flailing limbs, or artificial illness symptoms, have been reported by hundreds of NEM experimentees. A pictorial catalog of NEM effects on people. 5. Sabotage SABOTAGE, at home and at work, never quite severe enough that police are willing to investigate but over years and decades has two purposes: Apply stress to the experimentee and cause the experimentee to exhibit symptoms of paranoia to maintain cover. The perpetrators are expert break-in artists, including getting past monitored alarm systems. [Experiences of over 300 NEM experimentees, who are all first-hand witnesses whose testimony is valid in court.] Technology to READ OUT bio-processes: 1. Through-wall passive and active radar Through wall "passive" radar scanners can be purchased (if the buyer is wealthy) from Millivision Corporation in Northampton, MassachusettsA passive scanner shows people in the nude. It sees clearly through nonconductive walls and is undetectable since it sends out no signal of it's own. Shining a "radar flashlight" through partly-conductive walls enhances the visibility. A non-imaging radar scanner, called the LADS (Life Assessment Detector System) detects motion of a human body from breathing and heartbeat. Police agencies are beginning to acquire and use these devices, and, naturally, if you have the cash, you can have one too. The reader can be certain that these

remote-sensing devices have irresistible appeal to wealthy voyeurs and stalkers! 2. Pass-through-body radio signals Pass-through-body radio signals are simple, steady carrier frequency aimed at a subject's head, where a receiver on the far side of the subject receives the signal which has passed through the brain tissue. There is no sensation and no way the target can detect this activity. The power levels are low. The signal that passed AROUND the subject is a steady carrier at the identical frequency of the transmitter. The signal that passed THROUGH the subject's brain, has been slightly modified by the brain's electrical and magnetic activity. With enough experimentation, both silently-said-to-self words and even images are now recoverable by way of computer enhancement and analysis. How pass-through works. Shows that computer recovery of visual images from EEG traces has been accomplished in unclassified science. It is important to realize that in all of the above technologies, except the use of high powered microwave or ultrasound signals to cause physical damage, the power levels are extremely LOW, and hard to detect. Furthermore, the carrier signal can be "hopped around" using what is called "spread spectrum" technology. Unless a detection device "knows" the hop schedule ahead of time, there is no way to distinguish the attack signal from ordinary static. These excerpts from a science text show why the signal levels need only be very low: The cells help out by AMPLIFYING certain bio-sensitive signals. CONCLUSION Radio signals and through-air ultrasound are SILENT. Furthermore, when used in conjunction with through-wall radar and conventional surveillance, they can be shut down every time witnesses and/or detection equipment is in use. The result is that revenge or involuntary experimental crimes perpetrated using neuro-communication technology are not prosecutable, as no evidence exists, and not even detectable if the perpetrators are careful. The reader must take away from this report that the world's justice systems, as we begin the 21st Century, have entirely collapsed in respect to this type of crime. And where has the media been throughout all this? SUPPLEMENTARY REFERENCES TO ENHANCE UNDERSTANDING AND FOOTNOTES An article by MENSA bioelectromagnetic interest group newsletter Resonance, Judy Wall. Demonstrates that government has both the interest in and means to carry out, electronic mind control, and via "silent sound" (in the report above) has been doing so for almost two decades. Thought-provoking one page article about a conference at the Paris, France Pasteur Institute, 1998, warning the world that advances in neuroscience and scanning technology are on the brink of producing extremely invasive at-a-distance weapons- capable devices, including human mind reading. Apparatus and Method for Remotely Monitoring and Altering Brain Waves, U.S. Patent 3,951,134 (1974); this description matches targetted individual experience closely NOTE: PATENTS MAY BE OBTAINED WITHOUT DEMONSTRATING THE DEVICE, SO THEY INDICATE INTENT, RATHER THAN PROOF OF EXISTENCE OR USE. Patent, Stocklin,#4,858,612, multi-channel microwave voice to skull device. NOTE: PATENTS MAY BE OBTAINED WITHOUT DEMONSTRATING THE DEVICE, SO THEY INDICATE INTENT, RATHER THAN PROOF OF EXISTENCE OR USE. Hemi-Sync, a company selling specially prepared music recordings which use sound to entrain the brain in to relaxation. (Force- awake rhythms also possible.) This explains one form of "silent sound", in which two steady tones, just above normal hearing, are placed on a recording in addition to the audible music. These two tones combine to produce a relaxing brain entrainment rhythm, which transmits, rather than receives the dominant brain rhythm popularized by the "bio-feedback" industry. "Involuntary voice effects", a 15-second sound file, forced upon Eleanor White as Eleanor tries to lie as still as possible but is fully awake. Mike was held against Eleanor's throat with an ace bandage as Eleanor tried to sleep but was (and still is)

kept awake by involuntary activation of breathing and vocal cords. Joan K. Christensen's letter to Eleanor White in which the New York State Assemblywoman claims to have classified knowledge about the neuro-electromagnetic weapons currently being illegally tested. (Cornell University is in upper New York state, not too far from her local constituency office, and Cornell hosted the microwave hearing experiments by Dr. Allan Frey.) Professor Hale at Georgia Perimeter college, 14,000 students, teaches a course about MKULTRA. MKULTRA research site full of articles on covert government misbehaviour in general, with reference material on MKULTRA and related secret programmes. NASA says voice to skull works. Unclassified voice to skull project for the US Department of Defence, by the US Environmental Research and Quality Assurance agency. Satellite tracking system, for use with HUMAN implants, means and motive beyond all doubt. Logged

All eyes are opened, or opening, to the rights of man. The general spread of the light of science has already laid open to every view the palpable truth, that the mass of mankind has not been born with saddles on their backs, nor a favored few booted and spurred, ready to ride them legitimately

by John J. McMurtrey, M. S. 23 Dec. 2003 from DeepBlackLies Website People discerning remote manipulation by technology capable of such influence have formed protest organizations across the world.[1] [2] [3] [4] Educated society is uninformed regarding authentic documentation of the development and existence of these technologies, and unaware of the dangers. Complaint of 'hearing voices' and perception of other remote manipulation must receive appropriate scientific and legal investigation with protection. Professional awareness is virtually absent with eminent texts and opinion being presumptuous, without appraisal of the evidence. Herein is substantiated: 1. Human wireless internal voice transmission and tracking technologies 2. Reports of electroencephalographic (EEG) thought reading capacity, evidence of covert development, and remote EEG capture technology 3. References to the use of these, or similar technologies against humans MICROWAVE HEARING The first American [c] [5] to publish on the microwave hearing effect was Allan H. Frey in 1962, [6] yet radar technicians had anecdotes of microwave perception in World War II.[7] Deaf and normal subjects, even with earplugs, can hear appropriately pulsed microwaves at least up to thousands of feet from the transmitter.[8] Transmitter parameters above those producing the effect result in a severe buffeting of the head with dizziness and nausea, while parameters below the effect induce a pins and needles sensation. Peak power is the major determinant of loudness, though there is some dependence on pulse width. Pulse modulation appears to influence pitch and timbre. The effect "is the most easily and reliably replicated of low power density (microwave) illumination." [9] Review of human and animal microwave hearing confirmation by independent investigators of the effect establishes validity.[10] [11] [12] [13] [14] Designs for scaring birds away from aircraft or other hazards by microwave hearing[15] and induction of vertigo[16] exist.[17] [18] While working for the Advanced Research Projects Agency at Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Sharp and Grove discovered "receiverless" and "wireless" voice transmission. [19] Their method was simple: the negative deflections of voiceprints from recorded spoken numbers were caused to trigger microwave pulses. Upon illumination by such verbally modulated energy, the words were understood remotely. The discovery's applications are "obviously not limited to therapeutic medicine" according to James C. Lin in Microwave Auditory Effects and Applications.[20] A Defense Intelligence Agency review of Communist literature affirmed microwave sound and indicated voice transmission. The report states, "Sounds and possibly even words which appear to be originating intracranially (within the head) can be induced by signal modulation at very low average power densities." [21] Among microwave weapon implications are "great potential for development into a system for disorientating or disrupting the behavior patterns of military

All eyes are opened, or opening, to the rights of man. The general spread of the light of science has already laid open to every view the palpable truth, that the mass of mankind has not been born with saddles on their backs, nor a favored few booted and spurred, ready to ride them legitimately

REFERENCES [a] Address: 903 N. Calvert St., Baltimore MD 21202. Email- Phone410-539-5140. [b ] Financial contribution to this article was made by fellow members of Christians Against Mental Slavery. [c] American discovery may not be the first. Soviet and East European electromagnetic bioeffect literature is prior, more extensive, and transparent. A translated Russian treatment is the next text reference, which refers to F. Cazzamalli, an Italian, who mentioned radiofrequency hallucination about 1920. [d] Also called S-quad, Silent Sounds, Inc. licensed Lowery Patent #5159703 "Silent subliminal presentation system", and has advanced brain wave entrainment technology (vide infra) with several classified patents. (See and links.) Unessential is individual direction, but possible by ultrasound. [e] Loos Patent # 6017302 "Subliminal acoustic manipulation of nervous system" can "cause relaxation, drowsiness, or sexual excitement, depending on the precise acoustic frequency near Hz used. The effects of the 2.5 Hz resonance include slowing of certain cortical processes, sleepiness, and disorientation." [f] Referred to, but unavailable, however are a CIA Office of Technology Assessment report, a security industry publication, and a doctoral dissertation. [g] Jane's is the most respected and authoritative of defense reporting services. [h] A means evading detection. [i ] National Security Advisor to President Carter.

[1] Citizens Against Human Rights Abuse, Director, Cheryl Welsh, 915 Zaragoza Street, Davis, CA 95616, USA. Website at Email is [2] Christians Against Mental Slavery, Secretary, John Allman, 98 High Street, Knaresbourough, N. Yorks HG5 0HN, United Kingdom. Email is [3] Moscow Committee for the Ecology of Dwellings, Chairman, Emile Sergeevne Chirkovoi, Korpus 1006, Kvrtira 363, Moscow Zelenograd, Russia 103575. . Website at Email is [4] International Movement for the Ban of Manipulation of the Human Nervous System by Technologic Means, Founder, Mojmir Babacek, P. O. Box 52, 51101 Turnov, Czech Republic, Europe. Website at Email is [5] Presman AS. Electromagnetic Fields and Life Plenum, New York-London, 1970. Presman mentions Cazzimalli and another English reference to this Italian work is at p 2, a semi-popular treatment with references. [6] Frey AH. "Human Auditory System response to modulated electromagnetic energy" J Applied Physiol 17 (4): 689-92, 1962. Also at

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